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Vivado ZED project no I2C connection to ADV7511

Same problem.

- I checkout latest HDL libraries and project scripts from

- Built HDL libraries and ADV7511 for ZedBoard using Vivado 2014.1 - I just needed to update versions on couple
Xilinx IP: for Zynq CPU from 7:5.3 to 7:5.4; for ConCat IP from 1.0 to 2.0 and for VDMA from 6.1 to 6.2.
Checked changelog - all changes seems to be minor.

After that I followed instructions from

- Built BOOT.BIN
- Built Kernel from using xcomm_zynq branch.
- Built DeviceTree.dtb using zynq-zed-adv7511.dts
- Prepared SD card with Linaro.

System boot normal, but nothing on screen. During boot it looks like it can't talk to ADV7511:
-------------------------------i2c /dev entries driver
adv7511 0-0039: Failed to write 98 = 3: -110
adv7511: probe of 0-0039 failed with error -110
-----------------------------But sound seems to be detected:
platform 70e00000.axi_hdmi: Driver axi-hdmi requests probe deferral
platform leds.6: Driver leds-gpio requests probe deferral
adv7511-hdmi-snd adv7511_hdmi_snd.4: ASoC: CODEC (null) not registered
platform adv7511_hdmi_snd.4: Driver adv7511-hdmi-snd requests probe deferral


drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)

ALSA device list:
#0: ZED ADAU1761

i2cdetect found 0x3b device, which is ADAU1761, but no 0x39 (ADV7511).

This all I got so far. Any suggestion? Should this combination of latest HDL and latest kernel work?

P.S. My hardware is fine - I see double Linux logo on HDMI monitor when I boot using ZedBoard OOB(out of box)


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