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1. Prof. Jayanth R. Varma's Financial Markets Blog: Prof Jayant Verma is a Professor of
Finance (mainly Financial markets) at IIMA. He is one of the most impressive teachers I
have ever met.
He was one of the first members of SEBI and is on the board of multiple big companies
including Infosys and Axis Bank.
His blog, which has been up since 2005, is a brilliant resource on understanding the
nuances of the financial markets.
2. Dealbook (NYT): Dealbook is the news aggregator section of NYTimes to keep you
updated on the current state of affairs of the Fin industry.
3. Mergers & Inquisitions: Everything you need to know about every aspect of the
Financial world - from big investment banks to boutique firms, from Private Equity to
Hedge Funds and AM/WM firms.
4. Investment Banking Blog: The holy mecca for preparation of i-Banking interviews, the
IB Blog offers everything from bootcamps and interview prep courses (paid) to free
resources like basic interview questions, overview of the industry etc.
5. Wall Street Oasis: Similar to #2 above, but with more functionality to read the best
articles of the month/week/day etc.
6. FT Alphaville: Another news aggregator that will make sure you do not have any time
left in your day (courtesy it's exhaustive coverage of current affairs)
2. Entrepreneurship
1. Entrepreneur: Your companion on the entrepreneurial journey. The site will keep you
updated with the start-up world, help you work on various aspects of your professional
self, and also provide the much needed pep-talk when you are feeling
2. AVC: The chronicles of Fred Wilson ( a Venture Capitalist for the past 30 years) with
some incredible credentials to his name (including investments in Twitter, Tumble,
Zynga, Foursuare etc). AVC is probably the most widely-read VC blog in the world.
3. Marketing
1. Mad Over Marketing: MoM is a fun blog. They capture everything from brand wars on
twitter, to collection of some of the best and most important marketing campaigns.

The blog is a very easy read and will help you broaden your horizon when it comes to
thinking of how you can ante up your marketing/advertising game.
2. Duct Tape Marketing: Duct Tape Marketing focuses on small businesses and startups.
They take into account that small businesses do not have the funds that large corporations
do. So their marketing tactics need to be tailored to their financial capacity.
3. aimClear: aimClear wants to be the single resource when it comes to your personal as
well as company brand by using every possible tool in the marketer's kitty - from social
media to SEO, from conclaves to data management using basic tools like Excel.
4. Bufferapp social: Bufferapp is an exhaustive resource to help you manage, grow, and
track your social media persona.
5. HubSpot Blog: A collection of 3 secondary blogs - focusing on sales, marketing, and
your agency. This trio will help you streamline your sales activity, boost your pre-sales
capabilities, help you traverse the maze of sales-killer questions like, "This is too costly",
and also help you manage your time and productivity in a better manner.
6. Marketing Land: The Dealbook of marketing, ML is the one-stop solution for your
marketing trends news requirement.
7. Startup Marketing | Ryan Gum: Ryan Gum is a growth hacker who helps create
marketing plans for startups and small businesses starting from creating your initial pitch,
attracting your first customer, and an exhaustive list of Startup Marketing Resources.
8. The SumAll Blog: The SumAll blog is like the child of Buzzfeed and Medium (and not
in a negative sense). They post content which is useful and is also written in a fun
manner. The articles are often crisp and under a 5-min read.
4. Economics
1. Freakonomics: The authors of the best-selling economics-infused-with-pop-culture book
have more to say and share than the 2 books.
The blog is usually a collection of podcasts that aim to explore the "hidden side of
economics" and highlight outliers, which although rare, are extremely critical.
2. Why Nations Fail: On the same line as Freakonomics, the blog by Daren Acemoglu is a
follow-up on his book of the same name and explores similar obscure events that shaped
the rise and fall of nations and civilizations.

3. Economixcomix: The companion blog for the graphic novel of the same name by
Michael Goodwin, Economixcomix explains the basic tenets of Economics in a simple
way, along with illustrations to make understanding easier.
4. The Grumpy Economist: The perennial pessimist, the one who finds faults in
everything, the dad who bores his kid during dinner with his constant rants and criticisms,
John Cochrane provides an unabashed, and hard-hitting critique that exposes the not-sosunny side of the world economy.
5. Investing and Economics Blog: The Curios Cat blogs is for us. The laymen. The
dabblers. It focuses heaving on personal finance, economics, financial literacy, tax
planning, credit management et al; stuff that affects the majority of the populace on a
regular basis.
6. The Upshot: The NYT economics companion to its financial section, Dealbook, The
Upshot is all you need to read to be perfectly updated of what is happening, why it is
happening, what would be the consequences, and what could have been done better.
7. Economist's View: A collection of self-posts and the hottest posts from other economics
8. The Money Illusion: TMI focuses on the money and capital markets and provides
wonderful commentary on financial crises, international economics, foreign reserve
dynamics, monetary and fiscal policies, labor markets etc.
5. Leadership
1. Guy Kawasaki: Guy is one of the most well known figures in Silicon Valley, and among
the first "tech evangelist".
2. All Things Workplace: As the name suggests, this is a blog for managers, bosses, and
professionals and aims to cover all aspects of workplace management including effective
communication, employee engagement, conflict management, incorporating cultural
diversity and differences, various facets of leadership, boosting creativity, and so on.
3. Seth's Blog: Seth is a funny guy. The funniest of all in this list. Although he calls his blog
a marketing blog, it's more generic in nature and oft has funny quips and clever
observations interspersed with longform articles.
4. Lean In: Everyone knows the book by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. The blog
aims to continue the story and encourage and empower women to face challenges, voice
their opinions, and grow themselves in the workplace.

5. Switch & Shift: S&S aims at helping business transition from the traditional workplace
model to the current, more information driven, globally-diverse-yet-connected
6. Hot Momma's Project: Don't go by the sexist-sounding name, HMP is sort of a
companion to LeanIn and strives to help women claim their rightful place in the corporate
7. Culture University: In a globally inter-connected world, understanding, accepting, and
imbibing cultural diversity is an important trait for organizations to sustain themselves
and grow.
8. Big Think: Having Bill Nye, TheScienceGuy, on board is a big achievement for Big
Think which aims to be an idea hub, an "Youtube for ideas" as its founders put it.
6. Others
1. Bob Sutton: Bob, a Professor of Management Science at Stanford, writes on everything
including, but not limited to, workplace culture, book reviews, team management,
employee management etc.
2. Harvard Business Review: HBR is the most popular published management magazine
that covers almost everything relevant to an MBA degree. If there has to be a starting
point for an MBA student/aspirant, this is it.

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