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As soon as Batman entered, he was hit in the face with a face-full of humidity, the air

practically slapping him in the face. He knew how Ivy's plants functioned best in these
extreme temperatures, and this was only an example of her so called "paradises."
He was greeted by another trademark of Ivy's hideouts, the atmosphere. He briefly glanced
up at the ceiling when a single vine maneuvered around the ceiling above him, causing him
to glance up briefly at it. He also noticed how the metal blast doors that had originally
guarded the church had been literally ripped off their hinges, and was now on the floor,
vines wrapped around them.
The ceiling was completely covered with a mossy canopy, a plethora of vines draped over
the ceiling. The vines were looped down several feet, a few meters above his head. That
was very indicative of the entire church, now revamped with a floral motif.
He paused for a moment just to survey the setting ahead of him, a breathtaking yet sinister
creation of hers alone. Tongues of moss dripped down from the walls, decorating them a
mossy light green. As he stepped forward, his foot was nearly caught in a narrowing
crevice, prompting him to instinctively step back as yet another vine snaked across the spot
he just stepped on.
The floor was a broken crevice, with colossal roots breaking through the concrete and
settling on the ground. The brown roots littered the floor as they circled around the decayed
floor tiles. He could spot some vines slithering across the floor as he walked past them,
disappearing into the widened cracks forged by the roots.
As he wandered through the literal concrete jungle, he noticed six man-sized cocoons
unnaturally slumped against the wall, a greenish goo emitting from the protective shells that
encased the captives. It's outer covering was almost translucent, but obscured by a
greenish liquid protruding from its pores. As he investigated one of the cocoons, he could
barely made out an inmate, and judging from his uniform one of Penguin's thugs.
His eyes were closed in a sleepy, almost dazed manner with a cloud of pink dust, indicative
of Ivy's pheromones, surrounding his entire body. Reaching out to the cocoon, he managed
to obtain a sample of the mysterious gel by holding his finger underneath it, the liquid
dripping on his glove. Just as he was about to analyze the liquid, a sudden rumbling
beneath his feet caused him to stop his investigation and direct his attentions to the front of
the church.
Resting his eyes on the center of the sanctuary, he finally managed spotted Ivy's hostages,
the former Arkham City medical staff, still in uniform. The hostages were all lined up at the
back of the church, their backs against the wall and hands most likely restrained by vines.
The look of utter terror on their eyes told the entire story.
First, he spotted Aaron Strange, easily discerned by his indignant expression as well as the
other two officers assigned to protect the medical squad, Eddie Burlow and William North.
Thankfully, he managed to spot a look of relief on their faces as he came into view.
He then nodded to some of the political prisoners held captive by her vines, which tightened
around their ankles and mouths.
With the hostages now in view, he then focused on confronting the plant queen herself,
Poison Ivy.
Almost coincidentally, he spotted two inmates in their Joker and Penguin uniforms,
respectively, as well as one TYGER guard gathered in a worshiping position surrounding the
hidden cocoon. Like others whom Ivy had entranced with her pheromones, a cloud of her
"love dust gathered in a thick aura around their heads, symbolic of Ivy's control and utter

dominance of them. As he approached them, he instinctively braced himself for combat, but
that seemed to be the furthest things from their minds. Instead, they gazed up at the
cocoon, awaiting the reveal of their goddess.
Just as he was about to call out for Ivy to reveal herself, the seductress herself beat him to
He could feel a loud rumbling at the front of the sanctuary, quite akin to the sound produced
by an active earthquake. But instead of a seismic wake, the blanket of green vines
subsided, revealing a large, plant-like cocoon. It was covered with vines and moss, but the
most striking thing was what was inside of it.
As if on cue, the cocoon split open, the chamber dividing in two separate halves.
He soon found his eyes focusing on the toxic temptress, Poison Ivy. Easily tracked by her
erotic laughter, the villainess was seated on her throne, composed of large leaves and vines.
The plethora of green had assembled itself into a large throne for Ivy, the vines coiled
around the throne like snakes.
The botanic beauty herself, Ivy, was laughing rather erratically, perhaps at her spellbound
captives, who had knelt beside her in a circle, their heads bowed almost in worship. A green
cloud emitted from their heads, the result of the pheromones which had locked them in a
deadly infatuation with her. Her voice echoed throughout the church, a booming god-like
cackle which reached all four corners of the sanctuary.
He could feel the pheromones circulating through the air, trying to melt his iron-hard
willpower into unrequited lust for the seductress. He couldn't help but squint his eyes in
order to keep himself centered, her pheromones giving off a sort of 'goddess' aura. It
became hard to focus on what Ivy truly was, but he managed to fight back the pheromones.
"I love you Ivy," one of the inmates smiled almost in a zombie-like way, still entranced by
her pheromones. His voice was dreamy, like he didn't know what he was saying.
"You're my everything Ivy!" came another inmate's reply.
She merely continued to laugh at the inmate's subconscious declarations of love for her,
welcoming their professes of love for her.
"You can poison me anytime Ivy," came the TYGER guard's reply, his voice equally as
"No, I love you more Ivy!"
"I'm nothing without you Ivy!"
"Marry me Ivy!"
"No need to fight my loves! There's enough of me to go around!" came her reply, amused
by their infatuation.
The emotionally charged replies kept on coming much to her utter delight. Her laughter
seemed to permeate the air with an unnatural sense of control, as if she was the perpetual
puppetmaster and they her infatuated puppets.
Undeterred by this display, the Dark Knight continued his walk, casually passing through the
entranced men.
Dressed from head to toe in a floral green, her alluring, promiscuous nature had certainly
been reflected by her attire. Her official Arkham City prisoner uniform was shed in favor for
a more seductive look, only retaining her standard issue jacket. She wore no pants, instead
revealing her long, shaped legs and bare feet, symbolizing her connection with the Earth.
Ironically enough, her toes were adorned with red nail polish, perhaps to make her seem
more "human." Her groin area was covered with a leafy green foliage pantie stretched to fit

her hips, and her Arkham City jacket was largely unbuttoned, only keeping two buttoned at
the middle to contain her cleavage. Sleeves rolled up, her fingernails were also adorned with
red nail polish.
Despite her human like appearance, Ivy was clearly more plant than woman. Her genetic
coding had been infused with plant DNA, causing her body to emulate a more plant-like
appearance. The newly created chlorophyll running through her veins had caused pigments
in her body to color her skin a leafy green from top to bottom. She had a slender, slightly
athletic build, with her hips curved in the coveted hourglass figure. Her poison-laced lips
were a crimson red, embedded with a toxin capable of killing with only lip contact. To cap it
all off, her hair was a fiery red, not bound by any material to allow it to flow more freely,
creating a more natural, untamed look. Her eyes of course, were a light green.
To add to those bizarre features, vines had latched on her body, maneuvering in such a
manner as to resemble body tattoos. They seemed to be already embedded within her skin.
Covering her body in a darker shade of green, the vines only seemed to emphasize Ivy's
connection with nature.
Few men have been able to walk up to Ivy and managed to walk away using sheer
willpower, but Batman just happened to be in the minority. Her pheromones did enhance her
appearance, but even Batman had to admit that Ivy's curvaceous yet toxic body could
ensnare almost anyone, male or female. Her strategically contained cleavage only helped
with the tease, and her tendency to barely clothe herself made her an irreversibly, polarizing
figure amongst all men. Her wild, untamed appearance mixed in with her sexualized look
made Ivy the ultimate temptation, the one that is truly worth dying for.
Finally, Batman came to a stop a few yards away from her leafy throne. She seemed too
preoccupied with the inmates to even notice or acknowledge him.
Suppressing her laughter at least for the moment, she gestured it forward with her right
hand. A lone vine, apparently summoned by the botanic beauty, snaked around her
forearm. Displaying an uncanny act of animal life, the vine still coiled around her arm leaned
in like it was going to whisper something in her ear.
"Yes dear?" she prompted, ignoring the Dark Knight and instead focusing on the apparently
anthropomorphic vine.
Instead of responding with an audible response, the vine merely maneuvered its body
around, a unique form of body language that Ivy apparently understood. The vine gestured
wildly at Batman for a second before coiling around her arm again, Ivy purred, letting the
vine wrap around her forearm as a means of comfort. She massaged the vine with one
finger, calming it down.
"Yes my child, I know he's here. I know what he did to our family last time. But I won't let
him hurt you again," she assured, her voice suddenly more motherly.
Then, she turned back towards the Dark Knight, who was casually observing the
conversation. Ivy made full eye contact with Batman before continuing.
"I'll kill him first. I'll kill all of them for what they've done" she suddenly snarled. Her voice
echoed throughout the church. Sensing that its "mother" was troubled, the vine instinctively
coiled around her waist, a symbolic form of protection.
Ivy merely stroked it with her palm before glaring at Batman, a glint of hated evident in her
eyes. It seemed as if the plants also senses the animosity between the two, and began to
retreat back into the ground. It seemed like her mood had changed, evidenced by her body
language which seemed to be radiating with anger.

Evidently sensing Ivy's anger, her entranced prisoners stood up, glaring at Batman
"No no, it's quite alright boys. I'm sure I can handle our curious little visitor," she smiled,
waving them away. Reluctantly the three backed away, Batman shooting them warning
glances as they left.
"Come to gloat dear? It only seems natural that your human arrogance would win over, only
know that your taunting will only make your imminent demise more...fulfilling," she
sneered, now addressing the battered hero. Her voice echoed throughout the church in a
long, protracted drawl that was mesmerizing in delivery.
"It's over Ivy. Dr. Strange is dead," he told her, his voice emotionless and stoic.
In response, the botanic beauty merely snickered, merely emphasizing her apathy for
humanity. Suppressing a laugh, she flickered back a strand of her fiery red hair before
resting her eyes on the caped crusader.
"Shame, he would've made excellent fertilizer for my babies," she purred, a hint of slight
disappointment in her voice.
"Ivy, the men who brought you here are gone, either behind bars or soon to be. All inmates
are being relocated to Blackgate for the time being. Come with me, and I'll see to it
personally that while you get escorted back to your cell there, your babies will be well taken
care of," he assured.
In response, the voluptuous villainess merely let off a disdainful cackle, tilting her head
backwards as she laughed.
"It would seem that way, wouldn't it Batman? That everything is over now that Strange is
dead? You and your kind never cease to amaze me. Still, it was a good effort, but I'm afraid
love, it's not over until you are," she sneered, flashing him a wide grin.
"Enough people have died over the past few days. Your vendetta against me will only result
in more innocent blood spilled," he said, nodding towards the restrained Arkham staff.
"They had it coming darling. Ask me how many of my children they killed without so much
as a second thought, and I can tell you triple digits worth. And besides, this is personal,"
she sneered.
"What happened at the asylum Ivy, was nothing against you or your kind. You were a threat
to Gotham, and you had to be stopped," he replied stoically.
"By destroying my children? They did nothing to you!" she suddenly screeched, her eyes
now glowing with rage.
Batman remained stoic throughout her outburst, completely composed as she snapped at
"You're right Ivy. Your children did nothing to deserve it. They only destroyed an island full
of people, half of them innocent might I add, and tried to take the lives of thousands in
Gotham. So what?" he replied sarcastically.
"You and your precious Gotham," she spat angrily. "You claim to protect the innocent
citizens of Gotham yet you condone their actions, their crimes against nature. They're the
same meat-sacks who have murdered my children, raped them of their potential and
prosperity, and most important, plundered them of their natural-born lives. They would've
done the same to my babies in Arkham had I just stood aside and watched."
"Those were the same people who rescued you from the greenhouse at the asylum Ivy. The
same people who nursed you back to health," he pointed out.

"Don't patronize me Batman. You have no idea what brutality you and your kind are capable
of. After the asylum, I was locked in here with the other meat when I had every intention of
being alone with my babies. Strange threw away the key, and hoped that I would either be
torn apart by their filthy inmates, or would better yet be riddled with bullet holes by his little
security force. Unfortunately, I was in no state to retaliate. The Titan strain was too much
for my babies, as Im sure you wouldve figured out by now. And believe me, my dear Dark
Knight, you dont know true pain until youre forced to watch your loved ones suffer and
eventually cease to exist, knowing that you can do nothing about it," she snarled
"Ivy, Strange is dead! There's no point continuing your vendetta against a dead man. His
men are gone, and Arkham City will be demolished in a few days. I highly suggest you take
my offer," he repeated, his patience gradually thinning.
"Offer? Of what, denying my children the vengeance they've been so rightfully entitled to for
so long? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm afraid the death of one man can not undo the
thousand more sins that mankind has committed against Mother Nature. Strange may be
dead, but his work will go on through the hearts of you meat sacks. Its all a cycle dear, and
he was merely a spoke on it," she sneered.
"It's a cycle that can, and will be stopped Ivy. I'll make sure of it," he assured.
"Will you now? You would save my 'children', you, the same man who had every intent and
purpose of wiping them from existence? You have destroyed my garden at the asylum, and
now you seek to destroy my new crop. Your lies always amuse me Batman, but what will
amuse me more, is watching you die as I destroy your beloved Gotham right in front of
you," she shot back.
Instinctively sensing hostility, the Dark Knight decided to be more direct with his demands
and expedite the conversation before it escalates in her favor.
"Grudges against me won't help you Ivy, and it certainly won't help your plants. Surrender
now, or I'll have to be a bit morepersistent," he replied.
"Sorry love, but I'm afraid that your cute attempts at negotiations will get you nowhere,
except perhaps to an early grave," she smiled, stroking the vine once again.
He almost bit his tongue, but his patience had officially worn thin.
"Your actions tonight could have caused widespread death and destruction. Innocent people
would've died thanks to you. Thousands more had I just let you run loose in Gotham. You
need to surrender," he pressed.
"You're right, Batman. I've been a bad girl. Are you going to spank me?" she purred
seductively, causing him to grit his teeth irritably. He knew that she used banter to her
advantage, in order to gain an edge over her opponent.
"Arkham City is no longer operational, and Strange has been dead for weeks now. What do
you possibly think to benefit from all this madness?" he demanded, regaining his cool
"A statement perhaps. A warning to you humans that we are growing, and that your futile
efforts at oppressing us will only result in your utter extermination. And while I'm at it, I
might as well kill you darling. As I've told you long ago dear, Mother Nature does not
forgive, nor does she forget!" she answered.
"Did you forget that you were once one of those humans, Dr. Isley?" he pointed out, using
their previous encounters as ammunition for his retorts.
"Don't call me that!" she snapped suddenly.

He patiently waited until her brief mood swing subsided, and she returned to her usual
playful demeanor.
"You should know by now Batman, that I am no longer addressed by my slave name. But
still, regrettably so, Mother Nature was once confined within the flesh and blood of you
meat-sacks. And while Pamela Isley was too weak to deal with the injustice surrounding her,
Poison Ivy was born. Just like all my babies darling, I merely...evolved," she smiled.
"I'm sure," he scoffed.
"You see love, while you were out there trying to vanquish the sins of your kind, I was here
with my darlings, nourishing them, protecting them. The inmates did become quite
bothersome after a while, so I had to dispose of them. After all, my babies did need proper
nourishment," she explained, pausing to relish in Batman's infuriated snarl at her
"Still, there were ones who chose the better part of valor, the ones who chose to accept our
love," she added, gesturing to the entranced inmates surrounding them.
"Of course, they were always those who did not choose to accept our love," she also added,
gesturing to the captive doctors, who were still bound by their wrists. A vine slithered
around Cash's neck, causing him to squirm uncomfortably.
"Let them go Ivy. This doesn't concern them. This is between me and you," Batman
ordered, using her words as a gateway to his demands.
"Now why should I do that love? They were the ones who so vehemently tried to
exterminate my babies, they deserved what they got. And they will share the same fate as
you," she sneered.
"How do you plan on doing that Ivy? You think your 'babies' can save you this time? You
may have your weeds Ivy, but you of all people, should know where I keep mine," he
pointed out, gesturing to his utility belt.
"You arrogance never ceases to amaze me Batman. You may have your little 'toys', but I've
been breeding a different kind of green, the next evolution of my garden," she smiled,
flicking her wrists.
Instantly, a new vine slithered from beneath her leafy throne. Only this vine was actually
different from her usual slew of vines, it was actually quite deadlier. The vine was decorated
with a rough skin, quite akin to that of a rattlesnake, but what was most striking about it
was its exterior. It was covered by a gauntlet of five-inch long green spikes, each blade
curved and its point dripping with a greenish chemical. Its very tip was also covered by a
long blade.
"We will continue to evolve Batman, for it is the natural order of evolution. And you, your
bodies will be torn apart by the ravages of time and left behind. Speaking of, you're not
looking so well, are you dear?" she laughed, referring to his battered appearance, his suit
nearly in shreds and an assortment of cuts and bruises decorating his face.
"This is nothing compared to what I can, and will do to you," he retorted, but Ivy paid him
no heed, instead gazing intently at the vine.
She gestured towards it, laughing as it pecked at her palm. She then patted its head.
"My babies spent weeks scouring over Arkham City, scavenging for samples of my more
forgotten children who had been buried under this metal prison for so long. It was no easy
journey, but by its conclusion, my garden had expanded tenfold. I grew the toxins and
poisons that would seep through your pathetic meat-sacks of bodies, destroying it from the
inside out. My garden had flourished, while I grew more powerful than ever. The Titan no

longer became a priority, it was only a crutch. Something I would eventually outgrow as we
became stronger. After a while, I found myself not needing it, because I knew that when the
time came, I would rip you apart with my bare hands," she finished, finally resting her eyes
on the Dark Knight.
The vine then quietly slithered back into its hiding place.
Oblivious to her, the Dark Knight started to reach behind his utility belt, moving in such a
way that not even the sharpest eye could detect. He started to unclip a Batarang from his
belt, perhaps as a last resort.
"Before you do something you'll regret, I suggest you recall what happened to your plants
last time. The last time you and I were in the same room like this, Isley, bad things
happened to you. I am telling you to stand down," he replied through gritted teeth.
"You say this as if you can stop Mother Nature dear. I suggest you also recall that even with
your little 'toys', you could only delay my wrath. In fact, when you attacked my babies, you
only made me angry," she snarled.
Just as she finished that, a flurry of colossal vines shot out of the ground, assembling
themselves as a protective shield around Poison Ivy. To Batman's utter chagrin, these
seemed to be the more developed, animalistic vines. They snaked their way around the
throne, protecting their mother.
As if on cue, a distinctive clicking sound emitted from behind Batman. Out of his peripheral
vision, he could spot the hypnotized TYGER guard behind him, the muzzle of a fully loaded
assault rifle tapping at the back of his neck. To his right and lefts respectively, the Joker
thug and Penguin thug brandished metal bats. Under his breath, he cursed himself for
becoming too side-tracked, letting his guard down enough for her puppets to become viable
"You don't want to do this, Ivy," he warned, slowly revealing his Batarang from his cape.
Thankfully, the hypnotized thugs were too busy to even notice his ace in the hole.
"You see dear, I won't just kill you. No, that would be quite quick, and not worthy of the
pain you have caused me and my children. Instead, I'll cripple you, humiliate you, break
you. Once I get finished, you'll be nothing but a broken shell of a man. But I won't kill you
Batman. There are worse things than death, and I intend for you to live through them.
Instead, I'll have my children rip you apart limb from limb, and plant you into my garden,
your pathetic meat sack of a body becoming food for my next crop of children. I'll enjoy
watching you beg for mercy as I trample you underfoot like the dog you are. Then, I'll kill
the other meat, Commissioner Gordon, and his men. The leftovers will become dinner for
my babies. I'll destroy your precious Gotham next, and force you to watch as my children
reclaim the same land that was so cruelly stolen from them so many years ago. And then,
and only then, will I allow you the quick release of an easy death, but rest assured love,
that it would be by my hand and my hand only," she vowed, her eyes now gleaming
Taking a quick glance around, Batman factored in the cocoons, which housed the inmates
and police officers still in the brainwashing process. He then turned to the inmates, who
stared at him blankly, their weapons still trained on him.
"Ivy's little 'helpers' shouldn't be a problem, but I need to distract her first. They'll crash
and burn without her," he thought, strategically piecing together his offensive.
"This is your last chance Ivy. Stand down, or I will put you down!" he warned, his eyes

She merely laughed at his threat.

"Defiant to the end are we darling? I'll remember that when I'm-"
Before she could even finish the sentence, Batman sprang into action, gaining the early
advantage. With a quickfire draw, he easily hurled the Batarang at her, the polished steel
spinning in the air as it neared her throne.
She instinctively flinched, involuntarily summoning a shield of vines from her throne to
assemble themselves into a makeshift shield, protecting her from it. The Batarang bounced
off of the vines, but Batman paid no paid to it.
Taking advantage, Batman also threw down a smoke pellet, the grenade exploding into a
dense fog as soon as it touched the floor. Within seconds, it had enveloped the caped
crusader, providing an improvised cover for the Dark Knight who had been anticipating her
inevitable retaliation.
With the smoke covering him, Batman easily activated his detective vision, allowing for him
to spot his discombobulated opponents, the gadget highlighting the TYGER guard in red
because of his weapon and the other two in blue.
Capitalizing on the situation, the ever opportunistic Batman suddenly shot his elbow up,
hitting the muzzle of the assault rifle. The TYGER guard instinctively pulled the trigger,
causing bullets to pepper the ceiling above.
He then spun around, grabbing the rifle by its muzzle and snatching it away from the
mercenary. Now in control of the rifle, Batman slammed the metal stock right between the
eyes, staggering the mercenary while he methodically dismembered the rifle, removing it
piece by piece. He finished his combo with a well-timed spinning heel kick. The kick cracked
off the side of his head, sending the guard face first to the concrete.
His detective vision instantly alerted him to the next target,
With one already immobilized, Batman then directed his attention to the closest threat, the
Joker thug who was also discombobulated by the smoke. He wildly waved his bat around in
an attempt to clear the air. The caped crusader lunged at him next easily swatting the metal
bat out of his hands with a well-placed karate chop to the wrist.
In fast succession, Batman sidestepped past him, while simultaneously hooking his forearm
around his neck, applying a firm sleeper hold. Batman swiftly brought down his elbow on
the struggling inmate, knocking him out in one blow. The inmate's muffled grunts instantly
became silenced, as the Dark Knight quietly dropped him in the midst of the smoke.
Now with only one hostile left, Batman abandoned all caution and just lunged at him.
Unlike the others though, the Penguin thug could see Batman coming, squinting his eyes to
spot his shadow. He managed to swing his weapon at him, but to no avail.
Batman easily ducked the futile blow, the bat whistling through the air above him. Reemerging right on top of him, Batman surprised him with a strong right hook to the side of
the head, knocking him unconscious in one fluid motion.
The brainwashed goon crumpled to the floor like paper, his metallic bat clanging to the
ground next to him.
Towering above him, Batman didn't have time to bask in his victory, if even that.
He turned around only to see one of Ivy's more developed vines lunging straight towards
him, catching even him by surprise. His eyes widened in shock, he barely had time to raise
a Batarang before the vine whipped across his face, sending him flying backwards.

Unceremoniously knocked off his feet, the Dark Knight involuntarily corkscrewed through
the air before landing hard on his back. The momentum from the blow sent him skidding
across the floor before he bumped against a gnarled tree root.
Wincing in pain, he rolled over on his stomach as he felt warm blood trickle down his mouth,
and the throbbing pain that came with it. His chin planted firmly on the ground, it only took
him a few moments to process the same vine lunging at him yet again, its mouth gleaming
with razor sharp teeth.
Pushing himself up on both palms, he instinctively reached for his belt, and produced a steel
Just as the vine was about to attack him again, he hurled the projectile at it, watching as
the two collided in mid-air. Thankfully, the Batarang was victorious, and impaled the vine
right through its mouth, one of the twin blades dislocating its entire jaw.
The vine flopped to the ground lifelessly, as he started to push himself on one knee,
narrowing his eyes at the quickly disappearing smoke cloud.
The smoke dissipated into thin air just as he recovered from the surprise attack, revealing a
very angry Poison Ivy.
Her once smug grin was replaced by an infuriated snarl, her poison-laced lips now seething
in rage. She was now standing up, her fists clenched in rage. To her left and right
respectfully, stood two monstrous Venus fly traps which had somehow burst through the
"A battle against me Batman, is a battle against Mother Nature. And that is a battle you will
lose, little man!" she sneered.
As if to prove her point, she suddenly extended her arms out. Vines slithered around her
outstretched arms, forming a sort of protective armor over her. She let out an almost
orgasmic cry as her 'babies' began to converge with her.
"I'm taking you down Ivy, one way or another," he shot back, managing to stagger to his
feet, still feeling the effects of the fireball. Nonetheless, he managed to draw a Batarang,
preparing to fight.
Ivy let out an almost ecstatic moan as the vines constricted around her torso, enveloping
her in a mass of green.
"Come to me my loves! Come be with me! Together, we are unstoppable!" she screamed
gleefully, her voice reaching almost unprecedented levels of ecstasy.
He snarled as the vines lifted Ivy into the air, the plants wrapped around her like a goddess.
Levitating from the floor in a spear-eagled position, some of the vines wrapped around her
detached from her skin, instead plunging into the ground.
He narrowed his eyes, knowing that this was mere theatrics compared to what came next.
Just as she said that, the cocoon on the ground rose up to meet her. It was similar to Ivy's
other monster that she had created at the asylum, only that this one was much more
smaller, and layered with thorns. She laughed as its two halves closed around her,
swallowing her whole. Enveloping Ivy in a vine-covered chamber, the plant monster rose
high above the ground, with Ivy as its captain.
"I will crush you like the insect you are."

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