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Two-Column Notes


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Connor Andjelkovic

EDTL 2760

MR Title(s):
MR Source(s): Schug, M. (1984) Why Kids Dont Like Social Studies. (pp. 47-52).
The Text Says
I Say
Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)
My notes, commentary

Even more alarming are studies showing
that young people do not feel social
studies is a particularly valuable or
interesting part of the
school curriculum.

I found this to be astonishing because I

personally always felt that social studies was
the best part of the day. Kids would put math
above social studies is beyond me.


The Science Education Databook

(1980) reported that three percent
of nine-1year-old students named
social studies as their favorite subject
compared to 48 percent for
mathematics and 24 percent for
language arts.

I figured that kids would not like Social Studies

going into this particular read, but this research
data definitely surprised me because I did not
think it would be that much of a difference in
how many liked Math or Language Arts, as
compared to Social Studies.


Seventeen percent of the students chose

social studies as their
most important subject.

This response from the study upsets me

personally because I feel that social studies is
key to understanding our behaviors and being
able to stop from history from repeating itself.


While one needs to be, cautious

in overgeneralizing findings from
this study, it appears that students
do not consider social studies to
be very important because it has
little meaning for their future lives.

Connections to previous MR:

This goes back to my last explanation, history

repeats itself when we do not learn from it.
Social Studies and History are very important
so we know how to avoid repeating past
mistakes and grow as individuals.

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