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It Isn't Fair

Developed by Barry R. Armandi, SUNY-Old Westbury

Malini Chaudhry was in her senior year at Central University and interviewing for jobs. Malini was
in the top 1 percent of her class, active in numerous extracurricular activities, and was highly
respected by his professor.
After the interviews, Malini was offered, a number of positions with every company with which she
interviewed. After much thought, she decided to take the offer from Universal Products, a
multinational company. She felt. that the salary was superb (Rs 12 Lakh per annum), there were
excellent benefits, and good potential for promotion.
Frequently, she would take work home with her and use her personal computer to do further
analyses. At other times, she would come into the office on weekends to monitor the progress
of her projects or just to catch up 'on the ever-growing mountain of correspondence.
On one occasion her manager asked her to take on a difficult assignment. It seemed that the
company's Chennai manufacturing facility was having production problems. The quality of one
of the products was highly questionable, and the reports on the matter were confusing. Malini
was asked to be part of a team to investigate the quality and reporting problems. The team
stayed in poor accommodations for the entire three weeks they were there. This was because of
the plant's location near its resources, which happened to be in the heart of the jungle. Within
the three-week period the team had located the source of the quality problem, corrected it, and
altered the reporting documents and processes. The head of the team, a quality engineer, wrote
a note to Malini's manager stating the following: "Just wanted to inform you of the superb job
Malini Chaudhry did down in Chennai. Her suggestions and insights into the reporting system
were invaluable. Without her help we would have been down there for another three weeks,
and I was getting tired of the mosquitos. Thanks for sending her."
Universal Products, like most companies, has a yearly performance review system. Since
Malini had been with the company for a little over one year, it was time for her review. Malini
entered her manager's office nervous, since this was her first review ever and she didn't know
what to expect. After closing the door and exchanging the usual pleasantries, her manager,
Sunil, got right to the point.
Sunil: Well, Malini, as I told you last week this meeting would be for your annual review. As
you are aware, your performance and compensation are tied together. Since the philosophy of
the company is to reward those who perform, we take these reviews very sincerely. I have
spent a great deal of time thinking about your performance over the past year, but before I
begin} would like to know your impressions of the company, your assignments, and me as a
Malini: Honestly, Sunil, I have no complaints. The company and my job is everything I was
led to believe. I enjoy working here. The staff are all very helpful. I like the team atmosphere,
and my job is very challenging. I really feel appreciated and that I'm making a contribution.
You have been very helpful and patient with me. You got me involved right from the start and
listened to my opinions. You taught me a lot and I'm very grateful. All in all I'm happy being

Sunil: Great, Malini, I was hoping that's the way you felt because from my vantage point, most
of the people you worked with feel the same. But before I give you the qualitative side of the
review, allow me to go through the quantitative appraisal first. As you know, the rankings go
from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Let's go down each category and I'll explain my reasoning for
Sunil starts with category one (Quantity of Work) and ends with category ten (Teamwork). In
each of the categories, Sunil has either given Malini five or a four. Indeed, only two
categories have a four and Sunil explains these are normal areas for improvement for most
employees. .
Sunil: As you can see, Malini, I was very happy with your performance. You have received the
highest rating I have ever given any of my subordinates. Your attitude, desire, and help are
truly appreciated. The other people on the Chennai team gave you glowing reports and
speaking with the plant manager, she felt that you helped her understand the reporting system
better than anyone else. Since your performance has been stellar, I'm delighted to give you a 10
percent increase effective immediately!
Malini: (mouth agape, and eyes wide) Sunil, frankly I'm flabbergasted! I don't know what to
say, but thank you very much. I hope I can continue to do as fine a job as I have this last year.
Thanks once again.
After exchanging some departing remarks and some more thank yous, Malini left Sunil's office
with a smile from ear to ear. She was floating on air! Not only did she feel the performance
review process was uplifting, but her review was outstanding and so was her raise. She knew
from other employees that the company was only giving out a 5 percent average increase. She
figured that if she got that, or perhaps 6 or 7, she would be happy. But to get 10 percent. . .
wow!! Imagine. .
Sumita: Hi, Malini! Lost in thought? My, you look great. Looks like you got some great news.
What's up?
Sumita Sharma was a recent hire, working for Sunil. She had graduated from Central
University also, but a year after Malini. Sumita had excelled while at Central, graduating in the
top 1 percent of her class. She had laudatory letters of recommendations from her professors
and was into many after school clubs and activities.
Malini: Oh, hi Sumita! Sorry, but I was. Just thinking about Universal and the opportunities
Sumita : Yes its true is .
Malini:-Sumita , I just came from my performance review and tell me tell you ,the process is
not that bad .As a matter of fact I found it quite rewarding .if you get my drift .I got a
wonderful review ,and can not wait till next year.What a great company !
Sumita :-you can say that again ! I could not believe them hiring me right out college at a such
good salary .Between you and me Malini they started me at Rs 14 Lakh. Imagine that? Wow,
was I impressed, I Just could not believe that they would --------where are you going ,Malini?
Malini? Whats that you say, it is not fair ? What do you mean? Malini? Malini? .
Question :1. Indicate Malinis attitude before and after meeting Sumita .if there was a change ,why ?
2. What do you think Malini will do now ? Later ?

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