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1. What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness?

2. What will people say at your funeral?

3. Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you Why should I let you in? What do you
4. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok?
5. Does this person know how much they mean to you? When was the last time you told them?
6. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
7. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time
8. If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?
9. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
What are the chances youve passed up on that you regret?
How do you apply the learning from this regret to your actions today?
What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
If you could watch everything that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?
If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who
and what would you ask?
If you could start over, what would you do differently?
When youre 90 years old, what will matter most to you in the world?
Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? Whats stopping you?
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Do you ask enough questions, or are you happily settling for what you know already?
How do you celebrate the things you do have in your life?
When its all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
When was the last time you tried something new?
What were you doing when you last lost track of the time?
What is the difference between living and existing?
If you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself, how long do
you think that person would allow you to be your friend?
If you had to teach someone one thing, what would you teach?
What makes you smile?
What drives you to do better at something?
What do you really love to do? Do you do it often? If you answer no, why not?
What can you do today that you couldnt do a year ago? What will you be able to do at
this time next year?
What is the last thing that youve done thats really worth remembering?
What gets you excited and driven to achieve?
When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
What do you want most out of life?
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
If you could go back in time, once, and change a single thing what would it be?
If you had a year left to live, what would you achieve over the next 12 months?
If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
What do you owe yourself?
When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
How do you spend the majority of your free time? Why?
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
What terrifies you the most?
What are you looking forward to?
Describe the greatest adventure of your life
Where would you like to live? Why havent you moved?

What have you done that youre most proud to have achieved?
If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What did your life teach you yesterday?
What have you done today to make someones life better?
Whose life have you had the greatest impact on?
What makes you special?
How many people do you truly love? What are you doing for them?
What bad habits do you want to break?
When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
If you spend a day watching movies when you should be working a day wasted or well
Would your life be better or worse, if you knew the time and place where you would
What is honor, and does it even matter anymore?
Would you be a martyr and risk your reputation by standing up for what is right in front
of your peers? Or is it better to be pragmatic and do nothing?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it
take to change your mind?
What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that
look like?
Would you rather have 10 years of excellent health, or 30 years of average health?
Is being open-minded a virtue, if its causing destructive ideas to spread throughout
Do you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story?
How much control do you really have over yourself?
When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
What have you given up on?
Who are you really? Describe yourself without using your name, or any attributes given
to you by society and really think. Deep down, who are you?
1. Who are the people you surround yourself with?
2. Do you have a personal mission statement?
3. How do you express your gratitude for good things and people you have in your life?
4. What are you spending your money on?
5. Are you satisfied with your work?
6. If you had unlimited resources, how would you live your life?
7. Did you pause to celebrate the last time you accomplished a goal, big or small?
8. Do you consider yourself worthy of love and admiration?
9. How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?
Do you meditate daily for at least 5 minutes?
What story are you telling yourself about your life?
How do you deal with failure?
What is your favorite quote?
What do you want your life to look like in 5 years? Do you have a plan to get there?
What messages have you internalized?
What inspires you?
If you could only speak one word today, what would you say?
When was the last time you took some time to be alone?
If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Did you say I love you to the most important person in your life today?
What step can you take today in order to fulfill your deepest desire?

How have you educated yourself today?
What did failure to reach your goal teach you about yourself?
Did you read a positive or uplifting book today?
Are you holding on to any past mistakes?
What habits are holding you back from success?
Are you feeding your fears or your hopes and dreams?
What gives you peace?
How do you challenge your assumptions?
What is the biggest frustration youre facing now?
Are your goals and dreams written down?
What is your relationship with money?
How do you keep a sense of perspective when life gets difficult?
Are you a good listener?
What gives you meaning?
How often do you keep in touch with family and friends?
What is the source of your procrastination?
How much time are you spending on social media?
Are you able to say no, even when it makes you unpopular?
Who are your professors in the school of life?
Do you bring your work home with you?
When was the last time you had an exciting idea that kept you awake most of the night?
Are you pursuing that idea today?
What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?
When someone sees your name on caller ID, what thoughts and feelings do you want
them to have?
Have you ever invested in yourself financially? Why or why not?
If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
What books have influenced you the most?
Who are the people under your influence?
Do you trust your own instincts?
Do you choose happiness or leave it to chance?
Are you open to experiencing something outside your comfort zone everyday?
What small habit can you change today?
Whats your favorite exercise routine?
Name one psychological barrier in your life? What is it holding you back from doing?
Do you fear rejection? What are you doing to overcome this fear?
Do you follow through on commitments?
How many times a day do you check your email?
Are you content? If not, what is the source of your lack of contentment?
If you could eliminate one things from your life today, what would it be?
Who are you becoming?

1. Who do you most respect at work and why?

A woman named Veronica. She is one of the smartest and most good-natured people I have ever had the
privilege of meeting.

2. Who inspires you to be a better person?

My father. If I could be half the person he is, then I know I am doing something right.

3. Who do you depend on the most?

My boyfriend. He has been there for me through everything ever since we were eleven years old. I
dont know what I would do without him.

4. If you could not work for a year, what would you do?
I would finish my novel and self-publish it, along with travel a lot.

5. What's the funniest place you've ever fallen asleep?

In the stands at a Miami Dolphins game!

6. What always makes you laugh?

The movie Christmas Vacation.

7. What one thing would you change about our society?

Social pressures about physical appearance.

8. What do you think about first thing in the morning?

Usually food.

9. If you could have your own TV show, what would it be?

I would want to have my own flats fishing show with Mike.

10. If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
I would want something like TLC meets MSNBC meets the Outdoor Network.

11. What or who motivates you to exercise and be healthy?

Being able to have a long, full life for when I have children. I want to be able to play and keep up with
them no matter what and be around as long as possible for them. Even though I am not a parent yet, I
can't wait to have those experiences.

12. When did your life change for the better?

Taking the job that I have currently, even though I really am not happy with it. Also, I have rediscovered my love for writing again and am making better decisions about my career than I would
have never made before.

13. If you could be compete in the Olympics, what sport would

you choose?
I have always wanted to try bobsledding, so I guess that is what I would pick. It looks so fun and

14. What is the largest crowd you have ever been in?
I think it might be all of the times that I tailgated while I was in college for UCF football; we always
said that we tailgated harder than our team played.

15. What job would you never want?

Hazmat cleanup crew. That job would be horrible for me. I commend the men and women who do it.

16. What's your personal heaven?

My personal heaven would be simple: right next to the ocean with all of my loved ones.

17. When was the last time you climbed a tree?

I was in a park with my dad on a hot summer day right after we just got done with a bike ride. I think I
was six or seven years old.

18. Who taught you to cook? And what was the first meal you
My mom and grandma taught me how to cook. I think the first thing I ever made was chocolate chip
cookies from scratch with my grandma.

19. What one question would you ask the President?

I would ask President Obama why he decided to run again after declaring that he would not seek reelection if he did not fulfill his campaign promises during his first term. I feel like he did not fulfill the
promises from his first term and should not have run.

20. If you had to live in a small town, which one would you pick
and why?
I would pick Vilas, NC. I lived there for a few months one summer and loved how beautiful and
peaceful it was. I would move there again if Mike and I could make the same living and be this close to
our families

21. What are your parent's best qualities?

Dad: his patience. Mom: her strong will

22. What's your favorite memory of your childhood best friend?

Going to my friend Chelsea's house in Chicago for a week one summer and riding the double decker

23. If you could ask one person one question who would it be and
what would you ask?
I would ask Jimmy Buffett what was his inspiration to start singing because I feel like it takes bravery
to go for a dream like that, and I love Jimmy Buffett!

24. What is your favorite movie adaptation of a book?

The Harry Potter Series! Im a huge Harry Potter fan!

25. What was the first professional sporting event you went to?
A Panthers (Florida Panthers hockey team) game with my dad.

26. What job have you hated the most?

The one that I currently have. I am an executive assistant at a freight forwarding company which
actually means I am a curator for my bosses art collection, a billing agent, an assistant to two different
people and the receptionist all bundled into one job with little pay. I am taken advantage of constantly.

27. Have you ever performed in front of a crowd? If so, what did
you do?
Yes, I was the drummer in an all-girl punk band for two years.

28. Would you rather be rather be wealthy or healthy?

Healthy hands down. I want a quality of life that can only come from being healthy.

29. What's the most comical gift you've ever received?

I got a key chain for Christmas one year from my boyfriend. It's funny in retrospect because of how
awful of a gift it was, but at the time I didn't find it funny in the least!

30. How do you manage stress?

I write. I try to get all of the stress, anger, and anxiety out of my body by putting it down on paper. So
far, it's helped.

31. What law would you change?

I do not think that marijuana should be illegal in any state for medical reasons. It could be so helpful
for so many people.

32. What historical event inspires you the most?

You can learn a lot about a person based on what kinds of events capture their interest.

33. When did you realize you liked/were good at your job?
I do not really enjoy my job. But taking it made me realize that I needed a change in careers. So I guess
I learned a lot about myself instead.

34. Who is the best living musician?

My father (he is a professional percussionist).

35. Have you ever had a "now or never" moment?

When I decided to move back home from Orlando, I knew that if I didnt move when I did that I
probably never would. It has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself.

36. What do you want for your children?

When I have children this answer might change, but I think it would be for them to find their real
passion in life and see it through, like me with my writing.

37. What is your favorite/least favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is Christmas because of all of the magic that I feel flows through that time of year.
I dont think I have a least-favorite holiday.

38. Can you recite a poem?

I have had "Jabberwocky" committed to memory since the eighth grade when we were assigned to
memorize it as a project.

39. What was your favorite summer activity as a kid?

Go horseback riding. I have always loved horses and attended horse camp five summers in a row.

40. Have you ever taken responsibility for someone elses

When I was a server, I would take the heat for other servers all the time because I was a favorite of
my manager and hardly ever got in trouble while other servers would get punished for simple
mistakes. I also was able to fix most of their mistakes before they could become a problem. I think it
was the right thing to do because I was able to help the guests and my coworkers without causing a

41. What's your personal anthem?

The song that defines my life is "Breathe in, Breathe out, Move on" by Jimmy Buffett. I even have the
lyrics to one of the verses tattooed on my side:
If a hurricane doesn't leave you dead
It will make you strong
Don't try to explain it just nod your head
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On

41. When was the last time you turned your phone off?
Last night, actually. I needed some alone time to reflect on some things that have happened the last few
days without distractions.

42. What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume?

Every year I dressed up as a hippie. I always thought that the bright colors and leather vests were

43. What happy moment will you always remember?

The look on my dads face when I came down the stairs in my prom dress.

44. What is one of your PG-rated guilty pleasures in life?

Watching Teen Mom every week with my mother.

45. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
I would want a tiger, hands down. I would also like to be able to ride it around.

46. What's the greatest invention of your lifetime?

The cellphone. it has changed the world so much in its short time in our lives.

47. What kind of dinosaur would you want to be?

I would want to be a pterodactyl so I could fly.

48. What is your very first memory?

When I was probably two, my mom set me down on the counter to get me a glass of water. While I was
there I asked her if I was a big girl. She turned to me, smiling warmly, and said, Youre mommys big

49. What is one life lesson you will never forget?

I had a teacher, Mr. Grey for third grade. Back then I had a lot of learn disabilities blanketed under
dyslexia. My. Grey taught me that even if I learned differently from other children or some things were
harder for me, I was just as smart and that I would appreciate my education more. He was so right and I
am so lucky that I had him as an educator.

50. What historical figure would you most like to meet?

George Washington.

Thought Provoking Questions to Ask People

Why is abbreviation such a long word?
Why are there seeds in seeded grapes, but no bones in a boned fillet?
When people go mental, why do they get physically violent?
Why do we never hear of people coming from left west or right
What is an occasional table the rest of the time?
If you get a beer belly by drinking beer, do you get a pot belly by
smoking pot?
Why is Friday 13th considered unlucky, considering that the Last
Supper was on Thursday?
If you can enjoy yourself, why cant you enjoy anyone else?
What would a burger of ham be called?
If dawn breaks, does dusk come together?
Why does dyslexia have to be so hard to spell?
If you think youre a hypochondriac, then are you one or not?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Does God believe that there are atheists?
Why is it so hard to let go? To go with the flow and not be in control
of everything.
At what point are we good enough? When are we self-improved

enough to accept ourselves?

What impact are you wanting to leave on the world?
What is your biggest best dream here and now?
Do news reporters wear pants behind the news desk?
Whuts the deal with Chicken McNuggets? What part of the chicken are
these things from?
What does it mean to you to allow another person to fully love you?
What in life, is beautiful to you? Where do you find inspiration?
What are the three "nevers" of your life?
Can you describe your life with a six word sentence? Here's mine: My
heart continually expands in joy.

1. When was the last time you tried something new?

2. What makes you want to do better?
3. What do you love to do? Do you do it often? If the answer is no, why not?
4. What can you do today that you could not do a year ago?
5. Where do you see yourself in one year? five years? ten years?
6. Do you like your job?
7. What would you do different if you were reborn?
8. Have you done anything lately worth remembering?
9. What are you excited about?
10. What's your biggest problem?
11. When was the last time you traveled somewhere new?
12. What would you regret not doing?
13. What makes you smile?
14. If the average lifespan was 50 years, would you do anything differently?
15. What do you want most out of life?
16. What impact do you want to leave in the world?
17. What do you want to be remembered by?
18. If all came back around to you, would it help you or hurt you?
19. If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing, what would you
20. What stands between you and happiness?
21. If a doctor gave you one year to live, what would you try to accomplish?
22. What do you like most about yourself?
23. What do you have that you cannot live without?
24. When you close your eyes what do you dream of?
25. If you could as one person, dead or alive, one question, who would you ask and what
would you ask?
26. If your life was a movie, what would be the title?
27. What does success mean to you?
28. If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
29. What do you owe yourself?
30. When you think of "home" what do you think of?
31. How could you describe yourself in 5 words?
32. How do you spend most of your free time?

33. What did you want to be when you where younger?

34. What are you doing to pursue your dreams right now?
35. What are you most scared of?
36. What are you looking forward to?
37. What has been the greatest adventure of your life?
38. What are you most proud of?
39. Where would you like to live? Why haven't you moved?
40. If you left your current life in order to pursue your dreams, what would you lose?
41. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
42. What did life teach you yesterday?
43. Whose life have you had the greatest impact on?
44. What makes you special?
45. What do you want most?
46. How many people do you love? What are you doing for them?
47. If you had 24 hours to live, who would you be with 23 hours from now?
48. What bad habits do you want to break?
49. When did you not speak up when you should have?
50. How would you describe the next 5 years of your life in a sentence?

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