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By dream_Catcher


Buradaki almamz, kkenleri itibariyle "alayl" deil "okullu" olsa da, akademik inceleme amac
tamyor. Bilgiler, saptamalar ve rnekler, eitli nedenlerle ngilizce renmek/ilerletmek isteyen
gerek kiiler iindir. Pragmatik yaklam ve pratik zmler nplandadr. Dilbilime zg terminoloji en
aza indirilmi, gereksiz ayrntlar ayklanmtr.
Tabiatyla, akademisyen arkadalar retim programlarnda buradaki pragmatik birikimden
yararlanrlarsa rencileri adna sevinirim. Ama, o kadar...
lk kural, kurallar ezberlemektense, kurallar rnekleyen gerek kullanm tmceleri ile yzlemek,
bunlarn rehberliine gvenmek...
Peki, asgari dzeyde de olsa, neden "kurallara" belli lde yer ayrmak zorundayz ki? Vakit yitirmeden,
alakalem yazmaa, atpat konumaya balasak daha yararl olmaz m?
Bunun yant u: Doal dil renme ana dnebilirseniz (0-4 ya), o gzelim gnbegn 24 saat denemeyanlma (agulama) -- ve bykleriniz tarafndan hogr ve glcklerle dzeltilme -- srecini yeniden
balatabilirsiniz... Buna olananz varsa, durmayn derim...
Deneme-yanlma yntemiyle yllar heba etmek istemiyorsak, yabanc bir dilin mantn ancak
kurallardan balayarak, tmdengelimci yoldan renebiliriz. Kestirme yol bu...
Ama dediim gibi, gramer genel okuyucu iin skc bir konudur: Ksa tutulmasnda ve canl, parlak
rneklerle beslenmesinde yarar var. yleyse balayalm:
Ad (isim -- noun): Gerek yada hayali, somut yada soyut varlklara verilmi adlar...
Sfat (adjective): Bu varlklar eitli ynleriyle niteleyen, niceleyen, tanmlayan, betimleyen,
ayrntlandran szckler... Gnn birisinde Trke'de dilbilgisi terimleri zerine bir alma yapacak
olursam, sanrm ilk tercihlerimden birisi "sfat" yerine", "betimlik" terimini nermek olacaktr.
Fiil (eylem -- verb): Gerek/hayali, somut/soyut olay, eylem, durum, oluumlar belirten szckler...
Fillerle, bilgi aktarm kadar, soru, emir, dilek, koul, veya ("edilgen at" y da dnrsek) eylemden
etkilenme, "kaban znenin bana patlamas" durumlar da iletilir...
Zarf (belirte -- adverb): Eylem ve oluumlar eitli ynlerden niteleyen, ayrntlandran szckler...

Sfatlar Adlar... Zarflar Fiilleri -- niteler...

Dikkat: Zarflar ayrca, sfatlar ve dier zarflar da niteleyebilir.

Zarflara rnekler: I wasn't expecting to see you today... Please sit here... She read it carefully... He is very
clever... You must work harder... The rest of the subject is much easier to understand...
By dream_Catcher

Dahas yok mu? Var, tabiatyla... Ama bizim amzdan imdilik bu kadar yeter. Adl (zamir - pronoun),
ilge (edat - preposition), bala (conjunction), nlem (interjection)... Bunlarn ne olduklarn zaten
biliyorsunuz. Ayrntlarna girmesek de olur... Birka rnekle yetineceim:
lgeler (prepositions): He arrived here at 2 o'clock... He rested his head on one of his hands... We met
over the bridge past the central station... Two dogs were running along the street... You mustn't let
yourself be made fun of... (Seninle alay edilmesine izin vermemelisin. "to make fun of smb.")
Balalar (conjunctions): He and I are brothers... We write to one another every now and then... Ali came,
but Gne didn't... She said that she would come today... I will go if I have time... He had to go back
because he had no money left...
nlemler (interjections): Bravo!.. Oh!.. Oh, my God!.. Hush!.. Alas!.. (= Heyhat!)... Good-bye!..
Goodness gracious me!.. (Bu sonuncusu, "stme iyilik salk olsun" anlamnda bir aknlk ifadesidir.)

Temel kurallarmzdan birisi u olacaktr: Her dil esi kimlik ve niteliini, "takdir komisyonu" gibi
alan bir takm gramercilerin (bugne dein szlklere de yansm) ilahi ve deimez saptamasndan
deil, kullanld ortamdaki LEV 'inden kazanr.
te bu ilevler erevesinde, pratik adan bizim iin en nemli birkan yle sralayabiliriz:
Tmce, en az iki eden oluur: zne + Fiil...

Eylemden etkilenen varsa, bunlara nc e olarak

Nesne eklenir.

zne (S, subject); Fiil (V, verb); Nesne (O, object)

ngilizce bir S+V+O dilidir. Ayrca, ekimsiz bir dildir. Nesne durumu iin zel bir ekim yoktur (Yani,
Trke'deki "-- i" durumu gibi). Ksacas, fiilin solundaki ad znedir, sandaki de nesnedir...

zne, eylemi gerekletiren;

Nesne ise eylemden etkilenen, kabak bana patlayandr.
Bu her iki ilevi de ad (= isim) snf eler karlar.
By dream_Catcher

Ayn ekilde, ad-tmcelikler de eylemin znesi yada nesnesi olabilir.

Hatrlaynz: Sfatlar adlar, zarflar eylemleri niteler...

Ayn ekilde, sfat-tmcelikler adlar; zarf-tmcelikler ise eylemleri niteler.
Peki, nedir bu "tmcelik" dediimiz birim? Ad-tmcelik, sfat-tmcelik, zarf-tmcelik de ne ola??
Tanmlar ve rnekler biraz aada...

Ara Konu: ekilmi Fiil Ne Demektir ?
To see, to be seen = grmek, grlmek... To mean, to be meant = demek istemek, kastedilmek... Bunlar,
fiilin mastar (= the infinitive) durumlardr.
Mastar, olay/eylem/durum/oluumun genel addr. Sz edilen eylemin, kii, zaman yada ileti ortamna
(kip - mood) gre ekilmemi halidir. Oysa,
I saw = "To see" fiilinin birinci tekil kiiye gre haber kipinde "the simple past tense" olarak ekilmi
He has gone = "To go" fiilinin nc erkek tekil kiiye gre haber kipinde "the present perfect tense"
olarak ekilmi halidir...
ngilizce fiil ekimlerinin Trke'mize gre byk bir yalnlk tayor olmas, bizleri "Trke renen
ngilizler" deil "ngilizce renen Trkler" olduumuza krettirecek boyuttadr.
* * * * *
Szck bei (phrase) : inde ekilmi bir fiil bulunmayan, tmce iinde (veya dnda) belirgin bir
bek (= grup, takm) olarak, birlikte bir anlam birimi oluturan szck kmesi:
in the house... cats and dogs... my friend's father-in-law... to see a good film...
rnek: "I was hoping to get a chance to meet my friend's father-in-law." ["to meet fiilinin nesnesi olarak
kullanlan ad ilevli bir szck bei]...
Bir szck beini, tmcenin dier elerini tekrarlamaa gerek kalmakszn, bir soruya karlk yant
olarak kullanabilirsiniz... Ama tek balarna sylenecek olsalar bildirim tamamlanmam, damdan dme
ve quel-alaka kalabilir:
- Who, do you think, did it? [Sence, kim yapt bunu?]
By dream_Catcher

- Definitely, my friend's father-in-law. [Kesinlikle, arkadamn kaynpederi.]

Ama, birisi durduk yerde "arkadamn kayn pederi" yada "iyi bir filim grmek iin" deyip sussa, ne
dediini anlamasna anlarz, ama "Eeee, n'olmu" diye de devamn bekleriz.
Tmcelik (clause) : inde ekilmi bir fiil bulunan, ve ekleik veya karmak tmcelerin (az aada
aklanyor) ana birimlerini oluturan yaplar.
You came home late and I have to leave early. [tek tmce iinde birbirine eklenen iki ana-tmcelik]
We will have dinner when you come back. [ana-tmcelik + bal-tmcelik]
when we went there... [oraya gittiimizde... bal-tmcelik]
although she is quite wealthy... [gayet varlkl olmasna karn... bal tmcelik]
Tabiatyla, tekbana sylenecek olursa, bir bal-tmcelik de, "Eeee, n'olmu" sorusunu davet edecektir.
Ana-tmcelik (temel-cmlecik, main clause) : Tekbana ayakta durabilen, kendi iinde "tamamlanm"
anlam tayan; istersek [rnein yazda bana byk harf, sonuna nokta koyarak] bamsz bir tmce
niteliinde kullanabileceimiz tmcelik tr. Doaldr ki, her yaln tmce [tanm aada] tek bir temel
tmcelikten olumaktadr.
Bal-tmcelik (yan-cmlecik, subordinate clause) : Geldik canalc noktaya: Anlamn tamamlanmas iin
bir ana-tmcelie bal ve baml olan tmcelik tr. Bunlar, tekbalarna ayakta duramaz,
"tamamlanm" anlam ifade eden bamsz bir tmce nitelii ile kullanlamazlar.
MD DKKAT: Bir bal-tmcelik, yerine getirdii LEV 'e gre, u snftan birine girer:
1) Ad-tmcelik
2) Sfat-tmcelik
3) Zarf-tmcelik
Bu ilevi yukarda tanmlamtk. Tekrarlayalm:
Ad-tmcelik -- ad stnde -- AD kullanlabilecek her yerde bulunabilir: rnein fiil yada fiillerin zne
yada nesnesi olabilir.
They wondered where he had come from.
Neyi merak ediyorlard? Nereden geldiini... "To wonder" fiilinin nesnesidir ve bu nitelii ile ad-tmcelik
olarak snflanr.
That the firm has gone bankrupt will be known within a few days.
Birka gn iinde renilecek olan nedir? irketin iflas ettii... "That" ile balayan tmcelik, "to be
known" edilgen fiilinin znesidir. Bu nitelii ile de, ad-tmcelik olarak snflanr.
By dream_Catcher

Peki ya sfat-tmcelik? Tmcede geen bir ad, rnein zne yada nesneyi, bir sfat ilevi ile niteleyen,
niceleyen, tanmlayan, betimleyen, ayrntlandran bir tmceliktir. Bir ad niteleyen birden ok, veya
birden ok ad ayr ayr niteleyen yine birden ok sfat-tmcelik de kullanlabilir:
The music (which/that) the orchestra is playing is a Strauss waltz.
"The music is a Strauss waltz." = Bu ana (temel) tmceliktir... "(which/that) the orchestra is playing" ise,
"music" szcn (ki, bu bir ad'dr) niteliyor = Orkestrann almakta olduu mzik... O halde bu
ikincisi, "sfat-tmcelik" snflamasna girer.
Peki ya zarf-tmcelik? Tmcede anlatlan olay/eylem/durum/oluumu ok eitli ynlerden niteleyebilen,
ayrntlayabilen tmceliklerdir. Aadaki rneklerde srasyla neden, ama ve tarz bildiriliyor:
Because I believe in their honesty, I'll give them another chance. [Onlara bir ans daha tanyacam.
Neden? "Drst olduklarna inandm iin"]
We must keep the meat in the refrigerator so that it will not go off. [Eti buzdolabnda saklamalyz.
Neden? "Bozulmasn diye"]
The children could come and go as they pleased. [ocuklar gelip gidebiliyorlard. Nasl? "Canlarnn
istedii gibi"]

1. Yaln Tmce (basit tmce - simple sentence)
inde tek ekilmi fiil bulunan, baka bir deyile tek ana-tmcelikten oluan tmce tr:
Ali came home late.
Gne has already finished his homework.
2. Ekleik Tmce (sral tmce - compound sentence)
"And" ve "or" gibi baml klmayan balalarla birbirine eklenmi birden ok ana-tmcelikten oluan
tmle tr. Dilersek bu bala veya balalar kaldrr, tmcelikleri bamsz birer tmce haline
getirebiliriz. (Az aada, bu tr tmcelere ilikin baz nemli ayrntlar vereceim)
Ali comes late and Gne leaves early.
3. Karmak Tmce (bileik tmce - complex sentence)
Bir ana-tmcelik ile buna bal ve baml en az bir bal-tmcelikten oluan tmce tr. Bunlar
birbirinden ayrp koparamazsnz. Koparrsanz, temel-tmcelik anlamca eksilir; bal-tmcelik de
By dream_Catcher

tekbana zaten ayakta kalamaz... (Bunlar kitabmzn "Ad-Tmcelik", "Sfat-Tmcelik", "ZarfTmcelik" blmlerinde ayrntl biimde inceliyoruz.)
Gne warned us that it was time to leave.
[ ana-tmcelik + ad-tmcelik ]
Do you remember the funny man who was conducting the ceremonies?
[ ana-tmcelik + sfat-tmcelik ]
Ali went home after he had finished his work.
[ ana-tmcelik + zarf-tmcelik ]
Although it was a fine day for a picnic, Gne stayed home and watched TV.
[ zarf-tmcelik + ana-tmcelik ]
Doaldr ki, karmak bir tmcede kullanacanz bal-tmcelik says size kalmtr: Demek istediim,
iine "sonsuz" sayda ad-sfat-zarf tmcelik yerletirebilirsiniz. Tabii, karmak bir tmceyi tam bir
labirente evirmeyi gze alyorsanz...
4. Karmak-Ekleik Tmce (complex-compound sentence)
Baml klmayan balalarla birbirine eklenmi birden fazla ana-tmcelik ve bunlara ayrca bal ve
baml bal-tmceliklerinden oluan btn.
Ali went home after he had finished his work
although it was a fine day for a picnic
he decided to stay at home and watch TV.
te, ngilizcede rastlayacanz btn tmceleri bu sistematik iinde zgleyip irdeleyebilirsiniz.

Ekleik bir tmcede, birden fazla bamsz tmce, "baml klmayan" balalar (conjunctions)
kullanlarak, ayn at altnda toplanr. Ne var ki, bala kullanlmakszn, yalnzca noktalama iaretleri
ile (konumada uygun tonlama ile) kurulan rnekler de bu balk altnda yer alr.
A Bala (conjunctions) kullanlarak yaplan ekletirmeler: (Dikkat: Her iki tmcede ayn zne
geerliyse, tekrarlanmas zorunluluk tamyor)
Ali grabbed his pen and took down some notes.
By dream_Catcher

She desperately wanted to apologize but did not know how to begin.
We can ask them now, or wait till tomorrow.
Hurry up, or we'll be late.
Never go deep-sea diving on you own; nor must you forget to check all your equipment beforehand.
B Bala kullanlmayan rnekler:
Father was in his study, Mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
I wouldn't like to live in stanbul at all; I hate big and noisy cities.
Ali looked at his watch: it was nine o'clock.
Now, which is yours, which is your friend's?
C Zarf (adverb) kullanlarak yaplan ekletirmeler:
We found nobody there, so we decided to go back home.
The situation looks pretty hopeless; still, there's no harm in trying.
She gave up smoking before long; however, that's another story. (= Sigaray ok gemeden brakt -- ama
bu baka bir yk...)
D ok ilgin kimi rnekler:
He said that he wanted a room, and that his friend would come and pay for it within a few hours. (iki
bal tmceliin birbirine eklenmesi)
I didn't bother to reply their invitation, not because I wasn't willing to go, but because I had no time to.
(yukardaki gibi)
Ask no questions and you'll be told no lies. (Yap olarak ekleik, ama anlam olarak karmak tmce tipi:
"Eer soru sormazsan..." eklinde bir koul kouluyor: Sorular sorma ki yalan yanl yantlar almayasn.)
Stir, and you are a dead man. (yukardaki gibi -- "Yerinden kprdarsan kendini lm bil...")

By dream_Catcher

Aslnda ngilizce'de Ka eit "X", Ka Trl "Y" Var ?

Bu kitabn akademik amala tasarlanmadn daha nce syledim. yle olmasa, ayrntda boulur,
hedefimizin ok uzana derdik. Bizim amacmz, olanakl en ksa srede olanakl en ie yarar
ngilizce'yi kazanmak... Yoksa "ngilizce'de ka eit "X" veya "Y" vardr?" tr sorulara alacanz
yantn, "Dnyadaki dilci says kadar ok ve deiik," olacandan emin olabilirsiniz...
Ama endielenmenize gerek yok... Burada, olabilecek en yaln izgilerine indirgeyip sunduum, temelde
ileve dayal saptamalarn, kitabn dier blmlerinde yapacamz hertrl tmce zmlemesi iin
yeterli olacana inanmanz dilerim.
te imdi de, "ngilizcede ka eit tmce vardr?" sorusuna farkl bir yaklamla daha yant vermek
ngilizce bir S+V+O dilidir: Yani, Subject + Verb + Object... (Yani, zne + Fiil + Nesne...)
Fiilin solundaki ad (varlk) faildir, znedir, eylemi yapan kiidir, yada durum/oluumun konusu,
kahramandr. [Dztmcede fiilin solundaki ad; devrik tmcede ise fiilin sana geer. Yaz dilini
dnerek kullandmz "sol, sa" belirlemesini, konumay dndmzde "nce, sonra" eklinde
ifade etmek gerekir]
Fiilin sandaki ad (varlk) nesnedir, yani etkilenen, kabak bana patlayan kii, birim yada varlk alandr.
Bu durum, ngilizce'nin szdizim (sentaks - syntax) dzenidir; bu sralama deitirilemez:
The dog bit the man... Kpek adam srd...
The man bit the dog... Adam kpei srd.
Dikkat ederseniz, ngilizce'de ad durumlarndan (ismin halleri) sz edemiyoruz. zne de, nesne de yaln
haldedir. Kim fiilin soluna geerse zne olur; kim fiilin sana geerse nesne olur.
Trke'de byle mi? Hayr, Trke ekimli bir dildir: zne yaln haldedir, nesne ise -i halinde olmak
zorundadr. te bu nedenle bizler, "Kpek adam srd... Adam kpek srd... Isrd adam kpek...
Kpek srd adam..." gibi szdizim cambazlklar yapabiliyoruz. ngilizce'de ise btn bu nanslar
konumadaki szck vurgularyla karlamak zorundasnz.
te bu S+V+O dizilii ngilizce'deki "dz tmce" diziliidir. Fiil (ounlukla yardmc fiil ile temsil
edilerek) znenin soluna geerse, soru sormu olursunuz. "Did the dog bite the man?... Did the man bite
the dog?...) Buna gre ngilizce'de iki temel tmce trnden sz edebiliriz:
Dz tmce = S+V+(varsa)O
Soru tmcesi = Yard.Fiil+S+V+(varsa)O
DKKAT... DKKAT... Bunlar burada dile getirmemin asl nedeni, ilerde tekrar tekrar
vurgulayacamz bir kurala imdiden dikkatinizi ekmek: Btn bal-tmcelikler dz-tmce olmak
zorundadr. Ad-tmcelik, sfat-tmcelik, zarf-tmcelik soru biiminde olamazlar. [Eer tmcenizin
tamam bir soru tmcesi ise, bu ana / temel tmcelikteki soru dnm ile salanmtr.]
Peki, baka ne gibi tmce trlerinden sz edebiliriz?
By dream_Catcher

rnein, "devrik tmceler" = Bunlar da soru tmcesi eklinde kurulur, ama soru tonlamas yaplmaz;
aktarlan abartl duyguyu ifade eden uygun bir tonlama ile sylenirler. Yazda da soru iareti konulmaz:
[Devrik tmceler, Kitabmzn 16. Blmnde -- Pf Noktalar 01'de -- ok ayrntl biimde ele
Not even once have I seen him here before! = imdiye dein kendisini burada bir kez bile grmedim!
Were I in your shoes, I wouldn't take such a risk! = Senin yerinde olsam byle bir riski almam!
Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out. = Gsteri daha yeni balamt ki klar
Bir de emir cmleleri... Aktr ki bunlar da klasik S+V+O diziliinin dnda gereklemektedir. Bu gibi
farkl yaplardan yeri geldiinde sz edeceiz.
imdilik sadece unu unutmaynz: Btn bal tmcelikler dz tmce olmak zorundadr. Ad-tmcelik,
sfat-tmcelik, zarf-tmcelik soru biiminde olamaz...
Demek ki, artk bir snav sorusunda,
- What time is it?
- I don't know what time is it...
diye yantlarsanz, gnah benden gitti. Dorusu, "I don't know what time it is."


Klasik gramerler "mood, modals, modality" gibi kavramlar grup altnda snflar. Bunu yaparken, ou
zaman fiil ekimlerindeki "formel farkllklar" nplana karrlar: 1) The Indicative Mood... 2) The
Subjunctive Mood... 3) The Imperative Mood...
Bunlarn Trke karlklar, 1) Haber Kipi... 2) Dilek-Koul Kipi... 3) Emir Kipi... eklinde nerilebilir.
(Hayr, Trke'yi buna uyduralm, demiyorum.)
Bunlar srasyla, 1) Gereklerin dnyas [insanlar ou zaman yalan sylyor yada samalyor olsalar
da]... 2) Varsaymlarn dnyas... 3) Buyruklarn dnyas olarak tanmlayabiliriz.
Gelelim bu kitapta kullandm (ve anadili Trke olan bizler iin farkl bir vurgulama ile sunduum)
1. The Indicative Mood (Haber Kipi)...
2. The Conditional Mood (Koul kipi)...
By dream_Catcher

3. The Subjunctive Mood ("Dilek" Kipi)...

4. The Imperative Mood (Emir Kipi)...
kincisi ve ncs zerinde zellikle duruyorum; nk, bana gre, Anglo-Sakson dil-kltr dizgesinin
bir anahtar da burada yatyor....
"Mood" ("Kip") szcnden ise, iletiim ortamn, trn, yaklam ve tarzn anlyoruz: Buna gre,
Haber Kipi (insanlar ou zaman yalan sylyor yada samalyor olsalar da) "gereklerden" sz ediyor.
Koul ve Dilek Kipleri, varsaymsal bir dnyaya ilikin nermelerden oluuyor. Emir Kipi de,
buyruklarn yada (bunlar yumuatlarak) "ricalarn" dnyasn yanstyor...
Kitabmzn kinci Blmde, "Vira Bismillah" deyip, Haber Kipini oluturan 12 "Tense" (= zamanlar) ile
ie balayacaz.


ngilizce ile Trke'yi, gramer ve szdizim asndan karlatrdmz bu blmde, uygulamada

grdm ok byk bir yanlgya da burada deinmeliyim.
ou kitapta, "ngilizce bir tmce tersten anlalr" eklinde ok garip bir nermeye tank oluyorum. zel
ders veren ou kimsenin de bu yanlgy rencilerine aktardklarn biliyorum.
Ne demek ola ki bu? Yani, bu ngilizler, Amerikallar, Yeni Zelandallar, vb. bir tmce sylyor; sonra
tersten gidip tmcenin anlamn zyor, sonra bir sonraki tmceye mi geiyorlar!!
Buradaki yanlg ve kavram kargaasnn nedeni belli: ngilizce bir tmceyi "anlamak" ile, bunu "derli
toplu ekilde Trke'de ifade etmeyi" (yani, eviriyi) birbirine kartryorlar...
Tabiatyla, anadili ngilizce olan (native speakers), yada ok iyi ngilizce bilen kiiler, konuurken veya
yazarken, tmcenin anlamn szckler pepee sralandka "simltan" biimde zyor; tmce bitince
yeniden geriye dnp anlamaa almak gibi bir davran iinde olmuyorlar.
Ve yine tabiatyla, bizim de amacmz, ngilizce'ye hakimiyetimiz yeterli dzeye geldiinde, araya
Trke'yi sokmadan, "ngilizce'yi ngilizce olarak" dorudan anlamak... Bu bir sre. Giderek geliecek.
Bu arada, istesek de istemesek de, Trke'ye bavuracaz. Ama hangi Trke'ye? Deyimi mazur grn:
Tarzanca Trke'ye bavuracaz... ki dil arasndaki szdizim (sentaks) farkll bunu kanlmaz
klyor. nk, ngilizce bir tmcenin Trke'deki paralel izdm ancak "Tarzanca" ifade edilebilir.
Bir tmceyi hzla anlayp bir sonrakine gemek iin "Tarzanca" ile yetinmeliyiz. Ha, birisi bizden "derli
toplu bir eviri" yapmamz isterse, o zaman durup, ngilizce tmcenin elerini gzel Trke'mizin
szdizim kurallarna gre yeniden dzenleriz.
By dream_Catcher

Pratikte btn bunlar ne demektir?

Trke'de "Kpek adam srd" tmcesini oluturan szckleri ayr ayr birer fi zerine yazalm ve
masann zerine rastgele yayalm. Yine de, kimin kimi srd kubak hemen anlalacaktr. Neden?
nk, Trke ekimli bir dildir: Kim'in kim-i srd, szcklerin yerlerini dilediiniz kadar deitirin,
ekimlerden bellidir.
Ayn uygulamay, ngilizce "The dog / bit / the man" tmcesini oluturan elerle yapn; szcklerin
srasn kartrn: Tmce asla anlalamayacak yada farkl anlalacaktr.
Neden? nk ngilizce'de szdizim, anlamn ana direidir: Anlam ileten, szcklerin ardarda diziliidir.
Farkl dizerseniz, farkl anlam elde edersiniz.

te btn bu nedenlerle:

ngilizce tmceyi anlamann gerek yolu, kendilerinin de yapt gibi, szck stne szck aldka
anlamlar ulayarak gitmektir. Bunu yaptnz zaman da, Trke paralel anlatmda ortaya kan sralama
"Tarzanca" dr... (eer henz hala Trke'ye bavurma aamasnda iseniz) ngilizce bir tmceyi hzla anlamann
kesinlikle en iyi yoludur.

Merakls in Ksa Bir Not: ngilizce'yi "dorudan" anlamak ve nce zihinde Trke'ye evirme gerei
duymamak gibi konular, psiko-dilbilim ve nro-dilbilim asndan tabii ki ok heyecanl bir tartma
oluturuyor. Baka bir kitapta, umarm, doya doya tartrz. Burada yalnzca u iki noktay kastettiimi
sylemekle yetinmek zorundaym: 1. Kafamzdaki kavram ve imgeleri, "Trke" sentaks ve simgelerin
araclna gerek duymadan, dorudan "ngilizce" sentaks ve simgeler ile badatrabilmek... Yada, 2.
(Noam Chomsky'nin diliyle konuursak) "derin yapnn" (dil yeteneimizin) Trke deil, dorudan
ngilizce kalplarla "yzeyel yapya" (kullanm dzeyine) dntrlmesi...

te bu nedenle, ngilizce'de szckleri ve tmcelikleri ardarda ulayarak "sonsuz" uzunlukta tmceler
oluturabilirsiniz. Rahata kurulup, sorunsuz anlalabilirler. Olay yalnzca, elerin ardarda diziliidir...
Ama, Trke'de ekimli eleri biraz fazlaca ayrn, araya fazlaca szck doldurup sz uzatn, anlamn
ucu kaar; kimin kimi sevdii, kimin kimi dvd anlalmaz hale gelir. Trke'de kural "ksa tmce"
Deerli evirmenler: Ltfen her ngilizce tmceyi Trke'ye tek para halinde aktarmaa almaynz.
Blnz, paralaynz -- ki Trke'de anlalabilirlik kazansn.

By dream_Catcher


Herbir dil, kendine zg, dierlerinden eitli alardan/leklerde farkl bir dil-kltr dizgesi
niteliindedir. ki ayr dil karlatrldnda, kimi yerlerde yksek lde benzerlik hatta edeerlik,
kimi yerlerde ise tam bir benzemezlik / farklln geerli olduu grlr
Sudaki yaamlar dnda bir ortam tanmayan deniz canllarnn, "Bizler deryada yayoruz, ama farkl
nitelik ve kurallar olan baka dnyalar da mevcut olabilir" bilinci gelitirmeleri beklenebilir mi? Baka
dillerde farkl bir mantk yaps bulunaca bilinci akl yrtme yoluyla olusa bile, o dili anadil
dzeyinde renmedike bu yapy zmek ve hissetmek mmkn m?
rnein, ilerleyen Blmlerde, ngilizce dil-kltr sisteminde "present / perfect" eklinde ikici veya ikicil
(= dualist) bir temel bak asndan ok sz edeceim. Bana gre, ngilizce'nin mantn anlayabilmemiz
iin, temel kavram boyutlarndan birisidir.
Peki, neden bunca kitapta sz gemez, neden Trkler iin yazlan gramerlerde hakettii yeri
alamamtr? Birinci yant: Yabanclar tarafndan zel olarak Trkler iin yazlm ka tane gramer
biliyorsunuz? kinci yant: Yabanclarn yazd gramerlerden eviri olmayan, zgn yazlm ka tane
gramer duydunuz, grdnz?
Ksacas, dnyay "Trke" dil-kltr dizgesi penceresinden grp kavrayan bizler iin, "aklayc ve
anlalabilir bir ngilizce gramer" ancak her iki dil-kltr dizgesine de aina kimseler tarafndan ortaya
Bu szlerimle, kendime "tevazu snrlarn zorlayan" bir pay kardm dnenler iin hemen
syleyeyim: Evet, o grev ve erefe talibim... Ve, bana gvenmenizi diliyorum...
Yukarda deindiimiz konu, lkemizde yabanc dil retiminde yaplan temel bir yanla iaret ediyor.
retilmesi gereken, dil-kltr sisteminin nplana karlmas, o insanlarn hangi gerek ortamda hangi
dilsel anlatmlar kullandnn retilmesidir.
nemli bir konuya daha deinmeliyiz: Geri, btn ngilizce konuulan lkelerde "standart" saylabilecek
bir ortak dil paydasndan kabaca sz edilebilir (ve biz de kitabmzda sizlere bunu kazandrmay
umuyoruz). Ama aslnda, ngiliz ngilizcesi, Amerikan lehesi, Londra "Cockney" az, Texas kovboy
az... Silicon Valley bilgisayar jargonu... Tp dili, antropoloji dili, futbol jargonu, ikago yeralt
argosu... ngiltere'deki mzayede veya sanat eletirmenlii jargonu... Yada Yeni Zelanda balk, yahut
Avustralya ifti az gibi ok daha daraltlm kavramlardan sz etmek daha yerinde ve gereki olur.
("dil", "lehe", "az" ve "jargon" lar...)
Yani, amaca gre dil... Bana, hangi amala, ne dzeyde "yabanc dil" renmek istediinizi syleyiniz,
sizin iin zel bir program gelitirip gelitiremeyeceime bakaym. Doru deil mi ama? Bilmediiniz
bireyi retmeye kalkmadan nce, kendi bilgimizin snr ve kstllklarn gzden geirmeliyiz...

By dream_Catcher

Bu yaklam benimsenmedike, "ngilizce" retiyoruz/reniyoruz" sav fahi bir aldatmaca, safdil bir
aldanmaca kalacaktr. te bu nedenle, "Bizim olan, bizim kz okulda alt yl yabanc dil okudu; yl da
kurslara gitti; ama turistlerle iki kelimeyi biraraya getirip konuamyor..."
Ve yine, "lisaniyat" dallarnda doentlik adaylarna "nebatat", gzel sanat alanlarndaki adaylara da iktisat
sorular soruluyor. Feryatlar bu noktada hakl... Yoksa snav geme notunun (ki bence ok dk
tutuluyor) "ykseklii" noktasnda deil... Uak kullanmak iin gerekli bilgilerin yzde kana sahip
bulunmayan bir pilot adayna uu sertifikas vermeyi gze alabilirsiniz ki?
Tabiatyla, yaz ve konuma arasndaki farklln bile gndeme gelmedii bir yabanc dil "eitimi"
ortamnda byle bir yaklam beklemek abes olur. Bunun iin yurdum insan yllarca yabanc dil
okuduktan sonra turistlerle iki kelimeyi bir araya getiremiyor, yada bir Amerikan niversitesinde kendi
dalnda ders veren bir deerli bir bilim adam YK'n dzenledii dil snavnda "akyor"!

Efendim, bizim ocuk liseyi bitirdi, stne de yl kursa gitti, hal turistlerle iki kelimeyi bir araya
Sayn Yazar, bize konumay retebilir misiniz? Yzyze olsak, evet, sizinle konuarak elimden geleni
yapmaa alrm. Bir kitapta ise, olsa olsa gerek durumlarda kullanmanz yerinde olacak kalplar
listeleyip, ezberlemenizi nerebilirim. Ama, bu kadarla yetinecek olursak (ou eitim kurumunda
bununla yetiniyorlar) adamlarla yzyze geldiinizde ne sizin onlar nede onlarn sizi anlamayacana
bahse girerim.
nk yaz, konumann kendisi deil, yalnzca yazdaki temsilidir. Hele bunu ngilizce gibi "ok
fonetik" (aadaki paragrafa bknz.) bir dilde topu topu 26 harf ve bir avu noktalama iareti ile
yapyorsanz, ok yetersiz bir temsildir.
[Ara aklama: Dnmeden basmakalp yinelenen, "ngilizce'nin ok fonetik bir dil" olduu sz, ok
byk bir yanlg... Tam tersine, ngilizce'nin yazl (ortografi) hi de "fonetik" filan deil... "Fonetik"
deyimi ile aslnda, konumann yazda "yakn temsili" kastedilmek gerekirdi.]
Yine de burada konuma ngilizce'nize katks olacak baz neri ve ipularna yer vereceim. Hi
olmazsa, benim gibi orta retimde 6 yl, filolojide 1 yl okuduktan sonra (= yani hibirey renmeden)
adamlarn memleketine gidip edebiyat ve dilbilim okumaa balayp, ancak iki yl sonra (fazla kaln
kafal da saylmam ama), "Yahu, bu dabl-yu dedikleri ey, "dubl-ve" deilmi... Yani V'nin katmerlisi
deil, U'nun katmerlisi imi..." gibi byk keifler yapmak zorunda kalmazsnz.
Ksacas, sizlere sesbilim ve ngilizce'nin telaffuz (sesleri boumlama) ve vurgulama zellikleri
bakmndan gerekli baz n-bilgiler vereceim ve bunlar ok iinize yarayacak.

By dream_Catcher


Yazl herkes iin ayn olan bir Trke szc nasl ki yurdum insanlar lkenin drtbir kesinde
farkl farkl seslendiriyorlarsa, dnyann drtbir kesine ihra edilmi olan Ingilizce iin de ayn ey
Sizlere, temelde BBC ngilizcesi stne kurulu, ama dnyann hibir kesinde sizi yaya brakmayacak
bir seslendirme sistemi sunuyorum.
Bunu yaparken, Trke harflerin de salad olanaklardan yararlanarak, sizleri skmayacak asgari lde
fonetik iareti kullanacam. nk akademik dzeyde ilgilenmeyenler iin, nekadar ok fonetik iaret
kullanrsanz, insanlar o derece soutursunuz.
Kitapta kullanacamz iaretleri aada sralyorum:
: Trke'de bulunmayan bir fonem: /a/ ile /e/ aras. rnekler: cat /kt/, black /blk/, man /mn/... Eer
siz nl "I'm bad!" arksn /aym-bed/ diye telaffuz ediyorsanz, "Ben yatak-m" demi oluyorsunuz.
Dorusu, /aym-bd/.
: /a/ ile /o/ aras... UK ngilizcesinde /o/ ya daha yakn; USA ingilizcesinde /a/ ya daha yakn... O
yzden kimisinden "hotdog", kimisinden "hatdag" iitiyor, ikilemde kalyor zavall kulaklarmz!
rnekler: hot /h t/, fog /f g/, dock /d k/, clock /kl k/.
I : (Schwa) : Bunun zerinde ok dndm. Aslnda dilin orta blmlerinde biryerlerde boumlanan
"schwa" sesi ile kyaslandnda Trke'deki // sesi, ok nde ve dar. Bu fonemi internet ortamnda /@/
veya baaa "e" ile temsil edenler var. Schwa sesini, sizleri uyarmak kouluyla, burada bizim "" harfi
ile temsil etmee karar verdim. Ancak, bizdeki // sesi ile birebir ayn olmadn da yeniden
vurgulamalym. Bu "schwa" konusu ngilizce sesleme sisteminin ana direklerinden birisi ve vurgulama
sistemi ile de iie... Hemen btn vurgusuz hecelerdeki nl, dilin orta blgelerinde oluturulan bu
renksiz ve gsz seslie yuvarlanyor.
: ki nokta stste iareti, kendisinden nce gelen sesin uzatlacan gsterecektir. Ama bunu yaparken
sesi iki defa sylemee deil, uzatmaa dikkat edin. Yani rzgar /uu/ diye esmiyor, /u:/ diye esiyor. Rakip
takm da /yuuh/ diye slklamayn. Dorusu: /yu:h/.
/r/ sesini, BBC ngilizcesinde telaffuz edilmiyorsa, gstermeyeceim. Ama ayn szcn USA
ngilizcesinde ise gayet belirgin bir biimde seslendirilip yuvarlandn da bilmelisiniz. Tercih sizin: Her
ikisi de standart ngilizce...
Geldik ba belas drt foneme (seslik, sesbirim):
N = BU iaretle "-ing" son-ekinde biz Trklerin birtrl beceremediimiz sesi gstereceiz. /n/ sesinden
yola kp, /g/ ynnde ilerlerken, oralarda biryerlerde duracaksnz ve /g/ yi asla duymayacaz: I'm
going home /aymgouiNoum/ Byle bireyler ite... Ben braktmda, niversitedeki det, bebein "nga
nga" diye alamasndan misal getirmekti. Hala yle midir, bilemem...

By dream_Catcher

w = Ad stnde, "dubluve" deil... "Dablyu", yani /v/ nin katmerlisi deil, /u/ nun katmerlisi. Hakkn
verin. Dudaklar yuvarlak ve ileri uzatlm (kaln dudakl bir zenci ile pmek zere gibi)... Sakn /veri
vel/ demeyin. Gzleri ameliyatla dzeltilmi inli sanacaklardr yoksa sizi...
= te Trke seslikler sisteminde benzeri olmayan bir ses daha. rnekler: thin /in/, thimble /im-bl/,
thunder /an-dr/... Efendim, dilinizin ucunu dilerinizin arasna yerletirin, havay iki yandan szdracak
ekilde /t/ demee aln. Bylece, tpk gerektii ekilde "pelthek pelthek" konumu olacaksnz. Bu ii
yaparken, etrafa birka kk tkrk sratamyorsanz, tam baaramyorsunuz demektir. Bu sesi, u
szc pepee syleyerek talim edebilirsiniz: tin - thin - sin... Unutmayn, // sesi, /t/ den ok /s/ ye
yakndr. nk birincisi patlamal, ikincisi szc bir sesliktir. "I think": Biz bunu "ay tink" diye syleriz.
Franszlar da "ay sink" derler. Her ikisi de yanl, ama ngilizler Franszlar anlar da bizi anlamazlar...
Bir de u noktaya dikkat ediniz, ltfen. Eitimsiz kulamz, Trke'nin seslikler dizgesinde yer almayan
bu sesi iitince, buna kimi zaman /f/ sesini yaktrr. Oysa, /f/ sesini olutururken, alt dudak kvrlp st
dilerin altna temas ettirilir. // sesinde ise, dudak dmdz yerinde duruyor ve dilerle yalnzca dilin ucu
temas ediyor...
= Ve tabii, yukardakinin karnda. Oradaki titreimsiz (yani ses kirileri / "telleri" titretirilmiyor) iken,
bu da onun "titreimli" kardei. Pelthek kardein /badzi badzi/ yryen kardei... rnekler: this /is/, then
/en/, those /ouz/...
imdi bu ba belalarnn buraya kocaman resimlerini asyorum. Eminim ki grnce onlar heryerde

: w N "r"

DKKAT... DKKAT... imdi de geldik, biz Trklerin ngilizce'nin telaffuzunda en ok glk

ektiimiz sese... Yani, alfabede "v" harfi ile gsterilen ses. Trke'de /v/ sesinden /w/ sesine kadar
hereyi bu harfle gsteriyoruz. Yani, Trke'deki /v/ sesi "Walla, bayaa yuwarlak"... Oysa, ngilizce'de
ikisi arasnda en kk bir akrabalk bile yok.
Daha nce de iaret ettiim gibi, "dabl-yu", /u/ sesinin katmerlisi... /v/ sesinin deil...
/v/ sesinin karnda ise, /f/ sesi. nk, ikisi de oluturulurken, konuma organ ve boluklarnn konumu
tpatp ayn: Yalnzca, birincisi "titreimli" karde, ikincisi de "titreimsiz" karde...
O halde, /v/ sesini boumlamak iin: dudaklar tamamen yayVan, alt dudak st dilerin altna deiyor ve
/f/ demek zereyken, /v/ diyeceksiniz (yani ses kirilerini devreye sokmu olacaksnz)... Aksi halde, sizi
anlamalar asla ve asla szkonusu deildir. nannz ki, bizler iin ngilizce'deki en zor ses bu sestir;
nk Trke'den nyarglyz; stelik herkes bir "dablyu" dur tutturmu, dikkatimizi oraya eliyorlar.
(Oysa, deminki kaln dudakl zenciye bir pck verin: ite size "dablyu"...)
Bu arada, /w/ ve /wh/ arasndaki nemli farka da dikkatinizi ekmek isterim: kincisi "aspire" edilen bir
ses olmasyla byk farkllk tar. Telaffuz ederken ayna tutsanz, buulanacaktr. nk "hohlamak" ile
birliktedir. rnein, "what" ve "watt" szcklerinin okunuu birbirinden ok farkldr. Bu telaffuz fark
anlam deitirebildiine gre, bunlar birer varyasyon deil, ayr birer fonem (sesbirim, seslik) olarak
dnmek gerekir.Yani "what" szcn,
/vat/ eklinde okursanz, ince olur.
/wat/ eklinde okursanz, kif "James Watt" anlalr.
By dream_Catcher

/huat/ eklinde okursanz, /wh/ sesini tam tutturamam olsanz bile, hereye ramen yine de


Trke aa yukar "yazld gibi okunduu" iin anslyz. stelik Trke'de hece vurgusu, pek az
szck dnda anlam deitirmiyor (ge-lin ve ge-lin, gibi)... yleki, Trke'yi tamamen kitaplardan
renen bir yabanc, size telefon ederek u heceleri pepee sralasa, eminim ki anlalacaktr:
Yani, bizler bu arky "dm-teketek" dzeninde de syler, "teketek-dm" dzeninde de anlarz!!!
Biliyorsunuz, ngilizce'de iler byle deil. Szcn yazlna bakarak (ileri dzey ingilizce bilenler iin
bir tahmin mmkn olsa da) okunuu konusunda kesin birey sylemek olanak d...
rnek mi? Baknz, biz Trkler "interesting" szcn belki de %90 orannda yanl sylyoruz: / intres-tiN / diyoruz. Oysa dorusu / in-trestiN /... Yani, "dm-teketek" dzeninde olmas gerekiyor.
Karmzdaki ngiliz yada Amerikal'nn, (bizim bu szc nasl yanl telaffuz ettiimiz konusunda nbilgisi yoksa) anlamas szkonusu deil.
Elimizde iki heybetli sorun var: 1. ngilizcede kullanlan bize yabanc sesler (fonemler, sesbirimler); ve,
2. Entonasyon... (Tonlama konusunda imdilik yalnzca hece vurgusu, yani syllabic stress/accent zerinde
Vurgulu heceleri, iki yannda "-" iareti ile ayrlm kaln (bold) yaz ile gstereceim. Okurken bu
heceye gelince bir an duraklaynz ve ardndan heceyi PATLATINIZ. Szcn dier blmlerini, sanki
duyulmasn istemiyormusunuz gibi yuvarlayarak ve hzla syleyiniz. (kincil vurgular imdilik
grmezden geliyorum.)
Konuyu olabildii lde basite indirip zetle ele aldm; ama unutmaynz ki dnyann gelmi gemi en
byk dramatist airi olan Shakespeare'in msralar temelde hece vurgularn kullanmaktaki ustalnda
hayat bulmutur. (Kulland "iambic pentameter" vezni, ardarda be adet tek-dm ritminden oluur. Bu
mzikal akn arasna ustaca yerletirdii, vurgulamak istedii dm-tek ritmindeki szckler birer tokat
gibi patlar...)


UK ngilizcesinde Sylenmeyen /r/ leri Gstermiyoruz
Unutmayn, vurgusuz blmleri sanki duyulmasn istemiyormu gibi hzla ve sesinizi drerek
syleyin; vurgulu heceyi ise anlk bir duraklamadan sonra PATLATIN!
By dream_Catcher

interesting = in-trestiN : dm-teketek ritminde okunacak

necessary = ne-ssri (dm-teketek) -- necessarily = nes-se-rili (teke-dm-teke)
exploit = iks-ployt (tek-dm) -- exploitation = iksploy-tey-n (teke-dm-tek)
capital = k-pitl (dm-teke) -- capitalistic = kpit-lis-tik (teketek-dm-tek)
desert (l) = de-zt (dm-tek) -- to desert (terketmek) = di-z:t (tek-dm) -- dessert (tatl) = di-z:t
photograph = fou-tgra:f (r:) (dm-teke) -- photographer = f-t g-rf (tek-dm-teke)
photography = f-t g-rfi (tek-dm-teke) -- photographically = ftg-r-fikli (teke-dm-teke)
social = sou-l (dm-tek) -- society =s-sai-ti (tek-dm-tek) -- socialism = sou-lizm (dm-teke)
(photographer ve photography'yi ayn ekilde okuduk sandysanz, yanldnz. Son sesleri farkl: // ve /i/...
Tabii, Amerikal'lar birinciyi /-rr/ diye yuvarlayacaklardr. Ama yine hatrlataym: Bu bizim bildiimiz
"" deil; bu bir "schwa"... Yani, ne /a/, ne /u/, ne de //, ama ayn zamanda hepsi...)


1. = /a/ ve /e/ aras: cat /kt/, black /blk/, bad /bd/ 2. : /a/ ile /o/ aras... UK ngilizcesinde /o/ ya
daha yakn; USA ingilizcesinde /a/ ya daha yakn: hot /h t/, dog /d g/, clock /kl k/ 3. I : (Schwa) :
nternet ortamnda /@/ veya baaa "e" ile temsil edenler var. Hemen btn vurgusuz hecelerde
nlnn yuvarland, dilin orta blgelerinde oluturulan gsz seslik. Trke'deki // ile /a/ aras bir ses
4. = thin /in/, thimble /im-bl/, thunder /an-dr/... "pelthek pelthek" konuma 5. = this /is/, then
/en/, those /ouz/... ses "telleri" titreimsiz olan "Pelthek" kardein "badzi badzi" yryen titreimli
kardei 6. w "Dabl-yu", yani /u/ nun katmerlisi. Hakkn veriniz. Dudaklar yuvarlak ve ileri uzatlm. /v/
ile uzaktan yakndan bir akrabal yok 7. /v/ sesine ZEL DKKAT: konuma organ ve boluklar aynen
/f/ sesi iin olduu gibidir ve /f/ sesinin titreimli kardeidir 8. N = "-ing" 9. : ki nokta stste: nceki
sesi uzat 10. /r/ BBC ngilizcesinde telaffuz edilmiyorsa, gstermiyoruz...


Most of the vowels are pronounced in a similar manner with those found in Italian and many of the
consonants do not differ from those found in English. Exceptions are: -Undotted "", both capital and small, is pronounced as in the first syllable of Cyril...
Dotted "i", both capital and small, is pronounced as in sit, bit...
"" and "" are pronounced as in German...
By dream_Catcher

"g" is always hard as in go, get...

"c" is pronounced as in jar, jam, jacket...
"" is pronounced as in church...
"" is pronounced as in shop, sharp...
"j" is pronounced as in French, and as in measure, treasure...
As for "", for the time being, you may regard it as a sign pointing to a lengthening of the preceding
vowel. But, your best bet would be getting a Turkish friend of yours to show you the peculiarities of this
articulatory monstrosity!

Tense'lerin nemi / Nasl Bir Yaklam Sunuyoruz ? / ng. Tense'ler Tablomuz / Tense'lerin Adlar /
Tense'lere likin Altn Kurallar: "Perfect" Kavram ve Sorunu / ngilizcede "Zamann Belli Olmas" Ne
demektir? / Perfect Tense'ler in Deneyim Alanmz / "Simple" ve "Continuous" Kardeler / Past
Simple / Present Perfect Simple / Exercise -- 01 / Present Perfect: "Simple" ve "Continuous" Kardeler
/ Exercise -- 02 / Cankurtaran ki Altn Kural Daha

"The Tenses" ad verilen gramer kategorisi, tmcede sz edilen eylem, olay, veya durumun, zaman
boyutundaki konumunu belirtir. ("Eylem" szcn bundan byle "eylem, olay, durum" kavramlar iin
bir emsiye terim olarak kullanacaz.)
Zaman boyutunda alnan bu kerteriz, ana-tmcelikte sz edilen eylemin, bizim iinde bulunduumuz
gerek zaman asndan konumunu belirtir. Yan-tmceliklerde geen eylemler ise kendi konumlar iin
ana-tmcelii referans alr:
She told me that she had seen the man the day before. Bana dedi ki adam bir gn nce grm /
grmm... Temel-tmcelikte sz edilen "syleme, anlatma" eylemi, bize gre gemi zaman
boyutunda... Bal-tmcelikte sz edilen "grme" eylemi ise "syleme, anlatma" eyleminin daha
She will have left by the time we can get there. Biz daha oraya ulaamadan (bize gre gelecekte) oradan
ayrlm olacaktr (gelecekteki o noktann gemiinde)... Yani, bize gre yine gelecekte olacak olmas
dikkate alnmyor: nk yan-tmceliklerde nemli olan, ana tmcelie gre olan zaman ilikisidir...

By dream_Catcher

Yeryzndeki dil-kltr sistemlerinin byk blm iin, fiilerin zaman asndan ekilmesi temel
dn tarzdr. Zaman bilinci nplandadr. "Nezaman" sorusuna odaklanm bizler iin, "tense" leri
olmayan bir dil, "gemi, imdiki, gelecek" snflamas bulunmayan bir varolu boyutu tasarlamak olanak
d... Varolua farkl yaklam rnekleri bugn iin yalnzca birka cra Kzlderili dilinde grlebiliyor.
Yabanc dil renirken, ivedi ve ncelikli bilgi alan o dilin "zamanlar" dr. Bu bilgiden yoksun olan kii
meramn yarm yamalak, blk prk anlatsa da, yeterli iletiim dzeyi salayamaz:
"Var ben (dn) eve gitmek... Var ben (imdi) ackmak... Var ben (yarn) Jane'i grmee gitmek..." Tarzan,
zamanlar bilmedii, fiilleri ekemedii iin byle konuuyor.
Tmcenin indirgenebilecei en az iki e, ekilmi bir fiil ve onun znesidir (verb, subject). Fiil,
olay/durum/eylemi iletir. zne ise, eylemi kimin gerekletirdiini, yada kimin bu durumda olduunu
Nesne (object), eylemden kimin/neyin etkilendiini, "kaban kimin bana patladn" anlatr. Tmcenin
(varsa) dier eleri de, olaya ilikin verilmek istenen ayrntlar ekler: zne yada nesneyi niteleyen
sfatlar, eylemleri niteleyen belirteler (zarflar)... Veya, yine sfat ve zarf ilevli ilave kalplar, szck
bekleri, bal tmcelikler... Kabaca izgileriyle, tmceyi oluturan eler bunlardr.
Ksacas, "Ali gelmek... Gne ackmak..." trnden yarm yamalak iletiim abalarna, "Ali
geldi/geliyor/gelecek... Gne ackmt/ackm/ ackacaktr..." niteliinde bir iletiim yeterlii
kazandrmak iin "tense" lere gereksinim duyuyoruz. Tense'ler bizim iin en temel bilgi alandr.
Aslnda, farkl dil-kltr dizgelerine sahip kiilerin aralarnda iletiim kurabilmelerine (eer
kurabiliyorlarsa) "mucize" gzyle bakmak gerekir... nk, "tense" ler dahil, birbirine tam paralel iki dil
bulmak olanaksz... rnein, Kzlderili Hopi dilini reniyor olsaydk, "tense" diye bir sorunumuz
olmayacakt: nk Hopi dil-kltr dizgesi dnyaya, bizim anladmz "gemi - imdiki - gelecek"
zaman erevesi dnda bakyor. Ama bu saptama, besbellidir ki, ngilizce renmek peinde olan bizler
iin, derdimize are deil...
Sonu? Herbir dil, kendine zg, dierlerinden eitli alardan/leklerde farkl bir dil-kltr dizgesi
niteliindedir. ngilizce "tense" ler ve Trke'deki "zaman" larn zde olabileceini sanmak bounadr.
Kimi yerlerde yksek lde benzerlik hatta edeerlik, kimi yerlerde ise tam bir benzemezlik / farklln
geerli olduunu greceiz.


"Tense" ler okullarda, kurslarda, dershanelerde retilen temel bilgi odaklarndandr. Ama ou kez,
renci tense'lerin temel yapsn renmesine karn, hangisini nerede kullanmas gerektii bilgisinden
yoksundur. Kafasnda bu konu akla kavumam, pekok soru taklp kalmtr. Bunun nedenleri,
1. letiim balam ve bunun dile yansmasnn nplana alnmamas (o dil-kltr dizgesinde hangi gerek
durumlarda hangi "tense"lerin -- yada tm teki dilsel elerin -- kullanlaca bilgisinin
By dream_Catcher

2. Tense'lerin deiik "nite" ler halinde, birbirinden kopuk biimde verilmesidir.

Biz bu noktada karlatrmal bir yaklam benimsiyoruz. Vereceimiz genel tabloda, tense'lerin kendi
aralarnda yaam ve deneyim alanmz nasl bltklerine ilikin ematik bilgi sunulacak, ardndan
herbirinin kullanld yerler yine karlatrmal biimde ele alnacaktr. Egzersizlerde de karlatrma
olana salanmas n planda tutulmutur.


nce MOOD (= iletiim ortam, dzlemi veya tarz = kip) kavramndan ksaca sz edelim. Trke kip
rnekleri verelim: Haber kipi, koul kipi, dilek kipi, emir kipi...
ngilizce'de de bunlarn be aa be yukar karl, the indicative mood, the conditionals, the
subjunctive mood, the imperative mood... Bu anlatm ortamlarnda, tpk trke'deki gibi, farkl kurallar
geerlidir, fiiller de farkl ekilirler. (DKKAT: ekim ayn olsa bile, ilettii anlam farkldr. Ayrca
"ekim" asl fiilin kendisi veya yardmc fiillerin ekilmesi yoluyla olabilir.)
Bu Blmde ele alacamz Haber kipi, gerek durumlardan sz eder. (Hernekadar insanlar ou kez
yanlyor yada yalan sylyor olsalar da...)
ngilizce'de koul ve dilek kiplerinin zelliklerinden ayr birer blmde sz edeceiz. Emir kipine ise,
yeri geldike ksaca deineceiz.


ngilizce haber kipinde 12 TENSE bulunmaktadr. Tablomuzda bunlar l bir snflama ile ematik
hale getirilmitir:
A) Yaam deneyim alanmz, gemi / imdiki zaman / gelecek ( yani, past / present / future ) blklerine
ayrlmtr. Her blkte 4'er tense yer alr. Yani ng. haber kipinde 4 adet past tense, 4 adet present tense,
4 adet future tense vardr.



By dream_Catcher
Past Simple

Present Simple

Future Simple

Past continuous

Present Continuous

Future Continuous

(Gemite kalm bir

(u ana ...veya

(Gelecekteki bir

nokta yada dnem)

genelde -- PS)

nokta yada dnem)

EZEL ________________ NOW ________________ EBED

(Gemiteki bir

(u ana hala

(Gelecekteki bir

noktann ncesi)

-- bugnn ncesi)

noktann ncesi)

Past Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Simple

Future Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Cont.

Present Perfect Cont.

Future Perfect Cont.

B) Ezelden... ebede uzanan zaman izgimizin st blmnde "perfect olmayan tense" ler yer alyor, alt
blmnde ise "perfect tense" ler. 6'ardan yine 12 tense... Bu "perfect" olup/olmama boyutu ng. ve
Trke arasndaki en temel farklardan birisi ve ngilizce'nin olaylara bak asn zebilmek iin bunun
zerinde ok duracaz.
C) Bu durumda Tabloda 6 deiik mevki ortaya kmaktadr:
(Perfect olmayan): past / present / future,
(Perfect olan): past / present / future.
Bu alt mevkinin herbirinde 1 ift karde tense bulunduunu, bunlarn "simple" ve "continuous" kardeler
olduklarn gryoruz... Az sonra bu ayrm zerinde esasl ekilde duracaz.

Dilerseniz imdi ng. tense'lerin adlarn KOLAYCA sayabiliriz: (Bu kitapta dilbilim ve dilbilgisi
terimlerine olanakl en az dzeyde yer vereceime sz verdim, ama "tense" lerin adlarn renmemiz
kanlmaz olacak.)
Past Simple / Past Continuous
Past Perfect Simple / Past Perfect Cont.
By dream_Catcher

Present Simple / Present Continuous
Present Perfect Smpl. / Present Perfect Cont.
Future Simple / Future Continuous
Future Perfect Simple / Future Perfect Cont.



ngilizce bildii savnda olan ou kimseye aadaki Trke konuma rneini veriyoruz ve ngilizce'ye
evirmesini istiyoruz:
-- Hadi gidip "Mumya" filmini grelim.
-- Yoo, teekkr ederim. Ben o filmi grdm.
-- Ne zaman grdn?
-- Geen hafta grdm.
Yurdum ngilizce Bileni eviriyor:
-- Let's go and see "The Mummy".
-- No, thanks. I saw that film. [HAVE SEEN olmal!]
-- When did you see it?
-- I saw it last week.
Okulda/kursta/dershanede hocama soruyorum: "Hocam, bu da grdm, bu da grdm. Aralarndaki fark

By dream_Catcher

Hocam da, kendi hocalarndan yle renmi olduu, stne de pek kafa yormam olduu iin cevap
veriyor: "Yakn gemi iin simple past, biraz uzak gemi iin (rnein be yl ncesi) present perfect,
ok uzak gemi iin (rnein krk yl) past perfect..."
Neden hocam? "nk, past perfect bizim mi'li gemiimiz..." vb. ile balayan yantlar.... Sanki tm
diller gramer zelliklerini evrensel bir modele gre oluturmular, paylamlar gibi... Sanki ngilizce'nin
mantn, Trke ablonuna bavurarak aklayabilirmiiz gibi...

ZM :
"Past Tense eittir Di'li Gemi, Past Perfect eittir Mi'li Gemi, vb" gibi dayanaksz yorumlardan uzak
durmalsnz. Her present perfect'i di'li gemile evirmee, "mi" grdnz her yerde past perfect
kullanmaa kalkrsanz banz dertten kurtulmayacak demektir.
Yaplabilecek tek ey, ngilizce'de hangi durumlarda hangi tense'lerin kullanld bilgisine bavurmaktr.
Somutlatralm: ngilizce asndan, verdiimiz konuma rneinin ikinci satrndaki "see" eyleminin ne
zaman gereklemi olduu belirsiz ve nemsizdir. n plana karlan kavram, u an itibariyle bu eylemin
gereklemi durumda olmasdr: "Ben o filmi grm bulunuyorum, grm durumdaym." (= ok
gzeldi, hadi gidip bir daha grelim; veya, Bover, bir daha ekilmez walla...)
Drdnc satrda ise dikkat oda zaman boyutudur. Olaydan, gemite belli ve belirtilen bir noktada
gereklemi bir eylem nitelii ile sz ediliyor. Dikkatimiz o noktaya yneliyor. Past tense kullanm
zorunluluk tayor.
Herbir tense iin kullanm zelliklerinden ayr ayr sz edeceiz. Ama burada, perfect kavram iin bir
genelleme yapalm: Ayrc zellik udur:
Sz edilen eylemin, oluumun, yada durumun zaman boyutundaki yeri, konumu, koordinatlar belli ise,
nemliyse, belirtmek istiyorsak, aka veya zmnen belirtiyorsak, perfect tense kullanmayacaz.
(Zmnen derken ne kastediyorum? Biz "stanbul'da domuum" diyebiliriz. Yani, mi'li gemi
kullanabiliriz... Ama ngilizce'de doru anlatm, "I was born in stanbul," yani simple past tense olmak
zorunda. nk olayn, u an itibariyle gemite kalm belli bir tarihte gereklemi olduu "zmnen"
Burada "mi'li gemi, yleyse past perfect eklinde dnmek -- "I had been born in stanbul" tamamen
yanltc olur. nk Past Perfect iin kullanlma kural ok ak: gemiteki bir noktann daha ncesi.
Ama eer, "I had been born in stanbul before we moved to zmir" = "stanbul'da domuum, zmir'e
tanmadan nce," diye sz sanatndan garip rnekler vermek istiyorsanz. o sizin bileceiniz i... Gramer
yalnzca bu tmcenin geerli olduunu syleyecektir: Samalayp samalamamak ayr bir olay...
Zamann belli olduu bir cmlede -- nekadar derin bir gemi boyutunda yer alm olursa olsun -- past
perfect kullanamazsnz. Simple past kullanmak zorundasnz. Brakn krk yl filan, 15 milyar yl
ncesinden sz edelim:
TRKES : Evren gnmzden 15 milyar yl nce olumutur. ("Olutu" diyemezsiniz: "Sen orda
mydn? diye sorarlar adama.)
By dream_Catcher

YANLI EVR : The universe had come into being 15 billion years ago.
DORU EVR : The universe came into being 15 billion years ago.
(Not: "By 15 billion years ago, the universe had already been in existence," gibi bir tmce ise geerli bir
tmcedir. "By," zaman bildiren ifadelerde, "nce" anlamna gelir. "Gnmzden onbe milyar yl
ncesine gelindiinde evren artk olumutu..." diyor, ki bu da past perfect iin belirlediimiz "gemiteki
bir noktadan ncesi" tanmna uygundur.)


ok basit... "When?... what time?..." gibi sorulara cevap verebiliyor isek, eylemin zaman belli demektir.
Ancak zamann belli ve biliniyor olmas, mutlaka "past tense" kullanacaz anlamna gelmez. laveten,
dikkatimizin zaman boyutundaki o noktaya ynelmi olmas, olayn o zaman diliminde gereklemi
olmasn nemsiyor ve gizlemek istemiyor olmamz gibi ek artlar da szkonusudur.
Eer iletmek istediimiz anlam, "Ne zaman olduysa oldu, bu nemli deil; nemli olan bunun u an
zerindeki etkisi" ise, tercihimiz "present perfect" olacaktr.
"Karnm doyurdum, karnm tok..." kavram eer, "Ve dolaysyla u anda a deilim, u anda yemek
istemiyorum" anlamna kullanlyorsa present perfect tense kullanm gerektirir. (= I've had dinner, I have
eaten, thank you...) nk dikkatimiz gemiteki yemek olay zerine deil, u an iinde bulunduumuz
duruma ilikindir ve present zamandan sz edilmektedir.
Ayn ekilde, "1984 ylndan beri zmir'de oturuyorum" tmcesi, grld gibi, Trke'de "present
continuous" ile anlatlmaktadr. Ama, ngilizce'de present perfect continous ile anlatlmak zorunda:
nk "Nezaman?" sorusuna deil, "Nezamandan beri?" (since when?) sorusuna cevap veriyor. Yani,
burada szn ettiimiz zaman dilimi, yalnzca iinde yaadmz zaman dilimini deil, gemiten
gnmze sregelmi ve hala srmekte olan bir zaman dilimini kapsyor, ki bu da ngilizce'de the present
perfect continuous tense ile karlanr.
Genelde unu syleyebiliriz: "At two o'clock, yesterday, tomorrow, on Tuesday, in June, last year, next
year" gibi kavramlar o nl ezelden ebede uzanan zaman izgimiz zerindeki koordinatlar belli olan
noktalara iaret ediyorlar. Dolaysyla "perfect olmayan" tense'lerle kullanlrlar.


By dream_Catcher

a) Past perfect simple: Gemiteki bir noktann / dnemin ncesinde, zaman bilinmiyor; bilinse de
nemsenmiyor, veya belirtilmek istenmiyor... Ksacas, bu tense'in altn anahtar, "gemiteki bir noktann
yada dnemin ncesi"...
rdeleyiniz: Gne and Meltem ocukken birbirlerini tanyorlard; ama getiimiz yl zmir'de bir
otobste karlatklarnda, birbirlerini yaklak on yldr grmemilerdi. = Gne and Meltem knew each
other when they were children, but they hadn't seen each other for nearly ten years when they met on a
bus in zmir last year. Dikkat ederseniz, kendilerinin ocukluk dnemi bu tmcede sz edilen zaman
dilimleri arasndaki en eski dnem olmasna karn, bu durum tense seimlerimizi etkilemedi.
Sonunda diskoya ulatmzda, adamn daha nceden kp gittiini (= kp gitmi olduunu) rendik.
= When we finally got to the diskoteque, we found out that the man had already left.
Nianlmn bana bir Mersedes ald yetmibeinci ya gnme kadar hi Mersedes kullanmamtm! = I
had never driven a Mercedes before my seventy-fifth birthday when my fiance bought me one!
b) Past perfect continuous: Gemiteki bir nokta ncesinde bir dnem boyunca srm ve tamamlanm,
yada o noktaya dein sreklilik tam... O noktada da hala da sryor olmu olabilir...
rdeleyiniz: Gne uradnda, Ali iki saattir ayn problem zerinde alyordu. = When Gne called,
Ali had now been working on the same problem for two hours.
Sonunda kendisini ziyaret etmek frsatn bulduumda, Zeki Mren alt yldr Bodrum'da yayordu. =
Zeki Mren had been living in Bodrum for nearly six years when I finally had the chance to visit him.
Ankara'ya tanmadan nce bizleri muntazaman ziyaret ediyorlard. = They had been visiting us regularly
before they moved to Ankara.
c) Present perfect simple: inde yaadmz an itibariyle gemite, ama etkisi ve sonularn halen
yayoruz... Olayn zaman bilinmiyor; veya bilinse de nemsenmiyor, yahut belirtilmek istenmiyor. Her
durumda dikkat oda, olayn ne zaman gereklemi olduu deil; iinde bulunduumuz durum ile olan
balants... Olaya, imdiki zamanda etkisi ve sonular asndan bakyor, bunlar zerinde duruyoruz:
"Filmi ne zaman grdn?" sorusunun yant, "Ne zaman grdysem grdm; bu nemli deil. nemli
olan filmi grm olmam..."
rdeleyiniz: Hi imdiye dein bir Mersedes kullandnz m (veya, kullanm mydnz)? = Have you ever
driven a Mercedes before (= up until now)? Yani, bu tmce u anda nihayet bir Mersedesin
direksiyonundayz anlamna da gelebilir, yada bilgi almak iin sorulan bir soru da olabilir...
Odasn temizledi (= ve odas imdi tertemiz). = He has cleaned up his room.
d) Present perfect continuous: inde yaadmz an itibariyle gemiten gnmze dein sregelmi,
hal srmekte... Balang noktas biliniyor veya bilinmiyor olabilir. Ne zaman balam olduu nemli
deil; nemli olan, bir sredir sregelmi ve hala da sryor olmas... Nitekim, balang noktasn
belirtmek zorunda deilsiniz.
rdeleyiniz: Nekadar zamandr zmir'de yayorsunuz? = How long have you been living in zmir?
Bir sredir hasta. = He has been ill for some time now. "To be" fiili continuous formda kullanlmaz, ama
o anlam verir...

By dream_Catcher

O cami orada yzyllardr yklmadan ayakta duruyor. = That mosque has been standing there for
e) Future perfect simple: Gelecekteki bir noktann / dnemin ncesinde gerekleecek -- ama ne zaman
olaca bilinmiyor yada nemsenmiyor, belirtilmek istenmiyor...
rdeleyiniz: Kitab bu hafta sonundan nce bitirmi olacam. = I will have finished the book by the end
of this week.
Grne baklrsa, eve dnmeden planlam olduumuzdan ok daha fazla para harcam olacaz. = By
the look of things, we will have spent a lot more money that we had planned -- before we get home.
f) Future perfect continuous: Gelecekteki bir noktann ncesinde balam, ama o noktaya dein sreklilik
tayor olmu olacak... Ne zaman balayacak olmas nemli deil. Hatta, u an itibariyle de balam
olabilir... nemli olan, gelecekteki o noktann bir sre ncesinde balam ve devam edegelmi, hala da
sryor olacak olmas...
rdeleyiniz: Yirmi yldr zmir'de oturuyoruz. Be yl sonra, burada yirmibe yldr oturuyor olmu
olacaz. = We have been living in zmir for twenty years. In five years' time, we will have been living
here for twenty-five years.

Egzersizlere gemeden, "simple" ve "continuous" tense farklar zerinde de nemle durmakta byk
yarar gryorum.


yle fiiller vardr ki, bunlar doas gerei "anlk" (sregen olmayan) eylem ve durumlardan sz ederler.
teki gruba giren fiiller ise u yada bu lde "sreklilik tayan, sregenlik gsteren" eylem ve
durumlara ilikindir. Yani bunlarn, gerekleebilmek iin belli bir sreye gereksinimleri vardr.
"I watched TV at 9 o'clock last night," tmcesi yanltr; yanl tense ieriyor. Dorusu, "I was
watching..." nk "watch" fiili anlk bir eylem olarak deerlendirilemez. "Saat dokuzda" kavram,
"seyretmek, izlemek" eyleminin gerekleebilecei genilikte bir zaman dilimi iermiyor.
Olsa olsa, "Ekrana baktm = I looked at/on the screen at exactly 9 o'clock last night," diyebilirdiniz.
Yada, "I watched TV last night" olanakldr, nk drt saatlik zaman dilimi ieren "last night"
kavram eylemin gereklemesi iin yeterlidir.
te yandan, "I punched him on the face," doru bir anlatmdr: Yumruu aktm. "I was punching him..."
"srekli yumrukluyordum / yumruklardm" anlamnda kullanlabilir, ama "yavaaaa yumruu aktm"
gibi bir anlam iletemez.

By dream_Catcher

Demek ki, ayn mevkiyi paylaan bir ift karde tense arasnda tercih lt yle tanmlanabilir:
Anlattmz eylem szn ettiimiz zaman dilimi iinde tamamlan -m, -makta, -acak mdr? (past present - future SIMPLE tense seenekleri)
Yoksa bu zaman dilimi iinde, ncesinden sonrasna bir ak, bir sreklilik mi sz konusudur? (past present - future CONTINUOUS tense seenekleri).
Soruyu yle de sorabiliriz: Szn ettiim eylem, szn ettiim zaman noktas / dilimi iinde
gerekleebilir mi? Olup, bitip, tamamlanabilir mi? Yoksa, olsa olsa, devam etmi, ediyor, edecek bir
durum mudur?
Ayrntlar zerinde Kitabmzn nc Blmnde, herbir tense bal altnda ayrca duracaz. Yalnz,
bir noktay imdiden vurgulamalym:
nk bu noktada mantkl bir soru yneltilecektir: Acaba ngilizce fiillerde ikili bir snflama m vardr?
Simple tense'lerde kullanlan anlk eylemler ve continuous tense'lerde kullanlan sregen eylemler gibi...
Hayr, byle bir snflama yaplamaz -- Hernekadar baz fiiller bu gruplardan birisine daha byk
yatknlk tarsa da, "anlk / sregenlik" belirlemesi her durumda farkl, greli bir deerlendirmenin
sonucudur. u rneklere baknz:
When we went out, the sun was shining. (Gne saatlerce parlayacaktr gkte. Oysa "dar kmak"
bilemediniz 20 saniye. GREL olarak anlk eylem...)
We met her on the stairs as we were going out. (Dar kmak yine 20 saniye, ama bu kez merdivendeki
karlama anlk eylemdir.)
Demek ki ingilizcenin gramerinde "to go out" fiilinin anlk yada sregen bir eylemi dile getirdii
sylenemez. Simple yada continuous tense kullanlmas her durum iin ayr ayr karar verilmesini
gerektiren GREL / ZAF / RLATF bir durumdur.
rnek vererek formle edelim: Ezamanl iki eylem, birbirlerinin zamann belirledikleri iin perfect
tense'lerde kullanlamaz; ve u kullanm olasl ortaya kar: rnein gemi zaman boyutunda -Simple past + simple past (ezamanl ve her ikisi de anlk eylem / durum)
When the phone rang, I jumped up. = Telefon alnca yerimden sradm.
Simple past + past continuous (ezamanl, ancak birisi srerken dieri anlk veya geici bir durum)
When the phone rang, I was having a bath. = Telefon aldnda, banyo yapmakta idim.
Past continuous + past continuous (ezamanl ve her ikisi de sregen)
While I was having a bath, my husband was washing the dishes. = Ben banyo yaparken kocam da
bulaklar ykyordu...

By dream_Catcher


a) The Present Perfect Simple Tense de gemiteki bir olaydan szeder = u ana kadar olan zaman
boyutu... Ama, olaya bak amz iinde bulunduumuz zamana yneliktir. Olayn imdiki zamandaki
etki ve sonular ile ilgileniyoruz. "I have seen that film" dediimiz zaman dikkat oda ne gn ve nasl
sinemaya gittiimiz, filmi izlerken neler hissettiimiz deildir. Gemie ilikin birey dnmyoruz.
Tam tersine, kendimize iliin u an asndan bilgi sunuyoruz, hatta gelecee ilikin ipucu veriyoruz:
"Ben o filmi grm durumdaym... Gzeldi, haydi bir daha gidelim... Veya, bir daha ekemem dorusu"
trnden bir bilgi...

Past Tense ise, ad stnde, gemite kalm, maziye karm, maziye mal olmu olaylardan szeder.
zler artk silinmi, koullar deimi olabilir. Anlattklarmz mazideki bir dneme ilikindir.
rnein, "She has cleaned the house," (Present Perfect Tense) dersem bunun anlam "Ve imdi ev
tertemiz" dir.
Oysa, "She cleaned the house," (Simple Past Tense) imdiki duruma ilikin byle bir ipucu vermiyor.
Nitekim, "I cleaned the house only this morning," gibi serzeni dolu bir tmce, durumun imdi ok farkl
olduunu apak sylyor. (= Evi daha bu sabah temizledim (temizlemitim), ama imdi u berbat haline

b) Bir baka kesin ayrm lt ise, olayn nezaman olup bittiinin bilinip bilinmemesi, nemsenip
nemsenmemesi, dile getirilip getirilmemesidir. Kat kuralmz yle, olayn zaman bir biimde dikkat
odamzda yer alyorsa, hatta sorulmasa bile "mazideki belli bir dneme ilikin" olduu ima ediliyorsa
(rnein "I was born ..." tmcesi yerine "I have been born ..." mantk ddr) -- ite byle durumlarda past
tense kullanmak zorundasnz. Yada yle syleyelim: Zaman boyutundaki koordinatlara bir gnderim
varsa, bunlar belirtiliyor yada belli ise, perfect tense kullanamazsnz.
c) Gemiteki bir olaya ilikin yzyze konuma, ou zaman perfect tense kullanlan bir soru cevapla
balayp, sonra past tense olarak devam edecektir:
Q. Where have you been? (Nerelerdeydin?)
A. I've been to the movies. (Sinemaya gitmitim. = Gittim, geldim. imdi burdaym.)
Q. Well, did you enjoy it? (Nezaman? Tabii ki sinemada iken... Zaman artk belli)
A. Yes, it was a tremendous film.
Ksacas, yzyze etkileimde sz edilen olaylarn zaman boyutu abucak belirlenerek, konuma bundan
sonra past tense srdrlecektir. Perfect tense'lerin sanki konumada yazya gre daha az kullanldklar
izlenimi buradan douyor. Oysa bu konudaki kurallar kat ve deimezdir. Yapacanz tense
yanllarnn, Trkede "dn gideceim... yarn gittim..." demenizden bir fark olmaz.
d) Dolaysyla, aadaki tr bir gazete haberi olaandr:
By dream_Catcher

A hundred billion liras worth of jewellery has been stolen from a shop in Kemeralt. The thieves broke
into the shop and took whatever they could lay their hands on...
kinci tmcede artk olayn zaman saptanmtr: "When?" sorusuna yant verebiliyoruz.
e) u arpc rnee ne dersiniz?
Have you seen the film at the Elhamra? (= Hala gsterimde, gidip grebilirsiniz)
Did you see the film at the Elhamra? (= Ama artk gsterimden kalkt. Grmediyseniz, kardnz...)
f) Siz hi Kars'ta bulundunuz mu?
Bu soruyu Trke'de, "Siz hi Kars'a gittiniz mi?" eklinde ifade etmek de olanakldr. Yani, "gitmek"
fiili ile... Oysa ingilizcede "been to" kalbn kullanmak zorundayz. Yani, "bulunmu olmak"... Neden?
nk, present perfect tense "gemiten bugne ve hal" kavramn ieriyor ve o balamda "gitmi
olmak" kavramn kullanamayz. Konutuumuz kii Kars'a gitmi (=gone to) ve hala orada deildir.
Kars'ta "bulunmu" (=been to) imdi dnm karmzdadr. Dolaysyla:
Q. Have you ever been to Kars?
A. Yes, I have (been to Kars)... veya, No, I have never been to Kars.
Peki, ya arkadanz size Kars'tan telefon etse ne diyecekti? "I have come to Kars" diyecekti. Yani, gelmi
bulunuyorum, halen buradaym.
Ama, nc bir kii Kars'a gitmi, halen oradaysa, o zaman u tmceyi kuracaksnz: "He has gone to
Kars." (= Gitti, halen orada)
g) u iki tmceyi karlatrnz:
1. I have seen my neighbour this morning.
2. I saw my neighbour this morning.
lk tmce, len saatlerine dein kuracamz tmcedir. leden sonra ise, ikinciye bavurmamz
gerekiyor. nk "sabah" artk gemi zaman dilimindedir...
Peki, hal sabah saatlerinde, ama artk iyerinde iseniz: Bu takdirde yine ikinci tmce... nk, sabahn o
saatleri geride kalmtr, artk i yerindesiniz: Eve dnp komunuzu grmeniz olasl artk "gemite"
h) The Present Perfect Tense iin kullanm alanlarndan birisi de, az nce, ksa bir sre nce tamamlanm
eylem ve durumlardr.
Your friend has just arrived... I have just finished the book... He has come at last...
Bununla birlikte:

By dream_Catcher

1. "Just now" deyimi, iki anlama gelebilir: "birka dakika nce" veya "hemen imdi, az nce": Birinci
durumda simple past tense kullanlacak; ikincisi present perfect gerektirecektir:
They told me about it just now...
They have just now finished...
2. Ayn ekilde "never" kavram ile ilgili u iki rnee bkz:
They never stopped talking about her last night. (= Dn gece hep ondan sz ettiler)...
They have never spoken a word about her. (= 1. Bugne kadar hayatlar boyunca bir kelime sz
etmemilerdir ondan; veya, 2. u ana dein kendisinin laf bile edilmedi)...

The Present Perfect Simple Tense veya The Simple Past Tense ?
01 I suppose you (hear) the latest news: The Prime Minister (have) a secret meeting with his Bulgarian
counterpart last week.
answer have heard / had
02 I (be born) in stanbul, but (spend) most of my childhood in Ankara.
answer was born / spent
03 Look! My socks (already wear out) at the heel.
answer have already worn out
04 No, we (not meet) before. She does not know me.
answer haven't met
05 No, we (not come) face to face at the meeting. She wouldn't recognize me now. = Hayr, toplantda
yzyze gelmedik; beni imdi tanmaz, tanmayacaktr.
answer didn't come
06 In the past, fewer people (live) around these parts. But in recent years, there (be) an influx of
newcomers from the metropolis. DKKAT: "be" fiili ile ilikilendireceiniz szcn tekil / oul
oluuna dikkat ediniz.
answer lived, veya used to live / has been
By dream_Catcher

07 She (clean) the house. It is as clean as it (never be) in the past now.
answer has cleaned / has never been
08 He is working on a science fiction story nowadays. It'll be the third one he (write) this year.
answer has written
09 I once (hear) Gencebay sing, but I (never bother) about Tatlses.
answer heard / have never bothered
10 Last year, they (call) in a new group of planners, and the project (completely change) in all its aspects
ever since.
answer called / has completely changed
YANITLAR: (Print yapanlar iin)
01 have heard / had... 02 was born / spent... 03 have already worn out... 04 haven't met... 05
didn't come... 06 lived (used to live) / has been... 07 has cleaned / has never been... 08 has
written... 09 heard / have never bothered... 10 called / has completely changed
01 "Sanyorum iitmisindir" = u ana dein... Ne zaman, saat kata iitmi olduunu bilemem ama...
Toplantnn ise zaman belli = last week. O halde, past tense... 02 ocukluk dnemini artk (umarm!)
geride brakm olduuma gre!.. 03 oraplar u an anm durumda. Ama tabii, bu bir anagelme...
Yoksa, "dn saat sularnda and," gibi garip bir kavram szkonusu deil... 04 Bugne dein
tanmadk... 05 (Geen gnk o) toplantda beni grmedi... 06 Daha az insan yaard / yayordu. Ne
zaman? Gemite. Ama o durum mazide kald. Bugn itibariyle bir sr insan gelip yerlemi bulunuyor
buralara... 07 Ev u anda da tertemiz olduuna gre, "temizlemi bulunuyor" kavramn kullanyoruz.
kinci ksmdaki tense tercihi ise, "bugne dein hi olmad kadar" kavramndan dolay... 08 Bu yl
henz bitmedi. Yazarmz daha baka ykler de yazabilir... Ama, artk yeni bir ykye izin vermeyecek
kadar yln sonlarnda isek, yada artk bu yl baka yk yazmayaca bilgisini iletmek istiyorsak, yl
artk "gemi" kabul edebilir ve dorudan simple past tense kullanabiliriz... 09 Ne zaman? "Bir
keresinde..." Ama, Mr. "Sweetvoice" i bugne dein zahmet edip de hi dinlemedim. (Doru
yorumladnz. Bununla da nyorum.)... 10 Planlamaclar "geen yl" arld; "o gnden bu gne"
projenin ehresi deimi bulunuyor...


By dream_Catcher

a) Her iki seenekte de olay, "present" zamandaki etki ve sonular asndan alglanmakta,
deerlendirilmektedir. Dncemizde ekillenen zaman dilimi, gemi bir dnem deil, iinde
yaadmz zaman ve durumdur.
b) Temel ayrm ise udur: "Simple tense" seenei, eylemin/olayn u an itibaryla gemiteki bir noktada
tamamlanm olduunu dile getirir. (Hernekadar, kesin zamann bilmiyor, hatrlamyor, nemsemiyor,
yada sylemek istemiyorsak da). "Continuous tense" seenei ise, eylemin / olayn sregelmi ve (byk
olaslkla) halen de srmekte olduunu ifade eder.
c) te bu nedenle, "Bir filmi grm olmak" gibi bir durum ve kavram kolayca perfect simple tense
erevesinde yerini yuvasn bulur. nk "filmi gregelmi olmak" kavram geersizdir. Olsa olsa,
"pekok kereler grdm" diyebilirsiniz:
I have seen that film... I have seen it many times...
d) Bununla birlikte, dildeki pekok fiil, her iki tense erevesinde (ufak tefek nanslarla) temelde edeer
anlam verecektir:
I have been watching that program regularly... I have watched it regularly ever since it got started... gibi
tmceler sonuta ayn eyi sylyor = I watch it regularly.
e) Ne var ki, aadaki rneklerde "say" belirtilen durumlarda continuous tense kullanmnn olanaksz
olduuna dikkat ediniz:
I have written ten letters today. ("I have been writing ten letters..." = On mektubu birlikte yazageldim
eklinde geersiz bir anlatm olur. Ama, "I have been writing letters all day long" geerli)
He has done it many times in the past. / He has been doing it repeatedly all this time.
He has had five cups of tea since six o'clock. / He has been having cups and cups of tea since six o'clock.
= Saat altdan bu yana be bardak ay iti... Saat altdan bu yana bardak bardak ay iegeldi...
f) Continuous tense'lerde kullanlmayan fiiller szkonusu olduunda (have, own, be, see, hear, notice,
know, understand, love, vb.), anlamn sreklilik tad durumlar da dahil olmak zere, grevi "simple
tense" seenei stlenecektir: (Bu fiillerin ayrntl bir listesi iin, bknz. Blm 3'n hemen bandaki
"The Simple Present Tense" konusunu izleyen "DKKAT" maddesi.)
I have been here all the time.
This house has been empty for ages.
I have loved you ever since we first met. (=sevegeldim ve hal da seviyorum: Normalde Present Perfect
Continuous ile anlatlmas gereken bu kavram, tpk yukardaki rneklerde olduu gibi, fiilin zelliinden
dolay Simple tense ile ifade ediliyor)
g) "Simple" seenei, ayn ekilde, "always... ever since..." gibi sreklilik bildiren zaman belirteleriyle
de continuous anlam verir:
I have always walked to work. (ime hep yrmmdr, hal da yryerek geliyorum/gidiyorum)...
(Oysa, "I have walked to work today." = Bugn ie yryerek geldim/gittim)

By dream_Catcher

h) Bu iki tense arasndaki farklar aadaki konuma rneklerini Trke'ye evirerek daha iyi
A: I haven't seen your friend lately. Has he gone away somewheres? = Biryerlere mi gitti?
B: Yes, he has been sent to Trabzon for a period of six months. = Alt aylna Trabzon'a gnderilmi
bulunuyor (yani, halen orada)...
A: Well, have you had any letters from him?
B: That's the funny thing about it. He has been away for so long, and I still haven't received a single word
from him. His wife has been hearing from him regularly, though. = Tuhaf olan da bu zaten. Kendisi
bunca zamandr uzakta ve ondan daha tek bir kelime bile mektup almadm. Ama ei muntazaman
haberlerini alyor (= alageldi ve hal da alyor)...
A: Does she intend to go out there and join him, too?
B: They have been thinking about it, but haven't quite decided yet. = Bu konuyu (bir sredir)
dnyorlar, ama henz karar vermediler...
* * * * *
A: Sevtap has been seeing a lot of Mr Zengin lately, hasn't she? Is there anything in it?
B: Yes, they have just announced their engagement. You see, she has been looking for a rich husband all
her life and now she has found one. And he has been hopelessly looking for a really competent housekeeper all through these years and now he has found one! = Evet, bu yaknlarda nianlarn ilan etmi
bulunuyorlar... Her ikisi de hayatlar boyunca arayagelmilerdi. imdi bulmu durumdalar...
A: Well, good luck to them both!

Parantez iinde verdiim fiiller iin, Present Perfect Tense erevesinde "simple" veya "continuous"
kardeten birini seiniz:
k noktanz eylemin sreklilik nitelii olup olmadn irdelemek olacaktr. Tmceleri Trke
tasarlayp ngilizce'ye eviri yoluna giderseniz, yanlma paynz artacaktr. Unutmaynz: ki ayr dilkltr dizgesinin "anlk eylem / sregen eylem" kavramlar asndan tam akmasn beklemek
hayalcilik olur.
01 I (sit) here for two hours now, but I (not be called up) yet.
answer have been sitting / have not been called up
By dream_Catcher

02 I (try) to learn English for years now. I can't say I (succeed) yet.
answer have been trying / have succeeded
03 That book (lie about) for weeks. (Not you read) it yet? = Bu kitap haftalardr ortalkta srnyor.
Daha okumadn m?
answer has been lying about / Haven't you read
04 It (snow) all day. Frankly, I (have) enough of it! I wish it would stop soon. Walla, bktm artk bu kar
answer has been snowing (has snowed) / have had
05 Hello, Ali. I (not see) you for weeks. What (you do) all this time?
answer haven't seen / have you been doing
06 He (lose) his keys again. He (look for) them all day, but they (not turn up) yet. = ama anahtarlar
henz ortaya kmad...
answer has lost / has been looking for / haven't turned up
07 Look! That light (burn) all night. Why (anyone not pay) any attention to it?!
answer has been burning / hasn't anyone paid
08 How long (you learn) English? (You ever think of) giving it up?
answer have you been learning / Have you ever thought of
09 She (write) a novel for the last six months, but she (not finish) it yet.
answer has been writing / hasn't finished
10 We (have) three accidents so far this week. We (consider) stopping the experiments for some time
now, but (we not quite decide) on that particular point yet.
answer 've had / 've been considering / we haven't quite decided
01 have been sitting / have not been called up... 02 have been trying / have succeeded... 03 has been
lying about / Haven't you read... 04 has been snowing (has snowed, olanakl) / have had... 05 haven't
seen / have you been doing (bunca zamandr neler yapageldin?)... 06 has lost / has been looking for /
haven't turned up... 07 has been burning (gece bitmemise) ; has burnt (gece bitmi, sabah olmusa) /
hasn't anyone paid (nk, dikkat edegeldi-etmeyegeldi kavram tuhaf olur... DKKAT: "Why didn't
anyone pay": eer gece bitmi, sabah olmusa olanakl -- Tabiatyla, bir baka olaslk, olay
genelletirerek "What doesn't anyone..." eklinde bir ifade kullanmak olurdu)... 08 have you been
By dream_Catcher

learning / Have you ever thought of... 09 has been writing / hasn't finished... 10 've had / 've been
considering / haven't quite decided...


-1Hangi tense'te olursa olsun, btn bal-tmcelikler (yan-tmcelikler, subordinate clauses) dztmce
eklinde olmak zorundadr. Bir bal tmcelik (ad-tmcelik, sfat-tmcelik, zarf-tmcelik) asla ve asla
soru biiminde olamaz...
Eer tmcenizin tamam bir soru tmcesi ise, bu ana-tmcelikteki (temel tmcelik, main clause) soru
dnm ile salanmtr.
Dolaysyla, birisi size saati sorduunda = What time is it?
YANLI CEVAP: I don't know what time is it.
DORU CEVAP: I don't know what time it is.
Bu konuda daha ayrntl aklama ve rnekler iin, ltfen bknz. Blm 5 -- Ad-Tmcelikler, "Sorulardan
Ad-Tmcelik" konusu...

-2Ana (temel) tmcelik herhangi bir future tense olduunda, zaman bildiren bal tmcelik herhangi bir
present tense olmak zorundadr.
Ka tane future tense biliyoruz? Drt... (future simple, future continuous, future perfect simple, future
perfect continuous)
Ka tane present tense biliyoruz? Drt... (present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple,
present perfect continuous)
Yukardaki kural bunlarn hepsi iin geerlidir. Dolaysyla, "imi bitirince gideceim," demek
YANLI TENSE: I will leave when I will finish.
DORU TENSE: I will leave when I finish. veya
I will leave when I have finished.
By dream_Catcher

Hatta, bu ikincisi daha kanl canl bir tmce: nk ii bitirmeden asla gitmeyeceimizi vurgulam
oluyoruz... Tabiatyla, present perfect tense'lerin, ad stnde, btn davranlaryla "present" olduklar
yolunda bizi bir kez daha uyaryor...
Hele u aadaki rnekte, present perfect ok daha gzel yakyor:
Sit down a bit. I'll show you the garden after you've rested a little...
Bu konuda daha ayrntl aklama ve rnekler iin, ltfen bknz. Blm 7 -- Zarf-Tmcelikler, "Zaman
Bildirenler" konusu...
Bir sonraki Blmde dikkat odamz, Haber Kipini oluturan 12 Tense'in kullanm alanlarnn
karlatrlmas olacak.

The Simple Present / The Present Continuous / The Simple Past / The Past Continuous / The Simple
Future / The Future Continuous / The Present Perfect Simple / The Present Perfect Continuous / The
Past Perfect Simple / The Past Perfect Continuous / The Future Perfect Simple / The Future Perfect
Continuous / Exercise - 1 / Exercise - 2
Bu Blmde, ngilizcenin Haber Kipinde (The Indicative Mood) yer alan 12 Tense'in balca kullanm
alanlarn gzden geireceiz; Blm sonunda ise "her derde deva" egzersizlerimize yer vereceiz.
Karlatrmal yaklam nplanda olacak.


By dream_Catcher

1. Gemi/imdiki/gelecek zaman (=past/present/future) genelinde, yani aa be yukar trkedeki

GEN ZAMAN'da geerlik tayan, sren, yinelenen olay, durum ve eylemler:
The sun rises in the east... Not all clouds bring rain; some are signs of fine weather... A week has seven
days... Ali speaks English fluently. Gne plays the guitar... I sleep late on Sundays... How often do you
wash your hair?
Dikkat ederseniz, bu tmcelerin bir blm, Trke'de bizim "present continuous" ile de sylenebilir:
"Sanz ne sklkta ykyorsunuz? -- AMA, TRKE'DE -- NGLZCE'DE DEL!) Nitekim:
Do you like ice-cream? Do you love him? (stelik ikinci tmce, Trke'de "present simple" ve "present
continuous" arasnda anlam farkll tayor: "Onu sever misin?" "Onu seviyor musun?")
Do you read comics a lot?... I understand you dance well; do you sing a little, too? = ok izgi roman
okur musunuz? Anladm kadaryla iyi dansediyorsunuz; biraz ark da syleyebiliyor musunuz acaba?
(rnein, gazinoya bavuran bir sahne sanatsna byle sorulabilir)...
...gibi tmceleri ngilizce'de "present continuous" karlklar ile birlikte irdeleyiniz. Araladaki fark
besbellidir: Are you reading comics again? = Yine oturmu izgi roman m okuyorsun?... What is this
funny song you're singing is called? = Bu sylemekte olduun komik (= tuhaf, biimsiz) arknn ad ne?
2. Alkanlk, karakter, huy, i, meslek gerei, deimeyen, tekrarlanan davran ve eylemler: (Bu balk
altnda verdiimiz rnekler, yukardaki maddede verilenlerle ayn niteliktedir)
He leaves the house at eight... = (Sabahlar) evden sekizde kyor / kar... On a normal day, we stay in
and watch TV after supper... Don't worry; she keeps her word... (I sleep late on Sundays... How often do
you wash your hair?)
3. Doal olarak, "eyann tabiat" trnden belirlemelerde de hep bu tense kullanlacaktr: Szkonusu
durumun, genel geerlik tayp tamadna bakacaz. (inde bulunduumuz an itibariyle
varl/yokluu nemli deil.)
Dogs bark... Birds fly... Fish swim... All cats love milk...
Bu rnekleri, "Listen, the dogs are barking... The ones I saw were flying south... Why are some of the fish
in your tank standing still while others are swimming about?" trnden bildirimler ile karlatrnz.
Aralarndaki fark apak grlebiliyor. = Kpekler havlar... Dinle bak, kpekler havlyor... Birincisi:
Simple Present; ikincisi: Present Continuous...
4. Bilimsel belirlemeler (Pek tabii!! Bilimsel belirlemelerin genel geerlii olmasn bekleriz):
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Nimbus clouds are very dark clouds that you see when there is a huge downpour. They bring lots of rain.
[downpour = ya, yamurun "aa boanmas"]
5. Ataszlerinin byk blm:
The pot calls the kettle black. ("Tencere dibin kara." "Seninki benimkinden kara...")
Every cock crows on his own dunghill. (Her horoz kendi tezek ynnda ter.)
By dream_Catcher

God helps those who help themselves. (Deveni nce aaca bala; sonra Allah'a emanet et... yada belki,
Kurda sormular neden boynun kaln; kendi iimi kendim grrm demi... -- ikisi de tam tutmuyor ama!)
6. Kitaplar, duyuru metinleri, veya yakn zamanda alnm mektuplardan sz ederken. (Trkede ise
kimi zaman "present continuous" tense kullanldna dikkat ediniz) :
The author says that a solution cannot be provided under the present conditions and goes on to explain the
reasons for his conviction.
"What does the notice say?" "It says, 'No Parking Here'."
"I see that you've got a letter from Gne. What does he say?" "He says..." (Diyor ki...)
It repeatedly says in the Koran that we must be fair and kind to people of all races. (Der ki...)
7. Tarihten sz ederken:
Atatrk decides to proclaim the Republic on the following day. Indeed, the voting on October 29, 1923 is
unanimous (= ittifakla) and the country becomes a democratic republic. However, there still exists a big
problem: how to get rid of the Caliph (= Halife) who is still residing in stanbul...
8. Gazete balklarnda "past tense" yerine kullanlr:
Foreign Debts Reach A Record Level = D Borlar Rekor Dzeye Eriti.
Two Men Die In A Lorry Crash = Kamyon Kazasnda ki Kii ld.
Galatasaray Beats Milan = Galatasaray Milan' Yendi.
9. Tiyatro eserlerinde diyaloglar arasnda verilen sahneleme nerilerinde:
When the curtain rises, there are two servants entering from the door on the right. The phone rings, and
they both make an attempt to reach out for it first...
10. Gnlk dilde, zellikle de bizim "mahalle geyii" diye adlandrlacak konuma ortamlarnda olaylar
dostlara anlatlr, dedikodu yaplr, dertleilirken:
I give her what she wants and she goes away. I say to myself, (=hatta, "I says to myself"!) "Good
riddance; I hope I've seen the last of her." But, not a week passes, and I come home one night, and just
guess who is sitting on my very doorstep... [Good riddance; I hope I've seen the last of her. = Oh, be!
Kurtuldum. Umarm bir daha suratn grmem.]
11. rnein gezi programlar gibi, gelecek gnlere dnk planlanm eylemler:
We leave Ankara at 10:00 on Saturday and arrive at Nevehir at 14:00. We spend two hours shopping,
and then leave for the Greme Valley.
12. Ve asla unutmamanz gereken bir nokta: Temel-tmcelik herhangi bir "future tense" olduunda,
zaman belirten bal-tmcelik bir "present tense" olmak zorundadr: (Tabii, "Present Simple" olmak
zorunda deil)
We'll leave when you are ready.
By dream_Catcher

Shall we set out as soon as he comes back?

They won't be leaving until they've finished the job. (Bu sonuncu rnei, herhangi bir present tense
kullanlabileceini rneklemek iin ekledim)

ngilizce'de kimi fiiller (bazlar yalnzca belli anlamlarnda olmak zere) continuous tense'lerde
kullanlamaz. Dolaysyle bu fiiller, sreklilik anlattklar bir konumda dahi, simple tense ile ifade
edilecektir. nce bunlar sralayalm, sonra da rnekler verelim (Bu fiilleri mutlaka renmelisiniz -listeyi ezberlemenizde yarar var. Aadaki gruplamay, yalnzca okuma kolayl asndan yaptm):

be (aktif atda), have, own, possess,

see, hear, notice, recognize, believe, disbelieve, feel, think (think = sanmak, kansnda olmak -"dnmek" anlamnda ise continuous tenselerde kullanlabilir), consider (=saymak, addetmek -- oysa
"dnmek, kafasnda evirip evirmek" kavram ise tpk "think" gibi continuous alabilir),
know, understand, realize (=anlamak, kafasna dank etmek), notice, suppose, remember, recall
(=hatrlamak), recollect (=hatrlamak. Eer, "re-collect" eklinde yazar veya okursanz = yeniden
toplamak, biraraya getirmek anlamna gelir ve continuous tense'te kullanlabilir),
mean, matter, gather (=sonu karsamak), hope, expect (=ummak), find (=yle "bulmak", o gzle
grmek: "I find the subject rather disgusting."),
want, wish, need, admire, love, like, desire (=arzulamak), adore (=taparca sevmek), doubt (=phe
etmek), dislike, hate, loathe (=nefret etmek), trust (=gvenmek), distrust (=gvenmemek), despise
(=irenmek, aalamak), care (=sevmek, holanmak, nemli bulmak, aldrmazlk etmemek), object to
(=kar kmak),
forget, forgive, agree, prefer, refuse, dare (=cesaret etmek), deserve (=hak etmek), differ (=farkl olmak),
smell (=kokmak, yani "koklamak" deil), taste (=tadnda olmak, ...tadn vermek. Yani, tadna bakmak,
anlamnda deil: "I am now tasting it -- it tastes beautiful."),
seem, appear, look (=grnmek, gibi grnmek), resemble (=benzemek),
belong to, contain, consist of...
continue, cost, suit (=uygun olmak, yakmak: "This hair style suits you best.")...

Kukusuz, uzun ve rktc bir liste... Ama, bu grup fiilin tad zellii nekadar vurgulasak azdr.
Grdnz zere, ngilizce'de en sk kullanlan fiiller arasnda yer alyorlar. Daha da nemlisi, bunlarla
By dream_Catcher

kurulan tmceleri, Trke'de genellikle "continuous" edeeri ile karlarz. Dolaysyla da hata riskimiz
ok yksek. rnein, aadaki Trke tmcelerin ngilizce karlna bakarsak, konuyu daha iyi
kavrarz. Dikkat ediniz: Bunlar Trke'de "continuous"; ngilizce'de ise "simple tense" olurlar:
Seni seviyorum (= I love you)... Senin iin deli oluyorum (= I am crazy about you)... Seni anlyorum,
sevgilim, tamamen anlyorum (= I understand you, sweetheart; I do understand you)... Seni istiyorum,
sana ihtiya duyuyorum (= I want you. I need you)... Sen bana aitsin! (You belong to me!)... Beni scak
tutacak akm var (=I have my love to keep me warm)...
Uzakta atl gryorum (= I see three horsemen in the distance)... Kukulu bireyler gryor musun /
farkediyor musun? (= Do you see / notice anything suspicious?) Tuhaf bir ses/grlt iitiyor musun? (=
Do you hear a funny noise?)...
What is it that you're cooking? It smells awful (= berbat kokuyor)... It tastes funny (= garip bir tad var)...
It seems OK now... You look great... It appears strange to me that you should not remember it (=
Unutmu olman bana tuhaf grnyor)...
I forgive you (= seni affediyorum)... I refuse to do it! (= Bunu yapmay reddediyorum!)... I loathe him (=
ondan nefret ediyorum, tiksiniyorum)... I hate you! ( Senden nefret ediyorum!...)
Bu fiillerden bir blmnn deiik anlamla "continuous tense"lerde de kullanlabileceine tekrar
dikkatinizi ekerim:
"What are you thinking of?" "I'm thinking about tomorrow's exam." (= dnmek)
I am honestly considering getting married. (= dnyorum, kafamda evirip eviriyorum)
She is having breakfast at the moment... She isn't having her milk... (= yemek, imek)
"Are you seeing him?"... "Is she still seeing him?" (= grmek, bulumak)
Kimi zaman da bu fiiller iin "continuous tense" kullanlarak anlama deiik vurgular kazandrldna
tank oluruz. Bu rnekleri "idiomatik" kullanmlar olarak deerlendirip not etmenizde yarar var:
You are just being plain silly now! (= Amaan sen de budalalk ediyorsun yani imdi!..)
You're being very stupid about it. (= Bu konuda aptallk ediyorsun...Yine yukardaki gibi, tepkili bir
Young man, aren't you forgetting your manners? (= Delikanl, terbiyeni unutuyorsun sanrm...)
Hey, you're imagining things! (= Hayal gryorsun, bunlar kafanda kuruyorsun sen. Byle bir ey yok!)

By dream_Catcher


01 Konuma annda geerli olan, srmekte olan durum ve eylemler... "Gerek imdiki zaman" (= real
present) olduunu syleyebiliriz. lgi odamz olan zaman dilimi, iinde yaadmz an, evre yada
dnemdir. Nezaman balam olduu yada nezaman sonlanaca ilgi alanmz dndadr:
Look. It's raining outside...
The telephone is ringing. Will you answer it; or shall I answer it?... Telefon alyor: Sen mi cevap
vereceksin, ben mi vereyim?
She can't talk to you at the moment; she's having a bath...
The Security Council is making continuous attempts at bringing the two sides together... Gvenlik
Konseyi iki taraf biraraya getirmek iin srekli giriimlerde bulunuyor. (Bir aadaki maddeye de bknz.)
02 Konuma annda ara verilmi olsa bile, imdiki zaman boyutunda genelde srmekte yada
srdrlmekte olan durum ve eylemler:
I am reading a book by Orhan Pamuk nowadays. (= Bugnlerde Orhan Pamuk'un bir romann
Currently, he's writing a novel, having come back from a rather lengthy vacation. (= Uzunca bir tatilden
dndkten sonra, halen bir roman yazmakla megul...)
He is very busy nowadays. He is working on his latest novel. (Bugnlerde ok megul. Son roman
zerinde alyor -- Ama bu szler konuulurken, byk yazar uykuda yada tuvalette de olabilir...)
03 Normalde geni zamanda kullanlan zaman belirteleri (zarflar) ile birlikte, sk tekrarlanan durum ve
eylemler iin. Bu tr tmcelerden, ou zaman, kiinin olaydan honut olmad, onaylamad, mantk
d bulduu anlalr:
You're always telling me lies.
She is constantly making mistakes.
04 Tpk Trkede olduu gibi future tense anlam verecek ekilde de kullanlabilir: (Yalnz, bunun
"near future" olmasna dikkat ediniz: Diyelim ki on yl sonras iin bu tr kullanmlar geersizdir.)
-- What are you doing tomorrow night?
-- I'm going to the theatre. Ali is taking me.
(=Yarn akam ne yapyorsun?... Tiyatroya gidiyorum. Ali gtrecek beni)
We are meeting again tomorrow, and this time Selma is joining us, too. (= Yarn tekrar buluuyoruz ve bu
kez Selma da bize katlacak)

By dream_Catcher


Tmceleri ngilizce'ye eviriniz

"Simple" or "Continuous" ?
01 Seni seviyorum... Seni istiyorum... Sana ihtiyacm var... Sen bana aitsin... (love, want, need, belong
02 lkedeki en byk bankalardan birisine sahibim ve yine de sana 1 milyon lira borcum var! (own, still
03 Neden sz ettiini anlamyorum ve bilmek de istemiyorum. (understand, talk about, want to know)
04 Dikkatli ol. ki adam seni izliyor ve baka iki adam da seni yakndan gzetliyor. (be, follow, watch)
05 Genellikle yazlar aalara, gneye gideriz; ama bu yl yukarlara, kuzeye gidiyoruz. (go)
06 Yamur yayor mu darda? Klar ok kar yaar m buralarda? Neden u anda bu kadar ok
yorsun? (rain, snow, feel cold)
07 O lokantay tavsiye ediyor musun? imdilerde oraya sk gidiyor musun? Oraya son gittiimiz zaman
hatrlyor musun? (recommend, go, remember)
08 Bu kenti ziyaret ettiimde genellikle Hilton'da kalrm, ama bu yl The Marmara'da kalyorum. (visit,
09 u anda parkta bir gezinti yapyor . Genellikle eve dndkten sonra kahvalt eder. (have a walk, have
breakfast, get back home)
10 Nefret ediyorum bu uzun yrylerden. u iinde olduum hale bak. Ayaklarm gerekten beni
ldryor ve ayak parmaklarm kanyorlar. Ama yzba hala devam etmemizi istiyor... (hate, kill, bleed,

YANITLAR: 01 I love you... I want you... I need you... You belong to me... 02 I own one of the
biggest banks in the country, and still owe you one million liras! 03 I don't understand what you are
talking about and I don't want to know either. 04 Be careful. Two men are following you, and another
two men are watching you closely. 05 We usually go down south in the summer, but this year we're
going up north. 06 Is it raining outside? Does it snow much in these parts in winter? Why do you feel so
cold at the moment? ("are you feeling" olanakl)... 07 Do you recommend that restaurant? Do you go
there often nowadays? Do you remember the last time we went there? 08 I usually stay at the Hilton
when I visit this city, but this year I'm staying at the Marmara. 09 She's having a walk in the park at the
moment. She usually has breakfast after she gets back home. 10 I hate these long walks. Look at the
state I am in. My feet are really killing me and my toes are bleeding. But the captain still wants us to
By dream_Catcher


01 Gemi zaman boyutunda belli bir noktada yada dnemde olmu bitmi durum ve eylemler. Olay
artk "mazide" kalm, maziye karm, mazinin bir paras olmutur: (Ayrca, bknz. aada Madde 03)
I met him at a party last week. I haven't seen him since. (= geen hafta tantm; o gnden bu gne
We received two phone calls yesterday; we haven't had any so far today. (= dn... ama bugn iin "u ana
dein" anlamnda present perfect kullandk)
I once went out with a famous film star; he talked about himself all through the evening. (gemite bir
The suspect was last seen in that neighbourhood two days ago. (Zanl o semtte en son iki gn nce
grld. -- Trke'de "grlmt" de deriz. DKKAT: "was seen": simple past passive)
Not very many people lived in these parts in the past. (Ama, Trke'ye "yaamazd / yaamyordu"
eklinde "continuous" ile eviririz = Eskiden buralarda pek kimse yaamyordu...)
Aslnda bu sonuncu rnekte, ngilizce'de de "were living" deseniz kyamet kopmaz, ama "simple
kardein" yeterli olduu ve anlamca sreklilik olgusunu karlad durumlarda bununla yetiniriz.
Biliyorsunuz, "continuous karde" kullanm iin nart, sz edilen eylemin sz edilen zaman dilimine
smayacak olmas... Oysa burada "in the past" ile belirtilen zaman dilimi, "to live" eyleminin
gerekleebilecei bir uzunluk ieriyor. Bu bakmdan, "simple karde" ile yetinilmesi nplanda.
02 Present Perfect Tense'ten farkl olarak, zaman boyutunda belli bir nokta yada dnem dikkat odana
getirildii iin, "Ne zaman?" sorularyla kullanlmas doaldr:
When did you last see him? What time did you have lunch?
03 Yada, dorudan zaman belirtilmese bile, gemie ilikin olduu bilinen veya besbelli olan olay,
durum, eylemler... Yani, her kurduumuz tmcede bir gemi zaman belirteci kullanmak zorunda deiliz:
How did you get your present job? (=Karmzdaki kimsenin belli bir ite almakta olduunu
gryoruz/biliyoruz. Dolaysyla gemite belli bir tarihte bu ie girmiti)
I bought this thing in stanbul. (Diyelim ki konuma zmir'de gemektedir; seyahatten dnmz...)
I was born in stanbul... (Simple Past Passive = "dnyaya getirildim / getirilmiim" -- Trke'de ise
"domak" aktif fiilinin, "dodum" veya "domuum" eklindeki ekimlerini kullanyoruz.)
By dream_Catcher

04 Bir nceki blmde The Present Perfect Tense ile karlatrrken deindiimiz gibi, diyelim ki "this
morning / bu sabah" dilimi, gnn ak iinde giderek "past tense" boyutuna kayacaktr.
lene kadar u ekilde olan tmceler:
"I've had a huge breakfast... I have bumped into my funny neighbours again this morning" (Bu sabah yine
o garip komularmza rastladm.)
leden sonra ve akama ise u ekillere dnecektir:
"I had a huge breakfast... I bumped into..." (= rastladm)
Hatta, akam saatlerinde, "I had a huge breakfast today," tmcesini kurmanz da ok daha doaldr:
nk kahvalt saati, ayn gn iinde olsa bile, artk bariz ekilde gerilerde kalmtr.
05 Sz edilen olay, durum yada eylem, present perfect tense ile balayan bir soru-cevap sonras zaman
belirginlii kazanm olabilir. Konuma o noktadan balayarak past tense boyutunda srdrlr.
(Snavlarda sk rastlanan bir soru trdr):
"Where have you been?" "I've been to the pictures." "Well, did you enjoy the film?" "Yes, I enjoyed it
very much."
06 Gemi bir dnemde srekli veya aralklarla yinelenmi durum, eylem, alkanlklar (= used to +
Whenever it snowed, he wore a hat. (= used to wear -- Hernezaman kar yasa, hep apka giyerdi.)
Wherever he went abroad, he took his son with him. (Yurtdna hernereye gitse, olunu da hep yannda
gtrrd / gtryordu.)
They never drank wine. (= imezlerdi)
When we were in Bodrum, we always went for a walk in the evening. (= giderdik, gidiyorduk)
In Heybeli, every night we went on the sea in the moonlight... Biz Heybeli'de her gece mehtaba
Bu tr tmcelerde ou zaman ever/never/always gibi geni zaman belirteleri kullanlr. evirilerde ise,
"giyer/imeyiz/gideriz" szcklerinin past tense dnm olan "giyerdi/imezdik/giderdik" kullanmlar
uygun olur.
Bu tr tmcelerde, "used to" ve daha seyrek olmak zere "would" kalplarnn kullanlabileceine dikkat
ediniz. (zellikle bu ikincisine DKKAT: ou zaman yanl deerlendiriliyor; deerlendirmekte glk
We met almost every other day. = We used to meet every other day. = We would meet every other day.
(= Hemen her iki gnde bir buluurduk)
She would stand at the door and wave me goodbye... (= Kapda durur bana el sallard.)
He went to mosque for prayers every Friday of his life... He would go to mosque for prayers every
Friday... (Tabii, bu tmcelerden ayrca, Muhteremin artk dnyasn deitirmi olduunu da anlyoruz.)
By dream_Catcher


01 Gemite belli bir noktada yada dnemde sreklilik tam durum ve eylemler. Olayn balang
yada bitim noktalar ilgi oda deildir ve belirtilme zorunluu tamaz. Doal olarak, sz edilen zaman
dilimine smayacak, daha nce balam ve o dnemde devam etmi durumlar iin de bu tense
When I saw him, he was standing outside the building.
I was watching TV when you called me last night. What were you doing at the time? (Sen o srada ne
It was raining when we came out of the building.
At the time the economic slump became quite apparent, we were running a souvenir shop in Bodrum. (=a
gift shop... Ekonomik knt belirgin hale geldiinde, Bodrum'da bir hediyelik eya dkkan
02 Gemite iki zaman noktas arasnda veya belli bir sre / dnem boyunca sregitmi durum ve
All through his last years, he was collecting specimens for his projected book.
I was working all day yesterday. (Simple past tense de olanakl, ama burada "sreklilik" kavramn
zellikle vurguluyoruz -- Aadaki rnei de irdeleyiniz:)
What were you doing yesterday? = Dn btn gn boyunca nerelerdeydin, neler yapyordun? (Oysa,
What did you do yesterday? tmcesi bununla edeer olabilecei gibi, konuya gre rnein, "zerinde
altmz projede dn neler yaptn / yaptnz, nasl bir ilerleme kaydettin / kaydettiniz?" gibi nanslar
da verecektir.)
Between 1993 and 1998, we were living in Antalya. (Simple past tense de olanakl, nk "to live"
durumunun gerekleebilecei uzunlukta bir dnemden sz ediyoruz.)
03 Geni zaman belirteleriyle birlikte, gemite sk yinelenen ve zellikle de konumacnn
onaylamad anlalan durum ve davranlar:
He was always criticising whatever I did! = Ne yapsam hep eletiriyordu...
She was constantly making mistakes. = Durmadan hatalar yapyordu...
04 Ancak, byle bir vurgulama olmakszn da ayn ilevle kullanlabilir, ki bu ilevi The Simple Past
Tense iin Madde 6'da verdiimiz aklama ile edeerdir:
By dream_Catcher

Whenever I called on him, he was working. (= would be working) (Her nezaman urasam, hep alyor
bulurdum / buluyordum)
From 8 to 11 o'clock, I was studying in the library. (Bu tmce, "O gn saat 8-11 aras ktphanede
alyordum" veya "O dnemde her gn 8-11 aras ktphanede alrdm / alyordum" anlamlarnda
kullanlabilir."would be studying" ise kesinlikle ikinci anlam verecektir.
05 Aslnda gelecee dnk olup, ou zaman gereklememi, vazgeilmi yada artk gereklemeyecek
niyet ve planlar. Burada, "future in the past" kavram nplana kyor:
He was preparing his suitcases, for he was leaving that night. (= nk o akam gidiyordu/gidecekti)
I was going to play football tomorrow, but I won't be able to do that now; because I've injured my leg.
(Yarn top oynayacaktm; ama bu artk gereklemeyecek; nk bacam incitmi bulunuyorum)
I was going to buy myself a new umbrella, but I have now given up the idea. (Kendime yeni bir emsiye
alacaktm, ama vazgemi bulunuyorum)
06 Ayn "future in the past" kavram "dolayl anlatm" (= reported speech, indirect speech) kurallar ile
de desteklenir:
He said (that) he was preparing his suitcases, adding (that) he was leaving that night. (Burada, o gn
iitmi olduumuz gerek szleri -- yani, "I am preparing my suitcases, for I am leaving tonight" -eklindeki szleri, sonradan baka bir kimseye "reported speech" eklinde aktaryoruz)


ngilizce dil-kltr dizgesi genelinde, "Simple Future" kavram ve eleri ile ilgili baz ayrntlar burada
gzden geirmek zorundayz:
Bu sorunun yant, tpk "Erkeklik ld m?" sorusuna verilecek yant gibi, kocaman bir HAYIR... Ama,
kimi zel kullanmlar dnda (zellikle de Amerikan ngilizcesinde) "can ekiiyor" diyebilirsiniz...
Yani tpk, "erkeklik" gibi !!
01 Amerikan ngilizcesi iin "shall" btnyle l bir szcktr savn savunanlar kacaktr. Bunlarn
daha insafl bir blm, "baz idiomatik kullanmlar dnda" diye ekleyeceklerdir. rnekse: Amerikan
kiliselerinde de Tevrat (the Old Testament) 'taki on emirin her birisi "Thou shalt not..." =Yapmayacaksn
(you shall not) diye balyor...
02 Klasik gramere gre, birinci tekil ve oul kiiler iin "shall", dier kiiler iin "will" kullanlmas
doru ve yerindedir. Oysa gnmzde bunun geerliini byk lde yitirmi olduu kolaylkla
By dream_Catcher

gzlemleniyor. Daha geerli istatistiksel bir saptama, btn kiiler iin "will" yardmc fiilinin tercih
ediliyor olmasdr.
03 Yabanc dil renirken ne hayal krklklar yaarz! Balang dzeyinde "kural" olarak
retilenlerin, daha ileri dzeylerde ise nasl tepe tepe ineneceini reniriz!... "Beklenmedik"
kullanmlar, genelde vurgulu anlatmlar iletirler.
Eskilerde, "shall/will" ikilisinin egemen olduu dnem boyunca, "shall" yerine "will" kullanm, yada
bunun tam tersi, birer "beklenmedik" vurgulu anlatm rnei saylmtr.
Ama zaman boyutunda masalar tersine dnd...
04 Gnmzde, "will" btn kiiler iin standart kullanm sayldna gre, "shall" kullanmnn
vurgulu anlatm tarz olduunu gryoruz. Yani, "I shall go" bir zamanlar olaan, "I will go" ise vurgulu
iken, imdi masalar tersine dnm, "I shall go" vurgulu anlatm nitelii kazanmtr. Ne dersiniz, ok
kark bir durum, yle deil mi?...
Benim de aralarnda bulunduum, bastra bastra vurgulu konumay seven bir grup insan, genel
ortalamann stnde "shall" kullanmaa devam edeceiz -- yle anlalyor...
Kesenkes WILL'cilerin bile itiraf etmek zorunda kalaca gibi, "shall" ile kurulan kalplar birok nemli
idiomatik ilevi de karlyor. rnekse: Teklif ve nerilerin aktarlmasndaki standart kullanmlardr:
Shall we go home now? (= Let's go home now) (Yantlar: "Yes, let's" veya "No, let's not")
The telephone is ringing. Will you answer it, or shall I answer it?
Yukardaki rneklerde "shall" yerine "will" kullanrsanz, soruyu sanki nnde kristal kresi olan bir
falcya soruyorsunuz anlamna gelecektir: "Bil bakalm, eve gidecek miyiz? Bil bakalm, telefona cevap
verecek miyim !!!..."

05 Be going to + yaln mastar

Bu yapnn ngilizce'deki en yaygn simple future anlatm olduu kolaylkla savunulabilir. Yakn gelecek
iin kararlatrlm, planlanm eylemler iin olaandr. ou zaman, hazrlklarn imdiden balatlm
olduunu dile getirecektir. Ayrca, tahmin ve kehanet bildirimleri iin de kullanlabilir:
I'm going to meet him at six.
I'm now going to read you some of my own poems.
I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up. (Temel-tmcelik herhangi bir future tense olduunda, zaman
bildiren bal tmcelik bir present tense olur kuraln umarm unutmadnz)
Look at those clouds. I think it's going to rain soon.
NEML NOT: Gramercilerin byk blm olmadk kurallar icat etmekte ok hnerlidir. "Be going to"
yapsna ilikin olarak ou kitapta u notu dtklerini grrsnz: "Bu yap, go fiili ile ender kullanlr.
Come fiili ile hi iitilmez..." Merak edip, Google'dan baktm: "going to come" tam 447 000 kez
By dream_Catcher

kullanlm (27.9.2003)!!... ("Where are the funds going to come from?... When is Harry Potter going to
come out of that closet?...)
Yine de, ii basitletirmek iin, aadaki tercihleri yapmakta yarar var:
I'm going to go to stanbul tonight. -------- I'm going to stanbul tonight.
I'm going to come home tonight. -------- I'm coming home tonight.
06 Gerek "simple" gerekse "continuous" present tense -- uygun zaman belirteleri alarak -- future tense
anlam iletebilir:
I'm leaving tonight... The ship leaves tonight... What are you doing tomorrow night?...
07 To be + mastar
Bu yapnn sanldndan ok daha ilek ve yaygn bir kullanm alan olduunu grrz. Basit gelecek
zaman anlamnda kullanlabildii gibi, ayrca zorunluluk nans da aktarabilir. zellikle de, nc
kiilerin emir ve direktiflerinin aktarlmasnda grev yapar:
The ship is to arrive tomorrow night. Gemi yarn akam geliyor (=gelecek, gelmi olacak...)
She is to start school soon. Yaknda okula balayacak.
Get out of here! You are never to come back to this house again! Defol buradan ve bir daha da bu eve
sakn dnme! (Birinci elden emir, direktif)
You are to go and see the boss this afternoon. Bugn leden sonra gidip patronu greceksin. (Byk
olaslkla, patron bana "Git o adama syle, leden sonra gelip beni grsn" demi...)
08 To be about + mastar
To be on the point of + gerund
You can't see him now. He's about to leave. (kmak zere...)
I couldn't talk to him; he was on the point of leaving. (=future in the past: kmak zereydi...)
09 Kavramsal olarak gelecek zamana iaret eden pekok kalp vardr. rnekler:
It's a very good film. It's (very) likely to win the first prize.. (To be + likely + mastar = ok muhtemel)
It isn't likely to rain. = It's unlikely to rain. (To be + unlikely + mastar)
If you put in just a little bit more effort, You are sure (certain) to finish it on time. (To be + sure / certain
+ mastar)

By dream_Catcher


01 Gelecekteki belli bir noktada yada dnemde srmekte olacak durum ve eylemler... Bu anlatmda,
eylemin balang ve bitim noktalar bilinmemekte yada nemsenmemektedir (ama, bknz. Madde 02):
I will be sitting an exam at this time tomorrow... At that hour, Ali will still be sleeping... I'll be waiting for
you at the bus-stop at nine o'clock sharp... ("to sit an exam" doru bir kalptr. Dilerseniz, "to take an
exam" kalbn da kullanabilirsiniz. Her ikisi de "bir snava girmek"...)
02 Gelecekteki belli iki zaman noktas arasnda, yada belli bir sre dahilinde sregidecek, sreklilik
tayacak durum ve eylemler:
Between 3 and 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I'll be studying in the library.
I will / shall be cramming for the finals all day through tomorrow. (cramming =studying, working; ancak
burada "normal" bir almann tesinde biraz da "ineklemek" kavram vardr)
NEML NOT: Yukarda, The Past Continuous Tense iin Madde 2'de yaptmz kavramsal aklama
burada da geerlidir. yle ki:
What will you be doing all day tomorrow? tmcesi "btn gn boyunca" eklindeki sreklilik kavramn
nplana karr ve hatta "Btn gn bo mu oturacaksn?" gibi bir nans ekleyebilirken, What will you do
tomorrow? tmcesi ise "Yarn neler yapacaksn? Planlarnda neler var?"... sorusunu iletecektir.
03 Tahminler, yordamalar, tasarlar:
It'll be getting dark soon. (Bu tmcenin "It will get dark soon" tmcesinden ne fark var diye soracak
olursanz, Trkedeki "ok gemeden hava kararmakta olacak" ve "ok gemeden hava kararacak"
arasndaki fark irdeleyiniz. Unutmaynz, havann kararmas dereceli bir durumdur)
She'll be coming back soon... ("She will come back soon" daha bir kesinlik tayacaktr)
After the meal, we'll be having some coffee. ("We'll have some coffee" tmcesinde dikkat oda "baka
birey deil -- kahve ieceiz" zerine younlarken, burada ise daha "leisurely" bir "oturup konuma,
sohbet" imas var)
04 Nazik bir soru ifadesi olarak:
Where will you be staying?
Will you be visiting us again?
GENEL NOT: Grdnz gibi, ngilizce'nin "perfect olmayan continuous" tense'leri ile Trke'deki
karlklar arasnda yksek bir benzerlik, be aa be yukar bir edeerlik var. Ama, teki tense'lerde
(hele, Trke'de karl olmayp da, genellikle zaman belirteleri kullanarak karlayabildiimiz "perfect
tense"lerde) bu uyumu aramak bouna olur...

By dream_Catcher



01 Gemi zaman boyutunda, konumu belli olmayan, hatrlamadmz, nemsemediimiz yada
herhangi bir nedenle belirtmek istemediimiz bir noktada yada dnemde gereklemi ve tamamlanm,
ancak sonular ve etkisi bakmndan imdiki zaman ilgilendiren olay, durum ve eylemler:
Hey! We've seen this film before. Was it last year? Do you remember? (rnek durum: TV'de bir filim
balad; filmi daha nce de gstermi olduklarn ve seyretmi olduunuzu farkettiniz. Kullanacanz
tmce budur. nemli olan nokta, filmi grm olmanzdr. Arkasndan doal olarak, "It was a very good
film; definitely worth watching... Let's watch it again," veya "Oh, I remember it was awful; I can't really
put up with it for a second time" eklinde bir ifade gelecektir.)
She has cleaned the house from top to bottom; it's very clean and tidy now. (= "Dolaysyla, ev imdi
tertemiz," demektir)
I have read the instructions on the packet, but I still haven't a clue about what it is supposed to do.
(Tabiatyla, burada "kullanma talimatn dakika nce, be dakika nce okudum" eklinde bir zaman
belirtmesine gerek duymuyoruz. Sadece, "Okudum, ama anlamadm / anlamyorum" deniliyor... "Have't a
clue about" = en kk bir fikrim yok, demektir.)
I have lost my keys. How am I going to get into the office now? (Anahtarlarm nezaman, saat kata
kaybettiimi bilseydim, kaybettiim yeri de bilirdim. Ksacas, kaybetmemi olurdum!)
Have you ever seen a true Angora cat? (= bugne dein; hayatnzda hi...)
Where have you been since Monday? (Pazartesiden bugne nerelerdeydin?)
02 Trke gramerde yer almayan bu farkl bak asnn evirisi glkler gsterir. Anlam "nasl denk
getirirsek" yle aktarmamz nerilebilir:
I have seen that film = grdm / grm bulunuyorum / grm durumdaym. (=Ben, u anda, o filmi
grm birisi olarak karnzdaym)
I have already met him. = Kendisiyle tantm / tanm bulunuyorum / zaten tantm / daha imdiden
tanm bulunuyorum / durumdaym...
03 Halen srmekte olan, yaamakta olduumuz dnem yada zaman dilimi iinde gereklemi
olaylardan sz ederken:
Have you seen her today?
leye kadar: Have you seen her this morning?
leden sonra: Did you see her this morning?
By dream_Catcher

Have you seen her this week? (Hala bu haftann iindeyiz).

Automotive industries have undergone a great deal of change this year. (Bu yl daha bitmedi, sryor)
There have been no major wars so far in this century... (= iinde bulunduumuz yzylda bugne dein)
Ama, yln ilerleyen aylarnda: "Automotive industries underwent a great deal of change in the beginning
of this year." demek zorundayz -- nk, "bu yl" hala iinde yaadmz "present" bir zamandr; ama
"yln balangc" artk gerilerde braktmz bir dnemdir.
04 Bu Blmn banda The Simple Present Tense ile ilgili olarak nemle zerinde durduumuz,
continuous tense'lerde kullanlmayan fiiller... Burada da, (anlamn sreklilik tamasna karn) grevi
"continuous" karde yerine "simple" karde stlenecektir:
I have been here all the time.
This house has been empty for ages.
I have loved you ever since we first met. (=sevegeldim ve hala da seviyorum: Normalde Present Perfect
Continuous ile anlatlmas gereken bu ve yukardaki kavramlar, ilgili fiillerin zelliinden dolay Simple
karde tense ile ifade ediliyor)
05 Ayn ekilde, "always... ever since..." gibi sreklilik bildiren zaman belirteleriyle de continuous
anlam verir:
I have always walked to work. (ime hep yrmmdr, hala da yryerek geliyorum/gidiyorum...
Oysa, "I have walked to work today" = Bugn ie yryerek geldim/gittim)
06 "Az nce" tamamlanm, bitmi eylemler iin de kullanldn grrz: (Bunun en tipik rnekleri
"just" ile birlikte kurulan tmcelerdir ve aada ayrca ele alnmaktadr)
Look what you've done! = Grdn m ne yaptn! u yaptn eye bak!
Ama bir dakika bile nce olsa, eer bir zaman belirtiyorsanz, tmcenizi "simple past" olarak dzenlemek
zorundasnz: She completed it a minute ago...
07 "Have to" yerine daha kuvvetli, pekitirilmi biimi olan "have got to" eitliinin ise burada deil,
"Yardmc filler" bal altnda ele alnmas gerekir. "I've got to go now..." tmcesi, "perfect" deil,
dorudan "simple present" bir tmcedir.
08 "Gemiten ...bugne" kavramn ieren "zamana present perfect bak as" iin tipik olan ve sk
kullanlan zaman belirtelerinden bazlar unlardr:
up to now, up till now, till now, up to the present, so far, as yet (buraya kadar olan kalplar = imdiye
dein, u ana dein, demektir); finally, recently, lately, during the past few years, for the last two years,
often, many times, already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, ever since...
Aadaki rneklerde greceiniz gibi, bunlarn byk blm teki btn perfect tense'ler ile de ayn
sklkta kullanlabilir. (NEML NOT: past ve future perfect iin: now ----- then, ve past/last -----
previous dnmleri gerekli olacaktr.)
By dream_Catcher

since -- for :
"since" = gemiteki belli bir nokta yada dnemden bu yana... "ever since" ise, sreklilik kavramn
pekitirir. Yani, sevgilinize "I have loved you ever since the moment I first saw you" demeniz,
yanaklarn daha pembeletirecektir... (Aadaki rneklerde, gerektii yerlerde "continuous" kardee
yada teki perfect tense'lere de grev verilmitir.)
We have been living in zmir since 1982.
They have been playing cards since 2 o'clock.
I have been frightened of the dark ever since I was a child.
"for" = (anlan) sredir... (anlan) sre boyunca: " gndr... bir aydr... bir yl akn zamandr"... gibi
I haven't seen you for more than a month.
I haven't seen her for ages. (=ok uzun bir sredir)
We haven't been living in that house for the last two years.
just : = az nce, demin, ok ksa bir sre nce:
I've just finished the housework; I'll be there in a minute.
When we got there, he had just finished talking about the subject in general and was proceeding to show
some special slides. (= baz zel diyalar gstermee geiyordu... Past perfect ile rnekledim.)
I have just now finished uploading my new website and I have started preparing the promotional material.
(= Yeni sitemi yklemeyi az nce bitirdim ve...)
Ne var ki, bu ilev konuma dili ve zellikle de Amerikan ngilizce'sinde giderek daha byk lde The
Simple Past Tense'e ile ykleniyor grnyor: "I just now finished..." Baka bir rnek: "I just told you..."
Herhalde en az "I've just told you" kadar yaygn...Yine de snavlarda "eski usl" den amayn, derim.
Snavlar klasik grameri sever...
already -- yet :
Trke'ye birincisini "zaten... daha imdiden...m bulunuyor", ikincisini ise "henz...daha..." eklinde
farkl szcklerle aktaryorsak da, aslnda bunlar ayn kavramn iki deiik yz olup: Birincisi olumlu
tmcelerde; kincisi de olumsuzlarda ve sorularda kullanlr (some/any ikilisini artrnz).
Ne var ki, already szcnn de sorularda kullanlabilecei durumlarla karlaabiliriz. ("Would you like
some more tea?" sorusunu artrnz. Orada da, "cevabnz olumlu olsun" dileimizi yanstm
oluyoruz. "Do you want any tea?" aile iinde geerli olursa da, misafire "istiyor musun, istemiyor
musun?" nans ile ok ayp olur):
a. Yantn "evet" olacan tahmin ettiimiz durumlar:
Has he already left? Has he gone already?... gibi sorular, bilgi almak iin dz bir soru olmaktan ok,
"km (gitmi) galiba, yle deil mi?" trnden bir yorum ve beklenti tarlar.
By dream_Catcher

b. aknlk, yada benzeri bir duygu younluu ifade edebilir, ki yine bir sorudan ok, yorum iermekte
What! Has he already left? (Ayn tmce, konuma dilinde dz tmce olarak, fakat soru tonlamas ile de
kurulabilir: "What! He has already left?")
ever -- never :
Trke'deki "Siz hi hayatnzda ...?" sorusu, ngilizce'de "Have you ever ...?" ile sorulur. Yant "Hayr"
ise, ou kez, "No, I have never ..." ile karlanacaktr:
-- Have you ever had a car accident?
-- Have you ever been to Kars?
-- No, I have never been to Kars... No, I have never been there in my life... No, I haven't... No, I never
NOT: Hatrlarsanz, bir nceki Blmde, "the Simple Present" ve "The Present Perfect" karlatrmas
yaparken, "gone to" / "been to" farkll zerinde nemle durmutuk. imdi konuyu blp sizi oraya
refere etmektense, burada tekrarlyorum:
# Siz hi Kars'ta bulundunuz mu?
Bu soruyu Trke'de, "Siz hi Kars'a gittiniz mi?" eklinde ifade etmek de olanakldr. Yani, "gitmek"
fiili ile... Oysa ingilizcede "been to" kalbn kullanmak zorundayz. Yani, "bulunmu olmak"... Neden?
nk, present perfect tense "gemiten bugne ve hal" kavramn ieriyor ve o balamda "gitmi
olmak" kavramn kullanamayz. Konutuumuz kii Kars'a gitmi (=gone to) ve hala orada deildir.
Kars'ta "bulunmu" (=been to) imdi dnm karmzdadr. Dolaysyla:
Q. Have you ever been to Kars?
A. Yes, I have (been to Kars)...
veya, No, I have never been to Kars.
Peki, ya arkadanz size Kars'tan telefon etse ne diyecekti? "I have come to Kars" diyecekti. Yani, gelmi
bulunuyorum, halen buradaym.
Ama, nc bir kii Kars'a gitmi, halen oradaysa, o zaman u tmceyi kuracaksnz: "He has gone to
Kars." (= Gitti, halen orada)


By dream_Catcher

01 Bu tense iin anahtar kullanm parametresi, "gemiten ...bugne sregeldi ve de hal da sryor"
kavramdr. Belli yada belirsiz bir noktadan veya dnemden balayarak sregelmi ve halen de srmekte
olan eylem ve durumlar iin kullanlr. Zaman belirteci kullanlmas zorunlu deildir:
We have been living in zmir for twenty years (=since 1983).
He has been working for two hours now.
We've been doing it for years / for ages. (= yllardk yapageldik; hal da yapyoruz, yapmaya devam
I have been thinking it over. I'll let you know when I have come to a firm decision. (Bir sredir kafamda
evirip eviriyorum...)
02 Szkonusu durum yada eylem aslnda az nce bitmi/tamamlanm olabilir; ama daha nceki
sreklilii vurgulamak iin:
I'm sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long for me?
Oh, I'm exhausted. I've been walking about the town all day. (Oysa u anda evde ayaklarmz uzatm
Hey! Have you been asleep all the morning? I've been ringing the bell for the last twenty minutes. (Oysa
kap alm, konuuyor olduumuza gre, artk zili almyoruz)
03 fke ve onaylamama, ilgin bulma, arma... gibi vurgularn dile getirildii rnekler de vardr:
Somebody has been using my comb! Somebody has been using my towel. (Ayn zamanda, bu eylemin
srekli yaplageldii olasln da dile getirmi oluyoruz. Oysa, "Somebody has used my comb."
eklindeki tmce bunun belki de tek kez yaplm olduunu ifade edecekti.)
I hear you have been visiting Greece lately. What was the weather like over there? (Oysa, Yunanistan
ziyareti tamamlanm durumda. Ama, konuya duyduumuz ilgiyi dile getiriyoruz.)
03 Ne var ki, aadakine benzer "say" belirtilen durumlarda "continuous tense" kullanmnn
olanakszlna dikkat ediniz:
I have written ten letters today. ("I have been writing ten letters..." geersiz olur, nk on ayr mektubu
birlikte yazagelmi olamam... Ama, "I have been writing letters all day long" geerli bir seenektir: Btn
gn mektuplar -- bir sr mektup -- yazageldim...)
Ayn ekilde,
He has done it many times in the past. veya, He has been doing it repeatedly all this time. (Pekok kereler
yapt / yapm bulunuyor... Bunca zamandr tekrar ve tekrar yapyor / yapageldi...)
He has had five cups of tea since six o'clock. veya, He has been having cups and cups of tea since six
o'clock. = Saat altdan bu yana be bardak ay iti... Saat altdan bu yana bardak bardak ay iegeldi...
Benzer bir rnek iin, ilerdeki "The Future Perfect Continuous Tense" konusu Madde 2'ye bknz.
Hatrlarsanz, Present Perfect "Simple" ve "Continuous" arasnda karlatrma ieren ayrntl bir
egzersize, bir nceki Blmde (Chapter 2) yer vermitik.
By dream_Catcher


Bu tense iin anahtar kullanm parametresi: Gemiteki bir noktadan yada dnemden daha ncesi... Nasl
ki, gnmz asndan maziyi simple past ile deerlendiriyorsak, bu da "gemiin mazisi... gemiin
Unutmaynz: Her ikisi de gemite kalm iki eylemden nceki iin past perfect, sonraki iin simple
01 Gemiteki belli bir nokta yada dnemden daha nce olmu bitmi (ama, anlamca szkonusu nokta
veya dnemle ilikili) durum ve eylemler. Her tmcede illa ki zaman belirtmek zorunda deiliz:
I sat down and rested awhile after I had finished cleaning the house. (=nk yorulmutum)
I had finished my breakfast before he came. (=rnein, "karnm doyurmutum, bir daha da yiyecek halim
yoktu," eklinde yorumlanabilir)
I had finished all the preparations by the time he arrived. (=rnein, "btn ileri bitirmitim, yaplmas
gereken baka birey kalmamt..." veya, "artk hemen kabilirdik," eklinde yorumlanabilir)
And when I came back, I found the glass empty. Somebody had either drunk my beer, or thrown it away.
(Dndmde bardam bo buldum. Birisi biram ya imi yada dkmt.)
She suddenly realized that she had made a terrible mistake. (Anszn, ok kt bir hata yapm olduunu
When we got there, he had just finished talking about the subject in general and was proceeding to show
some special slides. (= baz zel diyalar gstermee geiyordu...)
His life flashed before his eyes like a film strip: He had always been the easy-going type. He had had
numerous love affairs, and had managed to remain single and protect his precious freedom. But now he
was ready to ...etc. (ou yk, bu tarzda, yani anlatacamz olaylarn ncesine ilikin bir zetleme ile
02 Dolaysyla, yukarda da deindiim gibi, her ikisi de gemite kalm, ancak aralarnda zaman
faslas bulunan iki durum yada eylemden ilkini ifade etmekte. Yani aralarnda bir nedensellik ilikisi
bulunmas da gerekmiyor:
When I arrived, Ali had just left. (=az nce kmt)
I had poured myself a nice cup of tea when the phone rang.
03 Daha nce listesini incelediimiz "continuous tense'lerde kullanlmayan" fiillerle The Past Perfect
Continuous yerine:
By dream_Catcher

He had been in the army for ten years when I met him, and then he stayed on in the service for another ten
I asked her how long the man had been unconscious. (= adamn nekadar zamandr baygn olduunu
He had loved her with all his heart all through their university years.
04 Yine, sreklilik bildiren zaman belirteleriyle birlikte The Past Perfect Continuous kardeinin yerine:
She had lived in this small village ever since she was born. She had always milked the cows, fed the
sheep and attended the chickens for as long as she could remember. (Doduu gnden beri hep bu kk
kyde yaam, yaayagelmiti... Hatrlayabildii kadar uzun zamandr hep inekleri sam, saagelmi;
koyunlar beslemi, besleyegelmi; tavuklara bakm, bakagelmiti...)


Gemiteki belli bir nokta yada dnem ncesinde, belli yada belirsiz bir zamanda balam, sreklilik
tam, szkonusu gemiteki belli noktaya dein srm yada ondan ksa bir sre nce sona ermi
durum ve eylemler:
When I saw him, he had been waiting for his friend for over an hour.
It was now six in the evening and he was tired. He had been working since the dawn of the day.
It was six in the evening. He was home now and tired. He had been working outside all day long.
Ali said that he had been studying English for two years.


01 Gelecekte belirsiz bir zamanda, ama belirttiimiz (yada ima ettiimiz) belli bir nokta yada dnemin
ncesinde... gereklemi, tamamlanm olacak durum ve eylemler. Trke'ye evirisi: "...m olacak":
I will have finished the report by tomorrow. (Size tam bir saat veremem, ama yarndan nce, yarna kadar
raporu tamamlam olacam)
By dream_Catcher

I will have finished the book by the end of this month. (Size gn veremem, ama ay sonundan nce
bitirmi olacam)
We will have saved just over a million by the end of this month. (Trk Lirasndan erge alt yada dokuz
sfr atlaca iin, bu tmce gn gelecek anlaml olacak !!)
02 Szkonusu durum yada eylem, gelecekteki belli noktadan ksa bir sre nce de gerekleecek
olabilir. nceki/sonraki ayrmn bu ekilde belirlemi oluruz:
The taxi will have arrived by the time we get downstairs.
The guests will have arrived by the time we finish our preparations.
03 Olaslk yada varsaymlar dile getirilebilir:
It is almost 8 o'clock. She will have arrived there by now. (=Saat neredeysa sekiz: imdiye dein oraya
varm olacaktr, herhalde ulamtr)
[Bildiiniz gibi, "by" szc zaman belirtmek amac ile kullanldnda "--- den nce" anlamna gelir.
Dolaysyla, "by now" = imdiye dein; "by then" = o zamana dein...]
te yandan bu tmceyi, koul kipindeki "It is almost 8 o'clock. She would have arrived there by now"
tmcesi ile karlatralm: Haber kipinin gerek durumlar, koul kipinin ise varsaymsal durumlar dile
getirdiini nekadar gzel belgeliyor: Koul kipindeki tmcenin anlam yle: Saat neredeyse sekiz: Eer
yola km olsayd (ki kmad) imdiye dein oraya ulam olacakt (farazi durum) ...


01 Gelecekteki belli bir nokta yada dnem itibariyle, daha nceden balam ve sregelmi (ki, iinde
yaadmz dnem itibariyle de daha imdiden balam ve halen sryor olabilir) ... ve byk bir
olaslkla gelecekteki o tarihte de srmekte olacak durum ve eylemler. Biraz aprak m grnd?
rneklere bakalm:
By the end of this month, I will have been working here for ten years. (=Bu ayn sonuna varmadan tam on
yldr burada alyor olmu olacam -- "ay sonuna kadar", "ay sonundan nce" veya "ay sonuna
vardmzda" diye de evirebilirsiniz)
In 2008, we will have been living in zmir for twenty-five years. (2008'de tam yirmibe yldr zmir'de
oturuyor olmu olacaz.)
02 Yine ayn bak as iinde, sz edilen durum yada eylemin geneldeki srekliliini anlatmak iin:
By the end of this year, we will have been climbing mountains for twenty years. (Bu yln sonuna
varmadan, tam yirmi yldr daclk yapyor olmu olacaz.)
By dream_Catcher

NEML NOT: Doallkla, bu tmcede say belirtecek olursak, continuous deil, simple tense kullanm
zorunlu olacaktr: Neden? Hibir babayiit dac ayn anda birden fazla zirveye trmanyor olmu olamaz
da ondan...
By the end of this year, we will have climbed four peaks in this region. (Bu yln sonuna varmadan,
blgede tam sekiz zirveye trmanm olacaz.)

SON KILIK !! -- Neden herey daha kolay ve basit deil?... Neden Future Perfect Continuous benzeri
tense'ler yaratmlar? Neye yararlar ki?... te, zengin anlatm ortamlarnda kaak gremek eiliminde
olanlar iin, birka dakika iinde nternet'ten birka sevimli rnek kaydediverdim. Fazla aramak zorunda
da kalmadm. Heryerdeler... Buraya aldklarm, "have to" (zorunluluk) yardmc fiilinin past perfect ve
future perfect kullanmlarn ilgilendiriyor:
Needless to say my husband and I were terrified. I had had to have steroids to help the baby's lungs and I
was petrified that the baby wouldn't be all right. = kullanmak zorunda kalmtm.
He was telling Paul how he had had to have the remains transported out of town for cremation because
this service was not locally available. [ "have something done" ettirgen kalb ile]
Jackie had had to have separate housing because the hotel the rest of the team was staying at would not
allow blacks to enter and room. = "sahip olmak zorunda olmak" kavramndan...
In order to successfully complete this assignment students will have had to have read, analyzed, and
synthesized information. = renciler, bilgileri okumu, zmlemi ve sentezlemi olmu olmak
zorunda kalm olacaklardr !!
To actually be listed on the left hand menu under hosted sites, your site will have had to have been around
long enough that it established a continual and substantial fan base. = uzun sredir devam edegelmi
konumunda olmu olmak zorunda olacaktr !!
Before any patients are approached to take part in a research study at Liverpool Womens Hospital, the
study will have had to have been approved by the Hospitals Research & Development Committee. =
onaylanm olmu olmak zorunda olmu olacaktr !! Korku filmi gibi tmceler... Ama, yine de, "Trke
renmee alan ngilizler" deil, "ngilizce renmee alan Trkler" olduumuza kredin siz...
* * * * *

By dream_Catcher

imdi sizlere her derde deva trden bir egzersiz sunuyorum... Bu karlatrmal alma sonunda, artk
zamanlar ile ilgili skntl bir nokta kalmayacana inanyorum.
Verilen ilk tmcede, klarda belirttiim zaman gstergelerini kullanarak, gerekli "tense" deiimlerini
Fiilin anlam zelliinden kaynaklanarak, gerek simple gerek continuous seeneklerin her ikisinin de
geerlik tamas durumunda, ortaya kan nanslar irdeleyiniz:
UNUTMAYINIZ: Alt izilmi olan zaman belirtecini kaldracak, yerine klarda verilen zaman
belirtelerini yerletireceksiniz:
01 He will be earning a lot of money next year. (Bu tmce "ylboyu srekli olarak", kavramn ieriyor;
"will earn" seenei ise, "nmzdeki yl bir ara" anlamn verecektir. Bu tr bir irdelemeyi, siz de
aadaki klara gre tense deiiklii yaparken uygulaynz)
a. before he retired last year
-- had earned / had been earning
b. in his present job
-- earns / is earning
c. just recently
-- has earned / has been earning
d. last year
-- earned / was earning
e. by the end of this year
-- will have earned / will have been earning
02 They danced all night last night. (yada, They were dancing all night last night)
a. when the fire broke out
-- were dancing
b. as long as the band played
-- danced / were dancing
c. seldom ... nowadays
By dream_Catcher
-- dance
d. for the last two hours
-- have been dancing
e. at the moment
-- are dancing
03 He has been watching TV for three hours.
a. when we got home
-- was watching / had been watching
b. at 9 o'clock tomorrow evening
-- will be watching
c. at 9 0'clock last night
-- was watching
d. every night so far this month
-- has been watching / has watched
e. before he fell asleep in his chair
-- had been watching / had watched
04 He has been writing a story for at least a month now.
a. when he was only 15
-- wrote
b. next week
-- will be writing / will write
c. last week
-- was writing / wrote
d. before he left the town
-- had been writing / had written
e. when the guests arrived last week
By dream_Catcher
-- was writing
05 They play cards only on Sundays.
a. when the police raided the place
-- were playing
b. since noon
-- have been playing
c. at this time tomorrow
-- will be playing
d. for three hours
-- have been playing / have played
e. while we were watching TV
-- were playing
06 They never visit us.
a. next week
-- will visit / will be visiting
b. yesterday
-- visited / were visiting
c. only twice before the last time they did
-- had visited
d. only twice after they moved to Bursa
-- visited / have visited
e. regularly for the last two years
-- have been visiting / have visited
07 He has at least two bottles of wine every night.
a. already
-- has already had / had already had / will have already had
By dream_Catcher

b. before he went out

-- had had
c. before he goes out
-- has / will have / will have had
d. every night so far this month
-- has been having / has had
e. every night up until this month
-- had been having / had had
08 She is busy at the moment; she is having a bath.
a. after she gets home
-- is busy / has
b. when I went to see her last week
-- was busy / was having
c. for the last half an hour
-- has been busy / has been having
d. after she came home ( gn nce)
-- was busy / was having (had)
e. after she came home (10 dak. nce)
-- has been busy / has been having

01 a. had earned... veya... had been earning = srekli kazanagelmiti ve hala kazanmaktayd... b. is
earning... (earns, yaklak olarak edeer)... c. has earned = u yaknlarda kazand... has been earning =
bir sredir ve hala kazanyor (ki, bu tmceler hikayenin geliine gre past perfect veya future perfect'e de
tanabilir)... d. earned = kazand... was earning = geen sene kazanyordu ama bu yl kazanamyor, veya
tank olduum sralarda kazanyordu ama sonra ne oldu bilmem nanslarn verecektir)... e. will have
earned = kazanm olacaktr... will have been earning = bir sredir ve hala kazanyor olmu olacaktr...
02 a. were dancing... b. danced ("as long as the band played" sresi "dance" eyleminin gereklemesi
iin yeterli sredir. Simple tense yeterli. Fazladan "were dancing" tercihi "her nezaman orkestra alsa
onlar hep dansediyorlard" anlamn verecektir)... c. dance... d. have been dancing... e. are dancing...
By dream_Catcher

03 a. was watching... Ayrca, "seyrediyordu" gzlemine ek olarak, "bir sredir seyredegelmiti" bilgisine
de sahipsek = had been watching; "seyretmi" = "had watched"... b. will be watching... (will have been
watching = "bir sredir" kavramn ekleyecektir)... c. was watching... (had been watching = "bir sredir"
kavramn ekleyecektir)... d. has been watching: sreklilii vurgulamak iin; ama "has watched" da
olanakl... e. had been watching...
04 a. wrote... = zaman belli (Eer, trkede "Daha onbe yandayken yazmt, 'mili gemi, o halde
past perfect, diye dndyseniz, kitabn en bana dnp bir daha balaynz!)... Tabii, "He had been
writing..." olanakl: Yalnz o durumda, kitabn sonradan bitirilip bitirilmediini bilmiyoruz demektir. Past
perfect simple "had written" ise ancak zaman belirteciniz "before he was 15" eklinde olursa geerlik
kazanacaktr: Onbe yandan nce yazm bitirmiti... b. will be writing... will write = yazacak,
bitirecek... c. was writing... wrote = yazd, bitirdi... d. had written = yazm, bitirmiti... had been writing
= henz bitirmemiti... e. was writing... (had been writing = O srada ne yapmakta olduuna ek olarak "bir
sredir ve hala" kavramn vermek istiyorsanz...)
05 a. were playing... (had been playing = O srada ne yapmakta olduklarna ek olarak "bir sredir ve
hala" kavramn vermek istiyorsanz)... b. have been playing (trkedeki "oynuyorlar" kavramndan yola
karak "are playing" dediyseniz, yol yaknken kitabn en bana dnp bir daha balaynz!)... c. will be
playing... (will have been playing = O srada ne yapmakta olduklarna ek olarak "bir sredir ve hala"
kavramn vermek istiyorsanz)... d. have been playing... have played = Olanakl, ancak "sreklilik"
kavramn ayn lde desteklemeyecektir; "ama artk braktlar, oynamyorlar" anlam nplana
kacaktr... e. were playing...
06 a. visit... will be visiting... b. visited... were visiting... (Continuous seenekler, ou zaman, verilen
sre boyunca sreklilik kavramn destekleyecektir)... c. had visited... (say belirtildii iin continuous
seenek olanak d)... d. have visited = bugne kadar iki kez, ama bu ziyaretler devam edebilir... visited
= ziyaretler artk mazide kald, bundan byle baka ziyaret olmayacak... e. have been visiting = have
07 a. has already had = daha imdiden en azndan iki ie imi bulunuyor... Ama "imiti" ve "imi
olacaktr" eklinde, olay gemiteki yada gelecekteki bir noktann ncesine de tayabilirsiniz... b. had
had... (Say belirtildii iin continuous tense'ler geerli deil: Hibir babayiit ayya iki ieyi ayn anda
kafaya dikip imez)... c. has = her zaman, geni zaman... (Burada "is having" seenei vurgulu bir
ikayet nans iin geerli olur). Ayrca, "simple future" veya "future perfect" de olanakl: nk
unutmaynz, ana-tmcelik herhangi bir future tense ise zaman bildiren bal-tmcelik bir present tense
olmak zorundadr. Burada tersine mantk yrterek, "Madem ki zaman bildiren tmcelik present
tense'tedir, o halde ana-tmcelik future tense olabilir" eklinde dnebiliriz... d. has been having = has
had... e. had been having = had had... (Unutmayn: Burada birinci "had" past perfect tense yardmc fiili,
ikinci "had" ise asl fiiliniz olan yemek, imek = to have fiilinizin V3 hali...
08 a. is busy / is having = geni zaman: Biliyorsunuz, to be fiili aktif atda continuous tenselerde
kullanlmaz. rnek tmce de, "continuous" anlaml olmasna karn, "simple" present ile kurulmutu...
b. was busy / was having... c. has been busy / has been having... (Bununla birlikte, "had been busy / had
been having" veya "will have been busy / will have been having" eklinde olay gemiteki yada
gelecekteki bir noktann ncesine de tamak olanakl... d. was busy / was having (o anda banyo
yapyordu); ayrca, "was busy / had" olanakl = "Bir sre meguld, banyo yapt)... e. has been busy / has
been having (nk banyo hala sryor -- eve geleli daha on dakika oldu; banyo ise herhalde on
dakikadan fazla srer...

By dream_Catcher

Yukardaki dehetengiz almadan sonra, sanrm bu egzersiz size sular seller gibi kolay gelecek.
Boluklar, verilen fiillerin uygun tense ekimleri ile doldurunuz:
01 I was ............... in stanbul, but ............... most of my childhood in Ankara. (be born, spend)
answer was born / spent
02 I ............... English for two years now. (study)
answer have been studying
03 What .............. you ............... when I .............. you last night? (do, phone)
answer were you doing / phoned
04 What .............. you .............. now? What .............. you usually ............... on such a sunny day? (do,
answer are you doing / do you usually do
05 "Where ............... you ............... ?" "I ............... to the movies." "Well, ............... you ...............
yourself?" (be, be, enjoy)
answer have you been / have been / did you enjoy
06 ".............. you ............ my keys?" "Yes, they ............ on your desk a minute ago." (see, be)
answer Have you seen / were
07 It ............. three days ago that the man ............... last seen in that neighbourhood. (be, be)
answer was / was
08 I .............. for nearly an hour when she finally ............. . (wait, come) [Bir romann bir sayfasnda,
"Greceksiniz, o geldiinde tam bir saattir bekliyor olmu olacam" tmcesine rastlamak mmkn
olabilir. Ama besbellidir ki burada sizden durumu, "kiinin bandan geen bir olay bizlere anlatmas"
eklinde yorumlamanz beklenecektir.]
answer had been waiting / came
09 He ............. from the university in 1985. Then, he ............. two years in the army. (graduate, spend)
answer graduated / spent

By dream_Catcher

10 Hello! I .............. happy to see you again. I .............. you for weeks. Where ............. you ...............
yourself all this time? (be, not see, hide)
answer am / haven't seen / have you been hiding
11 They .............. together for almost a year now. (go out)
answer have been going out
12 They ............. each other for a long time before they finally ............. to get married. (know, decide)
answer had known / decided
13 I couldn't help thinking that I ............. that stupid face somewhere before. (see)
answer had seen
14 She .............. the street when she .............. an old boyfriend of hers. (cross, run into)
answer was crossing / ran into
15 I .............. a letter from them saying that they expect to see us next week. (receive)
answer have received
16 Nobody ............... him for weeks. I wonder where he ............... these days. (see, hang about)
answer has seen / is hanging about
17 Nobody ............... him for weeks. I wonder where he ............... all this time. (see, hang about)
answer seen / has been hanging about
18 There .............. no one at the door when I .............. it just a minute ago. (be, open)
answer was / opened
19 Sit down a bit. I .............. you the garden when you ............... a little. (show, rest)
answer will show / have rested
20 I .............. what you ................ me. (never forget, just tell)
answer will never forget / have just told
YANITLAR (Print karanlar iin):
01 was born / spent ... 02 have been studying ... 03 were you doing / phoned ... 04 are you doing now / do
you usually do ... 05 have you been / have been / did you enjoy ... 06 Have you seen / were ... 07 was /
was ... 08 had been waiting / came ... 09 graduated / was ... 10 am / haven't seen / have you been hiding
yourself ... 11 have been going out ... 12 had known / decided ... 13 had seen ... 14 was crossing / ran
into. ( crossed / ran into = grnce karya geti: ok farkl bir nans verirdi: "Konumak iin" veya
By dream_Catcher

"karlamamak iin" karya geti) ... 15 have received ... 16 has seen / is hanging about (= bugnlerde
nerelere taklyor?) ... 17 has seen / has been hanging about (bunca zamandr nerelere taklageldi, hal
taklyor?)... 18 was / opened ... 19 will show (will be showing) / have rested (rest) ... 20 will never forget
/ have just told me...

Ksa Giri / Anlam Asndan / Yapsal Adan / Olabilir... Olmu Olabilir... / Kurulu zellii / Could,
Would, Should, Might / Olanak ve Olaslk / eitli rnekler / Present Kalplar / Past: Gemi Zaman /
Past: Gemi Zamanda Sreklilik / Future: Gelecek Zaman / Must: Mantksal karsama / Didn't Need
To Do / Needn't Have Done / Used To / Be Used To / Have You? / Do You Have? / Shall I?... Shall
We?... Will You?... / Exercise - 01 / Exercise - 02 / Exercise - 03 / Translate into English - 01 /
Translate into English - 02 / Exercise - 05
"Yardmc fiiller" ad verilen gramer snf, olay / durum / eylemi bildiren asl fiile, "tense", "mood" ve
"manner" (zaman, kip ve tarz) oluumunda destek veren fiillerden oluur. Bunlara ilikin yap ve kurallar
They have been singing at least for an hour. (Bir gerei bildiriyoruz)
May you always be this happy!... (Bir dilekte bulunuyoruz: Hep bu derece mutlu olasn!)
lk tmcede, "have" ve "been", "to sing" fiilinin "the Present Perfect Continuous Tense" ekimini
salyor. kinci rnekte, "may" yardmc fiili "to be" fiilinin "the Subjunctive Mood" kullanmna olanak
salyor: Dilerim hep bu kadar mutlu olasn...
"Asl" fiil iin "principal verb"; "yardmc" fiil iin de "auxiliary verb" terimleri yaygndr, ki bu ikincisi
de zaten "yardmc" anlam tamaktadr.
By dream_Catcher

Yardmc fiiller iin ngilizce gramerde kullanlan bir baka terim de "modals" szcdr. Tpk
"modality" szc gibi Latince "modus" szcnden geliyor ve Latince'deki eitli anlamlarndan birisi
de "manner" (tarz) anlam tayor. Nitekim, yardmc filler, eylemlerin dz anlamlarna deiik bir yorum
boyutu, deiik bir "hava", deiik yaklam nanslar katyorlar.
Yardmc fiiller konusu, ngilizce retiminde zerinde en ok durulan, en korkulan ve en sevimsiz,
dolaysyla da en az renilen bir konu olmak durumuna getirilmitir. Mfredat doldurmak, ders
saatlerini uzatmak iin okulda / kursta / dershanede konuyu ayrntlara bomann net kazanc budur.
Pratikten ok, pirin taneleri zerine anlamn bilmediimiz dualar yazmaa ynelen renim
alkanlklarmzla, ok alp hibir ey renmemek iin biilmi bir kaftan... zleyen maddelerde,
sorunlar ve zmlerini pratik adan zetlemee alacam.

Yardmc fiiller, birlikte olduklar fiile belli anlam ve nans renkleri kazandrrlar. Yaplmas gereken
alma da, herbir yardmc fiil iin bu anlam ve nans renklerinin neler olduunun renilmesi,
rneklenmesi, ve uygulama becerisinin kazandrlmas olmaldr.
Ne var ki, yzyllarn birikimi idiomatik kullanmlar ve gramercilerin bunlar yapay kalplara oturtma
gayretkelikleri yznden, yardmc fillerin anlamca snflanmas konusu iinden klmaz bir karmaa
lerleyen blmlerde, yardmc fiillerin getirdikleri bellibal nanslar iin ayrntda boulmayan bir
dkm vermee alacam.

1 Yardmc fiillerin ardndan, asl fiilerin yaln mastar hali kullanlr. (Yani, mastarn bandaki "to"
You must leave today. ["to leave" yerine]
She should start all over again. ["to start"]
It could be done better. ["to be done" edilgen mastar yerine]
Bunun istisnas vardr: ought to, have to, used to...
By dream_Catcher

You ought to leave today.

She has to start all over again.
It used to be done better.
NOT: Aslnda, "ought, have, used" yardmc fiillerini retim kolayl bakmndan bu ekilde
adlandryoruz: Dierlerinden farkl olarak, tam mastar aldklarn bu ekilde vurguluyoruz.
zel bir durum olarak, need ve dare fiillerinin de, do/did veya will/would ile ekime girmedikleri srece,
yaln mastar alacaklarna dikkat ediniz:
You needn't say anything... You needn't have said anything... (Fakat, You don't/didn't/won't need to say
How dare you insult me!... I dared not wake him... (Fakat, I didn't/wouldn't dare (to) wake him.)


1 Olabilir... Olmu Olabilir...

Yardmc fiillerin ekimi, zamana bak as olarak, iki farkl boyutta gerekleir. yle de
syleyebiliriz: Yardmc fiilerin iki biimi vardr:
a present biimler (kalplar)
b perfect biimler (kalplar)

rnek 1: "To Be"

Present -- Perfect
can be -- can have been
could be -- could have been
may be -- may have been
might be -- might have been
will be -- will have been
would be -- would have been
By dream_Catcher

shall be -- shall have been

should be -- should have been
must be -- must have been
ought to be -- ought to have been
rnek 2: "To See"
Present -- Perfect
can see -- can have seen
could see -- could have seen
may see -- may have seen
might see -- might have seen
will see -- will have seen
would see -- would have seen
shall see -- shall have seen
should see -- should have seen
must see -- must have seen
ought to see -- ought to have seen

imdi, daha sonra teki pekok blmde tekrar ele alacam, canalc deerde, ok nemli bir konuya
deinelim. Aslnda bu konudan, "Temel Kavramlar" Blmmzde, "ngilizce'nin zamana ikici (dualist)
bak as" bal altnda biraz sz etmitik. Buna gre:
1 - imdiki zaman, geni zaman, gelecek zaman kapsamnda "present" kalplar kullanlr.
2 - Gemie dnk bildirimlerde "perfect" kalplarlar kullanlr.
Ne kolay, deil mi?!!
3 - FAKAT DKKAT ! Tmcede sz edilen durum ve eylemlerin bu ikici bak as ile
deerlendirmesi, BZM BAKI AIMIZDAN DEL, birbirleri ile greli zamansal ilikilerinden
Belirleyici olan, tmcede sz edilen zamann ncesi, ezamanls veya geleceidir. Zamana o noktadan
Bu bak as ise, bizim iinde bulunduumuz zaman ile, yalnzca ana-tmceliin "present continuous"
ve ksmen de "present simple" (Yani, "real present" = gerek imdiki zaman) olmas durumunda akr...
By dream_Catcher

Eyvah! Eyvah!... Fakat, okuyucularm ltfen sabrl olsunlar: Bu etrefil konu, vereceim ok sayda
rnekle giderek aklk kazanacaktr:
She can do it, if she wants to... Geni zamanda yapabilirlik, veya u an yada gelecee dnk izin...
"sterse yapabilir"... Ne zaman? imdi, genelde veya gelecekte.
She may have done it, though we haven't seen her doing it... "Yapm olabilir"... Ne zaman? inde
bulunduumuz an itibariyle gemite.
She might have been there, though I don't remember seeing her... "Ben grmedim, ama belki de
oradaymtr"... inde bulunduumuz an itibaryla gemite.
She might have been there earlier, though I hadn't noticed anyone... I couldn't have noticed her anyway,
since I had been so busy with the other guests... "Belki de daha nceden oradayd; geri kimseyi
farketmemitim ama. Zaten farkedemezdim, nk teki konuklarla ilgilenegelmitim." Gemiteki bir
noktann ncesi...
It wouldn't matter at all. He could go and visit her the next day. Yes, this was what he would do... "Hi
nemi yoktu bunun. Kendisini gidip ertesi gn ziyaret edebilirdi. Evet, yle yapacakt"... Gemiteki bir
noktann geleceinden sz ediyoruz... Dolaysyla da "would... could..." eklindeki PRESENT kalplar
EYVAH ! EYVAH !!, Bugne dein size hep "would, could, should" past tense'tir diye retmilerdi,
deil mi? Biraz sabr -- az sonra herey suyzne kacak... [Ve unutmaynz: Bunlarn "gemie" ynelik
olarak kullanlan "perfect" biimleri "would have been", "could have been" eklindedir]
imdilik, rneklere devam:
It is possible that you will not have noticed her before she announces herself, though she might have
come and left a couple of times while you are there. "Ola ki, sen oradayken birka kez gelip gitmi
olacaktr, ama kendisini tantrncaya kadar sen bunu farketmi olmayacaksn"... Gelecekteki bir
noktann ncesi... Bize gre gelecekte, ama olaya gre gemite... Dolaysyla da PERFECT kullanyoruz.
I will have finished it by next week... "Bitirmi olacam"... Nezaman? Gelecekteki bir noktadan nce...
Bize gre gelecekte, ama tmcedeki zamana gre gemite... Dolaysyla da PERFECT kullanyoruz.
She promised that she would finish it that week... "O hafta bitireceine sz verdi"... Dikkat ederseniz,
bizim amzdan olay gemite; ama tmcedeki zaman asndan gelecek zamandan sz ediliyor -- bu
nedenle bir PRESENT kalp kullandk.
She promised that she would have finished it by the following week... "Ertesi haftadan nce bitirmi
olacana sz verdi/vermiti"... Bizim amzdan olaylar gemite, ama tmcedeki zaman asndan
gelecekteki bir noktann ncesinden sz ediliyor -- bu nedenle bir PERFECT kalp kullandk.
She must be hungry... "ok ackm olmal"... u anda.
She must have been hungry... Herhalde ok ackmt... Az nce yemee otururken veya geen gn, vb.
Ama, gemiteki bir noktada yada dnemde.
Should I do it this afternoon?... "Bugn leden sonra yapsam m acaba?"... imdiki yada gelecek zamana
dnk danma, yada kendi kendine soru... Eeee, hani "should" PAST zamanlar iin kullanlr diyorlard?!
By dream_Catcher

I should have done it yesterday / the other day... "Dn yapmalydm"... Gemie dnk pimanlk veya
sulama... Bugnn gemii.
He should have finished it on the day before. But he hadn't... "Bir nceki gn bitirmeliydi, bitirmi
olmalyd. Ama bitirmemiti"... Gemiin gemii...
It is very cold outside. You should wear your coat... "Giymelisin"... (Gelecee dnk)
It was very cold today. You should have worn your coat... "Giymeliydin"... (rnein, ayn gnn akam
Deerli Okuyucum; ngilizcenin zamana olan bu ikici / dualist (present X perfect) bak as ile,
mastarlar, ad-fiiller, sfat/zarf fiiller, koul ve dilek kipleri gibi Kitabn teki pekok Blmnde
hesaplamaya devam edeceiz. Bu konuya byk nem veriyorum. Mutlaka billurlatrmak zorundayz.
Az aada "would, could, should, might" sorununu yeniden ele alacam.

ngilizcede toplam 6 mastar kalb bulunduunu hatrlarsak, yardmc fiillerle kurabileceimiz 6 eit
anlatm kalb da kendiliinden ortaya kar. nk, biliyorsunuz, Anlatm Kalb = Yard. Fiil + Mastar...
O halde nce mastarlarmz gzden geirelim:

To see = grmek (present active)

To be seen = grlmek (present passive)
To have seen = grm olmak (perfect active)
To have been seen = grlm olmak (perfect passive)
To be seeing = gryor olmak (present continuous)
To have been seeing = gryor olmu olmak, veya gregelmi olmak (perfect continuous)

Buna gre Herhangi Bir Yardmc Fiilin Kullanm Kalplar iin ematik Dkm Aadaki ekilde
(yaln Mastar)
By dream_Catcher

He can
would rather
had better
(not) ETKEN
be seeing
-----------have seen
have been seeing
(yaln Mastar)
It can
would rather
had better
(not) EDLGEN
be seen
-----------have been seen

By dream_Catcher

Yukardaki kurulu zellii acaba gerekten "had better" gibi etrefil bir yardmc fiil iin de geerli
midir diye merak eden okuyucularm iin aadaki rnekleri sunuyorum (kanlmaz biimde ok girift
He had better have kept the loot for himself. Umarm ganimeti kendisi iin saklamtr... He had better
have done nothing at all. Umarm hibirey yapmamtr...
He thinks he can play the piano, but I thorougly disagree. I think he had better have been kicking a
football rather than taking piano lessons. Piyano dersleri alacana futbol topunun peinde koturagelmi
olsayd ok daha iyi etmi olurdu...
Ali regretted the whole affair. He was thinking that those words had better not have been spoken and that
they had better have been forgotten. Ali btn olaydan pimanlk duyuyordu. En iyisi bu szlerin hi
sylenmemi olmas olurdu (diye) ve umarm unutulmulardr diye dnyordu...
Wow!! yi ki snav sorularn hazrlayan kimseler ar kalpsiz deiller...
Bu arada, "ought to" yardmc fiili iin kullandmz, "ought not to go, ought not to have done"
eklindeki yaplarn da, "to" partiklnn aslnda mastarn bir paras olduunu doruladn yeniden
belirtelim. Daha nce de deindiimiz gibi, "ought to, have to, used to" eklinde anlmalar, bunlarn
dier yardmc fiillerden farkl olarak "tam mastar" aldklarn renciye hatrlatmak iin...



Dikensiz Gl Bahesi Olur mu ?...
te bir sorun alan... Yardmc fiillerin "tense" karl iki biimleri vardr dedik... Dedik ama, ne yazk
ki, yzyllarn birikimi idiomatik kullanmlar ve olaan deiim sreleri iinde durum birhayli daha
karmak. rnein, imdi szn edeceimiz bu drt yardmc fiil:
1 Can - will - shall - may fiillerinin "past tense" biimi olarak davranabiliyor; rnein, dolayl anlatmda
giri fiili past tense ise bu uygulama devreye giriyor ve "Ne yaptnz?" diye sorulunca, "Bir derece past
yaptk," yantn veriyoruz...
2 Oysa kendileri de, "present" anlaml BAIMSIZ birer yardmc fiil olarak kullanlabiliyor.
She may come this afternoon... = imdiki veya Gelecek zaman.
She might come this afternoon... Bu da imdiki yada gelecek zaman. Ancak, olasln biraz daha zayf
olduu anlalyor.
He couldn't do it last week... = Gemi zaman.
By dream_Catcher

Could you possibly do it next week?... Bu kez kesinlikle gelecek zaman.

Peki, zm? En iyi zm, yardmc fiilleri birer anlam katks olarak grmek ve "tense" olayn baka
gstergelerde aramak. Bununla ne demek istediimi, yukardaki tmceleri Tarzanca evirirseniz ok iyi
Var bir olaslk o gelmek bugn leden sonra...
Var zayf bir olaslk o gelmek bugn leden sonra...
Yok o yapabilmek onu geen hafta...
Var sen yapabilmek ? onu gelecek hafta...
ngilizce'den Trke'ye eviri yaparken, arayz olarak Tarzanca'ya bavurmakta sonsuz yarar var...

Trke'de iie gemi olan bu iki kavram ("imkan" ve "ihtimal" byle deillerdi) ngilizcede kesin
snrlarla ayrlmaktadr: Her imkan dahilinde olan ey, "muhtemel" demek deildir. (= "Her olanakl olan
ey ayn zamanda olaslk da tayor demek deildir.")
Cole Porter'n nl caz arksndan esinlenerek:
Baby, it isn't because I shouldn't do it... And you know it isn't because I couldn't do it... And it certainly
isn't because I wouldn't do it or I might not do it... It's just because I don't feel like doing it today...
Yapmamam gerektii iin deil... Yapamayacam, beceremeyeceim iin de deil... Hi yapmam veya
yapma olaslm yok anlamna da gelmiyor... Yalnzca bugn pek canm istemiyor...
Uzun szn ksas, herbir yardmc fiil seenei tmceye kendi anlam ve nansn getirecektir:
If the ambulance had arrived a little earlier, his life -would have been saved = Kesin kurtarlm olurdu...
could have been saved = Olanak kazanrd, imkan dahiline girerdi...
might have been saved = Byle bir olaslk doard, ihtimal kazanrd...

By dream_Catcher

imdiki Zaman, Geni Zaman, Genel Geerlik
1) Yapabilirlik, Yapamazlk:
She can manage by herself (= She is able to).
I can walk without help now (= I can manage, I am able to).
We can't finish it today... I can't pay you today...
I couldn't tell a lie in such a situation. Could you? And I wouldn't, anyway. Would you? Ben byle bir
durumda yalan syleyemem. Sen syleyebilir misin? Ben zaten byle birey yapmam. Sen yapar msn?
Chimpanzees can learn a few hundred human signs. (= are able to)
2) Kanamay:
I can't help feeling sorry for him. Ona zlmemek elimde deil...
You couldn't run away now. You have to join with us. imdi brakp kaamazsn. Bize katlmak
3) Tahmin, Yordam, Olaslk:
He may / might want to leave the country for good now. [for good = tmyle, tamamen]
She may / might still be waiting for us at the station. Belki de hala bizi istasyonda bekliyordur...
Unutmaynz: "might" genelde olasln daha dk olduu nansn tar.
Prices might not respond to the austerity measures as much as the government would like them to. Fiatlar
kemer skma nlemlerine hkumetin istedii lde cevap vermeyebilir... [austerity measures = kemer
skma nlemleri]
4) zin:
May I use your telephone?
Yes, you may leave now. Evet, imdi kabilirsiniz...
Candidates may not bring reference books into the examination room. (= are not allowed to). Adaylar
snav salonuna bavuru kaynaklar getiremezler (= buna "mezun" deillerdir; izin verilmiyor...)
Can I go now?... Yes, you can... No, you can't... No, you cannot...
You can't behave like that under this roof, you know.
5) Tahmin veya Mantksal karsama:
By dream_Catcher

You have been digging the garden all day long. You must be tired.
She is getting fatter and fatter. She must be eating too much. Gitgide imanlyor; demek ki ok yemek
yiyor; ok yemek yiyor olsa gerek...
She hasn't come yet. There must be something causing the delay. Gecikmeye neden olan birey olsa
6) Zorunluluk:
I must go now... I must be going now... I have to leave now... I've got to go now.
Must you do it now? Do you have to do it now? [Birincisinde bir serzeni var... kincisi dz bir soru veya
fke anlatm olabilir -- Biliyorsunuz, herey ses tonu veya balamn geliine bal...]
We must obey the rules. / We have to obey the rules...
(Genelde, "must" bizim tercihimiz olan bir zorunluu dile getirirken, "have to" ise bunun bizim
dmzdaki nedenlerden kaynakland nans verir)
7) Emir veya Yasaklama:
You musn't go there... You mustn't do it...
We mustn't cross the street against the red light.
You'd better not do it now.
8) Gerekmezlik:
You don't have to go now, do you? Gitmek zorunda deilsin, yle deil mi?
You don't have to do it, if you don't want to. Yapmak istemiyorsan, yapmak zorunda deilsin...
You needn't do it, if you don't want to.
9) Gerekirlik, neri, t, Sulama:
It's cold today. You should wear your coat... Giymelisin.
You should be wearing you coat... Giymi olmalydn, giyiyor olmaldn...(= u anda stnde olmalyd...
Ama giymemisin)
You ought to wear / ought to be wearing your coat.
You should / ought to show more respect to your elders.
You ought to stay away away from excessive alcohol...
You ought not to consume so much alcohol. You should think of your health...
You should be doing your homework now.
By dream_Catcher

"Where's Gne?" "I don't know. He should be in his room studying for tomorrow's exam." "Gne
nerede?"... "Bilmem; odasnda alyor olmalyd, yle olmas gerek." (= Trke'de "olmalyd" diyoruz,
ama kastedilen imdiki zamandr)
10) Tercih:
I would rather give up this whole project than bear up with his insults. Hakaretlerine katlanmaktansa,
btn bu projeden vazgemeyi tercih ederim.
I would rather leave today.
Wouldn't you (= Would you not) rather have tea (than coffee)?
11) Davet, ar, Nezaket:
Would you like to have dinner now?
Wouldn't you (= Would you not) like to have dinner now?
"Would you care for a drink now?" "Yes, I think I could do with a drink now."
What would you like to do now?
Would you please read the following page now?
Could you tell me the time, please?
Could you pass the salt, please?
12) Teklif, Fikir Sorma::
Shall I call a taxi?
Shall we go home now?
Shall I come with you? Yant: Yes, please do... No, don't... No need to...
Should we start now? Artk balasak m?
Could we leave now? (= neri)
13) Koul, Dilek:
If it weren't such an awful day, we would / could / should / might be playing outside now. (= Hava u
anda bu derece kt olmasa, u anda darda oynuyor olmak... Herbir yardmc fiil kendi nansn
I wish you wouldn't drive so recklessly fast... (Genelde veya u anda kastediliyor) (reckless = pervasz)
You could see her today if you set out now. = imdi yola ksanz / karsanz, kendisini bugn
By dream_Catcher

Go ahead and take the day off! Wouldn't it be great if you could do that whenever you wanted? = Haydi,
bugn kendine tatil ver... Bunu nezaman istesen yapabilsen, harika olmaz myd? [Trke'de "olmaz
myd" diyoruz, ama kastedilen tabiatyla "olmaz m"...]
Bu yaplarn "past" anlam verdiini dnyorsanz, ltfen Blm 8 (Koul Kipi) ve Blm 9 (Dilek
Kipi) 'ni gzden geiriniz...


1) Yapabilmilik, Baar:
The boat capsized quite near the shore and we were able to swim to safety. = Yzerek karaya kabildik...
They could do it in the past because the community was small; but with the increase of the population, it
is no longer possible. = Eskiden yapabiliyorlard, nk nfus azd...
Yes, I have read the message, but I couldn't make head or tail of it. Evet, mesaj okudum, ama hibirey
2) Kanamay:
I couldn't help / couldn't stop laughing when the fat lady went down head over heels. Glmekten kendimi
alamadm; glmemek elimde deildi...
3) Tahmin, Yordam:
They may have finished the job by now... imdiye dein bitirmi olabilirler; belki de bitirmilerdir;
herhalde bitirmilerdir.
They might have finished the job by now if they had started on time... Bitirmi olabilirlerdi; ama
bitiremediler... (= imdiye dein)
It was half finished at the end of the first day and another day might have finished the job -- except that it
snowed that night, about twenty centimeters of it! = Bir gn daha olsa i bitirilmi olurdu, ama ne yazk ki
o gece kar yad. (= gemite)
She may / might have been there, but I didn't notice anyone... Belki de oradayd / oradaymtr, ama ben
kimseyi farketmedim.
She might have come if she had been invited... Ayn kalp Koul Kipinde ise farkl bir anlam veriyor:
Davet edilmi olsayd gelme olasl vard (= ama davet edilmemiti; o da gelmemiti)...
4) Mantksal karsama:
The streets are wet this morning; it must have rained last night... Yam olsa gerek; demek ki yamur
Considering these clues, it must have been someone else who did (veya, has done) the actual killing...
pularn dikkate aldmzda, katil herhalde bakasymtr... Cinayet gemite, fakat olaya iinde
bulunduumuz an asndan bakyoruz.
By dream_Catcher

5) Olanak D:
She can't / couldn't have done the killing herself; she was out of town over the weekend... Cinayeti
kendisi ilemi olamaz. [ki k arasnda belli bir nans var: "can't have" = mmkn deil efendim, o
olamaz" derken, "couldn't" ise "isteseydi de yapamazd" demee getiriyor. Ancak bu tr nanslar
kurallatrmak ok zor: zamanla kazanlacan bilerek sabr gerek.]
6) Gerekmezlik:
I didn't have to worry about that heavy bookcase, because someone else had already moved it out of the
way. (veya didn't need to worry...) = Yapmak zorunda kalmadm...
You needn't have worried about me. I was perfectly safe where I was. = Bouna endielenmisin...
(Bu iki kalp arasndaki nemli fark Blm sonunda yeniden ele alyorum.)
7) Zorunluluk:
I had to do it on my own, because no one would be willing to give me a hand under the circumstances. =
Kendi bama yapmak zorundaydm, veya zorunda kaldm...
We have recently discovered a flaw with the program and it has had to be replaced before we could
resume our experiments. = Programda bir hata belirledik ve deitirilmek zorunda kalnd...
Aadaki tmcede ise, btn bunlardan farkl olarak, bildiimiz "sahip olmak" anlamyla present perfect
tense kullanmn gryorsunuz:
You've never paid any attention to what I have had to say for months... = Syleyecek nelerim olduuna
aylardr hi kulak asmadnz ki...
8) Gerekirlik, neri, t, Sulama:
You should (= ought to) have done your homework last night when you had plenty of time. =
Yapmalydn, ama yapmadn ki...
You shouldn't (= oughtn't to) have allowed him to stay out so late. zin vermemeliydin, ama verdin...
9) Frsat:
I was able to keep a check on all the finer details during this period of relative calm. Bu nisbeten sakin
dnemde btn ince ayrntlar gzden geirme frsatm oldu; gzden geirebildim...
She could have visited her aunt when they stayed in Mersin overnight (= but she didn't)... [Tmceyi koul
kipinde deerlendiriniz...]
10) zin:
He could leave the country whenever he wanted to... a) Eer isterse byle birey yapabilirdi. b) Bunu
srekli yapyordu...
11) Tercih:
By dream_Catcher

I would rather have stayed home... ["to have stayed" eklindeki perfect mastar kullanm olaya gemie
gtryor: Evde kalmadmz ve bundan pimanlk duyduumuz da anlalyor]
12) Gereklemeyen Koullu Sonu:
We would have finished the job on time if we had not been delayed by these unfortunate developments...
(Tip III koullu tmceler)
would have finished = kesin bitirirdik
could have finished = olanak dahilindeydi
might have finished = olaslk tayacakt
13) Gemie Dnk stek, Hayflanma:
I wish I hadn't spent all of that money yesterday. (= But, I did.)
I would have liked to visit (= would like to have visited) her when we stayed in Bursa over the weekend.
(But, I didn't.)


1) Tahmin, Yordam, Olaslk:
She may / might have been seeing off a friend... = She could be seeing off a friend... Bir arkadan
uurluyor olmu olabilir. Belki de bir arkadan uurluyordu.
2) Olanak D Olma:
She can't / couldn't have been seeing off a friend. She must have been there for some other reason...
She can't have been sitting home and waiting for us. I know that she has a doctor's appointment at this
hour. = u an itibariyle evde bizi bekleyegelmi olamaz: u saatte baka yerde randevusu var...
She couldn't have been sitting home waiting for us. I knew that she had a doctor's appointment at that
hour. = Bekleyegelmi olamazd: O saatin ncesinde ve o saat itibariyle...
= Mmkn deil, efendim, olamaz, veya "yle oluyor olmu olamaz"...
3) Gerekirlik, neri, t, Sulama:
You should (=ought to) have been giving her a helping hand with it... 1) Why didn't you?... Why weren't
you? (=gemite). 2) Why haven't you? =u ana dein, i hala devam ediyor (= u ana dein ve hala)...
nk, yardmc fiil ve "perfect continuous" mastar ile oluturulan byle bir kalp iki deiik zaman
boyutunu iine alr: 1) gemiteki bir sre boyunca sreklilik; veya, 2) gemiten u ana sreklilik ve de
hala sryor... [Baka bir deyile, buradaki "perfect continuous," haber kipindeki "past perfect" ve
"present perfect" zamanlarn her ikisini de karlyor.]
By dream_Catcher

4) Tercih:
I would rather have been watching TV... 1) Gemiteki o szkonusu zaman sresince; veya, 2) u ana
dein (rnein, son bir-iki saattir) TV izleyegelmi olmay tercih ederdim... [Bir nceki madde ile birlikte
yeniden irdeleyiniz.]
5) Gereklemeyen Koullu Sonu:
If I had been able to raise some capital, I would probably have been doing something else... (Tip III
koullu tmceler) Sermaye salayabilmi olsaydm, (u ana dein ve hala) baka bireyler yapyor
olurdum / olacaktm...


1) Yapabilirlik:
You can / could do it tomorrow... (= Tercih senin)
You will be able to do it tomorrow. (= Erkini, becerisini kazanm olacaksn)
No, I can't / couldn't do it tomorrow.
No, I won't be able to do it tomorrow. (= radem dnda engeller olacak)
I think the baby will be able to walk in a few weeks from now.
2) Tahmin, Yordam, Olaslk:
They may / might leave the country tomorrow. (future simple)
They may / might be leaving the country tomorrow. (future continuous)
They may / might have left the country by tomorrow... (future perfect)
de gelecekten sz ediyor; ama ncs, gelecekteki bir noktann gemiini konu ettii iin "future
3) Gerekmezlik:
You won't have to prepare dinner for me tomorrow evening.
You don't have to prepare dinner for me tomorrow evening.
4) Zorunluluk:
You must finish it before the weekend. (Bunu ben istiyorum ve zorunlu gryorum)

By dream_Catcher

You will have to finish it before the weekend. (Genellikle, bu zorunluun d nedenlerden kaynakland
nansn verir)
5) zin:
Yes, you may / can leave tomorrow.
6) Tercih:
I would rather do it tomorrow.
I would rather be doing it tomorrow.
I would rather have finished it by next Tuesday. (= future perfect: gelecekteki bir noktadan nce...)
7) Belirtme, Sz Verme, Kararllk:
I will (shall) do it tomorrow.
I will (shall) be doing it tomorrow.
I will (shall) have done it by next Tuesday.
["Will / shall" idiomatik kullanmlarna ilikin az ilerdeki notuma bknz.]
8) Rica:
Will you do me a favour?
Would you do me a favour?
Will / would you give a hand with this parcel?

Dikkat... Dikkat...


"Must" yardmc fiiline ilikin iki farkl anlam kategorisi aada ematik olarak sergileniyor. Bu ikilik,
snav sorusu hazrlayanlarn pek sevdikleri bir konudur:


By dream_Catcher

She is getting fatter and fatter. She must be eating too much... Demek ki ok yemek yiyor...
The streets are wet this morning. It must have rained last night... Yam olsa gerek; demek ki gece
yamur yam.
Look at him devour his food. He must be hungry... unun yemeini silip sprne bak! ok ackm
He has devoured all that food. He must have been very hungry... Bunca yiyecei silip sprm olduuna
baklrsa, herhalde ok ackmt...
"What is that noise?" "Oh, don't worry. It must be the cat playing in the kitchen." [Grlt u anda
"What was that noise?" "Oh, don't worry. It must have been the cat playing in the garden." [Az nceki
grltden sz ediyoruz: Herhalde kediymitir...]
Present X Perfect eklindeki farkl bak alarn rnekleyen ok ilgin bir tanmz daha var:
Biliyorsunuz, "by" zaman bildiren anlatmlarda "nce" anlamna gelir ve rnein "by now" = "imdiye
kadar" demektir.
Peki, u iki tmceyi ngilizce'ye evirelim:
u ana dein bitirmi olsalar gerek (herhalde bitirmilerdir). = They must have finished it by now.
Btn gndr alyorsun; artk yorulmu olmalsn. = You have been working all day through; you must
be tired by now.
Neden? nk ilk tmcede dikkatimiz gemi zaman boyutuna ynelmitir. "Bitirme" durumu, gemite
bir noktada gereklemitir. Bu da "perfect" bak asn gerektirmitir. Oysa ikinci tmcede, "present"
zamana ilikin bir saptama yapyoruz...

Didn't Need To Do / Needn't Have Done

te popler bir snav soru tipi daha... Ltfen bu iki kalp arasndaki anlam farkn dikkatle not ediniz:
I didn't need to move that heavy bookcase, because someone else had already moved it out of the way...
[Yerinden oynatmak zorunda olmadm, zorunda kalmayacam daha iin banda anlald. Dolaysyla
da byle birey yapmadm]
It seems that I needn't have gone into all that trouble after all... [Aslnda / meer bunca zahmete girmem
hi gerekmiyormu. Ama bunu sonradan anladm. Bu arada olan oldu, yapacam yaptm. Hepsi
bounaym / boa gitti]
By dream_Catcher

Used To / Be Used To
Her nedense sklkla dlen bir yanlma kayna daha. Bu da snavlar hazrlayanlarn pek sevdikleri
konulardan birisi...
Used to = Yardmc fiil: Trke'ye en iyi "...erdim, ...ardm" ile eviri verir: Gemite srekli yinelenmi
eylem ve durumlar iin kullanlr. Bu yardmc fiilin past tense dnda ekimi yoktur ve mastar alr.
Be used to = Bu bir deyim. Anlam: "alm olmak, alkn olmak. Btn tense'lerde ekilebilir ve
ardndan ad-fiil (gerund) alr.
Sre bildiren hali: "get used to, become used to" = almak... Bu deyimler, "be accustomed to, get
accustomed to, become accustomed to" ile eanlamldrlar.
I used to get up quite early in the past, but I don't do that any longer. = Eskiden olduka erken kalkardm,
ama artk bunu yapmyorum.
I am used to getting up early. I got used to it when I was in the army. = Erken kalkmaa alknm. Buna
askerde altm...
"Would" yardmc fiilinin ok nemli bir kullanm boyutuna burada iaret edebiliriz. Bu da, yukardaki
birinci anlamda, "used to" yerine kullanlmas:
She used to stand at the door and wave at me = She would stand at the door and wave at me... Kapda
durur. bana el sallard...
Every time I tried to leave her, she would lock herself up and start to cry. Onu her terketmeye
kalktmda, odasna kapanr alamaya balard...
Bu kullanmn olumsuz kalb da ok ilgin bir anlam iletir:
She would never let me be... Beni asla rahat brakmazd... veya, Beni asla rahat brakmayacaktr... [Yani
gerek "past" gerekse "present/future" anlam verebiliyor.]

Have You ...? / Do You Have ...?

By dream_Catcher

kisi de standart ngilizce'dir ve birbirlerinin yerine kullanlabilir. kincisinin kullanm kolayl

bakmndan tercih edilmesi dnlebilir (yada belki bana daha kolay geliyor):
Have you a pen? Haven't you any friends in this town? I haven't much money on me...
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Do you have a pen? Don't you have any friends in this town? I don't have much money on me...
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
nemli Not: Yukardaki rnekler, "have" fiilinin "sahip olmak" anlam ile ilikilidir. "Have to" (=
zorunluluk) yardmc fiili ise olumsuz ve soru biimlerini yalnz ikinci kalpta oluturur:
"Do you have to go now?"... "Yes, I do..." "No, I don't..."
"You don't have to do that now, do you?"... "Yes, I do..." "No, I don't..".
te yandan, "have" fiilinin vurgulu biimi olan olan "have got" kalb da aadaki kalplarda kullanlr:
He has got a lot of money... (= have, yani asl fiil olarak = sahip olmak. Tmcenin "simple present tense"
olduuna dikkat ediniz.)
I've got to leave now. (= have to... Zorunluluk belirtir ve ounlukla ksaltlm biim kullanlr. Bu
tmcenin de "present perfect" deil, "simple present tense" olduuna dikkat ediniz.)
Have you got to go now? imdi gitmek zorunda msnz?

Shall I?... Shall We?... Will You?...

Shall / Will fiillerinin ilettikleri anlamlar ve tarihsel srete ortaya km olan idiomatik gariplikleri
"future tense" (bknz. Blm 3) konusunu ilerken ele almtk. Burada bir dizi standart kullanma daha
iaret etmek isterim:
Shall I open the window?... Shall I get you a glass of water?... Aaym m?... Getireyim mi?... Bu
tmceleri "will" ile kuramazsnz. nk o zaman, "Bil bakalm aacak mym, amayacak mym...
getirecek miyim, getirmeyecek miyim" gibi garip bir anlam kazanrlar.
What shall I do now?... Ben imdi ne yapacam, n'olacam?! Kendi kendine sorulan bir soru veya
znt anlatm...
Let's go home now, shall we?... Hadi eve gidelim, olur mu? DKKAT: Grld gibi, "let us" kalbnn
"kuyruk = tag" sorusu bu ekilde oluturulur.
Yes, let's... No, let's not... Bunlar da yantlar...
By dream_Catcher

Fetch me a knife from the kitchen, will you?... Sit down, will you?... Emir tmcelerinden sonra, biraz
ortam yumuatc "tamam m? olur mu?"...
Do me a favour, will you?... Bu sz genelde yle bir bezmi, serzeni dolu veya fkeli tonda sylenir ki,
anlam genelde, "Tra kes, Tanr akna, tamam m?" gibi bir nans kazanr...
Shall we dance? Shall we go home now? Shall we have dinner?... Bunlar da neri, teklif tmceleridir.
Dansedelim mi? Haydi dansedelim...gibi.

Bunca ayrntdan sonra, bir gerei itiraf etmekte yarar var. Verdiimiz rneklerin, ngilizce'de yardmc
fiillerle kurulabilecek ilgin yaplarn yarsn bile yanstamadna eminim. Kimsenin de byle bir
grevin stesinden gelebileceini sanmyorum. Yapmamz gereken ey, ilgin ve nemli bulduunuz
rneklere rastladnzda bunlar kaydetmek; zaman zaman tekrar gzden geirmek; benzer rnekler
oluturarak, kendimize maletmee almak.
Herzamanki gibi, kendi zel gereksinimleriniz iin oluturduunuz bu temel rnekler, gnlk dil
kullanmnda hazr cephanelerimiz olacaktr.


ok kolay: Yardmc Fiilinizi Seiniz:

may, must, or have to ?
01 Should you come this way again, you ............... come and see us.
-- must
02 You mustn't miss this film. You ............... find it rather interesting.
-- may
03 I'm not sure at all what that noise was. It ............... have been just some cats having fun in the garden.
-- may
04 I am told that pupils attending that school ............... wear uniforms.
-- have to
05 It was raining rather heavily. I ............... take a taxi.
By dream_Catcher
-- had to
06 You don't have to stay here all day. You ............... leave now, in fact, if you like.
-- may
07 You ............... be more careful with your eating habits. You've put on a lot of weight just recently,
you know.
-- must
08 You ............... cross the street against the red light.
-- mustn't
09 ............... I use your lavatory?
-- May
10 You ............... speak so loudly. I can hear you very well.
-- don't have to


Yardmc Fiilinizi Seiniz ve Bir Kez Kullannz

ought to, must, would like, used to, can, needn't, will, would, shall, had better
01 ............... you like to dance?
-- Would
02 "Must I always pay my rent by cheque?" "No, you ............... .
-- needn't
03 We ............... go back now. It'll be getting dark soon.
-- had better
04 Are you sure you .............. do it on your own? Maybe I should stay and help you with it.
-- can
By dream_Catcher

05 Bad boy! You .............. be ashamed of yourself!

-- ought to
06 I ............... die than leave this town.
-- would rather
07 He has been digging the garden all day long. He ............... be tired by now.
-- must
08 "Where ............... we go for our holidays this year?" "Well, how about Antalya?"
-- shall
09 Stop arguing between yourselves, .............. you?
-- will
10 I ............... bite my nails when I was child.
-- used to


Yardmc Fiilinizi Seiniz ve Bir Kez Kullannz

may have, would have, could have, should have, must have, needn't have, would, might, have, hadn't
01 You've done a great job on it. No one else ............... done it better!
-- could have
02 This isn't my suitcase; I ............... taken someone else's by mistake.
-- must have
03 Why did you go there in person? You ............... phoned them, instead.
-- should have
04 I wish I ............... spent all of that money yesterday, and had saved some for today.
By dream_Catcher

-- hadn't
05 I ............... made a few mistakes; I'm not really very sure.
-- may have
06 Had it not been for his courageous attempt, all lives .............. been lost. [Kendisinin o cesur giriimi
olmasayd, hepimiz lecektik.]
-- would have
07 You ............... bought these; we've already got plenty at home.
-- needn't have
08 It ............... rain this afternoon. They ............... have to postpone the game.
-- might
09 ............... you do it, if you could?
-- Would
10 What .............. you got to offer to these poor people?!
-- have



01 -- Belki de hal bizi istasyonda bekliyordur.
a. She might still be waiting for us at the station.
b. Maybe she will be waiting for us at the station.
Answer a
02 -- Bugn hava souktu; paltonu giymeliydin / giymi olmalydn.... (Akam oldu: eve dndk; evde
a. It was cold today. You might have worn your coat...
b. It was cold today. You should have worn your coat...
By dream_Catcher

Answer b
03 -- Oraya sk giderdim...
a. I used to go there often.
b. I was used to going there often.
Answer a
04 -- Bu kadar ok alkol tketmemelisin. Saln dnmelisin...
a. You oughtn't to consume so much alcohol. You should think of your health...
b. You wouldn't consume so much alcohol. You must think of your health...
Answer a
05 -- zgnm, yarn yapamam. (radem dnda engeller olacak)
a. Sorry, I won't be able to do it tomorrow.
b. Sorry, I can't do it tomorrow.
Answer a
06 -- imdi gitmek zorundaym. (radem dnda zorunluluk)
a. I have to leave now.
b. I must leave now.
Answer a
07 -- Sokaklar slak bu sabah... Demek ki gece yamur yam.
a. The streets are wet this morning. It must have rained last night...
b. The streets are wet this morning. It should have rained last night...
Answer a
08 -- Bugn leden sonra gelebilir... (Zayf olasl tercih edin)
a. She may come this afternoon...
b. She might come this afternoon...
Answer b
09 -- Bugn leden sonra gidebilir... (zin veriyorum)
a. She may leave this afternoon.
b. She should leave this afternoon.
Answer a
By dream_Catcher

10 -- Eer ambulans daha erken gelebilmi olsayd, belki de hayat kurtarlabilirdi...

a. If the ambulance had arrived a little earlier, his life might have been saved.
b. If the ambulance had arrived a little earlier, his life would have been saved.
Answer a



01 -- Kardeim asla bir kavgadan kamazd...
a. would

b. didn't use to

My brother ............... never back away from a fight.

Answer would
02 -- Btn bu durumun olumasna daha bandan asla izin verilmemeliydi...
a. would

b. should

The whole thing ............... never have been allowed to happen in the first place.
Answer should
03 -- Hkumetin o yaklam benimsemesi ok yazk!...
a. should

b. might

It's most unfortunate that the Government .............. adopt that approach.
Answer should
04 -- Herhangi bir sorun ortaya kacak olursa, beni hemen haberdar etmekte tereddt etmeyiniz... (We
normally use this inverted form to express the idea that something is unlikely to happen. However, if it
............... happen, then... etc.)
a. should

b. would

............... any problems arise, just don't hesitate to let me know immediately.
Answer should
By dream_Catcher

05 -- Bu iki olayn birbirini bu derece ardarda izlemi olmalar ok can skc bir rastlantyd...
a. should

b. might

What an unpleasant coincidence it was that these two events ............... have followed one another so
Answer should
06 -- leri yalarnda, sk sk oraya gider, eski mutlu gnler iin gzya dkerdi...
a. could

b. would

In his later years, he ............... often go there and cry over the happy days of olden times...
Answer would
07 -- Fenerbahe taraftarlar bir daha hi ampiyon olup olamayacaklarn merak etmee balamlard...
a. should

b. would

Fenerbahe fans had begun to wonder whether they ............... ever be champions again.
Answer would
08 -- Bana bir ltufta bulunur musunuz?... (You are making a polite request -- AIKLAMA: Yine ayn
szckler kinayeli veya fkeli bir ses tonuyla sralandklarnda ise, duruma gre, "Tra keser misin,"
"Biraz sessiz olur musun," gibi "u yapmakta olduun eyi yapma" anlam iletecektir...)
a. will

b. can

............... you do me a favour?

Answer will
09 -- A - u adam tanyor musun?... B - Hayr. Tanmam m gerekiyordu?...
a. Should

b. Do

A. Do you know that man?

B. No. .......... I ?...
Answer Should
10 -- Olur da gecikirsem, bensiz gitmee hazr olun... ( = You don't know if you will be late or not, but
you think it is a possibility. This construction with "in case" is typically used with "...............")
a. will

b. should

Be prepared to leave without me, in case I ............... be late.

By dream_Catcher

Answer should


Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on
your own choice !!
01 -- I'm not really sure where the cat is, but I think she ............... in the kitchen.
a. might play

b. might be playing

c. might have played

Answer might be playing

02 -- If I had left early like everyone else did, I ............... sitting here now listening to all this rubbish.
a. may not be

b. wouldn't be

c. was not able to be

Answer wouldn't be
03 -- If I'd gone down to Bodrum like all my friends did, I, too, ............... scuba diving lessons.
a. could have taken

b. had better taken

c. had taken

Answer could have taken

04 -- Meltem had agreed to meet us here at the entrance, but she ............... here when we arrived.
a. should have been

b. wouldn't be

c. wasn't

Answer wasn't
05 -- It ............... that silly friend of yours who called and didn't leave a proper message on the answering
a. should have been

b. could easily be

c. was recorded

Answer could easily be

06 -- I wish I'd never set foot there in person. I ............... her instead.
a. should have phoned

b. had better phone

c. will have phoned

Answer should have phoned

By dream_Catcher

07 -- These aren't my books. I ............... someone else's books by mistake.

a. had better taken

b. should take

c. must have taken

Answer must have taken

08 -- Why did you do the dishes? You really ............... have bothered.
a. mustn't

b. needn't

c. couldn't

Answer needn't
09 -- I ............... bought them, if you had lent me some money.
a. may have

b. might have

c. ought to have

Answer might have

10 -- You .............. brought them with you. Why didn't you?
a. must have

b. wouldn't have

c. ought to have

Answer ought to have

11 -- Gne ............... returned the CD we rented last week. It was on the table, but now it's gone.
a. must have

b. ought to have

c. would rather have

Answer must have

12 -- You've done an excellent job on it. No one else ............... it better.
a. may have done

b. must have done

c. could have done

Answer could have done

13 -- I really ............... fishing with my friends, but unfortunately I was down with the 'flu...
a. must go

b. would like to have gone

c. would rather go

Answer would like to have gone

14 -- I ............... have taken you advice and stayed away from that place.
a. must

b. may

c. should

Answer should
15 -- It now seems we .............. a taxi. We're already here and still have half an hour to go before the
a. shouldn't hurry and take

b. needn't have hurried and taken

By dream_Catcher

c. would like to hurry and take

Answer needn't have hurried and taken
16 -- They kept repeating that they ............... follow him wherever he went, but he still wasn't so sure...
a. had better

b. would

c. ought to

Answer would
17 -- She ............... read my letter by now, and I'm sure she will call us any moment.
a. should

b. must have

c. has to

Answer must have

18 -- Next week's final between these to teams ............... be really fascinating.
a. should

b. would like to

c. had better

Answer should
19 -- Her parents were supposed to have been back by last Monday. Frankly, they ............... a great time
a. would rather have

b. would like to have

c. must be having

Answer must be having

20 -- You ............... have repeated it. It wasn't really necessary.
a. can't

b. couldn't

c. needn't

Answer needn't

Ksa Aklama / Ad-Tmceliklere Toplu Bak / Dz-Tmceden retilen Ad-Tmcelik / Dikkat...
Dikkat... / Sorulardan Ad-Tmcelik / Emirlerden Ad-Tmcelik / Dikkat... Dikkat... / leri Dzeyde
Notlar / General Exercise / ngilizceye eviri
By dream_Catcher

Bu Blmde dikkatimizi, tmcede zne veya nesne ilevi stlenen bal tmcelikler (isim nitelii tayan
yan cmlecik) stne younlatracaz. Bildiiniz gibi, herhangi bir tmcede bu ilevler tek bir ad ile
karlanabilecei gibi, bunun yerine bir ad-bei (noun phrase) yada ad-tmcelik de (noun clause)
lk iki durumda, birer yaln tmce (basit tmce /simple sentence); nc durumda ise bir karmak tmce
(bileik tmce / complex sentence) kurmu oluruz:
Ali prefers tea.
My son prefers foreign films.
My son has told me that he prefers foreign films.
Unutmaynz, gramer birimlerini ilevlerine gre tanmlayp snflyoruz: "foreign films" yap olarak bir
sfat tamlamasdr; ama burada nesne ilevi tayor. nk, "Ne sever, neyi sever?" sorusuna yant
veriyor. O halde onu bir "ad-bei" (noun phrase) olarak deerlendireceiz.
Ayn ekilde, "that he..." ile balayan tmcelik de "Ne sever, neyi sever?" sorusuna yant veriyor ve "to
tell" fiilinin nesnesi konumundadr: O halde "ad-tmcelik" (noun clause) olarak deerlendireceiz.
NOT: Kitabmzn pragmatik/pratik amalarna uygun olarak, burada da belli bir yuvarlama ve
yalnlatrmaya gittim. Daha ayrntl gramatik aklama isteyen okuyucular, Blm sonundaki "leri
Dzeyde Notlar" Blmne bakabilirler. Ama o Blm "skc" bulursanz, beni sulamayn.


Farkl kaynak-tmce tiplerinden, hangi balalar kullanlarak nasl bir ad-tmcelik retildii aada
rnekleriyle gsteriliyor. lerdeki rnekleri incelerken, zaman zaman bu tabloya dnp karlatrarak
irdelemeniz yararl olacaktr.

AIDS is a very dangerous syndrome.
That AIDS is a very dangerous syndrome is now
generally known. [ZNE]

Everybody knows (that) AIDS is a very dangerous

By dream_Catcher

syndrome. [NESNE]
a) Yardmc Fiillerle:
Is AIDS really dangerous?
if... or not
whether or not
whether... or not
Whether or not AIDS is really dangerous was
discussed in our last chapter. [ZNE]

They keep asking us if AIDS is really dangerous.


(Bu balalarn kullanm koullar iin nemli not aada)

b) Soru szck yada bekleriyle:
In what population category is AIDS
particularly dangerous?

Why is AIDS so dangerous?

Soru szc
soru beinin
In what population category AIDS is particularly
dangerous is a very relevant question. [ZNE]
By dream_Catcher

They keep asking why AIDS is so dangerous.

The doctor suggested that she (should) give up
smoking. [NESNE]

nemli Not: Yardmc fiillerle kurulan soru tmcelerinde, "if" ve "if...or not" ieren ad-tmcelikler zne
konumunda kullanlamaz. Bu kategoride yalnz "whether" ieren ad-tmcelikler yer alabilir.
Yani, ***"If she will come (or not) is not known," eklinde bir tmce kuramazsnz. Doru tmce:
"Whether (or not) she will come (or not) is not known."


ngilizce'de herhangi bir dz-tmce'nin bana that balac getirerek bir ad-tmcelik tekil edebilir, sonra
da bunu bir fiilin znesi yada nesnesi olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Formlnz:
that + dz-tmce = ad-tmcelik
* * * *
A) zne Olarak Kullanm:
Ad-tmceliin zne konumunda olduu tmceler gl bir anlatm olana salamakla birlikte fazla sk
grlmez; daha ok hitabette ve vurgulu, tumturakl ifadelerde kullanlr. Gnlk dilde, bu kalptan
dnmle elde edilen aadaki ikinci rnek tmce tipi ok daha yaygndr. Vurgulama dnda tmyle
anlamda olduklarna dikkat ediniz:
1. That AIDS is a very dangerous syndrome is now generally known.
2. It is now generally known that Aids is a very dangerous syndrome.
rnekler aada oaltlmaktadr. Dikkat etmeniz gereken nokta: Ad-tmcelik baa alndnda bala
kullanlmas zorunludur, yani "that" kaldrlamaz; ikinci konumda ise bala kullanm zorunlu deildir
ve zellikle konuma dilinde "that" ou zaman devre d braklr.

By dream_Catcher

Ancak bu uygulamann yeni balayanlar iin belli bir ayrtrma gl oluturmas nedeniyle,
"intermediate" dzey okuyucularmzn imdilik her konumda "that" balacn kullanmalarn neririm.

DKKAT... DKKAT... Ayrca, hi unutmamanz gereken nemli bir nokta da udur: Bir tmcenin
gramer asndan salkl saylabilmesi, onun gnlk yaamda kullanlabilirlii asndan garanti tekil
etmez. Trke etken / edilgen dnmn renen bir yabanc, gnlk konuma srasnda "Kz gzme
kestirdim," yerine, bilgisini sergilemek amacyla, "Kz benim tarafndan gzme kestirildi" diye bir tmce
kurarsa, herhalde alk toplamayacaktr. Oysa gramerce dorudur... Demek istediim, ileri dzey ngilizce
bilgisine ulancaya dein, "orjinal" tmce kurmaktan kannz. Karlatnz, ilgin bulduunuz,
iinize yarayabilecek, yada yalnzca hounuza giden tmceleri kalp halinde ezberlemek yoluna gidiniz.
Giderek, kalptaki ad, sfat ve zarflar deitirmek suretiyle ifade zenginlii olanaklarnz geniletirsiniz.

rnein burada da, hertrl ad-tmcelii paa gnlnz isterse zne isterse nesne konumunda
kullanlabilir sonucu karlmamaldr. Aadaki tmceler, gramer rnei olarak sunulmaktadr. zellikle
"zne" konumunda olan bazlarna gnlk dilde rastlama olaslnz sfra yakndr diyebilirim.
imdi bu aamadaki rneklerimize geelim:

He is stinking rich. (be obvious -- simple present

That he is stinking rich is obvious.
It is obvious that he is stinking rich.
There is a link. (be strongly suspected simple present)
That there is a link is strongly suspected.
It is strongly suspected that there is a link.
They are twin brothers. (surprise everyone; simple present)
That they are twin brothers surprises everyone.
It surprises everyone that they are twin brothers.
Women are worse drivers than men. (never be proven; present perfect)
By dream_Catcher

That women are worse drivers than men has never been proven.
It has never been proven that women are worse drivers than men.
The business has gone bankrupt. (be known; future tense ile kullannz)
That the business has gone bankrupt will be known within a very few days.
It will be known within a very few days that the business has gone bankrupt.
Her father happened to be the director. (not concern me; past)
That her father happened to be the director didn't concern me.
It didn't concern me that her father happened to be the director.

te Sizlere ok etin Bir rnek:
Eski gzarmz sorulardan birini ve yantn burada yeniden ele alyorum: Bana gre, bugne dein
hazrladm test sorularnn en iyilerinden birisi:
Aristotle is known to have said something like this: ".............. man is a political animal is pretty obvious."
a. This

b. That

c. The

d. A

e. Every

Doru yant: "That" -- Yani, "b" kk... Peki ama neden?! imdi onu aklayalm: nk, ngilizcede
"that" szc ile balatlan iki tr bal tmcelik (yan tmcelik -- subordinate clause) kurulabilir:
1. Tanmlayc/kstlayc sfat-tmcelik (defining or restrictive relative clause). rnek:
Some of the things (that) we found there were truly amazing.
2. Ad-tmcelik (noun clause). rnekler:
It is not surprising that they hold you responsible for it.
It is known that man is a political animal.
Aristotle said that man is a political animal.
By dream_Catcher

Bu rneklerde, "that" ile balayan ad-tmcelikler nesne ilevini karlyor. (Direct object, yada
complement, hepsini kapsayacak ekilde yuvarlyorum.)
Ama, daha az yaygn olan bir baka kullanm rneinde, bu tr ad-tmcelikler, zne (subject) ilevi ile de
kullanlabilir: rnekler:
That they hold you responsible for it is not surprising. artc olmayan nedir? Seni sorumlu tutmalar...
That she doesn't care at all is pretty obvious.. Gayet belli olan nedir? Hi umursamad, aldr
That man is a political animal is well known. yi bilinen ey nedir? nsanolunun toplumsal bir yaratk
olduu... ("Toplumsal" kavram, "eski Yunan polis'lerinde, yani kentlerinde yayor olmak" kavramndan
Gryorsunuz, ad-tmcelik burada zne ilevi ile kullanlyor.
Sonuta, verdiimiz rnek doru ve yakkl bir tmcedir. Anlam ise:
Aristo'nun yle bireyler sylemi olduu bilinir: "nsanolunun toplumsal bir yaratk olduu besbelli..."
Bu arada, bir de tonlamaya ilikin bir not: Tabiatiyle buradaki "That man ... etc" tmcesini "bu adam, u
adam" anlamna gelen "this man, that man" deki gibi tonlamayacaksnz. Burada "that" szcn
birhayli bastrarak ve "ukalaca" bir tavrla syledikten sonra, bir an duraklayp ardndan ad-tmcelii
patlatacaksnz! Unutmayn, hitabet ve belagat sanatndan bir rnek veriyorsunuz...

B) Nesne Olarak Kullanm:

Kitaplarda bu yapda kullanlabilen fiillerin uzun listeleri verilir. Gkteki yldzlar kadar kalabalk bu
listelerin pratik deeri olabilir mi? ngilizce'de ok ilek bir kullanm alanna sahip olan szkonusu yapy
rnekleyelim. Diyelim ki elimizde "The inflation is going down" eklinde bir dz-tmce var. Baknz
neler yapabiliriz:
I admit (that) the inflation is going down.
Nobody else agrees


The government has announced



The Minister argued (that) the inflation is/was going down.

He seeks to reassure the people (that) the inflation is/will be
going down...
By dream_Catcher

He keeps/kept boasting (that) the inflation is/was/had been etc...

It appears (that) the inflation is really/will really be going down.
Ksacas, dz-tmcelerden, bana "that" balacn getirerek oluturulacak sonsuz saydaki ad-tmcelik,
daha yzlerce fiilin nesnesi olarak kullanlabilir. Kullanm skl ok yksek olan bu yapya baka ilgin
rnekler de verelim:
There is little hope (that) the inflation is going down at all...
There is some evidence (that) the fight against inflation will yet dominate Turkish economics for years on
end (for years on end = yllarca)...
Would you agree (that) the inflation is going down? (...... grne katlyor musunuz?)
I had no idea (that) she was a policewoman... Nobody seemed to care (that) she was a policewoman...
Didn't you notice at the time (that) she was a policewoman?
It's a pity (that) you couldn't get there on time...
The fact is (that) the stars are too widely dispersed in space...
The trouble is (that) I've got very little money...
She's convinced (that) she's going to lose her job soon.
I'm afraid (that) they'll have to postpone the game...
I'm sorry (that) you can't come tonight...
I'm glad (that) this boring exercise is now over... (to be over = bitmek, sona ermek)
(Tekrara gerek var m bilmem, ama biliyorsunuz bu kitapta gramer bizim iin bir ama deil, yalnzca bir
ara... Konular ve terimleri, bize en kestirmeden hizmet edebilecekleri ekilde yuvarlayp zetliyorum.
rnein yukardaki rneklerde, geili fiillerin "object" leri olduu kadar, farkl baz yaplar da nesne
bal altnda gsterdim. Bu ar suu, herhalde tyleri u anda fkeden dimdik olmu gramer
polislerine bari kendim duyuraym dedim...)

"Sorulardan ad-tmcelik" konusuna gemeden nce ok nemli bir hatrlatma:

Bu noktada, daha nce de deindiimiz bir kural yeniden nemle vurgulamak isterim: Btn baltmcelikler (yan-tmcelikler) dz-tmce olmak zorundadr. Baka bir deyile, ad-tmcelik, sfattmcelik, zarf-tmcelik soru biiminde olamaz.
(Peki bu kadar nemli bir kural da, neden acaba bugne dein kimse size bundan sz etmedi? Peki,
imdiye dein ka tane Trkler tarafndan Trkler iin hazrlanm zgn ngilizce gramere rastladnz.
Bizdeki kitaplar eviridir. Ana dili ingilizce olanlar ise, balk suda yaadn bilmez misali, kendisi iin
By dream_Catcher

ok doal olan bu gerei kurallatrmay dnmez. Bal-tmceliin (yan-tmceliin) bu en nemli

zelliini ltfen asla, ama asla aklnzdan karmaynz.)
Demek ki, soru tmcelerinden ad-tmcelik olutururken ilk yapacanz ey bunu dz-tmceye
evirmektir. rnekleri izleyiniz:

-- Does she still keep it?

-- Yes, I'm certain (that) she still keeps it.
-- Will she be coming tonight?
-- No, I'm sure (that) she won't be coming tonight.

NOT: Olaan konuma ortamnda, "Yes, I'm certain she did... No, I'm sure she won't..." eklindeki ksa
yantlar doal ve yeterli saylacaktr. rnekleyelim:
Q: Has anyone been hurt? A: No, I'm happy to say that no one has.
Q: Is the price likely to go up again? A: Yes, I'm afraid it is.
Q: Is he crazy or something ? A: Yes, I think he is.
Q: Did they lend you the money?

A: Yes, I'm very grateful (that) they did.

Bu Blmn bandaki Tablodan hatrlayacanz zere, bu konu iki alt balk altnda incelenecektir: 1)
Yardmc fiillerle kurulan soru tmceleri... 2) Soru szckleri yada soru szck bekleri ile
gerekletirilen sorular...
A) Yardmc Fiillerle Kurulan Sorular:
Bu tip soru tmcelerinden ad-tmcelik oluturmak iin, 1) Dz-tmceye eviriniz, 2) Bana Tabloda
gsterdiimiz balalardan birisini getiriniz.
1) te imdi ok nemli bir noktaya deineceiz. Dikkat edilirse aada rneklenen her ngilizce
tmce, Trke'de ayn eviriyi veriyor:
By dream_Catcher

She asked me if I was happy.

She asked me if I wasn't happy.
She asked me if I was happy or not.
= Mutlu olup olmadm sordu.
[Hernekadar, ilk iki rnei, "Acaba mutlu muy(d)um diye sordu" / "Acaba mutlu deil miy(d)im diye
sordu" eklinde evirmek olana varsa da...]
Ksacas, Trke'de soru sormak amacyla, "Mutlu olduu -- mu sordu?... Mutlu olmad -- m sordu?..."
yaplar kural ddr, ama ngilizce'de sorular bu ekilde sorabiliyor; zel olarak "mutlu olup
olmadm" kavramn iletmek istersek "or not" yapsna ba vuruyoruz.
2) Yine ok nemli bir nokta: "If" yada "if... or not" kalbyla kurulan tmcelik zne konumunda
kullanlamaz. zne konumunda yalnzce "whether" ile balayan ad-tmcelikler yer alabilir. (Daha nce
de nemle deindik.)
YANLI: If you pass your exam (or not) depends on your work.
DORUSU: Whether (or not) you pass your exam (or not) depends on your work.
3) Tpk dz-tmceden retilenlerde olduu gibi, sorulardan retilen ad-tmcelikler iin de nesne
konumunda kullanm ok daha yaygndr. rnekler:
- Will you be attending the meeting?
He wants to know if I will be attending the meeting.
He wanted to know if I would not be attending the meeting.
I don't know if she will be attending the meeting or not.
They're asking her whether or not she'll be attending the

They want to know whether you'll be attending the meeting or

4) Ad-tmcelik bir ilgecin (preposition) nesnesi olduunda yine "if" li yaplar kullanlamaz:
YANLI: We're very concerned about if she can manage this affair properly (or not).
DORUSU: We're very concerned about whether she can manage this affair properly (or not).

By dream_Catcher

B) Soru Szckleri/bekleriyle Kurulan Sorular:

Soru szckleri yada soru szck bekleriyle kurulan soru tmcelerini bir ad-tmcelie dntrmek iin,
1) Bala, soru szc yada soru beinin kendisidir;
2) Soru tmcesi dz-tmceye evrilir.
(Neden? nk, btn bal tmceler dz-tmce olmak zorundadr! Ad-, sfat- yada zarf-tmcelik soru
biiminde olamaz!)
1. nce, bu tip sorulardan dntrlen ad-tmcelik iin zne konumunu rnekleyelim:
Q: "Why did she leave you?" A: "Why she left me is none of your business!"
Q: "What time is it?" A: "What time it is is none of your business!"
(Gryorsunuz cevaplar veren kiinin biraz huysuzluu stnde! te yandan, ikinci cevapta ardarda
gelen "is is" bir bask hatas deil: Birincisi ad-tmcelie ait, ikincisi ise toplam tmcenin asl fiili...)
Peki, u rnekleri ad-tmcelie nasl evireceiz? "Who stole the money?"... "What happened there that
YANIT: "Who" ve "What" soru szckleri, kurduklar soru tmcesinin ayn zamanda znesi
konumundadr. Bu nedenle, soruyu dz-tmceye evirince szck dizimi deimez, ayn kalr:
Q. -- Who came?
A. -- I don't know who came.

Q. -- Who stole the money?

A. -- Who stole the money is not very clear.

Q. -- Who had stolen the money?

A. -- Who had stolen the money was not very clear.

Q. -- What happened to it?

A. -- I don't know what happened to it.

Q. -- What happened there that night?

By dream_Catcher

A. -- What happened there that night is a great mystery for everyone.

2. imdi de bu tip tmceliklerin nesne konumunda kullanlmasn rnekleyelim:

Q: "Who saw her last last night?"

A: "We have no idea about who saw her last last night." (Dikkat: "who saw her last -- last night: dn gece
onu en son kim grd... Yani, bask hatas filan yok.)

Q: "Which of the two colours should I choose?"

A: "She asked herself which of the two colours she should choose."

Q: "Where has he come from?"

A: "They wondered where he had come from."

Q: "Can you tell me what time it is?"

A: "I don't really know what time it is."

Q: "What is the watch-word?"

A: "The soldier doesn't know what the watch-word is!"

Q: "Who did you buy it from?"

A: "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you who I bought it from."

Q: "Do you think that she will tell you who came here last night?"
A: "Yes, I'm sure she will." (= Yes, I think so.)

Q: "How does one do it?"

By dream_Catcher

A: "Are you asking me how one does it?" (Sen mi soruyorsun bana bunun nasl yaplacan?)

Q: "How does it work?"

A: "He kept wondering how it worked." (Reported speech, indirect speech, dolayl anlatm)

Bildiiniz gibi, emir tmcelerinin dolayl aktarm ou zaman olumlu ve olumsuz mastarlar (the
infinitive) aracl ile gerekletirilir. Bu konuyu "Dolayl Anlatm - Indirect Speech" Blmnde
ayrntlar ile ele alacaz:
"Sit down." -------- "He told me to sit down."
"Don't come back here ever again!" -------- "They told me not to go back there ever again." veya, "They
told me never to go back there again."
"Be careful with your diet." -------- "The doctor told me to be careful with my diet."
Bir baka anlatm/aktarm yolu ise, belli fiillerin ardndan that + ad-tmcelik yapsnn kullanlmasdr:
"Be careful with your diet." --------
"The doctor suggested/advised/urged that I/you/she (should) be careful with my/your/her diet."
Bu beklenmedik anlatm kalb ileri dzeyde ngilizce rencileri iin bile artc olmaktadr. Oysa
gnlk basnda ve literatrde rnekleri hayli kalabalktr. Snavlarda da batac bir sorudur.
(NOT: Gramer snflamas olarak bu konu aslnda Blm 9'da "The Subjunctive Mood" bal altnda da
ele alnabilirdi. Ancak deneyimlerim, bunlarn "ad-tmcelikler" arasnda ele alnmasnn retim/renim
kolayl saladn gstermitir. Yine de, o Blmde de baz rnekler veriyorum.)
nce bu yapda yaygn kullanlan fiilleri listeleyelim:
advise, agree, ask (istemek), be determined (kesin kararl olmak), beg, command, demand, desire, forbid,
insist, move (nermek), recommend, request, require, stipulate (yasa, vb iin emredici olmak), suggest,
urge (acildir, gerei hemen yaplsn arsnda bulunmak)...

By dream_Catcher

te, bu fiillerden sonra ad-tmcelik "should" yardmc fiili ile kurulur. Kurulur ama, dilersek yardmc
fiili yapdan karabiliriz. Uygulama ou zaman bu yndedir. Kolaylk bakmndan, tmcenizi nce
"should" ile kurun. Sonra bu szc karn: Geride ne kalyorsa o kalsn.
Doaldr ki geride yalnz yaln fiil kalacak ve giri fiilinin present yada past olmas bunu
deitirmeyecektir. Yap ite bu nedenle "artc" grnyor:

The doctor suggested that she stop smoking.
Her employer demanded that she come to work on time.
We requested that outsiders not be allowed to enter the hall.
Her doctor urged that the operation not be postponed any longer.
He keeps advising me that I sell my old car.
They insist that they be given a second chance.
I move that the meeting be postponed. [Toplantnn ertelenmesini neriyorum... to move = nermek...
parliamentary motion = nerge...]


Aadaki tmceleri, nerilen szckleri kullanarak, ngilizce'ye eviriniz. "Should" yardmc fiilini
1) Yolculuumuzu ertelememizi nerdi. (propose / postpone / journey)... 2) Yolculuumuzun
ertelenmesini nerdi. (propose / journey / be postponed)... 3) Yeni bir lastik almam tavsiye etti.
(recommend / buy / tyre)... 4) Yeni bir lastik alnmasn tavsiye edecektir. (recommend / be bought /
tyre)... 5) dln Ali ve Gne arasnda eit bltrlmesini talep ediyoruz. (demand / prize / be
equally divided)... 6) Kimsenin oraya kendisinden nce ulamamasnda kararl. (be determined / nobody /
get there)... 7) Kaplarn kapatlmasn emretmeli. (he order / gates / be shut)... 8) Gne'in terfi
By dream_Catcher

ettirilmesi nerilmi bulunuyor. (be proposed / be promoted)... 9) Eminim doktor en az bir hafta yatakta
kalman konusunda uyarda bulunacaktr. (urge / stay in bed)... 10) Ali evin satlmasn nerdi. (suggest /
be sold)...
1) He proposed that we postpone our journey... 2) He proposed that our journey be postponed... 3) He
(has) recommended that I buy a new tyre... 4) He will recommend that a new tyre be bought... 5) We
demand that the prize money be equally divided between Ali and Gne... 6) He is very determined that
nobody get there before him... (Bu son rnekte, gnmz konuma dilinde "nobody gets there" yapsn
iitebilirsiniz. Ama sakn klasik bir snavda bu hataya dmeyin.) 7) He must/should order that the gates
be shut... 8) It has been proposed that Gne be promoted... 9) I'm sure the doctor will urge that you stay
in bed for at least a week... 10) Ali suggested that the house be sold.

Yukardakilere benzer ekilde "should" yardmc fiilinin drlebilecei bir baka yapnn forml de

be + tleyici/ivedilik bildiren sfat + ad-tmce

rnek: It is imperative that she (should) consult a doctor at once... Hemen bir doktora danmas byk
nem tayor...
Bu kalpta kullanlabilecek sfatlara rnekler:
advisable, desirable, essential, good, better, best, imperative, important, mandatory (zorunlu), necessary,
reasonable (akla, manta uygun), requisite (gerekli), urgent, vital, only right, only fair, only just (gayet
haka), only natural (gayet doal)...


Aadaki tmceleri, nerilen szckleri kullanarak, ngilizce'ye eviriniz. "Should" yardmc fiilini
By dream_Catcher

1) Kendisinin hazrlkl olmas esastr. (essential / he / be prepared)... 2) Hi hata yapmamalar tavsiye

olunur. (advisable / they /make no mistakes)... 3) Derhal bir mesaj gnderilmesi ivedilik tayor. (urgent /
be sent)... 4) Hastaya ilacn alt saatte bir verilmesi nemlidir. (important / be given / every six hours)... 5)
Herkesin son derece sessiz olmas/kalmas gerekiyor. (requisite / be, veya keep very quiet)... 6)
Doktorumu hemen grmem gerekiyor. (requisite / see)... 7) Sen en iyisi yolculuunu iptal et. (best /
cancel / journey)... 8) Talimatlar dikkatle izlemeniz yaamsal nem tayacaktr. (vital / follow)... 9)
Daha yksek cretler istemeleri gayet mantkl. (only reasonable / demand)... 10) Dmanlarmzdan daha
kuvvetli olmamz son derece nemli. (imperative / be stronger)...
1) It is essential that he be prepared... 2) It is advisable that they make no mistakes... 3) It is urgent that a
message be immediately sent... (veya, be sent immediately)... 4) It is important that the patient be given
the medicine every six hours... 5) It is requisite that everyone be/keep very quiet... 6) It is requisite that I
see my doctor at once... 7) It is best that you cancel your journey... 8) It will be vital that you follow the
instructions most carefully... 9) It is only reasonable that they demand higher wages... 10) It is imperative
that we be stronger than our enemies...


Ad-tmcelik iin en geni ereve tanm yle olabilir: Tmce iinde gramer ilevi olarak ad kullanlmas
gereken herhangi bir yerde bu ilevi stlenebilen tmcelik tr...
Ad-tmcelik u konumlarda karmza kabilir:
1. Bir fiilin znesi (subject):
What you do or don't do does not interest me...
That you should find this difficult is only expectable...
(only expectable = yani, baka ey beklenemezdi ki...]
2. Bir fiilin dolaysz nesnesi (direct object):
I know where he lives...
Everybody knows that you've been abroad for your holidays...
3. lge nesnesi (object of a preposition):
He told us all about what he had seen there...
They only spoke of whether there should be early elections or not...
4. Bir ad yada adl ile "apposition" durumunda:
The fact that she is your best student does not surprise me...
By dream_Catcher

I will see to it that he leaves tonight...

( = Bu akam yola kmasn salayacam...)
5. Bir fiilin "subjective" veya "objective" tmleci:
He became in the end what everyone had expected him to become...
( = Sonunda herkesin tahmin etmi olduu kiilie brnd... Tmce ngilizce'de olumsuz bir yorum
ierdii iin bu ekilde eviriyorum...)

All these flatteries have made him what he is...

( = Bu hale gelmesine btn bu yaltaklanmalar neden oldu...)
"If" ve "whether" arasndaki birka nansa da dikkati ekmek yerinde olacaktr. yle ki,
1. Olaan durumda ikisi edeerdir, ancak "if" ok daha yaygndr. (Ama Blm banda, nerelerde
kullanlamayacan belirtmitik)... "Whether" sanki biraz daha "kitabi" duruyor.
2. Soru bir tercih yaplmasn gerektiriyorsa, "whether" daha doaldr:
Q: "Do you wish to go by air or sea?"
Reported: "The travel agent asked whether I wanted to go by air or sea."
3. "If" li tmcelerin aktarlmasnda, "ift if" kullanmak durumunda kalmamak iin "whether" tercihi
Q: "If you go downtown this afternoon, will you buy a few things for me?"
Reported: "She asked whether, if I went downtown that afternoon, I would buy a few things for her."
4. zne ve nesne konumlarnda "if" ve "whether" iin temel kullanm kurallarna ise Blm banda
nemle deinmitik.

(Not: Burada zne-nesne terimleri pratik amala itibari deerde kullanlmaktadr. Daha keskin gramer
snflamas arzu edenler, bir yukardaki konuya bakabilirler)
zne Olarak Kullannz:

By dream_Catcher

01 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It is a fact which is expressed in practically every
02 How does he manage to keep going? This is beyond me.
03 Will he do it? It is another matter. ("Pek sanmyorum" nans ile)
04 Whoever wants to succeed in life? He/she should plan his/her time carefully.
05 What did you say to him? It matters a lot to me.
06 Man is a political animal. It was first pointed out by Aristotle.
07 AIDS is a very dangerous syndrome. It is a fact accepted by everyone.
08 Does AIDS threaten to spread further in the near future? This was discussed in a recent meeting.
("Yaylma eiliminde olup olmadn" sorgulaynz.)
09 What does she do for a living? It is a mystery.
10 What happened afterwards? It is not clear.
Nesne Olarak Kullannz:
11 Whoever is that person? The girls would like to know that.
12 She must lose some weight. The doctor recommended this.
13 "Be careful with your diet." This is what the doctor told me. ("suggest" fiilini kullannz.)
14 How does it work? This was what he kept wondering.
15 It is a privilege to receive higher education in Turkey. Unfortunately, most students do not seem to
realize this.
16 Whatever else are you planning to do now? They will object to them.
17 What does you friend suggest that you do? This is the best thing to do.
18 You've been kicked out. I'm sorry.
19 He did not recognize you? Is this possible? [lk tmce, ses tonlamas ile sorduumuz bir soru -- geri
bu birey deitirmez, ama noktalama hatas olmadn sylemek iin belirtiyorum.]
20 People show they have not forgotten you. This is always gratifying. [Burada tmceyi olutururken
"if" yerine "when" kullann; ok daha k olacaktr.]


By dream_Catcher

01 That all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is a fact which is expressed in practically every
02 How he manages to keep going is beyond me. [Hayatn/iini nasl gtryor, veya ruhsal durumuna
ramen nasl ayakta kalabiliyor anlayamyorum...]
03 Whether he will do it is another matter. [Acaba gelecek mi? te o baka bir mesele...]
04 Whoever wants to succeed in life should plan his/her time carefully. [Her kim ki hayatta baarl
olmak istiyor...]
05 What you said to him matters a lot to me. [= benim iin ok nemli, byk nem atfediyorum...]
06 That man is a political animal was first pointed out by Aristotle.
07 That AIDS is a very dangerous syndrome is a fact accepted by everyone.
08 Whether or not AIDS threatens to spread further in the near future was discussed in a recent meeting.
[to spread further = daha ileri boyutlarda yaylmak]
09 What she does for a living is a mystery. [Hayatn nasl kazand bir sr... bilinmiyor, ok
10 What happened afterwards is not clear. [Ardndan neler olduu pek ak / belli / berrak deil...]
11 The girls would like to know whoever that person is. [Kzlar bu adamn (her) kim olduunu ok
merak ediyorlar, renmek istiyorlar...]
12 The doctor recommended that she lose some weight.
13 The doctor suggested that I be careful with my diet.
14 He kept wondering how it worked. [Nasl altn / ilediini merak edip duruyordu: keep + V3 =
sreklilik bildirir...]
15 Unfortunately, most students do not seem to realize that it is a privilege to receive higher education in
Turkey. [realize = anlamak, kafasna dank etmek...]
16 They will object to whatever else you are planning to do now. [imdi baka her ne yapmay
planlyorsan planla kar kacaklardr...]
17 The best thing to do now is what your friend suggests that you do. [imdi yapman gereken en iyi ey,
arkadann yapman nerdii ey...]
18 I'm sorry (that) you've been kicked out. [Kovulmu / iten atlm, karlm olduun iin
19 Is it possible that he did not recognize you? [Seni tanmam olmas mmkn m?]
20 It is always gratifying when people show they have not forgotten you.
By dream_Catcher

01 Belediye bakanna sikast yapmay planlamakta olduklar doru mu?
02 i zamannda bitirip bitiremeyeceklerini bilmek istiyorum.
03 Orada tank olduklarm [tank olduum ey veya eyler] hepinizi ilgilendiriyor.
04 Japonca alyor olman inanlmaz!
05 Firmann belli lde acil parasal yardma ihtiyac olduu gereince vurguland. ["belli lde" iin
"some" kullannz... gereince = duly... acil = immediate]
06 Bunu yapmaman sana ka kez sylediimi hatrlyor musun?
07 Sana ka kez yardm istemek iin gelmi olduumu hatrlamyor musun?
08 Daha yksek sesle konu ltfen. Ne dediini duyamyorum.
09 Nerelerde olduumu ltfen sorma bana! [to have been, kullanacaksnz...]
10 Walla, polis memuresi olduu hakknda hi fikrim yoktu...


NOT: Ufak tefek farkllklar kabulmdr... rnein "would like" yerine "want", yahut "whether or not"
yerine "whether...or not" dediyseniz, kendinizi zmeyiniz...
01 Is it true that they were planning to assasinate the mayor?
02 I'd like to know whether or not they will be able to complete the work on time.
03 What I witnessed there concerns all of you.
04 That you're studying Japanese is unbelievable! [veya, It is unbelievable that you are -- should be -studying Japanese.]
05 It was duly emphasized that the firm needed some immediate financial aid. [veya, That the firm
needed some immediate financial aid was duly emphasized.]
By dream_Catcher

06 Do you remember how many times I have told you not to do it?
07 Don't you remember how many times I had come to ask for help.
08 Speak louder, please. I can't hear what you're saying.
09 Please don't ask me where I have been!
10 Well, I had no idea that she was a policewoman...

Ksa Aklama / Balalarn Kullanm levine Gre ematik Dkm / rnek Tmceler / -Ki Balac /
Adlarn Niteleniine rnekler / ilge - Bala likisi / teki Balalar / Miktar, Say Belirten
Anlatmlar / Exercise - 1 / Execise - 2 / Exercise - 3 / Exercise - 4 / Tanmlayc Olan / Olmayan Sfat
Tmcelikler / Exercise - 5 / Tmce Niteleyen Sfat-Tmcelikler / Genel Test
Biliyorsunuz: Sfatlar adlar niteler... Ayn ilevi, bir araya gelerek sfat ilevi kazanan birka szck (=
sfat-bei) veya btn bir sfat-tmcelik de stlenebilir.
Peki, "sfat-tmcelik" iin nasl bir tanm verebiliriz? : inde ekilmi bir fiil bulunan ve tmce iinde
"sfat" ilevi tayan (yani bir ad veya ad-edeerini niteleyen) bal-tmcelik tr... [Hatrlayacaksnz:
eitli kaynaklarda, "bal-tmcelik" iin iitilen dier terimler = yan cmlecik, alt cmlecik...]
te sizlere pratikte ok yararl bir saptama: Gerek Trke'de gerek ngilizce'de sfatlar niteledikleri
adlardan nce gelir. Bu kuraln ngilizce'de pek az istisnas vardr: "secretary general" gibi.
Sfat-tmceliklere gelince, Trkede niteledikleri adn yine nne gelirler. Ama ngilizcede durum bunun
tersinedir ve sfat-tmcelik niteledii ad izler.
stelik, yine pratikte ok iimize yarayacak bir belirlemeyle, ou zaman HEMEN ARDINDAN ZLER.
rneklere bakalm:


By dream_Catcher

panie kaplm
buraya sk gelen insanlar
people who come here often
ngilizce Sfat-Tmlecik Oluturmakta Kullanlan Balalar unlardr:
who, whom, whose, which, that
when, where, why
Birinci grupta sergilediimiz "relative pronoun" lardan dolay bu trden tmceliklere RELATIVE
CLAUSES ad verenler olduu gibi, ADJECTIVE / ADJECTIVAL CLAUSES balklarna da sk
rastlanr. Tabiatyla, bunlara "ba adllar / zamirleri" ad verilmesinin de nedeni, tmcelii tmcedeki
dier bir eye balyor olmalarndan kaynaklanyor...
* * * * *
SAA: Sfat-Tmcelik inde lev
AAI: erdii Varlk Alan
YELK (mlkiyet)
nsanlar ve Kendimize Yakn Bulduumuz Varlklar
who, that
whom, who, that, "-----"
Canszlar, Hayvanlar, Bitkiler
which, that
which, that, "-----"
of which, whose
Trke Karl
ki o, ki onlar
ki onu, ki onlar
ki onun, ki onlarn
By dream_Catcher

Not: Yukardaki sralama, yaz dili ve adal konumadan gnlk konuma ynne dorudur. Klasik
kalplardan gnmz kullanmlarna dorudur, da diyebilirsiniz. Adal deyiler, "The man whom we saw
was our long-lost friend Hsamettin"... eklinde iken, bugnk tercihimiz "The man we saw was our
long-lost friend Hsamettin" eklinde olacaktr. Tablodaki "-----" iareti, balacn tmyle
kaldrlabilecei anlamna geliyor. Bu konular ilerleyen paragraflarda ayrntlaryla irdeleyeceiz.

1. She is the best teacher who/that has ever taught in this school.
Tarzancas: Bugne dein en iyi retmendir ki o bu okulda ders vermitir.
Gzel Trkesi: Bugne dein bu okulda ders vermi en iyi retmendir.

Sfat-tmcelik, "who/that has (ever) taught in this school" olup, "teacher" ad-szcn niteliyor.
Balacmz kendi tmcelii yani sfat-tmcelik iinde zne ilevi tayor, yaln haldedir ve "has taught"
ekilmi fiilinin znesi durumundadr: "Ki O" anlam veriyor.
Not: stnlk (superlative -- best gibi) derecesi ile her iki bala edeer sklkta kullanlyor. Ayrca, all,
somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one szcklerinden sonra da, "that" kullanmnn
giderek artt sylenebilir. Ancak genelde, ve zelde ise snavlarda, "who" tercihiniz daha gvenceli
2. The man whom/who/that/"--" we saw is a professor of mine.
Tarzancas: Adam ki biz onu grdk benim bir hocamdr. Gzel Trkesi: Grdmz adam benim bir
Sfat-tmlecik, "whom/who/that/"--" we saw" olup "man" ad-szcn niteliyor. Yani balacmz "Ki
Onu" anlamn tayor, Trke'deki -i halinin (= nesne) karldr, kendi tmcelii iinde nesne ilevi
tamaktadr. Sfat-tmcenin kendi ekilmi fiili olan "saw" szcnn nesnesidir: Kim grd? Biz
grdk... Kimi grdk? (Adam) ki onu grdk...
3. This was a decision which/that caused so much misery afterwards.
Tarzancas: Bir karar ite o idi ki sonralar bunca aclara yol at.
Gzel Trkesi: Sonralar bunca aclara yol aan ite bu karard.

By dream_Catcher

Buradaki sfat-tmcelik, "which/that caused so much misery afterwards" olup, bala "Ki O" anlamyla
kendi fiilinin (=caused) znesi durumundadr.
4. That was the book which/that /"--" they required us to read.
Tarzancas: Kitap ite o idi ki onu okumamz bizden istiyorlard.
Gzel Trkesi: Okumamz bizden istedikleri kitap ite o kitapt.
Buradaki sfat-tmlecik, "which/that/"--" they required us to read" olup, bala "Ki Onu" anlamyla kendi
fiilinin, yani sfat-tmcelik fiilinin nesnesi konumundadr.
Not: stnlk derecesi ile all, much, little, no, none, everything szckleri ile "which" pek kullanlmaz,
Almost all the goods that/"--" we bought were rather reasonably priced...
This is certainly the best game that/"--" he has ever played...
5. The book is about a beautiful young woman whose husband leaves her.
Tarzancas: Kitap, gzel ve gen bir kadn (ki kocas onu terkediyor) hakknda...
Gzel Trkesi: Kitap, kocas kendisini terkeden gzel ve gen bir kadn hakknda.)
"whose husband leaves her" eklindeki sfat-tmcelik, kadna ilikin bir iyelik (mlkiyet = sahiplik: ki
onun) nitelemesinde kullanlyor.
6. I'm from a country whose past history (=the past history of which) is fully glorious.
"I'm from a country" temel tmceliktir. "Whose / of which" ile kurulan sfat-tmcelik, "country"
szcn niteleyen bir iyelik (mlkiyet) sfat konumundadr.

"-- K " BALACI

Bilindii gibi "-ki" balac Trke'ye Farsa'dan gelmitir. Ama, aradan geen bunca yzyla karn, hal
yabancdr. Aadaki iki rnekten birincisi Trke'de olanaksz bir yapdr. Nedeni ise, bizim dilimizde
sfat-tmceliin niteledii addan sonra deil, nce gelmesidir:
Adam ki o bize doru yryor Ali'nin amcasdr.
Bize doru yryen adam Ali'nin amcasdr.
te yandan, Trke'de geersiz olan bu yap, tpk Farsa gibi Hint-Avrupa dil ailesi kkenli olan
ngilizce'nin de yapsna uygundur. te bu nedenle, ngilizce sfat-tmcelik yapsn zmek iin
By dream_Catcher

Trke'de rastlanan "-ki" balal yaplardan yararlanabiliriz. imdi ngilizce sfat-tmcelik balalarnn
Trke karlklarna yeniden gz atalm:

ki o, ki onlar (zne)
ki onu, ki onlar (nesne)
ki onun, ki onlarn (iyelik)
ki o, ki onlar (zne)
ki onu, ki onlar (nesne)
ki o, ki onlar (zne)
ki onu, ki onlar (nesne)
of which
ki onun, ki onlarn (iyelik)

Not: Nesne konumundaki fiilin Trke karl "-i" hali yerine, kimi fiillerde rnein "-e" halini geerlik
kazanabilir: Ki ona, ki onlara, gibi. rnek: The man (whom/who/that) we paid a visit to was a teacher of
mine. = Kendisine ziyarette bulunduumuz kii (=kii ki ona bir ziyarette bulunduk) benim bir
retmenimdi. Bu konuya az sonra ilge-bala ilikisinde ayrntlaryla deineceiz.
TAM TMCENN OLUTURULMASI: imdi, iinde bir (yada daha ok) sfat-tmcelik yer alan tam
bir tmcenin oluturulmasn iki aamada irdeleyelim:


1. the man who is walking toward us = bize doru yrmekte olan adam (adam ki o yryor bize doru...)
2. Ali Bey, who works for the Foreign Office, = Ali Bey, ki kendisi Dileri Bakanlnda alyor (Ali
Bey, ki o alr Dileri Bakanlnda -- Yeniden nitelemee gerek duymadmz tandk bir kimse
olduu iin iki virgl arasnda. Bu konuya daha ilerde tanmlayc olan ve olmayan sfat tmcelii
konusunda ayrntlaryla deineceiz.)
3. the man (whom) we met = tantmz adam (adam ki onunla biz tantk -- Nesne konumunda olan
balacn ou zaman tmyle kaldrldn unutmaynz.)
4. tables which are round = yuvarlak olan masalar (masalar ki onlar yuvarlaktr)
5. tables (which) we bought = satn alm olduumuz masalar (masalar ki onlar biz satn aldk -- Nesne
konumunda olan balacn ou zaman tmyle kaldrldn unutmaynz)
By dream_Catcher

6. the most powerful sultan that had ever sat on the throne = o gne dein tahta km olan en gl
padiah (en gl padiah ki o gne dein kmt tahta... ever = "tm zamanlarda" anlamn katar)
7. the man (that) I love = sevdiim adam (adam ki onu ben seviyorum -- Nesne konumundaki balacn
ou zaman tmyle kaldrldn unutmaynz.)
8. the man whose wife is suspected to be a spy = karsnn casus olduundan phelenilen adam (adam ki
onun karsnn pheleniliyor casus olduundan)
9. a song the title of which I keep forgetting (= whose title) = adn hep unuttuum bir ark (bir ark ki
onun adn ben hep unuturum)


te yukardaki ekilde oluturduunuz sfat-tmcelik, ikinci aamada belli bir tam tmce iindeki yerini
bulacak, rnein tmcedeki zne yada nesneyi nitelemekte kullanlacaktr:
The man who is walking towards us is my uncle...
Ali Bey, who works for the Foreign Office, speaks English fluently.
We didn't like the man (whom) we met there...
Tables which are round are rather expensive...
Everybody thought him to be the most powerful sultan that had ever sat on the throne...
I would never betray the man I love...
The police want to interview the man whose wife is suspected to be a spy...
He was singing that same song, the title of which I keep forgetting... (whose title I keep forgetting.)


Sfat-tmcelik iinde kullandmz fiile bal ve baml bir ilge bulunmas (preposition kullanm) iki
durumda szkonusu olur:
1) Trke'nin ekimli bir dil olduuna; zne, nesne ve kimi teki ilevler iin bir blm ile yaln hal, -i
hali, -e hali, -de hali gibi ekimler bulunduuna deindik. ngilizce ise bu adan ekimsiz bir dil olup, bu
tr ilevler tmyle eitli ilgeler kullanlarak karlanr:
By dream_Catcher

The house (yaln hal), fiilin solunda ise zne, sanda is nesnedir;
to the house, in the house, from the house, near the house, out of the house, etc... adlarn dier btn
halleri, ilgelerle karlanr.
2) Bir fiille btnleerek, birlikte yeni bir anlam kazanan verb + preposition yaplar ok yaygndr:
to talk = konumak
to talk to someone = birisi ile konumak
to talk about someone = birisi hakknda konumak
te bu her iki nedenle sfat-tmcelik iinde bir ilge - bala birliktelii szkonusu olduunda aadaki
aktarmlar elde edilir:

the man who = adam ki o

the man whom = adam ki onu
the man to whom = adam ki ona
the man from whom = adam ki ondan
the man with whom = adam ki kendisiyle
the man about whom = adam ki onun hakknda
the house which = ev ki o, onu (zne, nesne)
the house in which = ev ki onun iinde
the house on top of which = ev ki onun


the house near which = ev ki yaknnda

the house next to which = ev ki onun bitiiinde
the man to whom we talked = kendisi ile konutuumuz adam
the man about whom = kendisi hakknda konutuumuz adam
houses in which people keep cats = iinde insanlarn kedi besledii evler
houses in front of which there is no space = nnde bo alan bulunmayan evler
imdi de btn bu durumlarda geerli olabilecek kullanm formllerini bir ema stnde gsterelim.
DKKAT... DKKAT... Bunlar gerekten son derece nemli, cankurtaran deerde formllerdir. zen
gstermenizi zellikle rica ediyorum:

By dream_Catcher

It was your father -- -about whom they were talking.

--they were talking
they were talking
they were talking
they were talking

Yani, kurabileceiniz be tmce tipi unlardr, ve bu dizili hitabet ve yazda klasik veya tumturakl
kullanmdan gnmz gnlk konuma dili tercihleri ynndedir. Bylece sonuncusu, ada ngilizce'de
en ok iiteceiniz tmce tipidir ve bir grte / iitmede tanmanz gerekir:
It was your father about whom they were talking.
It was your father whom they were talking about.
It was your father who they were talking about.
It was your father that they were talking about.
It was your father they were talking about.

* * * * *
Ayn ekilde, dier varlk alanlar iin de,

The music -- -to which we listened

By dream_Catcher

--we listened
we listened
we listened
was excellent.

Yani, kurabileceiniz drt cmle tipi unlardr, ve bu dizili hitabet ve yazda klasik veya tumturakl
kullanmdan gnmz gnlk konuma dili tercihleri ynndedir. Bylece sonuncusu, ada ngilizce'de
en ok iiteceiniz tmce tipidir ve bir grte / iitmede tanmanz gerekir:
The music to which we listened was excellent.
The music which we listened to was excellent.
The music that we listened to was excellent.
The music we listened to was excellent.

te her iki grupta da, en doal ve en gzel tmce tipleri de bu sonuncular zaten....

NEML NOT: 19. yy'dan kalma birtakm gramer polisleri, ne gemi nede gnmz kullanmnda
geerli olmu szde bir "kural" dan sz ederek, ilgecin (preposition) tmce veya tmcelik sonunda
gelemeyeceini iddia edeceklerdir. Hi kulak asmayn... Kralie Elizabeth'in bile Prens Charles'a hibir
zaman yle hitap etmi olduunu sanmyorum: "Is that the boy to whom you gave your bike?"... Doal
ve dorusu: "Is that the boy you gave your bike to?"...

"Relative pronoun" olmamalarna karn, sfat-tmcelik yapmnda kullanlabilen teki balalar (relative
adverbs) rnekleyelim:
That was the year, day, hour...
By dream_Catcher

during (in, on, at, etc.) which

some unexpected events took place.
This is the place, the building, the bridge, etc.
in (near, on, under, etc.) which
we met him.
I would never have known
the reason why
the reason for which
she left me.
NOT: lge kullanmak gerektiinde, nitelenen szck iin tipik olan ilge seiminin nem tadn
unutmaynz. rnek:
That was the hour at which we were supposed to meet. (= That was the hour we were supposed to meet.)
That was the day on which we would leave. (= That was the day we would leave.)
That was the year in which some terrible events took place. (= That was the year some terrible events
took place.)
This is the town in which (where) we had met.
The chair on which she sat... (= The chair she sat on...)
This is the point beyond which we have never been. (= The point we've never been beyond.)
This is the site near which (where) the two sides met.
This is the bridge over which they drove. (= This is the bridge they drove over.)
This is the bridge over which (where) they used to meet... (= This is the bridge they used to meet over.)
By dream_Catcher

Tabiatyla buluanlar kpralt ocuklarysa, tmcemiz:

This is the bridge under which (where) they used to meet... (= This is the bridge they used to meet


imdi de, sfat-tmcelik alannda ilek bir kullanma sahip bir baka yapya daha ilikin formllerimizi
burada sunmak istiyorum: Elimizde anlamca ilikili iki ayr tmce var: "In our class there are 30 students.
Most of them are girls." Bunlar aadaki ekillerde biraraya getirebiliriz:
In our class there are 30 students,
of whom
are girls.
Not: Dediimiz gibi, "miktar/say" bildirimlerinde bavurulan bu yapda bala olarak insanlar iin
yalnzca "of whom", teki varlk alanlar iinse yalnzca "of which" kullanlabilir. Yazda, bala
grubundan nce virgl kullanlmas zorunludur:
There are 30 books on that shelf,
of which
are in English.
Not: Bu kalpta kullanlabilecek teki kimi miktar/say bildiren szckler yledir: Some, none, both,
either, neither, each, ten, a million... etc. Bu yoldan elde edilen yap, tmcenin fiili ile sayca uyuacaktr
(tekil/oul zellii):
By dream_Catcher

# I have two friends, both of whom speak English fluently. ("Both" ouldur.)
# I have two friends, neither of whom speaks English fluently. ("Either" ve "neither" tekildir.)


Aadaki anlatmlar ngilizce'ye eviriniz; drlebilecek balalar ayra iinde yaznz:
01. adam sran kpek (past simple)
02. btn kpekleri sran adam (present)
03. satn alm bulunduun kullanlm araba (present perfect)
04. grm olduumuz yerler (present perfect)
05. durduumuz yerler (present perfect)
06. yolda duracamz benzinci (future simple)
07. sahip olduum herey (present)
08. bana anlatmakta olacan herey (future continuous)
09. beni uyandran bir grlt (past simple)
10. dn akam tarttmz mesele (past)
11. zerinde oturmakta olduum sandalye (present continuous)
12. iinde oturduumuz evler (present)
13. bilgisayar kullanamayan insanlar (cannot)
14. demek zorunda olduumuz faturalar (present, have to)
15. demek zorunda kaldmz faturalar (past, have to)
16. Sizin iin yapabileceim hibir ey yok! (present)
17. herkesin nefret ettii egzersizler (present)
YANITLAR: 01 the dog that bit the man... 02 the man who bites all (the) dogs... 03 the used car
(which/that) you have bought... 04 the places (which/that) we have seen... 05 the places where we have
stopped... [nceki tmcede nesne olarak kullanm szkonusuydu. Burada yer belirten bir ifade var...] 06
the gas-station where we shall/will stop on the way... [stop = durmak. Eer "the gas-station which/that we
By dream_Catcher

shall/will stop" derseniz, "durdurmak" anlamna nesne olarak kullanm olursunuz: ksacas
"durduracamz benzinci" demi olursunuz...] 07 all (that) I have... 08 all/everything (that) you will be
telling me... 09 a noise which/that woke me... 10 the matter (which/that) we discussed last night... 11 the
chair (which/that) I'm sitting on... [Adal: the chair on which I am sitting...] 12 the house in which/where
we live... 13 people who cannot use/operate computers... 14 the bills (which/that) we have to pay... 15 the
bills (which/that) we had to pay... 16 There's nothing (that) I can do for you!... 17 exercises (which/that)
everyone hates...

Aadaki ikili bamsz tmceleri ana-tmcelik + sfat-tmcelik eklinde kaynatrnz; sfat-tmceliin
altn iziniz; drlebilecek balalar ayra iinde yaznz:
01) This is the man. He is on the news nowadays.
02) This is the man. He crashed his car into a tree last night.
03) This is the man. His car crashed into a tree last night.
04) Bring me the cigarettes. I left them on the kitchen table.
05) What was the name of the person? He came here last night.
06) Yesterday, I went to see a town. I spent my childhood there.
07) We go up to the Black Sea coast every summer. The weather is much too hot in the south.
08) The matter has been settled. You two were arguing about it last night.
09) I can't understand the reason. Why are they angry with me?
10) Why was she late? Nobody knows the reason.
YANITLAR: 01 This is the man who is on the news nowadays... 02 This is the man who crashed his car
into a tree last night... 03 This is the man whose car crashed into a tree last night... 04 Bring me the
cigarettes (which/that) I left on the kitchen table... 05 What was the name of the person who came here
last night? 06 Yesterday, I went to see the town where I spent my childhood. (sfat-tmcelik ile
tanmlannca bilinen belli bir kent nitelii kazand iin bana "the" geldi)... 07 We go up to the Black
Sea coast every summer, when the weather is much too hot in the south. (ki tmce arasndaki ortak nokta
"every summer" kavram olduu iin, sfat-tmlecii bunu niteleyerek kurduk)... 08 The matter
(which/that) you two were arguing about last night has been settled. (sfat-tmceliin genellikle niteledii
addan hemen sonra geleceini unutmamalsnz)... 09 I can't understand the reason why they are angry
with me. (Unutmaynz: bal (yan) tmcelikler asla ve asla soru biiminde olamaz)... 10 Nobody knows
the reason why she was late...

By dream_Catcher

Aadaki tmceleri ngilizce'ye eviriniz; sfat-tmceliin altn iziniz; drlebilecek balalar ayra
iinde yaznz:
01) Hemire hastanede alan bir kimsedir. (nurse, to work)
02) Bankay soymaya kalkan adam tutuklanm bulunuyor. (attempt to rob, arrest)
03) Batan gemi electronik donanm kargosu tayordu. (to sink - sank - sunk, electronic equipment, cargo)
04) Bisikletini dn verdiin ocuk bu mu? (bike, to lend - lent - lent, boy)
05) Satn almak istediim kitap ite bu.
06) Neden onu grmemi numaras yaptnn sebebini bana sylemedin. (pretend)
07) Kazay rapor eden polis memuru bunun srcnn hatas olduunu dnyor.
08) stndeki giysi ok pahal bir giysi miydi? (dress, to wear - wore - worn, expensive)
09) Adn unutup durduum profesr de oradayd. (keep forgetting)
10) Korkarm bendekilerin (sahip olduklarmn) hepsi bu kadar.
YANITLAR: 01 A nurse is a person who works in a hospital... 02 The man who attempted to rob the
bank has been arrested. 03 The ship that sank was carrying a cargo of electronic equipment. (cf. The ship
that was carrying a cargo of electronic equipment sank. = Elektronik donanm kargosu tayan gemi
batt)... 04 Is that the boy you lent your bike to? (whom/who/that you lent your bike to?)... 05 This is the
book (which/that) I want to buy... 06 You didn't tell (haven't told me) the reason why you pretended not to
see him... 07 The policeman who reported the accident thinks it was the driver's fault. 08 Was the dress
(which/that) she was wearing a very expensive one? 09 The professor whose name I keep forgetting was
also there... 10 I'm afraid that's all I've got. (Balalar da ekleyecek olursak: "I'm afraid that that's all that
I've got." Birinci "that" ile balayan tmcelik, "to be afraid" fiil grubunun nesnesi olan bir ad-tmceliktir;
ikinci "that" ile balayan ise "all" szcn niteleyen bir sfat-tmceliktir: Hangi hepsi? Sahip olduum

Aadaki miktar/say belirten ifadeleri sfat-tmcelie eviriniz. Ana-tmcelikten virglle ayrmay
01) Gne is taking three courses. All of them are given by English teachers.
By dream_Catcher

02) I have two close friends. Both of them are willing to come with us.
03) Ali has two cars and he wants to sell one of them. Both of them are in good running order.
04) I tried on three pairs of shoes. I liked none of them.
05) I have a lot of friends in that town. I met almost all of them while I was doing my military service
YANITLAR: 01 Gne is taking three courses, all of which are given by English teachers... 02 I have
two close friends, both of whom are willing to come with us... 03 Ali has two cars, both of which are in
good running order, and he wants to sell one of them... (and one of which he wants to sell)... 04 I tried
on three pairs of shoes, none of which I liked... 05 I have a lot of friends in that town, almost all of whom
I met while I was doing my military service there... (Son iki rnekte bala grubunu tmceliin bana
almamz gerektiine dikkat ediniz.)



Kstlayc veya Ayrmlatrc Olan / Olmayan
Restrictive / Non-Restrictive Adj. Clauses
Sfat tmceliimizin iki virgl iine alnvermesinden ne kar? Yada, alnmas gerekirken, bu ilemin
ihmale uramasndan? rnekleyelim:
# Football fans who are inclined to cause trouble should not be allowed into stadiums. = Olay karmak
eiliminde olan futbol taraftarlar stadlara sokulmamaldr. "Hangi futbol taraftarlar?" sorusuna yant
veren, temel tanmlayc ilevi olan, doru bir kullanm...
# Football fans, who are inclined to cause trouble, should not be allowed into stadiums. = Futbol
taraftarlar, ki (bunlarn tm) olay karmak eilimindedir, statlara sokulmamaldr. Yani, malar bo
tribnlere oynanmaldr!!!
Demek ki:
1. Sfat-tmcelik eer zel bir belirleme, benzerlerinden ayrdetme ilevi karlyorsa, virgl kullanlmaz.
Bu konumdaki bir sfat-tmcelii tmceden ekip karamazsnz. Anlam eksik kalr, yada samalar,
anlalmaz hale gelir.
rnein bir i ilannda: "People who cannot operate a computer need not apply" = "Bilgisayar
kullanamayan kimselerin bavurmasna gerek yoktur," yazyor... Sfat-tmcelii karalm: "People need
not apply" = nsanlar bavurmasn, kimse bavurmasn!!!

By dream_Catcher

Demek ki burada sfat-tmcelik, "Hangi kimseler? Nasl kimseler?" sorusuna, temel bir tanmlama ile
yant veriyor ve vazgeilmezlik tayor.
Bu tr "tanmlayc" sfat tmcelikleri, tmceden karlamaz. Konumada bu ilevi vurgulayan bir
tonlama yaplr; yazl biimde virglsz kullanlrlar.
2. zel bir belirleyici, tanmlayc ilevi olmayan, fazladan ek bilgi veren sfat-tmcelik ise iki virgl
arasna alnr. Unutmaynz: ngilizce'de bu ekilde kullanlan iki virgl, ayra (=parantez) anlam tar.
Bu tr bir tmcelik, istenirse tmceden ekip karlabilir; ayr bir tmce halinde ifade edilebilir (kk
bir iki ilemle).
Konumada da, bu "antirparantez" anlamna uygun bir ses ve ton deitirimi uygulanr.
Nazm Hikmet, whose birthplace was stanbul, spent his last years in Moscow...
Ka tane Nazm Hikmet var ki? Eer bu tmceyi virglsz yazacak olursanz, anlam u garip kla
Doum yeri stanbul olan Nazm Hikmet son yllarn Moskova'da geirdi, teki Nazm Hikmetler ise (!!)
baka yerlerde geirdiler !!!
3. Kurallara dikkat:
Virgll (yani, tanmlayc olmayan) sfat-tmceliklerde:
a) Bala kaldrlamaz, kullanlmak zorundadr;
b) Bala olarak "that" kullanlamaz...
4. Biliyorsunuz dil, yaz ile deil, konuma ile balamtr. Bu bakmdan virgl uygulamas, konumadaki
tonlama farklln karlayacak bir yazm uygulamasndan baka birey deildir. Konumada, bunlar bir
"antirparantez" havas, ekleme edas, ek bir bilgi veriliyor tonlamasyla belli edilir.
5. Anadili Trke olan bizler iin nemli bir ipucu ise, "tanmlayc olmayan", yani "virgll" sfattmceliklerin Trke'ye, "--ki balal" tmcelerle eviri vermee yatkn olmalardr.
Tersinden gidip, u iki tmceyi ngilizce'ye evirelim. Birincisi virglsz, ikincisi virgll olmak
Umarm polis antan alan adam yakalar.
I hope the police will get the man who stole your briefcase.

Amcam, ki kendisi 70 yandadr, hal sk bir sporcudur.

My uncle, who is seventy years of age, is still a keen sportsman.
By dream_Catcher

Balalarnz Seiniz:
01) Our boss, ................ divorced his fifth wife last year, has just announced his intention to get married
02) Seluk, ................ lies roughly 70 kilometers to the south of zmir, has a great many archaeological
sites around it.
03) stanbul University, ............... is one of the oldest in the country, has its main administrative
buildings at Bayezid Square.
04) Suleiman the Magnificent, ............... we briefly mentioned in our last lecture, became sultan in 1520.
05) The author's last novel, .............. was probably his best, came out in 1972.
06) In our summer house, ................. is located quite near the sea, you'll wake to the shrieks of the gulls
quite early in the morning.
07) The new transport minister, ............... ............... very little was known before his appointment, is
going to make an appearance on the TV tonight. ("about" ilgecini kullanmay unutmaynz)
08) She came across a friend of hers, ............... ............... she got the news of her former boy-friend's
marriage. ("from" ilgecini kullanmay unutmaynz)
09) Sultan Vahidettin, ............... ............... I think you were referring, was the last of the Ottoman
monarchs. ("to" ilgecini kullanmay unutmaynz)
10) The Prime Minister, ................ life has been devoted to his country, well deserves the popularity he
YANITLAR: 01) who -- sfat-tmcelik iinde zne ilevi tayor... 02) which -- ayn nedenle... 03)
which... 04) whom -- nesne ilevi tayor: "ki onu anmtk, ki kendisinden sz etmitik"... 05) which -zne ilevli. Biliyorsunuz bu bala zne ve nesne halinde (who/whom'dan farkl olarak) deiiklik
gstermez... 06) which -- zne, "ki o"... 07) about whom -- nk fiilimiz: to know about... te yandan
daha nce ilge-bala ilikisi altnda rendiklerimiz burada da geerlidir. Yani "whom very little was
known about" diyebilirdiniz. 08) from whom -- to get news from somebody, yukardaki gibi... 09) to
whom -- to refer to, yukardaki gibi... 10) whose -- "ki onun hayat": iyelik bildirmektedir.

By dream_Catcher


imdi son bir sfat-tmcelik trnden daha sz etmemiz gerekiyor: Belli bir kimse yada varl deil de,
kendilerinden nceki btn bir belirtmeyi, bir tam tmceyi niteleyen sfat-tmcelikler...
Bunlar, yazda bir virglle asl tmcenin arkasna eklenir, bala olarak da yalnzca "which" kabul
ederler. Trke'ye ou zaman en iyi eviri: ".... ki bu da..." eklinde olur:
Ali passed all his exams, and this made his parents very happy.
= Ali passed all his exams, which made his parents very happy.
= Ali btn snavlarn geti, ki bu da anne ve babasn ok mutlu etti.
That newspaper describes itself as an independent one, which must mean that it does not support any one
particular political party. [O gazete kendisini bamsz olarak tanmlyor, ki bu da belli hibir siyasi
partiyi desteklemedii anlamna gelse gerek.]
We've got no ammunition left, which probably means we'll have to fight on using our bayonets and bare
fists. [Hi cephanemiz kalmad, ki bu da muhtemelen sng ve plak yumruklarmzla savamaa devam
edeceiz anlamna geliyor...]
I let him use my cell phone, which apparently was a great mistake. [apparently = yle anlalyor ki...
anlaldna gre... grdm kadaryla...]

Aada verilen bamsz tmceleri, ana-tmcelik + sfat-tmcelik eklinde kaynatrnz. (Sfat-tmcelik
sonda yer almak zorunda deil):
01 It was a fat woman. She stepped on my sore toe.
02 The poets are all Turkish. Gne is quoting from them.
03 He has three sons, and they all work in the same office.
04 My friend used to be very fond of boxing, and that accounts for his crooked nose. [ki bu da onun
arpk burnunun nedenini aklyor...]
05 The great fire of skdar destroyed a large part of the neighbourhood. It broke out in 1929. (iki
06 Our house is not very far from here. The Sabanc Holding wants to buy it.
By dream_Catcher

07 Last week, we went to see the house. We used to live there.

08 His grandfather had built several houses. None of them is very far from the town center now.
09 The gentleman is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. You've trod on his foot.
10 There were twelve dwarfs in that show, and none of them was over 90 centimeters in height.
11 He took these photographs hanging upside down from a cliff, and that was a very difficult thing to
12 Huricihan Hatun was Sultan Palamut's fifth wife. She was poisoned in the year 1536. (iki olaslk)
13 There is nothing. I can do nothing for you.
14 This is the gadget. We measure how distant a star is from us with it.
15 Abdlvehhap Bey lives in a good neighbourhood. We are invited to his party.
16 Profesr okbilen has written a very controversial book. Everybody is talking about the book
17 Is that the man? Did you give the money to him?
18 Everybody present congratulated Orhan Pamuk. He had just won the Yeditepe Prize.
19 Some men snatched her handbag. One of them had a black patch over one eye.
20 Gne has advised me to look for another job. I always value his advice.
YANITLAR: 1 It was a fat woman who stepped on my sore toe. ("The woman who stepped on my sore
toe was a fat woman" tmcesinden dnmle)... 2 The poets Gne is quoting from are all Turkish.
(adal: from whom Gne is quoting)... 3 He has three sons, all of whom work in the same office... 4
My friend used to be very fond of boxing, which accounts for his crooked nose... (ki bu da arpk
burnunun nedenini aklyor.) 5 The great fire of skdar, which broke in 1929, destroyed a large part
of the neighbourhood... The great fire of skdar, which destroyed a large part of the neighbourhood,
broke out in 1929...
6 Our house, which the Sabanc Holding wants to buy, is not very far from here... Belirli bir evden sz
edildiine gre, Sabanc Holding blm ek bilgidir. Virglsz tmce kurarsanz, Bizim evlerimizden
Holdingin satn almak istedii olan buradan pek uzak deil, dierleri ise uzak" demi olursunuz... 7
Last week, we went to see the house where we used to live... (which we used to live in = gereksiz bir
vurgu olur; nasl olsa evin "iinde" yaam olacaz)... 8 His grandfather had built several houses, none
of which is very far from the town center now... 9 The gentleman whose foot you've trod on is the
minister of foreign affairs... (Verilen iki tmce arasndaki anlam ba "ki onun ayana" zerine
kurulmutur. Ayrca orada birden fazla centilmen bulunduuna gre ayrdedici zellik olarak virglsz tip
sfat tmcelik kullandk)... 10 There were twelve dwarfs in that show, none of whom was over 90
centimeters in height...
11 He took these photographs hanging upside down from a cliff, which was a very difficult thing to do.
(Asl tmcede aktarlan durumu tmyle niteliyoruz)... 12 Huricihan Hatun, who was Sultan Palamut's
fifth wife, was poisoned in the year 1536... Veya: Huricihan Hatun, who was poisoned in the year 1536,
By dream_Catcher

was Sultan Palamut's fifth wife... 13 There is nothing I can do for you. (= nothing which/that I can do)...
14 This is the gadget with which we measure how distant a star is from us... (Eer tmceyi "This is the
gadget (which) we measure how distant a star is from us with," eklinde kurarsanz bala ve ilge aras
ok alyor ve tmcenin anlalmas zorlayor)... 15 Abdlvehhhap Bey, whose party we are invited to,
lives in a good neighborhood. (Beyefendi zaten tanmlanmtr, dolaysyla virgll ek sfat-tmcelik ile
16 Profesr okbilen has written a very controversial book (which/that) everybody is talking about
nowadays... 17 Is that the man you gave the money to? Yan-tmcelikleri dz-tmce yapmak zorunda
olduumuzu umarm unutmadnz)... 18 Everybody present congratulated Orhan Pamuk, who had just
won the Yeditepe Prize. (Bilinen bir kii olduu iin virgll tmcelik kullandk. "Orhan Pamuk, who had
just won the Yeditepe Prize, was congratulated by everyone present," k bir edilgen=pasif dnm
olurdu. "Orhan Pamuk, whom everybody congratulated, had just won the Yeditepe Prize" bir baka
olaslk)... 19 One of the men who snatched her handbag had a black patch over one eye. 20 Gne,
whose advice I always value, has advised me to look for another job...

Ksa Aklama / Zarf-Tmcelik Nasl Kurulur? / Zarf-Tmceliin Tmce indeki Yeri / Ayrntl
rnekler: 1- Zaman Belirten Zarf Tmcelikler / Exercise - 1 / Exercise - 2 / Yer, Yn Belirten ZarfTmcelikler / Neden / Nedensellik Belirten Zarf-Tmcelikler / Exercise - 3 / Ama Belirten ZarfTmcelikler / Kartlk Belirten Zarf Tmcelikler / Sonu Belirten Zarf-Tmcelikler / Exercise - 4 /
Tarz / Benzerlik Belirten Zarf-Tmcelikler / "Ola ki" Beklentisi / Endiesi Belirten Zarf-Tmcelikler
Zarf-tmcelikler, tmcedeki eylem/eylemleri, durum/durumlar eitli alardan niteleyerek
ayrntlandran bal-tmceliklerdir. Eylem ne zaman, nerede, niin, neye karn, ne tarzda, ne gibi
sonulara yol aarak gereklemi, gereklemekte, yada gerekleecektir?
te zarf-tmcelikler bu ilevlere gre snflandrlr. Yani snflamada ilev (ne i yapt) esastr: Zaman
bildirenler, yer bildirenler, neden bildirenler, ama, sonu, koul, tarz bildirenler, vb... (= Clauses of time,
place, reason, purpose, result, condition, manner... etc.)
Bununla birlikte eitli kaynaklarda farkl say ve nitelikte snflamalar gze arpar. Ama zaten snflama,
ok saydaki balac kmeleyerek retmek kolayl salamas dnda pek bir nem de tamyor.


Bir zarf-tmcelii kurmak da, tanmak da kolaydr. Herhangi bir dz-tmce, bana iletmek istediiniz
anlam ieren bala getirildiinde zarf-tmcelik kurulmu ve kullanma hazrdr:
By dream_Catcher

It is raining.
when it is raining = yamur yaarken
because it is raining = yamur yamakta olduu iin
if it is raining = eer yamur yamakta ise
although it is raining = yayor olmasna ramen
Belli dzeye gelmi renci zarf-tmcelik balalarnn nemli bir blmn renmitir. Bunlar hzla
geecek, ileri dzeyde ve az bilinen teki balalar ayrntlaryla ele alacaz. Apayr bir nem tayan
koul ve dilek (the conditionals, the subjunctive) gruplar ise, daha geni erevede ve baka bir blmde


A) Tmce banda: ngilizce'de tmce ba daha vurguludur. Tmcelikler vurgulamak amacyla baa
alnabilir. Vurgu, konumada tonlama ile belli edilir. Yazda ise tmcelikten sonra genellikle virgl
When we got out of the building, we found that they were gone.
B) Tmce sonunda: Zarf-tmcelik olaan durumda tmce sonunda yer alacaktr. Bu konumda yazda
genellikle virgl kullanlmaz:
We found that they had left before we got out of the building.
C) Tmce iinde: Gerek kendisinden nce gerek kendisinden sonra birer virglle ayrlmaldr.
Biliyorsunuz ng. yaz dilinde iki virgl arasna alnmak genelde ayra=parantez anlam verir.
te yandan, bir aklama niteliinde, tire de kullanlabilir. Tireden nce ve sonra boluk braklr. Bunlar,
kitap basksnda uzun tire, daktilo klavye yazsnda ise ift tire eklindedir. Konumada da "antirparantez"
tarz bir tonlama yaplr:
We, when we went out, found that they had already left.
Our loyalty -- as long as we live -- shall neither fail nor falter!!
D) Tmce sonunda: Ama, bu kez, yazda virgl ile ayrlmak, konumada ise buna kout bir tonlama
kullanmak (bir anlk duraksama) kouluyla. Bu konumdaki zarf-tmcelik sonradan akla gelivermi, yada
belki tereddtle eklediimiz yeni bir tmce gibidir. Nitekim, ana-tmcelik ile anlam bants bir hayli
zayf da olabilir:
They came to help us at last, (ahem... err... um...) even though it was quite clear that they weren't very
willing to do so! = Sonunda yardma geldiler -- geri bu konuda pek gnll olmadklar da belli
oluyordu ya !

By dream_Catcher

A) Yaygn kullanlan Balalar: when, whenever (= her ne zaman), while, as (= iken), just as (= tam
...iken), after, before, since, ever since (...den beri srekli), till, until (Dikkat: tek "l" ile yaznz), as soon
as, as long as (= so long as = olduu srece), by the time (...den nce), every time (her seferinde), during
the time, all the time, all through the time (btn o sre boyunca)...
DKKAT: 1, "as long as" ve "so long as" ayrca koul anlam ile de kullanlabilir: "yeter ki ..... olsun /
olmasn" I will not bother them as long as they do not bother me: Onlar beni rahatsz etmedikleri srece...
yeter ki beni rahatsz etmesinler... 2. Tek balarna "during" ve "by" ( yani, "the time" eklentisi
olmakszn) tmcelik deil, ad veya ad-bek alrlar (yani ekilmi bir fiile gereksinim kalmaz): I'll finish
it by the time you come back... I'll finish it by Friday...
We'll learn the whole story when he comes back. (Kural hatrladnz m? Temel-tmcelik future
olduunda, zaman belirten bal-tmcelik present olmak zorundadr. Peki, ka tane present tense vardr?
= Drt adet. Anlama gre bunlardan birisini seersiniz. Aadaki rnee de bknz.)
As soon as I've finished my work, I'll give you a ring. (Burada eylemin bitmi, tamamlanm olmasnn
nemi vurgulanyor = imi bitirmeden zinhar telefon etmem...)
I had a little nap while she was preparing the meal.
Whenever I hear that song, I just can't help my tears coming down my cheeks...
The telephone rang just as I was leaving.
They will have started by the time we've got there. (= biz daha oraya ulamadan nce)
She never spoke even once all through the time I was there. (= orada bulunduum tm sre boyunca)

B) Daha Az Bilinenler: once, no sooner ... than, hardly ... when, immediately, the minute (= the moment,
the instant)
Bunlar temelde "as soon as" anlam verirlerse de, herbirisi kendine zg bir nans tar. rnein, "once"
o lde ivedilik tamayan durumlar iin tercih edilebilir ve Trkeye ou zaman "Hele bir..."
kavramyla aktarlr:
Once we get home, we can sit down and relax a bit. (Hele bir eve ulaalm...)
Once I was out of that building, I felt much better. (Binadan kmak iin can attmz, belki de ok
uratmz, knca derin bir oh ektiimiz dile getiriliyor.)
By dream_Catcher

Once the problem has been settled (is settled), we can consider undertaking new obligations....
(Unutmaynz: temel-tmcelik future ise, bal-tmcelik present olmak zorunda. Burada tercihimiz
present perfect, nk sorunun halledilmi, bitmi olmas gerektiini daha iyi vurguluyor...)
Once your health improves, you can resume your studies. (Hele bir saln dzelsin, almalarna
yeniden balayabilirsin. Burada da yukardaki durum geerli. yi de, temel-tmceliin future olduunu
nereden karyoruz? Doaldr ki anlamndan. "Can" yardmc fiilinin ayrca bir future biimi
bulunmadn unutmaynz...)
She had no sooner seen her mother in that state than her tears came streaming down her cheeks. (virgl
yok -- ... grr grmez, yanaklarndan yalar inmee balad.)
We had hardly left the building when the bomb went off. (virgl yok -- Binadan anca kmtk ki / daha
ktk bile denilemezdi ki...)
Immediately he earns any money, he just spends it.
The minute I saw her I fell in love with her lovely eyes. (virgl koyabilirsiniz de, koymayabilirsiniz de:
"Grdm anda" dedikten sonra ksa bir duraklama isteyip istemediinize bal.)


Devrik Tmce Tiplerini de Not Ediniz:

No sooner had he begun his speech than two shots were heard, followed by a great confusion. (= Daha
balar balamaz...)
No sooner had I reached the door than I realized it was locked. (DKKAT: Bu yap normalde "past
perfect" ile kullanlr. Ancak, "past tense" de iitilebilir: No sooner did I reach the door than I realized it
was locked...)
No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work was resumed. (= Buzlar zlr zlmez,
almaya yeniden baland.)
Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out. (= Tam balamt ki... Balam bile
denilemezdi... Balad, balayacak iken...)
Hardly had he spoken these words when his head dropped forward and he was fast asleep. (= Tam bu
szleri sylemiti ki ba nne dt ve -- derin bir uykudayd.)

By dream_Catcher

Verilen balalar tmcelere paylatrnz. Herbiri birer kez kullanlacaktr:

the minute, as long as, whenever, ever since, until,
while, by the time, after, hardly ... when, since
01 ................ I was a child, I have been afraid of the dark.
-- ever since
02 ................ he gets angry, he gets red in the face.
-- whenever
03 We'd ............... started the meal ................ there was another knock on the door.
-- hardly ... when
04 You can stay with us ............... you find suitable lodgings.
-- until
05 Please let us know ................ you notice something strange.
-- the minute
06 The phone rang ................ I was having a bath.
-- while
07 He had made his first billion ............... he was twenty.
-- by the time
08 It has been two hours ............... he left.
-- since
09 My loyalty will never weaken ................ I live.
-- as long as
10 ................. she had finished the dishes, she rested a while.
-- After
Yantlar: 01 ever since... 02 whenever... 03 hardly ... when... 04 until... 05 the minute... 06 while...
07 by the time... 08 since... 09 as long as... 10 After...

By dream_Catcher

Aadaki ikili tmceleri "once" ve "as soon as" tercihinizi kullanarak biletiriniz (bir tanesi ift tercihli):
01 The boss came into my room. I knew that all was not well.
02 The Minister made the announcement. The crowd burst into applause.
03 The problem will be settled first. We can then consider undertaking new obligations.
04 Your health will improve by and by. Afterwards, you can resume your studies.
05 We'll receive their consent. We'll proceed with the plan.
Yantlar: 01 As soon as the boss came into my room, I knew that all was not well... 02 As soon as the
Minister made the announcement, the crowd burst into applause... (Bakan Bey duyuruyu daha yapar
yapmaz kalabalk alk patlatt.) 03 Once the problem has been settled (is settled), we can consider,
etc... (unutmaynz: ana-tmcelik future ise, bal-tmcelik present olmak zorunda. Burada tercihimiz
present perfect, nk sorunun halledilmi, bitmi olmas gerektiini vurguluyor)... 04 Once your health
improves, you can resume your studies (Burada da yukardaki durum geerli. yi de, temel-tmceliin
future olduunu nereden karyoruz? Doaldr ki anlamndan. "Can" yardmc fiilinin ayrca bir future
biimi bulunmadn unutmaynz)... 05 As soon as we receive their consent, we'll proceed with the
plan... Once we receive their consent, we'll proceed with the plan...

Kullanlan Balalar: where, wherever (everywhere, anywhere nowhere, no matter where), as far as, as
near as
Dikkat: Bu szckler, gerek "--e" hali, gerek "--de" hali iin kullanlabilir: "ki orada, ki oraya", "her
nerede, her nereye"...
Will you always take me where you go? (farkl nanslarla: everwhere, anywhere)
Don't move. Stay where you are!
The stranger was killed exactly where I am standing now. (Yabanc tam ite imdi durduum yerde
I seem to bump into him wherever I go.
By dream_Catcher

Wherever you go, I'll follow you!

Sezer Cumhur nal: I'm playing this for you young lovers, wherever you are!
We went as far as we were allowed to. (= allowed to go -- ayn fiili yinelemee gerek yok)
You can get as near as you like to this animal. It's utterly tame. (Bu hayvana istediiniz kadar
yaklaabilirsiniz. Tamamen ehliletirilmitir, uysaldr.)
No matter where you hide yourself, sooner or later I will find you! (= Nereye saklanrsan saklan, eninde
sonunda seni bulacam!)
NOT: Buradaki kullanm, yine "where" balac ile kurulan fakat bir ad niteleyen sfat tmcelikleri ile
I waited where they had told me to wait. (zarf-tmcelik)
I waited at the place where they would meet me. (sfat-tmcelik)

Sk Kullanlan Balalar: because, since, as, for
Bunlardan ilk ile kurulan tmcelik, ana-tmceliin nnde yada ardnda yer alabilir. Vurgulamak
istiyorsak baa alr, yazda ardndan virgl kullanrz.
kinci pozisyonda iseler genelde virgl koymayz, ama konulursa da kyamet kopmaz. zellikle, sonradan
aklmza gelmi de, yada tereddtle ekliyormuuz gibi bir durum varsa...
For ile balayan tmcelik ise, tmce bana ekilemez. Ana-tmcelii izlemek zorundadr ve ondan
mutlaka bir virglle ayrlr.
(Bu arada, "since" ve "as" balalarnn, farkl anlam tayarak baka snflar altnda da grev
yapabildiklerine dikkat ediniz.)
Because I believe in their honesty, I'll give them another chance. / I'll give them another chance because I
believe in their honesty. = Drst olduklarna inandm iin...
Since you insist on setting out at once, You must have come to a firm decision. / You must have come to
a firm decision since you insist on setting out at once... = Hemen yola kmak konusunda srar ettiinize
As it was getting rather late, there wouldn't be much sense in our waiting any longer. / There wouldn't be
much sense in our waiting any longer as it was getting rather late... = Vakit ilerlemi olduu iin...

By dream_Catcher

We decided to leave at once, for there was nothing else we could do. = nk yapabileceimiz baka
hibirey yoktu...

Daha Az Bilinen teki Balalar:

now that
seeing that
because of the fact that
due to the fact that
owing to the fact that
on account of the fact that
in view of the fact that
Now that you've realized your mistake, its time you got down to doing something about it. = Madem ki
artk hatan anlam bulunuyorsun...
Seeing that we are all here, we don't have to wait for the official opening hour. = Hepimiz burada
olduumuza gre... Madem ki hepimiz buradayz...
In view of the fact that so many of our members have preferred to stay away, we might as well cancel the
meeting altogether. = ... gerei karsnda, toplanty tmyle iptal etsek de olur...[Not Ediniz: "might as
well" = ou zaman Trke'ye "bari byle yapalm... yle de yapsak byle de yapsak (bunu da yapsak)
ayn ey," eklinde eviri verir... "Altogether" szc ise burada yeni renenlerce az bilinen bir anlam
tayor: "tmyle" anlamndadr.]
Due to the fact that I have received over 200 filthy emails in the last three days alone, I have decided to
close down this site. ( filthy = ak sak veya kfrl. Asl anlam: ok pis...)
Owing to the fact that this country is currently enjoying a rapidly expanding market, we can offer unique
competitive prices, while keeping the highest quality. = Nedeniyle, sayesinde... (to enjoy = sahip olmak,
zevkini sryor olmak, nimetlerinden yararlanyor olmak...)


Bu gruptaki balalarnz "the fact that" yapsn eklemeksizin kullanacak olursanz, tmcelik deil
dorudan bir ad yada ad-bek alrlar (yani ekilmi bir fiile gereksinim kalmaz):
In view of the fact that we have certain difficulties... (Kimi glklerimiz olduu gerei karsnda...
By dream_Catcher

In view of our present difficulties... (Mevcut glklerimiz karsnda, mevcut glklerimizi gz nne
alarak, ...)

Verilen bilgileri kullanarak, "now that" ile tmceler oluturunuz. Bu balala mantk olarak present
tense'leri kullanmak zorundasnz. Neden? nk anlam: "Madem ki artk..."
Peki, "gemiteki u yada bu olaydan dolay" eklindeki bir kavram acaba hangi tense'i gerekecektir?
Doaldr ki, gemiteki olaya, imdiki zaman boyutundaki etkisi asndan bakan present perfect tense'i...
rnek: It was / has been a long, hard week, but the work is finally completed. = Now that the work is
completed (has been completed), we can have a few days' rest.
01 The rain has stopped. We can go out for a walk.
02 He got married last week. He is now a married man and has more responsibilities.
03 We can now keep a dog, because we have moved to a house with a garden.
04 The hostilities between the two countries were brought to an end last week. It's now time to start
thinking about a more permanent peace.
05 He got a divorce last week. Now he is as free as the birds up in the air.
01 Now that the rain has stopped, we can go out for a walk... 02 Now that he is a married man, he has
more responsibilities... (u andaki sorumluluklar "geen hafta" evlenmi olmasndan deil, halen evli bir
adam olmasndan kaynaklanyor. Ayrca, ana-tmcelie zne olarak "he" eklendi, nk her tmcelik
kendi zne ve fiil grubuna sahip olmak zorunda)... 03 Now that we have moved to a house with a
garden, we can keep a dog... 04 Now that the hostilities between the two countries have been brought to
an end, it's time to start... etc. ... 05 Now that he has got a divorce (= is divorced), he is as free as the

so that + will / can / may / shall
so that + would / could / might / should

By dream_Catcher

nemli Not: Bu yapda, ilk satrdaki bala grubu present ve future zaman boyutlarna ynelik
anlatmlarda, ikinci satrdakiler ise past zaman boyutuna ynelik anlatmlarda kullanlr. [DKKAT:
Ancak bu durum, bunlar herzaman iin birincilerin "past tense" ekimidir anlamna anlalmamaldr.
Bunlar baka yerde ou zaman kendileri de "present" anlaml bamsz birer yardmc fiili nitelii
tarlar. Bu konuya yardmc fiillerle ilgili Blmde nemle deinmitik.]
turn / are turning / have turned / will turn / are going to turn
on the heater
so that
the house will (can, may, shall) be warm when the children come back.
Dndklerinde ev scak olsun (olabilsin, vb) diye... Veya, ... ki, dndklerinde ev scak olsun (olabilsin,
turned / were turning / had turned / would turn / were going to turn
on the heater
so that
the house would (could, might, should) be warm when the children came back.
Dndklerinde ev scak olsun (olabilsin, vb) diye... Veya, ... ki, dndklerinde ev scak olsun (olabilsin,

NOT: "So that" yerine "in order that" yaps da olanakldr. Ancak ayn derecede yaygn deildir ve daha
ok resmi ngilizce'de kullanlr:
The Government decided to raise the salaries paid in the public sector in order that the workers might be
persuaded to work more efficiently.
In order that people may be happy in their work, they must be paid reasonable wages.
Kark rnekler:
We must keep the meat in the refrigerator so that it will not go off. = Etleri, bozulmamalar iin,
buzdolabnda saklamalyz.

By dream_Catcher

She put the meat in the oven at six o'clock so that it would be ready by eight. (Past tense olduunu
nereden anladk? Present "puts" olacakt.)
He just gets up so early so that he won't miss the breakfast. = Bu derece erken kalkmasnn nedeni (amac)
kahvalty karmamak... (so early = bu derece erken)
She left early so that she wouldn't miss the last bus. = Son otobs karmamak iin erken kt.
I have given / will give him a key so that he can get into the house whever he needs to. = Her ne zaman
ihtiyac olursa eve girebilsin diye ona bir anahtar vermi bulunuyorum / vereceim.
I had given / gave him a key so that he could get into the house whenever he needed to.
He worked himself to death in order that his family might live in luxury.
NOT 1 : iirde yada hitabette dorudan "that" balacnn kullanldna tank olabilirsiniz:
"And wretches hang that jurymen may dine..." (18 yy iiri)
NOT 2 : En bata verdiimiz klasik formle karn, uygulamada u tr tmcelerle de karlaabilirsiniz:
He gets up early so that he doesn't miss the breakfast.
He used to get up early so that he didn't miss the breakfast.
NOT 3 : Bu Blmde kendimizi "zarf-tmcelik" yaps ile snrladk. ngilizce'de ama bildirmek iin
dorudan mastar (the infinitive) ok daha yaygndr. Ayrca, "in order + mastar" ve "so as + mastar"
yaps da yaygndr. Bknz. Blm 10, "Mastarlarn kullanldklar yerler" Madde 08...

DKKAT... DKKAT... Tekrar etmek gereini duyuyorum: Bu yapdaki rnekler, asla ve asla would,
should, could, might herzaman iin will, shall, can, may biimlerinin "past tense" ekilleridir anlamna
ekilmemelidir. Burada olduu gibi, baz yaplarda yle davranrlar, o kadar...

Sk kullanlan balalar:
although, though,
in spite of the fact that,
despite the fact that
By dream_Catcher

I will do my best, although I cannot say I'm very keen. = ok hevesli olduumu syleyemeyeceim ama
elimden geleni yapacam...
Though they are a poor people, they are proudly dignified in their dealings with strangers. = Fakir
insanlar olmalarna karn, yabanclarla olan ilikilerinde gururlu ve balar diktirler...
Despite the fact that they were quite poor, they were very happy.
They were very happy in spite of the fact that they had little to live on. = ok az gelirleri (ok az
varlklar) olmasna ramen...
He alone was the target of both attacks or congratulations, in spite of the fact that a collective team effort
had been the decisive factor in the results obtained. = Kollektif bir ekip abasnn elde edilen sonulardaki
asl etken olmasna karlk, gerek saldr gerek kutlamalarn hedefi yalnz o oluyordu...
NOT: "The fact that" yapsn kaldrrsanz, tekbalarna in spite of veya despite, tmcelik deil, dorudan
bir ad veya ad-bek alrlar... (Yani, ekilmi fiil kullanma zorunluu kalkar -- Daha nce incelediimiz
"in view of -- in view of the fact that" grubu yaplarn da artrnz):
They got married in spite of the fact that her father was opposed to it. = babasnn kar olduu gereine
They got married in spite of her father's opposition. = babasnn muhalefetine ramen...

Daha Az Tannan Kimi teki Balalar

however + sfat / zarf
no matter + soru szc / bei
While I admit that the situation is difficult, I do not agree that it is hopeless. = Durumun zor olduunu
kabul etmekle birlikte...
We are poor, whereas you are rich. = Bizler fakiriz, oysaki sizler...
She had always imagined her cousin to be an honest man, whereas he was no more than a second-rate
pickpocket. = Oysa ikinci snf bir yankesiciden baka birey deildi...
However rich people are, they never seem to be satisfied with what they have. = nsanlar ne kadar zengin
olurlarsa olsunlar...

By dream_Catcher

However weak we may be, we shall never surrender. = Ne kadar gsz olursak olalm, asla teslim
However hard we worked, we could never save enough. = Ne kadar ok alrsak alalm, hibir zaman
yeterli tasarruf yapamyorduk / yapamazdk.
No matter what you do, do not touch that button. = Ne yaparsan yap, ama sakn o dmeye dokunma.
No matter where you go, you always come across people like him. = Nereye giderseniz gidin, hep onun
gibi insanlarla karlarsnz. (DKKAT: "no matter where" bala grubunu, aslnda "yer bildirenler
arasnda snflamak gerekir. Nitekim, o ekilde snflamtk)
No matter who telephones, tell him I'm out.
No matter how stupid the man might be, he is the boss after all. = Ne kadar ahmak olursa olsun, adam ne
de olsa patron !

Aadaki rneklerle de karlaabilirsiniz. Bunlar arasnda zellikle, even if, even though, much as, for
all ile gerekletirilen yaplara dikkatinizi ekmek isterim. Dierlerinin anlamn ise tmcenin geliinden
Even if (even though) he should find out, he won't do anything about it. = rense bile...
Poor though we are, we are honest. = Bizler fakirsek de... Bizler, fakir olmamza karn...
Poor as we are, we are honest. = Bizler fakirsek de... Bizler, fakir olmamza karn...
Much as I admire his courage, I cannot say he acted wisely. = Her nekadar kendisinin cesaretini takdir
ediyorsam da, akll davrandn syleyemeyeceim.
Much as I hate to admit this, I actually agree with you on that point. = Bunu sylemekten nefret
ediyorum, ama o noktada sizinle ayn grteyim.
Much as they refuse to admit it, mistakes in energy policies are common to all previous governments in
this country. = stedikleri kadar reddetsinler... Geri hep reddederler ama... Hernekadar reddetseler de...
Try as I might, I could not lift the stone. = Nekadar urarsam uraaym...
Say what I would, he still refused to do it. = Ne sylersem syleyeyim...
For all he seems to dress well, we still think he personally has no taste for fashions. = Her nekadar iyi
giyiniyor grnse de, bizler yine de modadan yana kendisinin ahsen pek zevk sahibi olduunu
For all he seems to dislike the job he does, he still does it quite well. = Her nekadar yapt iten
holanmyor grnyorsa da, yine de iini iyi yapyor.

By dream_Catcher

so + sfat veya zarf + that
such + (a/an) + [ (zarf) + sfat ] + ad + that
Baka bir deyile, "such + ad + that" ile kurulan yapda, gerekiyorsa a/an (indefinite article) ve isteniyorsa
bir sfat veya sfat-bek (ki bir zarf ile niteleniyor olabilir) eklenecektir.
Yukarda forml kark gstermemesi iin yazmadm, ama istenirse ilk formldeki gerek sfat gerek zarf
seenei de bir baka zarf ile nitelenebilir.
She was so tired that she could hardly walk any further. = (sfat) yle yorgundu ki, artk daha ileri
yryemeyecek durumdayd. ("hardly" szcnn kendi tmceliine olumsuz anlam kazandrdna
dikkat ediniz)
She was so incredibly fat that she could not bend down to tie up her own shoes. = (zarf + sfat) ylesine
inanlmaz imand ki, eilip kendi papu balarn balayamyordu...
The plane landed so smoothly that we hardly felt it. = (zarf) uak ylesine sarsntsz bir ini yapt ki,
neredeyse hi farketmedik...
She was running so incredibly fast that I had great difficulty in catching up with her. = (zarf + zarf) yle
inanlmaz hzl kouyordu ki, ona yetimekte glk ektim / ekiyordum.
* * * * *
It was such a good opportunity that I didn't want to miss it. = (sfat + ad) ylesine iyi bir frsatt ki...
It was such an unbelievably good opportunity that I didn't want to miss it. (zarf + sfat + ad) = ylesine
inanlmaz iyi bir frsatt ki...
He has had such a colorful life that he could write a book about it. = ylesine renkli bir yaam
srdregelmitir ki kitap haline getirebilir.
Those were such incredibly traumatic weeks that she'd (=would) rather forget about them all. = ylesine
inanlmaz derecede sarsc haftalard ki, tmyle unutmay tercih ediyor.

many, much, few, little szckleri "so... that";
"a lot of" ise, "such... that" kalb ile kullanlr:
By dream_Catcher

I have read that book so many times that I know it by heart.

She has put on so much weight that she can hardly bend down to tie up her own shoes. = O kadar ok kilo
alm bulunuyor ki, eilip kendi papularn balayamyor...
That so-called "gallery" has so few paintings on display that it is hardly worth visiting. = O szde "galeri"
de o kadar az tablo var ki, ziyaret etmee pek demez...
We have so little money left that we might as well go back home now. = ... eve dnelim bari...
She has had such a lot of lovers that she cannot possibly remember them all...
We have such a lot of work to get through today that it'll be futile to make any plans for a visit to the
park. (to get through = bitirmek... futile / fyu - tayl / = bouna, beyhude...)

Aadaki ikili tmceleri, so... that veya such... that balac ile biletiriniz:
01 The price was so low. He had no difficulty in getting rid of it within minutes.
02 My uncle is a kind person. Everybody likes and respects him.
03 He has done foolish things. I am sure he'll get into serious trouble.
04 The film was interesting. We saw it three times.
05 He ate too much. He couldn't get up from the table.
06 I have a lot of problems. I can use all the help you can give me.
07 He is ambitious. He'll do anything to succeed.
08 The car drove off fast. I couldn't read its plate number.
09 This car is small. You can park it almost anywhere.
10 You spoke foolishly. Everybody laughed at you.
Yantlar: 01 The price was so low that he had no difficulty in getting rid of it within minutes... 02 My
uncle is such a kind person that everybody likes and respects him... 03 He has done such foolish things
that I am sure he'll get into serious trouble... 04 The film was so interesting that we saw it three times...
05 He ate so much that he couldn't get up from the table... 06 I have such a lot of problems that I can
use all the help you can give me... 07 He is so ambitious that he'll do anything to succeed... 08 The car
drove off so fast that I couldn't read its plate number... 09 This car is so small that you can park it
almost anywhere... 10 You spoke so foolishly that everybody laughed at you...
By dream_Catcher

Sonu belirten zarf-tmceliklere devam ediyoruz:

" SO " ve " THEREFORE "

Bu iki balala balatlan zarf-tmcelikleri de "sonu bildirenler" arasnda snflamak gerekir. Bu tr

tmcelikler, daima temel tmcelikten sonra gelir ve belli bir neden-sonu ilikisini dile getirirler. Virgl
yerine "and" ile devam etmek olanakldr.
te yandan, iki tmceyi tamamen ayrmak, ve ikincisine bala ile balayp, virgl koyarak devam etmek
de olanakldr.
Bu iki bala tamamen anlamda ve ekullanml olup, belki de birincisini konuma diline daha yatkn
We couldn't afford the tickets for the show, so we decided to stay at home and watch it on the TV. = bu
yzden, dolaysyla, bundan tr... Ayn tmce iinde virglle ayrlarak...
The next ship was not due till the following week and therefore we decided to pay a visit to the nearby
villages. = virgl yerine "and" kullanarak...
The house had all the modern conveniences, including constant hot water. So, we lost no time waiting for
the water to warm up. = ki ayr tmce...
All the hotels were booked for the weekend. Therefore, we had to move on to the next resort to try our
luck there. = ki ayr tmce...

Balalar: as, like, the way
Not 1 : Her de "just" ile pekitirilebilir = "tam o ekilde"...
Not 2 : Klasik gramer kurallarn benimseyen kitaplarda, son ikisinin kabul grmeyip dlandna tank
olabilirsiniz. Oysa uzunca sredir her ikisi de son derece yaygnlk kazanmlardr. Sanyorum, kuralc
klasik gramerler ile betimleyici (tasvirci/descriptive) ada dilbilim arasndaki kkl gr ayrlklarnn
artk bilincindesiniz.
Not 3 : Bu balk altnda da, adal, "haval", vakit kazanmak iin ksrk trnden ok sayda bala ve
ifade kalplar kullanlabilir: in such a way that, in such a manner that...
Not 4 : Kimi kaynaklarda, bu grup altnda snflanan "as if / as though" tmceleri, buraya alnmam, ait
olduklar "The Subjunctives" (Blm 9) konusuna braklmtr. O tr tmcelerin zellii, gerek
By dream_Catcher

durumlardan deil, varsaymsal durumlardan sz etmeleridir. Nitekim, kullanlan fiil ekim kurallar da
farkldr: She likes to dress as if she were a boy. = Erkek ocukmu gibi giyinmekten holanyor (= ama
erkek ocuk deil)...
The children are free to come and go as they wish. = Diledikleri, canlarnn istedii gibi...
When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. = Roma'da (iken) Romal'lar gibi davran...
Just as he has done over the many past years, my brother is still running a toy shop. = Tpk yllardr
yapageldii gibi, kardeim hal bir oyuncak dkkan iletiyor.
Nobody loves you like I do... = Seni kimse benim gibi sevemez...
My brother plays the guitar just like he's ringing the bell... = Gitar sanki kap zili alyormu gibi rahat
I put the pieces together the way they had taught me. = Paralar, bana retmi olduklar gibi (ekilde,
tarzda) biraraya getirdim.
I did it just the way she wanted me to do it... = Tam yapmam istedii ekilde...
Live in such a way that you would not hesitate to sell your parrot to the neighbourhood gossip. =
Papaann mahallenin dedikoduducuna ekinmeden satabilecek ekilde yaa.
Observations are recorded in such a manner that individual subjects cannot be identified... = Gzlemler,
deneklerin kimlii belirlenemeyecek ekilde kaydedilmitir. (individual subjects = herbir denek)

in case, for fear that, lest
zellikle "lest" balacna dikkat ediniz. yi ng. bilen ou kimsenin bu balac farketmediklerini, bazen
de "least" szc ile kartrdklarn gryoruz.
"In Case" le rnekler:
I am taking the umbrella with me in case it rains. = Olur da yamur yaar, yaabilir diye / endiesiyle...
Take his address with you, in case you have time to visit him when you stay in Mersin overnight. = Ola ki
vaktin olur...
You'd better make a cake, too, in case the children drop in for the weekend. = Bir de kek yapsan iyi olur,
bakarsn hafta sonunda ocuklar urar...
By dream_Catcher

I always keep candles in the house in case there is (there should be) a power cut. = Olur da elektrikler
kesilir diye evde herzaman mum bulundururum...
I always kept candles in the house in case there was (there should be) a power cut. = (O zamanlar,
eskiden) Olur da elektrikler kesilir diye evde herzaman mum bulundururdum (bulunduruyordum)...
I telephone home everyday just before I leave the office in case my wife wants (should want) something.
I used to telephone home everyday just before I left the office in case my wife wanted (should want)
He always takes a dozen bodyguards with him wherever he goes for fear that he should (would/might) be
attacked. (= for fear that he be attacked... "he be attacked" yapsnn aklamas aada yaplyor)
He used to take a dozen bodyguards with him wherever he went for fear that he should (would/might) be
attacked. (= for fear that he be attacked)

Yukardaki rneklerde, "in case" ve "for fear that" balacnn "should" (yada, herbirisi kendi anlam
katksn getirmek zere, could / would / might) yardmc fiili ile kullanlabildiini, bu yardmc fiilin ise
present / future / past tmcelerde herhangi bir deiiklie uramadn grdnz.
"Lest" ise, "should" (yada, herbirisi kendi anlam katksn getirmek zere, could / would / might) yardmc
fiili ile birlikte kullanlmak zorundadr. Yine hibirisi, present / future / past tmcelerde bir deiiklie
Ancak daha da ilginci, yardmc fiil tmceden tmyle karlabilir, ki bu durumda geride ne kalyorsa o
kalacaktr (yani, fiilin yaln hali kalacaktr).
te size ngilizce'nin yabanclar iin en ok kafa kartran ynlerinden birisi...
rnekleri nceleyiniz:
She obeys/obeyed her husband completely lest he leave her. (= Kocas kendisini terketmesin diye ona
tamamen itaat eder / ediyordu)
should leave her (ola ki terkeder, aman terketmesin diye)
would leave her (kesin terkedecei inancyla)
could leave her (olana korkusuyla)
might leave her (olasl korkusuyla)
= lest ... he leave her
* * * * *
By dream_Catcher

He doesn't dare to leave the house lest someone should (would/could/might) recognize him. (= lest
someone recognize him... Birisi onu tanr korkusuyla, aman tanmasn diye, evden kmaya cesaret
He didn't dare to leave the house lest someone should (would/could/might) recognize him. (= lest
someone recognize him... Birisi onu tanr korkusuyla, aman tanmasn diye, evden kmaya cesaret
I must write this down lest I forget it. (= should forget... unutmamak iin, aman unuturum diye)
Obviously a burglar has to be very careful how he handles objects, lest he leave his fingerprints. (= should
leave... parmak izlerini brakmamak iin)
Always remember the things we did together. And lest you forget, these pictures will remind you.
(Deiik bir nansla: Eer unutacak olursan...)
His mother warned him that he should be careful with what he says, lest he leave his teachers with the
wrong impression. (= retmenlerinde yanl izlenim brakmamak iin sylediklerine dikkat etmesi
konusunda uyard ...)
te yandan itiraf etmek gerekir ki, klasik gramer anlay ile "lest" balacnn daima yaln mastar
alacan savunmak, gnmz uygulamalarna ters dmektedir. Aadaki tr tmceler, ada
ngilizce'de pekala geerli rneklerdir:
I used to wrote down things lest I forgot them.
I had the good habit of recording everything in writing as much as I could lest I forgot something I might
need later.

" If'li Tmcelikler "
By dream_Catcher

Bir Hayat Dersi / Tanm Ve Snflama / Koul Tmcelerinin Yaps / Bir Gln Aklanmas / zel
ekim rnei / Negative / Continuous Dnmler / eviri stne Bir Not / Noktalama zellii /
Farkl Yardmc Fiil Kullanmlar / Tip II Ve Tip III Birlikte / If-Tmcelikte Yardmc Fiil / "Tip-0" Ve
"Tip-4" Var mdr? / If-Tmcelikte "Any" Ve "Some" / Devrik Tmce Tipleri / Koul Kipinde
Kullanlan teki Kimi Balalar / General Exercise / Yantlar, evirileri Ve Aklamalar
ok gentim... Dil ve edebiyat renimi iin gelmitim... Bu kuzey lkesinin insanlar -- ilk zamanlar
bunun ayrdnda deildim -- olaylara oulcu bir grelik ile bakyor, ne gibi durumlarda nelerin
olabileceini irdeliyor -- ve "if'li" tmcelerle konuuyorlard...
ou zaman, "ok kesin ifadeler kullandm" eletirisini gslemek zorunda kalyordum. Bir iletiim
kopukluu olduu belliydi. Ama nedenine parmak basamyor, zm bulamyordum. Nasl ayrdna
varabilirdim ki?...
inde yetimi olduum dil-kltr sisteminde, iyi eitilmi her Trk yurtta gibi: "A, A'dr. A, A'dan
farkl birey olamaz. A ile B arasnda nc bir durum sz konusu deildir. Mantk bu apak geree
tanktr. Farkl bir tez ileri sren kimseler ya aklsz, ya yanlg iinde, yada kt niyetlidirler. nk, akl
mantk ve anlatmn yolu tek olsa gerek", diye dnyordum... = ARSTO MANTII !!!
Aslna baklacak olursa, Trkede kullandmz "eer..." tmcelerinin ounlukla koul ve olaslk deil,
bir tehdit ierdikleri bile sylenebilir: "imdi yanna gelirsem... Ben de seni babana, retmene, herkese

Kalbini bir ak- mtereddit'e kaptrm bir arkadanzla aranzda geen konuma:
-- She lives there... But, I never go there, never visit or see her. If I did, I would see her and could talk to
her... I mean, if I ever went and visited her... But I never do!.. Orada oturuyor... Ama ben oraya hi
gitmiyorum, onu hibirzaman grmyorum. Gitsem, kendisini grrm, onunla konuabilirim. Herhangi
bir zaman, gitsem... Onu ziyaret etsem... Ama oraya hi gitmiyorum ki. -- Bu konumada geen btn
fiiller "present tense" tedir. imdiki ve geni zamandan szedilmektedir...
-- Well, just go there... If you went there, you would / could / might see her. Walla, git yahu!... Gitsen
(gidersen) onu grrsn / grebilirsin / grme olasln doar... Hepsi "present tense".
SORU: Gemiteki bir durumdan m sz ediyoruz? Yoksa, imdiki yada "geni" zamandaki bir durumdan
Bu soruyu rencilerime ynelttiimde, ounluk yle yorumluyor:
Gitmedin ki, kardeim... Eer gitseydin, gitmi olsaydn onu grrdn/grebilirdin. (Yani, bugne dein
gitmedin, bu yzden de onu grmedin/gremedin.)
ok kk bir aznlk da yle yorumluyor:
Git be kardeim, gitsene... Eer gitsen, gidersen grrsn. (Yani, halen -- veya genelde -- gitmiyorsun
ki... Bu yzden de onu gremiyorsun. Yoksa, gitsen, grrsn / grebilirsin)
By dream_Catcher

Birincisi gibi eviriyorsanz, bugne kadar size "rettikleri" hereyi unutun ve okumaa devam edin...
kincisi gibi eviriyorsanz, olay zaten kavram durumdasnz: Ama, ayrntlar iin yine de okumaa
devam edin...

Koul kipinde bir tmce, bir ana-tmcelik + bir koul-tmcelik'ten (if'li tmcelik, conditional clause)
oluur. Koullu tmceler aslnda zarf-tmcelik snflamasna girer. Ancak yaygn kullanm alan,
tadklar nem, ve biz Trke konuanlar asndan gsterdikleri kavram gl nedeniyle ayrcalk
tanmamz gerekiyor...
Koul kipini ana balk altnda gzden geireceiz:
If I go there, I will see her.
Eer (gelecekte) gidersem / gidecek olursam, (gelecekte) grrm / greceim.
Gelecekte, belli bir koula bal olarak, gerekleebilir veya gereklemeyebilir... demek istiyoruz.
If I went there, I would see her.
Eer (genelde yada imdi) gitsem, (genelde yada imdi) grrm.
= Gitmezsem de grmem... Gitmediim iin gremiyorum... Ksacas, varsaylan, farazi bir durumda
neler olur, neler olmaz stne fikir yrtyoruz. "Ninemin sakal olsa, dedem olur..."
If I had gone there, I would have seen her.
Eer (gemite) gitseydim / gitmi olsaydm, (gemite) grrdm / grecektim / grm olurdum.
= Ama gitmedim, dolaysyla da grmedim... Olay olmu bitmi. Koul gereklememi. Buna bal
olarak da, szn ettiimiz olaslk da gereklememi. Ksacas, olayn ardndan fikir yrtyoruz:
"Ninemin sakal olmu olsayd..."


Kitaplarda koul tmcelerinin yapsn aklamak amacyla verilen ou forml, konuyu yokua srmek,
hatta yanltc olmaktan ileri gitmiyor. Szgelii, II Tip tmceleri "past tense + past conditional" eklinde
aklarsak, renciyi bu yapnn present anlam tadna nasl inandrabiliriz ki...
By dream_Catcher

Oysa pratikte yararl bir forml olarak, uygun iki dzensiz fiil seerek dildeki btn kullanmlar iin
geerli bir temel rnek oluturabiliriz. Zaten, renme kolayl asndan da, kurallarn ezberlenmesi
deil, temel kullanm rneklerinin daarca atlmas nem tayor. yleyse, "Forml" yle olmal:

if go, will see

if went, would see
if had gone, would have seen

go, went, had gone...

will see, would see, would have seen...
Srasyla: I, II, III. Tipler... Yani, Future, Present, Past zamanlar... te bu rnei ezberleyerek, dildeki
btn fiillerimizi koul kipinde hataya dmeden ekebiliriz.
Bu forml bize baka neler sylyor?
1) If'li bal-tmcelikte yardmc fiil yer almaz. (stisnalarn greceiz)
2) Ana (temel) tmcelikte ise bir yardmc fiil kesinlikle bulunacak, deiik yardmc fiil seenekleri
kendi anlam nanslarn beraberinde getirecektir.
If the helicopter had arrived sooner, his life would have been saved. = Hayat kesin kurtarlm olacakt.
... might have been saved. = Olaslk tayacakt.
... could have been saved. = Olanak kazanm olacakt.
NEML NOT: Olanak ve olaslk bizim kltrmzde kesin farklarla ayrt edilemiyor, ama ngilizce'de
tmyle farkl iki kavramdr. Var olan her olaslk ayn zamanda olanakl = mmkn demektir. (Olanak
d olsa, olaslk tayamaz...) Ama, her olanakl olan ayn zamanda olaslk tayor demek deildir:
Uzayda ok sayda baka canl trlerinin varl yksek derecede olanakl, ama benim ahir mrmde
bunlardan birisi ile karlamam olasl sfrdr diyebilirim...
Bu nanslar ngilizce'de grebilmek iin, ok sayda tmceye deiik yardmc fiiller yerletirerek
anlam nasl deitirdiini snamanz neririm.
By dream_Catcher

Trkede, gerek "Gitsem, grrdm" gerekse "imdi gitseydim, grrdm" eklindeki tmceler present
anlam verebiliyor. Dolaysyla bir evirmen, "If went - would see" yapsn Trke'ye bu ekilde
evirdiinde teknik anlamda hataya dm olmuyor... Ayrca, "went - would" biimlerini de gren
renci, (haber kipinden kazand alkanlktan dolay) gemiten szedildii yanlgsna dyor...
Bu yanlln dzeltilmesi byk bir nem tayor: II. TP, ASLA VE ASLA GEMTEN SZ
ETMEZ; sz edilen zaman boyutu, MDK ZAMAN ve GEN ZAMANDIR...
Aadaki aklayc tablo yardmc olabilir:


Haber Kipi
Koul Kipi
Tense'ler = 12 adet
go = present
went = past
had gone = past perfect
Tense'ler = 3 adet
if go = future
if went = present
if had gone = past

Grld gibi:
By dream_Catcher

ngilizcede koul kipi iin zel ekimler yoktur. Bu ilev, haber kipinden dn alnan ekimlerle
karlanr. Ancak, szkonusu ekimler her iki kipte farkl anlamlar kazanyor. rnein, "I go" haber
kipinde "Giderim", koul kipinde ise "Gideceim" anlamn tayor. Ayn ekilde, "I went" haber kipinde
"gittim", ama "if I went" koul kipinde "gitsem, gidersem" (yani imdi veya genelde) anlamn tayor.
Benim nl bir "kant" hikayem vardr: Bizim Olann hocas, "cushion" [ku-n] szcn "kan"
diye retmekte direniyordu da, "Git syle, kendisi kansn" diye haber gndermek zorunda kalmtm!...
Burada da artk gnah benden gitti. Bu lkede medya ve yaynevi. evirmenlerinin slah olabileceini hi
sanmyorum ama, ltfen siz Deerli Okuyucularm kendinizi onlarn srdrdkleri bu ok kt yanltan
kendinizi koruyunuz...

I wish you were here now!... I wish we were together again!...
gibi romantik szler syleyince,
Ah, imdi yanmda olsan! Yine birlikte olsak...
demi oluyorsunuz, yoksa "keke eskiden yle olmu olsayd" deil !...


Buraya kadar neyi vurguladk? Koul kipinin kendine zg ekimleri yoktur; Haber kipinden dn
alnan kalplar, yeni bir "tense" dzenlenmesi yklenerek kullanlr... Akla u soru geliyor: Acaba
ingilizce koul kipinin kendine zg hibir ekim zellii yok mudur?
Evet, vardr:
To Be fiili, yalnz Tip II ile snrl olmak zere, zel ekim gsterir ve btn kiiler iin were eklinde
Dolaysyla, Damdaki Kemanc'nn dlerinde olduu gibi,

if I were a rich man

if you were a rich man
if he were a rich man
if we/you/they were rich men

By dream_Catcher

"Were" yerine" "was" kullanacak olursanz, tmceyi "imdiki zamanda olaslk" boyutundan karp,
haber kipi gemi zaman boyutuna tam olursunuz. Buradaki nans, Trke dndmz srece
hissetmek olanakszdr, diyebilirim, ama bu sizi yanltmasn...
Diyeceklerdir ki, "Were" yerine" "was", kimi sosyal tabaka azlarnda standart uygulama gibi grnyor.
(Bu yzden kimi dilbilimciler, gnmzde "were" yerine "was" ynnde bir dnm olduu sonucuna
ok aceleci bir sav... "yi ve doru" ngilizce asndan bu kullanm yanltr. Hele snav koullarnda
byle bir yanlla asla dmeyiniz...
Bu konuya aada "Tip 0 ve Tip IV Var mdr?" bal altnda yeniden dokunacam. Konuyu ayrca,
Dilek Kipi erevesinde (Blm 9) "ada ngilizce'de Bu Kip lyor mu?" bal altnda ayrntl
biimde tartyorum.


imdi temel formlmze dnerek negative ve continuous tmceler iin geerli tablolar da oluturalm:

if don't/doesn't go, won't see

if didn't go, wouldn't see
if hadn't gone, wouldn't have seen

if am/is/are going, will be seeing

if were going, would be seeing
if had been going, would have been

By dream_Catcher

NOT: Tmcenin her iki kanad, birbirinden bamsz olarak olumlu, olumsuz, yada "continuous"

rnekler ve evirileri:

"I don't want to go there and I don't want to see her!"... = Oraya gitmek istemiyorum... Onu grmek
Haber kipindeki bu tmce, 1) Oraya gitmek istemiyorum... Onu grmek istemiyorum! veya, 2) Her zaman
gidip gryorum, ama aslnda istemiyorum... anlamlarna gelebilir.
Kardaki kii ise, koul kipine bavurarak, yle bir yant verebilir (ki, aadaki her iki durumda da
"present" zaman szkonusu olduu iin, Tip II tmcelere bavuracaktr:
1) --- Then, for Christ's sake, just don't go there! If you didn't go there, you wouldn't see her... Gitme o
zaman, Tanr akna! Gitmezsen grmezsin.
2) --- Then, for Christ's sake, just stop going there! If you weren't going there, you wouldn't be seeing her.
Her zaman gidip durma o zaman. Gitmiyor olsan, grmyor olursun.
* * * * *
If it rains this afternoon, we will stay at home... If you don't give me some help, I will not be able to finish
it on time... Bugn leden sonra yamur yaarsa, evde oturacam... Eer bana biraz yardm etmezsen,
zamannda bitiremeyeceim... Gelecek zamandan sz eden tmceler; dolaysyla da Tip I tarznda yaplar
Look! She couldn't finish it within two hours, even if she wanted to... Dinle beni: ki saat iinde istese
bile bitiremez... u an iinde bulunduumuz durumda, veya genelde = present tense = Tip II...
You wouldn't have got yourself into this mess if you hadn't insisted on doing it without my assistance.
Benim yardmm olmakszn yapmakta srar etmemi olsaydn kendini bu karmaaya drm olmazdn.
(past, Tip III)
If you are carrying on the way you have been, I'm afraid there won't be much that I can do for you.
Bugne dein davranageldiin gibi davranmakta devam edecek olursan, korkarm senin iin
yapabileceim pek birey olmayacak. (= future, Tip I)
If I were twenty years younger, I would seriously consider changing my job. Yirmi ya gen olsam, iimi
deitirmeyi ciddi olarak dnrm (Trke'de "dnrdm" olanakl... imdiki zamana ilikin
hipotetik bir durumdan sz ediyoruz. O halde: Tip II.
If the Ottoman empire still existed and Iraq were still a part of it, there would be no such problems there
now. Eer (imdiki zamanda) Osmanl mparatorluu hala var olsa, Irak da onun bir paras olsa, hi
byle sorunlar olmazd... imdiki zamana ynelik varsaymsal durumlar = Tip II.
By dream_Catcher

If she were coming to this meeting, she would have been here by now. Eer bu toplantya geliyor olsa,
imdiye dein gelmi olurdu... Birinci ksm present = Tip II; ikinci ksm "by now = imdiye dein" past
= Tip III. Tabiatyla, Trke'de "Gelecek olsa gelirdi / gelmi olurdu" gibi ifadeler olanakl...
I know very well that you are receiving some assistance from your friends. If I, too, were receiving such
support, I'd be (would be) doing just as well. Arkadalarndan yardm aldn biliyorum. Ben de alyor
olsam, ben de ayn lde baarl olurum. (= present, Tip II)
If she had been following her doctor's advice, she would not have been gaining any more weight... Eer
doktorunun nerilerini dinleyegelmi olsayd, daha fazla kilo alyor olmu olmayacakt... (=past, Tip III)


Trke'de "eer" ile balayan tmcelik, yani koul tmcelii (yine Trke'deki btn zarf tmcelikleri
gibi) herzaman tmce banda yer alr. Koulu nplana karmak, vurgulamak istiyorsak, bunu tonlama
ile gerekletiririz.
ngilizce'de ise, aada greceimiz gibi, if'li tmceliin yeri esnektir ve koul vurgulanmak
istenildiinde baa alnr.
Dikkat edilirse, anadili Trke olan bizler ngilizce'ye eviri yaparken veya zgn tmce kurarken,
herzaman "if" ile balamak eilimindeyiz. Oysa, yukardaki saptamalara dikkat etmemiz gerekiyor.

If-tmcelik (yani, koul) vurgulanmak istenirse baa ekilir; ardndan virgl konularak ana-tmcelikten
Bunun tersine durumda, yani if-tmcelik arkadan geliyorsa, virgl kullanlmaz.
Ancak, deiik vurgular elde etmek amacyla, ana-tmcelik anlama uygun bir yerinden blnerek araya
da yerletirilebilir, ki bu durumda iki virgl arasna alnmas gerekecektir.
Bu nc durumda if-tmcelik, konumada uygun bir "antirparantez sylyorum" edas ile

If I went there, I would see her.

I would see her if I went there.
By dream_Catcher

I would, if I went there, see her.


rneklerimizi bu noktaya dein will/would ile verdik. Oysa bu balamda teki btn yardmc fiiller de
kullanlabilir. Farkl tercihler deiik anlam nanslarn beraberinde getirecektir:
If the fog gets any thicker, the game will / may / might be postponed.
= "Will" kesin bir ertelemeden sz ederken, dier ikisi erteleme olasln gndeme getiriyor. "Might"
tercihi, olasln daha dk olacan dile getirir.
You must / should / ought to / had better eat less bread if you want to lose some weight.
= rnein "must" = "daha az yemelisin" evirisini verirken, had better ile yaplan tmce ise "az yersen
senin iin daha iyi olur" nerisini n plana karyor.
If you see him tomorrow, (could you) please ask him to get in touch with me before it's too late?
= Rica... Talep...
If you tried again, you would / might / could / /should succeed.
= Bir daha denersen / deneyecek olursan... would = kesin baarrsn... might = byle bir olaslk doar...
could = olanak kazanr... should = baarsan gerekir, sanrm baaracaksndr...

Sz edilen eylem ve olasln farkl zaman dilimlerine ilikin olmalar durumunda, Tip II ve III
tmcelikler birlikte kullanlacaktr:
If he didn't gamble so much (= genelde), he could have become a very rich man by now (= bugne dein
gemite)... ok kumar oynar. Eer bu kadar ok kumar oynamasa, imdiye dein oktan zengin bir adam
If you hadn't spent all your money yesterday, you would have enough today... Eer dn (gemi zaman
boyutu: o halde Tip III) btn paran harcamam olsaydn, bugn (imdiki zaman: o halde Tip II) yeterli
paran olurdu / olacakt.
By dream_Catcher

You say he is sorry. But, if he were sorry, he would have apologized by now... Piman diyorsun, ama eer
piman olsa, imdiye dein zr dilemi olmas gerekirdi... (= demek ki piman deil, anlamn
Demek ki, tmcemizi oluturan iki tmcelikte farkl zaman dilimlerinden sz ediliyorsa bunun gereini
tip seiminde uygulamak zorundayz. Burada kural inemiyor, tam tersine kurala uygun davranyoruz.

Blm banda temel formllerimizi olutururken, if-tmcelikte yardmc fiillerin yer almayacan,
bunlarn ana-tmcelik iinde deerlendirileceini sylemitik. Ayrntlarda boulmadan, pratik ve
kestirme yoldan hzl renmeyi amaladmz iin, saptamalarmzn biraz fazla atak olmas doal
Orada deindiimiz bu "kaba" kuraln hayli kabark olan istisnalar nasl aklanabilir?
If you will/would wait a moment, I'll go and see if Mr. Hepalr is free to see you...
Bu bir nezaket ifadesidir. Tmceye, "If you (please) wait..." eklinde de balayabilirdik. Yani burada
"will/would" birer nezaket szc olmaktan te gitmiyor. Anlam incelendiinde, aslnda bir koul
koulmad grlr: "Eer beklerseniz gidip bakarm, beklemezseniz gidip bakmam" eklinde bir koul
tmcesi olarak alglanmas yanl olur.
Aadaki rnekleri de ayn irdeleme ile zgleyebiliriz. Bunlardan birincisinde nezaket, son ikisinde ise
serzeni/fke iletimleri szkonusu:
I would be very grateful if you would send me the necessary documents as soon as possible. = ...
minnettar olurum efendim.
If you would sit down, gentlemen, we can begin our discussion. = Beyler! Beyler! Ltfen oturunuz ki
tartmamza balayabilelim!
If you would stop talking for a second, I could finish off my sentence. = Bir saniye susacak olursanz,
cmlemi bitirebilirim!

"TP- 0" VE "TP- 4" VAR MIDIR ?

u rnekleri inceleyiniz:
Present Tense : If you heat ice, it turns to water... If there is a shortage of any product, its price is bound
to go up... (zellikle bilimsel saptamalarda bu tmce yaps ile ok sk karlarz.)
By dream_Catcher

Past Tense : We used to stay at home if there was the slightest chance of rain... If ever anybody
interrupted his lecture, he got (used to get / would get) terribly angry...
Kimi yazarlar, "if" szcyle kurulduklar gerekesiyle, bu tr tmceleri szde "Tip-0" ve "Tip-4"
balklar ile Koul Kipi iinde snflamak ister.
Oysa bu tr tmcelerin genel zellii, gerek durumlardan sz edilmekte oluudur: Buz stlrsa suya
dnr... Hernezaman birisi dersini kesecek olsa ok sinirlenirdi...
Dikkat ederseniz bu tmcelerde "if - if ever" yerine "when - whenever" tercihinizi rahatlkla
kullanabilirsiniz ve anlam bozulmaz. Gerek durumlardan sz ettiinize gre, bunlarn Haber Kipi
kapsamnda grlmeleri gerekir. Koul Kipinin temel zellii varsaymsal, farazi durumlardan sz
ediliyor olmasdr.
NOT: Yine de, "piyasada" "were yerine dikkatsizce was" kullanmnn yaygnl karsnda, bu Blmde
savunduum tezlerin "arbal gramer" ve zellikle de "snav ngilizcesi" hari tutulursa %100 geerlii
olmayabileceini teslim etmekte yarar var. nk, bir yandan dilcilikte betimleyici (descriptive)
yaklam savunurken, bir yandan da dil polisliine soyunup, anadilini konuan kimseleri dikkatsizlikle
sulamak yrek ister...


Bilindii gibi, some ve any ikilisine ilikin genel kural, birincisinin olumlu, ikincisinin ise olumsuz
tmceler ve sorularda kullanlmasdr.
If-tmceliklerde ise, bunun tersine bir uygulama geerli olabilir ve bu tercih ou zaman vurgulanm
anlatm nitelii kazanr:
Wouldn't I help you out if I had any means to do so? = Bunu yapabilecek imkanlarm olsa seni bu
durumdan kurtarmaz mym sanyorsun!
I would never have allowed you to enter if you hadn't had some kind of reasonable excuse! = Akla yatkn
bir mazeretiniz olmasayd, ieri girmenize asla izin vermezdim...


Daha nce de deindiimiz gibi, if-tmcelik baa alndnda koul vurgulanm olur. Ancak, elimizde bir
baka vurgulama olana daha var: Devrik tmce oluturmak. Devrik tmce, biliyorsunuz, soru dzeninde
kurulur. (Yani, yard. fiil + zne... bazen de: asl fiil + zne.)

By dream_Catcher

Kurulur, ama bir soru olarak alglanmaz: Yazda soru iareti deil, nlem veya dorudan nokta kullanlr;
konumada soru tonlamas yaplmaz: Balama gre, eitli vurgulanm duygu ve anlamlar ileten bir
tonlama yaplr.

TP I :
If you should -------- Should you
Should you come this way again, please look me up.
Yolunuz bir daha bu taraflara decek olursa, ltfen beni araynz. (Gelecek zaman, yani Tip-1
kullanldn temel-tmcelikten karsyoruz. Ricann gerei gelecekte yerine getirilecektir. [Umarm
hala "should", herzaman "shall" in past tense'dir gibi yanlglar iinde deilsiniz.]

If I were -------- Were I
If he went away -------- Were he to go away
If you stopped & thought -------- Did you but stop & think
Were I in your shoes, I wouldn't take such a risk. = Senin yerinde olsam, byle bir risk almam.
Were he to go away and leave you, you'd be in a very difficult position. = ekip gitse ve seni terketse,
ok zor bir durumda kalrsn.
Did you but stop and think about it, you'd see how hopeless our situation is. = Durup bir dnsen,
durumumuzun ne denli umutsuz olduunu grrsn.

If it had been -------- Had it been
If she had lost -------- Were she to have lost
If she could have arrived -------- Could she have arrived
Had it been any harder, we wouldn't have been able to do it. = Eer daha zor olmu olsayd...
Were she to have lost all her money, she would have been terribly upset. = Eer btn parasn kaybetmi
Could she have arrived sooner, she would have got the job. = Daha erken gelebilmi olsayd...
By dream_Catcher

Gerek Tip II, gerekse Tip III iin ikinci rnek tmceler "were + ...." yaps ile balyor. Birincisini
present, ikincisini past anlaml klan nedir?
Yant: Birincisi bir present mastar, ikincisi ise bir perfect mastar ile oluturuldu: To lose = kaybetmek...
To have lost = kaybetmi olmak... Perfect mastar kullanm, olay gemi zamana tayor.


unless : "Unless" anlam molekl iki anlam atomundan oluur: if + not... Dolaysyla, "unless" ile kurulan
bir tmcelikte ayrca "not" olumsuzuna rastlayamazsnz, nk bildiiniz gibi ngilizce'de "double
negative" tmce kurulamaz. "Unless" iin Trke'de: -medike, -madka olaan eviridir.
Not 1 -- ngilizce'deki "double negative" eksikliinin, "didn't fail + mastar" forml ile nasl
alabildiinden Kitabmzn "Mastarlar" Blmnde sz etmitik.
Not: Yukarda dikkat ederseniz, "unless" ile kurulan tmcelikte (=clause) "not" szcnn yer
alamayacan syledim. Besbelli ki bu durum, tmcedeki dier tmcelikleri ilgilendirmez. te rnei
She will not improve her French unless she goes to France. = If she does not go the France... Fransa'ya
provided (that) / providing (that) : olmas kouluyla...
I will help you provided that you promise to be more careful from now on... = Bundan byle daha dikkatli
olmaya sz vermen kouluyla sana yardmc olacam...
DKKAT... DKKAT... Besbellidir ki, byle bir tmcedeki "provide" szcn szlkteki "salamak,
tedarik etmek" anlamlarnda alglarsanz iin iinden kamazsnz. Popler bir snav sorusu...
suppose / supposing (that) : diyelim ki, tut ki, varsayalm ki...
Supposing there were no water, what would the world be like? = Diyelim ki dnyada hi su olmasa, ne
olur dnyann hali?...
Biliyorsunuz bu tmcenin Trke ifadesinde, yine present/genel anlaml olmak zere "olmasayd/ne
olurdu" demek mmkn. Ama "past tense" yanlgsna dmemeniz iin, yukarda verdiim eviriyi tercih
ettim... Kendimizi, "Tip II eittir Past tense" gibi ykc yanllklardan kurtarmak ite bunun iin ok
on condition (that) : olmas kouluyla...
I'll lend you the money on condition that you return it no later than next Monday. = nmzdeki
Pazartesiden daha ge olmamak zere iade etmeniz kouluyla...
so long as / as long as : olduu srece, yeter ki...
I won't bother them as long as they don't bother me. = Onlar beni rahatsz etmedikleri srece ben de onlar
rahatsz etmeyeceim.
By dream_Catcher

even if = even though : olsa bile...

I'll go and meet them even if you don't. = Sen gelmesen bile...
only if : yalnzca eer... ancak eer...
We'd postpone the meeting only if more than half of the members didn't turn up. = Toplanty, yalnzca ve
yalnzca eer yelerin yarsndan fazlas gelmezlerse, erteleriz.
(Bu balac, Dilek Kipi (The Subjunctives) Blmnde greceimiz "If only" ile kartrmaynz)
whether or not : olsa da olmasa da (uysa da uymasa da!)
I'll be leaving tomorrow whether or not you decide to join me! = Sen bana ister katl ister katlma...
but for : Present = "If it were not for..." veya, Past = "If it had not been for..." deyilerinden ksaltma
sayabilirsiniz... Trke'ye "eer olmasayd" yada "sayesinde" gibi anlamlarla evrilebiliyor:
My family helps me a lot. But for their help, it would be very difficult for me to keep up a decent standard
of living. = If it were not for their help... Ailem yardm ediyor, eer etmeseler...
The accident delayed us. But for the accident, we would have arrived on time for the performance. = If it
had not been for the accident... Kaza olmam olsayd, ge kalmazdk, kalmam olurduk...
But for his love for irin, the ordeals he went through would have been unbearable for Ferhat. (ordeals =
ileler... unbearable = ekilmez, tahamml edilmez)
But for the expression "but for", I would not have been able to form these fantastic examples! (Bu rnei,
Tip II ve III bir arada olarak deerlendirin: "Bu deyim olmasa, bu ahane rnekleri
oluturamazdm/oluturamayacaktm !!"


Choose The Correct Answer
[Aklamal Yantlar Testin Sonunda]
1) I think it's extremely unlikely, but if we do come across ............... wild animals, we must be prepared
to kill them.
a) some

b) however c) any

d) whatever e) no

-- any
2) It probably ............... if you'd been more careful.
By dream_Catcher

a) doesn't happen ever again

b) won't ever happen again
c) didn't happen
d) would never have happened
e) hadn't ever happened
-- would never have happened
3) If he had taken my advice, he ............... a rich man by now.
a) will be

b) would be

c) were

d) could be

e) would have been

-- would have been

4) If he had taken my advice, he ............... a rich man now.
a) will be

b) would be

d) was

c) were

e) would have been

-- would be
5) She'd be quite pretty if she ............... so much make-up.
a) didn't wear b) wears
d) won't wear

c) will wear

e) doesn't wear

-- didn't wear
6) I didn't know whether you had to have one of these or not. I would have given it to you freely if you
............... one.
a) had to have b) had had to have
d) had

c) had had

e) have had to have

-- had had to have

7) You ............... pay less now if you had decided to become a full member at the time.
a) would have to
d) had had

b) had to

c) would have had to

e) will have to
By dream_Catcher
-- would have to
8) I'm sure she would have come and seen me if she .............. the time.
a) has
d) had had

b) has had

c) would have

e) were having

-- had had
9) If I ............... you, I wouldn't buy that old car.
a) had been

b) would be

c) will be

d) am

e) were

-- were
10) If the fog gets any thicker, they .............. to cancel the game altogether.
a) had to decide

b) might have to decide

c) have decided

d) were going to decide

e) would have decided

-- might have to decide
11) If you really want to lose some weight, you ............... less bread.
a) had better eat

b) have eaten

c) will have eaten

d) are rather eating e) would eat

-- had better eat
12) I'm terrified of planes. I'd feel much safer if we ................ by boat.
a) will go

b) 've been going

d) were going

e) go

c) had gone

-- were going
13) I .............. it that color -- if I were you.
a) had painted

b) will paint

d) didn't paint

e) wouldn't paint

c) don't paint

-- wouldn't paint
14) Unless you ............... the bell twice, nobody will answer it.
By dream_Catcher

a) don't ring

b) ring

d) won't ring

e) rang

c) will ring

-- ring
15) ............... there be any delay, please notify us at once.
a) Unless

b) Can

c) Had

d) Should

e) Were

-- Should
16) I ............... very grateful if you .............. as soon as possible.
a) should have been / would have been replied
b) shall have been / will have been replied
c) am being / will reply
d) should be / would reply
e) were / would reply
-- should be / would reply
17) We .............. shopping again today if you had bought enough supplies yesterday.
a) were going

b) didn't have to go

c) are not going

d) don't have to go e) wouldn't have to go

-- wouldn't have to go
18) If he didn't gamble as much as he does, I'm sure he ............... quite rich by now.
a) would have been b) could be
d) would be

c) were

e) cannot be

-- would have been

19) If it hadn't been for their help, we .............. here now.
a) aren't

b) wouldn't have been

d) are

e) wouldn't be

c) weren't

-- wouldn't be
20) I .............. you provided that you promise to be more careful from now on.
By dream_Catcher

a) 'll help

b) had helped

d) wouldn't have helped

c) won't help

e) helped

-- 'll help
21) As everyone knows, she's a hopeless case. Always and ever. I should have married her if she
............... such a fool.
a) won't be

b) weren't

c) isn't

d) is

e) would be

-- weren't
22) If I had known about the cancellation beforehand, I ............... a ticket in the first place. (beforehand =
nceden; in the first place = daha iin banda)
a) had never bought
b) would certainly not buy
c) wouldn't have bought
d) don't buy
e) wouldn't buy
-- wouldn't have bought
23) If I hadn't missed that plane, I ............... dead now.
a) would be

b) will be

d) would have been

c) am not

e) were not

-- would be
24) ............... she to appear here suddenly, wouldn't you be greatly surprised?
a) Is

b) If

c) Will

d) Was

e) Were

-- Were
25) Were you ............... on your own for this difficult mission, you should have had a perfect right to
a) being sent

b) to be sent

c) sending

d) to send

e) to have been sent

-- to have been sent

By dream_Catcher


1) I think it's extremely unlikely, but if we do come across any wild animals, we must be prepared to kill
them... Olur da herhangi bir vahi hayvan... Tmceden olasln dk olduu anlalyor. Bkn. Iftmcelikte some ve any.
2) It probably would never have happened if you'd been more careful... Daha dikkatli olsaydn,
muhtemelen byle bir ey hi olmayacakt... Olay gemite kalm = Tip III.
3) If he had taken my advice, he would have been a rich man by now... "By now," yani, imdiye dein =
Gemiten sz ediyoruz, o halde TP III.
4) If he had taken my advice, he would be a rich man now... "Now" = imdiki zamanda bir olaslktan sz
ediyoruz, o halde Tip II... Bknz. Tip II ve III birlikte kullanm.
5) She'd be quite pretty if she didn't wear so much make-up... Bu kadar ok makyaj yapmasa olduka
gzel bir kz olur... Geni zaman = Tip II.
6) I didn't know whether you had to have one of these or not. I would have given it to you freely if you
had had to have one... Bunlardan birisine sahip olmak zorunda olup olmadn bilmiyordum. Eer sahip
olmak zorunda idiysen ("idiydiysen") sana bir tane ylesine / bedavacktan veriverirdim... Kullandmz
fiil bei: "have to have" = birincisi yardmc fiil, ikincisi asl fiil, yani, "sahip olmak zorunda olmak"...
Fiilimiz rnein, "have to go", yani "gitmek zorunda olmak," olsayd = "had had to go," diyecektik.
Dolaysyla Tip III = "had had to have."
7) You would have to pay less now if you had decided to become a full member at the time... = Eer o
zamanlar tam ye olmaa karar vermi olsaydn, imdi daha az deme yapmak zorunda kalacaktn.
(Gemi iin Tip III, imdiki zaman iin Tip II kullanld.)
8) I'm sure she would have come and seen me if she had had the time... Eminim ki zaman olsa gelip beni
grrd... Gemite = III. Tip. Fiilimiz, To have. rnein, fiilimiz "to see" olsayd, "had seen" diyecektik.
O halde, "had had."
9) If I were you, I wouldn't buy that old car.
10) If the fog gets any thicker, they might have to decide to cancel the game altogether... Tmyle iptal
etmek... Gelecekteki bir olaslktan sz ediyoruz. Dolaysyla Tip I. "May" yerine "might" tercihi
olasln daha dk olduunu gsteriyor. Bknz. If-tmcelikte yardmc fiiller.
11) If you really want to lose some weight, you had better eat less bread... "Had better," tpk
may/can/must gibi bir yardmc fiildir, onlar gibi kullanlr.
12) I'm terrified of planes. I'd feel much safer if we were going by boat... Tmceden u anda uaa
binmek zere yada uakta olduumuz anlalyor. "u anda gemiyle gidiyor olsak kendimi daha
emniyette hissederdim." = Present anlaml olduundan = Tip II.

By dream_Catcher

13) I wouldn't paint it that color -- if I were you... Senin yerinde olsam o renge boyamam. imdiki zaman
= Tip II.
14) Unless you ring the bell twice, nobody will answer it... Gelecek zaman = Tip I.
15) Should there be any delay, please notify us at once... "Notify us" emrinin gerei gelecek zamanda
gerekleecektir. Dolaysyla, Tip I. Ayrca, bknz. "Devrik Tipler".
16) I should be very grateful if you would reply as soon as possible... Bir nezaket tmcesi. Bknz. iftmcelikte yardmc fiiller.
17) We wouldn't have to go shopping again today if you had bought enough supplies yesterday. Eer dn
yeterli miktarda malzeme satn alm olsaydn, bugn yeniden alverie gitmek zorunda kalmayacaktk.
Gemi zaman iin Tip III, imdiki zaman iin Tip II.
18) If he didn't gamble as much as he does, I'm sure he would have been quite rich by now. Her zaman
kumar oynad anlalyor. Genelde, yani Tip II, bu kadar ok kumar oynamasa, imdiye dein, yani
gemiten gnmze zengin olmu olurdu = Tip III.
19) If it hadn't been for their help, we wouldn't be here now. Gemite bize yardm ettiler = Tip III. Yoksa
imdi burada olmazdk = Tip II.
20) I'll help you provided that you promise to be more careful from now on. From now on = Bugnden
itibaren, yani gelecekte = Tip I.
21) As everyone knows, she's a hopeless case. Always and ever. I should have married her if she weren't
such a fool... Herkesin bildii gibi, umutsuz vakadr. Herzaman byledir kendisi... Bylesine bir budala
olmasa = Tip II, imdiye dein oktan onunla evlenmi olurdum = Tip III.
22) If I had known about the cancelation beforehand, I wouldn't have bought a ticket in the first place...
ptal konusunu nceden renmi olsaydm, daha iin banda bilet almazdm, almam olurdum.
23) If I hadn't missed that plane, I would be dead now.... Eer o ua karmam olsaydm -- ki kardm
= Tip III -- u anda lm olacaktm.. u anda l deil, konuuyor olduuma gre Tip II.
24) Were she to appear here suddenly, wouldn't you be greatly surprised? Tmcenin ikinci blmnden
imdiki zamana ilikin bir belirleme yapld anlalyor: Anszn ortaya kverse, ok arr msn?
25) Were you to have been sent on your own for this difficult mission, you should have had a perfect right
to protest. Tmcenin ikinci blmnden gemi zamana ilikin bir belirleme yapld anlalyor. Koul
tmcelii gemi zamana atmak iin perfect mastar kullandk: "to have been sent" = "gnderilmi
olmak"... Tmcenin anlam: Eer bu zor grev iin tek bana gnderilmi olsaydn, ikayet etmek iin
pekala hakl bir sebebin olabilirdi... ma edilen anlam: Ama tek bana gnderilmedin, ikayet etmek iin
de hakl bir nedenin yok...

By dream_Catcher

Ksa Aklama / ki Ana Balk / Kalplar / rnekler ve evirileri / Gelitirilmi Bir rnek / Zamana
Bak As / Baka rnekler ve evirileri / Bu Kip ada ngilizce'de lyor mu? / Exercise - 1 /
Exercise - 2 / Exercise - 3 / Dier rnekler

Az sayda kalp ieren bu kip, yine de ngilizce'nin en ilek ve en ilgin -- yabanclarn da en ok glk
ektii ynlerinden birini oluturuyor. lgi alanmz imdi dilek ve isteklerin, neri ve gerekirliklerin,
hayflanmalarn, varsaymlarn dnyasdr.
Aslnda, Trke yazlan bir ngilizce gramerde, "the subjunctive mood" karlnda "varsaym kipi" gibi
bir deyim kullanmak en dorusu olurdu. Ancak, yeni bir terim kargaasna yol amamak iin, yerlemi
olan "dilek kipi, dilek-koul kipi" karln kullanmaa devam edeceim. Aslnda, gerekten de,
ngilizce'de bu kipte kurulan anlatmlarn nemli bir blm Trke'ye bizdeki "dilek kipi" ile eviri
te yandan, eitli kalplarn ierdii anlamlar birbirinden son derece farkldr ve yap zellii dnda
aralarnda bir anlamsal ba aramamak en dorusu olur... Yap asndan ise herhangi bir glk
ekeceinizi sanmyorum, nk koul kipi tmcelere tam bir koutluk gsteriyorlar.
Az saydaki tmce al kalbn aklnzda tutmanz kouluyla, tannmas ve kullanlmas son derece
kolay bir konu...
Ksaca zetlemek istersek: ngilizce'de fiil ekimlerinden yola karak yalnzca kip (= mood)
bulunduu sylenebilir:
The indicative, the subjunctive, the imperative srasyla,
1. gereklerin dnyas (insanlar ou zaman yalan sylyor veya yanlyor olsalar da);
2. dilek, koul ve varsaymlarn dnyas; ve,
3. buyruklarn dnyasn ierir...
Koul kipinde de kullanlan ekimler "subjunctive" ekimlerdir. Tadklar byk nem nedeniyle, koul
ve dilek kipini bu kitapta iki ayr blmde ele almay tercih ettiimi daha nce de vurgulamtm. Demek
ki aslnda, "subjunctive mood" ekimlerini sizler bir nceki blmde esasen renmi bulunuyorsunuz.

imdi konuyu iki ana balk altnda zetleyeceim:

By dream_Catcher

Temel rnek = If ------ WENT
imdiki Zaman, Geni Zaman, Gelecek Zaman (yani present ve future) boyutlarna ynelik dilek,
zlem ve varsaymlarmz iin, Koul Kipi Tip II kalplar geerlidir. Bu da ok doal... "If went"
rneinin koul kipinde present anlam tadn artk biliyorsunuz.
* * * * *
Temel rnek = If ------ HAD GONE
Gemi zamana dnk pimanlk, hayflanma, yada gereklememi dilek ve varsaymlarmz iin,
Koul Kipi Tip III kalplar geerlidir.


I wish = dilerim; dilerdim; ah keke...
I'd rather [ would rather ] = tercih ederim / ederdim
ayrca, " would sooner "
veya, " would just as soon "
If only = Ah keke
Suppose = Tut ki, diyelim ki, varsayalm ki...
It's time = Zamandr, zaman geldi
It's about time = Yaklak zamandr
It's high time = Zaman oktan geldi geiyor
Would to God = Tanrdan dilerim / dilerdim
as if = as though = sanki, gya, gibi

By dream_Catcher

I wish I were rich... Ah, zengin olsam / olsaydm; Keke zengin biri olsam / olsaydm... ["imdi" ve/veya
"genelde" anlam veriyor, yani, = Ah, u anda (veya genelde) ok param olsa / olsayd... demi oluyoruz.
Skc olmak pahasna tekrarlyorum: Trke'ye "olsaydm" ile evirdiimizde de kastedilen zaman
"imdiye kadar, gemite" deildir: Kastedilen "imdi ve genel zaman" dr.]
I wish I hadn't said all that... Keke btn bunlar sylememi olsaydm... [te bu gemie ynelik bir
laf... "Oysa syledim ve bundan pimanlk duyuyorum, sonularn yaadm veya yayorum..." demi
I'd rather you didn't do it now... Bunu imdi yapmamanz tercih ederim. Ltfen bunu imdi yapmaynz.
I'd rather you hadn't told him about our plans... Keke planlarmz ona anlatmasaydn... Anlatmam
olman tercih ederdim. [Ama anlattn, ne yazk ki]
If only you loved me a little !... Keke beni biraz sevsen, seviyor olsan... [Ama sevmiyorsun ki]
If only you had loved me a little !... Keke beni biraz sevmi olsaydn... [Ama sevmedin ki, sevmemitin
If only I had realized all that at the time... Keke btn bunlar o zamanlar kafama dank etseydi. [Ama
zamannda uyanamadm / dnemedim ve btn bunlar bama geldi]
Suppose she came late tomorrow !... Ya yarn gecikecek olursa ! [Evet, yanl grmyorsunuz: "came" ve
"tomorrow" bir arada! Haber kipindeki kurallar ile dnmeyi braknz artk. Burada farkl bir alandayz
ve kurallar da kknden farkl...]
Suppose she were here now, would you have the nerve to say this to her face ?... u anda kendisi bizimle
burada olsa (olsayd), bunu onun yzne syleyecek cesaretin, cretin olur mu (olur muydu) ?...
Suppose she had come late yesterday !... Ya dn gecikmi olsayd ! [= Geri gecikmedi, ama -- aman
Allahm -- ya gecikmi olsayd !]
It's time we all went home... Haydi, hepimizin eve gitme zamanmz geldi.
Don't you think it's high time you did some work (= got some work done) for your mid-terms ?... Sence
de ara snavlarn iin biraz alma zamann oktan gelmedi mi?
It was time you had had a haircut. I'm glad you've had one... San kestirme zamann gelmi geiyordu.
Kestirmi olduuna sevindim.
I'd just as soon you didn't take those important papers with you... Bu nemli evrak yannda gtrmemeni
tercih ederim...
Would to God you gave up that dirty habit !... Keke [Tanrdan dilerim ki] u pis alkanl braksan !
[imdi ve gelecekte]
Would to God you had given it up years ago !... Keke [Tanrdan dilerdim ki] yllarca nce brakm
olsaydn ! [Gemite]
By dream_Catcher

Would to God you had been a better husband to me all these years !... Tanrdan dilerdim, bunca yldr
bana daha iyi bir koca olabilseydin ! [= Ama, olamadn...]

Bu konuyu daha iyi zmlemek iin, rnein " as if " kalb ile aada gelitirdiim iki kullanm
olasln irdeleyelim:
A) He speaks English as if he is an American.
Bu tmcenin anlam evirisi = Konumasna baklacak olursa, sanrm kendisi Amerikal... ( Gerek
durumdan dolay The Indicative Mood, yani haber kipini kullandk)
B) He speaks English as if he were an American.
Bu tmce iki deiik anlam veriyor olabilir = Bravo dorusu, Amerikal olmamasna karn ok gzel
ngilizce konuuyor... Veya, Numara yapyor, Amerikal filan deil !!
Ancak, "B" Maddesinin olas her tr anlamnda gerek d bir durumdan sz edildii iin, "The
Subjunctive Mood" devreye giriyor, ve "sanki, gya" kavram pekitiriliyor.


Yine bu noktada, daha nce eitli konu balklar altnda ayrntl biimde deindiimiz ikili bak asn
yeniden irdeleyelim: Hatrlarsak:
1) imdiki zaman, geni zaman, gelecek zaman kapsamnda "present" kalplar; gemie dnk
bildirimlerde ise "perfect" kalplar kullanlr, demitik
2) Ama present veya perfect seiminin, iinde yaadmz an asndan deil, tmcede sz edilen
zamanlarn birbirleri ile olan ilikisi asndan ekilleneceini de eklemitik
imdi buradaki duruma bakalm:
I wish you were here... Ah, imdi burada olsan... [Present kalp kullanarak, u an iin bir dilek diliyoruz:
Koul ve Dilek kiplerinde "were" ekiminin present anlam verdiini unutmaynz]
I wish you had been here last night... Ah, dn gece burada olsaydn... [Perfect kalp kullanarak, iinde
bulunduumuz an itibariyle gemiteki bir durumdan sz ediyoruz]
By dream_Catcher

Last night, I wished you were there with me... Dn gece, orada benimle olman diledim, diliyordum;
keke orada ve benimle olsaydn; "keke yanmda olsa" diyordum... ["Wished" ekimi ile olay dn
geceye tadk; ardndan "present subjunctive" kullanarak gemiteki o noktada, yine o an ilgilendiren bir
dilek dileimizden sz ediyoruz]
I wished last night that we had met before... Dn gece, "keke daha nceleri tanm olsaydk" diye
dndm... ["Wished" ekimi ile gemiteki bir noktadan, "perfect subjunctive" kullanarak da o
noktann daha ncesine ynelik bir dileimizden sz etmi olduk]
Deerli okuyucular... Tekrar tekrar dile getirdiim bu konunun nemini ne derece vurgulasam azdr.
Bilinen gramer kitaplarnda bulamayacanza birka kez deindim. nk bu kitaplar anadili ngilizce
olan kimseler tarafndan yazlmtr (bizdekilerse, iyi yada kt, hep eviridir) ve yabanclar "suda
yaayan balklarn suda yaadklarn bilmemeleri" misali, bizlerin glklerimizi anlayamamlardr.
Yllar boyunca "zel" ders verirken sorulara muhatap olmasaydm (nk okullarda renciler soru
sormaz!!), bu konunun ayrdna herhalde ben de varamazdm.
Ancak imdi btn bu vnme ve dvnmeler bir yana, sizden btn dikkatinizle konuya eilmenizi rica
Sizlere aklamal 6 temel rnek vereceim: Bunlar srasyla, present, past ve future tense kullanlan
ikier tmce... Herbirisi zamana kendi bak asndan yaklaarak, present/perfect seimini kendisi
yapyor ve ikier farkl tmce oluuyor. Ltfen dikkatle inceleyiniz. Meseleyi reneceksiniz.
* * * * *
PRESENT TMCELER: Temel tmcelik bildiiniz 4 present tense'ten herhangi birisi olabilir: He talks...
He is talking... He has talked... He has been talking... Birincisi ile rnekliyorum:
He talks about Bodrum as if he went there often... Bodrum'dan sanki oraya sk sk gidermi/gidiyormu
gibi sz eder/ediyor...
He talks about Bodrum as if he had been there himself... Bodrum'dan sanki kendisi oraya gitmimi
(kendisi bulunmumu) gibi sz eder/ediyor...
* * * * *
PAST TMCELER: Temel tmcelik bildiiniz 4 past tense'ten herhangi birisi olabilir: He talked... He
was talking... He had talked... He had been talking... Birincisi ile rnekliyorum:
He talked about Bodrum as if he went there often... Bodrum'dan sanki sk sk gidermi/gidiyormu gibi
sz etti/ediyordu...
He talked about Bodrum as if he had been there himself... Bodrum'dan sanki kendisi oraya gitmimi
(kendisi bulunmumu) gibi sz etti/ediyordu...
* * * * *

By dream_Catcher

FUTURE TMCELER: Temel tmcelik bildiiniz 4 future tense'ten herhangi birisi olabilir: He will
talk... He will be talking... He will have talked... He will have been talking... Birincisi ile rnekliyorum:
He will talk about Bodrum as if he went there often... Bodrum'dan sanki sk sk gidermi/gidiyormu gibi
sz edecektir...
He will talk about Bodrum as if he had been there himself... Bodrum'dan sanki kendisi oraya gitmimi
(kendisi bulunmumu) gibi sz edecektir...
* * * * *
Yaptmz irdeleyelim: 1., 3., 5. rneklerde "present subjunctive" kullandk: Bylece sz konusu zaman
dilimi ile ezamanl bir zaman boyutunu konu edinen bir bildirimde bulunduk.
2., 4., 6. rneklerde "perfect subjunctive" kullandk ve bylece sz edilen zaman diliminin ncesine
ynelik bir bildirimde bulunduk.
imdi, kitabmzn pekok yerinde yinelediimiz temel saptamay bir daha dile getirelim:
1. Present ve future boyutlarna dnk anlatmlarda "present" kalplar; past boyutuna dnk anlatmlarda
ise "perfect" kalplar kullanlr;
2. Ancak "present, future, yada past boyutlarna dnk olma" kavram, iinde yaadmz an asndan
deil, tmcenin iinde getii zaman asndan deerlendirilir: Yani, tmcedeki zamana gre ezamanllk
(=present), tmcedeki zamann gelecei, ve gemii...
NOT: Doaldr ki, tmcedeki zaman ile iinde yaadmz gerek zamann bire bir akt bir tense
var: The Present Continuous Tense (ki bunun bir tanm da "Real Present Tense" tir -- ngilizce'deki dier
present tense, iinde yaadmz gerek zamanla ancak belli ynleriyle, belli lde akr)...


If only Ali were here, he could tell us what to do... Ah, Ali imdi burada olsa, ne yapacamz sylerdi.
(Dikkat ederseniz, koul kipinde "If Ali were here..." eklinde kurulacak tmceye, oradaki anlamn
tesinde bir dilek ve hayflanma boyutu ekleniyor)
A person who took two spoonfuls of this stuff would be dead within minutes... ( = Suppose a person
took... Diyelim ki, varsayalm ki...)
He is a nice person; if only he didn't eat so much garlic !... yi adamdr, ho adamdr, ama bir de bukadar
ok sarmsak yemese !
If only he hadn't eaten so much garlic last night !... (Aslnda belki azna da pek koymaz ama) Keke dn
gece bukadar ok sarmsak yememi olsayd -- Kz kard elinden...
He behaves as if he owned the place... Sanki buras onunmu gibi davranyor... (oysa deil ki)...
By dream_Catcher

NOT: rnein aydan gelmi olsaydk ve bu kiinin davranlarndan kim olduunu karsamaya alyor
olsaydk, gerek durumdan dolay bu tmceyi "the indicative mood" olarak kuracaktk: He behaves as if
he owns this place... Anlam da yle olacakt: Walla, davranlarna baklacak olursa, bu adam burann
He orders me about as if I were his slave... Sanki klesiymiim gibi beni oraya buraya ie kouyor...
(Tabii ki klesi filan deilim!!)...
He acts as though he didn't know where he is... Nerede olduunu bilmez/bilmiyormu/bilincinde deilmi
gibi davranyor...
He acted / was acting as though he didn't know where he was... Nerede olduunu bilmiyormu gibi
You look as though you hadn't had a decent meals for days on end... Sanki gnlerdir doru drst bir
yemek yememi gibi grnyorsun...
NOT: Ama, "You look as though you haven't had, etc. = Gerekten de yemedin galiba anlamn
verecektir. nk, "subjunctive" bak asn brakp "indicative" yani "gereklere iaret eden" bak
asna gemi oluyoruz...


I wish I didn't love you so much.

Keke seni bukadar ok sevmiyor olsam:
Casablanca filminden (1942)
"ngilizce'nin evriminde, "subjunctive" yaplarn arl zamanla azalm; "may" ve "should" grubu
yardmc fiiller nplana kmtr," diye dnen kimi dilbilimcilere ramen, mevlt okutmak iin henz
ok erken olduu gibi; hele snavlarda tad nemi grmezden gelmek tam bir intihar olur. Benim naiz
kanaatim: The subjunctive is alive and doing well...
Yine de, aada gnlk dilde rastlanabilecek kimi rneklere yer vereceim.
"Were" ile kurulan yapnn her durumda kesin doru olduunu; zellikle de ciddi konuma ortamlarnda
mutlaka tercih edilmesi gerektiini vurgulamak isterim. Daha dorusu, yerinizde olsam, her durumda
"were" yapsn tercih ederim...
If I were younger, I would go along with them. -------- If I was ... [Ah, daha gen olsam, onlarla
giderim...Trke'de "giderdim" de diyebilirsiniz, ama "present" anlaml olmak kouluyla...]
By dream_Catcher

If she weren't so mean, she would let me have one of them. -------- If she wasn't ... [Bu kadar cimri ve
bencil olmasa... Trke'de "olmasayd" ifadesi de dorudur, ama ngilizce'deki anlamn "present" ve
genel olduunu hatrnzdan karmaynz...]
I wish my car weren't so slow! -------- I wish my car wasn't ... [Keke arabam bu derece yava olmasa...
Trke'de "olmasayd" ifadesi de dorudur, ama ngilizce'deki anlamn "present" ve genel olduunu
hatrnzdan karmaynz...]
It's not as if she were ugly. -------- ... as if she was ... [Aslnda pek de irkin saylmaz ama...]
She acts as if she were the Queen herself. -------- ... as if she was ... [Sanki bizatihi Kralie
hazretleriymi gibi davranyor... Serbest eviri hakkm kullanyorum]
If I were you, I should tell her.
***if I was you", hibir ortamda kabul grmeyecektir...
* * * * *
ZELLKLE DE, dikkat etmeniz gereken nokta udur: Dilek kipi yerine haber kipini kullandnzda
(rnein, "were" yerine "was") yaptnz bildirim varsaymlar dnyasndan kar; gerekler dnyasna
gemi olursunuz. rneklersek:
If Gne was out all day, then it makes sense that he couldnt answer the phone. [Btn gn evde
olmadna gre, telefona cevap vermemi olmas gayet makl.]
He would always call her from the office if he was going to be late. [Eer ge kalacaksa, hep telefon eder
If I was to accept their offer -- which Im still considering -- I would have to go and live in Ankara. [Eer
tekliflerini kabul edecek olursam -- ki bunu hala dnyorum -- gidip Ankara'da yaamam gerekecektir.]
If'li tmcelerde Tip-0 ve Tip-4 diye birey olduunu sananlarn yanlgs da ite bu fark kavrayamam
olmaktan kaynaklanyor!!
imdi, artk biraz egzersiz zaman...

Parantez iindeki fiilleri uygun biimde ekiniz:
(Aklamalar egzersizin sonunda)
By dream_Catcher

01) Hello, come on in... Frankly, you look as if you (can do) with a drink. [Bir iki sana iyi gelir gibi bir
halin var...]
-- could
02) Oh, Doctor, Doctor! I feel as if my head (be) on fire.
-- were
03) She said she wished she (never see, never set eyes on) me. ["Keke seni hi grmemi, tanmam
olsaydm," dedi bana...]
-- had never seen, had never set eyes on
04) I'd rather you (pay) me now. Suppose my wife (ask) me about it tomorrow! [Paray imdi demenizi
tercih ederim. Ya karm yarn bu konuyu soracak olursa bana!]
-- paid / asked
05) Honey, isn't it time you (get) the meal ready? They're sure to be very hungry... [Sevgilim, yemei
hazr etme zaman gelmedi mi? Eminim kiok atrlar...]
-- got
06) Didn't you tell me last night that you wished I (be) a thousand miles away? Well, I, too, certainly
wished I (be) a thousand miles away!!
-- were / were
07) Oh, I am really sorry... I wish I (never even touch) that vase...
-- had never even touched
08) Young man, isn't it time you (set to) and (do) some work?
-- set to and did
09) "Do you want me to paint the walls green?" "No, I'd rather you (paint) them blue."
-- painted
10) I'm sorry he isn't coming along with us. I do wish he, too, (be coming).
-- were coming
01) could do ( Oh, I could do with a drink now = Ah, imdi bir iki alabilirim, bir iki bana ne iyi gelir...
Kesinlikle ok yararl bir tmce !!!)
02) were [nk, "alevler iinde yanyor olmak" sadece mecazi...]
By dream_Catcher

03) had never seen, had never set eyes on [see-saw-seen, set-set-set, = nc biimleri kullandk]
04) paid / asked
05) got
06) were / were [Olay dn akamd: "past tense" olgusunu wished" ile ifade ettik; ama her iki kii de o
srada "u an" itibaryla, yani "present" zaman iin bir dilekte bulunuyordu; dolaysyla da "were"]
07) never even touched [tmcenin geliinden vazoyu krm olduumuz anlalyor]
08) set to / did [set-set-set, do-did-done = ikinci biimleri kullandk]
09) painted
10) were coming

Ksa yantlar veriniz. rnei izleyiniz:
Q: Can you speak Russian?
A: No, but I wish I could.

Q: Did you speak to him?

A: No, but I wish I had.
01) Is she coming along with us?
02) Isn't there anything else we could do?
03) Is the Archaeological Museum open today?
04) Did it rain yesterday?
05) Aren't you a disc-jockey?
01) No, but I wish she were... 02) No, but I wish there were... 03) No, but I wish it were... 04) No, but I
wish it had... 05) No, but I wish I were...
By dream_Catcher

01 Oh, how I wish I .............. with you last night!
a) were

b) was

c) had been

d) am

e) have been

-- had been
02 Oh, how I wished you .............. there with me last night!
a) were

b) was

c) had been

d) am

e) have been

-- were
03 It's high time we all .............. home now.
a) have gone b) had gone
d) go

c) will go

e) went

-- went
04 I wish you ............. to me like that last night!
a) were speaking

b) didn't speak

c) hadn't spoken

d) have been speaking

e) spoke
-- hadn't spoken
05 I feel as if I .............. in heaven when you take me into your arms.
a) will have been
c) had been

b) were
d) have been

e) was
By dream_Catcher

-- were
06 I am sorry, but I don't know where he lives. I wish I ............. .
a) did

b) were

c) had known

d) do

e) will know

-- did
07 I now wish I .............. all of that money and saved some for the future.
a) didn't spend

b) hadn't spent

c) don't spend

d) haven't spend

e) won't spend
-- hadn't spent
08 Look at him! He behaves ............... he didn't know!
a) if only

b) as if

d) supposing

e) only if

c) even if

-- as if
09 I'd rather I .............. paid now.
a) will get
d) got

b) shall get

c) had got

e) have got

-- got
10 Suppose they .............. late yesterday!
a) were

b) would have been

c) had been

d) be

e) have been
-- had been

Gramerde "The Subjunctive Mood" Altnda Snflanan Kimi Dier rnekler

By dream_Catcher

ok ilgintir: Btn gramer kitaplar "The Subjunctive Mood" konusuna ok nemli bir konu olarak
deinir, ama ku mudur deve midir, kimseler de kp sylemez... Bunun bir nedeni, bu yaplarn yakn ve
son dnemlerde hzl bir dnm geiriyor olmalardr. Nitekim, az yukarda da deindiim gibi,
gnmzde zellikle senli-benli konuma dilinde "were" yerine "was" kullanm pek yadrganmyor
diyebilirim. Ama siz zellikle snavlarda "koul" ve "dilek" kiplerinin btn ayrntlarna dikkat ediniz,
1. Burada zerine eilmediim, ok nemli bir subjunctive yap grubunu, Kitabmzn "Ad-Tmcelikler"
Blmnde ayrntlaryla ele almtk (Bknz. Blm 5; "Emir Tmcelerinden"...) Bu tercihimin nedeni,
orada gzden geirilmelerinin retim/renim kolayl saladna olan inancmdr. Bu bakmdan,
burada yalnzca birka rnek ve evirilerini vermekle yetineceim. Aadaki tmcelerin hepsi
subjunctive kipte kurulmutur:
It is essential that she be present. [Kendisinin hazr bulunmas temel nem tayor -- present]
It was essential that she be present. [Kendisinin hazr bulunmas temel nem tayordu -- past]
[imdi ltfen yukarda szn ettiim konuyu yeniden anz, ve "should" yardmc fiilinin nasl
drldne ilikin bilgilerinizi tazeleyiniz...]
As we passed through the village, our guide suggested that we stop and have a few sandwiches. [Kyn
iinden geerken, klavuzumuz durup birka sandvi attrmamz nerdi.] [= suggested that we should
stop and have...]
It is recommended here that the ingredients be thoroughly stirred for at least full five minutes. [= It is
recommended that the ingredients should be...]
Ladies and gentlemen, I now move that the proposal be debated without any further delay. [= move that
the proposal should be... to move = nermek, parliamentary motion = nerge...]
Dr. zbul has passed to us your letter of June 22nd and asked us to thank you for your suggestion that he
come over to stanbul to lecture next Autumn or Winter. [= suggestion that he (yardmc fiil) come...]
2. Subjunctive yaplar bal altnda snflanacak kimi dier rnekler:
Long live the King!... God save the Queen!... Yaasn Kral!... Tanr Kralieyi korusun...
God bless the Turkish Republic!... Tanr Trkiye Cumhuriyetini korusun... God bless you!... Tanr seni
kutsasn... God forgive you!... Tanr seni balasn... Heaven help us!... Tanr yardmcmz olsun...
Heaven be praised!... Tanrya krler (vgler) olsun... Heaven forbid (that)... Allah korusun...
Bless you!... ok yaa! (haprnca)...
Damn you!... Allah belan versin... Curse my luck!... Byle ansa yuh olsun... (serbest eviri)
Manners be damned!... Adab- muaeretin de Tanr belasn versin!
This is the way I like it and public opinion be damned! Ben bunu byle seviyorum; kamuoyunun can
Suffice it to say (that)... u kadarn sylemekle yetineyim ki.. vs., vs....
By dream_Catcher

You say you have no more respect for me. So be it. But, do not forget that ...etc. Artk bana sayg
duymadn sylyorsun. Eh, ne yapalm, yle olsun. Ama unu unutma ki, ...vs., vs.
You say you have no more respect for me. Be that as it may, but don't you ever forget that ...etc. Olabilir,
ne yapalm, ama unu hi unutmayasn ki ...vs., vs.
Be that as it may, we haven't given up all hope yet. [Be that as it may = Durum byle olabilir, ama... olsa
If need be we can always go in another car. [Eer gerekirse herzaman iin bir baka arabayla gidebiliriz]
If two angles of a triangle be equal to one another, then ...etc. [Bir genin iki as birbirine eitse, o
takdirde... vs....]
Turkey to occupy parts of Iraq? Perish the thought! [Trkiye Irak' kimi blmlerini igal etmek mi?
Allah korusun! = "Dncesi bile yokolsun" kavramndan)]
Me going back to my first wife? Perish the thought! [lk karma geri dnmek ha? Dncesi bile batsn!]
Me going back to my first wife? Far be it from me! [lk karma geri dnmek ha? Aman benden uzak
Far be it from me to question our esteemed and oh so noble government! [(Alayc anlatmla) Aman
efendim, saygdeer ve ok asil hkmetimizi sorgulamak ne haddime!]
Come what may, I will never forget you... [ Come what may = lerde ne olursa olsun, bama ne gelirse
gelsin, neyle karlarsam karlaaym...]
If this be error, and upon me proved... [Shakespeare] [Eer yanlyorsam, bu bir hata ise, hatal bir
davran veya deerlendirme ise... ve bu bana kantlanabilirse...]
Sanki, bir bakma, sanki hala yleymi gibi, sz gelii...
We are all citizens of one world, as it were...
I had a dream: I was, as it were, a falling star, falling from the luminous sky...
The mountain, as it were, had gone into labor and given birth to a mouse. [ Sanki doum sanclar ekmi
ekmi de, fare dourmu gibi...]
When I am entirely alone and, as it were, completely myself -- say, when I am travelling alone in my car
or during the night when I cannot sleep; it is on such occasions that my ideas flow most abundantly. [
"say," (virgle dikkat) "rnein" anlamna gelir.]
2. imdi de, gnmzde belki yadrgayacamz, ama elli yl ncesine dein pekala kullanmda olan
birka tmce rnei:
So long as a paperback book hold together, I am not much troubled as to its outer appearance. [Kitap
dalmasn da, d grn nemli deil]
By dream_Catcher

Though everyone desert you, I will not!... [Herkes seni terketse de, ben asla terketmeyeceim...] [Evet,
gnmzde yalnzca bu gramer yapsnn deil, tmcenin ilettii sadakat kavramnn da yadrganaca
muhakkak!! ]

Temel Kalplar / Dikkat... Dikkat... / Temel rnekler / Kullanld Yerler / Mastarlara likin Kimi
Ayrntlar / Baz zel Yaplar / Yaln Mastar Kullanlmas Gereken Yerler / rnekler ve Trke
evirileri / Mini Test
renmemiz Gereken Kalplar unlardr:

to see = grmek
to be seen = grlmek
to have seen = grm olmak
to have been seen = grlm olmak
to be seeing = gryor / grmekte olmak
to have been seeing = gryor olmu olmak, gregelmi olmak

By dream_Catcher

NOT: Continuous (Progressive) mastarlarn pasif biimi yoktur.

Aada vereceim pratik kullanm kural byk nem tayor. Bu altn kural ltfen belleinize
yerletiriniz. Karlaacanz yaplar bu adan irdeleyiniz. Kendiniz tmce olutururken de srekli
bavurunuz. nk, ngilizce'nin zamana ynelik bak asnn srr burada sakl... Bu ikicil yaklamn,
irdeleyeceimiz dier btn dil eleri iin de aynen geerli olduunu unutmaynz. Ad-eylem (gerund),
sfat/zarf-eylem (participle) ve yardmc fiiller gibi konularda da tekrar tekrar karmza kacaktr...

imdiki zaman, geni zaman, gelecek zaman kapsamnda "present" mastarlar kullanlr. Gemie dnk
bildirimlerde "perfect" mastarlar kullanlr. Ne kolay, deil mi?!!

Ama... Bu deerlendirmeler, iinde yaadmz an asndan deil, tmcede sz edilen birden ok

eylemin birbirlerine olan greli zaman ilikisinden ekillenecektir.

rnein, "Dede Korkut was known to be a wise sage," tmcesi (bize gre "past" zamandadr, ama) bir
present mastar ile kurulmutur: Bilge bir kii olduunun bilinmesi, tmcede sz edilen zaman dilimi ile
ezamanldr. evirisi: Dede Korkut'un bilge bir kii olduu biliniyordu... Dikkat ederseniz present
mastar, "bilgelik" ve "bunun bilinmesi" dnemleri birbirine gre ezamanl olduklar iin seilmi; bizim
tarihe/gemie bakyor olmamz dikkate alnmamtr.

Eer tmceyi, "Dede Korkut was known to have been a wise sage," eklinde, yani bir perfect mastar ile
kursaydk, "Biliniyordu ki Dede Korkut eskiden / bir zamanlar bilge bir kii idi / imi idi" demi olurduk.
nk, bilgelik dnemini, tmcede sz edilen "bunun bilinmesi" dneminin ncesine, gemiine atm
Bu da yknn geliine gre, "Bu yzden ona akl danmaya karar verdiler," kavram kadar, "Ama artk
bunamt," kavramnn da ncl olabilir.

By dream_Catcher

NEML RCA: Yukardaki nermeleri kafa kartrc bulduysanz da, ltfen okumaa devam ediniz.
Ksa ksa srede kristal gibi berraklaacak. Ama, ngilizce'nin zamana bu ikicil bak asn, yani
present/perfect ikilisini zmeden bir yere varamazsnz. Bunu da hi unutmayn...

Aada aklamalaryla birlikte verdiim alt grup temel bavuru tmcesini ltfen birbirleri ile
karlatrarak, irdeleyiniz:
A He is known to be a thief. He is known to break the rules. = Kendisinin bir hrsz olduu, kurallar hep
inedii biliniyor/bilinir.
B He is known to have been a thief. He is known to have broken the rules. = Eskiden bir hrsz olduu,
kurallar inemi olduu imdi/halen biliniyor/bilinir. (Artk hrszlk etmiyor olabilir. Biz gemiten sz
C He was known to be a thief. He was known to break the rules. = O zamanlar hrszn biri olduu ve
kurallar inemekte olduu yine o zamanlar bilinirdi/biliniyordu.
D He was known to have been a thief. He was known to have broken the rules. = O dnemde artk
biliniyordu ki eskiden hrszn biriydi, kurallar inemiti. Dikkat ederseniz, olaylar bize gre gemite
kald iin deil (nitekim yukardaki "c" kknda da yle yapmadk), sz edilen zamana gre gemite
kalm olduu iin perfect mastar kullandk.
E A day will come when he will be known to be a thief. He will be known to break the rules. = Bu
adamn hrszn biri olduu ve kurallar inedii belki bugn iin bilinmiyor, ama gn gelecek
bilinecektir. (Konuya, gelecekteki o nokta asndan bakyoruz.)
F A day will come when he will be known to have been a thief in the past. He will be known to have
broken all the rules just as he does today... = Gn gelecek eskiden hrszn biri olduu renilecek,
bilinecektir. (Konuya, gelecekteki o nokta asndan, ama o noktann gemiine dnk olarak bakyoruz.)
SONU: Dikkat ederseniz yukardaki rneklerin hibirisinde present / perfect mastar tercihi iinde
bulunduumuz an asndan yaplmad. Tmcedeki zaman dilimlerinin birbirlerine greli ilikilerine gre
ekillendiler. (Bu iliki yalnzca ilk iki rnekte bizim u andaki bak amz ile akt.)
"a, c, e" rneklerinde present mastarlar kullandk. nk hrszlk olaylar ile bunlarn herkes
tarafndan biliniyor olmas ezamanl, yani birbirlerine gre "present" zamandadr...

By dream_Catcher

"b, d, f" rneklerinde ise prefect mastarlar kullandk. nk hrszlk olaylar, bunlarn renilip
konuulduu dneme gre gemi zamandadr...
Demek ki olaylara, kendi zamana bak amzdan deil, tmcedeki zamann gemii, ezamanls,
gelecei asndan bakyoruz.
Bu konu zerinde bu derece nemle durmamm nedeni, daha nce de sylediim gibi, gerund'lar,
participle'lar, yardmc fiiller, subjunctive'ler gibi ngilizce gramerin her alannda karmza kacak ok
temel bir bak as tekil etmesidir. ngilizce'nin zamana olan "present ve perfect" eklindeki bu ikili
bak asn ne derece nemle vurgulasak azdr.

ok somut bir ifadeyle,

"I, too, would like to go..."
"I, too, would like to have gone..."
arasndaki fark grp deerlendirmedike, ngilizce'de daha alacanz ok yol var demektir!
Eh! Dost ac sylermi!!


01 ngilizce'de fiillerin byk bir blm "We want to learn English" kalbnda kullanlabilen, yani
kendisinden sonra mastar gerektiren fiillerdir. Bunlar, gkteki yldzlar kadar kalabalk olduklarndan
listelemeye gitmeyeceim; rneklerle yetineceim:

Here is a sad little love story I have composed for you using a lot of common verbs in the infinitive:
We had arranged to meet at eight... I had told her that I would try not to be late, but she shouldn't expect
to see me arriving before eight, either... I managed to get there just as the clock struck the hour...
However, she herself failed to appear, because she had forgotten to set her alarm clock... I meant to teach
her a lesson... I was not intending to stay there for long and I wasn't prepared to wait for any length of
By dream_Catcher

time... She had to learn to be punctual... But she never cared to pay any attention to my protestations...
She pretended not to hear me and just promised to be on time the next time... But I would refuse to meet
her ever again... So we decided to put a decent end to our short-lived love affair....

SONU: Bu ve bunlar gibi daha yzlerce (belki de binlerce -- hi oturup saymadm) fiilden sonra, eer
bir eylemden sz edilecekse, o ikinci fiilin mastar hali kullanlr. Yani, daha ak bir anlatmla, o fiilin
"ismi anlr"...
* * * * *

02 Kimi fiiller, "He advised me to study harder" kalbnda kullanlabilir, yani kendisinden sonra "nesne
+ mastar" alabilir. Nesne, herhangi bir ad veya adl (zamir) olabilir. te size ksa bir liste:
advise, allow, ask, beg, bribe, cause, compel, command, encourage, entitle, expect, forbid, force, help,
induce, intend, instruct, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, urge,
want, warn...
His doctor advised him to stop smoking.
My father wouldn't allow me to do that.
I'd asked her not to come before eight...
Maybe we could bribe the authorities to overlook certain things. [Belki de baz eyleri grmezden
gelmeleri iin yetkililere rvet yedirebiliriz...]
We do not expect them to show much resistance.
The colonel ordered his soldiers to attach bayonets. [Albay, askerlerine sng takmalarn emretti.]
The Devil tempted me to sell my soul to Him... He tempted me with fame, power and wealth; and I have
fallen; for I am just a man... [to tempt = akln elmek, itahn kabartarak kandrmak, batan karmak...
Walla, byle "juicy" rnekler yaznca benim de itahm kabaryor; roman yazmaya m dnsem acaba
diyorum kendi kendime...]
NOT: Gerek Madde 01 gerek Madde 02 kapsamna giren fiillerde ortaya kan anlam farkna dikkat
I expect to leave tonight (Ben bu gece gitmeyi umuyorum)...
I expect you to leave tonight (Senin be gece yola kacan sanyorum, yola kman istiyorum)...

I want to leave immediately (Ben hemen yola kmak istiyorum)...

I want the rescue team to leave immediately (Kurtarma ekibinin hemen yola kmasn istiyorum)...
By dream_Catcher

03 ngilizce'de kendisinden sonra mastar kullanm gerektiren ok sayda deyim bulunmaktadr. Metin
almalarnzda bunlara rastladka not ediniz ve szck daarcnz geniletmek amacyla kendinize
mal etmee alnz. te rnekler:
I'll do my best to help you... I'll do what/all I can to help you... (Elimden geleni yapacam)
You have no right to say so... (Byle sylemee hibir hakknz yok)... I have every right to say so...
(Hertrl hakkm var)...
We'll make an effort (make every effort) to help them... (Hertrl yardm yapacaz)...
I've made up my mind to leave at once... (Derhal yola kmak iin kararm verdim)...
I wouldn't take the trouble to answer you back... (Sana cevap yetitirmek zahmetine katlanmam /
katlanmayacam, tenezzl etmem / etmeyeceim)...
It doesn't pay to criticize your superiors... It won't do to criticize your superiors... (stlerinizi eletirmenin
yarar yok, banza i aar)...

04 Mastarlarla kurulan ok yaygn, ilek ve kullanl bir anlatm kalb aada rneklenmektedir:
Soru Szc (yada bei) + Mastar
I couldn't decide what to do.
Can you tell me how to get to the train station?
We've been wondering where to display his latest paintings.
Don't you know when to switch the machine off?
He didn't remember whether to turn right or left.
I couldn't decide whether to send them a letter or just ignore the whole matter.
I can't decide which of the two books to buy.
She didn't know whose shoulder to cry on.

05 Son derece ilek olan bir baka yap da udur:

Sfat + Mastar
By dream_Catcher

I'm pleased to meet you. (Tantrldmzda)

I'm so pleased to have met you. (Be on dakika nce tantk, imdi ayrlrken... Yada tabii gnler sonra...
"Tanm olduumuz iin mutluyum"...
DKKAT: Ayrlrken yine present mastar kullanmaa kalkrsak, zaman duygusu olmayan bir embesil
olduumuza orackta karar verirler...)
We're ready to leave now.
She was lucky to have been loved so much. (Bu kadar ok sevilmi olduu iin...)
It was comparatively easy to do.
You are always welcome to use my cell phone.
I was extremely delighted to see the whole family come together.
07 Yukardaki "Sfat + Mastar" yapsnn varyasyonlar olarak, u iki yapy zellikle not ediniz:
It's + sfat / ad + for you + mastar
It's + sfat + of you + mastar
* * * * *
It's is easy for me to do... It should be easy for you to translate this passage... (Benim iin kolay, senin iin

It was an easy task for us to complete the rest of the job.

That was a silly question for you to ask...

* * * * *
It's very kind of you to say so... (Byle sylemeniz byk bir nezaket... ok iyisiniz...)

I must admit that it was very stupid of me to think so. (Byle dnmem budalalkt...)

It was very inconsiderate of him to leave you there all unprotected... (Seni orada yle korunmasz
brakmas byk bir dncesizlikti)

By dream_Catcher

It was very wise of you to stay out of trouble... (Beladan uzak durmakla aklllk ettiniz)

08 Fiillerin mastar biimi ve aadaki trevleri ou zaman ama belirtmek iin (ama belirteci / zarf
nitelii ile) kullanlr:
-- Why do you want to go there?
-- To see her...
-- In order to see her...
-- So as to see her...

= Onu grmek iin...

--- Why do you want to leave now?
-- Not to see her...
-- In order not to see her...
-- So as not to see her...

= Onu grmemek, karlamamak iin...

te baka rnekler:
They bought the land to use it for agriculture.
I went to the corner shop to buy a couple of bottles of Cola Turka...
They came to this place to live and die in peace.
You will have to improve your English in order to communicate with your visitors more efficiently.
First of all, all newcomers need to learn the native tongue so as to be able to participate in their local
09 Bir Yklemin znesi Olarak Mastar Kullanm:

By dream_Catcher

Olanakl, fakat ok yaygn deildir. Bunun da iki nedeni var: Birincisi, bu ileve ad-fiiller (gerund -bknz. Blm 11) daha ok yakr; ve ikincisi,
It + be/seem/appear + sfat + mastar
yaps (yani belli fiiller ve "bo" zne ile kullanm) tercih edilir:
To see is to believe. [ znemiz bir mastar]
Seeing is believing. [ znemiz bir ad-fiil]
[Bu satrlar yazarken istatistikleri merak ettim ve ap Google'dan baktm: birincisi 1420 sitede yer
bulmuken, ikincisi ise tam 115 000 sitede boy gstermi...]

To hear such news is very disappointing. Hearing such news is very disappointing.
It is very disappointing to hear such news.

To have everything one wants is impossible.

Having everything one wants is impossible.
It is impossible to have everything one wants.

Son iki rnekten de grlecei zere, dierleri "gramer d" olmamakla birlikte, "It" bo znesi ile
kurulan tmce kulaa ok daha doal geliyor.


10 Yukarda Madde 02'de, ardndan nesne + mastar kullanm gerektiren fiillerden sz etmitik. Bu
yapdaki bir dizi fiilimiz yalnzca "to be" kabul edeceklerdir. Edilgen yapda da yaygn kullanlan bu
fiillerin balcalar unlardr:
assume, believe, consider, feel, know, suppose, think, understand...
We assume the document to be authentic.
The document is assumed to be authentic.
By dream_Catcher

We consider him to be a responsible man.

He is considered to be a responsible man.

We know her to be a liar.

She is known to be a liar.
11 Sfat-tmcelikleri mastar yapsna dntrerek tmcede belli bir toparlama ve ksaltma salamak
There is nothing (which/that) we can do under the circumstances. ------ There's nothing (for us) to do
under the circumstances.
He has a lot of toys (which/that) he can play with. ------ He has a lot of toys to play with.
12 Gerek infinitive gerekse gerund alabilen fiiller:
ALIMA NERS: Aadaki fiillerle, ardlarndan 1) mastar; 2) gerund gelecek ekilde ikier tmce
kurunuz. Fiilin anlamnda bir deiim yada kayma olup olmadn irdelemee alnz. te listeniz:
advise, allow, attempt, begin, cease, continue, dread, forget, hate, intend, like, love, mean, neglect, permit,
plan, prefer, propose, recommend, regret, remember, start, stop, try...
When the nightingale begins to sing, all animals stop and listen...
Just as Ali began to doze off (=uyuklamak), Gne began to sing loudly...
Right after they wake up, the whole family begins singing and dancing. [Mastar kullanmna gre belirgin
bir anlam farkll yok]
She was seven years old when she began singing in vaudeville shows with her two sisters. [Mastar
kullanmna gre belirgin bir anlam farkll var: Burada "singing", "arkclk kariyeri" anlam veriyor]
Nitekim, listedeki kimi fiillerde belirgin anlam farklar ortaya kacaktr: Aada rnekliyorum:
We stopped on the way to have a hot drink. (= Durduk. Scak bireyler imek amacyla yolda durduk.)
We stopped having sweets after dinner. (= Braktk, durdurduk, kestik. Yemeklerden sonra tatl yemeyi
Buradaki ipucunuz: 1) Gerund fiilin ad halidir: ou zaman geili bir fiilin nesnesi olarak karnza
kacaktr. 2) Mastarlar ise tmce iinde ou kez ama belirtmek iin kullanlrlar.
She tried to open the lid but she couldn't. (= Kapa amaa ALITI / URATI...)
By dream_Catcher

She tried using a tin opener. (= Bir konserve aaca kullanmay DENED...)

* * * * *

We meant to stop them, but just couldn't. (= AMALAMAK, MURAD ETMEK...)

I will buy it even if it means spending my whole salary. (= ANLAMINA GELMEK...)

* * * * *

I want to leave now. (= STEMEK) I need to leave now. (= HTYACI NDE OLMAK)

The furniture wants / needs polishing. (= GEREKTRMEK...)

Forget, remember, regret, fiillerinin zellii ise daha da ilgintir:
Don't forget to buy some eggs. (= nce hatrlama, ardndan satn alma eylemi...)

I can never forget our meeting them at the airport. (= nce buluma eylemi, ardndan hatrlama veya

* * * * *

Will you remember to visit your aunt. (= nce hatrlama, ardndan ziyaret...)

I remember visiting my aunt one afternoon. (= nce ziyaret, ardndan hatrlama...)

By dream_Catcher

* * * * *

I regret to tell you that... etc. (= zlerek / esefle sylyorum ki...)

I now regret (my) having said that. (= Sylemi olduum iin imdi pimanm...)

13 DKKAT... DKKAT... Bir mastarn bir kez kullanlp, yinelenmesinin bir anlam katks
salamayaca durumlarda, tek bana "to" anlam aktarmn stlenebilir:
-- Do you really want to go and see her this evening?
-- Well, I don't really want to, but I suppose I have to.

-- I am supposed to go and see the boss this afternoon, but I don't really want to.


14 Deyimsel nitelikte, ve gerekten ok nemli baz yaplara da dikkatinizi ekmek isterim. Kesinlikle
not ediniz:
a. Fail + mastar : Olumsuzluk bildirir. Ayrca, ngilizce'de mmkn olmayan "double negative" kurulumu
iin de bir k kapsdr:
She failed to come. = She didn't come. (Tmcenin evirisi: "Gelmedi," eklindedir. Gelmekte
baarszla urad, eklinde evrilemez)
She didn't fail to come. = Gelmemezlik etmedi... (te size mkemmel bir double negative rnei.)
b. Be + mastar : 1) gelecek zaman, veya 2) zorunluluk, mecburiyet belirten nemli bir ifadedir. kinci
anlamnda, ou zaman, emir ve direktif anlamlar tar ve nc kiilerin emirlerini iletmekte de ok sk
The ship is to arrive tonight. = Gemi bu gece gelecek.
You are to go and see the boss right away. = Derhal gidip patronu grmen gerekiyor. (Byk bir
olaslkla, patronun "ricasn" iletiyoruz)
By dream_Catcher

te bu yap ile ok gzel "future in the past" tmceler oluturabilirsiniz:

The ship was to arrive tonight, but it now seems it will be delayed for a few days due to a terrible storm
on the way... Gelecekti, -cekti ama yle grlyor ki... -emeyecek, vb.
c. Manage + mastar (succeed in + gerund) = Becermek, baarmak:
Despite all those hardships, we managed to get there on time. = Zamannda ulamay baardk.
d. Happen + mastar (Trkeye ok zor eviri verir)
That her father happens to be the director doesn't concern me... = Babas mdrm, hi umurumda deil.
("olmas vukubulmu" gibi garip bir ifade yerine, tmcenin geliine gre karlk bulunur)
The man you have been so disparagingly talking about happens to be my uncle... Bylesine yerin dibine
batrdn adam -- ok aracaksn ama -- benim amcamdr.
She happened to sit next to a great composer... = Tesadf bu ya masada nl bir bestecinin yanna
yle tesadf etti... yle tecelli etti...
e. To be supposed + mastar = Bireyi yapmas kendisinden bekleniliyor olmak, yada bu ynde kendisine
direktif verilmi olmak; bir eyi yapaca varsaylmak yada umulmak:
I am supposed to go and see the boss this afternoon, but I don't really want to. = Gidip grmem gerekiyor,
ama aslnda istemiyorum.
The bungalows were supposed to be vacated by noon, but in practice nobody really complied. =
Boaltlmalar gerekiyordu, bekleniyordu, ama kimse buna uymuyordu...
f. To turn out + to be = Bu da Trke'ye zor eviri veren bir baka yap: "Pek yle beklemiyorduk, ama
bir de baktk ki..." gibi bir anlam vardr. te rnekler:
We weren't really expecting it, but the whole occasion turned out to be a great success.
We were there for a drunken party, but sometimes things turn out to be very different from what you had
bargained for... I got quite a shock when I realized half the people there were complete teetotallers... [
bargain for = burada, "ummak, hesaplamak," anlamnda... teetotaller = asla azna iki koymayan, yani -sz aramzda -- niye yaad belli olmayan kimse... ]
He turned out to be a rather well-educated fellow... Pek beklemiyorduk, ama bir de baktk ki baya iyi
eitim grm bir kiiymi...
The meeting turned out to be a well-attended one... Bir de baktk ki, baya kalabalk bir toplant oldu...
Toplantya bir hayli insann katlmakta olduunu grdk.

By dream_Catcher


A) Ought to, used to, have to dnda kalan yardmc fiiller:
I must leave today / this afternoon / tomorrow.
He is getting fatter and fatter. He must be eating rather a lot.
The ground is still wet. It must have rained last night.
Teknik anlamda, bu fiil de dierlerinden farkl deildir: Yalnzca, "yaln" deil "tam" mastar
aldklarn rencinin unutmamas iin kendilerinden sz edilirken "to" ile beraber anlrlar...
B) Need ve dare (do/did veya will/would ile ekime girmedikleri srece):
You needn't say anything... You needn't have said anything... Fakat, You don't/didn't/won't need to say...)
How dare you insult me!... I dared not wake him... Fakat, I didn't/wouldn't dare (to) wake him...
kinci rnekten grlecei zere, "dare" iin her iki seenek de olanakldr.
C) would rather / would sooner --- veya --- rather than / sooner than (= tercih ederim... --den ziyade, -maktansa):
I'd rather wait till tomorrow.
I'd rather have stayed at home last night.
Rather than risk a defeat, they decided not to play at all. (Bir yenilgiyi gze almaktansa, hi oynamamaya
karar verdiler)
D) had better
You'd better go now... I'd better go now...
E) let, make, have ile ettirgen (causative) atda:
NOT: Ettirgen at kalplar iin, bknz: Blm 16 "Pf Noktalar"; "Ettirgenlik -- The Causatives" madde
You mustn't let them play with matches.
You can't make me do it if I don't want to.
I'll see if I can have a friend of mine do the job for me. (Fakat, get a friend of mine to do...)
F) feel, hear, see, watch, notice
I heard him lock the door.
By dream_Catcher

Did you notice anyone say anything suspicious?

NOT: Bu fiillerden sonra deiik anlamla participle da kullanlabilir:
I saw the man cross the street. = Adamn karya getiini grdm. (Adam karya geti. Ben de bunu
I saw the man crossing the street. = Adam karya geerken grdm. (Ben grdmde karya
I felt the train move. = Tren hareket etti. Bunu hissettim.
I felt the train moving. = Tren hareket halindeydi. Bunu hissediyordum.
G) Help her iki biimde de kullanlabilir:
He helped me (to) push the car.
Please help me (to) push this heavy bookcase out of the way.
H) "And" szc ile biletirilerek ardarda iki mastar kullanldnda, genelde ikincisi yaln mastar olur:
I intend to stay at home and write some letters.
He managed to get there on time and finish the work.
) Go ve come emir kipinde veya must, will gibi yardmc fiillerle birlikte kullanldnda yaln mastar
alacaklardr. Bu yapnn trkeye en iyi evirisi "gidip grmek, gelip yardm etmek" eklindedir:
Go and fetch me a knife, will you? = Gidip bana bir bak getirir misin?
I suppose I must come and help you again tomorrow. = Sanrm yarn yine gelip sana yardm etmem
I'll go and see him tomorrow. = Yarn gidip kendisini greceim.
Yukardaki durumlar dnda ise her iki fiil de olaan mastar kalbnda kullanlr:
I've come to check your accounts. = Hesaplarnz kontrole geldim.
I haven't come to take him away with me, I've come to talk to you!
J) Aadaki yaplarda, but ve except szcklerinden sonra yaln mastar kullanlmas gerektiine dikkat
He does nothing but complain all the time. = Durmadan ikayet etmek dnda hi birey yapmyor.
Can't you do anything else except keep pestering people with your silly jokes? = Bu budalaca akalarnla
insanlar durmadan rahatsz etmek dnda birey bilmez misin sen!

By dream_Catcher


NOT: eviri ilevini nplana alrken, gzel Trkemizi biraz kstrmek zorunda kaldm...
1) The committee does not wish him to accept a professorship at a foreign university and this is only
natural since they would not want to lose one of their best men... Kurul kendisinin yabanc bir
niversitede profesrlk kabul etmesini istemiyor. En iyi adamlarndan birisini kaybetmek istememeleri
(genelde istemeyecekleri) ok doal...
2) After checking his documents, they let him go. I had expected him to be arrested (that they would
arrest him), but he was let go... Belgelerini kontrol ettikten sonra kendisini salverdiler. Tutuklanacan
(Onu tutuklayacaklarn) dnyordum (umuyordum), ama salverildi... ("let" fiilinin yaln mastar, yani
"to" olmakszn yaln fiil alna dikkat)
3) Everyone heard her screaming at the top of her voice, but no one actually saw the man take (taking) the
money... Avaz kt kadar bardn herkes duydu, ama kimse adamn paray aldn (adam paray
alrken) grmedi... ("saw the man take" = mastar kullanm ile, "saw the man taking" = ad-fiil
kullanmnn anlam nasl deitirdiine dikkat ediniz...)
4) He was known to have the right qualifications. He was known to have conducted a series of
experiments which had proven his great ability... Uygun niteliklere sahip olduunu herkes biliyordu.
Byk yeteneini kantlayan (kantlam olan) bir dizi deneyi srdrm (ve ynetmi) olduu
5) He showed me how to change a fuse and taught me which end to connect the wire to... Bana sigortann
nasl deitirileceini (tr = balanacan) gsterdi ve telin hangi uca balanacan retti...
6) I am supposed to go and see the boss this afternoon, but I don't really want to... Bugn leden sonra
gidip patronu grmem gerekiyor, ama aslnda hi istemiyorum... ("want to go and see him" eklinde
yinelemek gerekmiyor)
7) You needn't do it if you don't want to. You needn't say anything you don't want to... Yapmak
istemiyorsan, yapmak zorunda deilsin. Sylemek istemediin bireyi sylemek zorunda deilsin...
8) It is foolish to pretend to know something that you don't. It is more foolish of you to go and announce
it to everyone... Bilmediin bireyi biliyormu gibi numara yapmak budalalk, senin gidip bunu herkese
ilan etmen daha da byk budalalk...
9) He failed in the examination because he had failed to understand that he had a language handicap to
take into account... Snavda baarsz oldu, nk dikkate almas gereken bir dil engeli olduunu
anlamamt. (To fail, birinci balamda szlk anlamnda = baarsz olmak. kinci balamda ise yalnzca
bir ilev esi = ilgili olduu fiilin anlamn olumsuz yapyor... Yani, to fail to understand = anlamamak,
anlayamamak = not to understand).
10) Do not refuse to face the truth. Give yourself a chance to do your best. Ask your friends to correct
your mistakes and do not fail to benefit from their corrections... Yanllarn dzeltmelerini
arkadalarndan iste ve onlarn dzeltmelerinden yararlanmamazlk etme (Bu defa da, "double negative"
By dream_Catcher

11) It is not easy to learn a foreign language, but you can do it if you are determined to... ("determined to
learn a foreign language," eklinde yinelemek gerekmiyor)
12) She is too young to go out alone at night... Gece yalnz bana dar kamayacak kadar kk... (too
+ sfat + mastar yaps Trke'ye en iyi "-mayacak kadar..." evirisi verir)
13) She is old enough to go out alone at night... (kabilecek yata = yukardaki yapnn tersine anlam
veren dnm)
DKKAT... DKKAT... Mastarlar iin en nemli kullanm alanlarndan birisi de, burada rneklenen too +
sfat + mastar ve sfat + enough + mastar yaplardr. Ayrntlar iin, bknz: Blm 16 "Pf Noktalar";
"Too ve Enough" bal altnda...
14) Everything was too good to be true, anyway... Zaten herey gerek olamayacak (olmayacak,
inanlmayacak) lde iyi gidiyordu. (Hep byle srp gitmeyecei belliydi...)
Yukarda geen too + sfat + mastar yapsnn en nl uygulamas... Kimi yerde mutluluk ve kutlama, kimi
yerde hzn tayor... te sevgiliye bir iltifat (nl popler arkdan):
You're just too good to be true,
I can't take my eyes off you...
15) He got up very early not to miss his train. In order to be able to catch it, he had to leave very early...
(mastarlar ve onlarn trevi olan "in order to", "so as to" yaplarnn ou zaman ama belirtmek iin
kullanldklarn unutmaynz: to catch = yakalamak iin, not to miss = karmamak iin)
16) Yes, we let them use our phone, but we couldn't allow them to use our bathroom, too, could we? (let
fiilinin yaln mastar aldna dikkat ediniz)
17) He is known to be a very kind-hearted man, but this time he really seems to have gone into great
trouble to get what his friends had asked him to bring back with him... ok iyi kalpli olduu bilinir, ama
bu kez arkadalarnn ondan yannda getirmesini istedii eyleri bulmak iin gerekten byk zahmetlere
girmi olduu grlyor. (seems to go into... seems to have gone into...)
18) The robbers are thought to be hiding in the woods... Soyguncularn halen ormanlkta saklanmakta
olduklar dnlyor.
to be hiding = saklanmakta olmak
to hide = herzaman orada saklanmak
to have hidden = saklanmlard, ama artk orada deiller
to have been hiding = saklanagelmi ve hala orada saklanmaktalar
to be hidden = birileri tarafndan oraya saklandrldklar
to have been hidden = saklandrlmlard...
By dream_Catcher

gibi anlamlar vereceklerdi...

Yani keramet, kullandnz mastar present / perfect / aktif / pasif / continuous mudur, ondadr...
19) "Where's Gne?" "I don't know. He was supposed to be washing the car." = Arabay ykyor
olmalyd... ("Ama, demek ki orada yok" anlamn veriyor. Eer, present "is supposed to be washing"
yapsn tercih etseydik, "Arabay ykyor olmal, gidip oraya bak" anlamn verirdi)
20) He survived the plane crash only to die in a car accident... Uak kazasndan kurtuldu ama bir araba
kazasnda ld.
OK NEML NOT: "Only + mastar" ile kurulan bu yapya dikkatinizi ekmek isterim. (Daha da
kts, "only" bazen drlebilir de...) Hernekadar mastarlar ama belirtmek iin kullanlyorlarsa da,
burada "araba kazasnda lmek iin" evirisinin geerli olmayaca aktr. Bu yapy tmcenin geliinden
anlamak zorundasnz ve Trke'ye evirisi genelde "......, ama ...." eklinde yaplr. te baka rnekler:
Many would-be investors go into business with great expectations only to watch helplessly as their capital
becomes smaller and smaller. Pekok szde (would-be = "olacakt ama olamad") yatrmc byk
umutlarla i hayatna atlrlar, ama sermayelerinin kln umutsuzlukla seyretmekten baka birey
I hate running to the station to catch a train only to find out that it has been taken off service. Tireni
yakalayacam diye istasyona kotur, sonra da hizmetten kaldrldn ren: Tam nefretlik bir durum!...
NOT: Ne var ki, aadaki "if only" yapsn bununla kartrmaynz:
It is well worth visiting these secluded islands if only to watch the magnificent sunsets. Bu cra adalar
ziyaret etmek, srf ahane gnbatmlarn seyir iin bile olsa deer...
21) He returned to the place (only) to learn that it had been sold to another firm... Oraya dnd, ama
baka bir irkete satlm olduunu rendi.
22) He loves parties; he is always the first to arrive and the last to leave... Neil Armstrong became the first
man ever to set foot on the moon... It received an award as the best play to be performed that year...
Buradaki yap = the + sfat + (varsa) ad + mastar...
"ever" szcn de eklerseniz, yapya "o gne dein, bu gne dein, tm zamanlardaki" anlamn da
23) I am pleased to meet you... It was a pleasure to meet you... I'm so glad to have met you... (Son ikisi,
tantktan sonra, ayrlrken sylenir. Bunlardan birincisinde "past" zaman tmcenin tense'ine
yklyoruz, ikincisinde ise bir perfect mastar kullanyoruz.
Daha nce de iaret etmitim: Ayrlrken yeniden "I'm so glad to meet you" diyecek olursak, gemi ve
imdiki zamanlar birbirinden tefrik edemeyen bir "embesil" olduumuza orackta karar vermeleri
kanlmazdr !!
24) The stanbul train is due to leave in ten minutes... On dakika sonra kalkacak.

By dream_Catcher

DKKAT... lla ki "on dakika iinde" demek istiyorsanz, "within ten minutes" yapsn tercih ediniz. "In",
zaman bildiren ifadelerde genellikle "sonra" anlam verir.
Gelecek zaman ifade eden "due + mastar" yapsn "due to + ad" eklindeki "--den dolay" yaps ile
kartrmaynz: "due to an accident" = bir kazadan dolay, bir kaza nedeniyle... Ama "due to leave" =
gidecek, kalkacak...
25) I'm anxious to see him at once, because I'm anxious about his health... Derhal onu grmek istiyorum,
sal konusunda endieliyim... (To be anxious + mastar = acilen yapmak istemek... to be anxious about
something = endieli olmak)
26) He was foolish enough to leave the car unlocked... (Tmcenin geliine gre iki deiik anlam
verebilir: 1) Bu hatay yapabilecek lde budalann birisiydi. 2) Bu hatay yapmak budalaln gsterdi,
bu hatay yapt)
27) According to some scientists, the earth may be entering a new ice age... (Halen buzul ana girme
durumu devam ediyor, buzul ana girmekte... Eer, "may have entered", "may have already entered"
yaplarn, yani perfect mastar kullanm olsaydk anlam: daha imdiden girmi, zaten girmi bulunuyor,
eklinde olacakt)
28) I happened to be standing next to him when he collapsed... It so happened that I was standing next to
him when he collapsed... = Tesadf bu ya... (Bu yapnn trkeye ok zor eviri verdiine daha nce de
29) When his father came back from the office, he pretended to have been studying... Everytime his father
goes into his room, he just pretends to be studying... (to be studying = alyor olmak... to have been
studying = alagelmi ve hala alyor...)
30) The house was to have been ready by now, but as there has been a builders' strike, it is only half
finished. = Ev imdiye dein hazr olmu olacakt, ama olamad... Grevden dolay ancak yar bitmi
Hatrlaynz: be + mastar, 1) gelecek zaman; 2) zorunluluk, mecburiyet iletebilir. Burada her iki anlamna
da yer verdik ve "future in the past tense" ile kullandk: "hazr olmu olacakt, ama olamad...


Parantez iindeki fiillerin doru biimini (mastar veya ad-fiil / gerund) eklinde seiniz: (Dilerseniz, nce
Blm 11'de ad-fiil gerektiren fiil ve deyimlere bir gz atnz...)
01 I'm looking forward to (see) you soon.
-- seeing
By dream_Catcher

02 Don't forget (lock) the front door when you go out.

-- to lock
03 We offered (help) her, but she refused.
-- to help
04 It will take us more that an hour (walk) back to our hotel.
-- to walk
05 I am used (get up) rather early.
-- to getting up
06 He wasn't arrested. He was let (go).
-- go
07 I am sorry, but you are too young (go out) alone at night.
-- to go out
08 She isn't old enough (go out) alone at night.
-- to go out
09 Let's not waste any more time in (get) down to work!
-- getting
10 Who wouldn't want (go out) with a girl like that !
-- to go out
11 Don't worry. I won't forget (give) your message to him.
-- to give
12 None of the students failed (answer) the questions.
-- to answer
13 I do resent (have to) report you to your superiors.
-- having to
14 Don't hesitate (call) me, no matter what time it is.
-- to call
By dream_Catcher

15 Will you stop (call) me names !!

-- calling

Ksa Giri / Temel Kalplar / Rehber Kullanm Kurallar / rnekler ve evirileri / Gerund / Participle
Ayrm / Dikkat... Dikkat... / Gerund'larn Kullanld Yerler / Exercise / Yantlar
Fiilerin ad (isim, noun) biimine gerund denir. (Okunuu: cer-nd.) Baka bir deyile, gerund'lar fiilerden
tretilen adlardr. Tmcede adlarn kullanlmas gereken herhangi bir yerde -- rnein zne veya nesne
konumunda -- eer bir eylemden sz edilecekse, ilgili fiilin ad-trevini, yani bir gerund kullanmak
(NOT: Bu belirleme, yine ayn ilevle mastar (the infinitive), ad-tmcelik veya benzeri eler kullanlma
olanan dlamaz.)

renmemiz Gereken Kalplar unlardr:

seeing = grme, grmek, gr
being seen = grlme, grlmek, grl
having seen = grm olma, olmak, olu
By dream_Catcher

having been seen = grlm olma, olmak, olu


Daha nce birok konuda yinelediimiz ikili bak as ve bunlara ilikin pratik kullanm kurallar burada
da rehberiniz olacaktr:

imdiki zaman, geni zaman, gelecek zaman kapsamnda "present" gerundlar kullanlr. Gemie dnk
bildirimlerde ise "perfect" gerundlar kullanlr. Ne kolay, deil mi?!

FAKAT DKKAT ! Bu deerlendirmeler, iinde yaadmz an asndan deil, tmcede sz edilen

birden ok eylemin birbirlerine olan greli zaman ilikisinden ekillenecektir.

rnein, "He was punished by being sent to bed early," tmcesi bize gre "past" boyuttadr, ama bir
present gerund ile kurulmutur: nk "punishment" ve "being sent" birbirine gre "present" ve
ezamanlyd. evirisi yle olacaktr: "Erkenden yatmaa gnderilerek (gnderilmekle) cezalandrld.

Eer olaya kendi yaadmz zaman dilimi asndan yaklaarak, tmceyi "perfect gerund" ile kursaydk
[= He was punished by having been sent to bed early], "Daha ncesinden odasna gnderilmiti; imdi bu
ekilde cezalandrlyordu" eklinde mantk d bir sz sylemi olurduk.

By dream_Catcher

Seeing is believing... Grmek inanmaktr. [zne ve nesne (= yani, gramer polisleri iin "complement")]
I'm sick and tired of being criticised all the time... Srekli eletirilmekten bktm usandm. [nesne]
Getting up before the sun rises leads a man to a more constructive life style... Gne domadan kalkmak
insan daha yapc bir yaam tarzna gtrr. [zne]
Are you two quite sure that your getting married will be your best solution?... Siz ikiniz evlenmenizin
sizin iin en iyi zm olacana emin misiniz? [ad-tmcelik znesi]
Without saying anything, he took his hat and walked out of the house... Birey sylemeksizin, apkasn
alp evden kt. [ilge nesnesi]
She doesn't mind having to do the housework... Ev ii yapmak zorunda oluuna aldrmyor. [nesne]
Have you finished tidying up your room?... Do you enjoy playing computer games more than studying?...
Odan toplamay bitirdin mi? Bilgisayar oyunlar oynamay ders almaktan daha m ok seviyorsun?
The child was punished by being sent to bed early... ocuk erkenden yatmaa gnderilmek suretiyle
cezalandrld. [edilgen tmcede "agent" - ilge nesnesi]
He was being accused of having taken it without permission... Onu izinsiz alm olmakla sulanyordu.
[perfect active gerund = alm olmak]
The safe showed no signs of having been touched... Kasa dokunulmu olduuna ilikin hibir belirti
tamyordu / gstermiyordu. [perfect passive gerund -- dokunulmu olmak]


NEML NOT: Gerund'lar ad ilevli olmakla birlikte, eylem anlamn da korurlar. Bu zelliklerinden
1. Ad nitelii ile, bana a, an, the (articles); iyelik veya iaret adl, yada bir sfat gelebilir. rnekler:
We were all rudely awakened by an (some, that, his) incredibly loud knocking on the door.
Your friend's handling of the situation earned everybody's admiration.
By dream_Catcher

Just recently, there have been a lot of brutal bombings and attackings in that district.
Do you mind my smoking a pipe?
[Veya, Do you mind me smoking a pipe? -- ANCAK DKKAT... Klasik gramer "my" zerinde srar
edecektir, ama "me" kullanm da gnmzde hi az saylmaz. rnein, "Mother hates our walking in
with muddy shoes," yerine, "Mother hates us walking in with muddy shoes," gnmzde ok daha
doaldr... Ama, ola ki bir snavda birlikte verilecek olurlarsa, "my, our...etc" eklindeki iyelik
(possessive) form kesinlikle tercih edilmelidir. Unutmaynz: Snavlar klasik grameri sever.]
2. Fiil nitelii ile, kendisi de nesne alabilir veya bir belirte (zarf) yahut belirte bei ile nitelenebilir:
The lawyer began reading the will slowly and in an emphatic manner. [Avukat vasiyetnameyi yava
tempoda ve szcklere bastra bastra okumaa balad...]
He was suspected of having stolen large sums of money from his boss. [= kendisi de nesne ald]
Well, it's only natural that he should object to being treated like a child. [it's only natural = gayet doal...
being treated like a child = kendisine ocuk muamelesi yaplmas]


Past participle "seen" dnda, gerund ve participle'larn (orta ve ulalar; bknz. Blm 12) tmyle
ebiimli olduklar dikkatinizi ekecektir. Aralarndaki ilev ve kullanm farklar asndan aadaki
rnekleri inceleyiniz:
He likes swimming in the sea... Denizde yzmeyi sever. (present gerund: "sevmek" fiilinin nesnesi)
He is swimming in the sea... u anda denizde yzyor. (present participle = present continuous tense
tekili iin)
I hate standing in the rain and waiting for the bus to come... Yamur altnda dikilip (dikilmekten ve)
otobsn gelmesini beklemekten nefret ederim. (nefret etmek fiilinin iftli nesnesi konumunda iki ayr
I hate standing in the rain, waiting for the bus to come... Otobsn gelmesini bekleyerek/bekler durumda
(participle) yamurun altnda dikilmekten (gerund) nefret ederim. (gerund = nefret fiilinin nesnesi;
participle = ksaltlm bir zarf-tmceliin bala/giri fiili = "while I am waiting" tmcesinden ksaltma)
Having finished his work successfully satisfied him greatly... ini baaryla bitirmi olmak one byk
doyum veriyordu. (perfect gerund active: "satisfied" fiilinin znesi)
Having finished his work successfully, he went to collect his payment... ini baaryla tamamladktan
sonra (bitirmi olaraktan) cretini almaa gitti. (perfect participle active ile ksaltlm zarf-tmcelik =
"After he had finished his work" yerine... Sfat ve zarf-tmceliklerde ksaltma konusunu, "Participles"
Blmnde ok ayrntl biimde inceleyeceiz.)
By dream_Catcher

Not having been invited was a great source of disappointment for her... Davet edilmemi olmak kendisi
iin byk bir hayal krkl kayna idi. (perfect gerund passive: tmcenin znesi)
Not having been invited, she went elsewhere... Davet edilmemis olduu iin, baka yere gitti. (perfect
participle passive ile ksaltlm zarf-tmcelik = "Because/since/as she had not been invited" yerine...)

Szel Uygulama: Yukarda sz edilen ebiimlilikten kaynaklanacak anlam karmalar, konumada
farkl szck vurgusu yaplarak nlenir. Gerund'lar ile ad-tamlamas, participle'lar ile sfat-tamlamas
kurulduuna dikkat ediniz. Vurgulanmas gereken szckleri kaln yazdm:
a sleeping pill = uyku hap... (nasl bir hap, sorusuna yant) ---- a sleeping child = uyumakta olan bir
ocuk (nasl bir ocuk sorusuna yant) Baka bir deyile, "a sleeping pill" eklinde yanl bir vurgu
sonucunda "uyumakta olan bir hap" anlalacaktr!!
a running competition = atletizm (kou) yarmas... a running man = komakta olan bir adam... "The
village had no running water" = Bir sfat tamlamas, ancak anlam karkl szkonusu deil ve hakl
olarak suyun nitelii vurgulanyor: Su ebekesi anlamnda "akan su".
Have you ever met a dancing teacher? Hi dans retmeni tandnz m?
Have you ever seen a dancing teacher? Hi dansetmekte olan bir retmen grdnz m?
NOT: Tabiatyla, ou durumda anlam imdada yetiecek ve bu tr bir ikirciklenmeye meydan
walking shoes [= yry ayakkabs]... swimming race [= yzme yar]... smoking room [= sigara
salonu]... writing desk [= yaz masas]... reading lamp [= okuma lambas]...
eklinde ou bileik ad nitelii de tayan tamlamalar, kimsenin "yrmekte olan ayakkablar, yzmekte
olan yar, sigara imekte olan oda...vb" gibi anlayp yorumlayacan sanmyorum.


1) Tmcenin znesi Olarak:
Seeing is believing... Streaking appears to have lost the popularity once it had... (streaking = umumi yerde
plak kou; benzer bir baka szck "flashing"...)
By dream_Catcher

Having been seen by the villagers seemed not to worry him in the least... Kyller tarafndan grlm
olmas onu hi de endielendirmi grnmyordu. (Endielendirmi grnmeyen neydi? Grlm
olmas... zne.)
2) To Be Fiili Ve Gerund Nesne Alan teki Fiiller le:
Seeing is believing...
He finished eating...
They resented her coming along with us. Bizimle birlikte gelmesini esefle karladlar, ilerine
We can't afford being seen in such company... Bu tr kimselerin yannda grlmeyi gze alamayz...
His main concern has been keeping the affair a secret... Kendisi iin asl ilgi ve endie konusu, ilikinin
gizli tutulmas, gizli kalmasyd.
NEML NOT: Yukardaki tmceyi, sanki "present perfect continuous" ile kurulmuasna bir solukta
okursanz, anlam anlalmaz hale gelecektir: Bu yzden, "has been" den sonra ksa bir duraksama yapp
(es verip), sonra uygun bir vurgulama ile, "keeping" szcnn bir gerund ve nesne olduunu belirtiriz.
Nesne olarak gerund gerektiren en nemli fiilleri aada listeliyorum: zlerek de eklemeliyim ki, bu
listeyi ezberlemenizde byk yarar var.

attempt **
begin **
continue **
By dream_Catcher

dread **
forget **
hate **
intend **
like **
love **
neglect **
omit **
prefer **
propose **
regret **
remember **
By dream_Catcher

start **
stop **

** iaretli fiillerin ayn zamanda mastar (the infinitive) ile kullanlabildiine dikkat ediniz. Ancak,
anlamlar da farkl olabilir:
I hope you'll remember to ring up your friend. (= Hatrla -- telefon etmeyi... "Umarm telefon etmeyi
unutmazsn," anlamnda.)
I don't remember seeing him before. (= Burada ise daha nceki bir olay -- grmek yada grmemeyi -daha sonra hatrlamak: "Onu daha nce grdm hatrlamyorum.")
He went on telling us about his travels. (= Bize seyahatlerini anlatmay srdrd.)
He then went on to tell us about his adventures. (= Daha sonra bize servenlerine anlatmaya
zellikle de, bu fiiller, arkalarndan bir gerund geliyorsa geili (transitive) anlam tayacaklardr. Bu da
ok doal: nk nesne (object) alm oluyorlar:
I can't stop loving you... (= durdurmak, kesmek, brakmak: Seni sevmemek elimde deil... Buna bir son
We stopped to have a hot drink... (= durmak: Scak bireyler imek iin durduk...)
3) eitli Deyimler Yada Deyimsel Nitelikte Kalplarla:
Bunlarn bir listesini aada veriyorum:

admit to
be accused of
be against / be for / be all for (aleyhinde / lehinde olmak)
be/get busy
be capable of
be charged with (ile sulanmak)
be fond of (sevmek, holanmak)
By dream_Catcher

be fined for (para cezasna arptrlmak)

be good / bad at (baarl, iyi / kt olmak)
be interested in
be near
be sorry for
be used to / be accustomed to (alkn olmak, alm olmak = durum bildirir)
get used to / get accustomed to / become used to (almak = sre bildirir)
can't bear / can't stand (tahamml edemiyorum)
can't help (elimde deil, kendimi alamyorum)
can't resist
care for (sevmek, holanmak, istemek, aziz tutmak)
dream of
feel like (iinden gelmek, can istemek)
give up
insist on
have any/no objection to
go on doing something (bir eyi yapmay srdrmek, devam etmek)
have difficulty in/with...
have no difficulty in/with
how about (ne dersin? yapalm m dersin? hadi...)
it's no good / it's no use
it's like (gibi, benziyor)
it's worth / it isn't worth
it's worth while / it isn't worth while
it's worth (smb's) while / it isn't worth (smb's) while
keep on
By dream_Catcher

leave off (kesmek, brakmak, durdurmak)

look forward to (drt gzle beklemek, zlemle beklemek)
object to (kar kmak, itiraz etmek)
put off (ertelemek)
see about / see to (gereini yapmak, icabna bakmak)
take to (balamak, benimsemek, holanmak)
there's no point in (yarar yok)
there is no telling / there's no knowing, etc.
there's nothing like
think of (dnmek, hayalini kurmak)
what's the point of (yarar nedir ki?)

NEML NOT: Bu gruptan "to" ile bitenlere zel dikkat gstermelisiniz. Snavlarda da sk sk karnza
kacaklardr. Buradaki "to" mastar kullanlmas gerektii anlamna gelmez; tam tersine tipik bir ilge
(preposition) olarak, gerund kullanlmasn zorunlu klar:
I'm looking forward to seeing you...
I am used to getting up early...
Don't worry. I will see to getting your letters posted. = Mektuplarnn postaya verilmesini salayacam,
icabna bakacam.
* * * * *
4) lgeler (edat, preposition) Nesne olarak Gerund alrlar:
You were late in responding to their letter.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
He felt much better after having a drink.
I apologize for not having written before.

By dream_Catcher

Yukardaki kuraln iki nemli istisnas except ve but ilgeleridir. Bu ikisi, gerund yerine, yaln mastar alr:
What could I do but accept the situation as it was.
He did nothing but complain all the time.
I had no other choice except do as they wanted.
You may do whatever you like except leave the country.

Artk rendiklerinizi Test Etme Zaman Geldi !!

Tmceleri Trkeye eviriniz:
01. I am looking forward to hearing from you again.
02. The boy eventually left off biting his fingers, but then he took to picking up his nose.
03. Don't keep putting off making up your mind until it's probably too late for us all. You can't avoid
coming face to face with the facts indefinitely.
04. I'm afraid they don't seem to be greatly interested in learning a foreign language.
05. You may have become quite acclimatized by now and even accustomed to living in such a place, but
I just can't imagine myself getting used to sharing a life with you here under the circumstances.
06. I must admit that he's very good at telling lies. How else could he have managed to this very day to
delay your learning that he was fined for being drunk in charge of a car?
07. (Conversation while waiting in a long queue = kuyrukta beklerken) "I'm sorry, I guess it was me
who asked you if you'd fancy going to the movies. But, wouldn't you feel like going for a walk now
instead?" "Oh, never mind; I'm quite used to waiting in long queues."
08. There're barbed wires everywhere. It's like being in a prison camp.
09. He went on talking about his life in the army for another half an hour. He then went on to talk about
his experiences in the war. (go on + gerund = srdrmek, devam ettirmek; go on + mastar = baka birey
yapmaya gemek)
10. He began his lecture by showing us where the island was and went on to tell us about its climate.
By dream_Catcher

11. Being idle is sometimes agreeable, but being idle all the time may become monotonous.
12. That's a dentist's tool for extracting troublesome teeth.
13. It's no use us two trying to make up. You see, I really dislike her coming home so late and she, for
her part, bitterly resents my (me) having been nominated for the post.
14. I think you'd better not insist on his (him) joining forces with us. Why don't we ever consider starting
off on our own? What's the point of trying again and again when it has proven such a decisive failure
15. Children must be taught to avoid crossing a crowded street except when a policeman stops the traffic
for them.
16. We don't really care for doing this. I mean, we don't really enjoy having to do it. On the other hand,
we don't anticipate meeting with much resistance in carrying it out.
17. Would you mind opening the window a little? Would you mind my (me) opening the window a
18. What a magnificent yacht! How would you fancy sailing the seven seas in it?
19. I'll be ready as soon as I've finished filling in this form... Keep ringing the bell. I'm sure they are at
home... They looked delicious. I couldn't resist taking one...
20. Your brakes aren't working properly. You shouldn't risk driving without getting them seen to first.
21. There's no telling where all this might lead us in the end and it's no use crying over spilt milk...
22. "Do you object to my giving some more examples of the gerund?" "What's the use of doing more
and more exercises when you can't avoid coming across them in almost any English sentence anyway?"
23. Look, I'm not used to being ordered about. I wonder if coming here was such a good idea after all...
24. Once he starts talking, there's no stopping him.
25. I like being with you... You see, I hate telling lies and I've been looking forward to having a chance
to tell you all this... In plain truth, I love being with you... I can't help loving you... I can't stop loving

01. Mektubunuzu drt gzle bekliyorum. (Sizden yeniden iitmeyi, haber almay zlemle bekliyorum)
02. ocuk sonunda trnaklarn yemeyi brakt, ama sonrasnda burnunu kartrmaa balad.
03. Belki de hepimiz iin i iten gemi oluncaya dein karar vermeyi erteleyip durma. Gereklerle
yzyze gelmekten sonsuza dein kanamazsn.
04. Korkarm bir yabanc dil renmeye pek fazla hevesli grnmyorlar.
By dream_Catcher

05. Sen imdiye dein iklime uyarlanm, hatta byle bir yerde yaamaya alm bile olabilirsin, ama
ben kendimi burada bu koullar altnda seninle bir yaam paylamaa alyor dnemiyorum.
06. Yalan sylemekte ok usta olduunu itiraf etmeliyim. kili araba kulland iin para cezasna
arptrlm olduunu renmeni ta bugne dein baka nasl geciktirebilirdi ki...
07. "Sanrm sinemaya gitmek isteyip istemediini soran bendim, zr dilerim... Ama, onun yerine
yrye kmak istemez misin imdi?" "Bover aldrma... Kuyruklarda beklemee alknm ben."
08. Heryerde dikenli teller var: mahkumlar kampnda olmak gibi birey. (= olmaa benziyor)
09. Yarm saat daha ordudaki hayatn anlatmay srdrd. Sonra savataki deneyimlerini anlatmaa
10. Adann nerede olduunu bize gstererek dersine (konferansna) balad ve sonra iklimini anlatmaa
11. Arada bir aylak olmak hoa gider, ama srekli aylak olmak tekdze hale gelebilir.
12. Bu, sorunlu dileri ekmek iin bir di hekimi aletidir.
13. Aramz dzeltmee almamz bouna. Anlarsn ya, eve bu kadar ge gelmesinden gerekten hi
holanmyorum; o da kendi adna, grev iin benim aday gsterilmi olmam byk esefle karlyor,
14. Kendisinin glerini bizimle birletirmesi konusunda srar etmesen daha iyi olur sanrm. Neden
sanki kendi bamza ie koyulmay hi dnmeyiz ki? Daha nce bylesi kesin bir baarszlk olduu
grlm (kantlanm) bireyi yeniden denemenin yarar ne?
15. Bir polis memurunun kendileri iin trafii durdurmas (durdurduu zamanlar) dnda kalabalk bir
caddede kardan karya gemekten kanmalar ocuklara retilmelidir.
16. Bunu yapmak istemiyoruz ve yapmaktan da aslnda holanmyoruz. Demek istiyorum ki, bunu
yapmak zorunda oluumuzdan gerekten holanmyoruz. te yandan, bunu gerekletirirken fazla bir
direnmeyle karlaacamz beklemiyoruz (ummuyoruz).
17. Pencereyi biraz aabilir misiniz? Pencereyi bir para amamn sizce bir sakncas var m? (Nezakat
dolu iki emir tmcesi: Birincisi sen a, ilincisi brak ben aaym, diyor)
18. Ne muhteem bir yat! Yedi denizleri onunla dolamaa ne dersin! (Wouldn't you fancy = istemez
19. ok kolay...
20. Firenleriniz doru drst almyor. nce onlara bir baktrtmadan arabay kullanma riskine
girmemelisiniz. (get sth done = ettirgen at: yaptrtmak...)
21. Btn bunlarn bizleri sonunda nereye gtreceini bilmenin bir yolu yok... Dklm ste
alamann da bir yarar yok (atasz: Olan olduktan sonra zlmenin bir yarar yok, tedbirinizi
zamannda alsaydnz)
By dream_Catcher

22. "Gerund'lara ilikin bir dizi daha rnek vermeme bir itiraznz var m?" "Durmadan yeni egzersizler
yapmann yarar nedir ki eer bunlara hemen her ngilizce tmcede zaten rastlyorsak?"
23. Baksana sen bana, ben yle uraya buraya emredilip ie koulmaa alkn deilim. Buraya gelmek
hi de bir fikir deildi diye dnyorum... (= Bunca eyden sonra acaba buraya gelmek iyi bir fikir
miydi acaba diye dnyorum)
24. Bir kere enesi aldm onu susturmann artk bir yolu yoktur...
25. Seninle birlikte olmaktan ok holanyorum... Anlarsn ya, yalan sylemekten nefret ederim ve sana
btn bunlar anlatmam iin bir frsatm olmasn drt gzle bekliyordum... Apak gerekleri sylersem,
seninle birlikte olmaya baylyorum... Seni sevmemek elimde deil... Seni sevmekten vazgeemem (seni
sevmeyi durduramam, son vermek elimde deil...)
Btn gerund'larnz byle sevgi dolu olsun...


Temel Kalplar / Dikkat... Dikkat... / Konu Bizler in Neden nemli? / Ksaltma lemi Nasl Yaplr? /
Ksaltlm Sfat Tmlecikleri / Ksaltlm Zarf Tmcelikleri / Balacn Korunduu Yerler / Szdizim
Kurallarna Dikkat / Dikkat... Dikkat... / Olas Anlam Karklklar / Kimi zel Kullanmlar / Kimi ok
lgin rnekler / General Exercise / Yantlar
"Participle" lar, fiillerden tretilen sfat veya belirte (= zarf) ilevli szcklerdir. Trke gramerde
birincisine "orta", ikincisine "ula" ad veriliyor...
renmemiz gereken kalplar ve Trkedeki karlklar unlardr: ("renmemiz gereken" derken, bu
gerekirlii ne derece nemle vurgulasam azdr. Tmce iinde geen orta ve ulalar bir bakta
yakalamakla ok ey kazanr; grememekle de ok ey kaybedersiniz...)

ACTIVE seeing
grmekte olan (sfat)
grerek, grerekten (zarf)
By dream_Catcher

PASSIVE being seen

grlmekte olan (sfat)
grlerek, grlerekten (zarf)
ACTIVE having seen
grm olan (sfat)
grm olarak, grm olaraktan (zarf)
PASSIVE having been seen
grlm olan (sfat)
grlm olarak, grlm olaraktan (zarf)
grlen, grlm (= yalnzca sfat ve edilgen)

NOT 01: Past participle "seen" dnda, gerund ve participle'larn tmyle ebiimli olduklarna, ancak
farkl ilevleri ile tanndklarna deinmitik. Konumada ise karkl nlemek iin farkl szck
vurgusu kullanldn da rneklemitik. Bknz. "The Gerund" Blm, "Gerund / Participle Ayrm"...
NOT 02: Yukardaki tabloya dahil etmediim, PERFECT CONTINUOUS PARTICIPLE (having been
seeing, having been trying... etc.) yapsn, daha sonra inceleyeceimiz "Ksaltlm Zarf Tmcelikleri -Perfect Participle yaplarnn ksaltlmas" konusunda ele alacam.

Mastarlar, ad-fiiller, yardmc fiiller, ve dierleri iin verdiimiz pratik altn kurallar burada da geerliini
srdryor. Yani --

By dream_Catcher

imdiki zaman, geni zaman, gelecek zaman kapsamnda "present participle" lar kullanlr. Gemie
dnk bildirimlerde "perfect participle" lar kullanlr. Ne kolay, deil mi?

FAKAT DKKAT ! Bu deerlendirmeler, iinde yaadmz an asndan deil, tmcede sz edilen

durum ve eylemlerin birbirleri ile greli zamansal ilikilerinden ekillenecektir. rnek bir tmce aada:

Aye had been sick all through that morning...

suspected that her friend might be pregnant.

Being pregnant herself, Fatma knew the signs and

[Aye'nin sabah boyunca bulants vard. Fatma, kendisi de gebe olduu iin, belirtileri biliyordu ve
iinde arkadann gebe olabilecei phesi uyanmt.]
Burada sz edilen durum, bize gre gemi zamanda olmasna karn, present participle ile ifade
edilmitir: nk, o an itibariyle Fatma kendisi de hamiledir ve arkadann durumunu anlamaktadr.
Yani bu iki durum, birbirine gre ezamanldr ve "present" zamandadr.

Eer tmceyi perfect participle ile kursaydk, "Having been pregnant herself...": anlam tmyle deiirdi:
Eskiden kendisi de gebe kalm olduu iin, imdi arkadann durumunu anlayabiliyordu"...
ekline dnrd...


Anmsayalm: Ad-fiiller (gerund) "ad" ilevlidir; tmcelerde ad kullanlmas gereken yerlerde
kullanlrlar. Participle'lar ise [DKKAT: tenselerin oluturulmasnda kullanlan fiil ekimleri de bu balk
altnda toplanr] sfat ve zarf ilevli fiil trevleri olarak,
1) Dorudan sfat olarak kullanlabilir:
present participle: a sleeping child, running water, passing clouds
past participle: a broken heart, selected questions, written statements
It's surprising / We are surprised... It's frightening / We are frightened... The film was boring / We were
bored... The journey was tiring / They were tired...

By dream_Catcher

2) Ama daha de nemlisi, ksaltlm sfat-tmcelik ve ksaltlm zarf-tmcelik yapmnda grev alrlar.
Bizim de dikkatimizi asl younlatracamz konu budur. nk, yabanc dil olarak ngilizce
reniminde en etin konulardan birisini oluturmaktadr.


Sfat yada zarf tmcelikteki bala, (varsa) zne ve fiil bei, zaman ve at olarak bu fiilin uygun
"participle" trevine dntrlr ve ayn tmcelik artk bu "participle kalb" ile balar.
Yani, ksaltlm sfat yada zarf tmcelik, bu Blmn en banda sraladmz BE participle kalbndan
birisi ile balar.
[Bunlar tmce iinde daha grr grmez "ppadanaktan" tanmanz size byk avantaj salayacaktr...
Dolaysyla, imdi dnp bunlar bir kez daha dikkatle irdelemenizi neririm.]


A) The Present Participle ile:
who is walking -------- walking = yrmekte olan

The man who is walking towards us is my uncle.

-------- The man walking towards us is my uncle.

which shows -------- showing = gsteren

What we need is a map which shows the secondary roads as well.

-------- What we need is a map showing the secondary roads as well.

By dream_Catcher

who wish -------- wishing = isteyen

Those who wish to leave can do so now.

-------- Those wishing to leave can do so now.

who were excavating ----- excavating = kazmakta olan

I inspected the men who were excavating the site.

-------- I inspected the men excavating the site.

which was being excavated ----- being excavated = kazlmakta olan

I inspected the site which was being excavated.

-------- I inspected the site being excavated.
* * * * *
B) The Past Participle ile:
which were chosen -------- chosen = seilen, seilmi olan

The questions which were chosen were very easy.

-------- The questions chosen were very easy.

who were arrested -------- arrested = tutuklanan

The people who were arrested had nothing to do with the incident.
-------- The people arrested had nothing to do with the incident.
* * * * *
By dream_Catcher

1) Doaldr ki, iki bamsz tmce, burada gsterdiimiz participle kalplar kullanlarak tek tmce haline
getirilebilir. ok k sonular elde edilecektir:
I inspected the men. They were excavating the site. -------- I inspected the men excavating the site.
I inspected the site. It was being excavated. ---------- I inspected the site being excavated.
Some people were arrested. They had nothing to do with the incident. -------- The people arrested had
nothing to do with the incident.
They noticed a group of enemy soldiers. They were hiding behind the trees. -------- They noticed a
group of enemy soldiers hiding behind the trees. (... enemy soldiers who were hiding... etc'den ksaltma
2) Perfect participle ile ksaltlm sfat tmcelik kurulamadna dikkat ediniz. Ama, perfect participle ile
kurulan zarf tmceliin bazen Trke'ye bir sfat tmcelii olarak evrilmesinin daha anlaml olaca
Having been informed of the enemy attack beforehand, the general arranged his troops in proper battle
formation. (= Because/since/as he had been informed... 'dan ksaltma)
Dman saldrs hakknda nceden bilgilendirilmi olduu iin, general birliklerini uygun sava
dzeninde yerletirdi. (Gramer asndan doru eviri)
Dman saldrs hakknda nceden bilgilendirilen / bilgilendirilmi olan general birliklerini uygun sava
dzeninde yerletirdi. (Trke anlatmda yelenebilecek ikinci olaslk)
Esasen kanaatim odur ki, ksaltlm tmceler sfat tmlecik niteliinde olsun yada olmasn, Trke'ye
sfat tmcelii olarak daha baarl eviri veriyorsa, o ekilde evrilmelidir. evirmenin ilk grevi,
kaynak dilin gramerine sadk kalmak deil, kendi dilindeki anlatm zelliklerini nplana karmaktr.
Ama, tabiatyla, bu sylediimi snavlarda uygulamaynz. Snavlarda farkl bir dnyann ltleri
geerlik kazanr...


A) The Present Participle:
Because he believed he had no chance at all, he decided not to bother to take the exam.
-------- Believing he had no chance at all... etc.
As Aye was pregnant, she knew the signs and she could understand Fatma's predicament.
-------- Being pregnant herself, she knew, ...etc.
By dream_Catcher

As he was terribly interested in the Ottoman period, the first thing he did in stanbul was to visit the
Topkap Museum.
-------- Being terribly interested, ...etc.
While they were being questioned, the robbers could give no satisfactory answers.
-------- (While) Being questioned, ...etc.
* * * * *
B) The Perfect Participle:
Because she had already failed the exam twice, she was reluctant to give it another try.
-------- Having already failed the exam twice, ...etc.
Since he hadn't been given a second chance to try, he decided to withdraw from the competition.
-------- Not having been given ...etc.
As she will have already failed twice, she will not risk another try.
-------- Having already failed twice, she will not ... etc.
zellikle son tmce, "present" veya "perfect" kalp seiminin tmcedeki zamana gre yapld gereini
ok gzel rmekliyor. Bize gre future zamanda gerekleecek olmasna ramen, baarszlk durumu o
zaman dilimine gre "past" olduu iin perfect participle kullanyoruz.
Present/perfect kalp seiminin, iinde bulunduumuz zamana gre deil, tmcedeki zaman ilikileri
asndan yapldn tekrar ve nemle hatrlatmak isterim. Zaten Trkede de durum byle deil midir? =
"Daha nceden iki kez baarszlkla karlam olduu / olaca iin, bir kez daha denemek

"Perfect Continuous Participle"
Tam bu noktada, u ana dein szn etmediimiz bir baka participle yapsna da deinmenin tam
zaman: "Perfect continuous participle"... Aadaki rnek iki tmceyi ve ksaltlm ekillerini
Gne finished his homework. Then, he showed it to his brother.
Having finished his homework, Gne showed it to his brother. = Bitirdikten sonra...

Gne has been digging the garden all day long. He must be tired now.
By dream_Catcher

Having been digging the garden, Gne must be tired now. = Kazagelmi olaraktan... Kazagelmi olduu
"Perfect participle" yaps, ana-tmcelik ncesi bir durum veya eylemi anlatmak iin kullanlrken...
"Perfect continuous" yaps ana-tmcelikte sz edilen zamana dein sregelmi ve hal srmekte olan
durumlar ve eylemler iin kullanlyor.
Fazla rastlanmayan bir kullanm olmakla birlikte, "perfect continuous participle" yine de geerli ve
bilinmesinde fayda olan bir participle yapsdr.
te sizlere iki gzel rnek:
Having been trying to see it happen for so many years, one is inclined not to believe it when it actually
happens. = Olmasn yllarca bekleyegeldikten sonra, gerekleince insann gzlerine inanas gelmiyor.
Having been waiting for this letter for so long, I was now very happy. = Bunca zamandr bu mektubu
bekleyegelmitim ve o anda ok mutluydum...
* * * * *
C) The Past Participle:
Past participle ile kurulan tmceliklerin yalnzca edilgen anlaml olabileceine dikkat ediniz:
When he was questioned by the police, he gave misleading answers.
------- Questioned by the police, ...etc. Sorgulanmakta iken..
After it had been seen by the committee, the report was now disclosed to the press.
------- Seen by the committee, ...etc. Komite tarafndan grldkten sonra...

NOT: Dikkat edilirse, yukardaki ilk rnek EZAMANLI, ikinci rnek ise ARDZAMANLI anlam tayor.
Ksaltlm tmcede, bunu tmcenin, paragrafn, sz blnn geliinden anlarz. Ancak, ayn nedenle
de, ngilizce-Trke szlklerde, "past participle" trevlerin Trke karl olarak her ikisi de
gsterilmelidir: seen = grlen, grlm (olan)... discovered = kefedilen, kefedilmi (olan)... gibi.

Sfat/zarf tmcelik olutururken, genel ilke olarak, fiil grubunda uygulanan dntrmler yannda,
balacn da atlaca, ve toptan hepsinin yerine BE PARTICIPLE KALIBIMIZDAN BRSNN
geeceini sylemitik. Ama, anlamn belirsizlie itilmesi riski olan durumlarda, balac koruruz:
By dream_Catcher

Feeling ill, she stayed at home and studied for her exams.
Acaba gen kzmz, "hasta olduu iin mi" (rnein arkada toplantsna gitmekten vazgeerek) oturup
ders almtr (= Because she was feeling ill...); yoksa "hasta olmasna ramen kahramanca direnerek
mi" (= Although she was feeling ill...) ? te byle bir durumda, balac korumakta yarar var.
Although feeling ill, she stayed at home and studied for her exams.
Ayn ekilde,
Backing out of her garage, she hit her husband.
Byle bir tmce, olayn "taammden cinayet" olduu izlenimini verecektir. Olayn bir kaza olduunu dile
getirmek iin balac korumak zorundayz:
While backing out of her garage, she hit her husband.


Byk nem tayan bir baka konu da, ksaltlm sfat/zarf tmcelik ile ilikilendirildii kii/nesne
arasndaki gramer balantsnn belirsiz braklmamas, yeterli ve doru kurulmasdr. ngilizce'de bu
durumdaki bir "participle" iin kullanlan terim "dangling participle" dr: Yani, havada, askda kalm,
balants kurulamam...
Doru balantlandrma ile ilgili kurallarmz yle:
1) Participle, izlemekte olduu ad/adl ile balantldr. Aadaki rnekte, "believe" eden "Romeo" dur:
Romeo, believing Juliet is dead, does not hesitate to choose death himself.
2) Bu koul karland srece, participle ile znesinin arasn aabilirsiniz:
I walked through the barricade, hoping that they would not stop me.
Ali and Gne walked in, followed by their wives and children.
lk rnekte, participle mantk olarak "barricade" ile ilikilendirilemez: Barikatlarn "umut
etmesi/etmemesi" szkonusu deil... Dolaysyla, "I, hoping that they would not stop me, walked through
the barricade" demek zorunda deiliz... Unutmayn, yakn ilikili olan "I" ve "walked" szcklerinin
arasn ne kadar ok aarsak, tmcenin anlalmas o derece gleir.
3) Kendisinden nce herhangi bir ad/adl bulunmayan bir participle ise, kendisinden sonra gelen fiilin
znesi ile balantldr:
Puzzled by the situation, Ali decided to talk to Gne about it. (= Durumdan aknlk duyan Ali'dir)
By dream_Catcher

4) Bu saydklarmz sanki uyarya gerek olmayan apak gereklermi gibi grnyorsa da, doabilecek
yanllklara ve bunlarn tedavi yollarna rnekler verelim:
YANLI : Waiting for a bus, a dog jumped on my lap... Bu tmceye gre, kucama atlayan kpek orada
otobs bekliyordu... Yanl tedavi yolu olarak, burada zarf-tmcelii ak ak, yani ksaltmadan yazmak
yoluna gidebilirsiniz:
SEENEK : While I was waiting for a bus, a dog ...etc.
YANLI : While studying, a barking dog disturbed me... Buradaki yanl da, rnein pasif dnm ile
SEENEK : While studying, I was disturbed by a barking dog...
YANLI : Walking down the road, red brick houses can be seen stretching out on both sides.
SEENEK : When one walks down the road, red brick houses ...etc.
YANLI : While lifting a heavy stone, my back was hurt.
SEENEK : I hurt my back while (I was) lifting a heavy stone.
Peki, acaba bir "participle" n yanl kullanlp kullanlmadn, yani "dangling participle" olup
olmadn snamann bir yolu yok mudur? Bir baka yanl ilikilendirme rnei alalm:
YANLI : Rushing to get to the meeting on time, Ali's car broke down. ("Toplantya yetimek iin acele
ederken, Ali'nin arabas arza yapt," demek istemiiz, ama tabii yanl tmce kurmuuz...)
Yanl yakalamann bir yolu, ksaltlm tmcelii, asl tmcedeki znenin hemen arkasna kaydrp,
duruma bir gz atmaktr: "Ali's car, rushing to get to the meeting on time, broke down." Tmcedeki
mantkszlk, bu yeni durumda, apak grlmektedir.


Bir nceki maddede yaptmz saptamaya karn, Participle'n znesi ile, temel tmcelik znesinin ayn
kii olmas zorunluu yoktur:
The day being fine, we decided to go out for a walk...
All the necessary arrangements having been made, the two teams were now going over their final

By dream_Catcher

Human nature being what it is, history repeats itself over and over again. [nsan doas byle (= olduu
ey gibi) olduu iin, tarih durmadan tekerrr ediyor...]


Daha dorusu, "olmayas anlam karklklar" !!
Srekli gznnde bulundurmak zorunda olduumuz bir genel ilkeyi burada yeniden anmsayalm:
imdiki, geni, gelecek zamana ilikin anlatmlar iin PRESENT kalplar; gemie ilikin anlatmlar iin
PERFECT kalplar kullanlr. Ancak zaman boyutundaki bu greli deerlendirme, bizim iinde
yaadmz zaman asndan deil, tmcedeki zamanlar asndan yaplr.
NOT: Ana-tmcelikteki zamann, iinde yaadmz zamanla birebir akt tek zaman, present
continuous tense, ksmen de simple present tense' tir.
imdi aadaki tmceyi, ksaltlm ekli ile birlikte irdeleyelim:
After I had finished my shopping, I returned home.
Having finished my shopping, I returned home.
Kaynak tmce, tense kullanm kurallarna uygun ve doru oluturulmu; bize gre gemiteki bir olay
iin PAST TENSE, onun ncesi iin PAST PERFECT TENSE kullanlmtr...
Ksaltlm tmcede de, yine doru bir seimle, uygun participle kullanlmtr = PERFECT
PARTICIPLE. Yani, "nce alverii bitirdim, sonra eve dndm," denilmektedir...
Eer yanl bir seimle, present participle kullanlm olsayd, anlam bulanklaacak, ou zaman da
mantk d bir anlam kazanacakt:
***Finishing my shopping, I returned home... Alveriimi bitirirken, eve dndm !! Ama eer bu tmce
size Trke'de bir biimde mantkl grnyorsa, bir de u alttakini deneyiniz:
***Finishing my breakfast, I had a bath... (Bir yandan) kahvaltm bitirirken, (bir yandan da) banyo
yaptm !!
Oysa iletilmek istenen kavram, "alverii bitirdikten sonra" dr. Bu iki eylem arasndaki zaman aral
nedeniyle, nceki eylem iin PERFECT PARTICIPLE, yani "alverii yapm olarak, yaptktan sonra"
kavramn kullanmak zorundayz.
imdi kurallar sralayalm:
1) Demek ki, iki eylem arasnda ak ve belirgin bir zaman aral varsa, doal tercihimiz PERFECT
PARTCIPLE seimi olur. VE DKKAT: Bu eylemlerin, bizim iinde bulunduumuz zamana gre
By dream_Catcher

past/present/future boyutunda olmalar bu seimi etkilemez. Esas olan, tmcedeki iki eylemin birbirine
gre durumudur:
Having failed in her previous attempts, she was not willing to try for a third time.
Having failed in her previous attempts, she will be reluctant to try for a third time.
* * * * *
Having lived on his own for a long time, he found it difficult to adjust to a married life.
Having lived on his own for a long time, he will find it difficult to adjust to a married life.
* * * * *
Having been bitten twice before, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained up our dog.
Having been bitten twice before, the postman refuses to deliver our letters unless we chain up our dog.
* * * * *
2) Sz edilen iki eylem arasnda ksa sre iinde ardklk, pepee gerekleme gibi durumlarda
PERFECT PARTICIPLE yerine aadaki forml geerlik kazanabilir:
perfect participle ------ on (upon) + present participle
When she entered the room, she found the boys fast asleep.
------ On entering the room, she found ...etc.
When the customs officers opened her suitcase, they found the documents hidden away among her
------ Upon opening her suitcase, ...etc.
Bunlar Trke'ye "Odaya girince... antalar amalar zerine..." yada "Girdi ve grd, atlar ve
grdler" eklinde eviriyoruz.
3) rnein aadaki tmcede, sz edilen iki eylemin ezamanl yada ardk olup olmadklar belirsiz
Reading the instructions, she decided to try the machine.
Acaba, talimatlar bir yandan okurken mi, yoksa okuduktan sonra m karar verdi? Trke'de bu
belirsizlii yazda virgl kullanarak, konumada ise szck vurgusu ile (bir lde) zebiliriz:
Talimatlar okuyarak karar verdi... = Okurken,
Talimatlar okuyarak, karar verdi... Okuduktan sonra... okumas sonucunda...
ngilizce ise ayn ikilemi participle tercihi ile zlecektir:
By dream_Catcher

(While) Reading the instructions...

Having read the instructions...

1) See, hear, feel, smell, listen to, notice, find, watch fiillerinden sonra
nesne + present participle
I see him passing by my window every day... I felt the whole place shaking... He smelt something
burning... They found him lying on the sofa... I watched them rehearsing the ceremony...
DKKAT: Ayn durumda nesne + yaln mastar yaps tercih edilirse anlam bakalar:
I saw him doing it. =Yaparken grdm.
I saw him do it. = Yaptn biliyorum. Yaptn grdm. Belki de srekli yapyordur zaten...
DKKAT... DKKAT... Yaln mastar ile kurulan yaplar, edilgen (pasif) atda tam mastar haline dnr:
He was seen to do it many times... He was overheard to say that he would never agree to it...
2) Catch ve find fiillerinden sonra nesne + present participle
"Catch" ile kurulan bir tmce, znenin szkonusu eylemden honutsuz olduunu dile getirir. "Find" ile
kurulan tmceler byle bir nans tamad gibi, fiilin nesnesi cansz varlk da olabilir:
I caught his using my tools... If your father catches you using his tools, he'll be very angry...
I found the boys playing in their room... I found the book lying open on the table...
3) Spend/waste +zaman/para birimi + present participle
She spends hours and hours making up before the mirror. [= aynann nnde makyaj yapmak]
We wasted a whole afternoon trying to repair it.
4) Be busy + present participle
She is busy packing up... Eyalarn toplamakla megul...
We are busy trying to repair the car...
5) Dolayl anlatmda, birden ok tmcenin birlikte aktarlmas durumunda, ikinci bir giri fiili yerine
present participle kullanm ok daha "k" olur:
By dream_Catcher

"You mustn't drink more than a small beer. Remember that you're going to drive us home." ---------
She told/begged her husband not to drink more than a small beer, pointing out (that) he was going to drive
them home...
Yukardaki tmcede, "pointing out" yerine deiik denemeler de yapabilirsiniz. Anlatma zenginlik
reminding him (that)...
stressing the fact that... etc.

Participle kullanm ile oluturulan gerekten ok ilgin baz rnekleri aada veriyorum. Ltfen trke
karlklar ile birlikte inceleyiniz:
I won't have you walking all over the house with those muddy shoes... Bu amurlu ayakkablarnla evde
dolamana izin veremem/vermeyeceim... (I won't have you... yaps, kar kma, izin vermeme
anlamnda kullanlr)
Your mother wants this place cleaned up at once... Annen burann hemen temizlenmesini istiyor.
He couldn't make his voice (himself) heard, even though he was shouting at the top of his voice... Sesini
duyuramad / duyuramyordu...
I heard my name called... arldm duydum... Bana seslenildiini duydum... I heard my name called
up... Admn okunduunu duydum.
We found the place deserted... Oray terkedilmi bulduk... (DKKAT: Eer, eviriyi "terkedilmi yeri
bulduk" eklinde yaptysanz, bunun karl, "We found the deserted place" olurdu)
Karaolan, only half-conscious, felt himself lifted up... Yar baygn durumdaki Karaolan eller zerinde
kaldrldn (havaya kaldrldn) hissetti.
Casanova was standing there watching the ladies walk by... Kazanova orada dikilmi gelip geen
bayanlar seyrediyordu / dikizliyordu.
The ambassador sits around all day doing nothing... Bykeli btn gn isiz gsz orada burada
zaman geiriyor.
There's a day nursery next door; you might have children screaming all day long... Kap komunuz bir
kre; byk olaslkla btn gn ocuklarn barmalar ile rahatsz olacaksnz.
In the youth camp, they'll have the children swimming within a week... Genlik kampnda ocuklara
yzmeyi bir hafta ierisinde reteceklerdir.
By dream_Catcher

Human nature being what it is, perhaps some future nuclear war is indeed inevitable... nsan doas byle
olduu iin (olduu gibi olduu iin = because human nature is what it is) belki de gelecekte bir nkleer
sava kanlmaz olacaktr.
Things being as they are, we unfortunately don't have much chance of success... Durum bu ekilde
olduundan (= Herbir eyler bu durumda alduu iin = because things are what/how they are) ne yazk ki
fazla bir baar ansmz yok.
Being an unmarried mother yourself, you can better appreciate my present predicament... Siz kendiniz de
evlenmemi bir anne olduunuz iin (=olarak... As you are an unmarried mother yourself) u andaki zor
durumumu daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz.
Having been away for so long, he has no idea of the changes that have taken place here... Uzun zamandr
burada olmad iin...
All things considered, it was not such a bad bargain after all... Herbir eyler dikkate alndnda, hi de
kt bir pazarlk deildi dorusu... Baya ucuza kapattk. (When all things are considered, when we
consider everything...)

Aadaki tmceleri yap ve anlam bakmndan irdeleyiniz. "Ksaltlmam" yapy belirlemee alnz.
Tmceleri Trke'ye eviriniz.
Tmcelerin herzaman tek para halinde eviri vermeyeceini, ou zaman blp paralamak
gerekeceini greceksiniz. Trke'de en gzel, en kolay anlalr tmce, ksa olan tmcedir.
Kimi zaman da zarf tmcelik yerine Trke'de sfat tmcelik yada bunun tersinin daha iyi sonu
vereceini greceksiniz.
01 Red Kid rode away, a cigarette hanging from his lips... He rode away, having finished his drink... He
fired his gun, wounding one of the Daltons...
02 One of the Dalton Brothers fell, hitting and hurting his elbow against the table.
03 Looking after the baby in the park, he was also keeping an eye on the main entrance to the building.
People, taking off their hats, were entering the building.
04 Having eaten his sandwich in a great hurry, he had rushed out of the house. He made a point of
staying away from crowded streets on the way, being worried that he might get recognized. (to make a
point of doing something = bir eyi yapmaa zel dikkat gstermek, mutlaka ve herzaman yapmak)
05 Being a bit of an amateur collector himself, he was naturally very much interested in that peculiar
subject of their conversation.
By dream_Catcher

06 Children attending this school have to wear uniform.

07 Those getting impatient were beginning to look for something to do to while away the time. (to while
away the time = to pass time)
08 Weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe. (to succeed = 1. baarl olmak,
baarmak... 2. ardndan gelmek, yerine gemek, halef olmak... Successor = halef, bir ncekinin yerine
geen kii. Successive : ardarda gelen, ardk...)
09 Convinced that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat the food they gave him.
10 Being an unmarried mother herself, she would sympathize with you and appreciate your problems.
11 Repeating once more what he had already told them twice, Gne tried to reassure them of the
company's future.
12 Having climbed up two-thirds of the path to the summit, we could not give up now.
13 The magazine finally ceased publication, its circulation having dropped steadily over a period of
years. (steadily = srekli ekilde, muntazaman)
14 The country is experiencing its hardest winter for years, some areas in the east having lain under a
thick blanket of snow for nearly five months now.
15 It is difficult to make both ends meet these days, the taxes being so high. (= iki yakay bir araya
16 From my study window I could see the ships sailing in and out of the harbour.
17 His last remarks left me wondering what he was driving at. (what he was driving at = sz nereye
18 I found it difficult to get the things going again.
19 Not knowing what to do in such a situation, she came to me for advice.
20 Generally speaking, he didn't think much of modern painting. This wasn't so surprising, considering
his academic training. (generally speaking = genelde sylemek gerekirse, genel konuacak olursak)
21 The explorers had a long talk with the natives, the guide acting as their interpreter.
22 Not having had a wink of sleep the previous night, she felt rather irritable all through the morning.
(wink = gz krpmas... "a wink of sleep" = bir damla uyku...)
23 The site being excavated dates back to the early Neolithic period. Having already been excavated a
number of times, the site now keeps no more secrets for the archaeologists.
24 None of those present having any further remarks to make, the chairperson closed the meeting.
(present = mevcut, orada bulunan)
25 Having completed this particular exercise, I now feel quite confident that I can answer any probable
exam question on the use of the participles.
By dream_Catcher

01 Red Kid rode away. A cigarette was hanging from his lips. He rode away after he had finished his
drink. He fired and wounded one of the Daltons.
02 One of the Dalton Brothers fell and he hit and hurt his elbow against the table as he fell.
03 As he was looking after the baby in the park, he was also... etc. People were taking off their hats and
entering the building. (People took their hats off and entered...)
04 After he had eaten his sandwich in a great hurry, he had rushed out of the house. ...crowded streets on
the way, because he was worried ...etc.
05 Because/since/as he was a bit of an amateur collector himself, he was ...etc.
06 Children who attend this school have to wear uniform.
07 Those who were getting impatient were beginning ...etc.
08 Because/since/as it was/had been weakened by successive storms, the bridge ...etc.
09 Because/since/as he was convinced that they were ...etc.
10 Because/since/as she is an unmarried mother herself, ...etc.
11 Gne repeated once more what he had already told them twice and tried to reassure them ...etc.
12 After we had climbed two-thirds of the path ...etc.
13 The magazine finally ceased publication. Its circulation had dropped ...etc. (Veya, ...publication
because/after its circulation had dropped...)
14 ... hardest winter for years and some areas in the east have lain under a thick blanket of snow ...etc.
(Veya, iki ayr tmce: ...... for years. Some areas .......)
15 It is difficult to make both ends meet these days -- because the taxes are so high. (Yada, tabiatyla iki
ayr tmce)
16 ... the ships which were sailing in and out...
17 Bu son syledikleri, bende konuyu nereye getirmek istedii merak ve endiesini uyandrd.
18 Herbir eyleri yeniden yoluna koymakta glk ektim.
19 Because/since/as she didn't know what to do ...etc.
20 If we should put it in general terms... This wasn't so surprising if/when we consider his academic
By dream_Catcher

21 ... with the natives and their guide acted as their interpreter. ... with the natives. Their guide was
acting as their interpreter.)
22 Because/since/as she had not had a wink of sleep the previous night ...etc.
23 The site which is being excavated goes back ...etc. As it has already been excavated a number of
times ...etc.
24 Since none of the people present had any further remarks to make, ...etc. (Veya, iki ayr tmce)
25 After I have completed...

Ksa Giri ve Bir Uyar / Kullanldklar Yerler / Edilgen Tmcenin Yaps / To Be Fiili le lgili
nemli Not / By-bei = Agent Kullanlmal mdr? / Ara Test 01 / Edilgen Tmcelerin eitli
zellikleri / Ara Test 02 / eviri Asndan Baz nce Ayrntlar / ok "k" Bir Edilgen Tmce Tipi
/ Anlam Vurgusuna Gre Edilgenlik / General Execise 01 / General Execise 02
te ngilizce'de retilmesi de renilmesi de en kolay konulardan birisi... Onun iin okulda, kurslarda ve
gramer kitaplarnda bu derece popler bir konu alsa gerek!...
Bir gramer terimi olarak voice, znenin eylemi yapan, gerekletiren mi, yoksa eylemden etkilenen,
"kabak bana patlayan" kii yada varlk m olduunu belirleyen yap demektir. Active voice = zne
olayn, eylemin failidir... Passive voice = zne eylemin hedefi, eylemden etkilenen, "kabak bana
patlayan" kii yada varlktr.
Edilgen tmceleri kurmak da ok kolaydr, grnce tanmak da... Ama, bir noktaya nemle dikkat
edilmelidir. Gerek iletiim ortamlarnda, etken ve edilgen tmce tercihi rastgele deil, belli koul ve
gerekelere baldr. Bu konuya az aada ayrntlar ile gireceim.
Burada bir uyarda bulunmak istiyorum. Birok kitapta, egzersiz amacyla, anlamca havada kalan, ok
tuhaf rnekler verildiine tank oluyoruz. "She makes good cakes," eklinde bir tmce verip, bunu
edilgene evirmemizi istiyorlar!! = ***Good cakes are made by her... Gzel kekler onun tarafndan
yaplr, veya Onun tarafndan gzel kekler yaplr...
By dream_Catcher

Allah akna, bylesi savruk rneklerle gerek iletiim ortamlarnda karlama olaslmz sfr deil
midir? Bu tr kaynaklara itibar etmeyiniz. Gerek iletiim ortamlarnda kullanlma olasl
dnlmeden sunulan bu tr soyut gramer veya yap rnekleri bizlere yalnzca zarar verebilir. rnekler,
gerek yaam ve iletiim ortamlarna ters dmemelidir.
Bu bakmdan, edilgen tmcelerin de yapsal zelliklerine gemeden nce, bunlarn hangi durum ve
koullarda kullanldklar konusunu nemle ele almak gerekir.
Yeri gelmiken, bir ikayetimi daha dile getireyim. rnek tmceler iin verilen Trke eviriler... Bunlar
da gereki olmak zorunda... Annesi oluna sesleniyor: "Don't walk all over my kitchen floor with those
muddy shoes!" Ardndan da evirisi geliyor: "Bu amurlu ayakkablarnzla mutfamda yrmeyiniz!!"
Kibarln -- ve gerekilikten uzakln da bylesi...

Gerek iletiim durumlarnda, paa gnlmz nasl dilerse, ister etken ister edilgen tmce kuramayz.
Edilgen tmcelerin tercih edilmesini gerektiren, zorunlu klan belli durumlar vardr.
ngilizcede olaan S+V+O dzeni (yani "aktif tmce") yerine, edilgen tmce yoluyla anlatm gerei
aadaki durumlarda ortaya kar:
1) Olayn kimler tarafndan gerekletirildii bilinmemektedir. "Faili mehul" dr. Bu durumda, esasen,
etken tmce kurulamaz.
The shop was broken into later that night and cleared of all cigarettes and tobacco. (= Fail yada failler
Several people were stopped and robbed in that district last night. (= Yukardaki gibi)
NOT: Faili bilinmemesine ramen, belirsiz zneler kullanlarak etken atya ilerlik kazandrlabilir:
Somebody broke into the shop later that night and cleared it of all cigarettes and tobacco.... Belli bir
iletiim ortamnda, bu tercihin nplana geecei durumlar da oluabilir. Ama genelde dikkatimizi, belirsiz
zneler yerine, olaylar zerine younlatrmay tercih ederiz:
2) evremizdeki belli bir kiiyi sulamaktan kanmak, yada belki kimliini saklamak isteyebiliriz:
Listen to me, boys; I think this letter has been opened and read and then carefully sealed again!
("inizden biri yapmtr" sulamasndan kanyor, dolayl olarak sylyoruz...)
You were seen with a man yesterday afternoon. (=Brak imdi kim grm, kim bana sylemi... nemli
olan senin bir adamla grlm olman...)
3) Olay gerekletirenler deil, olayn kendisi dikkat odadr: Kim tarafndan olursa olsun, olayn
nitelii deimeyecektir:
By dream_Catcher

Such toys must be made of plastic and only non-toxic and non-staining types of paint must be used for the
top coat. (top coat = son kat boya)
The ingredients are poured into a cup and thoroughly stirred.
4) Bilimsel ve teknik metinlerde edilgen tmcelere sk rastlanmasnn nedeni de yukardaki durumdur.
Yazarn kendisini nplana karacak ekilde, "I did this, I did that..." tarznda bir anlatm kullanmas,
okuyucuya / dinleyiciye bilimsel nesnellik adna itici gelir. Ayrca itiraf etmek gerekir ki, edilgen atda
kurulan tmceler, anlatma belli bir "nesnellik" nans katar.
The distance between the stars is measured in terms of light years.
The protein concentration required to saturate the solid phase was determined and the amount of bound
protein was quantified by the micro-bicinchoninic acid protein assay.
5) Etken tmcedeki nesne nplana karlmak, vurgulanmak istenmekte, dolaysyla da edilgen kurulu
tercih edilmektedir:
His death was mourned by the whole nation... His books are now read by millions of people today...
6) "Agent", yani olay gerekletiren kii veya kiiler aikardr; anlmalarna gerek yoktur:
He was crowned the king.
The thieves were caught later that day.
Office mail is now delivered twice a day.
7) Szdizimsel gerekelerle, edilgen tmce kullanm zorunlu hale gelebilir. Bu konuya "participle"
("dangling participles") yaplar ile ilgili blmde deinilmiti:
YANLI : While walking home late last night, a funny-looking man stopped me. (nk burada, "Evine
gitmekte olan tuhaf grnl bir adam beni durdurdu", demi oluruz)
BR ZM YOLU : While walking home late last night, I was stopped by a funny-looking man.
Tekrarlarsak, paa gnlmz nasl dilerse, her durumda ister etken ister edilgen tmce kurarz, diyemeyiz.
Edilgen tmcelerin tercih edilmesini gerektiren, zorunlu klan durumlar vardr.


To Be + V3
Edilgen tmcede zaman (tense) To Be fiili gsterir. Asl fiil, geili (transitive) bir fiil olmak zorundadr
ve her zaman " V3 " (past participle) biiminde olacaktr. (Fiil eitleri ile ilgili olarak, aada "Edilgen
Tmcelerin eitli zellikleri" blm Madde 1'e bknz.)
By dream_Catcher

zne, aktif tmcedeki "eski nesne" dir. te yandan, aktif tmcedeki "eski zne" ise ancak belli
durumlarda kullanlacak "by-bei" (= agent) kimliini kazanr. Formlmz yle:

"eski nesne"
tense gsterir
This poem
by an unknown
in the 12th

Aktif tmce yle olacakt: "An unknown artist composed this poem in the 12th century."
NOT: Tmleyici eler, niteliklerine gre, tmcenin farkl blmlerinde grev alabilirler:
In the 12th century, torture of war prisoners was routinely performed.


Bilindii gibi bu fiil etken atda "continuous" tense'lerde (olaan durumda) kullanlmaz. Dolaysyla,
aadaki ekimlerini biliyoruz:
By dream_Catcher

present : am, is, are

past : was, were
future: will be
present perfect : have been, has been
past perfect : had been
future perfect : will have been
Edilgen atda bunlara iki tense daha eklenir:
present continuous : am / is / are being
past continuous : was / were being
* * * * *
Dolaysyla, aktif atdaki 12 tense yer alrken,
edilgen atda yalnzca 8 tense yer almaktadr:

[Neden? nk, edilgen tmcelerin tense'ini TO BE fiili belirliyor da ondan...]

is being
was being
has been
had been
By dream_Catcher
will be
will have been
present simple
present continuous
past simple
past continuous
present perfect simple
past perfect simple
future simple
future perfect simple

Dolaysyla, "tense" dikkate alnarak, aada rneklen edilgen anlamlar elde edilecektir:
He is being interrogated by the detectives at the moment. = u anda sorgulanyor, sorgulanmakta...
He was interrogated by the police last week. = Geen hafta sorguland, sorgulanmt...
He will be interrogated this afternoon. = Sorgulanacak, sorgulanmakta olacak...
He has been interrogated in the usual manner = Herzamanki yntemle sorgulanm bulunuyor...
He will have been interrogated by the time we get there. = Sorgulanm, sorgusu tamamlanm olacaktr...
ve dierleri... (= toplam sekiz tense)
NOT: Aslnda, edilgen bir tmcenin kuruluu iki deiik yaklamla irdelenebilir:
1. Etken tmceden dnm. Okullarda, kurslarda allagelmi yaklam budur. Etken ve edilgen
tmcelerin farkl yerlerde kullanlmas gerektii vurguland srece, geerli bir yaklamdr. (rnek
verirken dikkatli olmak, gerek iletiim ortamlarnda grlme olasl tamayan dnmlere yer
vermemek gerekir.)
2. Etken (aktif) mastarlarla etken tmceler, edilgen (pasif) mastarlarla edilgen tmceler kurulur:

to see = grmek
By dream_Catcher

to beat = yenmek
to love = sevmek
to be seen = grlmek
to be beaten = yenilmek
to be loved = sevilmek

Demek ki yaplacak tek ey To Be fiilini bir yukardaki tabloda gsterdiim 8 tense erevesinde ekerek
tmcenizi kurmaktr. Asl fiil ise her zaman iin = V3 biiminde olacaktr.


Olaan durumda, "by-bei" kullanmak, yani agent belirtmek gerei duyulmasa gerekir. nk, eylemi
gerekletiren kii/kiileri ("eski zne") bilsek, belirtmek ve nplana kartmak isteseydik, zaten aktif
tmce kurmay yeleyecektik.
Ancak istina durumlar da vardr. Eer aadaki rneklerde agent kullanlmam olsa, ii bo ve anlamsz
bildirimler olurlard. rdeleyiniz:
This piece of music was composed by Mozart...
This one was painted by Picasso...
Kimi zaman da, dikkat odamz gereiyle "fail" arka plana itilecek, "kaban kimin bana patlad"
bizim iin nplanda olacaktr:
Soldiers' letters may be opened and read by the unit commander in times of war...
Their mail is daily inspected by the sergeant before being given to them...
Troublesome groups were forcefully dispersed by the police.
DKKAT: By-bei kullanldnda, genellikle V3'n hemen ardnda yer alr. Ama, vurgu amacyla, teki
tmle eleriyle yer deitirebilir de.

By dream_Catcher


Agent kullanm "by" ("tarafndan") kavram ile gerekletirilir ve bilerek, isteyerek, kendi iradesiyle
yapld nanslarn tar. Ancak, bu "bilinli" edim kavramnn geerli olamayaca durumlarda by ---
with dnm geerlik kazanr:
The smoke filled the room. -------- The room was filled with smoke.
Paint covered his jeans. -------- His jeans were covered with paint.


Usta yazarlarn, edilgen aty "by-bei" ile birlikte kullanarak, olay gerekletirenleri (faili yada
failleri) daha bir vurguladklarn grrz. Burada belki de anonsun geciktiriliyor olmasnn etkin bir rol
oynad dnlebilir.
The breakthrough was achieved by Dr. Palabyk and Dr. Grka, two renowned researchers working in
our University's renewed molecular biology laboratories.
Buradaki anlatm tarz, tmcenin etken atda alaca ekle kyasla ok daha vurgulu ve etkileyici

ARA TEST -- 01


01 -- People must not leave bicycles in the driveway.
Bycycles -- must not be left in the driveway.
02 -- They built that bridge in 1986.
That bridge -- was built in 1986.
03 -- The judge set the prisoners free.
The prisoners -- were set free.
By dream_Catcher

04 -- People always make such mistakes.

Such mistakes -- are always made .
05 -- Somebody should take the injured man to the hospital.
The injured man -- should be taken to the hospital.
06 -- You should have finished the work a long time ago.
The work -- should have been finished a long time ago.
07 -- People speak English all over the world.
English -- is spoken all over the world.
08 -- Someone asked me to mail this letter.
I -- was asked to mail this letter.
09 -- We must buy the tickets today.
The tickets -- must be bought today.
10 -- They have answered all the questions correctly.
All the questions -- have been correctly answered .


1) Bilindii gibi, dilde tr fiil yer almaktadr:
1. Geili fiiller (transitive verbs) : see, beat, love
2. Geisiz fiiller (intransitive verbs) : run, fall, sleep
3. lgilendirme fiilleri (linking verbs) : be, seem, taste
Bunlar arasnda yalnz birinci grupta yer alan fiillerle edilgen tmceler kurulabilir. nk, eylemi
gerekletiren kii/varlk/zne yannda, bu eylemden kimin/neyin etkilendiini, "kaban kimin bana
patladn" belirten bir kii/varlk/nesne de szkonusudur: Bir gren varsa, bir de grlen; seven varsa
sevilen, yenen varsa yenik den... vardr.

By dream_Catcher

[Ama, tabii, to see fiilini "anlamak" anlamnda kullanyorsanz, o takdirde geisiz fiil olur ve edilgeni
kurulamaz: Aadaki kullanm bu anlamdadr:]
--- We don't allow that sort of behaviour here.
--- Oh, I see. (=Anlyorum)...
[Ama, "Oh, I can see that." ise, = "Bunu grebiliyorum," geili fiil olur.]
Geisiz fiillerde, znenin yapt eylemden etkilenen bir baka kii yada varlk yoktur. Yani, gramatik
bir nesne de yoktur ve edilgen tmce kurulamaz. lgilendirme filleri ise, zne ile, onun bir zelliini veya
iinde bulunduu durumu ilikilendirir. Ayrca bir nesne yine szkonusu deildir. rneklersek:
DORU : She fell into the water.
MANTIKSIZ : The water was fallen into by her.

DORU : She was running.

MANTIKSIZ : (The road?) was being run by her.

DORU : She is beautiful.


DORU : He became a beggar.

EL NSAF : A beggar was become by him ??? Onun tarafndan bir dilenci olunuldu???

DORU : Your room looks very clean.

EL NSAF : Being very clean is being looked by your room ???
Besbellidir ki, "Su, onun tarafndan iine dld... Yol koulmaktayd..." gibi kavramlar mantk d
nermeler saylacaktr. Dierlerini de, ad en deliye km airden bile duysak, herhalde yine
NEML NOT: Farkl dillerdeki "geili-geisiz" fiillerin birebir akaca sanlmamaldr. Yeni bir fiil
iin szle bakarken "vt." veya "vi." olma zelliini not etmenizde yarar vardr, derim...

By dream_Catcher

2) Bununla birlikte, geisiz fiiller de belli ilge veya belirteler ile btnleerek, yeni ve geili bir
anlam kazanabilirler. Bu durumda, ilge yada belirte edilgen tmcede asl fiilden hemen sonra yer
OK NEML: Konuurken de bunlar bir solukta ve tek birim halinde syleriz:
They laughed at her. -------- She was laughed at.
No one slept in the bed. -------- The bed wasn't slept in.
Someone sat on my hat. -------- My hat was sat on.
People talked of his mysterious death for years afterwards. -------- His mysterious death was talked of
for years afterwards.
DKKAT... DKKAT... Bu yapya her fiil, her ilge ve/veya partikl ile oturmaz. Daha nce bir rneini
grmedike, uygulamadan uzak durmanz neririm. rnein, "He went to the house," tmcesinin
edilgeni kurulamaz.
te birka rnek daha...
This silly correspondence must be put a stop to.
His love for his children was taken much advantage of.
Ancak, bu tr tmceler iin deiik bir dzenleme gze ve kulaa daha "doal" gelecektir:
It's time we put a stop to this silly correspondence.
Much advantage was taken of his love for his children.
Our warning was paid little attention to.
-------- Little attention was paid to our warning.

The way they had arranged things was found no fault with. (Kulaa hi de ho gelmiyor...)
-------- No fault was found with the way they had arranged things.
Sonuta alnacak bir ders de udur: Yazarken, tmcenizin ilk kurduunuz ekli ile albenisine kaplp
srklenmeyiniz. Yapy biraz daha yourun ve irdeleyin; bakalm daha ne ekiller alacaklar...

3) ift nesne alan fiillerle iki deiik edilgen tmce elde edilecektir:

Someone gave her a present.

By dream_Catcher

She was given a present.

A present was given to her.
My friend brought us some warm clothes.
We were brought some warm clothes.
Some warm clothes were brought for us.

Geri, edilgen dnmde genelde kii ile balayan seenek daha yaygndr, ama aslnda bu seimin
vurgulanmak istenen anlama gre yapldna dikkat ediniz. (Dilbilgisi kitaplarnda "direct object indirect object = dolaysz nesne - dolayl nesne, terimleri kullanlr.)

4) Edilgen bir tmcede How? Nasl? sorusuna yant veren tarz zarflar genellikle V3'ten hemen nce
Somebody opened the door slowly. -------- The door was slowly opened.
They brought up the child well. -------- The child was well brought up.
NOT: Tersine bir durumda ise kyamet kopmaz. Bu "kural", kesin olmaktan ok, bir "probabilite
hesabn" dile getiriyor. rnein, "nicely done" yaps, "done nicely" yapsna gre ok daha yaygnken,
"answered correctly" ibaresinde durum "fifty-fifty" dir, diyebilirim.
* * * * *
5) DKKAT... DKKAT... Snavlarda en ok dlen yanllklardan birisi, aktif-pasif dnm
srasnda eski zne-nesne'ye ilikin tekil-oul zelliklerinin gzden karlmasdr:
We have mailed the letter today...
YANLI : The letter have been mailed today.
DORU : The letter has been mailed today.
* * * * *
6) "Nobody, nothing" gibi olumsuzluk belirten szcklerle balayan tmceleri edilgen atya evirirken
zel dikkat gerekiyor. Tmce sonunda "by nobody/nothing" beini kullanmayacamza gre, buradaki
olumsuzluu bir baka yntemle aktarmak zorundayz. Aadaki yanl kkndaki "edilgen" rnek, yani
"any" ile balayan bir olumsuz tmce ngilizce'de geersiz bir yapdr. Dier klar inceleyiniz:
ACTIVE : Nobody offered me anything.
By dream_Catcher

PASSIVE : --------

Anything was not offered to me.
I was offered nothing.
I wasn't offered anything.
Nothing was offered to me.

7) Yardmc fiiller szkonusu olduunda, edilgen at, yaln edilgen mastar kullanm ile gerekletirilir.
Biliyorsunuz, "yaln" terimi ile, mastar'n "to" suz halini kastediyoruz:
We can see it. -------- It can be seen. (present edilgen mastar = to be seen)
We could do it. -------- It could be done. (present edilgen mastar = to be done)
We could not do it. -------- It could not be done. (present edilgen olumsuz mastar = not to be done)
People must not leave any litter behind. -------- No litter must be left behind. (present edilgen mastar =
to be left -- buradaki dnm, yukarda madde 6'da akland gibidir)
We should have told him. -------- He should have been told. (perfect edilgen mastar = to have been told
= kendisine sylenilmi olmak)
We should not have told him. -------- He should not have been told. (perfect edilgen olumsuz mastar =
not to have been told = kendisine sylenilmemi olmak, sylenilmi olmamak)

8) Feel, hear, see, watch, notice, observe fiillerinden sonra, aktif atda yaln mastar, pasif atda ise tam
mastar kullanlr. Ancak, let fiili bu kuraln dndadr ve her iki atda da yaln mastar alr: (Umarm, bu
kadar ayrntya isyan etmiyorsunuzdur; yabanc bir dile "bi-hakkn vakf" olmann kolay i olduunu kim
sylemi ki...)
They heard her scream. -------- She was heard to scream.
People saw the car stop. -------- The car was seen to stop.
By dream_Catcher

They let us go -------- We were let go.

Aadaki tr dnmleri de bu balk altnda gzden geirebiliriz:
We very much regret your decision. -------- Your decision is much to be regretted.
If we believe (trust) him, ...etc. -------- If he is to be believed (trusted, ...etc.
* * * * *
9) Gerund ieren yaplarn edilgene dntrm glk oluturmaz. Aktif gerund'lar pasife evirmek
(ve bunun yannda mantn gerektirdii deiiklikleri yapmak) yeterlidir:
I remember your being taken to the hospital. (= I remember their taking you to the hospital.)
Hastaneye gtrln hatrlyorum.

She tries to avoid being seen with him. (= She tries to avoid people seeing her with him)
Onunla birlikte grlmekten kanmaa alyor.

I hate being laughed at. (= I hate people laughing at me)

Bana glnlmesinden nefret ederim

She loves being taken out to dinner. (= She loves people taking her out to dinner)
Yemee karlmaa baylr.

He hated being called "Mstk". (= He hated everybody calling him "Mstk")

"Mstk" diye arlmaktan nefret ediyordu.

I resent having been punished for nothing. (= I resent their having punished me for nothing)
Bo yere cezalandrlm olmam teessfle karlyorum.
* * * * *
10) Participle'lar ile iimiz daha da kolaydr:
They saw the thief running away. -------- The thief was seen running away.
By dream_Catcher

They found him working at his desk. -------- He was found working at his desk.
The rescue team found the children playing in the woods. -------- The children were found playing in
the woods.
The authorities often keep us waiting in long queues. -------- We are often kept waiting in long queues.
* * * * *
11) zellikle konuma dilinde, BE fiili yerine GET fiilinin kullanld rnekler olduka yaygndr.
Giderek, aralarnda bir nans fark domu olduunu da grrz:
It was left at home. (= Bile bile)
It got left at home. (= Farkna varlmakszn)
A lot of people got hurt in the process. (= Hesapta yoktu)
There's no doubt that you'll get duly punished. (Be=Get)
Not very many fish get caught nowadays. (Akllandlar m acaba?)
* * * * *
12) Etken atda kurulmalarna karn, edilgen anlam veren aadaki rnekleri not ediniz. Trkede de
"Kitap yok satyor" demiyor muyuz?
His latest book is selling rather badly... The library closes at seven... This story reads well for the
suggested age group... This dress won't wash...The furniture needs polishing... Your room definitely
needs cleaning... The car wants washing... The car drives much more comfortably now...
* * * * *
13) BR GLK: Soru tmcelerinin edilgen atya dntrlmesi, yada dorudan edilgen soru
oluturmada belli lde glk ekildiine tank oluyoruz. Egzersiz iin ilk azda iki farkl yntem
nerilebilir. Zamanla bu glk kendiliinden alm olacaktr:
a. Soru tmcesini dz-tmceye evirdikten sonra edilgen atya dntrmek ve yeniden soru tmcesi
Didn't she tidy up her room?
She didn't tidy up her room.
Her room wasn't tidied up.
Wasn't her room tidied up?
Didn't she tidy up her room? ----- Wasn't her room tidied up?
b. Trke eviri kanalyla, edilgen tmceyi kurduktan sonra yeniden ingilizceye evirmek:
By dream_Catcher

Who cleaned the house?

Evi kim temizledi?

Ev kimin tarafndan temizlenildi?

Who was the house cleaned by?
Who cleaned the house? ----- Who was the house cleaned by?

ARA TEST -- 02


01 -- Why couldn't you open this window?
-- Why couldn't this window be opened?
02 -- Who washed all these dishes?
-- Who were all these dishes washed by?
03 -- Where did they see it?
-- Where was it seen?
04 -- How many shirts did your friend buy?
-- How many shirts were bought by your friend?
05 -- Who/whom did you give it to?
-- Who was it given to?
06 -- Which one of the two do people usually prefer?
-- Which one of the two is usually preferred?
07 -- How much sugar do you need?
-- How much sugar is needed?
By dream_Catcher

08 -- What language do people speak in your country?

-- What language is spoken in your country?
09 -- When must we buy the tickets?
-- When must the tickets be bought?
10 -- What should people do under such circumstances?
-- What should be done under such circumstances?


"Sugar is sold by the kilo," ile "Sorry, sugar is sold out" (= Sorry, we're sold out of sugar") arasndaki
fark grp deerlendirebiliyor musunuz?
Aklamas: Birinci tmce edilgendir: "to sell" fiilinin "present passive" biimi olan "is + V3" ile
kurulmutur: eker kilo ile satlr...
kinci tmcede ise "is + sfat" yaps vardr. "to sell" fiilinin V3 (past participle) biimi sfat nitelii ile
kullanlmtr. "to be sold out" = bitmi / bitirmi durumda olmak... Yani, yap olarak, "He is ill,"
tmcesinden hibir fark yoktur. (rnein, "He is gone. = Gitti, burada yok," eklindeki tmce de bu
kalptandr. "Gone" burada bir sfat niteliinde olup, "gitmi durumda olmak, burada olmamak" anlamna
Parantez iindeki kullandm deyim de "to be sold out of sth" eklindedir: = "zgnz, hi ekerimiz
kalmad; hepsi satld"...
"My money is stolen!" tmcesinin evirisi = "Aaa, param alnm !!" eklindedir. Yani, past participle
"stolen" szcn yine sfat nitelii ile alglamamz gerekir: "Param alnm durumda" deniliyor...
DKKAT: "Param alnr" eklinde bir yorum (edilgen tmce yorumu) besbellidir ki yanl olur.
te yandan, "My money has been stolen!" eklindeki tmce ise edilgen atdadr ve Trke'ye "Param
alnm bulunuyor" (=u anda paraszm) eklinde eviri verecektir.
Demek ki herzaman iin en dorusu, karlatnz yaplar balam iinde deerlendirmektir. Anlam
belirleyen balamdr. Balam herzaman kraldr:
If I am beaten (up) for something I did not do, who can I complain to? (= edilgen yap: dvlmek, dayak
Well, I guess I am the sort that hates to give up and admit he is beaten! (to be + sfat yaps = "Hayatta
yenilmi olmay asla kabul edecek adam deilim!)
By dream_Catcher

Tabii, Trke'ye en ilgin eviri veren yaplardan birisi de, "I was born ..." eklindeki ifadedir.. Trke
karl "dodum" eklinde olan bu yap, dikkat ederseniz, ngilizce'de edilgen bir yapdr: "to bear - bore
- born" = ocuk tamak, dnyaya getirmek fiilinin edilgen halidir.
Sonuta, onlar "Dnyaya getirilmiim..." diyorlar; ama tabiatyla ne onlarn ifade tarz syledii bizim
ifade tarzmz balar, ne de bizimkisi onlarnkisini...


Geldik, en "k" edilgen tmce tipine: Belirsiz znenin, belirgin zneye dntrlmesi... Belirsiz zne -latife etmiyorum -- byk krgnlklara bile yol aabilecek lde canskc bir anlatm esi olabiliyor:
- They say that... / It is said that... = Diyorlar ki... / Deniliyor ki...
- Kim diyor, kim? Syle de dostumuzu dmanmz bilelim!
A) Oysa belirsiz zne, bilim, diplomasi, vb dilinde zellikle aranlan ve yaygn kullanlan tmce tipidir.
Besbellidir ki, hava basncndan her sz ediimizde Toricelli'yi anmak gerekmiyor. Diplomaside de ser
verip sr vermek istemiyoruz:
It is known that... It has been shown that... It is assumed that... It is often claimed that... It can easily be
demonstrated that... It has been reported that...
B) Gnlk dilde ise, tam tersine, belirsiz zneyi belirgin nitelie dntrme abas doaldr. Aadaki
rnekleri izleyiniz: "That" tmceliindeki zne, genel zne haline getiriliyor. "That" tmceliinden ise
geriye yalnzca mastar (infinitive) kalyor.
DKKAT... DKKAT... Olayn kendisinin, dnlme/konuulma/bildirilme zamanna gre ezamanl
olmas veya daha ncesinde gereklemi olmas, present mastar yada perfect mastar seimini
Everybody knows that she is virtuous. -------- It is known that she is virtuous. -------- She is known to be
virtuous. Kendisinin erdemli bir hanm olduu bilinir / biliniyor... [Erdemlilik hali ve biliniyor olmas
birbirine gre ezamanl = present mastar kullanm]
They think that he is jealous of his wife. -------- It is thought that he is jealous of his wife. -------- He is
thought to be jealous of his wife. Karsn kskandna inanlyor... [Yukardaki gibi = present mastar
They say that the thieves have broken in through an attic window. -------- It is reported that the thieves
have broken in through an attic window. -------- The thieves are reported to have broken in through an
attic window. [Hrszlk olay bildirilme durumundan daha nce = perfect mastar kullanm = "m"
olduklar bildiriliyor...]
By dream_Catcher

The neighbours believed that the thieves had broken in through an attic window. -------- It was believed
that the thieves had broken in through an attic window. -------- The thieves were believed to have broken
in through an attic window. [Yukardaki gibi = perfect mastar kullanm = "m" olduklar bildiriliyordu...]
Aadaki rneklerde ise, "It ..." ile balayan ara tmceyi kaldrarak, dorudan edilgen tmceye
Some say that learning a second language is a waste of time. -------- Learning a second language is said
to be a waste of time. [geni zamanda ezamanllk = present mastar kullanm]
People will have understood that prevention is easier than cure. -------- Prevention will have been
understood to be easier than cure. [gelecek zamanda ezamanllk = present mastar kullanm]
We do know that money brings a lot of happiness. -------- Money is certainly known to bring a lot of
happiness. [geni zamanda ezamanllk = present mastar kullanm]
It was reported that her diamonds had been stolen. -------- Her diamonds were reported to have been
stolen. [gemi zamanda ardzamanllk = perfect mastar kullanm]
They say she married a rich man. -------- She is said to have married a rich man. Zengin bir adamla
evlenmi olduu syleniyor... [imdiki zamanda ardzamanllk = perfect mastar kullanm]
It is rumoured that she is suing him for a divorce. -------- She is rumoured to be suing him for a divorce.
Dava etmekte olduu syleniyor... [imdiki zamanda ezamanllk = present mastar kullanm. Dikkat:
"To sue" fiili iin "sueing" biimi de grlebilir, ama fazla yaygn deildir.]
* * * * *
Bylece, daha nce pekok konuda geni biimde ele aldmz zamana "present" ve "perfect" bak
farkn bir kez daha rneklemi olduk.
Unutmaynz, deerlendirmeyi "bize gre" gemi - imdiki - gelecek zaman asndan deil; tmcedeki
olaylarn birbirine gre e- veya ardzamanll asndan yapyoruz...


Etken tmce kimi zaman birden fazla edilgen tmceye dnm seenei tar. Buradaki seim,
vurgulanmak istenen anlama gre yaplacaktr. Konuma srasnda da (kapital yazdm) szckleri
uygun ekilde vurgulamaya zen gstermelisiniz:

Daddy wants YOU to wash the car. --------

By dream_Catcher

YOU are wanted to wash the car.

Daddy wants you to wash THE CAR. --------

Daddy wants THE CAR to be washed.
She expects ME to invite her friend to my party.

--------- I am expected to invite her friend to my

She expects me to invite HER FRIEND to my party. --------- She expects HER FRIEND to be invited to
my party.

Aadaki Tmceleri Edilgen atya Dntrnz:
01 The orchestra played that piece beautifully.
02 He is so good at chess that nobody can beat him.
03 Soldiers wearing full battle gear will salute the visiting prime minister at the airport.
04 Didn't anybody ever teach you how to behave at a concert?
05 They treated us to some ice-cream.
06 You must account for every lira.
07 People speak English all over the world.
08 One ought to tell no lies and one should not cover up the truth.
09 We haven't given him the details yet. (2 edilgen tmce)
10 The fire has destroyed five buildings in all.
11 They call him "Mstk" around here.
By dream_Catcher

12 They have left the village a ruin.

13 A man is innocent until someone proves him guilty.
14 They will hold you responsible for the accident.
15 They may find these questions too difficult.
16 We saw him steal the money... Somebody saw him stealing the money...
17 They didn't let us see the picture.
18 I often hear him singing in the bathroom.
19 She likes people to take her out to dinner.
20 I want you to understand me.
21 They keep their garden badly.
22 I can no longer stand people making fun of me.
23 I don't want people to talk about me.
24 Who painted these pictures?
25 No one ever makes any changes here.
26 Did the noise frighten you?
27 Don't let the others make fun of you!
28 Somebody has eaten all the food in the house and washed all the dishes.
29 We haven't moved anything out of your room since they hospitalized you to cure you. (3 edilgen fiil
30 It must have disappointed him terribly that the boss told him (that) he didn't need his services there
any longer. (3 edilgen fiil kullanlacak)
31 Someone ought to tell them what we expect them to do here. (2 edilgen fiil)
32 Nobody would have stared at him as they are staring at him now if someone had told him beforehand
what clothes one had to wear in such a place. (4 edilgen fiil)
33 Fortunately, they discovered their mistake in time and they assigned another project to me. (2 edilgen
34 How much bread will they need over the weekend?
35 Who will make the opening speech?
By dream_Catcher

36 People generally think that money brings happiness.

37 They report that two men have re-discovered an old gold mine.
38 Someone has pointed out that necessity is the mother of invention.
39 Zoologists claim that chimpanzees are capable of learning up to a hundred human signs.
40 Doctors say that aspirin is about the best thing we have against several types of headaches.

01 That piece was beautifully played... 02 He is so good at chess that he cannot be beaten... 03 The
visiting prime minister will be saluted at the airport by soldiers wearing full battle gear... 04 Weren't you
ever taught how to behave at a concert? 05 We were treated to some ice cream... 06 Every lira must be
accounted for... 07 English is spoken all over the world... 08 No lies ought to be told and the truth
should not be covered up... 09 He hasn't been given the details yet... The details haven't been given to
him yet... 10 Five buildings in all (=toplam be bina) have been destroyed...
11 He is called "Mstk" around here... 12 The village was left a ruin... 13 A man is innocent until he
is proven guilty... 14 You will be held responsible for the accident... 15 These questions may be found
too difficult... 16 He was seen to steal the money... He was seen stealing the money... 17 We weren't let
see the picture... 18 He is often heard singing in the bathroom... 19 She likes being taken out to
dinner... 20 I want to be understood (by you)...
21 Their garden is badly kept... 22 I can no longer stand being made fun of... 23 I don't want to be
talked about... 24 Who were these pictures painted by?... 25 No changes are ever made here... 26
Were you frightened by the noise? 27 Don't let yourself be made fun of!... 28 All the food in the house
(=evdeki btn yiyecekler) has been eaten and all the dishes have been washed... 29 Nothing has been
moved out of your room since you were hospitalized to be cured... 30 He must have been terribly
disappointed to be told (when he was told) by his boss that his services were no longer needed there...
31 They ought to be told what they are expected to do here... 32 He wouldn't have been stared at as he
is being stared at now if he had been told beforehand what clothes had to be worn in such a place... 33
Fortunately, their mistake was discovered in time and I was assigned another project... (Yada, another
project was assigned to me)... 34 How much bread will be needed over the weekend?... 35 Who will
the opening speech be made by? 36 Money is generally thought to bring happiness... 37 Two men have
been reported to have re-discovered an old gold mine... 38 Necessity has been pointed out to be the
mother of invention... 39 Chimpanzees are claimed to be capable of learning up to a hundred human
signs... 40 Aspirin is said to be the best thing we have against several types of headaches...


By dream_Catcher

Gnmzde, zellikle de ABD kkenli bir akmda, Edilgen at aleyhtarl alm yrm durumda...
rencilerine neredeyse tmyle yasaklayacak aamaya geldiler... Gerekten de, gnmz kouturma
dnyasnda, edilgen atda oluturulabilen ince ve dolayl nanslara daha az tahamlmz olduu
anlalyor. nsanlar kazmaya kazma demeyi herzamankinden daha m ok seviyorlar ne !!
Bu blmn banda sraladm durumlar sakl kalmak kouluyla, tmcelerimizi edilgen yerine etken
atda oluturmakla, onlara belirgin bir canllk ve dorudanlk kazandracamz grlebilir. Bunu
kantlayan rneklerden oluturduum bir test sunuyorum...



01. After an uppercut was dodged by my friend, the stranger was fiercely punched by him.
02. Afterwards, a new house was built by the family, and their younger children were raised there.
03. One summer, a tent was bought by my father, and we were taken to a camping site in Urla.
04. This camping site was returned to by the family summer after summer.
05. When my room is entered by one of my friends, the first thing that is noticed by him is my threelegged table.
06. All the crackers were eaten and then the bowl was licked clean by the puppy.
07. In the moonlight, the soft music was danced to by the couple.
08. Sooner or later everything about him will be found out by the public.
09. The officials by whom the culprits were caught are applauded by us.
10. No difference is made by what is thought and said by you.

01. After he dodged an uppercut, my friend punched the stranger fiercely... 02. Afterwards, the family
built a new house and raised their younger children there... 03. One summer, my father bought a tent and
took us to a camping site in Urla... 04. The family returned to this camping site summer after summer...
05. When one of my friends enters my room, the first thing he notices is my three-legged table... 06.
The puppy ate all the crackers and then licked the bowl clean... 07. In the moonlight, the coupled danced
to the soft music... 08. Sooner or later the public will find out everything about him... 09. We applaud
the officials who caught the culprits... 10. What you think or say makes no difference...

By dream_Catcher

Giri / Dz-Tmcelerin Aktarlmas ve Mini Test / Sorularn Aktarlmas ve Mini Test / Emir
Tmcelerinin Aktarlmas / nemli Kural - 1: Tense Deitirimleri / nemli Kural - 2: Dier
Deitirimler ve Mini Test / nlemlerin Dolayl Anlatm / "Yes" Ve "No" in Dolayl Anlatm / Farkl
Tip Tmcelerin Birlikte Dolayl Anlatm / General Exercise / Yantlar / leri Dzey Uygulamalar
Dolayl anlatm, konuulmu / konuulmakta / konuulacak olan szlerin nc bir kimse yada
kimselere anlatlmas, aktarlmas demektir. Yazda, "dolaysz anlatm" trnak iinde aynen verilerek,
hatta konuurken de ses ve ton taklidi yaplarak gerekletirilir.
"I am going to do it tonight"
-- He said, "I am going to do it tonight."
Gerekli yer, zaman ve kii deiiklikleri yaplarak trnak dna karlan aktarmlar ise "dolayl anlatm"
"I am going to do it tonight"
-- He said (that) he was going to do it
that night.
Dikkatli okuyucumuz, dolayl anlatm ile "ad-tmcelik" konusu arasndaki koutluunu hemen
farkedecektir. Gerekten de yaptmz ilem, uygun bir giri/tantrma beinin ardndan asl szlerin
bir ad-tmcelik niteliinde eklenmesidir.
Giri/tantrma bei, "He says... He asked me... He recommended... vb. gibi ekillerde karmza kar.
Aktarlan yahut rapor edilen szlerde ise mantn gerektirdii kii, yer, zaman deiiklikleri yer alr.
Bunlara ilerleyen paragraflarda deineceiz.

Dolayl anlatma ilikin yaplar ana balk altnda incelenebilir:

By dream_Catcher

Kullanlan bala : THAT -- (ou zaman drlerek...)

"I am going to do it tonight"
-- He says (that) he is going to do it tonight.
-- He said (that) he was going to do it that night. (veya, hal
ayn gn iindeysek: tonight)
-- He will tell you (that) he is going to do it that night. (veya,
hal ayn gn iindeysek: tonight)
Birinci dolayl tmce, konuma annda yaplan bir aktarmdr. Bu adan bakldnda "bu gece", hala "bu
gece" dir. Annda eviri (simultaneous translation) bu tip tmcelere en yatkn kullanm alandr. Giri
fiili, herhangi bir present tense (*) olabilir. Aktarlan tmcede tense deiiklii uygulanmaz. nk olaya
zamandaki ayn noktadan bakyoruz. Yer ve zaman zarflarnda da deiiklik olmamas tabiidir.
kinci dolayl tmce, gemite iitilmi szlerin aktarlmasn ieriyor. Giri fiili uygun bir past tense (**)
balamnda olacak, aktarlan szlerin zaman "bir derece geriye" gtrlecektir (ayrntlar daha aada
bir tabloda vereceiz). Yer ve zaman zarflarnda da mantn gerektirdii deiiklikler yaplmaldr.
rnein, sabah yaptmz bir konumay ayn gnn gecesi aktaryorsak "bu sabah ve bu gece" hala "bu
sabah ve bu gece" dir. Ama olayn stnden birka gn gemise, bu kez "o sabah ve o gece" den sz
etmemiz gerekecektir. "Burada, buraya" kavramlarn da, imdi bulunduumuz yere gre "orada, oraya"
kavramlarna deitirmek gerekebilir. (Ayrntlar yine az sonra tablo halinde...)
nc tr tmceler ise, "Sana diyecektir ki... demi olacaktr ki..." trnden szler iindir. Giri fiili
uygun bir future tense (***) seilerek kullanlacak; aktarlan szler tense bakmndan ayn kalacak, fakat
kii, yer ve zaman zarflarnda "mantn gerektirdii" deiiklikler uygulanacaktr.
(*) Yani: present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple ve present perfect continuous: He
says that... He is telling us... He has told us... He has been telling us...
(**) Yani: past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple ve past perfect continuous: He said that... He
was telling us... He had told us... He had been telling us...
(***) Yani: future simple, future continuous, future perfect simple ve future perfect continuous: He will
say that... He will be telling us... He will have told us... He will have been telling us...

pularn deerlendirerek dolayl anlatma eviriniz:
By dream_Catcher

01. She said to me, "I can't come here tomorrow." ( gn sonra baka bir yerden sz ediyoruz; yani u
anda ayn yerde deiliz)
02. She said to me, "I haven't been here before." (ayn yerdeyiz)
03. She said: "Meltem, I am going shopping this afternoon." ( gn nce)
04. They said to us, "We don't want to worry you."
05. The boss said to me, "I will let you know soon."
06. They said to me, "We visited Pamukkale three years ago." (Bu konumann stnden bir yldan
fazla zaman gemi bulunuyor)
07. The artist said to me, "I spent two years in Paris."
08. Huricihan said to me, "I will meet you here tomorrow." (bunu bana dn, baka bir yerde sylemi
09. The suspected man's wife said: "Inspector, There is nobody here."
10. The teacher said to me, "I am not interested in any of your excuses."
01. She told me (that) she couldn't go there the next day... 02. She told me (that) she hadn't been here
before... 03. She told Meltem (that) she was going shopping that afternoon... 04. They told us (that)
they didn't want to worry us... 05. The boss told me (that) he would let me know soon... 06. They told
me (that) they had visited Pamukkale three years before (= previously)... 07. The artist told me (that) he
had spent two years in Paris... 08. Suzan told me (that) she would meet me there today... 09. The
suspected man's wife told the inspector (that) there was nobody there... 10. The teacher told me that she
wasn't interested in any of my excuses.

A) Yardmc Fiillerle Kurulan Sorular :

if ... or not
By dream_Catcher

whether or not
whether ... or not

Ali asks Meltem: "Are you going shopping this afternoon?

--- He wants to know if Meltem is going shopping this afternoon.
--- He asked Meltem if she was going shopping that afternoon or not.
--- I'm sure he will ask Meltem whether she is going shopping or not.
--- I'm sure he will want to know whether or not she is going shopping this afternoon.
B) Soru Szc / bekleri le Kurulan Sorular :
Bala : Soru Szc / beinin Kendisi
"What time is it?"
--- He is asking me what time it is.
--- He asked me what time it was.
--- First of all, he will ask you what time it is.

NOT: Yinelersek, dolayl anlatm konusu bu noktaya dein ad-tmceliklere tam bir koutluk
izlemektedir. Gerekten de yaplan ey, giri fiili ile oluturulan ana-tmcelik ardndan bu fiilin nesnesi
konumunda bir ad-tmcelik ile asl szlerin uygun deitirimler yaplarak aktarlmasdr.
Bu arada, bal-tmceliklerin soru eklinde olamayacan, dz-tmceye dntrlmesi gerektiini
yinelemekte yarar var.

Soru tmcelerini dolayl anlatma evirniz; Bunu yaparken sorular da dztmceye evirmeyi
By dream_Catcher

01. I asked her, "Why can't you come along with us?"
02. She wanted to know, "Have you been here before?" (u anda da ayn yerde olalm)
03. The teacher wanted to now, "How did it happen?"
04. I asked the teacher, "Which books do you recommend?"
05. The boss asked me, "Where were you all day yesterday?"
06. Ali asked them, "Have you seen my friend?"
07. I asked Gne, "Have you ever tried this restaurant?"
08. Suzan asked Meltem, "What will you be doing tomorrow night?" (geen hafta sormu olsun)
09. Gne asked his brother, "Can you help me with my homework?"
10. I asked him, "Whose car did you borrow yesterday?"
01. I asked her why she couldn't go/come along with us. (u anda bulunduumuz yere gre "go" veya
"come")... 02. She wanted to know if I had been here before... 03. The teacher wanted to know how it
had happened... 04. I asked the teacher which books she recommended... 05. The boss asked me
where I had been all day the day before... 06. Ali asked them if they had seen his friend... 07. I asked
Gne if he had ever tried that restaurant... 08. Suzan asked Meltem what she would be doing the
following night... 09. Gne asked his brother if he could help him with his homework... 10. I asked
him whose car he had borrowed the day before.


Bu amala olumlu / olumsuz mastarlar kullanlr:

"Sit down."
"Don't ever do it again!"
- He wants me to sit down.
- He told me to sit down.
By dream_Catcher

- They will ask you to sit down.

- He is urging me not to do it ever again.
- He warned me not to do it ever again.
-You will be warned not to it ever again.



HATIRLATMA: Emir tmcelerinin farkl bir aktarl yolu, Ad-tmcelikler Blmnde ayrntlar ile
anlatlmt. Konu bal: "Emirlerden Ad-tmcelik"... Gerek gnlk basnda gerekse gireceiniz
snavlarda ska karnza kacak bu tr tmceleri bir kez daha gzden geirmenizi ve konuya nemle
eilmenizi neririm. Hatrlarsanz, bu tr tmcelerdeki canalc nokta, "should" yardmc fiilinin
drlebilmesi, genel uygulamann da esasen o ekilde olmas noktasnda dmleniyordu. Birka rnek
de burada veriyorum:
"You must give up smoking," said the doctor.
- His doctor urged that he (should) give up smoking.

"Go home immediately and don't go out again until you feel better," said the doctor.
The doctor warned me that I (should) go home immediately and not go out again until I felt better.

"Do not drink and drive," the authorities advise us.

The authorities advise us that we (should) not drink and drive.

"Let's lend our support to the new programme," Ali suggested.

Ali suggested that we (should) lend our support to the new programme.

By dream_Catcher

"Act responsively and refrain from schemes involving long-term debts," commonsense demands.
Commonsense demands that we (should) act responsively and refrain from schemes involving long-term

"Keep your diets relatively free of fat," experts advise us.

Experts advise us that we (should) keep our diets relatively free of fat.

A) Giri fiili herhangi bir PRESENT yada FUTURE tense olduunda (drderden toplam 8 tense)
aktarlan szlerde herhangi bir tense deiiklii uygulanmaz:
"I get up at seven each morning."
-- He says...
-- He will tell you...
-- He has just told me...
-- He will have been telling the audience...
that he gets up at seven each morning.
B) Giri fiili herhangi bir PAST tense olduunda (toplam 4 tense) aktarlan szler bir derece
geriye/gemie tanr:
"I get up at seven each morning."
-- He said...
-- He was telling us...
-- He had told his friends...
-- He had been telling his audience...
that he got up at seven each morning.

By dream_Catcher

Aktarlan / rapor edilen asl szlerde (manta ters dmemek kouluyla) yaplan tense dnmleri
aada toplu halde gsterilmektedir:

simple present -------- simple past

present continuous -------- past continuous
simple past -------- past perfect
present perfect -------- past perfect
past continuous -------- past perfect continuous
present perfect continuous -------- past perfect continuous
past perfect simple -------- deimez
past perfect continuous -------- deimez
future tenses -------- future in the past
will see -------- would see
will be seeing -------- would be seeing
will have seen -------- would have seen
will have been seeing -------- would have been seen

Aktarlan tmcelerde kii, yer, zaman belirteci bakmndan "mantn gerektirdii" deitirimler

By dream_Catcher

"Come here tonight." tmcesinin "zaman ve zemine" gre olas aktarmlarn aada rnekleyelim:
[Ltfen, bu tip karlatrmal rnekleri yeterince inceleyip irdelediinizden emin olunuz...]
-- He is telling me to come here tonight... Zaman ve mekanda ayn noktadayz. rnein annda eviri
(instantaneous translation) bu tr bir aktarm gerektirecektir.
-- He will tell you to go there that night... rnein, "Birka gn sonra kendisini grmee gittiinde, sana
o gece oraya gitmeni syleyecektir..." trnde bir anlatm.
-- He told me this morning to come here tonight... Ayn gece ayn mekana gelmi bulunuyoruz = Bu
sabah bana bu gece buraya gelmemi syledi / sylemiti...
-- He told me to go there tonight... (Ayn gn iinde ama u anda baka bir yerde isek) Bana bu gece
oraya gitmemi syledi... (Ayn gnn gecesinde ise, ayn tmce "Ama gryorsunuz gitmedim" bilgisini
de verecektir)
-- He told me to go there that night... Bana o gece oraya gitmemi syledi / sylemiti... (Daha sonra olup
bitenlere bakarak, rnein gidip gitmemi olduumuza gre, Trke'ye yukardaki iki seenekten biri ile
Mantn gerektirdii bu tr dnmlere rnekler aada toplu halde verilmektedir:

today -------- that day, the same day

tonight -------- that night, the same night
yesterday -------- the day before, the previous day
the day before yesterday -------- two days before
tomorrow -------- the following day, the next day, the day after
the day after tomorrow -------- in two days' time
last week -------- the week before, the previous week
next week -------- the following week, the week after
last month -------- the month before, the previous month
last year -------- the year before, the previous year
ago -------- before, previously
here -------- there
now -------- then
this, these (sfat) -------- that, those, the
By dream_Catcher

this, these (adl - zamir) -------- that, those

come -------- go

pularn deerlendirerek dolayl anlatma eviriniz:
01. She said to me, "Tell him I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana bu sabah burada syledi)
02. She said to me, "Tell him I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana bu sabah syledi; o srada
baka bir yerdeydik)
03. She said to me, "I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana dn burada syledi)
04. She said to me, "I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana dn syledi; o srada baka bir

She said to me, "I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana birka gn nce burada syledi)

06. She said to me, "I can't come here tomorrow." (Bunlar bana birka gn nce syledi; o srada baka
bir yerdeydik)
01. She told me to tell you that she can't come here tomorrow... 02. She told me to tell you that she
can't go there tomorrow... 03. She told me yesterday that she couldn't come here today... (veya, "can't
come")... 04. She told me yesterday that she couldn't go there today... (veya, "can't go")... 05. She told
me that she couldn't come here the next day... 06. She told me that she couldn't go there the next day...

nce bu tr deitirimlerin zaman ve zemine gre yaplmas gerektiini gsteren bir ilgin rnek daha
vermek isterim:
"The earth is round."
By dream_Catcher

1) Eer, "O anda azndan kan szler buydu" anlamnda aktaryorsanz = He pointed out (said) that the
earth was round...
2) Eer, "u genel geree iaret etti ki" anlamnda aktaryorsanz = He pointed out (said) that the earth is
Geriye bir tek nemli gzlem ve uyar kalyor: Bu zaman ve zemin mant, snavlar iin de geerli
midir? tiraf etmeliyim ki, "evet" diyemeyeceim. nk snavlarda esasen sizin bu dntrmeleri bilip
bilmediinizi snyorlar... Ama yine de, sorular hazrlarken de, en az bizler kadar mantkl olmalar iin
dualarmz eksik olmasn...


Genel kural, nlem veya nlem tmcesinin bir dz-tmceye evrilmesidir. Bu arada, nlemle aktarlan
vurgulanm duyguyu dile getiren uygun anlamda bir giri fiiline bavurulacaktr:
"What nonsense!"... "How horrible!"... "What a nuisance!"...
--- She exclaimed / readily agreed ...etc
that it was nonsense / horrible / a

"What a terrible smell this is!"

--- She remarked disgustedly that it was a
terrible smell.

"Ugh!"... "Oh!"... "Good heavens!"... "Oh, great!"... etc.

--- She exclaimed with disgust... She

exclaimed with horror... She exclaimed
with surprise... She exclaimed with
contentment ... etc.
By dream_Catcher

--- She gave an exclamation of disgust...

She gave an exclamation of horror...
She gave an exclamation of surprise...
She gave an exclamation of
contentment... etc.
Ayrca u rnekleri de inceleyiniz:

"Thank you."
-- She thanked me.
-- She welcomed me.
"Happy new year!"
-- She wished me a happy new year.
-- She called me a liar!


Kimi zaman da elimizdeki tmce, bir soru tmcesi grnm altnda aslnda kiinin kendine ynelttii bir
soru, kendi kendine yapt bir yorum yada kendi dnda bir kimseye yneltilen youn bir duygu aktarm
nitelii tayabilir. Byle durumlarda da, yine uygun bir giri fiiline bavurularak dolayl anlatm
"What am I to do now!" (Ne yapacam, ne olacam ben imdi!)
--- She wondered what she would do under the circumstances... She asked herself what... etc.
"How could he be so cruel to me!" (Bana kar nasl bu kadar acmasz olabiliyor / olabildi !!)
By dream_Catcher

--- She asked herself in pain how he could be so cruel to her... She just couldn't understand how he could
be so cruel to her...
Hatta, biraz edebi bir tavrla:
"Oh, what damnable fate this is that my misery should be of my own doing."
--- She swore at her fate as she also realized that she herself had been the cause her own misery.


rnekleri izleyiniz:

"Shall I see you again?" / "Yes."

- Ali asked her if he would see her again, and she said he would.
"Can you do it for me?" / "No."
- I did ask her if she could do it for me, and (but) she said she
couldn't. [ bana; ...ama bana yapamayacan syledi]
"Will you have dinner with me?" / "No."
- I asked her to have dinner with me, but she said she wouldn't.


1) Herbirisi, kendi iinde, ayr bir giri fiili ile dolayl anlatma evrilir; daha sonra ekleik (compound)
tmce haline getirilirler:
"I don't know how to do it. Do you?"
By dream_Catcher

-- She told me she didn't know how to do it and asked me if I did.

"Give it to me. You won't need it."

-- She told/wanted me to give it to her and added that I wouldn't need it.

"I'm going shopping. Do you want anything?"

-- She said she was going shopping and asked me if I wanted anything.
2) Tmcelerden birisi uygun bir zarf-fiil (belirte-fiil, participle) kullanlarak dierine balanabilir (yani,
karmak -- complex -- tmce tekil edilir). Bu konuyu, "Participles" Blmnde, "Ksaltlm Zarf
Tmcelikleri" bal altnda ayrntlar ile incelemitik):
"Don't buy everything you see. You should spend your money wisely."
-- His father warned him against buying everything he saw, adding that he should spend his money
wisely. [and he added that...]
"Please, please, don't drink too much! Remember that you'll have to drive us home."
-- She begged her husband not to drink too much, reminding him that he would have to drive them
"It's too hot to be outdoors. Maybe we should work indoors."
-- He pointed out that it was too hot to be outdoors, suggesting that it might be better if we worked
3) kinci tmcenin, kendisinden nceki tmce iin bir aklama nitelii tad durumlarda, iki tmce
"as" ile birbirine balanabilir:
"You'd better put on a jacket. It's rather chilly outside."
-- She advised me to put on a jacket, as it was rather chilly outside.

Aadaki tmceleri "direct speech", dolaysz anlatma dntrnz. Konuan kii aslnda ne demektedir
/ demiti? Konuma ortamnn farkl yorumlanmas sonucu aramzda oluabilecek ufak tefek farkllklar
(yapsal yanllk olmamas kouluyla) grmezden gelebilirsiniz
By dream_Catcher

01. I warned/told the boys not to swim out too far.

02. She offered to bring me some coffee.
03. He kept wondering whether he should wait for them or go on his own.
04. He asked her where she lived and if it was very far from where they were.
05. Ali was shouting at me, repeating that we were already late.
06. She greeted me, thinking I was a stranger, and asked if I'd ever been there before.
07. She said that her father had died the year before.
08. He said he had seen her two days before.
09. Gne said that he would/should like to take some photographs of them.
10. Ali said that it was time they began thinking about their holidays.
11. She mistakenly responded that it was Suleiman the Magnificent who conquered stanbul in 1553.
12. The doctor told his patient that he wouldn't be that fat if he didn't eat so much.
13. He asks if it would be possible to buy the tickets beforehand.
14. She asked her friend how much she weighed and told her that she probably ate too much.
15. His friend apologized for being late and he explained that he had been held up in a traffic jam.
16. I did tell him not to do it.
17. Their teacher told them she felt obliged to inform them that they were making very little progress.
18. She asked her friend how much the suit her husband was wearing had cost him.
19. Ali told us that he had been on that bus for at least half an hour before he realized that it was the
wrong one.
20. She wanted to know which one of the two I was going to buy.
21. He advised me not to buy that house.
22. His manager warned my friend not to be rude to the customers. Otherwise, they would just walk out
and never come back again to that shop.
23. She begged her husband to be careful, as it was too dangerous to drive so fast on such a slippery
24. She said she was very cross with me, pointing out that she had been waiting for me for the last half
By dream_Catcher

25. She urged me to hurry up, warning that the plane would have landed by the time we got to the
airport at that rate.

01. Don't swim out too far, boys! (You mustn't swim out too far...)
02. Shall I bring you some coffee?
03. Should I wait for them or should I go on my own? (I keep wondering whether I should wait for them
or go on my own...)
04. Where do you live? Is it very far from here?
05. Don't you hear me! I've been telling you we're already late. (I keep telling you we're already late!)
06. Hello, stranger! Have you ever been here before?
07. We planted this tree three years ago.
08. I saw her two days ago.
09. I would / should like to take some photographs of you.
10. It's time we began thinking about our holidays. (Bknz. Dilek Kipi, The Subjunctive Mood
Blmnde, dolayl anlatm kurallar)
11. It was Suleiman the Magnificent who conquered stanbul in 1553... (Konu tarihi gerekler -- yada
yanlglar -- olduunda tense deiiklii uygulanmaz. Gemi gemitir...)
12. You wouldn't be this fat if you didn't eat so much... (Tense deiiklii yapmyoruz, nk dikkat
ederseniz doktor hanm bir genel gerekten sz ediyor, gemiteki bir durumdan deil: Eer tmceyi
"You will not be this fat if you don't eat so much" eklinde dndyseniz, bu gramer olarak doru, ama
kullanm olasl sfra yakn bir tmce olur)
13. Would it be possible... (Giri fiiliniz present tense, o halde aktarlan szlerde tense deiiklii
14. How much do you weigh? You probably eat too much...
15. I'm sorry I'm late. (I apologize for being late) I've been held up in a traffic jam...
16. Don't do it! (How many times do I have to tell you not to do it?)
17. I feel obliged to inform you that you are making very little progress...
By dream_Catcher

18. How much did the suit your husband is wearing cost him?
19. I had been on that bus for at least half an hour before I realized that it was the wrong one...
(Tmcenin aslnn da ayn tense'lerde olduunu durumun mantndan anlyoruz)
20. Which one of the two are you going to try on?
21. If I were you, I wouldn't buy that house. (= Don't buy that house)
22. Don't be rude to the customers. (You must not be...) Otherwise, they'll just walk out and never come
back again to this shop...
23. Please, please be careful! It's too dangerous to drive so fast on such a slippery road!
24. I'm very cross with you. I've been waiting for you here for the last half hour...
25. Do hurry up, please. The plane will have landed by the time we get to the airport at this rate...


Aada ileri dzey bilgiler sunulmaktadr. Ulamak istediiniz seviyeden yana ok fazla iddial
deilseniz bu blm atlayabilirsiniz.
Yalnz, i snavlara gelince durum biraz farkl. Snavlar dzenleyen kiilerin sizlerden bu derece "ileri"
dzeyde ingilizce beklentisi bulunmayabilir, hatta kendileri bu bilgiye sahip olmayabilir... Bu blmde
reneceklerinizi snavlarda uygulayp uygulamayacanz konusunda, snav dzenleyenlerin
beklentisini sezgilerinizle ayrtrmaa alnz.
RNEK: II. Tip if-tmcelikler indirect dnmde tense deiikliine uramaz, ayn kalrlar. Oysa,
oktan semeli bir snav sorusunun klarnda gerek Tip II gerekse Tip III birlikte neriliyor olabilir.
Acaba, ne derece "bilinli" bir sorudur? Snav dzenleyenlerin sizden beklentisi nedir? Bilgisayara hangi
k "doru" olarak yklenmi olacaktr? Bu sorularn yantn kestirmek ok g. Sezgilerinize gvenmek
Ksacas, yurtiinde gireceiniz dil snavlar, ileri dzey ngilizce'de farkl tellerden alyor olabilir.
rnekleri yaanmtr... Ama, yurtdnda yada yurtiinde anadili ngilizce olan kimseler tarafndan
hazrlanm bir snava giriyorsanz, aadaki kurallara kesin uymanz yerinde olur.
A Genelde unu syleyebiliriz: Kuramsal olarak, "past" tense tmceler "past perfect" tmcelere
dntrlr. Ama bu, her iki tmcelikteki eylemlerin birbirine greli zaman dilimleri bir anlam
karklna yol amyorsa ou kez uygulanmayan bir kuraldr. zellikle de konuma dilinde "es"
geildii grlr. Aadaki rneklerden ilkinde tense deitirimi kanlmaz, ikincisinde ise yant ift

By dream_Catcher

"I was in love with her." -------- He said that he had been in love with her. (Tmce konuulduu zamana
gre gemi bir dnemden sz ediyordu. Bu, imdi bulunduumuz konuma gre "gemiin gemii",
dolaysyla da past perfect olur. Bir zamanlar onu sevmi olduunu syledi...
"Ali was here on Monday."
-- She said that Ali was here/there on Monday.
-- She said that Ali had been here/there on Monday.
Neredeyse farkedilmeyecek bir nansla, her ikisi de geerli...
B Past continuous tense, tamamlanm bir eylemden sz edilmedii srece, ayn kalr. Past perfect
continuous'a dntrlmez:
"I was thinking of paying a visit to her, but then I changed my mind." -------- He said he had been
thinking of paying a visit to her, but had then changed his mind.
"When I saw her, she was doing her morning shopping." -------- He said that when he saw her she was
doing her morning shopping. (She had been doing... eklini tercih ederseniz: Ama sonra alverii
bitirdiini de grdm, demi olursunuz. Oysa asl tmce, yalnzca "alveri yaparken grdm" diyordu...)
C zellikle yaz dilinde past tense tmceler olaan durumda past perfect'e dntrlecektir. Ancak hi
de ender olmayan istisnalarn da sralayalm:
a) To be fiilinin past perfect dnm ok enderdir, nk genellikle anlam kaymasna yol aacaktr:
"All the paintings we saw there were authentic"
YANLI : He told us all the paintings they had seen there had been authentic... = Eskiden otantiktiler,
sonradan sahteleri ile deitirildiler... anlamn verecektir.
DORU : He told us that all the paintings they had seen there were authentic... = nk, "bir zamanlar"
deil, "geni zamanda" otantik...
b) Zaman bildiren zarf-tmcelikler, genelde past simple / past continuous tense'lerini korur, past perfect
dnmne uramazlar. Ana-tmceliin durumu ise seeneklidir:
"When we lived / were living in stanbul, we often visited the museums."
-- She told me that when they lived /were living in stanbul, they often visited / had often visited the
D If'li tmcelerde, anlam kaymasna yol aacandan, Tip II iin herhangi bir deitirme uygulanmaz.
Tip II'nin genel geerlii olan bir PRESENT anlam ilettiini unutmaynz. te yandan Tip III iin -- zaten
srt duvara dayanm, daha geriye gidebilecei bir zaman dilimi bulunmadndan -- herhangi bir
deitirim haliyle szkonusu deildir.
"If I weren't desperate, I wouldn't do such a thing. = aresiz kalmadka byle birey yapmam... Ancak
aresiz kalrsam byle birey yaparm...

By dream_Catcher

YANLI : She said that if she hadn't been desperate, she wouldn't have done such a thing. = Byle bir
aktarm orjinal tmceyi genelleme erevesinden koparp, daha nceden "gereklemi" bir olaya
balyor. Yani, "aresiz kalmtm, ve de yaptm" anlamn veriyor. Oysa byle bir olay szkonusu
DORU : She said that if she weren't desperate she wouldn't do such a thing...
NOT: "If I were you..." yapsnn da olaan dolayl anlatm dnmn not ediniz:
"If I were you, I'd wait a little longer." ------
He told me... He urged me... He advised me to wait a little longer. Yada, ------
He suggested that I wait a little longer.
E "I wish... I'd rather... It's time..." gibi subjunctive yaplardan sonra da tense deitirimi uygulanmaz.
Aksi takdirde, tpk if'li tmcelerde olduu gibi anlam kaymasna yol alacaktr:
"I wish you didn't smoke so much." Keke bu kadar ok sigara imesen...
She said that she wished I didn't smoke so much... Burada "hadn't smoked" tercihi, asl tmcenin de "I
wish you hadn't smoked so much" eklinde olduu, yani "Keke gemite imemi olsaydn" anlamnn
iletildii anlamna gelecektir...
F Kim Atatrk'mzn, Leonardo Da Vinci yada Einstein'in szlerinde deiiklie cret edebilir ki?
"Vecize" ler ve tarih biliminde kullanlan tmceler tense deitirim kurallar dnda kalr.
-- The teacher reminded us that the Republic was established in 1923... Their guide explained to his group
of tourists that Atatrk was born in Selanik (Salonica), a city which was part of the Ottoman Empire in
those days...
Before the twenties, Einstein had already told us that E equals MC square...
Yine de, koullar bir hayli deimise, yada yce kiinin grlerine pek katlmyorsak, inenmeyecek
bir kural deil:
- By the time he was twenty, Marx had already told us that someday the working classes would inevitably
come to power...
G Her zaman iin en geerli kuraln u olduunu akldan karmayalm: Dolayl anlatmda tense, kii,
yer ve zaman zarflar asndan herhangi bir deiiklie gidilmesi yalnzca "mantn gerektirdii"
durumlar iin geerlidir. Bu Blmn banda yeterince ayrntlarna girmitik.
H Would / should / could / might / ought to / used to / had better... gibi yardmc fiillerle kurulan yaplar
ounlukla tense deitirim kapsam dnda kalr. Aksi takdirde anlam kaymasna yol alm olacaktr:
"I would like to go." ------ She said she would like to go. (nk, "She said she would have liked to
go," veya "She said she would like to have gone..." gibi tercihler szleri genelleme boyutundan karp,
sanki gemite byle bir olay yada durum szkonusu olmumu anlamna gelecektir.
"You should do it here and now." ------ He said that I should do it there and then... He advised me to do
it there and then...
By dream_Catcher

"You had better not drink this milk. It has gone sour." ------ She said that I'd better not drink that milk,
adding that it had gone sour... She warned me not to drink that milk, as it had gone sour...
J imdi, btn bu aklamalardan sonra "must" yardmc fiili zerine odaklanarak, kullanm ve dnm
olaslklarn irdeleyelim:
a) Must = imdiki zamanda zorunluluk = have to
must ------ had to
"I must leave today." ------ He said that he had to leave that day.
b) Must = gelecek zamanda zorunluluk = will have to
must ------ would have to
"I must leave tomorrow." ------ He said he would have to leave the following day
c) Must = genel kurallar ve yasaklar
must ------ must
"You mustn't cross the road against the red light." ------ The policeman told the children that they
mustn't cross the road against the red light.
d) Must = mantksal karsama, niyet, t bildirimi
must ------ must
must have been ------ must have been
"He's getting fatter and fatter; he must be eating to much." ------ She said that he was getting fatter and
fatter, and added that he must be eating too much.
"He was feeling quite sick and I felt sure that he must have been eating too much." ------ She said that
he was feeling quite sick and she felt he must have been eating too much.

AT, FOR, FROM, IN, OF, ON, TO, WITH gibi yaygn bilinen ilgeler kapsam d braklmtr.
By dream_Catcher

Tanm ve rnekler / lge Nesnesi Olabilen Gramer Birimleri / lge bekleri / nemli Birka Nokta
/ about / above / across / after / against / along, along with, alongside / amid, amidst / between ve
among, amongst / around / below / beneath / beside, besides / beyond / but / except / next to /
over / past / through / throughout / toward, towards / underneath / within / Genel Test
lgeler, adlar veya adlarla edeer gramer birimlerine (bunlar aada listeliyorum) ilikin olarak,
1. bak ve yaklam amz, veya dikkatimizi o nesne veya kavramn hangi yn veya yz stne
into a supermarket
near the top of the mountain
about their present opinion
2. veya, bu nesne veya kavramn, tmcedeki dier elere gre konumunu ve ilikisini belirten ilev
I bought this from a supermarket.
The house is near the top of the mountain.
We know nothing about their present opinion.
lgeler ilev szckleridir, ama kendi anlam veya anlamlar da vardr. Hangisinin kullanlmas
gerektiini [kimi zaman kendi dilimizin tercihleri asndan bize mantksz gelse de] bu anlam katks
lgeler her dilde "kapal" bir szck snf oluturur: Kstl ve az sayda birimden oluan bu dizgeye
kolay kolay yeni birimler eklenmez, kolay kolay da kullanmdan dmezler.


1. Adlar (nouns):
She put the book on the table.
The cat jumped onto the table.
I was happy to be among friends again.
2. Adllar (zamir, pronouns):
By dream_Catcher

She gave the book to me. You didn't think she gave it to you, did you?
Between you and me, I don't think it's a good idea.
She placed some heavy books on it.

You'd better feed those to yours; I'll feed these to mine.

DKKAT: Bu durumda, adln nesne halinde (accusative case, Trke'deki -i hali) olmasna dikkat ediniz.
Yani, "me, you, him...them" = beni, seni, onlar dizisini kullanacaksnz. Trke'deki "Kitab bana verdi"
eklindeki "dative case = -e hali kullanm sizi yanltmasn... Son rnekte kullandklarm ise, "mine,
yours...theirs = benimki, benimkiler, seninki, seninkiler" eklindeki iyelik adllar = possessive
3. Ad-fiiller (gerunds):
They were talking about starting a new business.
I apologize for not having done it earlier.
How did you react to their closing the place early?
I'll certainly see to its being done on time. (Kesinlikle zamannda yaplmasn salayacam, gerekeni
On hearing that no spirits were served there, we decided to go elsewhere. (Orada iki sevisi yaplmadn
renince / renmemiz zerine... spirits = alkoll ikiler)
4. Ad-bekleri (noun phrases):
The helicopter hovered over our heads.
We aren't afraid of any wild animals.
They will not come back here until after the Ramadan.
5. Ad-tmcelikler (noun clauses):
You mustn't judge people by what they wear.

You mustn't expect them to come back here until after the Ramadan is ended.

By dream_Catcher

Bir ilgecin nesnesi ile birlikte kurduu gramer birimine "ilge bei" (prepositional phrase) adn verecek
olursak, bunlarn u ilevlerle kullanlabileceini grrz:
1. Ad olarak:
I am referring to before the Korean War. (Burada "to" ilgeci nesne olarak "before the Korean War" ilge
beini almtr. Bu bek ise ad ilevlidir = "Kore Sava ncesi dnem")
2. Sfat olarak:
The box on the table is made of ivory. (Burada "on the table" ilge bei, ayn zamanda "kutu" szcn
niteliyen sfat ilevli bir bektir. "... which is on the table" sfat tmceliinden dnm olarak
3. Belirte (zarf) olarak:
I put the box on the table. (Burada "on the table" ilge bei, bir yer belirteci olarak grev yapmaktadr.)
* * * * *
DKKAT... DKKAT... Bu yaplara hakim olmanzn ngilizce'nize bir ngilizce daha katacan
belirtmek isterim. imdi bu iddiam bir egzersizle desteklemek istiyorum:


Verilen ikili tmceleri tek tmcede btnletiriniz. kinci tmcede verilen bilgiyi, ilk tmcedeki belli bir
szc (ad) niteleyecek bir sfat beine dntrmeniz ngrlmektedir. rnei izleyiniz:
There is an English girl in our class. She has red hair.
There is an English girl with red hair in our class.
01 The building is a police station. It is on the corner.
02 Some participants are fast asleep. They are at the back of the hall.
03 Professor okbilen is an old white-haired man. He has a beard.
04 Professor okokumu is a young man. He is in his thirties.
05 Ali is going out with a girl. She is in his geography class.
06 Gne reads many books. They are on computers.
By dream_Catcher

07 The lighting is not very good. It is in the corridors of this building.

08 The sentence patterns are in this exercise. They are very easy.
09 That man is a disc-jockey. He is on the left.
10 I am in love with that girl. She is wearing a tight blue jean dress.
01 The building on the corner is a police station. (= kedeki yap)... 02 Some participants at the back
of the hall are fast asleep. (Salonun arkasndaki baz katlmclar derin uykuda)... 03 Professor okbilen
is an old white-haired man with a beard... 04 Professor okokumu is a young man in his thirties... 05
Ali is going out with a girl in his geography class... 06 Gne reads many books on computers... 07 The
lighting in the corridors of this building is not very good... 08 The sentence patterns in this exercise are
very easy... 09 That man on the left is a disc-jockey... 10 I am in love with that girl in the tight blue
jean dress...


Hernekadar sizleri fazla gramer ayrnts ile skmak istemiyorsam da, birka nemli noktaya deinmek
lgeler ilikilendirdikleri elerden nce gelir, bunlarn bana geer, dedik... Dedik ama, nemli
istisnalar da var:
1. lge + whom/whose/what/which ile kurulan sorularda:
To whom did you give the book?
On whose foot did the fat lady step?
With what shall I open it?
In which drawer does she keep it?
gibi zdrap eken (ve ektiren) tmceler yerine aadaki rnekleri tercih etmelisiniz:
Who did you give the book to?
Whose foot did the fat lady step on?
What shall I open it with?
Which drawer does she keep it in?
By dream_Catcher

Bu arada, birileri size "Tmcenin preposition ile bitirilemeyeceini" filan sylerse, aadaki fkray
anlatn, ve bir daha da kendisiyle grmeyin...
TEACHER: A preposition is an inappropriate word to end a sentence with.
PUPIL: I'm sorry, sir, but you've just ended a sentence with "with".
TEACHER: Ah, but what did I end the sentence with "with" for? Do you know?
PUPIL: No, sir; and I also don't know what you ended that last sentence with "with with for" for!!
2. Benzer ekilde, sfat tmceliklerde rastladmz ilge + whom / which birlikteliindeki ilge,
tmceliin sonuna tanrsa ok daha doal ve "yakkl" bir ngilizce tmce elde edilir. Bu arada
"whom" yada "which" szc de ounlukla kaldrlr:
The man to whom I was talking is a professor of mine.
The firm from which I bought my car has gone bankrupt.
gibi yine zdrap eken (ve ektiren) sfat tmceliklerini aadaki gzelim ve ok daha doal ngilizce
anlatmlara dntrmeyi unutmaynz:
The man I was talking to is a professor of mine.
The firm I bought my car from has gone bankrupt.


Belirte nitelii tayan ilge beklerinin ok eitli ilevlere hizmet edebildiini grrz:
You must come before 10 o'clock...
They will arrive here on Saturday... (zaman - time)

By dream_Catcher

They live in Trabzon...

We will stay at a hotel... (yer - place)
I worded the letter with great care... (tarz - manner)
She is by far older than her husband is... (derece - degree or extent)
Can't you do your work without making so much noise? (sre veya etki - process or effect -- burada
"olmakszn" anlamyla)
I couldn't do it without your help... (koul - condition: "if you didn't help me" veya "if you hadn't helped
They got married in spite of her father's disapproval... (karn - [negative] concession) (DKKAT: "in
spite of the fact that... despite the fact that" yaplar ise tmcelik (clause) gerektirir: They got married in
spite of the fact that her father was opposed to it.)
She hired a removals company for cleaning out all that junk... (ama - purpose = so that the firm would
do the job for her)
That book was written by a friend of mine... (tarafndan - agency)
He sharpened his pen with a knife...
She went home by bus... (araclyla, vastasyla - instrumentality)

The only way to succeed in life is through hard work...

He got rich by dishonest means... (yoluyla, vastasyla - by means of)

I don't agree with you on that point...

She is living with him now... (birliktelik - association)

My wife was very cross at my coming home so late...

He died of a sudden heart attack... (neden - cause)

Grdnz gibi, ilgelerin kullanlma alan ok geni... Usuz bucaksz, diyebiliriz. Ama, herzaman
olduu gibi, burada da verdiim ayrntlar asla liste halinde filan ezberlemek zorunda deilsiniz. lt u
By dream_Catcher

Acaba bu tr tmceleri grnce, iitince anlamn skebiliyor muyum? Giderek, ben kendim de bunlar
yerli yerinde kullanabiliyor muyum?
Nitekim imdi, ngilizce'deki kimi ilgeleri tek tek anlam ve kullanm yerlerine gre incelemee
geeceiz. nerim, hounuza giden rnek tmceleri defterinize aktararak, zaman zaman tekrarlamanz ve
kendi gereksinimlerinize uygun rnekler gelitirerek cephaneliinizi zenginletirmenizdir.

1. = evresinde, her tarafnda, her bir tarafnda...
They put a fence about the house.
Look about you. What do you see? evrene bak. Ne gryorsun?
Xena said, "Can't you look about you before you start waving that sword of yours?" evrene, etrafna bir
baksana, u klcn sallamaa balamadan nce, diye kt Zena...
2. = oraya buraya, uraya buraya...
We had a walk about the town.

You must look about you before you cross the road.
A lot of youngsters hang about the town center nowadays. (= "taklmak")
"Where have you been all this time?" "Oh, just hanging about town." (Nerelerdeydin bunca zamandr?...
Eh, urada burada taklyordum ite...)
3. = yaklak olarak...
"What time is it?" "It's about eight."
They will come back here about Thursday.
We'll get there at about eight. (ilge bei)
4. = kiiye yakn, yannda, zerinde veya ilikin...
By dream_Catcher

Well, your friend has a funny look about him sometimes -- like he knows something that we don't.
(Walla, arkadann bazen garip bir havas var -- sanki bizim bilmediimiz bireyler biliyormu gibi...)
Sometimes you meet with someone with something about him, something you can neither define nor
understand, which "says things" to you... (Bazen birisi ile tanrsnz: stnde tam tanmlayamadnz,
ama size bireyler sylyormu gibi gelen bir havas vardr...)
There's something about him that I find rather fishy. (Bana pek gven vermeyen, iin iinde bir i
olduunu dndren bir havas var)
I have no matches about me. (= stmde, yanmda kibrit yok... gnmz dilinde fazla kullanlmayan bir
5. = hakknda, ilikin olarak... (Bu, tabii, dili yeni renenlerin de ok iyi bildii bir anlam)
As usual, we were talking about the weather.

What else have you heard about me?

For more information about the seminars, please contact the Faculty Secretary.
6. = "to be + (about + mastar)": ok ksa bir sre sonra gerekleecek olmak... (Bu ok nemli kalbn
bir kez daha hatrlatmak istedim)
I'm sorry, I can't talk to you now. I'm about to leave. (= kmak zereyim)

She was just about to disclose the news when someone grabbed her microphone and...etc. (Tam
aklamak zereydi ki, birisi elinden mikrofonu kapp...vb. vb.)

1. = yukarsnda, yukarsna; stnde, stne... (fiziki seviye olarak... Tersi: below, beneath, underneath)
The enemy helicopter was still hovering directly above us.

By dream_Catcher

We were flying above the clouds.

Above the marble chimney-piece hung a Leonardo painting. (Mermer minenin stnde Leonardo'nun
bir tablosu aslyd.)
I bought a postcard showing the city from above the bridge. (ilge bei)
Despite hardships, the firm managed to keep its head above water. (Idiom: "batmamak, yzer halde
kalmak" -- burada mecazi)
2. = rtbe, derece, nitelik, ebat, vb. olarak stn, stnde...
She is far above me in her command of English.

The book is above average not only in size, but also in price.

Above normal precipitation is expected for the next three days. (ilgele kurulan bir ad bei zne

He is above me in rank. = Rtbece benden stndr. Ancak, "Benim stmdr, ben onun emri altnda
alyorum" kavram iin, "He is over me" tmcesi daha uydundur.
3. = sayca fazla...
I should say there were easily above a hundred people there. (Rahat rahat yzn stnde insan vard)
4. = tesinde, am, stnde, byle bir eye "tevessl" etmez, kendini bu ekilde "kltmez"...
He is quite above reproach. (Hibir ekilde sulanamaz. bu olayda her trl eletirinin stndedir)
He is far above such mean considerations. (mean = [burada] cmert ve yksek gnll olmayan, kk
The ordinary soldiers were above all blame here; it was the generals' misguided planning that caused our
unexpected defeat. (Bu yenilgide sradan askerler her trl vebalin stndedir...)
5. = bir eye ramen ayrca ve belirgin, veya bastran ekilde...

By dream_Catcher

A frightened scream was distinctly heard above the pitiless roar of the crowd... (= kalabaln acmasz
grltsne ramen, grltnn tesinde, grlty bastran)

# We will build a bridge here across the river. (= kardan karya)
# We swam across the river. (Yzerek karya getik.)
# She lives across the street from me. (Sokan te yakasnda evimin karsnda oturuyor.)
# A pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan across Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea. ("bir bandan bir
# Many cities across Turkey have archaelogical museums housing what has been dug up in their regions.
(= Trkiye'nin heryerinde... housing = barndran)
# We went all across the country by car without seeing a single accident. (= batanbaa, bir ucundan bir
# I've never come across one in my life. (Deyim: karlamak, rastlamak... Hayatmda bunlardan birisine
hi rastlamadm.)
# I came across one of your old photo albums as I was cleaning the attic. (Rastladm, buldum.)
# The introduction of a common currency has eliminated the problems of exchanging money for trading
across the borders. (= snrlar tesi)
# He went across the border. (Snr geti... iinden yada stnden vs. te tarafna, kar tarafa)
# He sawed across the grain of the wood. (Aac, damarlarna apraz ekilde biti)
# He walked across the crowd to the other side of the street. (Kalabaln iinden ve kalabal yararak
kar tarafa yrd)

1. = (zaman boyutunda) daha sonra, ardndan...
# I wouldn't go out, if I were you, after dark.
By dream_Catcher

# Most shops start closing after eight.

# Many families seem to be planning to emigrate after the present crisis ends.
# After what you've just said, I shall be more careful. (Buradaki "as a result of" anlamna dikkat ediniz.)
# After all we did for them, they should do this to us! (Buradaki "despite = ramen, karn" anlamna
dikkat ediniz)
2. = (mekan boyutunda) ardnda, ardndan...
# Please close the door after you.
# The soldiers were lined up, one after another.
# Be careful. They're after you. (Yakalamak iin peindeler, izliyorlar)
3. = "because of", "as a result of", "in consequence of" veya "in spite of" kavramlar ile eanlaml...
He will not come back ever again after what you said to him. (Buradaki "because of" anlamna dikkat

After what you've just said, I shall be more careful. (Buradaki "as a result of" anlamna dikkat ediniz.)

After all we did for them, they should do this to us! (Buradaki "despite = ramen, karn" anlamna dikkat
4. = fiilin nesnesi ile ilikisini kuran (ve idiomatik anlamlar da oluturabilen) bir ilev szc olarak...
Aysel asked after her friend and was told she had left the town. (= nasl olduunu sormak, bilgi almaa
They were asking after you. (= aramak, hakknda bilgi toplamak)
Why must you keep running after trouble. (Ne diye hep bela peinde koup duruyorsun?!)
Will you look after the child while I'm out? (idiom)
The Koran says: "You shall not go after false deities." (deities = gods.... Sahte ilahlara kaplmayacaksn!)
5. = "ile uyum iinde" veya "bireyi rnek alarak, ona uydurarak" kavramlar ile...
By dream_Catcher

He acted after his nature. (Tabiat byle. Zaten baka bir davran beklenemezdi ki...)

The child was named after his grandfather. (Bykbabasnn ad verildi)

The boy takes after his father. (Babasna ekmi)

6. = Hemen btn ilgeler gibi, "after" ile de kurulmu ok sayda "idiom" bulunmaktadr. Bunlar
uygun szlklere danarak, veya rastladka toplayarak, hounuza gidenleri ve kendi konunuzda iinize
yarayabilecek olanlarn bir tarafa not ediniz. rnek:
after a manner = bir biimde, belli lde, tam deil ama "kalbna uydurarak"... gibi anlamlarla

# "How did you like the performance?" "Oh, well, after a manner..."
# "How did you manage to feed so many guests? "Oh, well, after a manner..."
# The book comforts you after a manner, but can't answer all your questions.
# I have always believed we could improve things without outside help, and in a manner this has proven
true. (= "bir bakma")
7. = "afterwards" bir belirtetir (zarf): kendisinden sonra nesne almaz:
1 They had their breakfast and after the breakfast played in the garden.
2 They had their breakfast and afterwards (= and then) played in the garden... veya
3 They had their breakfast and played in the garden afterwards.

1. = kar (ve kar karak)...
# I am against the proposed project.
# Why are you so much against him?
# She acted against her family's wishes.
# This is a race against time.
By dream_Catcher

# It's against the law.

2. = kar (hatta o ynden, ama birlikte bir kontrast oluturarak) (bazen "over against" eklinde
The trees looked lovely against the summer sky.
I saw some horsemen approaching over against the setting sun. (= batmakta olan gnee kar... Dikkat
ederseniz Trke'de de bu "o ynde, batmakta olan gnein olduu ynden" anlam verecektir)
3. = arparak veya dokunum halinde...
Raindrops beat against my windowpanes with great force. (Yamur damlalar camlarma hzla

He leaned against the door. (Kapya yasland / yaslanm duruyordu)

4. = beklenti ve hazrlanma...
I've saved a little money against a rainy day. (Kt gnlere kar biraz para biriktirmi bulunuyorum)

This will protect your investment against all eventualities. (= her trl olasla kar)


# We went along the shore. (Ky boyunca)
# This paper reviews the studies on the fault lines along the Marmara coast. (Marmara kys boyunca
fay hatlarn...)
# There are no bridges all along the river. (Btn nehir boyunca)
# I met a lot of interesting people along the way. (Yol boyunca, yolumun stnde...)
# All along the journey, they never came across any human settlements. (Btn yolculuk boyunca...)
# They discussed the matter all along the night and finally settled the dispute.
# Come along with me. (Benimle birlikte gel, yanmsra gel.)
By dream_Catcher

# Come and sing along with me. (Benimle birlikte, yanmsra...)

# I can't get along with him. (Deyim: Kendisiyle geinemiyoruz.)
# This year, I'm going to spend the New Year's Eve alongside my family... (= ailemin yannda, onlarla
# In this war, women have been fighting alongside their men. (= yannda, yansra...)
# The path runs alongside the river for a while and then takes a left turn. (= yansra)
# The souvenier shops alongside the way are still closed and this helps to make the walk a lot quieter.
(yolun her iki yan boyunca sralanm...)
# Would you believe it? She is going to star alongside Hlya Avar herself!!
# Alongside the awards he received, there have been many articles about him in several magazines.
(yansra ve ilaveten)
# Alongside the benefits, there are also certain risks. (yansra ve olumsuz ilaveten)

1. = in the middle of, into the middle of... surrounded by... Yani, iinde, ortasnda veya kuatlm
I can see that you are looking for some order amid chaos. (= kaos iinde dzen... Her taraf kaos, sen
dzen aryorsun...)

"Searching For Life Amid Rubble" = Ykntlarn arasnda yaam ararken. (11 Eyll saldrs sonras bir
gazete bal)

They got married on a sunny afternoon amid friends and magnolias. (dostlar ve manolyalar arasnda;
dostlar ve manolyalar tarafndan kuatlm olarak)

Bats can detect their own individual echoes amidst the noise of hundreds of other bats. (bat = yarasa)

By dream_Catcher

The Earth is the only home we can hope to have amidst all the unfriendly stars and interstellar gas out
NOT: "Amid, amidst" veya "among" arasnda nasl bir nans bulunduu sorusuna gelince,
hissedebildiim nemli fark u: "among" szcnde birbirinden ayr ve/veya farkl birimler arasnda
kavram nplana kyor: Dolaysyla amidst the storm, amidst the gloom, amidst the noise/rumours... He
was sinking amidst the waves... He kept on trying amidst all these difficulties... gibi rneklerde "among"
szcn kullanamazsnz.
Kuracanz tmcelerde "amid, amidst" ile "among" arasnda deitirmeler yaparak, nasl bir nans
doduunu zmee almanz neririm.
2. = during and with the accompaniment of... Yani, baka bir eyle ezamanl ve onun eliinde...
The meeting was postponed amid protests from among the delegates. (protestolar arasnda...)

The minister resigned his post amid rumours of corruption. (Bakan, yolsuzluk iddialar arasnda
grevinden istifa etti.)

Lira tumbles again amidst rumours of an impending devaluation... (tumble = baaa yuvarlanmak...
impending = ok yaknda, vuku bulmak zere...)

Such details went unnoticed amidst all the splendour of the Antalya Festival this year. (Festivalin btn
bu ahane ortamnda byle ayrntlar farkedilmedi bile...)


DKKAT... DKKAT... "ki eyin arasnda" anlamna "between"; "ikiden fazla eyin arasnda" anlamna
among kullanlr" eklindeki kolaycla ihtiyatla yaklamanz neririm.
yle ki: aslnda bu "iki ey", herbiri "birok eylerden" oluan birer grup olabilir... Yada "birden ok
ey", gruplam iki birim konumunda olabilir. Tipik bir rnek: Turkey lies between Greece and Bulgaria,
on the one hand, and Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc., on the other hand.
Ayrca bu "arasndalk" ilikisi zaman, mekan, sra, vb. gibi alardan anlatlyor olabilir:
By dream_Catcher

# He sat between his friends... (lla ki "iki" arkada kastedilmek zorunda deil)
# She was supposed to come between seven and eight...
# Majors rank between captains and colonels... (Binba rtbesi, yzba ve albay arasndadr)
te baka rnekler:
In our day, economic cooperation between nations is needed more than ever... lkeler arasnda ibirlii...
[Nitekim, Google'da 13.1.2003 tarihinde yaptm bir aratrmada, "economic cooperation between
nations" anahtar szc 114 sonu verirken, "economic cooperation among nations" aratrmas 102'de
Thus, the country was effectively partitioned between the Ottoman Empire, Austria and Russia. (= Bu
lke arasnda paylald...)
He kept on talking, pausing between every sentence to see its individual effect. (Grdnz gibi, ayn
eyin "tekrarlar arasnda" kavram iin de kullanlabiliyor...)
Sonu? Evet, iki ey arasna kavram iin "among" kullanmayz, ama ikiden fazla eyin arasnda kavram
iin her grdnz yerde "among" kullanacak olursak, ngilizce'nin tercihlerini zorlam oluruz. te
"among" ile doru rnekler:
# Do you think there are aliens hiding their identities and living among us? (= aramzda...)
# The Latin phrase "primus inter pares" means "first among equals"...
# Tocacco use among women and teenagers is on the increase.
# They quarrelled among themselves.
# There is widespread discontent among the peasants.
# She has deliberately chosen to lead a life among people of lower social status. (Bile bile alt tabakadan
insanlar arasnda -- ile birlikte -- yaamay seti.)
NOT: Variant form olarak "amongst" kullanm da not ediniz ve kullanmaktan korkmaynz...


By dream_Catcher

"Around" szcnn bir belirte (=zarf, adverb) olarak kullanmnda belki bir dzine deiik nans
sayabilirim. Ama kendimizi burada, ilge nitelii ile, yani "nesne" olarak ad ald durumlarla
1. = evresinde, her bir yannda, ynnde... (They gathered around a large table. = Byk bir masann
etrafnda toplandlar.)
2. = bir noktay evresinden dolaarak, dolanarak... (You'll see it when you go around the corner.)
3. = yaklak olarak, dolaylarnda... (Terrible events occured around the turn of the century. = Yzyln
sonu dolaylarnda ok kt olaylar cereyan etti.)
4. = iten da her ynde... (Look all around you. Tell me what you see...)
5. = orada burada, heryerde... oraya buraya, heryere... (They travelled all around the island... This year,
we've been having good harvests all around the country...)
6. = zaman boyunca... [available all the year around = btn yl boyunca kesintisiz... "Rock, rock, rock
around the clock" (ark szleri) = "Yirmidrt saat boyunca durmakszn rock dans yap!!" (mecazi
7. = bir merkez veya ekirdek oluturacak ekilde... (This was a society organized around kinship ties. =
Bu, akrabalk balar evresinde olumu -- rgtlenmi -- bir toplumdu.)

Bu szcn ilge nitelii dnda, belirte (zarf), ad ve sfat olarak da kullanld yerler de vardr.
Burada dikkatimizi ilge boyutu stne topluyoruz:
1. = altnda (fiziki veya dier anlamlarda)...
Both families lived in an apartment block. The stgiller lived above the Altgiller; the Altgiller lived
below the stgiller...

Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of the water. (yunuslar, su yzeyinin hemen altnda)

It was particularly painful just below his knee joint.

Unemployment in this town is far below the national average.

By dream_Catcher

NEML NOT: Bu anlam ile "under" szc ile eanlaml olduu sylenebilirse de (hatta, birbirinin
yerine kullanlabilecekleri durumlar da olabilir), alttaki nesne ile fiziki temas, dokunum olmas
durumunda yalnzca "under" kullanlabilir:
She put some apple peel under her pillow... (Biliyorsunuz, gzel ryalar grmek iin...)

His legs gave way under the weight of the heavy stone. (Bacaklar bu ar yk artk tayamayacak hale
2. = rtbe, vb. gibi konularda: daha alt seviyede...
Officers below the rank of captain are not admitted to the courses. (Albay rtbesi altnda olanlar
DKKAT: Gerek "below" gerekse "under", "rtbece kk" anlamnda kullanlabilirse de, "bana bal,
benim emrimde, astmdr" anlam iin yalnzca, "He is (directly) under me," diyebilirsiniz.
3. = lgin ve zel kullanm alanlarn da, rastladka not ediniz:
Along the river below the dam, there are some wonderful picnic areas... (= nehir boyunca, barajn

Does the moon turn upside down below the equator? (= Gney Yarkrede...)

Yine "altnda, aasnda" anlamlar tayan bu ilge iin de "under" yerine kullanlabilecei baz
durumlar varsa da, soyut ve mecazi anlamlar nplana almanz neririm. te rnekler:
# Life beneath the sea... (= denizler altndaki yaam)
# Beneath stanbul sidewalks... (= Kaldrmlarn ardnda, yani yeraltnda da bir stanbul var!!)
# What lies beneath the recent news? (= Altnda, gerisinde neler yatyor? Gerei ne? Neleri bizden
# Taliban women's realities beneath the veil... (= peenin altndaki, gerisindeki...
# Some skeletons from the Neolithic times were found beneath the house.

By dream_Catcher

u ilgin kullanmlar da not ediniz:

I consider it beneath me to continue this argument. (Bu tartmay srdrmeye tenezzl etmeyeceim;
seviyemin altnda addediyorum; bu kadar alalmayacam...)

It is beneath me. It is beneath me to talk to them... It is beneath me to tell a lie just to save my skin...
(Yukardaki ile ayn anlam... just to save my skin = srf postumu kurtarmak iin...)

She married beneath her. (= kendi sosyal snfnn altnda biri ile evlendi.)

DKKAT: Bu iki ilge birbirinden tamamen farkl anlam tarlar:
beside: yannda (by the side of)...

# He was walking beside me.

# There was another man beside him.

besides: ayrca, ek olarak, ilaveten (in addition to)

# I do all the cooking and washing up and besides these I also do the ironing.
# Besides cooking and washing up, I also do all the ironing.

te baz rnekler:

# Babies need their mothers beside them.

By dream_Catcher

# The lamp will look great beside the sofa. (= Lamba, divann yannda ok gzel duracak.)
# She was sitting beside her husband at the ceremony. (Kocasnn yannda oturuyordu...)
# She was buried beside her husband at Selvili Cemetery... (Kocasnn yanna gmld...)

# Besides her husband, she is survived by four children... (te size ok ilgin bir tmce. Anlam: Geride
kocasn ve drt ocuunu brakarak bu dnyadan gt...)
# Besides her musical activities, she is also an accomplished painter. (= dnda ve ek olarak...)
# What else is one supposed to do at work besides work? ( yerinde almaktan baka ne yapmamz
beklenebilir ki?...)

1. = tesinde...
There is a belt of asteroids beyond Mars, the Red Planet.
There are no petrol stations beyond this point. (Bu noktadan sonra benzinci yok...)
The driveway leads to a large parking area in front of the building and extends beyond the building to
another and smaller parking area. (tesinde ve arkasnda...)
2. = ulalamayacak mesafede, alamayacak lde, elde edilemeyecek nitelikte...
These houses are sold for one trillion liras each, which is far beyond the ordinary man's reach. Such prices
are far beyond what most people can afford to pay.
It's beyond my comprehension... It's beyond me.... (= Anlamam mmkn deil!)
It's beyond me. I don't understand why. It doesn't make any sense to me.
It's beyond me why they don't get married. They're in love aren't they?..
3. = ek olarak, ilaveten, onun da tesinde ..
What else, beyond hooks and baits, would be needed for a successful fishing trip?. (neler ve yemler
dnda -- bunlardan baka -- baarl bir balk seferi iin nelere gereksinim duyabiliriz?)
Anxiety disorder is a problem far beyond simple shyness... (Angziete, basit sklganln ok tesinde bir
By dream_Catcher

A good playwright, beyond organizing an engaging plot for the play, must also create credible characters.
(yi bir oyun yazar, oyun iin ilgin bir kurgu dzenlemek dnda, inandrc karakterler de yaratmak

No one but you can take my heart... Senin dnda kimse kalbimi alamaz... (ark szleri)
Dnda, istisnasyla...
# We found nothing there but a few empty bottles.
# There is no one here but me...
# This letter is nothing but an insult. Bu mektup, bir hakarettenden baka birey deil...

I can resist anything except temptation... Batan karlmak dnda hereye direnebilirim... Oscar Wilde
("temptation" szcn, "eytan drtmesi" kadar "iten gelen bir drt" eklinde de
Dnda, istisnasyla...
# We will accept all your conditions except that one..
# Everyone, except the visitors, had a good time...
# The shop is open daily, except Sundays.

By dream_Catcher

1. = yanbanda, hemen bitiiinde, bir sonras, bitiik komusu...

She was sitting next to a gorgeous red-headed woman.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness... Temizlik imandan gelir...

2. = "karlatrldnda" -- ki, ou zaman "ona ok yakn", bazen de "kontrast" anlam verir...
She received more attention than all the other models, for she was wearing next to nothing. (wearing next
to nothing = hemen hemen hibirey giymemiti, hemen hemen plakt)
This is the best thing next to a cell phone. (Cep telefonu kadar iyi olmasa bile, onun hemen ardndan
Her handbag made a deep contrast next to the rich dark blue of her dress. ("kontrast" vurgulanyor.)

1. = zerinde, yukarsnda -- fiziki seviye itibariyle veya hareket halinde iken:
Our plane flew over the Himalayas.

There was a picture hanging over the fireplace.

2. = Mecazi olarak, rtbe veya seviye olarak stnde, yukarsnda:
He never failed to respect those over him. (= stlerine saygda asla kusur etmezdi...)

Galatasaray has a big lead over the others. (= ok nde gidiyor...)

3. = ...'dan ok; ...'dan fazla:
It cost me over a billion liras.
4. = boyunca, sresince:
# Did you have a good time over the weekend?
# Stay with us over the weekend.
By dream_Catcher

# I haven't seen her over the past twenty-five years.

5. = boydan boya, hertarafn kapsayacak ekilde:
She showed me over the house and the garden behind. (Evi ve arkasndaki baheyi gezdirdi.)
I went over my notes before embarking on the paper. (Makaleye girimeden nce notlarm gzden
6. = belli bir iletiim ortamn kullanarak, yoluyla, vastasyla:
I heard the news over the radio. (Haberi radyodan iittim.)
ok geni kullanm alan olan bu ilgece ilikin daha ayrnt bir snflama yapmak neredeyse olanaksz...
rnekler ve evirileri ile yetinmek zorunda kalyorum:
# Somebody hit him over the head.
# They put a blanket over the injured man.
# There is sure to be some trouble over the financial aspects of the project.
# He met his advisers over a luncheon.
# She fell over the edge. (= kenardan aa utu...)

1. = tesinde, geince...
# It's half past two. (= Saat iki buuk.)
# We drove past a large building.
# She was well past her prime. (= Baya gekin bir hanmd.)
DKKAT: "during the past two days" gibi bir ifade kullandnzda ise, "sfat" niteliindedir.
2. = Akn, am = tesinde (ou zaman kinayeli kullanlr)...
This was past all belief... (= inanlmaz bir durumdu)

By dream_Catcher

I was long past worrying. (Artk endie bile etmiyordum -- diyoruz gibi grnrse de, burada aslnda
"endieden de te bir duygu iindeydim" kinayesi vardr.)

# A road through the forest, through a desert... (= arasndan, iinden)
# The burglars left through the window. (= arasndan, iinden)
# Unlike others, he became rich through hard work. (= yoluyla, vastasyla)
# He drove right through a red light... right through the barriers.
# They did it through ignorance. (= cehalet yznden; eriyi doruyu bilmedikleri iin... "--- den
# We are related through marriage. (= yoluyla, vastasyla)
# He drove a nail through the board. (ivi akmak)
# The knife flew through the air. (Bak havada utu.)
# The houses were scattered through the valley. (= hertarafna, hertarafnda)
# He has been an upright man all through his life. (= Btn hayat boyunca... all through = throughout)
# The shop is open Monday through Saturday. (= Pazartesiden Cumartesiye, Cumartesi dahil...)

boydan boya, batan baa...
throughout the country... throughout her life... throughout the lecture... throughout the book...

By dream_Catcher

Herhangi bir tmcede, birini yada dierini tercih iin, derinlerdeki bir ritim ve ses uyumu duygusundan
baka kstas vermek olanamz yok. Aa yukar, dilediinizi seebilirsiniz, demektir. iniz rahat olsun.
# They began to walk toward the house. (= ---e doru, ynelerek)
# They have come a long way toward peace. (= yaklatlar)
# That's a strange attitude toward life. (= hayata kar, hayata ynelik)
# The house is toward the town centre. (---e doru = yaknnda)
# She was sitting with her back toward me. (= srt bana dnk)
# There was a fight toward the end of the evening.
# All this money will go toward the building of an orphanage. (= katk: ---e gidecek, o i iin
# I'm afraid there isn't much we can do toward lifting the bans. (= ama: Korkarm yasaklar kaldrmak
amacyla, bu amaca ynelik yapabileceimiz fazla birey yok.)

# She was wearing nothing underneath her raincoat.
# Please sign right underneath the stamps. (= hemen altna)
# There was real treachery lying underneath the show of friendliness. (= altnda sakl...)
# Often, underneath the mask of hurt adult behaviour there is a child who was neglected... (Walla, byle
airane tmceler oluturduka, roman yazmaya m ynelsem, diye dnyorum...)
# On sunny days, there is good visibility underneath the surface, creating ideal scuba diving conditions...
# Pumping oil from underneath the ocean floor... (ilge bei olarak)

By dream_Catcher

BR SORU : "Otobs ne zaman kalkyor?" diye soruyorum. Firma yetkilisi: "In ten minutes," eklinde
yantlyor... Biraz dolap sekiz dakika sonra dnyorum, ki otobs oktan uzaklam... Otobs firmasn
"yolcular yanltt iin" dava edersem kazanabilir miyim?
Sakn aklnzdan karmaynz: The bus is leaving in ten minutes. = "On dakika SONRA" demektir.
Eer zellikle "ON DAKKA NDE... ON DAKKA ERSNDE" demek istiyorsanz, "WITHIN
TEN MINUTES" demelisiniz.
Bu konuda hala pheniz varsa, rnein bir doktorun hastasna, "Come back to see me in two months'
time," dedii bir durumda, hastann onbe gn sonra gelip, "Bana iki ay ierisinde gel, dememi
miydiniz?" dediini dnn...
You must learn to live within your income, within your means. (Geliriniz dahilinde, olanaklarnz iinde...
-- tersi: "beyond one's means)
It is within reach. (Ulalabilecek mesafede, eriilebilecek yerde)
It is within sight. (= grlebiliyor)

It's within walking distance... (Yrnebilecek mesafede)

We are now within two kilometers of the town. (iki kilometre yaknndayz; iki kilometre kald)
a voice within me... (iimden bir ses...)

the child within you. (iinizdeki ocuk...)

within the jurisdiction of the state (devletin yarg erki snrlar dahilinde...)

By dream_Catcher

Btn sorular bu Blmdeki rneklerden seilmitir. Yetersiz baar elde ederseniz, ltfen Blm
01 The book is ............... average not only in size, but also in price. (= stnde)
-- above
02 This was a society organized ............... kinship ties.
-- around
03 Cleanliness is ............... Godliness.
-- next to
04 Sometimes you meet with someone with something ............... him, something you can neither define
nor understand, which "says things" to you...
-- about
05 There is a belt of asteroids ............... Mars, the Red Planet.
-- beyond
06 The only way to succeed in life is ............... hard work. (= yoluyla, vastasyla)
-- through
07 They are planning a pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan ............... Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea.
-- across
08 She married ............... her.
-- beneath
09 She lives ............... the street from me.
-- across
10 I went ............... my notes before starting to write out the rough draft. (= kaba kopyay yazmaa
balamadan nce)
-- over
11 You must learn to live ................ your income, ................ your means.
-- within
12 She received more attention than all the other models, for she was wearing ................ nothing.
By dream_Catcher

-- next to
13 For more information ............... the seminars, please contact the Faculty Secretary.
-- about
14 Galatasaray has a big lead ............... the others.
-- over
15 ............... the benefits, there are also certain risks.
-- Alongside
16 There was a picture hanging ............... the fireplace.
-- over
17 She hired a removals company ............... cleaning out all that junk.
-- for
18 I am in love with that girl ............... the tight blue jean dress.
-- in
19 This paper reviews the studies on the fault lines ............... the Marmara coast.
-- along
20 Both families lived in an apartment block. The stgiller lived above the Altgiller; the Altgiller lived
............... the stgiller...
-- below


By dream_Catcher

Aren't I? / The + Sfat / karlatrma d kavramlar / than that of / those of / Youn Anlatmlar / ki
Haftalk Tatil / Ne kadar ekmek, O kadar kokore!! / "like" ve "as" / hardly, scarcely, barely /
Szck dizimine duyarlk / Kim geldi? Neler oldu? / "too" ve "enough" / DEVRK TMCELER /
ETTRGENLK (the causatives)

yle deil mi?.. yle deil miyim?..
Birinci tekil kii "ben" tarafndan, kendi sylediklerine ynelik onay isteyen eklentili soru tipine (tag
questions) nce birka rnek verelim:
I wouldn't do such a thing, would I? [Ben byle birey yapmam, yle deil mi?]
Well, I didn't do it, did I? [Eee, yani sonuta yapmadm, di mi?]
Well, I could do it if I wanted to, couldn't I? [Eee, istesem yapabilirim, yle deil mi?]
I said I would do it, didn't I? [Yapacam sylemitim, yle deil mi?]
I am not so stupid after all, am I? [Pek o kadar da aptal deilmiim ne de olsa, yle deil mi?] [Dikkat:
"after all" Trke'ye zor eviri verenlerden... "Bunca eyden sonra, bunca eye ramen" gibi, tmcernin
geliinden nasl denk getirirseniz yle eviriniz. rnein burada. "ne de olsa"...
Peki ya eklenti sorumuz "I am ........, am I not? eklinde ise, ksaltlmas nasl yaplacaktr? te btn
kiiler iin kullanlan ksaltmalar arasndaki tek dzensiz yap burada karmza kyor. Nedeni ise, "am I
not?" sorusunun ksaltlarak telaffuzunun olanakszldr.
Seenekleriniz: i uzatp, "...... , am I not?" diyebilirsiniz. Ama yaygn uygulama, "...... , aren't I?"
eklindeki "ksaltma" ynndedir. rnekler:
I am the boss around here, aren't I? = Eee, burada patron benim herhalde, yle deil mi? [Burada,
pikinlik veya kma tonu ile]
How dare you question my right to vote? I am a Turkish citizen, aren't I? = Oy verme hakkm ne cretle
sorguluyorsunuz? Ben bir Trk vatandaym, yle deil mi?
Man! Aren't I lucky!! = Hey! [Vay be! Vay be adamm!] Ne anslym ama!! -- [Biliyorsunuz bu tr
nlemler, ses tonuna gre, gerek duygudan kinayeye kadar hertrl nans yanstabilir. Aadaki de
Aren't I clever!! Aren't I a clever one!! = Zekiyim, di mi !! Ne zekiyim ama !!

By dream_Catcher

Bu yap "snf ad, kollektif ad" oluturur: Anlamca ve gramerde ouldur; oul fiil alr; kullanlacak adl
da (zamir) "they" olacaktr:
the rich = zenginler
the poor = fakirler
the unemployed = isizler
the mentally ill = akl hastalar
the mentally handicapped = zihinsel zrller
The mentally ill should be treated in proper hospitals, shouldn't they?
The rich get richer; the poor beget children... (to beget children = ocuk sahibi olmak -- ancak bu deyimi
adal veya kinayeli kullanmlar iin saklayn. Olaan deyim: "to have children")(Ayrca "bring up their
children" (U.K.), "raise their children" (U.S.A.) = "ocuklarn yetitirirler" de diyebilirdik)
We need to build more animal shelters where the hungry are fed, the sick are properly looked after, and
the abandoned are given care... ("the abandoned": sfat olarak "past participle" yaps kullanld: "to
abandon" fiilinin V3 hali... Yani, "terkedilen., terkedilmi" sfatndan, "terkedilenler, terkedilmi olanlar"
anlamna kollektif ad)
We produce quality footware for the fashionably inclined. (Moday izleyenler iin nitelikli ayakkablar
This site is for the health-conscious and the fitness-minded. [Bu site, salna zen gsteren ve formunda
kalmaa kararl (kimseler) iindir.]
NOT: Son iki rnee dikkat ederseniz, ayn zamanda bir sfat bei olarak kullanlabilecek bu tr
yaplarda "tire" koyup koymamak bir hayli "keyfi" bir uygulama... Son yllarda, ok sayda szckten
oluan sfat-beklerini ad-szcklerin bana getirip, bunlar kestirme yoldan nitelemek eiliminde art
var. Kimileri ise, bu uygulamann snrl tutulmasnda srarl... Bu yapy, birka madde aada "ki
Haftalk Tatil" bal altnda inceleyebilirsiniz.
The biggest problem the country is facing today is the ever-increasing numbers of the unemployed as well
as that of the unemployable...
"the unemployed" = isizler... "the unemployable" = zaten ie alnamayacak derecede niteliksiz olan
kiiler... [Bu son rnek tmcemi, "Bu lkede yetimi adam ok..." aldanmas iinde olanlara adyorum.]


By dream_Catcher

Bir mantk kural olarak, derecelendirilmesi olanak d kavramlara iaret eden sfat veya belirteler
(zarflar), karlatrma (comparative) veya stnlk (superlative) derecelerinde kullanlamaz.
rnein: same, only, unique, first, last, primary, ultimate, final, total... gibi kavramlar bu kategoriye girer.
Besbellidir ki, "samer, the samest" [daha ayn, en ayn...] gibi nermeler mantk ve kullanm ddr.
DKKAT: Bununla birlikte, tpk Trke'deki "en birinci..." eklindeki aslnda manta aykr kimi
kullanmlarn, vurgu amacyla (yada, reklamlarn renkli dnyasnda), ngilizce'de de geerli olduunu
stanbul is without a doubt one of the most unique cities of the world...
The team compiling the most total points at the end of the season shall be declared the champion. [ki
burada manta aykr bir anlam da szkonusu deil: "en yksek toplam puan alan takm...]
Sizlere TOEFL snavlarnda km ilgin bir soru sunuyorum:
# As twins, the two sisters look very .............. .
a. alike

b. like

c. likely

d. identical

Doru yant "a" kk = birbirine benzemek... nk

# To look alike = Birbirine benzemek...
# To look like smb or sth = Bir kimseye yada nesneye benzemek... (Bu kalp kendisinden sonra gramatik
nesne gerektirir)
# To look likely = Olas grnmek, ihtimal dahilinde grnmek...
# "Very identical" : Mantk d ve geersiz bir kavram. (Besbelli ki, "identical twins" kavramndan yola
klarak bir eldirici oluturmak amalanm -- ama eer "very" szc olmasayd, "to look identical"
doru bir ifade olurdu)


Tipik bir tuzak snav sorusu... Karlatrma yaparken, elmalarla elmalar, armutlarla armutlar ayn
kefeye koymanz esastr. Tabii burada, "elma, armut" benzetmesi ile, ayn ve farkl snftan gramer
birimlerini kastediyorum.
Aadaki tmce ok iyi bir eldirici: nk Trke'ye evrildiinde geerli bir yap veriyor. Ama
gramer olarak kesinlikle yanl:
**His salary as a bus driver is much higher than a teacher. Otobs fr olarak kendisinin maa bir
retmenden ok yksek!...
By dream_Catcher

Yukardaki tmcede yaplan mantk hatasn, Trke grmezden geliyor. Oysa dikkatli bir zgleme ile,
"retmeninkinden" (yani, "retmenin maandan") dememiz gerekirdi. ngilizce ite bu hatay
balamyor ve aadaki yapy doru kabul ediyor:
His salary as a bus driver is much higher than that of a teacher. Otobs fr olarak kendisinin maa bir
retmeninkinden ok yksek.
Baka bir deyile, "higher than the salary of a teacher" eklinde tekrara dmemek iin "higher than that
of a teacher" yapsna yneliyoruz.
te baka rnekler:
The hall in this house is much larger than that in the previous one. [rnein ev ararken yapacanz bir
karlatrma... "that" burada "the one," veya "the hall" yerine geiyor]
I wonder if it will ever be possible to travel at speeds greater than that of light. [nkinden daha yksek
Saturn's magnetic field is much weaker than that of Jupiter. [Jpiter'inkinden...]
Positional error with x-rays is much larger than that with optical light. [optik k ile "olduunkinden"]
Most of the highways in Germany are wider than those in the Balkan countries. ["those" = the ones, the
Those with multiple jobs naturally have a much higher income than those with only one job. [Birden ok
ite alan kiilerin geliri tabiatyla tek ite alan kiilerinkinden ok daha yksek...]
te size, Practical English dergi dizimizden aldm etin bir rnek daha:
"Transcribed first in the IPA alphabet, and then in that of my humble own." [nce IPA alfabesinde,
ardndan da naiz bendenizin alfabesinde yazlm olarak...]
Bu son tmcedeki "that" szcnn "alphabet" szcn tekrarlamamak iin ve onun yerine
kullanldn zebiliyorsanz, ngilizce'de gerekten ok yol almsnz anlamna gelecektir...


rnekleri inceleyiniz:
Adlar ile "What":
What a girl!.. What a beautiful girl!.. (saylabilir tekil ad) Ne kz be!! Ah, ne gzel bir kz!!
By dream_Catcher

What nonsensical ideas you have! (saylabilir oul ad) Amma da sama fikirlerin var!!
What stupidity!.. Oh, what utter nonsense!.. (saylamaz ad) Ne aptallk!! Of, tam bir samalk!!
NOT: Addan nce bir sfat gelip gelmemesi birey deitirmez. nemli olan yapda bir ad bulunup
* * * * *
Sfat ve Belirteler ile "How":
How stupid!.. -- How stupid one can be!.. -- How stupid one can get!.. (sfat ile: "Ne kadar aptalca!"
"nsan daha ne kadar aptallaabilir ki!")
How gracefully she walks! (belirte - zarf ile... Ne kadar da zarif yryor!!)
* * * * *
DKKAT... DKKAT... bu tr tmceler dz tmce eklinde kurulur... Soru eklinde kurarsanz, sonuta
bir soru sormu olursunuz. Oysa, burada yorum yapyor, beeni yada eletirinizi youn biimde dile
ngilizce'ye eviriniz:
01 -- Ne kadar anslym!
Answer How lucky I am!
02 -- Ne kadar da abuk unutuyorlar!
Answer How quickly they forget!
03 -- Ne kadar gzel bir gn!
Answer What a beautiful day it is!
04 -- Ne gece be!
Answer What a night!
05 -- Ne harika bir e olacaktr!
Answer What a wonderful wife she'll make!

By dream_Catcher

ki temel seeneiniz var:
1. two weeks' holiday

2. a two-week holiday
kinci rnekte, "week" szc, kendisini niteleyen "two" szc ile birlikte bir sfat bei oluturuyor.
Sfatlarn ise, biliyorsunuz tekili oulu olmaz.
rnekleri oaltrsak:
a day's journey
one day's journey
two days' journey
ten hours' delay
a one-day journey
a two-day holiday
a ten-hour delay
my ninety-year-old granny
u iki anlatm karlatrnz:
Give me five dollars. (= ster btn, ister bozukluk...)
Give me a five-dollar bill. (= Be ayr 1'er dolarlk olmaz; 1 adet 5 dolarlk banknot istiyorum...)
NOT: ngilizce'de isterseniz (ve denk drebilirseniz) onlarca szc bu ekilde tire iaretleri ile
birbirine ulayarak, sfat nitelii ile adlarn nne yerletirebilirsiniz (Yine de bu olana fazla
abartmamakta yarar var):
The whole thing turned into a never-to-be-forgotten experience... (= "asla unutulamayacak" bir

One cannot say there is much social justice in a winner-takes-all type of economy... ("kazanann hereyi
ald" tip bir ekonomi...)
By dream_Catcher

Choose the correct answer:

01 -- Ali has ............... vacation.
a. three week's

b. three-weeks

c. a three-weeks

d. three weeks'

Answer three weeks'

02 -- Gne ran in a .............. race.
a. five-kilometers

b. five-kilometer

c. five kilometer's

d. five kilometers'

Answer five-kilometer
03 -- The discovery was made after a ............... research.
a. two year

b. two-year

c. two years'

d. two-years

Answer two-year


The + comparative .......... , the + comparative .......... .
rnekleri inceleyiniz:
The more I see her, the more I love her. Onu ne kadar ok grrsem, o kadar daha ok seviyorum. (= Her
grmde daha ok seviyorum)
The more I see her, the less I like her. Onu ne kadar ok grrsem, o kadar daha az holanyorum. (= Her
seferinde sevgim daha azalyor, antipatim artyor...)
The more clients a company has, the more profit will be generated. Bir irketin ne kadar ok mterisi
varsa, o derece ok kr retilecektir.
The harder you study, the more successful you will be. Ne kadar ok alrsanz, o lde daha baarl
By dream_Catcher

Nans grmek iin, u iki tmceyi Trke'ye eviriniz:

If you work harder, you will earn more money...
The harder you work, the more money you will earn...
Gnlk kullanmda, bir miktar ksaltma da olanakl:
The larger the market, the more profit can be earned; the more attractive the location, the larger the
market, and so on.

You can sell fish for profit: the larger the fish, the larger the profit.
* * * * *

Demek ki... Bu yapnn z yle:

The more dangerous it is, the more I like it! (sfat)
The more dangerously I live, the more I like it! (zarf)
1. Bu yap, sfat ve belirtelerin (zarflarn) karlatrma (comparative) derecelerini ilgilendiriyor... Sfat
m yoksa belirte mi? Bunu, virgln her iki yanndaki tmceliklerde kullanlan fiiller ayr ayr belirliyor:
rnein, "to be" fiili sfat alr: to be dangerous = tehlikeli olmak... "To live" fiili ise belirte
kullanlmasn gerektirir: to live dangerously = tehlikeli yaamak, tehlike iinde bir yaam srdrmek...
2. = Tmcenin her iki taraf da mutlaka "the" ile balayacak; yazda, iki taraf arasna mutlaka bir virgl
3. Ancak her seferinde znesiyle, fiiliyle "tam tekilatl" bir tmce kurmak zorunda da deilsiniz.
Karnzdaki kii, "I will do it soon," diyorsa, siz de, virgle filan boverip, "The sooner the better!" diye
kkreyebilirsiniz... Son olarak, sizi kart anlaml iki atasz ile babaa brakyorum. Virgl kuraln bu
defalk yine grmezden geliverin...
Too many cooks spoil the broth...
The more the merrier...

"LIKE" ve "AS"
Aadaki anlatmlardan hangisi dorudur?
By dream_Catcher

Like a father, both Demirel and Ecevit... etc.

As a father, both Demirel and Ecevit... etc
Zalim bir rnek oldu, ama hayatmn krk yl bu muhterem zevatn becerdikleri ve beceremediklerini
(ikisi de ayn kapya kyor!) demekle getikten sonra, tmceleri eksik brakmakla nezaket borcumu da
demi saylabilirim...
like = gibi, (ama aslnda yle deil) eklindeki bir benzerlii dile getirirken;
Gerek Demirel gerekse Ecevit birer baba gibi...
as = "ki kendisi gerekten yledir" anlam verir ve Trke'ye genellikle "olarak" szc ile evirilir:
Gerek Demirel gerekse Ecevit birer baba olarak...
rnekleri inceleyiniz:
My friend can climb trees like a monkey. (= maymun gibi... ama aslnda kendisi maymun deil tabii)
Orang-utans, as arboreal animals, can climb trees with the greatest ease. (= Bir orman hayvan olarak,
My friend rides horses like a cowboy. (= kovboy gibi at biner, ama aslnda kendisi kovboy deildir
As a cowboy, he is supposed to know a lot about horses. (= Bir kovboy olarak...)
She lived her consequent like a slave... (= mecazi, benzetme olarak: Bundan sonraki hayatn bir kle gibi
She lived her consequent life as a slave in Cleopatra's palace... (= gerek anlamda)
Konuma dilinde, aada vereceim rneklerde bala (conjunction) olarak "as" yerine "like"
kullanlmas art eiliminde olmakla birlikte, snavlarda (zellikle de her ikisinin birlikte verildii tuzak
sorularda) "as" tercih edilmelidir:
Do you use a lot of olive oil in your cooking, as they do in Turkey?
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Grld gibi, yukardaki rneklerde "as" bir bala niteliindedir ve "gibi" anlam tar.
Bala niteliiyle ayrca zaman ve neden bildiren belirte (zarf) tmceliklerinde de kullanldn
As the sun rose, the fog dispersed... (= zaman belirtiyor)

By dream_Catcher

As I had no money left for a taxi, I had to walk all the way home... (= neden belirtiyor)


Bu szc, kendi anlamlar olmayan birer ilev szc olarak deerlendiriniz. lk ikisi, girdikleri
tmcenin anlamn %98-99 orannda tersine eviren birer ilev szc... Trke'ye "neredeyse, hemen
hemen..." kavramlar ile evireceksiniz:
She works hard. = ok alr...
She hardly does any work. = Neredeyse hi almaz!..
She hardly ever goes out. Hemen hemen hi dar kmaz.

How can I accept this present. I hardly know you. Sizi doru drst tanmyorum ki...

I hardly knew him. Kendisini pek tanmyordum; tandm sylenemezdi.

I can hardly see the stain. Lekeyi gremiyorum diyebilirim...

He hardly looked at it. Hemen hi bakmad; kesinlikle incelemedi. yle bir gz att.

Nowadays, she scarcely comes here. Pek uramyor; ok ender uruyor...

"Barely" bunlardan biraz farkl ve Trke'ye "ucu ucuna" gibi bir kavramla evrilebilir:
She was barely sixteen. Onaltsnda ya var ya yoktu; yeni basmt... (Oysa, "hardly" veya "scarcely" =
"henz onalt yanda yoktu" anlam verecekti.)
We had barely enough to eat. Karnmz ucu ucuna doyurabiliyorduk. Hatta bazen a bile kalyorduk...
There were barely a hundred people there. Ucu ucuna yz kii kadar vard...

By dream_Catcher

Oysa, There were hardly / scarcely a hundred people there. = Kesinlikle yz kii yoktu; olsa olsa 97-98
kii olmu olabilir, anlam verecektir.


Aadaki tmcelerin anlam ve nans farklarn belirleyiniz:

I almost lost all the money I had. = Neredeyse btn param kaybediyordum; ama kaybetmedim.
I lost almost all the money I had. = Neredeyse paramn tamamn kaybettim; geriye pek az kald...
Only Ali said he loved her.
Ali only said he loved her.
Ali said only he loved her.
Ali said he only loved her.
Ali said he loved only her.
Ali said he loved her only.
ALIMA NERS: Btn bunlar bize okumada / konumada vurgulamann nemini anmsatmyor
mu? Aadaki tmceyi, her seferinde szcklerden srasyla birini vurgulayarak okuyunuz. Ortaya
kacak 6 ayr tmcenin anlamn karlatrarak irdeleyiniz:
Did Ali give you that ring?
(Zavall ngiliz ve Amerikallar bu cambazl sadece szck vurgusu ile gerekletirmek zorunda iken,
ekimli bir dil olan sevgili Trke'mizde bizler szcklerin yerlerini de deitirmek olanana sahibiz.)

By dream_Catcher


Who? ve What? szckleri ile soru oluturmakta glk ekiyor musunuz? Bu iki szck, teki soru
szcklerinden farkl olarak, kurduklar tmcenin ayn zamanda znesi konumundadr:
Who came? Kim geldi? Kimler geldi?
What happened? Ne oldu? Neler oldu?
Durum byle olunca, bu sorulardan oluturan ad-tmcelikler de herhangi bir szdizim deiiklii
gerektirmiyor. Neden? nk, tmcenin dz ve soru dizili biimi ayn da ondan:
Do you know who came?
He didn't tell me what (had) happened.
Oysa, "kim?" ve "ne?" kavramnn nesne konumunda olduu sorular da vardr. Bu durumda anlam,
"kimi?" ve "neyi?" eklini alr (= --i durumu, the accusative case). Yukardaki rneklerle karlatrnz:
Who (whom) did you see?
You didn't tell me who (whom) you saw?
Can you tell me who (whom) you saw?

What did they do?

He didn't tell me what they did.
Can you tell me what they did.
Soru szcnn, ayn zamanda tmcenin znesi konumunda olmasna baka rnekler:
Who came? Who told you that? Who is going to pay the bill?
What happened? What became of them?
Whose horse won? Whose car broke down?
Which one of your sisters is getting married?
Ve yeniden hatrlatalm ki, bu tr sorular dolayl anlatmda herhangi bir szdizimsel deiiklie
uramayacaklardr; nk olduklar sralanla ayn zamanda bir ad-tmcelik nitelii de tamaktadrlar:
Who came? = Kim geldi?
By dream_Catcher

I don't know who came. = Kimin geldiini bilmiyorum.

What has happened? = Ne/neler oldu?
I have no idea what has happened. = Ne/neler olduunu bilmiyorum.
Will you tell me who came here last night?
She asked me who had come.
I had no idea who had come.
I wish I knew what has become of them. (imdi nerelerde olduklar, ne yaptklarn, balarndan neler
gemi olduunu keke bilsem...)
Can you tell me whose horse has won?
I'd like to know whose car has broken down.
He didn't tell me which one of his sisters was going to get married.


DKKAT... DKKAT... Bu iki kart karde yapdan birincisi tmceye "tersine" bir anlam kazandrr... Bu
anlam Trke'ye genellikle "...mayacak kadar" kavram ile eviririz. Ayrca, yapsal zellikleri de not
too + sfat + mastar
sfat + enough + mastar
She is too young to go out alone at night. Geceleri sokaa yalnz kamayacak kadar kk. (= Buna izin
She is old enough to go out alone at night. Kendisi karar verebilecek yata; biz karamayz.
She isn't quite old enough to go out alone at night. Pek geceleri yalnz sokaa kabilecek yata deil
henz; buna izin veremeyiz...
He is sick enough to need a doctor. Bir doktora ihtiyac olacak derecede hasta. Doktor arn...
By dream_Catcher

He is too ill to need a doctor now. Call for the hodja... Doktoru boverin artk; Hocay arn...
"too good to be true" -- Harika bir ey bu !! Birisi beni imdiklesin, doru mu bu grdklerim?
Oh, it was too good to be true, anyway... Durumun bir yanlsama, bir serap olduunu anlayp gereklere
dnnce bir i ekii ile sylediklerimiz...
You're just too good to be true...
I can't take my eyes off you... (ark szleri)
DKKAT: " too + sfat + ad + (mastar) " eklindeki varyasyona da dikkatinizi ekmek isterim:
I just can't figure out what it is, but there must be a catch -- it just sounds too good an opportunity to be
true. Walla ne olduunu karsayamyorum ama bu iin bir pf noktas olmal -- (nk) inanlmayacak
derecede harika bir frsat gibi grnyor...
That is obviously too shallow an argument for a man of your intellectual powers... Bunun, senin
entellektel gcne sahip bir kimse iin ok s bir argman olduu apak...
DKKAT: " too + sfat + mastar " yapsnn tmceye "tersine" bir anlam kazandracan syledik; ancak
bu mutlaka "olumsuz" bir nans getirecek demek deildir. u rneklere baknz:
We thought it was too good an opportunity to miss. Karlmayacak kadar iyi bir frsat olduunu
After trying so many weeks to date her, this was too happy a day for me to brood over little matters.
Birlikte kmak iin bunca hafta uratktan sonra, kk meseleler zerinde surat asmayacam kadar
mutlu bir gnd bu benim iin... [to brood = arpac kumrusu gibi, kara kara dnmek]
Daha leri rnekler:
She's not quite mentally ill enough for involuntary confinement... Zorla (= isteine karn) bir akl
hastahanesine kapatlacak lde de akl hastas saylamaz...
How much is too much? "Alcoholics Anonymous" provides online self-assessment tools to help
individuals. = Ne kadar alkol, ar alkoldr? Ne kadar "ok fazla" dr, "ar" dr? "Anonim Alkolikler"
sitemiz sizlere internet zerinden kendi durumunuzu deerlendirmek iin olanaklar salyor...
Too much light will make you go blind temporarily... = ok fazla k geici krle neden olacaktr.
Too Little Sleep May Accelerate Aging. = ok az uyku yalanmay hzlandrabilir.
Here is some advice for "Parents Who Love Too Much"... Good parents can learn to "Love More Wisely"
and develop children of character. = (Mealen) Ar sevgi ile ocuklarnz martmayn. Akll sevgi ile
ocuklarn karakterinin gelimesini salayn...
Unfortunately, there was too little interest, and specially too little contribution on the part of the general
public. = Ne yazk ki halktan ok az ilgi ve zellikle de ok az katk vard...
By dream_Catcher

Too late have I found you... too soon have I lost... Now my life has become a long yearning... Ge
buldum, abuk kaybettim; hicran oldu hayat imdi bana -- Uuah!! Uuah!! [NOT: "too late, too soon"
baa ekilip vurgulannca, devrik tmce kurma hakkmz dodu.]
DEMEK K, sevgilinize yle ikide birde, yerli yersiz, " I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH! " demekten uzak
durursanz iyi edersiniz: Kimi balamlarda "isyan misyan m ediyoo, ne?" diye de alglanabilir !!
Peki, ne demelisiniz:
= Seni ylesine ok seviyorum ki...


Szdizim (syntax -- szcklerin sralan) asndan ngilizce'de 3 tr tmce olanakldr:

1. dztmce
2. soru tmcesi
3. emir tmcesi
Biliyorsunuz, ngilizce dztmce dzeni [ S + V + O ] eklindedir. Yani, zne (subject), fiilin (verb)
solunda (nnde) yer alr.
Soru tmcelerinde, fiil (ou zaman yardmc fiil ile temsil edilerek) znenin soluna, yani baa geer. te
yandan, emir tmcelerinin de kendine zg yapsn da biliyorsunuz.
Szdizim kurallarna gre, bu tmce tr dnda bir dizili olanakl deildir.
Peki, devrik tmceler nasl kuruluyor? Devrik tmceler, fiil (ou zaman yardmc fiil ile temsil
edilerek) baa ekilmek suretiyle kurulur. Yani, soru tmceleri ile ayn yapdadr.
Ayn yapdadrlar, ama soru sormak deil, vurgulu bir anlam iletmek grevini stlenirler. Konuurken
soru tonlamas yaplmaz; iletilen duyguya uygun bir tonlama gerekletirilir. Yazda da, soru simgesi
deil, nokta yada ou zaman nlem simgesi kullanlr.
imdi, belli bal devrik tmce tiplerini snflamaya geiyorum:
1. Aadaki belirteler (ve benzerleri) vurgu amacyla baa ekilerek oluturulan tmceler:
By dream_Catcher

never, at no time, seldom, rarely, hardly, scarcely, barely, little, even less, not until, no sooner...than,
# Never in my life have I seen a prettier girl!
# Seldom have I seen him looking so miserable.
# Rarely do I let such feelings affect me... [Byle duygularn beni etkilemesine pek izin vermem...]
# At no time may you be allowed to enter this house!! [Asla, hibir zaman bu eve girmene izin
# Little did I know at that time that he was a compulsive liar. [Bilmiyordum walla o zamanlar bylesi
iflah olmaz bir yalanc olduunu... compulsive = elinde olmakszn yapan...]
# Nowhere had Meltem seen a more beautifully decorated room.
# Hardly had I got into bed when there was another knock on the door. [Daha yataa yeni girmitim ki,
kap yine ald.]
# No sooner than did he drink what was in the glass he began to have stomach cramps. [Bardaktakileri
ier imez mide kramplar balad.]
2. Koul tmcelerinde:
# Should you ever come back to this part of the world, you must look me up. [Yolunuz bir daha bu
taraflara decek olursa, ltfen beni grmee geliniz.]
# Had I been a little taller, I wouldn't have got dropped from the team. [Boyum biraz daha uzun olsayd,
kadro d braklmazdm.]
NOT: Daha ayrntl rnekler iin Kitabmzn Blm 8, "Koul Kipinde Devrik Tmceler" konusuna bkz.
3. Olumlu / olumsuz bildirimlere katlma nitelii tayan aadaki kalplarda:
-- I like tea.
-- So do I.

-- I don't like tea.

-- Neither do I.
-- Nor do I.
DKKAT: Oysa ayn gruptan "either szc ile dztmce kurulduuna dikkat ediniz.
-- I don't like tea.
By dream_Catcher

-- I don't either.
DKKAT... DKKAT... Yanklama ayn fiil ve tense kullanlarak yaplmak zorundadr.
01 -- "I am a student." "So ............... ." "Ben de!"
Answer am I
02 -- "My friend didn't understand a word of it." "Neither ............... I." "Ben de!"
Answer did
03 -- "Ali has found a new job." "Gne de."
Answer And so has Gne.
04 -- "She can't speak a word of English." "Arkada da!"
Answer Neither can her friend!
Answer Nor can her friend!
Answer Her friend cannot either!
05 -- "Ali shouldn't do that." "Gne de yle."
Answer Neither should Gne.
Answer Nor should Gne.
Answer Gne shouldn't either.
4. "Only" ve "no" ile kurulan bir dizi kalpta:
only, only now, only then, only today, only yesterday, only when, only by luck, only by chance, only with
(some) difficulty, only on rare occasions, ...etc
no, in no way, in no case, at no time, nowhere, nowhere else, ...etc
# Only then did she begin to realize that her husband had left her for good. [Ancak o zaman farketmee
balad ki... "for good" deyimine dikkat = tamamen, sonsuza dein]
By dream_Catcher

# We looked for it everywhere for hours on end, but nowhere could we find the missing ring. [Deyimi
not ediniz: "for hours / days / weeks / miles on end = saatlerce, gnlerce, haftalarca, millerce... "Bitmek
tkenmek bilmeyen" saatler, gnler, vb. boyunca...]
5. "Not only... but also" veya "not only... well" yapsnn baa ekildii tmceler:
# Not only did we lose all our belongings, but we also came close to losing our lives. Sadece
eyalarmz kaybetmekle kalmadk, neredeyse canmzdan da olacaktk.
# Not only did they invite us all to along with them, but they paid all our expenses as well. Bizi
kendileriyle birlikte gitmee davet etmekle kalmadlar, masraflarmz da dediler...
6. "As" ve "so" ile kurulan aadaki rnekleri inceleyiniz:
# He decided to join the merchant fleet, as had all his brothers done before him. Ticaret filosuna
katlmaa karar verdi -- btn erkek kardelerinin de kendisinden nce yapm olduklar gibi...
# He proved to be a good sailor, as did all his brothers. yi bir asker oldu, tpk kardeleri gibi...
# He was a very brave man, as were all his brothers.
# So unexpectedly has the situation developed that we all have been taken by surprise. Durum o derece
beklenmedik bir ekilde geliti ki...
# So stupid is the man that we might as well consider him a liability rather than an asset for the whole
project. Adam ylesine budalann birisi ki, varln projenin art deil eksi hanesine yazabiliriz...
["assets, liabilities": Bir ticari bilanoda "varlklar" ve "borlar, ykmllkler" haneleri. Bu haliyle, ou
zaman kiiler iin mizahi yollu kullanlrlar.]
7. DKKAT... DKKAT... Yer zarflar ve "be, stand, sit, lie, come, go, walk, follow" fiilleri ile
oluturulan aadaki tmce tipini not ediniz:
# Here comes the bus. te otobs geliyor...
# There goes a brave man... Bakn -- cesur bir adam gryorsunuz orada (yryen, uzaklaan, yahut
grevinin bana koan... gibi)
# On the hill stood a great castle. ...duruyordu, vard...
# Over the fireplace was hanging a painting by all. ...aslyd.
# Here comes my baby. There goes my heart. ark szleri: Bak, bak, bebeim geliyor... Ah, ah, kalbim
(onun ardndan?) gidiyor...
DKKAT... DKKAT... Bu tr tmcelerde (znenin fiilden sonra geldiini unutmayarak) zne ve fiilin
sayca uyumasna zel dikkat gsteriniz:

By dream_Catcher

# Between the two mountains was a great fertile valley. [TEKL] Bu iki tepenin arasnda byk ve
verimli bir vadi vard.
# At the bus-stop were two young men in jeans. [OUL]
# Here follows a translation of his latest speech. [TEKL] te en son konumasnn bir evirisi
(Biliyorsunuz, buradaki "latest" szc, adamn enesinin hi durmad nansn tayor)
# Here follow three examples of technical sheets and specifications. [OUL] Aada .......
8. Ses yansmal szcklerle ilgin yaplar:
# Bang went the door. Kt diye arpt kap!
# Down went the great chandelier with a loud crash. angr ungur indi aa koca avize...
9. yk metinlerinde, dolayl anlatmn bir paras olarak:
# "Come here, will you," said her husband with some annoyance.
# "No, I will not," replied Meltem. She was exasperated beyond all endurance. (to exasperate = sabrn
tarmak... endurance = dayanma, direnme, tahamml... Yani, hertrl tahammln tesinde sabr
10. Aadaki tr tmcelere de rastlyoruz. Aka grlecei gibi, bunlar soru tmceleri deil, vurgulu
yorum tmceleridir.
Isn't it cold! -- Ne souk ama...
Boy, am I fed up! -- Walla, Birader, bktm yahu!

(The Causatives)

A. Birisine birey/bireyi yaptrtmak:

have smb do sth
make smb do sth
let smb do sth
By dream_Catcher

get smb to do sth
"make" : yaplmasn salamak, zorlamak, zorla yaptrtmak nanslar ile.
"let" : izin, msaade, hogr nanslar ile...
te rnekler:
# We must have a proper repairman come and fix it for us. Doru drst bir tamircinin gelip bunu bizim
iin onarmasn salamalyz... Bir tamirciye tamir ettirtmeliyiz...
# I'll see if I can have a friend of mine do the job for me. i bir arkadama yaptrtabilir miyim, bir
# I'll see if I can get a friend of mine to do the job for me. Bir bakacam bakalm bu ii bir arkadama
yaptrtabilecek miyim...
# I'm going to get somebody to repair that gadget. (/g-cit/ cihaz) Birisini bulup, cihaz tamir
# He is ruining our game. Can't you make him go away? Oyunumuzu mahfediyor. Bu adamn ekip
gitmesini salayamaz msn?
# Why can't you make him eat his dinner? Yemeini yemesini sala. Zorla yedirttir.
# How can I make you see that we need each other?! Seni nasl inandrabilirim, birbirimize ihtiyacmz
# They made us show our pass cards before we could go into the building. Gei kartlarmz gstermek
zorundaydk... veya, zorunda kaldk... "gsterttiriyorlard"
# They should have let the children see that film. ocuklarn o filmi grmelerine izin vermelilerdi.
# Do let me come with you. N'olur brak seninle geleyim...
NOT: Bu yaplar, tabiatyla, "have sth do sth" vb eklinde de kullanabilirsiniz:
# You can have this machine do all the dirty work for you. Btn pis ilerinizi bu makineye
# We are going on a strike, because we want to make the management pay more attention to our
working conditions. Greve gidiyoruz, nk ynetimin alma koullarmza daha fazla ilgi gstermesini
salamak, onlar buna zorlamak istiyoruz.
B. Birey/bireyi yaptrtmak:
have sth done
get sth done
By dream_Catcher

# I must have my shoes repaired. Ayakkablarm tamir ettirtmeliyim.

# Weren't you thinking of having a new battery fitted on your car? Arabana yeni bir ak taktrtmay
dnmyor muydun sen?
# Get your hair cut before you come back here. San kestirtmeden buraya sakn dnme...
# Sooner or later you'll have to get that tooth pulled out. Er ge o dii ektirtmek zorunda kalacaksn.
# Have it brought to you on a plate. Brak onu sana bir tepsi stnde sunsunlar... "getirttir"!!


Indefinite Articles A, An / Tekil/oul yaplarda uyum sorunlar / "little" and "few" / possibility &
probability / "won't"-un marifetleri / in that / yard. fillerde ksaltmalar / let alone / C'mon everybody
/ Make or Do? / samdaki... solumdaki... / though / Evet, gelmedi - Hayr, geldi!! / "farther" ve
"further" / Grup/Topluluk adlar / tekil/oul zne/fiil uyumu / KAINCI ???

Kullanm seeneini, ardndan gelen szcn yazl deil, okunuu belirler. rnekler konuyu yeterince
an apple
an hour
an honest man
an honourable intention
a thing
a useful thing
a university student
Bu kural, insanlarn kafasn en ok ksaltmalar szkonusu olduunda kartryor. rnein, "a MRI
machine" mi, yoksa "an MRI machine" mi? (MRI = magnetic resonance imaging)
By dream_Catcher

Oysa kuralmz ok ak: Okunuuna gre karar vermek durumundasnz. Bu ksaltmann okunuu /em-aray/ eklinde olduuna gre, doru yazl: "an MRI machine" eklinde olacaktr.
Bu konudaki tek tartmal szcn "historical" olduunu syleyebilirim. Bataki /h/ sesinin, sessiz
(mute) okunduu (daha dorusu okunmad) gereinden yola karak, ounlukla "an historical site /
outline / mystery ...vb" eklinde yazlmaktadr.
Ayn tezi, dorudan "history" szc iin savunanlara da rastlanmaktadr; ancak bu savunulmas ok
daha zor bir tavrdr.


Bu konuyla ilgili bellibal pf noktasndan sz edeceim:

1 "Or" ve "nor" ile balanan ad bekleri:
a) Sonda gelen ad tekilse tekildir :
Neither the students nor the teacher is ready yet.
Either the students or the teacher has got it.
b) Sonda gelen ad oulsa, ouldur:
Neither the teacher nor the students are ready yet.
Either Ali or his brothers have promised to be there.

DKKAT: kinci konumdaki ad veya adl ayn zamanda fiilin kiiye gre ekimini de belirleyecektir:

Either you or I am right.

Either I or you are right.
2 Kalabalk ok-szckl zne beinde:
"Asl zne" diyebileceimiz szc belirlediinizden emin olmalsnz. Kendinize u soruyu sorunuz:
"Tek szckle gstermek gerekirse, asl zne acaba hangisi?"
NEML NOT: Trke'deki yaygn uygulamadan farkl olarak, ingilizce noktalama kurallarnda zneden
sonra virgl kullanmak gibi bir uygulama yoktur.
By dream_Catcher

The idea that women are careless drivers has been challenged and disproved...
Kar klarak aksi kantlanm olan kimdir/ nedir? = Gr (idea)... Kadnlarn dikkatsiz srcler
olduu gr...
Such groundless claims have long been been discarded...
Peki, uzun zamandr terkedilmi olan nedir? = "Savlar, tezler" (claims)...
Demek ki, "idea" ve "claims" bu tmcelerdeki "asl zne" dir. zne ve fiil arasndaki tekil/oul uyumu
bu szcklere gre dzenlenecektir.
3 Alemdada var bir ylan...
Devrik tmcelerde fiilin tekil/oul zelliini yine zne belirler; ama bu kez zne fiilden sonra
Lying open on the table was a number of books.
Lying open on the table were some books.
On the next group of islands was found a clue to the whole mystery.
Waiting for the bus were a soldier and two little girls.
("Number" ve "clue" tekil; "a soldier and two little girls" ouldur. Was/were seimi de buna gre

"LITTLE" and "FEW"

We have little sugar. = ok az ekerimiz var.
We have a little sugar. = Biraz ekerimiz var.
I have few friends. = ok az arkadam var.
I have a few friends. = Birka, -be arkadam var.
Hatta bu son tmce, kinayeli ses tonlaryla, "Biz de bu dnyada yapayalnz deiliz herhalde; bizim de
dostlarmz, arkamz var," anlam tayacaktr.
Nitekim, "quite a few" ifadesi "olduka ok, epeyce ok" anlam verecektir:
He has quite a few friends in this town.

By dream_Catcher

DKKAT : Demek ki, bir kimse iin, "I have little love for him," derseniz, bunun anlam: "Ona pek
sevgim yok," hatta, "Ondan bayaa nefret ediyorum," olacaktr.



Yeni Trke'mizde, sonunda arapsana benzetmi olduumuz bu iki kavram (eskiden "imkan" ve
"ihtimal" yle deildi) ngilizce'de kesin snrlarla ayrlyor. Cole Porter'n nl caz arksndan
Baby, it isn't because I shouldn't do it... And you know it isn't because I couldn't do it... And it isn't
because I wouldn't do it or even I might not do it... It's just because I don't feel like doing it today...
Yapmamam gerektii iin deil... Biliyorsun ki, yapamayacam, beceremeyeceim iin de deil... Hi
yapmam anlamna da gelmiyor... Hatta yapma olaslm olmad anlamna bile gelmiyor... Yalnzca
bugn pek canm istemiyor.
Bu konuya, Yardmc fiiller konusunda deinmitik. Bir kez daha nemle vurgulamak istedim.


Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor
and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of
better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. (Alfred Whitney, Essays on
Books won't stay banned. = "Kitaplar yasakl kalmayacaklar, direnecekler; zincirlerini kracaklardr,"
nansn veriyor... Ayn ekilde: "They won't burn," tmcesini, "Onlar yakp yok edemezsiniz," eklinde
evirebilirsiniz. Dolaysyla, "Ideas won't go to jail." = Fikirleri hapsedemezsiniz; fikirler hapsedilemez...
nk, "will" yardmc fiiliniz, sradan "gelecek zaman" dnda, burada grld ekilde kuvvetli bir
istek, irade de belirtebilir. Ayn erevede, olumsuz kalplarla "izin vermeme" nans da aktarlabilir. te
bir rnek:
By dream_Catcher

I won't have (let) you walking all over the house with those muddy shoes. = Bu amurlu ayakkablarnla
evde dolamana izin vermeyeceim.
I won't have you coming to class late every day. = Snfa hergn byle ge gelmene izin veremem
I will not have you taught by that crazy nut any longer!! = O atlak heriften ders almanza daha fazla izin
vermeyeceim!! (teach - taught - taught )

u tmceyi Trke'ye evirmeyi deneyiniz:
We are more fortunate prices-wise when it comes to school books in that school books are of great public
Kukusuz, zor bir tmce... "-wise" bir son-ek: "...den yana, --- asndan" demek.... Yani burada,
"fiatlardan yana, fiatlar asndan"...
Ama eer "in that" yapsnn bal bana bir bala olduunu bilmiyor ve gremiyorsak, tmceyi
zmemiz olanaksz. evirisi yle:
Konu okul kitaplarna gelince, fiatlar asndan daha anslyz; u adan ki, halk okul kitaplar konusunda
byk duyarlk gsteriyor.
Evet, "in that" yaps bal bana bir balatr... Anlam: "u adan ki..." te, "in that" Balac iin
rnek Tmceler:
Men differ from animals in that we can think and speak. = nsanlar hayvanlardan farkldr; u adan ki,
bizler dnebiliyor ve konuabiliyoruz. (nsanolunun hsn kuruntusu ite...)
Hamsters are like squirrels in that they, too, store their food. = Hamsterler sincaplara benzer; u adan ki,
onlar da yiyeceklerini depolarlar.
Thomas Hobbes is right in that we need authority to create a stable government. (Benim fikrim deil;
Hobbes'un fikri)
These tests are unique in that schools, not individual students, are ultimately held accountable for the test
results. = Bu testler dierlerinden tmyle farkldr; u adan ki, test sonularndan tek tek renciler
deil, okullar sorumlu tutulmaktadr.
Today, the situation is different in that the government officials seem to take a negative stand. = Bugn
durum farkl; u adan ki, hkmet yetkililerinin olumsuz bir tavr aldklar grlyor.

By dream_Catcher



Biliyorsunuz, gnlk konuma dilinde "to be" ve dier yardmc filler genellikle ksaltlarak kullanlr.
He's a lawyer. We've been neighbours for a long time. Don't you know his name? Their children aren't at
school age yet.
te sizlere (kstl kapsamda) ematik bir zet:
Yardmc fiil Adllar ile Adlar ile eitli Sorularda
am I'm leaving this afternoon.
--What'm I supposed to say? (gnlk konumada yaygn)
Aren't you afraid of him?
is He says it isn't easy, but he's going to do it.
Erdal's at work. Erkut's out for a walk in the park.
Who's on the telephone? How's your sister doing nowadays? Isn't it a bit late to be asking that?
are You're a great friend! They aren't in the building at the moment.
The weapons inspectors're on their way. (gnlk konumada yaygn)
What're you going to do?
have I've finished my homework. I haven't seen them for a long time. They've got a summer house.
The weapons inspectors've finished their work. (gnlk konumada yaygn)
Where've you been all day? (gnlk konumada yaygn)
has He's been to Erzurum twice. It's been such a long time since the last time. He hasn't been here for
Ali's gone to the store.
What's he been doing? - Who's been looking after the shop?
had I'd been waiting for nearly two hours. Well, we'd better be leaving now.
Indeed, Ali'd worked there for some time before he left for stanbul. (gnlk konumada)
What'd he been doing before that? (gnlk konumada)
will I'll get you some warm clothes. We'll be there soon. No, she won't do it.
The inspectors won't be coming back for a long time.
What'll we do? Where'll we go? Why won't she do it?
By dream_Catcher

would I'd like a Cola Turka, please. She'd love to be taken to that restaurant.
Ali'd love to come with us.
Where'd you like to go? (gnlk konumada)

do not = don't; does not = doesn't; were not = weren't; can not = can't, cannot; could not = couldn't; shall
not = shan't; should not = shouldn't; vb...
DKKAT... Resmi yazmalarda ksaltma kullanmaktan kannz.
Dear Mr. okciddi,
We'd like to cordially invite you to participate in our ... etc.
Dear Mr. okciddi,
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in our ... etc.
Yabanclarla konuurken, siz siz olun, "can't" szcn doru telaffuz etmee bakn. Adamcazlara
srekli kfretmeniz iin hibir neden yok!!
Ya, ngilizler gibi uzatarak, /ka:nt/ deyiniz, yada Amerikallar gibi yayarak /knt/ !!
Aksi halde, (ak haliyle yazmaa terbiyem msaade etmiyor) "C" ile balayp "u" ile devam eden o
malm szck anlalacaktr ki, yle ikide birde heryerde kullanlacak bir szck deil!!

te sizlere ilgin bir tmce al. Trke'ye evirisi genelde, "Brakn ......... ' bir kenara" eklinde olur:
She can't boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal with them. (Brakn bir yana yemeini yapmay, patates
kaynatamay bile beceremez...)

By dream_Catcher

She will buy any stupid gem she comes across, let alone these lovely diamonds. (nne gelen hertrl
apal mcevheri satn alyor; bu ahane elmaslar m almayacak?!)
Is there even a scientific basis for psychology, let alone parapsychology? (Parapsikolojiyi bir yana
brakn, psikoloji iin bile bilimsel bir baz var mdr?)
Turkish economy isn't purring, let alone growling. (Kedi mrnavlamas ve aslan kkremesinden ilham

Aadaki yky Trke'ye evirmeyi deneyiniz. "Everybody, Somebody, Anybody ve Nobody,"
kavramlar ile bir daha sorun yaayacanz hi sanmyorum!!
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did.
Somebody got angry about this, because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!
Dikkat etmemiz gereken bir nokta: Aadaki szckler tmyle tekildir:




everything something


no one

anything nothing

nemli Not: "yle deil mi?" (= tag question) yapsnda ise bir istisna szkonusu: Eveybody, everyone,
somebody, someone ile "THEY" oul adl ve uygun fiil kullanlr. rnekleri inceleyiniz:
Everybody is coming, aren't they?
Everyone was against it, weren't they?
Someone had told him, hadn't they?
By dream_Catcher

Everything is all right, isn't it?

"MAKE" or "DO" ?

Kukusuz, gramer bilgisinin aklamakta aciz kald konularn belki de en banda, "Nerede do, nerede
make kullanacaz?" sorusu geliyor... "Efendim, soyutlarla do, somutlarla make" filan gibi istisnas
kuralndan mebzl (bol) saptamalara rastlamyor deiliz... Bence en iyi zm, deyimsel (idiomatik)
nitelikli bu kalplar oturup paa paa ezberlemek...
Aadaki egzersizde "make" ve "do" fiilleri arasnda seim yapnz:
01 -- Well, it's my father who .......... all the housework in our family...
Answer does
02 -- Would you excuse me for a few minutes; I have to ............... a long distance call.
Answer make
03 -- Who else could have ............... that stupid mistake? [Bu aptalca yanll baka kim yapm olabilir
ki? Yada -- olabilirdi ki!...]
Answer made
04 -- A good student makes sure that he/she always ............... his/her homework on time.
Answer does
05 -- They decided to ............... a fire and settle for the night.
Answer make
06 -- I just can't ............... without you!... [Sensiz olamam; sensiz yapamam!]
Answer do
07 -- I'm sure they ............... their best (= all they could) to help you.
Answer did
08 -- I'll be joining you later. My wife wants me to ............... the washing-up first.
Answer do
By dream_Catcher

09 -- Will you ............... the shopping for me this afternoon, please?

Answer do
10 -- You have .............. the decision; you must take the consequences. [Karar sen verdin; sonucuna da
sen katlanmalsn!]
Answer made
11 -- May I .............. a suggestion, please?
Answer make
12 -- .............. your job properly and stop asking questions! [ini doru drst yap; soru sormay da
Answer Do
13 -- Be honest now: How many grammar exercises did you .............. last week?
Answer do
14 -- ............... me a favour and shut your mouth a little, will you! [Bana bir iyilik edip, eneni biraz
kapar msn ltfen!]
Answer Do
15 -- Oh, I just can't understand why they are ............... such a fuss over a trifling matter? ["to make a
fuss over sth": anlam iin test sonundaki listeye bknz. -- trifling (sfat, okunuu: trayf-liN) nemsiz,
Answer making
16 -- I never thought you could .............. such a mess of it. ["to make a mess of sth": test sonundaki
listeye bknz.]
Answer make
17 -- We have .............. a lot of business with that firm.
Answer done
18 -- The Minister ............... an excellent speech at the meeting; he was very persuasive.
Answer made
19 -- He's a self-.............. man. [Sahip olduu eyleri, baarsn, ailesinin yada bakalarnn yardm
olmakszn kendi gayret ve almasyla elde etti.]
Answer made

By dream_Catcher

20 -- She soon ............... a name for herself on the stage. [= n yapt, hret kazand... on the stage =
tiyatroda, tiyatro dnyasnda]
Answer made
Aadaki deyimleri reniniz:
to do the housework [ev ilerini yapmak]; to do one's homework [ev devini yapmak]; to do without; to
do one's best [elinden geleni yapmak]; to do one's worst [elinden geleni ardna koymamak]; to do the
washing-up; to do the shopping; to do one's job (properly, etc]; to do (grammar) exercises; to do
somebody a favour; to do business (with)...
to make a (long distance) call; to make a (stupid) mistake; to make a fire [ate yakmak]; to make a
decision [karar vermek]; to make a suggestion [neride bulunmak, mneri getirmek]; to make a fuss
about/over [tela, yaygara, titizlenme, vd vd] ; to make a mess of [yzne gzne bulatrmak, berbat
etmek]; to make a speech; to be a self-made-man [metinde aklanyor]; to make a name for oneself
[metinde aklanyor]...
ngilizce'de "make" ve "do" ile kurulan yzlerce deyim ve deyi var: Burada bunlardan yalnzca yirmi
tanesini ieren bir test zdnz... stelik, "zorcana" olanlar buraya pek almadm:
Test sonucunuzdan mutlu deilseniz, ltfen iyi bir szlk yardmyla, listelerinizi oluturup ezberlemee
Neden "ezber"? Syleyeyim: ou kaynakta, bu iki fiil arasndaki "temel" kavram farkllklarndan filan
sz edilir, kl krka yaran felsefeler yaplr -- ama hi bir ie yaramaz, her zaman iin ykl bir hata pay
vardr... Hi aldrmayn.
Takr takr ezberlemee balayn: Ezberinizi ise mutlaka yksek sesle yapn, ki kulak belleinize de
yerlesin... Byk emek vermeden, gerek aln teri dkmeden yabanc dil renilebileceini kim sylemi
zin verirseniz, imdi bu hoca ukallm, "make" ve "do" fiillerini birlikte ieren ilgin bir deyimle
Never make do with what you have learned so far; always reach out for ever more...
never to make do with = ...... ile asla yetinmemek

"Phrase" ad verilen eitli yerleik anlatm kalplarn okuduumuzda yada iittiimizde kolaylkla
anlarz. Ama aktif olarak kendimiz kullanmakta ayn lde baarl deilizdir. Bu tr hazr kalplar
rastladka bir kenara not edip, cepaneliinize eklemee alnz. Yaklamnz, "Demek ki ngilizce'de
bunu byle ifade ediyorlar" eklinde olmal. te rnekler:
By dream_Catcher

on my right, on my left = samdaki, solumdaki

on the right, on the left = sadaki, soldaki
with red hair = kzl sal
in green silk = yeil ipekli giyinmi
on the corner = kedeki (sokakta)
in the corner = kedeki (evde)
in the back of the hall = salonun gerisindeki
at the door = kapdaki
on the wall = duvardaki
at hand = eldeki
on our agenda = gndemimizdeki
Verilen ikili tmceleri tek tmcede btnletiriniz. kinci tmcede verilen bir bilgiyi, ilk tmcedeki belli
bir szc niteleyecek ekilde bir ilge bei (prepositional phrase) kalb ile dzenlemeniz
ngrlmektedir. rnek:
There is a very tall girl in our class. She has red hair.
In our class, there is a very tall girl with red hair .
01 That mirror is too small. It is on top of your dressing table.
02 The lighting is not very good. It is in this room.
03 Many governmental buildings are very old. They are in the capital city.
04 Gne is going out with a girl. She is in his chemistry class.
05 Ali reads many books. They are on photography.
06 These matters are on our agenda. They're very urgent.
07 The man is a disc-jockey. He is on her left.
08 Professor okbilen is an old white-haired man. He has a beard.
09 That lady is an actress. She is in green silk.

By dream_Catcher

10 Some students are fast asleep. They are at the back of the classroom. (to be fast asleep = derin uykuda
01 That mirror on top of your dressing table is too small... 02 The lighting in this room is not very good...
03 Many governmental buildings in the capital city are very old... 04 Gne is going out with a girl in his
chemistry class... 05 Ali reads many books on photography... 06 These matters on our agenda are very
urgent... 07 The man on her left is a disc-jockey... 08 Professor okbilen is an old white haired-man with
a beard... 09 That lady in green silk is an actress... 10 Some students at the back of the classroom are fast

Olaan kullanmda "although" ile birebir eanlaml olan bu szck, ondan farkl olarak, ayrca tmce
yada temel-tmcelik sonunda "however" anlam ile de kullanlabilir. Konumada zel bir tonlama
gerektirir. Yazda, tmceden virglle ayrlr. Trke'ye "geri, ama, bununla birlikte, yine de,
maamafih..." gibi anlamlarla evrilebilir:
We have worked very hard. I can't say it was much appreciated, though... = Geri, takdir grdn de
pek syleyemem ya!
He kept making mistakes. He wasn't aware of it, though, because no one ever corrected him. = Ama...


ngilizce'de, "Evet, gelmedi -- Hayr, geldi?" diyemezsiniz... Trke'nin salad bu anlatm olanana
ngilizce'de sahip deilsiniz.
Sorunuz ister "Geldi mi?" (Did she come?), isterse "Gelmedi mi?" (Didn't she come?) olsun...
Yantnz ya "Evet, geldi" (Yes, she did) yada "Hayr, gelmedi" (No, she didn't) olmak zorunda:
Q -- Did she come?
A -- Yes, she did.
A -- No, she didn't
By dream_Catcher

Q -- Didn't she come?

A -- Yes, she did.
A -- No, she didn't

Ah! Trke'mizde ne derece zengin anlatm olanaklarmz var... Ama ne yazk ki, adamlardaki dil ve
anadil bilin ve sevgisinin krnts olumam bizde...

Genelde dikkat edilmesi gereken nokta: Farther, fiziki mesafeler iin tercih edilir. Further ise, bu anlamda
kullanlabildii gibi, ayrca derece, miktar, kademe belirtmek amacyla kullanlabilir. ou zaman soyut
ve mecazi olan bu kullanm Trke'ye "daha fazla, daha ileri dzeyde, daha ileri boyutlarde, baka
daha..." gibi eviriler verir:
The place proved to be farther than I'd supposed it would be.
Should you need (any) further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


Grup/topluluk adlar, kendilerini bir btn olarak gryorsak tekil; farkl birey/birimlerden oluan bir
kme olarak alglyor ve deerlendiriyorsak oul davranrlar:
The committee was unanimous in its decision. (Tekvcut, ittifakla)
The committee were arguing among themselves. (Blnmler)

My family lives in stanbul. (Hepsi bir arada)

My family are taking separate vacations. (Dalmlar)
By dream_Catcher


Yalnz oul olarak kullanlan aadaki ad snf szckleri not ediniz:
scissors, glasses (gzlk = spectacles), binoculars, trousers, pants (=Amerikada pantolon, ingilterede
klot), shorts, pyjamas, goods (= mallar, emtia), riches, clothes, (= giysiler; oysa tek bana cloth = bez,
saylamaz ad), groceries, bellows (krk: iki sap var ya), scales (=terazi), forceps, tweezers (=cmbz),
tongs (=maa)
I can't find the scissors. What have you done with them?
I slipped and fell on the sidewalk. My jeans are covered with mud.
Trousers, when bought in bulk from the wholesalers, are delivered to your doorstep. Have you noticed his
trousers. They are of a cheap brand. (lk tmcede oul = pantolonlar... kinci ve nc temcede ise tekil
(anlam olarak) = adamn pantolonu...
A/one pair of trousers is... / Two pairs of trousers are...
One pair of your trousers is in your wardrobe, another pair is lying on the sofa.

Aadaki ayrntl test, sizlere tekil/oul zne-fiil uyumu (= subject-verb agreement) konusunda
uygulamal bir renme frsat verecektir. Farkl dil-kltr sistemlerinin en artc, bir o kadar da
yanltc ynlerinden birisi, tekil/oul kavramlarndaki uyumazlk olsa gerek. tiraf etmeliyim ki,
ngilizce ile krk yl ili dl yaadktan sonra bile, buradaki kavramlarn bazlar hal bana ters geliyor:
01 All the milk (have, has) gone sour.
- - - has
02 All the eggs (is, are) broken. All of the eggs (was, were) sold. The risk of all of the eggs getting
broken (was, were) fairly large.
- - - are / were / was
03 Measles (is, are) not considered a dangerous disease any longer.
- - - is
04 Dominoes (is, are) a very old game. Could (it, they) have been invented by the Chinese?
By dream_Catcher
- - - is / it
05 The United States (is, are) quite willing to participate in the project.
- - - is
06 The scissors -- it's the only pair of scissors I have -- (need, needs) to be sharpened. (Makas -- ki sahip
olduum tek makas bu -- bileylenmek istiyor.)
- - - need
07 (Was, Were) The Middle Ages full of misery and poverty as (it is, they are) claimed to have been by
many historians?
- - - were / they are
08 His campaign headquarters (was, were) incredibly crowded with journalists of all descriptions. (= her
tr ve tanmdan gazeteciler ile inanlmaz derecede kalabalkt)
- - - was
09 The police (have, has) to be contacted immediately in such cases.
- - - have (has, olanakl)
10 Our special thanks (is, are) due to that brave man who went to his death so valiantly...
- - - are (is, olanakl)
11 The furniture in the apartment (was, were) all in disarray. The legs of the furniture (was, were) carved
in the form of animal legs.
- - - furniture was / legs were
12 I hope our children will be able to say, "The 2012 Olympics (was, were) held in Turkey."
- - - was
13 Sports (occupies, occupy) most of our students' time.
- - - "SPOR" occupies; "SPORLAR" occupy
14 What everyone (wants, want / is, are) some peace and quiet...
- - - wants / is
15 More than one amorous man (has, have) tasted the sour taste of rejection at her doorsteps... Ka
sevdals reddilmenin kekremsi tadn tatmtr onun kapsnda... (Breh, breh...)
- - - have
16 Gymnastics (is, are) among the most graceful of all sports.
By dream_Catcher

- - - is
17 The old in a Turkish village (is, are) looked after by their children. ("The + sfat" yapsnn
zelliklerini unutmaynz)
- - - are
18 At least two-thirds of the book (is, are) full of equations.
- - - is
19 The number of students here with us today (is, are) over 30.
- - - is
20 A number of our students (speaks, speak) French fluently.
- - - speak
21 Japanese (is, are) a very intresting language, and the Japanese (has, have) a long and fascinating
- - - is / have
22 Meltem, together with her husband and five children, (has, have) come to stay with us for two weeks.
- - - has
23 Twenty kilometers (is, are) too far for us to walk!
- - - is
24 Every man, woman and child (is, are) equal before the law.
- - - is
25 Ten minutes (is, are) all I can spare for you.
- - - is
26 Half of this money (goes, go) to charities.
- - - goes
27 Half of my students (is, are) from zmir.
- - - are
28 Physics (is, are) recognized as one of the oldest established sciences.
By dream_Catcher
- - - is
29 As a methodology, statistics (is, are) important; but your statistics relating to the patients' previous
health condition (is, are) particularly suspect.
- - - is / are
30 Ten million liras (is, are) too much for such a simple toy.
- - - is
31 Only the rich (gets, get) richer in such a system.
- - - get
32 There (occurs, occur) more than half a dozen accidents on that stretch of the highway.
- - - occur
33 A second series of experiments (is, are) being planned now.
- - - is
34 The scissors (was, were) on the table when I last saw (it, them).
- - - were / them
35 Two kilograms of paint (is, are) all I need to finish off the job.
- - - is
36 All of the goods you have ordered (is, are) to be shipped within twenty-four hours.
- - - are
37 Inside the chest (was, were) a number of old books. In another chest (was, were) a small statuette and
a fishing rod. (chest = sandk)
- - - were / were
38 Beyond those hills (lies, lie) a fertile valley.
- - - lies
39 Neither he nor I (am, is, are) a good climber.
- - - am
40 Interesting news (was, were) what used to sell a newspaper in those days. (Trkesi: O gnlerde bir
gazeteyi sattran ey, ilgin haberlerdi!)
- - - was
By dream_Catcher

41 Ali and Gne (has, have) done (his, their) best.

- - - have / their
42 The cabinet (was, were) unanimous in (its, their) decision.
- - - was / its
43 The cabinet (has, have) divided opinions on the subject.
- - - have
44 Mr. Muhasip is one of those experienced accountants who never (makes, make) any mistakes.
- - - make
45 Sociobiology is one of those newest sciences which (has, have) made a great impression upon the
public. (Bu ve bir yukardaki soruda kimin veya kimlerin, neyin veya nelerin nitelendiine dikkat ediniz.
Yani, "asl zne" olan o TEK szcn tekil mi oul mu olduuna bknz.)
- - - have
46 Bread and butter (is, are) all she ever eats.
- - - is
47 Their leader, together with his guards, (is, are) coming towards here.
- - - is
48 How (much, many) loaves of bread did you buy? How (much, many) bread do you want now?
- - - many / much
49 Here (is, are) a pair of scissors.
- - - is
50 This is TRT. Here (is, are) the news.
- - - is


By dream_Catcher

u basit soruyu ngilizce'ye evirebilir miyiz?

Ahmet Necdet Sezer Trkiye'nin KAINCI Cumhurbakandr?
ok artc bir gerek, ama ngilizce'de "kanc?" sorusunu sormak "is next to impossible" =
(neredeyse) olanaksz... En yakn adaylar:
What number in the sequence of Turkish presidents does Ahmet Necdet Sezer occupy?"
What number is Ahmet Necdet Sezer in the sequence of Turkish presidents? What place does Ahmet
Necdet Sezer take in the sequence of Turkish presidents?
Geri sorumuzu bu ekilde ynlendirsek, karlnda aradmz yant alabiliriz. Ama dikkat ederseniz,
hepsi de, kendine saygs olan hibir yazarn kullanmayaca lde "clumsy" ve "awkward" tmceler...
Yani, yamru yumru ve ok biimsizler...
Ksacas, o koskoca ngilizce'de "how many-th" gibi bir soru olanakl deil. ok artc, deil mi?...
Baz duyumlara gre halen bir "linguistic engineering" darbesi ile bu sorunun ngilizce'ye monte
edilmesini planlayan dilcilik gruplar varm... Greceiz...
Eeee, hani neredesiniz, "ngilizce zengin, Trke fakir diye tutturanlar??"... Hayr, dorusu u: ngilizce
ok ilenmi ve ok ilenen, ok yazlan, ok okunan, toplumun btn yelerince ok sayg gren bir dil...
Trke'ye gelince... O zengin dilimizi tarihin raflarna, sanatn ller evine, bilimin p sepetine layk
grp, ocuklarmz BBG evinde konuulan barbarca ile eitmee devam!!



Zor bir test... Ama, Kitabmzda irdelediimiz yap ve gramer konularn topluca gzden geirmek... Bu
test, toplam 40 sorudan oluuyor... Her 10 soruda bir, ayrntl aklamalar veriyorum. Soruyu doru
yantlam olsanz dahi, bunlara bir gz atmanzda byk yarar var.
Yanl kkn neden yanl olduunu irdelemekle kalmayp, dier klardaki bilmediiniz veya size gre
"olmazm" gibi grnen yaplarn ise aslnda geerli yaplar olduklarn da ltfen not ediniz

Your task, should you accept it, is to catch and apprehend the odd-man-out !! A Mission Impossible?
By dream_Catcher

DKKAT: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirleyiniz...

Ready... Steady... GO!!

-- 01 -Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...
a. Last year, tens of thousands of people claimed that they had sighted a UFO in the region.
b. Houses have roofs. All sorts of roof construction are possible to the carpenter who is able and willing.
c. These peoples are not indigenous Europeans. They are the descendants of several migrant tribes who
settled in these parts in the tenth century.
d. A dog is good friend to a man.
e. I come from northern Turkey. She comes from the South. This summer, I will be travelling south; and
she will be travelling north.
Answer D

-- 02 -a. Put a lemon in your soup instead of salt.

b. Fruit is very good for the brain.
c. Most later breeds of these sheep now give us some really superior quality wool.
d. Coffee is a drink. Tea is another drink.
e. I can write in ink or with a pencil.
Answer A

-- 03 -a. What a pity your friend couldn't come!

b. What thoughtless of him!
By dream_Catcher

c. What a clever boy you are!

d. Oh, God! There's no limit to how stupid one can get!
e. How gracefully she walks!
Answer B

-- 04 -a. He took up swimming as a sport last year.

b. I should like a house in a country.
c. "May I walk you home?" was the next question he asked.
d. The bodies of most animals (all except sponges) are made up of cells organized into tissues.
e. I am fond of pears and apples with cheese.
Answer B

-- 05 -a. Just between you and me, it's her I'm afraid of, not him.
b. Do you really believe him -- now that you know he is the root cause of all that trouble -- is more
suitable for the job than I am?
c. What! Me accept a present from him! I never even speak to him!
d. Surely, it's him you mean, not me!
e. I think you're far prettier than them all.
Answer B

-- 06 -a. A club for women = A womens' club... Toys for children = Children's toys
b. The parents of all the other boys = All the other boys' parents
c. The glass of someone else = Someone else's glass
d. The name of my sister-in-law = My sister-in-law's name
By dream_Catcher

e. The son of Pharaoh's daughter was the daughter of Pharaoh's son.

Answer A

-- 07 -a. That's too much money for a simple toy like that!
b. The wind proved strong enough to blow the roof off.
c. This soup is too hot for me to drink it.
d. I don't have enough money on me to pay the bill.
e. He is too unpopular to win the elections.
Answer C

-- 08 -a. You may come and see me any day, but you must come some day.
b. "Please give me some more." "I'm sorry, but there isn't some left."
c. Didn't you do some work yesterday? I feel certain you did.
d. You aren't expecting anyone to call, are you?
e. These aren't my books. Did I take some of yours by mistake?
Answer B

-- 09 -a. What were you two talking about out there in the garden?
b. Can you tell us how many of those aren't yours?
c. Who phoned this morning? You hear me? I'm asking you who phoned this morning.
d. Sergen is a great player. One never knows which feet he is going to kick the ball with?
e. Who told you not to do it? Why should they do such a thing?
Answer D
By dream_Catcher

-- 10 -a. He is much less cooperative than we had expected he would be.

b. She's not so ugly as you said she was.
c. She is so stupid as I thought she would be.
d. You'd be less well-off if you were married and had children.
e. It is safer to tease a lion than scorn a woman.
Answer C

AIKLAMALI YANITLAR (Sorular 01 - 10 iin)

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...
01 d. A dog is good friend to a man. (yanl)
Dorusu: "is a good friend". Friend" szc "saylabilir" addr. Bu soru, "saylabilir / saylamaz adlar"
(countables / uncountables), belirli ve belirsiz tanmlayclar (articles = a, an, the) ve doru / yanl tekil /
oul formlar zerine kuruldu.("Roof" iin kuralsz "roofs" doru. -- kurall olsa *rooves olurdu.)
DKKAT: imdi yapmanz gereken ey, dikkatinizi eken veya daha nce yanl olduunu varsaydnz
yaplar kaydetmek...
Gl eldirici: c. These peoples are not Europeans.
**"There are five peoples in the house," diyemezsiniz... "five people" demek zorundasnz. Ama,
"halklar" anlamna kullandnzda "peoples" geerlidir. u rneklere bknz:
peoples and cultures of The Middle East
Turkish-speaking peoples
One Land - Two Peoples: A Federal Solution for Israel and the Palestinians
a study of the peoples of Africa
The human rights situation of the indigenous peoples in Africa
Baka rnek: "There are five fishes on my plate," demek yanltr: "five fish" demek zorundayz. Ama,
"fishes of the world" -- "dnyadaki balk eitleri" anlamna gelir.
By dream_Catcher

02 a. Put a lemon in your soup instead of salt. (yanl)

Amalanan "limon suyu" dur. O da saylamaz (uncountable) dr. O halde doru yant "put some lemon"
(lemon juice, anlamnda)... "A lemon" dediimiz zaman, "koskoca bir limonu cumburlop ayna koy"
nerisini getirmi oluyoruz:
Gl eldirici: "Sheep" szcnn tekili / oulu ayndr: "This sheep" (= bu koyun) da diyebilirsiniz;
"these sheep (= bu koyunlar) da diyebilirsiniz...
"Coffee is a drink. Tea is another drink." tmcesi, ve "in ink", "with a pencil" deyilerini belleinize
olduu gibi yerletirin. Kimi zaman dorudan ezber, aklamaa almaktan ok daha tasarruflu bir yol
olur... Bu testte, bu ekilde iinize ok yarayacak, ok sayda ezber tmcesi var...
03 b. What thoughtless of him! (yanl)
Dorusu: "How thoughtless of him!" olmalyd. (Amma da dncesizlik etmi / ediyor!...) Ksaca
aklayalm: Bu vurgulu yap kategorisinde, adlar iin "what", sfat ve zarflar (belirteler) iin "how"
kullanlr. Tmce dztmce olur, yani soru biiminde kurulmaz: What a clever boy you are! Soru
sormuyoruz, yorum yapyoruz: "Ne kadar da akll bir ocuksun sen bakiim!" (iltifat, takdir, yada tabii ses
tonuna bal olarak, alay)...
Bu konu, Blm 16 (Pf Noktalar) "Youn Anlatmlar" balkl maddede ayrntlaryla incelenmitir.
"How stupid can one get?" sorusu (ki burada bal-tmce konumunda olduu iin dz-tmceye evrildi)
farkl bir kategoriden bir tmce: "nsan nasl byle bir aptallk yapabilir, aptallaabilir, hayret bii,
04 b. I should like a house in a country. (yanl)
country =1. lke, memleket; 2. krsal kesim, kylk yer, kent d... Burada amalanan ikinci anlamdr:
Doru deyi, "in the country" olmaldr.
"Bir lkede bir ev", gramer olarak doru, ama anlam olarak samadr: Dnyada "bir lkede olmayan bir
ev" zaten yok ki...
Yukardaki bariz samalk dururken, "ayva ve elmay peynirle sevmek" tmcesine taklmak yanlg olur:
Severim sevmem, kime ne?
May I walk you home? = Size evinize kadar elik edebilir miyim? (Olduu gibi ezberleyiniz.
Yaklamnz, "Demek ki adamlar bu laf byle sylyorlar," olmal...
05 b. Do you really believe him ... is more suitable for the job than I am? (yanl)
lk bakta "him", "believe" fiilinin nesnesi ve doru gibi grnyor; aslnda "believe (that) he is..."
eklinde balayan tmceliin znesi ve yaln halde olmas gerekiyor... (Sizi yanltmak iin, araya bir sr
laf kalabal yerletirdim.)
Gl eldirici: c. What! Me accept a present from him! I never even speak to him! = Ne! Ben ha! Ondan
bir hediye kabul edeceim ha! vb. vb... Konuma dilinde byle bir ifadenin kullanlabileceini not ediniz.
Daha sk rastlayabileceiniz birka rnek:
What! Me worry! No way! = Ne? Ben zlp endieleneceim ha! Boversene...
By dream_Catcher

What! Me worry about an economy gone mad? I'm pennyless, anyway = Ben zaten, herhalkrda be
AZCIK FELSEFE: Yabanclara rettiimiz kurallar kendi dilimizde yada gnlk konumada nasl da
atr atr ineyebiliyoruz. ineyince de, bu "vurgulu anlatm" yada dpedz "yaratclk" oluyor. Eh,
zaten yle olmasa, bir bakma hala dedelerimizin konutuu gibi konuuyor olurduk... Ksacas, "kurallar
inenebilir", ama nce (ve zellikle de snavlarda) "kurallar" aslnda bildiimizi herkese kantlamamz
gerek. nk, "dilime kfreden bari dilimi biliyor olsa"...
06 a. A club for women = A womens' club (yanl)
"Women" zaten ouldur. Dorusu: women's... Hi ikayet etmeyin: Dorusunu ayn satrda "children's
toy" ile zaten gsterdim.
"The son of Pharaoh's daughter was the daughter of Pharaoh's son." Eski bir muamma... Trke'de ok
kolay: Firavun'un kznn olu, Firavun'un kznn oludur." ngilizce' de ise, anlaml olabilmesi iin,
"daughter-of-Pharaoh's" eklinde tek nite halinde okumalsnz...
07 c. This soup is too hot for me to drink it. (yanl)
"it" fazlalk... DKKAT: Trke'de, "Bu orba, onu imem iin..." ok doal olduu iin, bu kategori
tmcelerde kolaylkla hataya debiliriz... Dikkat ederseniz dier tmcelerdeki "infinitive" (mastar)
yaplarnn ayr birer nesnesi var. Ama burada, "to drink" fiilinin nesnesi, zaten "this soup" ve bir adl
(zamir) ile yinelenmesi fuzuli...
"b" kknda "to prove" fiili, ou zaman rastlanaca gibi, sadece"to be" fiili yerine kullanld. Yani
"proved" = "was" -- "idi" veya, "olduu grld, olduunu grdk" gibi ifadelerle evirebilirsiniz.
"too" szcnn olumsuz nansna herzaman dikkat ediniz. evirisi genelde, "--- mayacak kadar"...
"Seimleri kazanamayacak lde, sevilmeyen bir adamd."
08 b. "Please give me some more." "I'm sorry, but there isn't some left." (yanl)
Eminim ki burada hi glk ekmediniz. Dorusu "there isn't any left"...
a. "You may come and see me any day, but you must come some day." "Any" ve "some" szcklerini
vurgulu okuyunuz ve tmcenin anlamna bknz.: "Beni herhangi bir gn gelip grebilirsin; ama birgn
mutlaka gelmelisin."
te yandan, "olumlularda some, olumsuzlarda ve sorularda any" kuralndan dolay "b" kk yanlken,
ayn durum neden "c" ve "e" klar iin geerli deil? nk bu iki tmcede soru sormuyor, yorum
yapyoruz. Cevabn "evet" olaca beklentimizi de ekliyoruz.
09 d. "Which feet" !! (yanl)
Ancak krkayaklara sorulabilecek bir soru...
"a" kkndaki "you two" = siz ikiniz...
10 c. She is so stupid as I thought she would be. (yanl)
By dream_Catcher

"not so stupid as" veya "as stupid as" olmalyd...

as + sfat + as = gerek olumlu gerek olumsuz yaplarda;
so + sfat + as = yalnz olumsuz yaplarda kullanlabilir...

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...

Ready... Steady... GO!!

-- 11 -a. I had my car repaired for me yesterday.
b. We don't have them cleaned very often.
c. Have someone bring it to you on a tray.
d. Why don't you have it brought to you on a tray?
e. Will you have it seen to soon?
Answer A

-- 12 -a. All junior officers are to report to the Colonel at once.

b. I thought you were supposed to go and see your boss this afternoon.
c. Do I have to show my pass every time I go in?
d. You've got to give it back to me before you leave.
e. No, you haven't to salute him every time you see him.
Answer E
By dream_Catcher

-- 13 -a. You needn't have bought one of these; we really need one.
b. They didn't need to push it into the corner, because it was there already.
c. You needn't have said anything; if you hadn't, he would never have known about it.
d. You needn't have brought any food; but since you have, let's eat it now.
e. We didn't need to spend any money at all, which was a great relief for us all.
Answer A

-- 14 -a. The maids used to wash the floors once a week.

b. Once the floors were washed by the maids for a whole week.
c. There used to be a separate washing day for the floors.
d. The maids refused to wash the floors twice a week.
e. The floors were used to being washed once a week.
Answer E

-- 15 -a. "He wasn't late last night." "No, he wasn't, was he?"
b. They don't understand what we are saying, do they?
c. There never was any talk of it, was there?
d. "You're rather late." "Yes, I am a bit, aren't I?"
e. Doing all these exercises will do you a lot of good, won't they?
Answer E

-- 16 -355
By dream_Catcher

a. What have you been doing while I've been out?

b. Have you ever been beyond Erzurum?
c. What good films have you seen during this past fortnight?
d. How long have you been seeing him again?
e. You have been smoking at least five cigarettes since you came.
Answer E

-- 17 -a. I generally do wear a hat in winter.

b. I nearly always have to do it myself.
c. I have seen rarely a worse piece of workmanship.
d. He always does say rude things like that.
e. He only lent it to me.
Answer C

-- 18 -a. As he was madly dashing down the steps, he suddenly slipped on a banana peel and came tumbling
b. When we were living in that house we had three servants.
c. We went fishing everyday when we were in Gcek.
d. When the war broke out, we lived in Mersin.
e. You were wearing a new hat when I met you yesterday.
Answer D

-- 19 -a. You'll have noticed from my lecture how complicated this subject really is.
b. I take it that this is the right way of doing it.
By dream_Catcher

c. Am I supposed to think that this'll be the very last time?

d. I shall have done a lot of work while he will be asleep.
e. I take it for granted that you'll finish the job on time.
Answer D

-- 20 -a. The valley had been flooded a year ago and it still showed some signs of it.
b. I felt certain that they were going to ask me what had happened to their friend.
c. She was wondering why I hadn't visited her before?
d. It was an ex-convict who had done the killing.
e. He jumped up as if he'd been stung.
Answer A

AIKLAMALI YANITLAR (Sorular 11 - 20 iin)

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...
11 a. I had my car repaired for me yesterday. (yanl)
"I had my car repaired yesterday," yeterli... Eer, "bakas iin deil, kendim iin tamir ettirttim" diye
vurgulamak zorunda isek, kendine dnl (reflexive) "for myself" yapsn kullanrz.
Tabii ok zor bir soru... klarn ierdii yaplar, ngilizce'nin "ettirgen" (causative) yaplar:
Have someone bring it to you on a tray. = "have somebody do something" (birisine birey yaptrtmak)
yapsnn emir hali... Yani, karmdaki kiiye, "Onu kendine getirttir" diyorum...
Will you have it seen to soon? = "have something done" (bireyi yaptrtmak) yapsndan future soru...
"see to" (gereini yapmak, icabna bakmak) fiili kafa kartryor. "Will you have it repaired soon?"
deseydim, soru bir anda kolaylard...
12 e. No, you haven't to salute him every time you see him. (yanl)
have to + yaln fiil = zorunluluk yapsnn olumsuzu, "don't have to" eklindedir.
Dorusu: No, you don't have to salute him ... etc.
By dream_Catcher

13 a. You needn't have bought one of these; we really need one.. (yanl)
Anlamca mantksz: "Bunlardan satn alman gerekmiyordu (ama almsn, nans ile). Bunlara gerekten
ihtiyacmz var." !!
didn't need to do... Yapmak zorunda olmadm iin banda anlald, dolaysyla da byle birey
needn't have done... Meer yapmam gerekmiyormu, ama bu sonradan anlald; bu arada ne yazk ki
yapm bulunuyorum...
Dier klar da ltfen bu ablona gre deerlendiriniz. [Bu konuyu, yardmc fiiller blmmzde
(Blm 4) ayrntl biimde inceledik.]
14 e. The floors were used to being washed once a week. (yanl)
["Yerler haftada bir kez ykanlmaa alknd," demi oluyoruz!!]
used to do = eskiden tekrarlanan olay ve durumlar iin...
be used to doing something = alkn, alm olmak...
15 e. Doing all these exercises will do you a lot of good, won't they? (yanl)
zne: "Doing"... Yani "it"... Yanklanacak olan ksm: "(it) will..., won't it?
klardaki u iki tmcede ise, karmzdaki kiinin gzlem yada yorumuna katldmz belirtiyoruz:
"He wasn't late last night." "No, he wasn't, was he?" ("Dn gece ge kalmad." "Gerekten de ge
kalmad, yle deil mi?")...
"You're rather late." "Yes, I am a bit, aren't I?" ("Ge kaldn." "Doru walla, biraz ge kaldm, yle deil
16 e. You have been smoking at least five cigarettes since you came. (yanl)
flah olmaz bir tiryaki olan bendeniz bile ayn anda be sigara "iegelmi" olamam... "You have
smoked..." demek zorundaydnz.
te yandan, "d" kkndaki "see" fiili "grmek" anlamnda kullanlmaktadr.
17 c. I have seen rarely a worse piece of workmanship. (yanl)
Dorusu, "I have rarely seen..."
Bu soru, bu kategorideki belirtelerin tmce iindeki yerini ilgilendiriyor... "Only" szcnn ise
yerinin tmyle esnek olabileceine ve her konumda tmceye farkl bir nans kazandracana dikkat
By dream_Catcher

18 d. When the war broke out, we lived in Mersin. (yanl)

"Tense" yanl... "... were living in Mersin" olmalyd: savan patlak verdii noktada devam etmekte
olan bir sreten sz ediyoruz...
"a" kkndaki laf kalabalna aldrmaynz. Bu arada "banana peel" = muz kabuu...
19 d. I shall have done a lot of work while he will be asleep. (yanl)
Yine bir "tense" yanl: "while he is asleep"... olmas gerekirdi. Unutmaynz: Temel tmcelik herhangi
bir "future tense" olduunda, zaman bildiren bal (yan) tmcelik bir "present tense" olmak zorundadr...
I take it that .... = yle anlyorum ki ... . "to take for granted" = "kesin yle olduunu varsaymak, phe
etmemek" anlamnda bir deyim.
"c" kkndaki "very" bir pekitirici: "en" son...
20 a. The valley had been flooded a year ago and it still showed some signs of it. (yanl)
"Ago", gnmzden geriye doru sreyi ler. Past perfect ise, "gemiteki bir noktann gemiinden"
sz eder... Dolaysyla, doru anlatm "the year before"... eklinde olurdu... Yok, eer sel bugn itibariyle
"bir yl nce" olmu olsayd, tmceyi "The valley was flooded a year ago and it still shows..." eklinde

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...

Ready... Steady... GO!!

-- 21 -a. If it were thirsty, it would show some signs of it, wouldn't it?
b. You won't learn to speak Turkish properly unless you don't come here and stay with us for a couple of
c. If you go downtown, will you buy a few things for me?
d. If it's convenient for you, let's meet at nine.
e. I shan't write to him unless he writes to me.
By dream_Catcher

Answer B

-- 22 -a. A person who refused to eat would be dead within two or three months.
b. What's the matter? You look as if you could do with a drink.
c. Suppose he asked me for the money tomorrow!
d. I feel as if my head were on fire.
e. I wish I didn't break it. But since I have, I will pay for it.
Answer E

-- 23 -a. You'd rather she didn't say anything, wouldn't you?

b. He has his breakfast at eight, doesn't he?
c. He couldn't have arrived before the others, could he have?
d. I suppose he ought to have known that, oughtn't he?
e. Let's pretend we're not here, shall we?
Answer C

-- 24 -a. Let me read it for you, will you?

b. "I feel very sorry for you!" "Oh, you do, don't you?"
c. "I'd go quite mad if I had to live with you!" "Oh, you would, would you?"
d. I say, come and see me tomorrow. Now, will you or will you not?
e. "No, I won't listen to you!" "Oh, you won't, won't you?"
Answer B

By dream_Catcher

-- 25 -a. "Have you got the tickets?" "Yes, I've got."

b. Haven't they got anything better to do?
c. She got bitten by a stray dog.
d. Haven't you got any cigarettes? Here. Have one of mine.
e. Have you got to go back tonight?
Answer A

-- 26 -a. Wouldn't you rather have something else instead.

b. I wonder whose else would do instead.
c. How else could it possibly be mended?
d. Couldn't it be someone else's? All mine are here, safe and sound.
e. Isn't there anyone else time you can waste instead of mine?
Answer E

-- 27 -a. He was very sorry to hear of your disappointment.

b. She hopes to know by tomorrow.
c. I object to being pushed around.
d. I'm looking forward to see you tomorrow.
e. She was told not to come here ever again.
Answer D

-- 28 -a. She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in.
By dream_Catcher

b. The last person to address me like that was in hospital for a whole week.
c. I surprised to hear such words from you.
d. We are supposed to be leaving this evening.
e. She was afraid to go past the haunted house on her own.
Answer C

-- 29 -a. I don't like having to do any homework.

b. It's no use asking him to lend you the money.
c. I hate practising reading aloud without having learnt the new words first.
d. I'm considering giving up smoking one of these days.
e. It's a good thing that it has stopped to rain.
Answer E

-- 30 -a. Do you know how to make Turkish coffee?

b. A lawyer advised me what to do.
c. I can't imagine why are you so angry with me.
d. We just don't know what to open it with.
e. My friend couldn't remember where to go.
Answer C

AIKLAMALI YANITLAR (Sorular 21 - 30 iin)

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...

By dream_Catcher

21 b. You won't learn to speak Turkish properly unless you don't come here and stay with us for a
couple of months. (yanl)
"unless" anlam molekl iki anlam atomundan oluur: if + not... Dolaysyla, ayn tmcelik iinde hem
"unless" hem "not" yer alamaz. Dorusu: "unless you come... etc."
Ama tabii, burada olduu gibi, ana-tmcelik olumsuz olabilir.
Gl eldirici: e. I shan't write to him unless he writes to me.
shan't = shall not... Demek ki bu tmce, 1. Tip koul tmcesi kategorisindedir.
22 e. I wish I didn't break it. But since I have, I will pay for it. (yanl)
Tmcenin geliinden, sz edilen nesneyi "krm olduumuz" anlalyor. Bu yzden, gemie dnk bir
hayflanmayla, "I wish I hadn't broken it," dememiz gerekiyordu. Bu konu, Kitabmzn 9. Blmnde
(the Subjunctives: Dilek Kipi) ele alnmaktadr...
Gl eldirici: Dier 4 kkn 4' de el aman, pek yaman... En iyisi, ngilizce edeerlerini veya Trke
evirilerini vereyim: (Tabii, bunlar da irdelemek iin, yine bknz. Blm 9)
a. A person who refused to eat would be dead within two or three months. = Suppose a person refused...
He would be dead... etc. (subjunctive yaplar)... Tut ki, diyelim ki, bir adam yemek yemeyi reddetse, bir
iki ay ierisinde lr...
b. What's the matter? You look as if you could do with a drink. = Haline baklacak olursa... Bir iki sana
iyi gelir gibi bir grnn var...
ten yorgun argn geldiniz, kendinizi koltua attnz. Ne dersiniz? "Oh, I'm exhausted! Oh, I could do
with a drink now!" = Ah, imdi bir iki olsa... Ah, imdi bir iki iebilirim ite... Ah, imdi bir iki bana
ne iyi gelir... (Trke'de present anlaml olmak zere "iebilirdim... iyi gelirdi" de diyebiliyoruz.)
c. Suppose he asked me for the money tomorrow! = Ya, yarn benden paray isteyecek olursa... Yukarda
szn ettiimiz "subjunctive" yaplardan...
23 c. He couldn't have arrived before the others, could he have? (yanl)
Sondaki "have" fazlalk... "... , could he?" der ve bitiririz...
Gl eldirici: e. Let's pretend we're not here, shall we? = Hadi burada deilmiiz numaras yapalm.
"Let us..." ile baladnz btn durumlarda, "olur mu? tamam m?" kuyruk sorusu (tag question) iin
standart olarak "shall we?" kullanrz: Let's go home now, shall we?
24 b. "I feel very sorry for you!" "Oh, you do, don't you?" (yanl)
Dorusu: "Oh, you do, do you?"...Anlam = "Yok yav... Sahi mi!"... Yani bu tip anlatmlar, bir az
eme, alaya alma anlam iletir...
Tabiatyla ok etin bir soru: Yanklamann, olumluysa olumsuz, olumsuzsa olumlu, yani tersine
yaplmas gerektii eklinde daha nce rendikleriniz ile elien farkl bir kategori var burada...
(Snavlar dzenleyenlerin, bu derece zalim olmayacaklarn mid edebilirsiniz)
By dream_Catcher

"c" kk: "I'd go quite mad if I had to live with you!" "Oh, you would, would you?" = Yok yav, sahi mi?
Deme yav!...
"e" kk: "No, I won't listen to you!" "Oh, you won't, won't you?" = "Dinlemicem seni ite, dinlemicem!"
"Yok yav, dinlemeyeceksin ha? Bal gibi dinleyeceksin ite..."
Aadaki tmce ise farkl bir kategoriden:
"d" kk: I say, come and see me tomorrow. Now, will you or will you not? = Bak, sana sylyorum: Gel
yarn beni gr. imdi, gelecek misin yoksa gelmeyecek misin? (srar veya tehdit)
25 a. "Have you got the tickets?" "Yes, I've got." (yanl)
Dorusu: "Yes, I have." veya Yes, I've got them." -- Trke'deki gibi, "Evet, aldm," deyip
brakamazsnz. Ksa yantla yetinmeyip, "get" fiilini de eklediinizde, geili bir fiil kullanyorsunuz;
hani bunun nesnesi nerede?
ngilizce'de, Trke'deki gibi, bir mekana girip, "I beat, I beat," diye grleyemezsiniz: "Dverim ha...
Dverim ha... " Mutlaka "I'll beat you up... I beat everyone," filan gibi bir belirleme eklemek
NOT: Nesnenin bariz, apak olduu durumlarda, geisiz fiiller nesne almayabilir: Bir sr bireyler
anlattnz; sonra soruyorsunuz: "Do you understand?" Yant da, "Yes, I do," veya "Yes, I understand..."
Peki, yukardaki "I beat," (eksik) tmcesinde hedefin kim olduu belli deil mi? -- Bizim dnce
tarzmza gre belli, ama ngiliz bizim gibi dnmek zorunda deil...
26 e. Isn't there anyone else time you can waste instead of mine? (yanl)
Dorusu: "anyone else's time" = bir bakas-nn zaman...
Gl eldirici: b. I wonder whose else would do instead.
= Acaba baka kiminkisi bu ii grrd?... "do", burada ie yaramak, yeterli olabilmek anlamnda.
Tabiatyla, "whose else" yerine, "who else" yaps da doru olurdu. Ama ok farkl bir anlam kazanarak:
"Who else would do it instead?" Yani, Bu ii baka kim yapabilir?...
27 d. I'm looking forward to see you tomorrow. (yanl)
Yukardaki onca zalim sorudan sonra ok kolay gelmitir sanrm. Dorusu: "looking forward to seeing
Deyim ve formlnz: to look forward to + Ving...
Gl eldirici: c. I object to being pushed around.
= Oraya buraya itilip kaklmaktan hi holanmam... "object to" kalb Ving (gerund - adeylem) alr.
Burada "to be pushed around" pasif fiilinin "gerund" halini kullanyoruz...
28 c. I surprised to hear such words from you. (yanl)
By dream_Catcher

"I am surprised..." -- Dikkat sorusu... Eminim ki burada hi glk ekmediniz.

"d" kknda, "to be supposed + mastar" kalba harfiyyen uyduk, ama bu kez de bir "continuous mastar"
29 e. It's a good thing that it has stopped to rain. (yanl)
Dorusu: "stopped raining"...
Aklama: "to stop" fiili, "durdurmak, kesmek, son vermek" geili (transitive) anlamn tadnda nesne
alr -- ve (eer bir eylemden sz edilecekse) nesne olarak o fiilin adeylem halini (gerund)alr:
Stop talking nonsense... Stop making that silly noise... Will you stop bothering me?!
"Durmak," ise geisiz (intransitive) bir kavramdr ve nesne almas szkonusu deildir. Buradaki "stop +
mastar" (infinitive) yapsndaki mastar ama belirtir:
We stopped on the way to have a hot drink... Half way through the forest, they stopped to get some rest...
Gl eldirici: d. I'm considering giving up smoking one of these days. -- "to consider" ve "to give up",
birer geili fiil olarak, kendilerinden sonra sz edilen eylemin ad-eylem "gerund" olmasn gerektir. Bu
nedenle, "-ing" (continuous tense + gerund + gerund) pepee dizildi...
30 c. I can't imagine why are you so angry with me. (yanl)
Dorusu: "...why you are...".
ASLA unutulmamas gereken kural: Btn bal (yan) tmcelikler (subordinate clauses) dztmce olmak
zorundadr. Ad-, sfat- veya belirte-tmcelik soru dzeninde olamaz...
"d" kkna taklp da, "tmce ilge ile bitirilemez" trnden sama kurallar savunanlara hi kulak
asmayn. Ne yani? "I don't know with what to open it" mi diyecektik?!

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...

Ready... Steady... GO!!

-- 31 -365
By dream_Catcher

a. Although you think you understand how to do something at the time, you may later find out that you
misunderstood it all or cannot remember how to do just one of the steps.
b. Has anyone got an idea who she is speaking to?
c. A lawyer advised me not to do.
d. I wish I knew what the world is coming to.
e. I'm beginning to get really cross now. Don't you know who you're talking to?
Answer C

-- 32 -a. Whoever says that is a liar.

b. I will follow you / Follow you wherever you may go / There isn't an ocean too deep / A mountain so
high it can keep / Keep me away, away from my love...
c. Whenever I want some company / Whenever Ineed a song to play / Whenever my love is sitting by me
/ And when I can't find the words to say / I Let the drums do the talking...
d. We were warmly welcomed wherever we went.
e. Eat whatever you like it.
Answer E

-- 33 -a. You can stay here, as long as you are quite.

b. "Has she ever stayed here before?" "Not that I know of."
c. You can have the lot, for all I care.
d. Yes, he may bring along a friend, as far as I'm concerned.
e. "Have you ever had any kidney trouble?" "Not that I know of."
Answer A

-- 34 -a. I can't come with you, because I haven't got a ticket.

By dream_Catcher

b. Since we're early, let's have a drink first.

c. As you've been here before, you'd better lead the way.
d. Some major investment projects have been suspended in view of the fact that the country is currently
running a large budget deficit.
e. For it's nearly bedtime, we must finish the game soon.
Answer E

-- 35 -a. The journey, as I recall it, was long and tedious.

b. We were at a disadvantage in that they outnumbered us two to one.
c. You may do it whichever way you choose to.
d. Your friend climbs trees as a monkey.
e. This time, he didn't fail to respond the way we wanted him to.
Answer D

-- 36 -a. Ironically, bad as things are, we know that everything could be worse and that we can only be thankful
they aren't worse than they are.
b. Being a mother herself, she'll understand your predicament.
c. No matter how bad things are, because we had never given up hope completely.
d. Things being as they are, unfortunately the economy shows no signs of an early recovery.
e. However rich some people are, they never seem to be satisfied with their lot.
Answer C

-- 37 -a. The person whom I am going to talk about now is somebody you all know.
b. The person who I am going to talk about him now is somebody you all know.
By dream_Catcher

c. The person I am going to talk about now is somebody you all know.
d. The person that I am going to talk about now is somebody, I am sure, you all know.
e. The person I am going to talk about now is somebody, I am sure, you all know.
Answer B

-- 38 -a. They were wondering about what it was that the man wanted.
b. The switchboard is to be manned at all times.
c. It's time you buy yourself a new pair of shoes.
d. I suggest that each team be given equal points.
e. "Let's take a taxi, shall we?" "Yes, let's."
Answer C

-- 39 -a. Weren't you told to be here by six?

b. The orchestra is said to have played that piece beautifully.
c. This matter must certainly be looked into.
d. The thief was given a fair trial to him and sent to prison.
e. Don't let yourself be laughed at.
Answer D

-- 40 -a. "I'd like to have a word with you." "Yes, but what do we have to talk about?"
b. "Did you have much trouble in getting a visa?" "Well, what do you think!"
c. "Do you think she'll succeed?" "I won't answer that question if you don't mind."
d. "Who does want a sandwich" "I do."
By dream_Catcher

e. "Who goes there?" "Prince Hamlet."

Answer D

AIKLAMALI YANITLAR (Sorular 31 - 40 iin)

Unutmaynz: Yap veya Anlam Olarak "Sakat" Olan Tmceyi Belirliyoruz...
31 c. A lawyer advised me not to do. (yanl)
"To do", geili bir fiildir ve nesne almas gerekiyordu: " do it", vb. gibi birey...
Oysa, bir nceki sorudaki, (30-b) "A lawyer advised me what to do," (Bir avukat bana ne yapmam
gerektiini tledi) tmcesinin sorunsuz ve doru bir tmce olduuna dikkat ediniz.
32 e. Eat whatever you like it. (yanl)
"it" fazlalk...
Gl eldirici: a. Whoever says that is a liar... "says" den sonra "pause" verirseniz, iinden
kamazsnz; tam tersine, "that" szcnden sonra "pause" vermeniz, ksa bir duraklamadan sonra
tmceye devam etmeniz gerekiyor. "Whoever says that", grup halinde "is" fiilinin znesidir: Herkim ki
bunu sylyor, yalancnn biridir...
"b" ve "c" maddelerine gelince, bunlar iir (ark szleri, aslnda) ve airlerle tartamazsnz: "Poetic
licence" diye birey var bu dnyada. Aa yukar "air zgrl" demek. Zaten, buraya aldm
msralarda dile fazla aykr pek birey de yok...
33 a. You can stay here, as long as you are quite. (yanl)
quite = olduka... epeyce... quiet = sessiz... Tam anlamyla bir dikkat sorusu demeyeceim. nk
yazllar kadar, okunular da farkl, ve kulak belleiniz devreye girmeliydi... Birincisi /kuayt/... ikincisi
/kuait/... sterseniz, "gayet sessiz" ibaresinin ngilizcesini bir telaffuz edin bakalm: "quite quiet".
"Not that I know of." = Trke'ye, "Bildiim kadaryla hayr", veya "Zaten pek de bilmiyorum ya,"
eklinde eviri verir.
"for all I care" = "Walla, benim amdan hi farketmez... Umurumda bile deil," demektir... Dolaysyla,
(c)" You can have the lot, for all I care." = Bana ne, istersen hepsini al... (Tabii, dilde herzaman olduu
gibi, farkl tonlamalarla, gerek omuz silkmeden, kinayeli serzenie kadar hertrl nans kazandrlabilir - ksrk tarznn bile nanslar tad iletiim ortammzda, biliyorsunuz aslolan ses tonlamasdr...)
34 e. For it's nearly bedtime, we must finish the game soon. (yanl)
Neden bildiren bal-tmceliklerde kullanlan balalar: because = since = as = for... AMA, ilk ile
balayan tmcelik gerek bata gerek sonda olabilirse de, "for" ile balayan tmcelik baa ekilemez,
By dream_Catcher

ikinci pozisyonda olmak ve virglle ayrlmak zorundadr. (lk ile kurulan tmcelik baa ekildiinde
de virgl konulur):
Because/since/as I believe in their honesty, I'll lend them the money.
I'll lend them the money because/since/as I believe in their honesty.
I'll lend them the money, for I believe in their honesty.
Bu arada, (a) I can't come with you, because I haven't got a ticket... kknda olduu gibi, nedenini bir
duraklamadan sonra sylyorsak, virgl kullanlabilir.
35 d. Your friend climbs trees as a monkey. (yanl)
Dorusu, "like a monkey" -- tabii, arkadamz gerek bir "monkey" deil, sadece "monkey gibi" ise...
Bknz. Pf Noktalar (Blm 16)
"like" = gibi ("szgelii yle"... "aslnda yle deil ama tpk yle gibi"...)
"as" = olarak (gerekten)...
like a father... bir baba gibi (ama aslnda "baba" deil)...
as a father = bir baba olarak...
36 c. No matter how bad things are, because we had never given up hope completely. (yanl)
Yap olarak iki bal-tmcelii birbirine balamak dnda (bir ana-tmcelik bulunmas gerekiyor), anlam
ve tense yanll da cabas...
Gl eldirici: b. Being a mother herself, she'll understand your predicament. = Kendisi de bir anne
olduu iin... Kendisi de bir anne olaraktan... (Because she is a mother herself..." den dnm.]
d. Things being as they are, unfortunately the economy shows no signs of an early recovery. = Herbir
eyler bu durumda, iler bu vaziyette olduu iin... (Because "things" are as they are...)
a. Bad as things are... = Herbir eyler berbat durumda olmasna karn... (Though everything is in a mess,
though we are in a terrible situation...) Sizi oyalamas ve bktrmas iin uzun tuttum, ama btn o
pedantik laf kalabalna karn, grameri gayet salam bir tmce.
Bu tmceler, belirte (zarf) tmceliklerin, "participle" (sfat-, belirte-eylem) yardmyla ksaltlmalar
konusunu ilgilendiriyor. Bknz. "Participles", Blm. 12.
37 "b" kk yanl...
Bu soruyu yanl cevapladysanz veya ar zorlandysanz, Kitabmzn "Sfat-Tmcelik" Blmne
(Blm 6) dnerek yeniden gzden geirmenizi neriyorum.
38 c. It's time you buy yourself a new pair of shoes. (yanl)
Dorusu: "It's time you bought ..."
By dream_Catcher

Bu soruyu yanl cevapladysanz, ltfen Blm 9'a dnerek, "subjunctive" yaplar bir daha gzden
"b" kknda, "is to be manned at all times" = orada herzaman bir personel bulundurulmaldr... "Manned
spacecraft" = insanl uzay arac...
39 d. The thief was given a fair trial to him and sent to prison. (yanl)
"to him" fazlalk...
Gl eldirici: e. Don't let yourself be laughed at. "Sana glnmesine (glmelerine) izin verme"... veya,
Kendine gldrtecek bireyler yapma... "Let" fiili herzaman yaln (to'suz) mastar alr. Buradaki mastar ise
edilgen: "to be laughed at" = (kendisine) glnlmek...
40 d. "Who does want a sandwich" "I do." (yanl)
Dorusu: Who wants a sandwich?
"Kim?" (Who?) ve "Ne?" (What?) sorularnda, soru szcnn ayn zamanda fiilin znesi konumunda
da olduunu unutmaynz:
Who came? = Kim geldi?
I don't know who came. = Kimin geldiini bilmiyorum. (Bilmiyorum ki kim geldi...)
"e" kk sizi yanlttysa, "Here comes my baby / There goes my heart" eklindeki popler ark szlerini
hatrlaynz... Ayrca, Shakespeare bir yanl yapsayd bile doru saylmaz myd ki?!...


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