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Renato Nunez

The Greater Truth
Art exists as a message an open question asked by the artist and left to the observers
to answer. To those who believe all art must be beautiful, go ahead and tell Marcel Duchamp that
his Fountain isnt art, unless you consider rotated urinals beautiful. So what makes Duchamps
urinal art? Everyone must decide on his/her answer for themselves, and no matter the answer,
Duchamp will be successful. With that said, art must provoke or even inspire thought. As
Michelangelo Pistoletto says, the artist must be the sponsor of thought in whatever endeavor
people take on, at every level. For the artist to achieve his/her purpose, art must exist and create
ideas at every end of the spectrum. When Pistoletto says every level he means all of them; art
does not discriminate between inept hands and minds, art stems from our histories, our ideals,
our souls, and we all have them. Now look around you, not everything we create should be
considered art. No idea exists without a thinker, no idea without an effect, no effect without
impact, and no art without an idea. Art exists beyond its physical representation, measuring only
what we can see or hear suggests that there is a limit to art. But there is no limit to our curiosity,
no limit to our culture.

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