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Blooms Taxonomy for Multiplying

Positive and Negative Numbers

By: J.Smith

Create-Come up with
challenging questions and
activities to combine
information with any problem

Evaluation- Students will

evaluate each others work as
a team. They will reflect and
conclude their thoughts on
work. Then they will be
tested on the material.
Analysis- Students will
explore, examine,
catergorize, and question(if
any) from the lesson as a
Application- I will give a
demonstraction to students.
They will have to apply
knowelge and practice
Comprehend- I will translate
material and relate it to
students. Student and I will
discuss the lesson and review
Knowledge- If I taught about
positive and negative
numbers. I would have to
recall or recap what students
were taught. I can use a
popquiz, matching, flash
cards and memory

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