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Leaf it to us

to grow your roots!

Benjamin Bouma
Eliot Tarash
Megan Zurkowski

We are on a mission to promote Central Park Conservancy as a world-class park management
organization. Our goal is to strengthen the Conservancys partnerships with the public. We plan
to accomplish this with our three-tier campaign of 1) attracting a broader audience of millennials
with a vine campaign, 2) catering to our active donors with interest-based donations via text-todonate and Meetup groups, and 3) strengthening our member relations with a CRM-monitored
email. This campaign is centered on attracting and engaging our target market of millennials, as
well as retaining and strengthening the Conservancys existing donor and member base.


Reach and inform a broader audience of millennials with Vine

Increase frequency of donations among current donors
Strengthen member relations with direct communication
Determine effective marketing channels to reach new and existing
Balance member and donor acquisition

Shifting the Focus:

Our research show that the majority of The Conservancy, social media focuses on the
beauty of Central Park. Because millennials love interpersonal connections, we plan to

shift the focus towards the people in the park, highlighting what activities are essential
to the Central Park culture. We are generating emotional connection to the park.
Millennials are constantly connected, 44% utilizing text messaging, and 38% perusing social
media for entertainment and social contact. But brevity prevails. Accordingly, we propose a
short, comedic vine clips campaign. These humorous clips will exaggerate the effects on the
park if CPC did not exist; and it will buildbuilds awareness. Although the vine campaign is
mainly geared towards generating brand awareness, donation links will be included to generate
buzz about our text-to-donate campaign.


Daily park activity peaks at 220,000 visitors daily, with 65% of visitors being New York residents
participating in both active and passive recreational activities. The popular app known as
Meetup is the most effective platform to capture this demographic. Large groups meet regularly
to participate in activities involving their collective shared interests. We plan to sponsor these
large groups and have a representative meetup with them whenever they come to run, sketch,
or walk their dogs in the park. This target audience is already emotionally invested in Central
Park, and the Conservancys mission. We want to strengthen that interest and encourage them
to donate and donate more often as members.


As we transition the public down our marketing funnel to become donors and prospective
members, maintaining strong relations with our current members is essential. Members care
about the park and we want to continue thanking them for their contributions to our cause. An
interactive email will be sent out to current donors and members, thanking them for their

personal contribution, and inviting them to tell us what programs they enjoy contributing
tosupport, as well as invitations for higher membership levels.

We have chosen inexpensive methods for creating brand awareness and developing strong
roots with our Central Park lovers! The creative costs are conservative, with room for
implementation costs.
****we are updating our financials and will include numerical data***

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