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Lesson Plan Outline including utilizing TIP Model for Technology Integration

Instructor: Anna McCormick




Grade Level: sixth,

Concept/Topic to Teach: (TIP Model Phase 1)

Is the war in Afghanistan Winnable?

Content Standards/Benchmarks addressed: (TIP Model Phase 1) List the Wyoming State standards
for content area that are being addressed in the lesson (can be multiple content areas)

Citizenship, Government, and Democracy, Culture and Cultural Diversity, Time, Continuity, and Change,
People, Places, and Environments.
NET Standards-Students to be addressed: List the NETS for students that are being addressed in the
lesson plan; only list those that apply;

1 Communication and Collaboration, 2 Research and Information Fluency,


Research and Information Fluency

Technology Integration: Include a statement explaining the relative advantage of using the technology with
the lesson. What specific needs do my students have that technology resources can help meet? What technology
will directly support the curriculum objectives AND meet NETS-Student? (TIP Model Phase 2)

Students will gather other knowledge from peers, and then engage in an hands on activity. Sharing what they
support on the white board.
Specific Learning Objective: What do I want my students to accomplish at the end of this lesson?;
incorporate the ABCDs of writing objectives. (TIP Model Phase 3)

My 6th and 7th grade social studies class will observe the war in the middle east then explain their opinions in a group
activity, then display group knowledge on the smart board.
Assessment(s) to be used: Review the objectives/goals and correlate assessment/evaluation with the
action verbs stated in objective/goal category) (TIP Model Phase 3)

Target (performance goal): (TIP Model Phase 3)

Materials needed - including software/hardware: (TIP Model Phase 5)

Reading material provided by the teacher, smart board.

Key Vocabulary:

Anticipatory Set (lead in or introduction/motivation and engagement of students):
Lead in introduction/ instructions and provide materials,
Step-by-Step Procedures: (List pg. #, books,
etc.; be specific) (TIP Model Phase 4)
Read silently for 10 min, both articles provided then
THE TEACHER WILL: Design teaching and
gather 5 main points that supports their idea on the

integration strategies/activities that will work best for

student learning.

war. Next, based on what side they support students

will go sand in one of the four corners, labeled
strongly, agree/disagree. Or partially agree/disagree.
With in that group, students will collaborate and
decide what the top main reasons that support that
decision. Then the group will go to the interactive
white board and write those reasons. After all four
groups have gone there will be a class discussion. This
activity will last the duration of a 50 min class period.

Applications (for students with lower skills differentiated instruction): Danny will be given
this class participation assignment and readings the night before. This way he can prepare
what he would like to say in regards to his participation short term and long term goals
based on his IEP. Danny will be asked to provide at least two reasons behind his choice in
his small group collaboration. Danny will be expected to speak at least 2-3 times during
class discussion and follow his IEP.
Extensions (for students with higher skills differentiated instruction):

Results Homework/Plan for Independent Practice: (TIP Model Phase 3 & 6)
Reflection includes Assessment/Evaluation: What worked? This describes how you will determine
the extent to which students have attained the instructional objectives/learning goals through your assessment.
(TIP Model Phase 6)

When concluding this lesson students will agree to their points, students should be able to identify in which way
they agree/disagree and state reasonably why based of peer discussion and provided information.
Closure (Reteach/reflections/relevance/review What needs to happen next?
TIPS for Lesson Plans: (Read this section, then delete after developing lesson plan)

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