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What exactly is upper gastrointestinal screening?

Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract, also referred to as oesophagogastroduodenoscopy

(OGD) or gastroscopy for short, passes a thin, lithe tube fitted subsequently a camera through the
mouth to the duodenum (the initial curved segment of the little intestine). It allows the physician to
inspect the mucosal lining of the oesophagus, front and duodenum. The procedure will usually be
performed by a gastroenterologist or upper gastrointestinal general surgeon, and can be finished
next the patient nimble or below general anaesthesia.
It is an important investigative procedure used in the investigation of diseases such as reflux
oesophagitis, oesophageal varices, oesophageal cancer, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, duodenal ulcer,
and coeliac disease.
Endoscopy may be used for examination of symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, throb or
bleeding. The physician is often skillful to find the source of the symptoms to lead further
investigations and treatment. They can as well as exclude nasty diagnoses such as cancer. In
addition, endoscopy has numerous therapeutic applications, particularly in the handing out of upper
gastrointestinal bleeds, bearing in mind various methods understandable to end the bleeding.

What is its purpose?

Diagnostic applications
Diagnostic applications mainly focus on the inspection of possible peptic ulcers or carcinoma
(cancers). Biopsies (tissue samples) can be taken during procedure by threading specialised devices
through the central equipment channel of the endoscope.
Endoscopy is used to probe symptoms such as dyspepsia (general term for mishap stomach),
vomiting or iron nonappearance anaemia (secondary to gastrointestinal bleeding) and in patients
like blood detected in their faeces. Peptic ulceration is the most common cause of gastrointestinal
bleeding. Endoscopy allows testing of the entire area of the gastrointestinal tract prone to peptic
ulceration and carcinoma in a single investigation.
It should be noted that the endoscope unaided reaches to the second part of the duodenum.
Colonoscopyon the other hand, usually single-handedly reaches in the works to the terminal ileum
(final segment of the little intestine). so past good enough examination techniques, there is a
segment of little intestine that is not accessible for more detailed examination.

Therapeutic applications
Endoscopy is most often used in the treatment of bleeding lesions. Ulcers, varices (abnormal, dilated
tortuous veins) or further abnormalities can be treated by injecting substances that constrict vessels,
occluding them past balloons or placing a small band at their base. Benign strictures (narrowings) in
the belly or oesophagus can in addition to be opened going on using endoscopic techniques. Cancers
of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum can sometimes cause obstruction, hence small tubes
(stents) can be placed to keep the lumen open. Laser treatment can afterward be used to try to

execute some of the cancerous cells. Furthermore, endoscopy has been used in the treatment of
gastro-oesophageal reflux illness by means of special surgery via the endoscope.

Preparing for the procedure

Before the procedure, a nurse will spend some grow old like you to ask and reply questions, and to
create certain that there is a distinct conformity of whats going on. A doctor will as well as spend
some period in the same way as you, going over the procedure, its benefits, risks and complications.
You will later be asked to sign a consent form.
Endoscopy is often done as an out-patient procedure. You are advised not to drive to your
appointment as the sedatives can undertake going on to 24 hours to wear off.
Specific instructions will be provided by the staff at the hospital where the procedure will be
performed. For 8 hours prior to the procedure, you will not be dexterous to eat or drink all except
most likely small amounts of water until one and a half hours since the procedure. This minimises
the risk of strive for (sucking or inspiration) of gastrointestinal contents into the airways and lungs.
It moreover ensures the upper gastrointestinal tract is empty to gain optimal views of the walls and
Newer, thinner endoscopes are now open which reduce the infatuation for sedation and minimise
compliant discomfort. Your doctor will judge whether these are conventional for your procedure.

The procedure
The nurse will put in an intravenous line, through which medications will be introduced and your
vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and oxygen saturation) will be recorded. These
will be monitored before, during and after the procedure.
When you arrive for the procedure, a local anaesthetic will be sprayed at the help of your throat to
permit you to swallow the tube without gagging. Several patients then get sedation to minimise
discomfort and anxiety.
A long, energetic endoscope is passed via the mouth, through the oesophagus and tummy to
accomplish the duodenum. freshen is pumped out of the endoscope to dilate the tummy to allow
better visualisation. The doctor manoeuvers the endoscope through the gastrointestinal tract. The
doctor will be skillful to see magnified pictures of the tract on the television and consequently begin
to make a diagnosis.
If unusual lesions are detected, the doctor may give a positive response a small sample (biopsy) to
allow new testing, or piece of legislation proceedings to stop bleeding ulcers. Specialised equipment
is threaded through the tube for these purposes. The entire procedure usually takes 20-30 minutes.
After the procedure, you will stay for a few hours of observation though the general anesthetic
wears off. Your throat may setting sore and you may vibes bloated. These will speedily wear off.

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