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Technical Script

Rommel Humberto Salas Arvalo
Josu Rivas Francisco Segura
Diana Carolina Neira Aldean

The Liquidators
Description: It is observed at 5 liquidators and behind them a larger and Dr.
Gamma outside a nuclear plant that is on size.

Page 1
Vignette 1
(Read from bottom box):
April 26, 1986, one of the worst disasters are waiting to happen at the NPP
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Description of the scene: exterior view of a nuclear plant (bird's eye) in a
remote area of the city, little vegetation, some dry grass.
Vignette 2
(Read from upper panel):
A group of scientists led by Dr. Lenon Kracosky, performing routine tests
Description of the scene: a group of scientists wearing white aprons,
including highlights Dr. Lenon Kracosky. They are in a room with many controls,
computers. Scientists each apparatus is operating. Scientists are five in total.
Vignette 3
(Read from bottom box):
The test went wrong and everything was out of control.
Description of the scene: similar to the previous scene but now controls
emit red warning lights. Scientists are trying to move scared off switches or
computers. Two of the scientists look frightened, as if expecting an order,
Doctor Lenon is thoughtful Kracosky standing helplessly.

Vignette 4

(Read from upper panel):

The explosion threw large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
It was impossible to have survivors.
Description of the scene: exterior view of the nuclear power plant (bird's eye)
on fire and throwing gases and debris into the air.

Page 2
Vignette 5
(Read from bottom box):
Days after the explosion, the liquidators went to the scene to make an
assessment of the damage.
Description of the scene: the liquidators approaching the nuclear power
plant where there is no fire but is destroyed, there are places which still has
some smoke the ashes. The liquidators wear white suits that cover their whole
body, from head to toe, there is only one protected by a kind of fiberglass so
they can see, and also wearing gloves opening. The view is to the back of the
liquidators walking towards nuclear power.
Vignette 6
(Read from upper panel):
There seemed to be no survivors in such a place consumed by flames and
deadly for any human being due to radiation.
Description of the scene: the liquidators within the NPP removing debris,
sampling with meters that radiation equipment. At the site there are many
fallen beams and black by fire, everything is burned, you can not move without
the possibility that some beam or debris from falling over.
Vignette 7
(Read from bottom box):
Suddenly, Irina found in the debris an unknown but human-like being. Quickly
he gave notice to its peers.
Description of the scene: the place is like before. Irina frightened calls his
mates to tell them what you have found. Irina view behind but she has half his
body turned to the front, you can see his face in the image (face protected by
the suit). On the floor is Dr. Lenon Kracosky under "one mutation" is crushed by
beams but can see it.
Vignette 8
(Read from upper panel):

Inadvertently, Irina was attacked by the monster rose by surprise. Lexandro

came first, was also attacked.
Description of the scene: similar to the previous scene. Irina is on the floor
with a mortal wound in his abdomen while Lexandro is "stabbed" by Dr. Lenon
in phase "mutation one" with his mutant arm that pierced his chest.

Page 3
Vignette 9
(Read from bottom box):
Mark, Vanko and Fedir were dismayed and stunned helplessly.
Description of the scene: It is noted Mark screaming angrily NOOO !!! To see
how they killed his wife and with an outstretched arm as a sign of impotence,
Fedir and Vanko are behind him with a face of fear and sadness that could do
nothing to save Lexandro and grasping for them to flee place.
Vignette 10
(Read from upper panel):
The remaining liquidators managed to reach the military base where they had
been sent.
Description of the scene: is observed Fedir, Vanko and Mark in a store where
Mark was talking angrily to the head of the military camp explaining the
situation and saying, I told him that monster killed my wife and Lexandro! You
must believe me !.
Vignette 11
(Read from bottom box):
Not being taken into account, the three decide to take revenge on their own,
and at night to steal weapons to confront the monster baptized: Dr. Gamma
Description of the scene: the three liquidators squatting in the store where
they kept the weapons, while Mark forward and looking back Vanko and Fedir
doing with your finger silence sign sticking it to his mouth and watching
approaching one of the guards are found of the store.
Vignette 12
(Read from upper panel):
Just at dawn they were on their way to avenge the deaths of their comrades.
Description of the scene: They look at three liquidators walking backwards
with some weapons and barely on the horizon and the sun is just coming

shows. The desolate landscape is something a little grass on the ground and
some trees.

Page 4
Vignette 13
(Read from bottom box):
Just before entering the city of Chernobyl they met Dr. Gamma
Description of the scene: the liquidators observed quietly walking distance
of Dr. Gamma is heading back to the city.
Vignette 14
(Read from bottom box):
Dr. Gamma is immune to attack from the liquidators
Description of the scene: We observe to Mark shooting to Dr. Gamma and
Dr. Gamma almost on top of him with one arm raised as if it were as Fedir
beating him and Vanko with the rope tied to the body And Dr. pulling so you
cannot hit Mark.
Vignette 15
(Read from upper panel):
Trailing and helplessly fled the scene.
Description of the scene: It is seen fleeing the scene liquidators running
through the trees of a lush dry forest and persecuted by Dr. Gamma.
Vignette 16
(Read from bottom box):
They managed to escape and arrived at the military base.
Description of the scene observed the liquidators reaching a base and an
alarm horn is reporting that: There is a mutant in the city and is doing
disasters, Prepare!

Page 5
Vignette 17
Description of the scene: It is seen Fedir, Vanko and Mark talking to the
head of the aforementioned base and Mark said, "I told you so and did not
believe us. He is immune from our attacks; we must develop a plan. And the
boss said, "Okay tell me what you got in mind."

Vignette 18
(Read from bottom box):
Liquidators came to the city accompanied with reinforcements.
Description of the scene: people are alarmed running to either side and Dr.
Gamma holds in the air two people with their tentacles. The cars are stuck
because there was a pileup due to the desperation of the drivers, commercial
and destroyed some of them there is fire. The liquidators are surrounding the
area waiting to attack.
Vignette 19
(Read from upper panel):
The liquidators launched the plan.
Description of the scene: He is one of the reinforcements holding a dart gun
trigger pointing Dr. Gamma and impacting it in the neck and it has released the
two people who had captured and they run for their lives. The liquidators are
close to the monster with a big net to catch him.

Vignette 20
(Read from upper panel):
A synthesized ideally formula he ended with Dr. Gamma
Description of the scene: the liquidators have caught Dr. Gamma with the
net. It lies on the floor and his body has dried. People in the city are close
curious to see the monster's body while the liquidators embrace of happiness
with tears in his eyes. The rest of the reinforcements kept up their weapons as
a symbol of triumph.

Details History:
Appearances of Characters:
Dr. Lenon Kracosky: blond, bespectacled high around 50 years old some
wrinkles on the face a little big nose and his white apron
Scientists wearing white aprons: tall, dark-haired one was a dark-skinned
without hair and white skin remaining two had no lenses.
5 Liquidators: At first everyone had the peculiar costume that is completely
white and are all covered and only were able to see the face because they have
a portion of clear plastic on the face area.
Irina: Redhead, White, about 30 years old, slim, blue eyes.

Mark: black hair, tall, brown eyes, stocky, about 35 years.

Lexandro: blonde, blue eyes, big nose, normal physique, about 28
Vanko: black hair, is the lowest, pronounced lips, eyes half asleep, a
little out of shape in physical appearance (or not so thin so fat), about 30
Fedir: Twin brother of Lexandro.
Head of the military base: It was not so high, white hair military style about 65
years, had wrinkles and lenses.
Dr. Gamma phase one: His arms were full of flakes, his chest had a strange
mark on his chest that looked like the gamma symbol, her legs looked larger
than usual and his feet had grown like a gorilla.
Dr. Gamma phase two: with the characteristics of phase one but his body
was completely covered with scales; also he had a big mouth with a tongue
and she expelled a disgusting liquid; his eyes were those of an iguana and
tentacles had come back. (At this stage it appears from the scene where the
liquidators find it in the city of Chernobyl).

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