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Have group discuss things that are detrimental to functioning as a group. For each
characteristic/action, throw an object into the playing space, the "minefield." Have group
choose partners. One partner is blindfolded at one end of field. The non-blindfolded
partners stand at the opposite end of the field and try to talk their partners through the
minefield without running into any of the obstacles.

2. Stick
Everyone in group touches stick at same time. Break stick in half and repeat. Continue
until stick is very small. (it's easier to start with a simple goal and work up to a harder

3. Group Juggle
Establish pattern of tosses including everyone in a circle. Add additional objects
(A variation contributed by: Nancy J Rimassa) This is a good way to help a group of
strangers remember at least one person's name forever.
1. Have the group stand in a circle, fairly close together.
2. Toss a ball across the circle, calling out the player's name to whom you toss it to. That
player tosses to a different player and so on until everyone has caught the ball and thrown
it on once. It should be back in your hands at this point.
3. Repeat the sequence a couple of times. Add a second bell and then a third. Add as
many balls as you want.
Variations? Make a wide circle out of doors.
Use toilet paper instead of balls.
Use various size balls.
The game ends when no one will play anymore.

4. Wind in the Willows (NP)

A variation on trust falls involving the entire group. Group stands in a circle with one
person in the middle. Person in middle falls in any direction, trusting spotters to catch
him/her and stand him/her back up.

5. Blind Walk
Divide group into pairs with one member of each pair blindfolded. Seeing partner leads
blind partner on a walk. The walk should be challenging, including such obstacles as
climbing over tables, crawling under chairs, walking up or down stairs, climbing over
railings, etc

6. Similarity Charades
Divide into smaller groups. Each group discusses their similarities and acts out for other
group to guess.

7. Group Jump-Rope (NP)

Given long piece of rope, group tries to jump rope simultaneously (again, easier to start
with simple task - one or two people - and work up to larger goal gradually)

8. Blind Shapes
Group is blindfolded or with eyes closed. Have group form themselves into a square or a
triangle, etc. Can use a rope with everyone holding on. (communication, leadership)

9. Survival Scenario Exercise

Wilderdom Store
gear, books, kits

Description of a Group Dynamics Team Building Exercise

Overview - Group Survival

Scenario Exercise

A classic group communication

and decision making exercise,
with many variations.
Works for a wide variety of
ages and purposes, indoors or
There are two classic types of
"paper & pencil" group survival scenarios
(selecting equipment and selecting
people). In each case:
o Provide instructions & hand out
o Set a time limit (~15-30 minutes)
o Let the group go - answer
questions, watch, & observe!
o Debrief



Scenario Type 1: Choose

Survival Equipment
Your plane crashed...your group needs to choose
the 12 most useful items to survive...
Choose / rank equipment items in terms of their
relative survival value:

Participants choose/rank the items

Discuss choices/rankings in small group
and come to a group consensus
Score answers against "expert" opinion
Possible scenarios:
o Lost at sea or island survival
o Desert (plane crash)
o Space or Moon

Scenario briefing (1
per group)
List of items/people
(1 per person)
Expert list (number
Free downloads
listed below

A classic group
communication &
decision making
exercise. People get
intensely engaged
because the "survival
stakes" are high and
none of the decisions
are easy. Works for
a wide variety of
ages and purposes,
indoors or outdoors.

Group Size



Total ~45-100 mins

5-10 minutes
15-30 minutes
exercise time
5-10 minutes scoring
(for select equipment
20-30 minutes

debrief & discussion

10. Scenario Type 2: People

Survival Scenario (Who will
be saved?)
A nuclear bomb has been dropped...a radiationfree shelter is available, but can only take 6
people; choose who will survive...

Survival Scenarios

Choose / rank people in terms Choose Equipment

of who will get to live or die in
situations with limited survival
Plane Crash & Winter
Survival Simulation

Participants role play

characters (a bit like a
Murder Mystery)
Can lead to high emotions; people get
intensely engaged, particularly when
choosing who will survive, and none of
the decisions are easy.
No right answers - any so-called
"correct" answers are based on
debatable values (e.g., ageism, sexism,
Highlights individual's dispositions, group
processes and decision making
Possible scenarios:
o Nuclear war shelter
o Oxygen dwindling (space, moon,
o Lifeboat / Sinking ship (sea)


Appoint a time keeper in each group and

encourage them to be the person who
monitors the progress of the group
towards achieving consensus within the
time frame.
To emphasise individual versus group
decision making, split the session into
three parts:
o Individuals make their own
selections first, on paper (5-10
o Groups (or sub-groups) then

(classic rank 15
survival items
Lost at Sea [.pdf]
(classic 2 page
summary guide - p.1
is the activity list of
items; p.2 has the
Lost at Sea [.pdf]
(more detailed Lost
at Sea description
plus with generic
theory and debriefing
Lost at Sea [.pdf]
(a third version, with
medium-level detail)
Survival on the Moon
(classic survival in
space exercise)
o Survival on
the Moon
o Space

Choose People

Plane Crash Survival

Nuclear Holocaust:
Who Should Survive?

discuss and create a group

Compare individual and group
performances, e.g.,:
For equipment scenarios,
group decisions are usually
more accurate than
individual answers, helping
to illustrate the importance
of collaborative group
For people scenarios, score
individuals according to
how close the group's
decision was to their own
selections of who is to live
and die (an indicator of
each person's influence
over the group).

Possible Debrief Questions

How were decisions made?

Who influenced the decisions and how?
How could better decisions have been
How was conflict managed?
How did people feel about the decisions?
How satisfied was each person with the
decision (ask each participant to rate
his / her satisfaction out of 10, then
obtain a group average and compare /
discuss with other groups' satisfaction
What have you learnt about the
functioning of this group?
How would you do the activity differently
if you were asked to do it again?
What situations at work/home/school do
you think are like this exercise?

Complex Scenarios

Wilderness Survival
(involves 12 multiple
choice questions
about what to do in
survival situations;
work individually and
then in groups,
receiving points for
good decisions)
Island Survival
(indepth, elaborate
scenario and scoring
for longer scenario
exercise; well
explained for school
Westward Ho!
o Westward Ho!
with scoring
o Westward Ho!
o Westward Ho!
o Westward Ho!
(lesson plan)
o Oregon Trail

Caveman meets Modern Camper by Frik, 2003

11. Zoom & Re-Zoom

Zoom & Re-Zoom

This engaging group activity helps develop

communication skills, perspective taking, and
problem solving skills.
Based on the intriguing, wordless, picture books
"Zoom" and "Re-Zoom" by Istvan Banyai which
consist of 33 and 24 sequential "pictures within
pictures". The Zoom narrative moves from
outer space to a farm to a ship to a city street
to a desert island. Zoom has been published in
18 countries.
Hand out one picture per person (make sure a
continuous sequence is used).
Explain that participants may only look at their own pictures and
must keep their pictures hidden from others.
Encourage participants to study their picture, since it contains important
information to help solve a problem.
The challenge is for the group to sequence the pictures in the correct
order without looking at one another's pictures.


Zoom Kit and/or Re-Zoom

Kit, (laminated pages from
the picture books, with
activity guide + facilitation


A group tries to create a

unified story from a set of
sequential pictures. The
pictures are randomly
ordered and handed out.
Each person has a picture
but cannot show it to others.
Requires patience,

communication, and
perspective taking in order to
recreate the story's

Participants will generally mill around talking to others to see whether

their pictures have anything in common. Sometimes leadership efforts
will emerge to try to understand the overall story.
When the group believes they have all the pictures in order (usually after
~15 minutes), the pictures can be turned over for everyone to see.

Facilitator's Notes

Group Size

20 to 30 ideal, but can be

done with fewer (see

Works with any age group, including corporate groups.

Can be done indoors or outdoors.
Once the challenge is finished, allow everyone to see the pictures and
encourage participants to sort out any mistakes in the order (can be done
on a table or the floor), then let everyone walk around view the pictures
Total time~20-30 minutes
in sequence so they understand the full story.
~5 mins set up and brief the
~15 mins active problem
~5-10 minutes debrief
Use as a novel icebreaker by handing each participant a picture on
arrival. When everyone has arrived, explain that each person is holding
part of a story and that the group task is to find out what the story is by
putting their pictures in sequence.
Use a time limit to increase difficulty and enhance focus on teamwork.
Team performance can be measured (e.g., for a competition) by counting
how many pictures are out of sequence.
For smaller groups, try disallowing talking. This increases the difficulty
and creates the need for expressive sign language. In general, allow
Thanks to PJ Giampietro,
large groups to talk because there is enough complexity sorting out all
Michelle Cummings, Dev
the pictures.
Pathik, Andy Martinson, Eric
Another way to increase complexity with small groups is to give each
Nei and Christie Peterson for
person more than one picture.
their descriptions and
To reduce complexity for young groups (e.g., pre-school), allow a small
information about this
group to look through all pictures and organize the story from beginning
activity on the AEE and
to end.
ROPES discussion lists.




Related Link

Processing Ideas

There is usually much potential for debriefing and discussion.

Why was it hard to get the story together?

Optical Illusions

(everyone had a piece, but no-one had the big picture)

What type of communication was used in attempting to solve the
What communication methods might have worked better? e.g., Iimagine
if, at the outset, the group had taken the time to let each person describe
his/her picture to the rest of the group. What would have happened
then? Would the solution have been found faster? What prevented such
strategies from being considered?
Did you try to "second position" (i.e., see one's communications from the
perspective of others)?
What kind of leadership was used to tackle the problem?
Who were the leaders? Why?
What style of leadership might have worked best?
If you were to tackle a similar activity again, what do you think this
group should do differently?
What real life activities are similar to this activity?


Banyai, I. (1995). Zoom. New York: Viking / Penguin.

Banyai, I. (1998). Re-Zoom. New York: Viking / Penguin.

12. Truths & a Lie

2 Truths & a Lie

Description of a Name Game, Icebreaker and Get to Know You

2 Truths & a Lie

A different kind of get-to-know-you activity

which is engages and challenges each
group member in a fun way
Particularly useful as an icebreaker, e.g.
can be used as a opener for a
For large groups (e.g., 30+), it is best to

James Neill
Last updated:


~15-20 minutes

split into smaller group sizes.

Hand out cards or paper and pens (or if
participants bring their own, that's fine)
Explain that in this activity each person
write two truths and a lie about themself
and then we will try to guess each other's
lie. The goal is to: a) convince others that
your lie is truth (and that one of your
truths is the lie) and b) to correctly guess
other people's lies.
Allow approx. ~5+ minutes for writing 2
truths & a lie - this isn't easy for a lot of
people - there will some scribbling out,
etc. The slower people will probably need
to be urged along to "put anything you can
think of" down. Allocate 5-8 minutes, but
you will probably need to urge people
Announce that we will now walk around
and chat to one another, like a cocktail
party, and ask about each other's truths
and lies. The goal is to quiz each about
each statement to help determine which
are the truth and which is the lie, whilst
seducing other people into thinking that
your own lie is a truth. At the end we will
caste our votes and find out the truth.
Emphasize that people should not reveal
their lie, even if it seems others might
have guessed.
Allow min. 10-15 minutes of conversation
Gather together in a circle. Start with one
person who reads their three statements
aloud (to remind everyone). Then read
the statements again, stopping to allow a
vote for each one. e.g., "I am Turkish.
Who thinks that is a lie? [Vote] I am
vegetarian. Who thinks that is a lie?
[Vote] I have a metal pin in my right leg.
Who thinks that is a lie? [Vote]. OK, my
lie was "I am vegetarian."" The facilitator
will need to help each person out,
especially intially until the basic format is
understood. The facilitator may add
drama and reinforcement, etc. for correct
guesses, tricky statements, etc.
The exercise can be run competitively,
e.g., count up how many correct guesses
of other people's lies and take away the
number of people who correctly guesses
your own lie. Highest score wins (honesty

People write down two
truths about themselves
and a lie. Then introduce
the three "facts" to the rest
of the group who tries to
guess which one is a lie.


Links to other descriptions

Two Truths & a Lie

Life Facts

13. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One Another

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

about One Another
Description of a get-to-know-you activity
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
About One Another

James Neill
Last updated:

Equipment: Copies of the 10 getto-know questions

Time: ~30-60 minutes

A somewhat challenging and
intimate get-to-know-you activity Brief Description: This activity
Best for small groups e.g., 3 to 6 involves small groups sharing
answers to 10 somewhat challenging
Involves fun, interesting, selfand intimate questions, including
disclosure by sharing answers to
responses to "hypothetical
some honest, quirky questions
situations" e.g., what would you do
Establish initial trust amongst
if you had $1 million to spend in 24
group members before using this hours.
activity; could be incorporated with
Variations: A quicker, less intrusive
trust building activities
version of this activity is People
Allow plenty of time
Bingo or the Signature Game.
Consider making the activity
People Bingo can be used earlier on
optional and/or allowing small
in a program as an icebreaker.
groups to do the activity when and
where they feel like it; this
increases the sense of owning the
experience and takes seriously the
level of honesty and potential
intimacy the activity can generate

Adapt and edit the questions to suit

your particular group
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One

If you were to choose a new name for yourself, what

would it be?


If you were given an extra $10 in change at Walmart,

what would you do with it and why?


Whats the biggest lesson youve learnt from your past



Whats one of your worst habits?


What was the best day of the past week for you - why?


What are you wearing today which is most reflective of

who you are?


Choose a unique item from your wallet and explain why

you carry it around.


If you could change one thing about your physical

appearance what would it be and why?


Share one of your most embarrassing moments.

If you were given a million dollars and 24
hours to spend it in, (no depositing it in the bank or investing
it) what would you buy?

14. Fear in a Hat

Psychological Exercises:

Fear in a Hat
Description of a Group Interpersonal Understanding Exercise

James Neill
Last updated:

Fear in a Hat
Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled,
attentive, caring and serious.
The tone could be set by introducing the topic
of fear and explaining how it is normal and
natural at this stage of program that people
are experiencing all sorts of anxieties,
worries and fears about what might happen.
A good way of starting to deal with these fears is have them openly
acnkowledged - lay them on the table, without being subject to ridicule.
Having one's fears expressed and heard almost immediately cuts them in
Can be done as the first activity in a program, during the initial stages or
well into the program. When used early on in particular, it can help to
foster group support and be helpful for alerting the group to issues they
may want to respect in a Full Value Contract.
Ask everyone, including the group leaders, to complete this sentence on
a piece of paper (anonymously):
"In this trip/group/program, I am [most] afraid that..." or "In this
trip/group/program, the worst thing that could happen to me would be..."
Collect the pieces of paper, mix them around, then invite each person to
a piece of paper and read about someone's fear.
One by one, each group member reads out the fear of another group
member and elaborates and what he/she feels that person is most afraid
of in this group/situation. No one is to comment on what the person
says, just listen and move on to the next person.
If the reader doesn't elaborate much on the fear, then ask them one or two
questions. Avoid implying or showing your opinion as to the fear being
expressed, unless the person is disrepecting or completely
misunderstanding someone's fear. If the person doesn't elaborate after
one or two questions, leave it and move on.
When all the fears have been read out and elaborated on, then discuss
what people felt and noticed.
Can lead into other activities, such as developing a Full Group Contract,
personal or team goal settings, course briefings which specifically tackle
some of the issues raised, or into other activities in which participants
explore their feelings and fears (e.g., see the Fear in a Hat description at


Likes and dislikes - in two separate hats




Favorite moments

15. Mirror Image

Mirror Image
description of a Physical Warm-Up
& Get-to-know-you Body Movement Activity

James Neill
Last updated:

Mirror Image

This activity involves people in pairs, with one person mirroring the
actions and movements of the other person.

Body movement exercises can be most

revealing, confronting and rewarding. "Human
sculpting via mirroring" brings body movement
exploration into the dyad. By reflecting body
movements of another, several subtle but
complex processes are activated, heightening
self- and other-awareness. Immediate nonverbal feedback exercises in the right time and
place have the potential to be transformational.
Other times this can simply be a fun loosenupperer.

Works with any size group; split into pairs/couples.

Although it is simple, the activity can be confronting, and requires

mature leadership and a well chosen moment/sequence/program.

Usually make sure the social ice is well and truly broken, and that
there have been other body movement and physical
warmup/stretching exercises, with some laughter and some

Offer a demonstration. Invite a volunteer to stand facing you about

half a metre apart. The instructor initiates action, with the other
person following in "mirror image".

Make your movements interesting and slow enough for the other
person to mime as if they were a full length mirror.

Also include zany stretches/contortions to get a few laughs,

especially facial gymnastics. Include action sequences for tasks like
brushing your teeth. The demonstration helps to loosen up
conceptions and inhibitions.

In pairs, one person stretches, the other follows. Then swap after
some time.

Debrief as you see fit.


Variation: Reverse-mirror image. Try following partner's movements

in reverse-mirror image (i.e., swap left <-> right)

The exercise can be done in different ways to emphasize difference

aspects, e.g., for trust-building, drama warmup, ice breaker, etc

16. Gotchya! (Grab the Finger)

Gotchya! (Grab the Finger)

Description of Icebreaker Activity

Gotchya! (Grab the Finger or Cheese)

Handy icebreaker and attention-grabber for

kids thru corporate group programs.

Stimulating group activity to get people

together, focused, challenged, having fun and
ready for action. Useful to get focused
attention when people arrive, get off the bus,
or to fill 5-10 minutes.

Works with any size groups, indoor and

James Neill
Last updated:

Equipment: None.
Time: ~5-10 minutes
Brief Description: Fastmoving 5 min. group
activity to get people
together and focused. In
a circle, right finger on
next person's left palm.
Try to grab a finger


Participants stand in a
circle, arms out to the
side. Left hand palm up,
right index finger
pointing down and
touching on neighbor's
outstretched palm.

"When I say the word go, do two things....

grab the finger in your left hand, and prevent
your right finger from being grabbed... 1 ...
2 ... 3 ... [add suspense] ... Go!".

Repeat several times.

Tom Leahy advises "put big energy, and your

own style to never fails to grab
everyone's attention, bringing them
immediately to the present...Provides perfect
off the bus spark for the day....Good for 10

The trick is dramatizing

the "Go!", the build up of
suspense, and most will
jump the gun, adding to the

Try a different trigger

word, e.g., "Cheese", and mention lots of
other "eeze" words for humor - peas, sneeze,
wheeze, please and freeze.

Or use the word/theme of the day e.g.,

"outdoor" to help get people listening to every

Can transition to talking about "assumptions"

and "temptation", etc.

Acknowledgement: This game was discussed

by Tom Leahy, Mike Anderson and others on
the ROPES discussion list, February, 2004.

before yours gets


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