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Banking Pathway 2015 : Current Affairs Quiz Based on

Greece and European Union

Dear Readers,
Since the Greece debt crisis is the burning topic of the hour not only in Greece itself but in
the European Union and in the entire world as well, there is much anticipation of at least 12 questions from this topic in the upcoming exams. Here we are providing you the quiz
based on it which is pivotal for all the upcoming banking exams, IBPS/SBI/RBI, RRB etc.

1. In which of the following countries, the country which is not the member of Eurozone?
1) Estonia
2) Ireland
3) Cyprus
4) None of the above
5) All of the above.
2. When did Greece join the Euro?
1) 2003
2) 2002
3) 2001
4) 2000
5) None of the above.
3. The euro was introduced in Maastricht by the European Union (EU) in?
1) 1993
2) 1990
3) 1991
4) 1992
5) None of theses.
4. The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union of how many member states?
1) 26
2) 29
3) 27
4) 28
5) None of these.
5. Who is the President of the European Commission?
1) Karolos Papoulias
2) Martin Schulz

3) Donald Tsk
4) Jean-Claude Juncker
5) None of the above.
6. Greece became the part of the European Union in?
1) 1980
2) 1983
3) 1982
4) 1981
5) None of these.
7. Which is the largest country (area wise) in the European Union?
1) Italy
2) France
3) Germany
4) United Kingdom
5) None of the above.
8. In which of the following is the current president of Greece?
1) George Papandreou
2) Prokopis Pavlopoulos
3) Antonis Samaras
4) Alexis Tsipras
5) None of the above.
9. The ruling Party which is currently in power in Greece is?
1) Peseta
2) Troika
3) Syriza
4) Drachma
5) None of these.
10. What was the earlier currency of greece before it adopted euro as its currency?
1) Syriza
2) Troika
3) Drachma
4) Peseta
5) None of these.

1. (4)
2. (3)
3. (4)
4. (4)
5. (4)
6. (4)
7. (2)

8. (2)
9. (3)
10. (3)



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