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TEST: Wednesday, 26 January 2014
TIME : 30Minutes
EXAMINER: Mr.L. Shetunyenga
TOTAL: 30 Marks
This test paper consists out of 3 pages.

Section A; multiple choice

1. What is History?

History is the study of the present

History is the study of dead plants and animals
History is the study of clever people
History is the study of Human kind since its begin

2. Why do we study History?

(a) To know what is going to happen tomorrow
(b) To know why people are poor
(c) To to punish people who did wrong things in the past
(d) To understand ourselves and our communities better

3. Primary sources are not always reliable because?

(a) They are too old
(b) They dont have enough evidence

(c) People just dont like to use them

(d) They require extra evidence to support them e.g. Photographs and Police reports
4. Archeology is the study of?
(a) The e study of remains of Human beings who lived long time ago
(b) The digging out of Human remains from underground
(c) The study of old Bones
(d) The recording of things in the past
5. A source is?
(a) Evidence
(b) Proof
(c) Anything that contain information that can be used as Evidence
(d) A Primary source

Section B true or false


Oral source are sources that are written but not spoken.........................
A century is a period of 105 years.
Historians record the past by studying old documents such as court reports and letters...
AD stands for Anno Domini.
BC stands for Birth of Christ

Section C open ended Questions

1. Explain the 3 reasons why primary sources are not always so reliable (3)

2. Define the following concepts:

a) Excavation

. (2)

b) Recording

c) Chronology

3. Explain the difference between Primary and Secondary sources

4. Name and explain the three different kinds of sources

5. What is a decade?

...... (1)

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