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Colegio Divino




Grade: 4
Term: Third (3)
Teachers name: Luis Fernando Montoya Mnera
Competencias a Evaluar: El estudiante demostrara en este examen oral que puede dar una
descripcin clara de las comidas del da incluyendo los postres. Deber grabar un audio o un video
o realizar una presentacin con este formato.
( Si expone lo podr tener como apoyo pero no para leer completo)
My name is ___________________________ and my last name is. I am ________ years old. I am
currently studying in Divine Salvador School. I am in fourth grade.
Today I am going to talk a little bit about my meals. My first meal is ___________________ it is
around at _____________ and I usually eat ___________, ___________, ____________,
____________, and ____________. In my __________________ I usually drink __________ or
____________ because it tastes good.
Then my Lunch time is around at ___________, I really like to eat my lunch because I can choose
different things like ____________, ___________, _______________or ___________. Sometimes
I drink __________ or __________ but the best drink to have my lunch is ____________.
At night I am not used to have junk food like __________, _____________ or ___________, I
prefer to have something healthy like ____________ or ______________, but if I am very tired I
like to have a nice dinner like ___________, _____________ or ___________.
Those are my meals of the day. Thanks for your attention.

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