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The Prosperity Gospel the notion that God wants to shower people with money, but
only after they demonstrate their faith by donating lots of money to whomever
advertises the scam does make some people rich.
Predictably it works like a charm for those preacher$ who use the gospel as a means for
personal gain. Like Nigerian pastor, televangelist and faith healer(?) Chris
Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy International (actual name: Believers LoveWorld
Nigerian media refer to him as a billionaire, although that refers to Nigerian Naira, which
works out to about 6,067,000 US Dollars. Still a nice figure.
Enconium magazine says his private residence has now been revealed: a four-storey
building with a penthouse.
The magazine says the palatial structure, known as The White House (which it mimics)
stands out from the other buildings in the over N2 billion-worth Believers Love World
International headquarters.
So yes, the rity Gospel works if youre on the right side of the scam.
But wait! Theres more. Former Charisma Magazine2 editor Lee Grady points out that
many Nigerian Christians, theologians and cult-monitoring groups consider Christ
Embassy to be a cult due to its un-biblical teachings and practices.
In other words, Christ Embassy is theologically a cult of Christianity. And if, as Grady
says, members are indeed forced to give money in offerings and are pressured to marry
only within their church than sociologically it has certain cult-like elements as well. 3
Yet millions of Christians unable or unwilling to apply biblical principles of
discernment follow Oyakhilome.
Fortunately, not everyone falls for his teachings:

"Nigeria's Millionaire Preachers" With Seyi Rhodes-Channel 4

Saharareporters interviews Seyi Rhodes the UK journalist and maker of the highly acclaimed "Nigerian
millionaire pastors" documentary. Watch Seyi speak about his time making the documentary in Lagos, Nigeria
with Saharareporters -SaharaTV Live. Watch live streaming video from saharareporters at
"Nigeria's Millionaire Preachers" with Seyi Rhodes from Sahara Reporters on Vimeo. Journalist Seyi Rhodes of
Channel 4's "Unreported World" reports on the illusive claims of prosperity preaching and the fabulous
lifestyles of wealthy preachers in Nigeria.

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About Christ Embassy

Believers' Loveworld Incorporated, (a.k.a Christ Embassy) is a global ministry with a vision of taking Gods
divine presence to the nations of the world and to demonstrate the character of the Holy Spirit, driven by a
purpose to see men and women all over the world come to the knowledge of the divine life made available in
Christ Jesus and committed to the mission of raising generations of men and women that will come into their
inheritance as we teach the word of God, so that they will fulfill Gods plan for them.
This global mission has led to the establishment of an ever-widening network of hundreds of churches and
fellowships worldwide in all continents, affecting millions of people with a unique and timely revelation of the
Over the years, this passionate and undying zeal has engineered the birth of various ministry arms through
which the gospel of Jesus Christ is effectively proclaimed to the nations of the world.
Believers' Loveworld Incorporated, (a.k.a Christ Embassy) fosters a vivacious TV ministry, Internet Ministry; a
highly interactive, entertaining, inspiring and spiritually uplifting ministry which brings to millions God's eternal
The Healing school; a healing ministry of Rev. Chris Oyakhilome (Ph.D), which takes divine healing to the
nations. Each year, the Healing School hosts Healing Sessions in Johannesburg, South Africa and Toronto,
Canada, where thousands receive their healing and miracles in an atmosphere of faith and the manifest
Visiting ministers from around the world also come to the Healing School through the special Ministers'
Visitation Program, which affords them the opportunity to witness the miraculous works of the Spirit in our day.
Our flagship TV program, "Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chris", is viewed by millions on several
satellite and terrestrial TV stations around the world, with testimonies of many receiving their healing and
miracles while watching.
Rhapsody of Realities; the best-selling daily devotional that remains a life-guide with rich teachings from Gods
word. Several millions of copies of the best-selling daily devotional and Bible-study guide have been distributed
in over 242 countries and 571 languages of the world including Afrikaans, Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, Dutch,
English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Mandarin, Myanmar, Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, Swahili...and still counting! New languages are added regularly, making the devotional accessible to
many more in different parts of the globe, thus bringing the richness of Gods Word into their lives. Little
Rhapsody of Realities also features LoveWorld News, a full pictorial and coloured mid-page magazine, which
contains latest updates and reports of the ministrys programmes around the world.
The devotional has been designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development.
You will be refreshed, completely transformed and positioned for a day-to-day experience of success and
victory as you go through the life-changing thoughts in this months devotional.
The inner-city Mission; a full-fledged faith-based non-governmental organization dedicated to breaking the
Cycle of Poverty by delivering a sustainable solution to the problem of urban and rural child poverty. The innercity Missions work to give the life of every indigent child a meaning; we want them to forget that they were ever
poor and give them a hope and a future. It envisions a world in which orphaned, deprived, excluded and
vulnerable children in the inner cities live free of poverty and fulfill their God-given potential, thus becoming
responsible and self-reliant adults, profitable to the society. Also the International School of
Ministry; specifically to train and equip ministers of the Gospel of Christ, building in them the realities of God's
Word and empowering them to carry the message of eternal life in Christ Jesus to their world, with great
demonstrations of the miraculous power of God.
Having pioneered the first 24 hours satellite station to stream from Africa to the rest of the world, the Loveworld
channel has since inception evolved into 3 far reaching satellite stations covering all continents of the
world: Loveworld Sat which has left an indelible foot print in the sand of time, projecting images of lives that
have been touched and transformed through television over the period of its existence. Loveworld
UKand Loveworld Plus; a Christian faith and lifestyle channel destined to bring a new level of dynamism into
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Christian television programming through satellite and the internet. The reach of LoveWorld UK and Loveworld
Plus is limitless.
The Ministry also hosts various crusades in the largest arenas in various countries where millions have been
brought into the kingdom of God, and mighty miraculous works have been demonstrated. The venues of such
meetings are constantly filled to capacity. Believers Loveworld Incorporated, (a.k.a Christ Embassy) will stop at
nothing in ensuring that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is preached in all the nations of the world as is
expected by the Lord.
Believers Loveworld Inc. (a.k.a Christ Embassy) is more than a church. Its a vision; Gods vision.

The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 7:37pm On Apr 04, 2015

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I approach this subject of discussion with great trepidation but with genuine concern for the
thousands of people, especially young minds, in the Christ Embassy Church. My genuine concern for
these people has overcome my fears and has finally led me to open this thread, which I promised to
open but had changed my mind on it so often afterwards, until now.
I was hoping I could do a thorough study on the subject, approaching it from the definition of a cult,
supplying information on what cult organizations believe and do, etc. Unfortunately, I cannot do that
due to some constraints and the fact that most people who read these threads do not have the
patience to read long discussions.
So, I will simply state my reasons for concluding that the CEC is a cult organization and I would be
looking forward to responding to those who may want to query this position. The young man,
Gombs, an ardent CEC member, has promised to grace the thread and I hope that our back and
forth discussion on the subject will help shed light on my position.
I again want to emphasize that I do not get any pleasure from criticizing fellow men in whatever
stance they have chosen in life. I am convinced they have perfect liberty to do whatever they want
under the law of our country. When however what they do in Christ's name contravene the express
commands of the God who authored the bible, it is our duty to point these things out. In doing so,
we may be able to dissuade those who might find themselves walking into the cult organization or
help those seeking a path out of it, escape.
These discussions are not meant to be an attack on Chris Oyakhilome or members of his church. I
truly desire they will see it that way. If however they do not, their perception will not stop the
project from continuing.
I will be writing on two themes next:

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1. The Cultic Connection in the Word of Faith Movement.

2. Why Christ Embassy is a cult.
Cc: trustman, BabaGnoni, DrummaBoy, SirJohn, vooks, Joagbaje, Petres007, Tgirl4real, Candour.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 7:38pm On Apr 04, 2015
The first of the two links provided above is a PDF download link to a book written by Dr Walter
Martins on cult organizations in Christendom. Dr Martin, died 1989, was considered an authority in
cult organizations. Thanks to his research and work, organizations like the Jehovah Witnesses,
Christian Science and Mormons, are now known as cults among church people. The book also
discusses other cult organizations. This edition however composed of some addition to what Dr
Martins had written. It has a section in the Appendix that discusses the Word of Faith movement,
page 479. Everything that was written in that appendix was simply a confirmation of what trustman,
DrummaBoy and BabaGnoni had discussed in a thread on Word of Faith. Find the thread above. The
conclusion was that the Word of Faith had cultic influences, even if it cannot be called a strict cult. In
my submission next, I wish to argue that the Christ Embassy Church, while teaching WoF, has finally
crossed over to being a cult organization and that people need to beware of this.
I refer my readers to the two documents above for a thorough study into Word of Faith and other
cults. But I will simply just do a summary on the cultic connection in Word of Faith.
The teachings of Word of Faith can be summarised in the followings, as gleaned from the Kingdom
of Cults, page 479:
1. Faith in faith.
2. Confessing to Possessing.
3. The Sin of Suffering
4. Wealth (The Wheel of Fortune).
5. Health and Healing.
You may refer to the above links for a thorough understanding into these five essential false

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doctrines of the WoF. But here I shall conclude on what exactly is the gospel of Jesus Christ and why
the WOF is not Christ gospel.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not health and wealth. Regardless of how the Word Faith enthusiasts
spin scriptures, Jesus did not die so that we all could be healthy and wealthy.
This is why Jesus came to the world and why he died:
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save
his people from their sins.
Jesus came to die to save men from sin. The message of this season, Easter. Nothing more.
The bad news of humanity is that all men are born sinners. God then set in an initiative to save
men. He came to the world as Christ and died for men's sins. The reason was because God is a
righteous judge and will judge sin. When Christ died, God judged the sin of the world on him. So
that whoever believes in Christ can have his sins judged and taken and away on the cross.
The consequence is two folds: Christians will not suffer God's judgement and Christian possess
power over sin to live holy. Thus, we may not be able to say you are going to heaven but we sure
can see the fruit of your life, holiness, without which no man shall see God.
WoF miss the point of the gospel when they say that in addition to redemption from sin, the cross
has secured health and wealth for Christians. The easiest answer to this position is that in Christ we
see holiness and heavenliness; however Jesus suffered poverty and identified with the sick in
Matthew 25, saying "when I was sick..."; shall we say Jesus was not of God for being poor and sick?
In the long run, WoF ceases to teach holiness and heavenliness. Rather their emphasis are health,
wealth, success, promotion, motivation, etc.
These discussions have become important because a large section of prophesing Christians are now
WoF enthusiasts.
1 Like 1 Share

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 7:39pm On Apr 04, 2015
From my perspective, an organization can be said to be a cult from what it teaches and it's lifestyle.
We have seen that the essential teaching of CEC is WoF. While WoF is clearly false doctrine, I
hesitate to describe all churches teaching Word Faith as cults because they emphasize certain truths
that still keeps them "safe". Example, many of these churches believe in Christ's deity. They
encourage a heart submission to Christ's Lordship and encourage holy living. These minimums still
keeps them from going overboard. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Christ Embassy.

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The following are a quick shot at why CEC is today a cult.

1. Chris Oyakhilome is their god.
While discussing cult organizations, Walter Martins made it clear that cult organization usually refer
to a man or woman as their sole authority, not the bible. For Jehovah Witnesses it was Charles Taze
Russell . For Christian Science it is Mary Eddy Baker. For Mormons it is Joseph Smith . And for Christ
Embassy, it is Chris Oyakhilome. We only need to see how these other cult organization equate the
literatures of their founders to the bible, and in many cases, subordinating scriptures to the words of
their founders, to agree with me. That's the tragedy of literatures like Rhapsody of Realities, etc, in
the CEC.
Chris Oyakhilome is effectively the prophet and god of the Christ Embassy cult. His members
consider him infallible and the anointed one, their Christ. I am told by an old member of nl that
Joagbaje, a leading CE member on nl, used to refer to Chris Oyakhilome as "Pastor Christ", instead
of Pastor Chris, as he fondly called by his followers. This example, and many others like it, point to
the cultism that CEC church has become.
2. Sin in the Congregation.
A leading Christ Embassy follower on this forum, mbaemeka, once commented that a brother once
left CEC bc he was tired of the immorality going on in their midst. He says that the brother
eventually "fell" into a worse sin where he went to. The point he was trying to make was that sin is
of men's heart and not environment. The point he passed across unknowingly was that sexual
immorality was the order of the day in the cult of Chris Oyakhilome.
There is no greater proof of this than the widely reported divorce case BTW Chris and his wife,
Anita. Anita had stated in her appeal for divorce in a British court that her husband was known to
have "inappropriate relations" with ladies in church. Those in the know refer this to the endless line
of lady pastor that live in the "White House", Oyakhilome residence, in Lagos. Chris has live apart
from his wife since 1999 when she left to start the UK Branch of their church. Pastor Chris might
require us to believe he has been celibate since then.
A study of Walter Martins work on cults reveals that the leader is usually a sex maniac. Who has
unreserved access to ladies in church. They normally have failed marriages.
Sexual immorality is the order of the day among CEC members. They revel in it. My investigations
reveal that married people are even known to date other people's wives and husbands in church.
3. Fake Miracles:
Like the Christian Science cult, the CEC is also known for its fake miracles. Thanks to the
painstaking work of our own SirJohn here on nairaland, Chris Oyakhilome is now known as a fake
miracle worker, with his healing school, a place where the sick and the gullible are reaped off of their

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resources without getting healed. The story of Kenya28 help seal the fake miracles story of CEC and
the more recently discovered case of a man whom Joagbaje claimed to heal of HIV but who was
never healed.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 7:42pm On Apr 04, 2015
Other proof of the cultic nature of CEC is their violence and hate. There have been numerous
occasions in which people have tried to investigate the church and have ended being beaten black
and blue. A lady who supplied screen to their recently concluded ministers conference was beaten
because she demanded to be paid for her services.
As for hate, readers can just sit back and see the response of Christ Embassy members to this
thread. How they very easily dodge issues and aim diatribes at the critic's personality or personal
lives. When this is not sufficient, they then begin to rain down curses or resort to cheap spiritual
CEC members all talk like Pastor Chris; they dress like him; they copy his gesticulations and style.
They seek to be like Chris Oyakhilome and not Christ.
I understand that CEC members read mostly Oyakhilome publications. If they would read anything
else, it must be from the error of other Word of Faith preachers.
Members marry only members. There is a perversive demand for money in the church, to the extent
that member "sow" all their possessions and money to church. It is not uncommon to find members
begging people for money to give for offering. Recently, the church began demanding money for
New Year morning services. Stories of people defrauding their companies to give to church abound
in the dailies. The atrocities are endless.
The biggest proof of the cult of CEC is the freedom they deny their members. Members cannot
critique Oyakhilome. If you do, the threat of a curse is issued. There is a bondage to fit the
"successful mold" - the impression that you have made it, so members have no qualms selling all
they have so as to give to the endless demand for "pledges".
It was difficult for me to conclude that CEC is a cult but having read Walter Martins, I couldn't help
but do so. Christ Embassy members claim to win souls for Christ but the truth is that they are
making these people twice the son of hell that they really are. This is a desperate call to our youths
in this church to leave it and find some other bible church to go to.
I will stop here for now.
12 Likes 2 Shares

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Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Nobody: 7:50pm On Apr 04, 2015
Whats a definition of a cult and how are Christ Embassy, Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons cultic?
This shouldn't be a difficult question to answer. Quit with the thesis. No one will grade u.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Shinebright24: 7:53pm On Apr 04, 2015
You are just talking and making no end.
Hit your head on the nail, sorry, hit the nail on your head, oh sorry, Hit the nail on the head let's get
ur point.
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by godsamist: 10:00pm On Apr 04, 2015
Very very pathetic,the issue is there are still many of them in town,one after another,the true God in
heaven wil continue disgracing and exposing them out of their hiding zones!
These are the same people who made Christ wept yet,they are not satisfied,but this time
around,power don change hand,its now that fake churchs and there members turn to moan under
torment from above.(Amen!)
1 Like

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 10:01pm On Apr 04, 2015
Whats a definition of a cult and how are Christ Embassy, Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons cultic?
This shouldn't be a difficult question to answer. Quit with the thesis. No one will grade u.
Find your answer in the third post.
Sorry about the thesis. This is the shortest discuss one can get to discuss cults. Cults flourish bc
folks like you cannot read... read thesis.
10 Likes 1 Share

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 10:13pm On Apr 04, 2015
CC: PastorKun, nannymcphee.
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Topgainer: 11:03pm On Apr 04, 2015
Loves World alias CEC is not the only cult organization imprisoning youths, dispossessing them of
their earnings, creating a faked feelings of well-being, comfort and all sufficiency, ultimately leading
many to destruction. The Bible foretold of many false teachers and prophets in the end time who will
masquerade as Angels
I am convinced that Loves World will be exposed for what it is - a faked Christianity spreading faked
10 Likes 1 Share

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Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 11:11pm On Apr 04, 2015
Just saw this. It's a good read, and I'm not through, but I gotta sleep bro.
Tomorrow is a good day to tackle your points, assuming you made any.
Mbaemeka,kenny4lyf, nlmediator,image123
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 11:14pm On Apr 04, 2015
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Nobody: 11:17pm On Apr 04, 2015
Hi. What do you stand to gain from this post?
I believe you have taken it upon yourself like a goal to bring this man down and publcize the ill that
you think is being pperpetrated there.
Whats really your gain?.
Anyway, as for me and my beliefs and convictions, I dont think that church is somewhere I can
attend or visit.
Ofcourse I hold nothing against them or their members as there are great Jesus people who attend
the church but I do not like their teachings.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Nobody: 11:30pm On Apr 04, 2015

Find your answer in the third post.

Sorry about the thesis. This is the shortest discuss one can get to discuss cults. Cults flourish bc
folks like you cannot read... read thesis.
Going by your definition of a cult in the 3rd post, it would mean that 90% of the churches in Nigeria
are all cults. Cos they worship their founders (those who call their GO daddy and hold unto his
words more than the bible), perform fake miracles and condone sin. They re also violent (verbally)
when confronted with questions about their beliefs.

By d dictionary definition the above doesn't define a cult. Oxford dictionary defines a cult as a small
group of people who have EXTREME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and are not part of any ESTABLISHED

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Going by this definition by an authority such as the Oxford Dictionary, the religious groups u
mentioned above (Christ Embassy, Jehovah's witnesses) cannot be said to be a cult. For they claim
to be christians and as far I know do not have extreme religious beliefs. (Especially the witnesses). I
feel if any of those religious organisations should sue you for libel, u'd pay heavily. Get you facts

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by omat20(m): 12:22am On Apr 05, 2015
You are just talking and making no end.
Hit your head on the nail, sorry, hit the nail on your head, oh sorry, Hit the nail on the head let's get
ur point.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Nobody: 1:40am On Apr 05, 2015
I know before by the Spirit of God
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by simplex2: 6:23am On Apr 05, 2015
If your post is anything to go by; then mostly all christians are cultist and churches cults.
For catholics, it is the pope and their doctrine.
For Winners it is their daddy, the keeper of the key to gates of hell.
Have you heard of the Lords chosen and their 'God of chosen'?
What you call sin is a human nature and not peculiar to any church. That a member of CE screwed a
chorister doesn't mean its a norm in CE; other church members do same and even more.
Not that I buy any of you people's religious hypocrisy anyway; you all are same! Bunch'a hypocrites!

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 6:36am On Apr 05, 2015

Going by your definition of a cult in the 3rd post, it would mean that 90% of the churches in Nigeria
are all cults. Cos they worship their founders (those who call their GO daddy and hold unto his
words more than the bible), perform fake miracles and condone sin. They re also violent (verbally)
when confronted with questions about their beliefs.

By d dictionary definition the above doesn't define a cult. Oxford dictionary defines a cult as a small
group of people who have EXTREME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and are not part of any ESTABLISHED

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Going by this definition by an authority such as the Oxford Dictionary, the religious groups u
mentioned above (Christ Embassy, Jehovah's witnesses) cannot be said to be a cult. For they claim
to be christians and as far I know do not have extreme religious beliefs. (Especially the witnesses). I
feel if any of those religious organisations should sue you for libel, u'd pay heavily. Get you facts
Ah! You've already started nailing my old friend. I see you've noticed how he gets his stories upside
down to suit his insatiable obsession to paint CE black.
Wait let me get time after service today and get him straightened.
Winsomex aka Drummaboy, hope you can see how this thread will end? I already do

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 6:52am On Apr 05, 2015

Ah! You've already started nailing my old friend. I see you've noticed how he gets his stories upside
down to suit his insatiable obsession to paint CE black.
Wait let me get time after service today and get him straightened.
Winsomex aka Drummaboy, hope you can see how this thread will end? I already do
While you prepare a response for me, you may also want to respond to this:

Loves World alias CEC is not the only cult organization imprisoning youths, dispossessing them of
their earnings, creating a faked feelings of well-being, comfort and all sufficiency, ultimately leading
many to destruction. The Bible foretold of many false teachers and prophets in the end time who will
masquerade as Angels
I am convinced that Loves World will be exposed for what it is - a faked Christianity spreading faked
1 Like

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 6:55am On Apr 05, 2015
Sure Buddy. I'd use a laptop for this thread.

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Today is a Good Day! May the joy of His resurrection fill your home this Easter and beyond. Happy
Easter from all of us at Christ Embassy.
1 Like

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 8:08am On Apr 05, 2015
The Christian Science Church is headquartered on the fourteen-acre complex of the First Church of
Christ, Scientist in the Back Bay section of Boston, Massachusetts. According to their official Internet
homepage, the group has 2,300 branch churches in over sixty countries throughout the world.
Approximately 1,600 of these branch churches are in the United States and about sixty are in
Canada. While the churchs by-laws forbid releasing membership statistics, outside estimates put
the total number of followers at around 150,000. The body is governed by a five-member Board of
Directors. The current president of the Christian Science Church is J. Thomas Black, from
Birmingham, Michigan. The organisation is run by Black and his Board of Trustees of Bostons First
Church of Christ, Scientist, the "Mother" Church. Unlike many cults in which the founders
successors retain the same status as the founder, in Christian Science all spiritual authority is vested
in Mary Baker Eddy, not any other presidents, including Black. Christian Scientists call Eddy their
"Leader," explaining, "Christian Scientists refer to Eddy as the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of
Christian Science."
1 It is to her writings and teachings that Christian Scientists refer for guidance: "The truth is in the
Bible and Science and Health. And the proof is in nearly 125 years of consistent healing based on
these books. You have come home. This age is awake with discovery. Science and Health, the
Church that publishes it, and all of those united with this dynamic movement of thought are at the
epicentre of this mental awakening." 2 For decades Christian Science was the matriarch of the Mind
Science family. With a large and growing membership, secular and religious respect, and great
wealth, the Mother Church predominated the Mind Science movement and was more important in
almost all respects than Unity School of Christianity, Mind Science, Religious Science, Divine
Science, and their other siblings. However, during the 1960s a trend became apparent. Christian
Science was losing members and income at a steady and significant rate. By the mid-70s Christian
Science members and even the public media were aware that the decline was long term and steady.
Scandal rocked the Mother Church in 1976 with charges of financial, moral, and spiritual corruption
among the top leaders. In the early 80s the Christian Science cult regrouped its forces and began to
present a calm face to the world, and since the middle of the decade has solidified its public image
as a benign Christian denomination of thoughtful, spiritually mature people who enjoy a rather
intellectual, quiet faith that gives them peace with God without any of the unappealing aspects of
traditional Christianity, such as the existence of hell, the doctrine of the Trinity, or the incarnation,
resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ.
But in the late 80s and early 90s the church again experienced stormy turmoil due to negative
media coverage of lawsuits, financial difficulties, and internal upheaval. Several court battles
produced international headlines as members were charged with manslaughter, murder, and child

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abuse for choosing prayer over medical treatment for illness. In Minnesota, one four-week trial in
1994 levied a $14 million punitive damage award against the Mother Church, which a judge later
reduced to $10.4 million. 3 In 1995, the Minnesota Court of Appeals overturned this judgment. 4
This court left intact $1.5 million in compensatory damages against the parents and two Christian
Science practitioners. United States Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of this case. 5 The 6
Now the Mother Church, contrary to its founders philosophy, has revised its strong prohibition
against medical treatment. Though highly regarded by many, the Christian Science Publishing
Societys media operations have struggled for years. According to Forbes magazine, the influential
newspaper The Christian Science Monitor won respect not for proselytising but for its sober and
thoughtful international coverage. 7 Yet it has not turned a profit since 1961 with losses in excess of
$250 million. in 1986 was abandoned in mid-1992 after losing $235 million. 8 A television venture
that began 9 To obtain cash with these setbacks, in 1992 more than $40 million was borrowed from
the employee pension fund to keep the church solvent. 10 In 1991 a book rejected by the church
over forty years ago, The Destiny of the Mother Church, which deified church founder Mary Baker
Eddy, was published so that the Mother Church might receive a $97 million bequest from a California
church family. 11 According to the April 1, 1992 issue of The Christian Century, eight respected
church publications editors resigned in protest, as the book violated Eddys own beliefs. 12 Two
other rival beneficiaries, Stanford University and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, filed suit
arguing that the church had not fulfilled the terms of the will. church $53 million, with the remainder
split between the other two parties. 13 A 1993 settlement gave the 14 Also, the church was under
investigation by the U.S. Postal Service for violation of non-profit mailing rates. 15 It is interesting
to note that while groups such as the Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and others are enjoying
unprecedented growth in Third World and formerly communist countries, Christian Science continues
to maintain the bulk of its membership among North Americans, Northern Europeans, and the better
educated, more Westernised people of other countries.
In terms of American-based cults, Christian Science ranks financially weak compared to the much
larger cults of the Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses, but is still in competition with other Mind
Science-based cults individually, such as Science of Mind and the Church of Religious Science. In
1997, as this book is being revised, the church faces an ageing membership. It remains to be seen
whether Christian Science will continue to be noteworthy or fade into insignificance in the twentyfirst century. For the present, however, the Christian Science cult is a powerful force with which
evangelical Christians everywhere must deal. While The Christian Science Monitors circulation was
only 73,000 in 1997, an electronic version is available to millions on the Internet. An abundance of
other Christian Science theology web sites exist that espouse the organisation's doctrine. Most
major university campuses have chapters of Christian Science Organisations (CSOs) consisting of
faculty and students who put a mainstream face on current issues with Christian Science philosophy.
Furthermore, each branch church maintains a Christian Science Reading Room in a prominent
neighbourhood location or on church property. These rooms contain Christian Science books,
newspapers, journals, and Bible lessons that are available for public use, introducing seekers to
Christian Science theology by a veneer of scholarship and a hefty coating of compassion.
Newcomers are urged to attend a midweek "testimony" meeting, where more experienced Christian
Scientists share their testimonies of "spiritual" healing through Christian Science meditation and
prayer. 16 In the rest of this chapter, we shall examine its roots, founder, growth, and controversies,
and contrast its teachings with the clear word of Scripture. Of all the persons destined for religious

14 | P a g e

prominence and success in the nineteenth century, none has eclipsed Mary Ann Morse Bakerbetter
known among the band of faithful Christian Scientists as Mary Baker Eddy, "Mother" and Leader, the
"Discoverer and Founder" of Christian Science.
Mary Baker was born in 1821 in Bow, New Hampshire, in the humble surroundings of a farm house
and was reared a strict Congregationalist by her parents, Mark and Abigail Baker. The life of young
Mary Baker until her twenty-second year was marked with frequent illnesses of both an emotional
and physical nature, 17 and the then infant science of mesmerism was not infrequently applied to
her case with some success. In December of 1843, at the age of twenty-two, the future Eddy was
married to George W. Glover, a neighbouring businessman, whose untimely death of yellow fever in
Wilmington, South Carolina, some seven months later reduced his pregnant wife to an emotional
and highly unstable invalid, who, throughout the remaining years of her life, relied from time to time
upon the drug morphine as a medication. 18 Supporters of Christian Science have continued to deny
Eddys morphine use, but the evidence is incontrovertible. Her biographer, Robert Peel, noted, "In
order to lessen the pain of the move the doctor gave her one-eighth of a grain of morphine." 19
Additional documentation of her morphine use, which increased during the last years of her life, are
in the works of James Dittemore, Calvin Frye, and unpublished, hand-written material of Eddys
own. Dittemore was the former director of the Mother Church; Frye was Eddys assistant until her
death. To be sure, no informed person believes that Eddy was a "dope addict," but much evidence
from reliable sources is available to show beyond doubt that throughout her life Eddy made repeated
use of this drug. 20 A decade passed in the life of Mary Glover during which she had many trying
experiences, and then on June 21, 1853, she married Dr. Daniel M. Patterson, a dentist, who,
contrary to the advice of Marys own father, took the emotionally unstable widow Mary Glover for his
bride. The advice of Mark Baker was indeed ominously accurate, for some years later Mary Baker
Glover Patterson divorced Dr. Patterson, who she claimed had abandoned her, and thus her second
attempt at matrimony met with crushing disaster. The third and last marriage of Mary Baker was to
one Asa G. Eddy when Mary was fifty-six years of age.
(Concluded in book)
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 8:09am On Apr 05, 2015
MORMONISM by Walter Martins
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is distinctive among all the religious cults and sects
active in the United States in that it has by far the most fascinating history, and one worthy of
consideration by all students of religions originating on the American continent. The Latter-day
Saints, as they are commonly called, are divided into two major groups, The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons), with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, and The Reorganised
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints with headquarters in Independence, Missouri. Today,
over 167 years after the movements founding, the Mormons own considerable stock in the
agricultural and industrial wealth of America and circle the earth in missionary activities,
energetically rivalling evangelical Christianity. The former group, which is the main concern of this
chapter, claims a membership in excess of nine million (Ensign Magazine, May 1995, 22). The
Reorganised Church has just over 240,000 members world-wide and has won acceptance in some

15 | P a g e

quarters as a "sect of fundamentalism." The Reorganised Church, which rejects the name "Mormon,"
is briefly reviewed in this chapter, but there can be little doubt that it is composed of a zealous
group of dedicated people. They irritate the Utah Mormon Church consistently by pointing out that
court decisions have established their claim that they are the true church and Utah the schismatic.
From its founding, the Mormon Church has been characterised by thriftiness, zeal, and an admirable
missionary spirit, as even before the advent of World War II, it had more than 2,000 missionaries
active on all the mission fields of the world. Since the close of World War II, however, and in keeping
with the acceleration of cult propaganda everywhere, the Mormons have around 50,000
"missionaries" active today.
The missionary effort of the Mormon Church is seldom matched by any other religious endeavour.
The young Mormon children are taught from primary age onward that it is their duty to the church
to serve a mission following high school. The entire missionary force is broken down into the
following percentages: 75 percent single males, 19 percent single females, and 6 percent married
couples. One interesting fact, however, accounts for this large missionary force, and that is the
practice of the Mormon Church to encourage its most promising young people, boys aged nineteen
and older and girls aged twenty-one and older, to perform missionary work. Only in recent years did
the Mormon Church begin to subsidise the expenses of their American and Canadian missionaries.
Membership in the Mormon Church now increases each year at an average rate of 300,000
conversions and 75,000 childrens baptisms. The Mormons have a birth-rate of 28.1 per thousand, in
contrast to the average 15.9 birth-rate of the United States. 1 According to the teaching of the
Mormon Church, Mormons are to preserve their bodies always in the best of health and are
cautioned against the use of tobacco and alcohol, and even the drinking of tea, coffee, and other
caffeine-bearing drinks, such as Coca Cola.
Strongly insistent upon the Old Testament principle of tithing, the Mormon Church requires all
temple Mormons and requests members to meet the biblical one-tenth of their gross income. The
facts and figures for the wealth of the Mormon Church have been carefully guarded for years.
However, in 1991 the Arizona Republic newspaper ran a series entitled "Mormon Inc. Finances &
Faith," which estimated that the Mormon Church conservatively "collects about $4.3 billion from its
members a year plus $400 million from its many enterprises." Stating that "only a few church
officials know how the money is spent," the articles maintained that the churchs investment
portfolio "easily exceeds $5 billion, including $1 billion in stocks and bonds and another $1 billion in
real estate. The reader should bear in mind that the Mormons put this money to good use in the
expansion of their church, a truth borne out by the fact that the church is rapidly expanding its real
estate holdings, both for commercial and ecclesiastical purposes. The "Saints" now have around fifty
temples in operation, with many more either in design or under construction on every continent on
the globe. The Mormon university in Utah, Brigham Young University, boasts more than 37,000
students on two campuses. Promulgated as it is by determined, zealous, missionary-minded people
who have a practical religion of "good works" and clean living, the Mormons each year spend
millions of dollars in the circulation of the writings and teachings of their prophets and apostles,
while proselytising any and all listeners regardless of church affiliation. 2 In addition to their regular
tithing fund, the Mormon Church also encourages what it terms "fast offerings." This unusual
practice involves the giving up of two meals on the first Sunday of each month, the price of which is
turned over to the church as a voluntary contribution to support and feed the poor. Since education

16 | P a g e

ranks high in Mormon circles, the existence of their "seminary" and "institute" programs for high
school and college students with an enrolment of over half a million is what could be expected of
such systematic growth. The church also has more than fifty schools outside of the United States,
most of which are in Mexico and the South Pacific. Mormonism, then, is not one of the cults tending
to appeal merely to the uneducated, as for the most part Jehovahs Witnesses do, but instead it
exalts education, which results in huge amounts of printed propaganda flowing from its presses in
the millions of copies annually.
The Mormons are also great chapel and temple builders, temples being reserved for the
solemnisation of "celestial" marriages, sealings, plus proxy baptisms and other ordinances for the
dead (nearly 5.5 million sacred endowment rituals performed in 1993 alone). Such temples are
forbidden to "Gentiles" (a Mormon term for all nonMormons) and are truly beautiful buildings,
usually extremely costly both in construction and furnishings. Along with their strong emphasis on
education, the Mormons believe in sports, hobbies, dramatics, music, homemaking courses for
prospective brides, dances, and dramatic festivals. The Mormon organisation that sponsors a good
deal of this is known as the Mutual Improvement Association, and has sponsored literally thousands
and thousands of dances and other programs designed to attract and entertain young people. Each
Mormon dance is begun with prayer and closed with the singing of a hymn. Mormonism does all that
is humanly possible to make its church organisation a home away from home for Mormon children
and young people, and its low level of juvenile delinquency is in a marke Emphasising as they do the
importance of missions, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has become famous and is well known to all
radio listeners. The choir contains 350 singers and has a repertoire of hundreds of anthems. The
Mormon Tabernacle Choir began network broadcasting in 1929.
Those who would tend to write off the Mormons as an influential force in the United States would do
well to remember that Mormons have more adherents listed in Whos Who in America than any
other one religion, and this also holds true for the scientific honour societies of our nation. Mormon
leaders have become powerful in almost all branches of American government, headed by former
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, the late thirteenth prophet of the Mormon Church; former
Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy; former Treasurers Angela (Bay) Buchanan and the late Ivy
Baker Priest; former Education Secretary Terrel H. Bell; former Michigan governor George Romney;
Marriner S. Eccles; numerous U.S. ambassadors; and dozens of U.S. senators and representatives,
to name but a few. Far from being an organisation of minor influence, the Mormons are indeed a
potent political and social force to be reckoned with, a fact that few informed persons would doubt.
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 8:10am On Apr 05, 2015
A Brief History
Charles Taze Russell was the founder of what is now known as the Jehovahs Witnesses cult and the
energetic administrator that brought about its far-flung organisation. The name Jehovahs
Witnesses, incidentally, was taken at Columbus, Ohio, in 1931, to differentiate between the
Watchtower organisation run by Judge Rutherford, Russells successor, and those who remained as

17 | P a g e

true followers of Russell as represented by The Dawn Bible Students and the Laymens Home
Missionary Movement. C. T. Russell was born on February 16, 1852, the son of Joseph L. and Anna
Eliza Russell, and spent most of his early years in Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pennsylvania, where at
the age of twenty-five he was known to be manager of several mens furnishings stores. At an early
age he rejected the doctrine of eternal torment, probably because of the severe indoctrination he
had received as a Congregationalist, and as a result of this act entered upon a long and varied
career of denunciation aimed at "Organised Religions." In 1870, at the age of eighteen, Russell
organised a Bible class in Pittsburgh, which in 1876 elected him "Pastor" of the group. From 1876 to
1878 the "Pastor" was assistant editor of a small Rochester, New York, monthly magazine, but he
resigned when a controversy arose over Russells counterarguments on "the atonement" of Christ.
Shortly after leaving his position, Russell founded The Herald of the Morning (1879), which
developed into todays The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom. From 6,000 initial issues,
the publication has grown to 17.8 million copies per month in 106 languages.
The other Watchtower periodical, Awake!, has a circulation of 15.6 million per month in thirty-four
languages. It is true that this magazine has grown until it has surpassed even Russells fondest
dreams. In the year 1884, "Pastor" Russell incorporated "Zions Watch Tower Tract Society" at
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which in 1886 published the first in a series of seven books (Russell wrote
six by himself), now entitled Studies in the Scriptures and originally published as The Millennial
Dawn. The seventh volume was edited from his writings after his death and published in 1917. This
seventh volume, The Finished Mystery, caused a split in the organisation, which culminated in a
clean division, the larger group following J. F. Rutherford, the smaller remaining by itself. This
smaller group subsequently became "The Dawn Bible Students Association." Meanwhile, under
Rutherfords leadership, the "Society" became known by its present common name, "Jehovahs
Witnesses," and its corporate name, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, with its international
office in Brooklyn, New York. According to Watchtower statistics, in January 1981, the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society (founded 1896), which is the focal point of the organisation, had known
branches in more than 100 lands and missionary works and Kingdom preaching in over 250. Its
literature is distributed in 110 languages, and the Societys volunteers (called "publishers"
numbered 563,453. The Society has become a great disseminator of propaganda and a challenge to
the zeal of every Christian.
In the year 1908 the headquarters of the movement was transferred to Brooklyn, New York, where
property was purchased (17 Hicks Street) and became known as "The Brooklyn Tabernacle." Large
tracts of property were purchased by the Society in Columbia Heights as it grew and prospered, until
today whole blocks are in their possession. Among the other things the Society owns are a large,
up-to-date printing plant, which has produced billions of pieces of literature since its inauguration in
1928 and expansions in 1949 and 1957; a modern apartment building and office quarters; one
"Kingdom Farm," which supplies food, wood for furniture, etc.; a Bible school, "Gilead"; and many
more enterprises of like character. All employees in the factory are allowed a nominal sum, receive
room and board, and work for nothingno salaries are paid (although workers are given a small
amount of spending money each month for incidental personal expenses and purchasesa few
years ago that amount was fourteen dollars per month).
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 8:11am On Apr 05, 2015

18 | P a g e

WORD FAITH from the Appendix of Kingdom of The Cults by Walter Martins
A growing number of pastors, teachers, and evangelists within the Charismatic/Pentecostal circles of
the Christian church are advancing what has come to be known as the "Word Faith" movement. Its
major leaders include such prominent figures as Kenneth Hagin, pastor of rhema Bible Church and
founder of rhema Bible Training Centre; Kenneth Copeland, leader of Kenneth Copeland Ministries;
Frederick K. C. Price, pastor of the Los Angeles-based Crenshaw Christian Centre (with a purported
membership of more than 16,000 in Seoul, Korea. 1); and David (Paul) Yongii Cho, who pastors one
of the largest churches in the world 2 Other well-known Word Faith personalities include Gloria
Copeland, Robert Tilton, John Avanzini, John Osteen, T. L. Osborne, Marilyn Hickey, Jerry Savelle,
Morris Cerullo, Casey Treat, Dwight Thompson, and Oral and Richard Roberts. Although Word Faith
doctrines commonly are disseminated through radio broadcasts, tapes, books, and tracts, primarily
they are spread through the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), which regularly airs the programs
of more than a dozen Word Faith teachers. 3 Paul and Jan Crouch, the directors of tbn, who are
themselves deeply involved in the movement, have also featured Word Faith teachers as special
guests on their "Praise the Lord" and "Praise-a-thon" (fund-raiser) programs. The Crouchs worldwide platform has mainstreamed Word Faith theology to the lives of millions of Christians who would
not otherwise have encountered Word Faith theology.
Rarely has Christianity felt an unbiblical influence as all-pervasive as the Word Faith movement. It
has enjoyed such an increasing acceptance 4 that to the minds of many it is "no longer just a part of
the charismatic movement: it is the charismatic movement." 5 Some have labelled its doctrines
"heresy," "cultic," "Gnostic," and "a work of Satan." 8 6 One critic has said that the Word Faith
gospel is "perhaps the most subtle heretical system to emerge in our own times." 7 Another has
referred to it as "a form of transcendentalism or Gnosticism (from which have come such
metaphysical cults as Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, and now the health and wealth
cult)." At this juncture it would be appropriate to quote Hank Hanegraaff, the president of the
Christian Research Institute. "While the Faith movement is undeniably culticand particular groups
within the movement are clearly cultsit should be pointed out that there are many sincere, bornagain believers within the movement. I cannot overemphasise this crucial point. These believers, for
the most part, seem to be wholly unaware of the movements cultic theology. They represent that
segment of the movement which, for whatever reason, has not comprehended or internalised the
heretical teaching set forth by the leadership of their respective groups." 9 If the gospel of the Word
Faith movement is unbiblical, why is it so popular among Christians?
First, the movement "uses so much evangelical and Pentecostal terminology and so many biblical
proof texts that most believers are lulled into a false sense of security as to its orthodoxy." 10
Second, its message is "without question the most attractive message being preached today, or for
that matter, in the whole history of the church." 11 D. R. McConnell, a Word Faith critic and a
graduate of Word Faith College, Oral Roberts University, observes, Seldom, if ever, has there been a
gospel that has promised so much, and demanded so little. The Faith gospel is a message ideally
suited to the twentieth-century American Christian. In an age in America characterised by
complexity, the Faith gospel gives simple, if not revelational, answers. In an economy fuelled by
materialism and fired by the ambitions of the "upwardly mobile," the Faith gospel preaches wealth
and prosperity. The Faith gospel promises health and long life to a world in which death can come a

19 | P a g e

myriad of different ways. Finally, in an international environment characterised by anarchy, in which

terrorists strike at will and nuclear holocaust can come screaming from the sky at any moment, the
Faith gospel confers an authority with which the believer can supposedly exercise complete control
over his or her own environment. 12 The apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians about false
teachers, said, "I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your
minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth
another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not
received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him" (2
Corinthians 11:34). This passage perfectly illustrates todays events. Christians everywhere are not
merely tolerating but actually embracing what the Word Faith movement is handing out: a false
Jesus, another gospel, and a different spirit. What exactly does the Word Faith movement teach?
Why are Word Faith doctrines so spiritually and physically dangerous? Can anything be done to
correct brothers and sisters in Christ who have succumbed to Word Faith lies? These questions must
be answered if the unity of the Christian faith is going to be preserved. Far too many have already
succumbed to Word Faith teachings in fulfilment of 2 Timothy 4:34: "For the time will come when
they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves
teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be
turned unto fables."
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 8:13am On Apr 05, 2015
The above spaces are reserved to paste Dr Martins exposition on the aforementioned so that
readers could understand the rational in reaching the conclusion that Christ Embassy Church is a
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 10:27am On Apr 05, 2015
You want to ruin this thread with long expositions, like your other threads?
Put one, we discuss, then another... That way, the thead can be extensive and topics utterly

I still dey church.

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by WinsomeX: 11:12am On Apr 05, 2015
You want to ruin this thread with long expositions, like your other threads?
Put one, we discuss, then another... That way, the thead can be extensive and topics utterly

20 | P a g e

I still dey church.

We will work with what has been provided already. You can take them one after another and we will
treat them.
List them
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 1:56pm On Apr 05, 2015
The first of the two links provided above is a PDF download link to a book written by Dr Walter
Martins on cult organizations in Christendom. Dr Martin, died 1989, was considered an authority in
cult organizations. Thanks to his research and work, organizations like the Jehovah Witnesses,
Christian Science and Mormons, are now known as cults among church people. The book also
discusses other cult organizations. This edition however composed of some addition to what Dr
Martins had written. It has a section in the Appendix that discusses the Word of Faith movement,
page 479. Everything that was written in that appendix was simply a confirmation of what trustman,
DrummaBoy and BabaGnoni had discussed in a thread on Word of Faith. Find the thread above. The
conclusion was that the Word of Faith had cultic influences, even if it cannot be called a strict cult. In
my submission next, I wish to argue that the Christ Embassy Church, while teaching WoF, has finally
crossed over to being a cult organization and that people need to beware of this.
Skipped for obvious reasons.

I refer my readers to the two documents above for a thorough study into Word of Faith and other
cults. But I will simply just do a summary on the cultic connection in Word of Faith.
yeah... i like this part a lot more

The teachings of Word of Faith can be summarised in the followings, as gleaned from the Kingdom
of Cults, page 479:
1. Faith in faith.

21 | P a g e

2. Confessing to Possessing.
3. The Sin of Suffering
4. Wealth (The Wheel of Fortune).
5. Health and Healing.
...and much more... But, what exactly is wrong with any of the above? Of course people take
anything to extremes, but labelling them wrong all together is the greater evil.

You may refer to the above links for a thorough understanding into these[b] five
essential false doctrines of the WoF. [/b] But here I shall conclude on what exactly is the gospel of
Jesus Christ and why the WOF is not Christ gospel.
We've been through this all, but i am willing to take you on, perhaps we may have a detailed
discussion here.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not health and wealth. Regardless of how the Word Faith enthusiasts
spin scriptures, Jesus did not die so that we all could be healthy and wealthy.
would it be convenient to say, judging from your post that Jesus failed and lied to us when he said
ALL power has been given unto us, and therefore asked us to heal the sick and cast out devils? i
was studying last week and came upon a scripture, not that i havent seen it before, but... it gave
me a whole new perspective of what Jesus did for Christians.
Hebrews 2 NIV
14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he
might break the power of him who holds the power of deaththat is, the devil
15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
16 For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abrahams descendants .
17 For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might
become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for
the sins of the people.

oh! I said "Lord God, thank you for what you did for me, I wish I can tell all the world this". The

22 | P a g e

good book just told us Jesus broke the powers of he who had the power of death and free all those
who's been in bondage of fear of death. Sickness and diseases, poverty etc are not of God, they put
alot of folks under bondage, and subsequently fear of death.
Every disease is incipient death, and look, the bible said Jesus did this for descendants of Abraham
ONLY (Born Again). Why did the writer have to be specific about the recipients of this work by

This is why Jesus came to the world and why he died:

Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save
his people from their sins.
This statement portrays partly why He came. You should know that by now na. See Jesus' purpose
here, written by the disciple Jesus loved the most.
1 John 3:8 KJV

For this
purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he
might destroy the works of the devil.
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.

Saving folks from sin by giving His life was a part, delivering them to their inheritance is another.
That's was why He rose, God rose Him from the dead to prove Jesus is His son with power. His
resurrection gave birth to the new creation, who is not subject to the rules of this world, including
sickness and poverty. Why? Because the life of God is what the new creation has, it is called Zoe the God kind of life ie eternal life.
Sickness, disease and poverty and all form of negativities are not from God, for if they were, we all
ought to do God's will, and if sickness and poverty are His will for us, we might as well strive to be
sick and/or poor.

Jesus came to die to save men from sin. The message of this season, Easter. Nothing more.
Well, it is not fitly alright to end it thus, as you did. Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan, the
machinations and structures Satan has ruled the world of men with. Jesus came to give much more.
Some folks say Jesus came to restore the glory Adam lost, but that's not true. Jesus brought us a
higher form of it. We're the Church of Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus has given us His glory: "And
the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one"
(John 17:22).

23 | P a g e

Saying Jesus came to save men from sin only (As you said "Nothing More"
is erroneous. He save
us from sin on the cross, that's what His death did, but what about His resurrection? That's the
message of Easter, His resurrection power and the new creation.

The bad news of humanity is that all men are born sinners. God then set in an initiative to save
men. He came to the world as Christ and died for men's sins. The reason was because God is a
righteous judge and will judge sin. When Christ died, God judged the sin of the world on him. So
that whoever believes in Christ can have his sins judged and taken and away on the cross.
Be ni

The consequence is two folds: Christians will not suffer God's judgement and Christian
possess power over sin to live holy. Thus, we may not be able to say you are going to heaven
but we sure can see the fruit of your life, holiness, without which no man shall see God.
HA! Ogbeni
God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, FAR
above all principalities and powers. Why did you omit this part?
We were all under a brutal rulership of Satan, God sent Jesus to deliver us from sin and bring us up
to His rest- His glorious inheritance to the saints (Abraham's promises). That's the way it was with
us before Christ came. We were like children; we were in bondage/slaves to the elements (basic
spiritual principles) of this world.

WoF miss the point of the gospel when they say that in addition to redemption from sin, the cross
has secured health and wealth for Christians.
but it did. A quick question bro, explain this to me as you would to a 5 year old.
3 John 1:2 Living Bible (TLB)
2 Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your
soul is.

The easiest answer to this position is that in Christ we see holiness and heavenliness; however
Jesus suffered poverty

24 | P a g e

Maybe you need to refresh your memory sir.

"The truth is that in no way did Jesus live a "destitute, inferior, indigent, needy, impoverished,
feeble, pitiful, lacking, insufficient" life. Those terms are all used in defining the meaning of the word
"poor." "

and identified with the sick in Matthew 25, saying "when I was sick..."; shall we say Jesus was not
of God for being poor and


Jesus was sick too? Tired? yes, but sick?

cc:Alwaystrue, Bidam come and see o

In the long run, WoF ceases to teach holiness and heavenliness. Rather their emphasis are health,
wealth, success, promotion, motivation, etc.
your opinion, gladly, it doesn't matter.

These discussions have become important because a large section of prophesing Christians are
now WoF enthusiasts.
Hab 2:14 King James Bible
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the
it's a prophecy amigo!
1 Like

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by stonecoldcafe: 2:26pm On Apr 05, 2015
Op I believe you. I will make my humble submission and bow out. I'm not here to argue or trade
words with anyone.
Pastor Chris is a man I always admired. While I was still @ the university, I attended the fellowship
but after a month or two I had to flee. Now this is very personal. No one annoyed me or said
anything but I just felt deep in my heart I was not in the right place. Shortly afterwards I got
admission to a better school with a better course and left.
I had good friends who remained there. They grew up the ranks and became leaders and pastors in
the church. Now here is where it gets funny. I recall one of such people becoming really distant. I
tried to fill the gap but NO WAY. It was not just me but other friends who noticed it. Even her
siblings became worried.

25 | P a g e

This friend was like a fanatic n the person said things we couldn't understand "I'm a god haha! I am
above you. You don't understand, I walk through walls. I'm invisible haha! (Burst into tongues) my
pastor said ..."
You could not reason with this person on any wave length. I knew someone else who was GREATLY
persecuted for choosing to marry a fellow believer from another church. I knew another person who
was totally shunned by ALL. I'm talking close friends in CE leaders and pastors just because he said
God has given him a mandate to open his own church.
By the way the above brother was a fanatic, Pastor Chris talking, jerry curl hair and all that yet all
that didn't save him once he claimed God had called him.
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by stonecoldcafe: 2:26pm On Apr 05, 2015
I knew a fellow who attended another church (he was a leader) but went to the fellowship then.
During a meeting, for some reason they were asked who didn't worship @ CE. This fellow lifted his
hand up and that was where the problem started. LOL
That same day his deputy took over and people began to shun him. VERY WEIRD you'd agree for
just a fellowship. All these things along with the TB Joshua saga then,separating man from wife in
the guise of pastoring a church and people thinking this is great, masturbation is not a sin,
immorality by senior members and members alike, Pastors separation and allegation by Pastor
Anita, Pastor Chris washing his wife publicly (in that tape) and so much more makes me wonder
about that Church. Something about it leaves me with more question. Oh well each to their own!
Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 2:35pm On Apr 05, 2015
[quote author=WinsomeX post=32353088]WHY CHRIST EMBASSY IS A CULT

From my perspective, an organization can be said to be a cult from what it teaches and it's
You've almost always have/had a wrong perspective. Your definition of cult above is sorely wrong. I
believe a nice chap here has corrected you, not like you'd heed correction though.

We have seen that the essential teaching of CEC is WoF. While WoF is clearly false a wholesome
doctrine, I hesitate to describe all churches teaching Word Faith as cults because they emphasize
certain truths that still keeps them "safe". Example, many of these churches believe in Christ's deity.
They encourage a heart submission to Christ's Lordship and encourage holy living. These minimums
still keeps them from going overboard. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Christ

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i almost choked with laughter from the above bold.

The following are a quick shot at why CEC is today a cult.

1. Chris Oyakhilome is their god.
While discussing cult organizations, Walter Martins made it clear that cult organization usually refer
to a man or woman as their sole authority, not the bible. For Jehovah Witnesses it was Charles Taze
Russell . For Christian Science it is Mary Eddy Baker. For Mormons it is Joseph Smith . And for Christ
Embassy, it is Chris Oyakhilome. We only need to see how these other cult organization equate the
literatures of their founders to the bible, and in many cases, subordinating scriptures to the words of
their founders, to agree with me. That's the tragedy of literatures like Rhapsody of Realities, etc, in
the CEC.
1. You lie, as always. Pastor Chris is not my god, he however, is my father in the Lord, and the bible
clearly asked me to copy/imitate...let me just quote it for you
1 Corinthians 11:1 New Living Translation
And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.
1 corinth 4:15 New Living Translation
For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual
father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you.
In CE and many other churches, we do not worship our pastors, we simply love them as our fathers
in the Lord, Pastor Chris taught me the word, I follow him as he follows Christ. Shikena

Chris Oyakhilome is effectively the prophet and god of the Christ Embassy cult. His members
consider him infallible and the anointed one, their Christ. I am told by an old member of nl that
Joagbaje, a leading CE member on nl, used to refer to Chris Oyakhilome as "Pastor Christ", instead
of Pastor Chris, as he fondly called by his followers. This example, and many others like it, point to
the cultism that CEC church has become.
Truck load of baloney. You now subscirbe to old wives tales?

2. Sin in the Congregation.

A leading Christ Embassy follower on this forum, mbaemeka, once commented that a brother once
left CEC bc he was tired of the immorality going on in their midst. He says that the brother
eventually "fell" into a worse sin where he went to. The point he was trying to make was that sin is
of men's heart and not environment. The point he passed across unknowingly was that sexual
immorality was the order of the day in the cult of Chris Oyakhilome.

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See how silly you sound? let me throw an igbo adage to you. "No be every body wey go market go
there to buy something". If a particular folk(s) indulge in a particular sinful act, does it mean the
whole is/are? If I join another church and succeeded in seducing like 5 girls to my bed, does it now
mean that church has sexual immorality as the order of the day?
Ever heard of the mixed multitude? Go study your bible, your problem is that you claim to know but
know not. The mixed multitude were the ones who caused problems in the old church, and that was
why God has always kept the Isrealites from other folks, who only come in to introduce one form of
pollution to another.
But this is why we pray for the church of God, for the brethren and their faith, that they maybe be
able to stand the wiles of the devil, to be strengthened with might by God's Spirit in their inner man.
If you noticed a wrong or ill in a church, you get on your kneels and intercede, not write a myopic

There is no greater proof of this than the widely reported divorce case BTW Chris and his wife,
Anita. Anita had stated in her appeal for divorce in a British court that her husband was known to
have "inappropriate relations" with ladies in church. Those in the know refer this to the endless line
of lady pastor that live in the "White House", Oyakhilome residence, in Lagos. Chris has live apart
from his wife since 1999 when she left to start the UK Branch of their church. Pastor Chris might
require us to believe he has been celibate since then.

Ehen, how far the divorce case na? Remember all your postulations and courts and bla bla bla? You
out rightly accused him of adultery based on media reports and blogs. Do you know how terrible the
damage you did to yourself is? You've never been to the "White House", you don't kow how many
gates are there, not how many buildings, nor how many quarters for foreign delagates, etc. You,
simply as any blogger who'd want to drive traffic, lied. 1999?...
quit been high on gossips and hear says na! And what is wrong in celibacy? Catholic priests are
(Most of them), why can't Pastor Chris? You should not assume your libido is same as all other

A study of Walter Martins work on cults reveals that the leader is usually a sex maniac.
Who has unreserved access to ladies in church. They normally have failed marriages.
*falls of chair...laughing

Sexual immorality is the order of the day among CEC members. They revel in it. My investigations
reveal that married people are even known to date other people's wives and husbands in church.
You should have an Oscar award for lying.

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3. Fake Miracles:
Like the Christian Science cult, the CEC is also known for its fake miracles. Thanks to the
painstaking work of our own SirJohn here on nairaland, Chris Oyakhilome is now known as a fake
miracle worker, with his healing school, a place where the sick and the gullible are reaped off of their
resources without getting healed. The story of Kenya28 help seal the fake miracles story of CEC and
the more recently discovered case of a man whom Joagbaje claimed to heal of HIV but who was
never healed.
You're really going down by the day. I will keep praying for you.
1 Like

Re: The Christ Embassy Church Is A Cult by Gombs(m): 3:10pm On Apr 05, 2015
Other proof of the cultic nature of CEC is their violence and hate. There have been numerous
occasions in which people have tried to investigate the church and have ended being beaten black
and blue. A lady who supplied screen to their recently concluded ministers conference was beaten
because she demanded to be paid for her services.
You should change your name to Linus.

As for hate , readers can just sit back and see the response of Christ Embassy members to this
thread. How they very easily dodge issues and aim diatribes at the critic's personality or
personal lives. When this is not sufficient, they then begin to rain down curses or resort to cheap
spiritual blackmail.
Haba Drummaboy aka WinsomeX
you called an entire body of Christ (RCCG) brood of vipers, just because you don't share same

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You condemned someone to Hell, just because you don't agree with him.. is that not enough hate?
Someone had to ask you to calm down, another said your bible discussions had turned you to
something else.

You, ---, occupy the latter in all these statements. You are not a Christian, you are a liar. You are not
hearing the Holy Spirit, you are hearing demons. Your eternal destination is not heaven but
hell. You are a son of perdition. Those who listen to you do so at great peril to their souls.
should I go on? Seems you're confused in totality?

CEC members all talk like Pastor Chris; they dress like him; they copy his gesticulations and
style. They seek to be like Chris Oyakhilome and not Christ.
cool lies

I understand that CEC members read mostly Oyakhilome publications. If they would read anything
else, it must be from the error of other Word of Faith preachers.
why not? I should read James Randi shey? I am actually reading the "Power of Seed" (something
like that) by Oral Roberts.

Members marry only members.

Not true. However, it is advisable to marry from within, to avoid clash of doctrines. For example, a
lady in Winners marrying a catholic, she may be stopped from cell meetings, tithing, givings in
church etc. Which church would advice against marrying from within? or encourage going outside?

There is a perversive demand for money in the church, to the extent that member "sow" all their
possessions and money to church. It is not uncommon to find members begging people for money
to give for offering. Recently, the church began demanding money for New Year morning
services. Stories of people defrauding their companies to give to church abound in the dailies. The

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atrocities are endless.

See lies na!

The biggest proof of the cult of CEC is the freedom they deny their members. Members cannot
critique Oyakhilome. If you do, the threat of a curse is issued. There is a bondage to fit the
"successful mold" - the impression that you have made it, so members have no qualms selling all
they have so as to give to the endless demand for "pledges".


It was difficult for me to conclude that CEC is a cult but having read Walter Martins, I couldn't help
but do so. Christ Embassy members claim to win souls for Christ but the truth is that they are
making these people twice the son of hell that they really are. This is a desperate call to our youths
in this church to leave it and find some other bible church to go to.
I will stop here for now.

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False Prophets, Foreign Charlatans and Global Deception

8:41AM EDT 6/27/2012 J. LEE GRADY

Chris Oyakhilome (Facebook)

Chris Oyakhilome, a popular African preacher with questionable credentials, is sparking international concern.
When I arrived in eastern Europea few days ago I learned that Romanian Christians have quite a spiritual battle
on their hands. Believers here struggled for years under communism. But now that they are free, they face an
equally sinister struggle against cults, New Age teachings andworst of allcharlatans who claim to be
powerful Christian prophets.
One of the most controversial figures in Romania today is Chris Oyakhilome, a Nigerian broadcaster and faith
healer who lives in South Africa. Although this smooth-talking preacher has never been to Romania, his
influence has grown through his TV programs and books. Meanwhile, some gullible Romanian church leaders
have visited his ministry base in Johannesburg and then returned to impart his miracle power to their
As much as I want to see healing miracles restored to the church today, Im not willing to fling open the door to
deception. The devil can fake miracles, and if we dont apply discernment in this vulnerable hour, impostors will sneak
into the church and unleash their doctrineswith deadly results.

But Oyakhilomes power is questionableand it is spreading not only in eastern Europe but in many other
parts of the world, including the United States.
You may have never heard of Oyakhilome, but dont be surprised if his programs soon appear on a Christian
television station near you. The founder of a movement called Christ Embassy, which began in Lagos, Nigeria,
Oyakhilome already has 16 churches in the U.S., mostly attracting African immigrants in cities such as Dallas,
Houston, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta. He has 39 churches in the United Kingdom (where many Nigerians
live) and 18 in Canada, and his daily devotional books calledRhapsody of Realities are supposedly available in
70 languages.
Why is he so controversial? Consider a few facts:

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Nigerian Christians have long complained that Christ Embassy is a cultmainly because
members reportedly are forced to give money in offerings and are pressured to marry only
within their church.
Oyakhilome was accused of engineering a money laundering scheme in Nigeria in 2010,
and questions swirl around his finances because of his glamorous lifestyle.
Theologians and cult-monitoring groups have documented their concerns about
Oyakhilomes New Creation doctrinea form of gnosticism that says after a person
becomes a Christian, any sin they commit is only in the body and will not affect the spirit.
Oyakhilome mixes this doctrine with a hybrid version of the American prosperity gospel,
claiming that God wants all people to be rich.
Oyakhilomes reputation as a faith healer was tarnished badly in 2008 in Johannesburg
when a man told a Soweto newspaper that Christ Embassy offered him more than $1,200
(U.S.) to sit in a wheelchair and pretend to be crippled until Oyakhilome prayed for him. The
man went to the media instead of taking the money, sparking concerns that healings were
being faked to impress growing crowds.
Perhaps most disturbing is Oyakhilomes connection with T.B. Joshua, a Nigerian occult
healer who leads a mysterious group called The Synagogue, Church of All Nations. Joshua,
who claims his mother carried him in her womb for 15 months because he was a special
prophet, mixes Pentecostal fervor with pagan spirituality. After coming under Joshuas
influence a few years ago, Oyakhilome began copying some of his bizarre mannerisms.

When I came to Romania last week I was surprised to learn how many Christians here had come under
Oyakhilomes influence. But as I did further research I found that Oyakhilomes popularity is growing far
beyond eastern Europe. Thanks to YouTube, Internet TV channels and a public that is often biblically illiterate,
Christians today are as vulnerable as ever to religious impostors and deceptive con-artists.
Jude, the brother of Jesus, warned us 2,000 years ago about such false prophets. For certain persons have crept
in unnoticed ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master
and Lord, Jesus Christ (Jude 4, NASB). Paul also warned that people will demand false teachers to fulfill their
lusts, and that those teachers will turn away their ears from the truth (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Those ancient words are
painfully relevant today.
Some Romanian church leaders have sounded an alarm. One of them, Ioan Peia, released a public warning in
2011 listing various false doctrines promoted by Oyakhilome. Peia urged Romanian church leaders to repent
and ask Gods forgiveness, and ask the forgiveness of our brothers, because we allowed a part of these teachings
to be spread among us and through us.
I feel I must sound an alarm as well. As much as I want to see healing miracles restored to the church today, Im
not willing to fling open the door to deception. The devil can fake miracles, and if we dont apply discernment
in this vulnerable hour, impostors will sneak into the church and unleash their doctrineswith deadly results.
Please dont be duped by counterfeits.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on
Twitter at leegrady.
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Christ Embassy: Concealed Sex Scandal

Exposed (Part II)
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Chris Oyakhilome

It was in the mid nineties, at a prestigious university located in Ugbowo, Benin city in southern Nigeria, it was
the trend to attend a certain fellowship on campus. The fellowship was called Believer's Love world, To many
students it was a gathering of the yuppies on campus, but the unique phenomenon amongst these supposed
yuppies was that they were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. The relationship between the parent body,
Christ Embassy Benin and the campus fellowship was cordial until a certain Tom Amekhiena came on the
Tom a light skinned, good-looking man whose character stink like a skunk, was sent by his cousin and president
of Christ Embassy (Christain Oyakhilome) to assist Osagie Irabor, who was the head pastor in Benin. But
instead of assisting Osagie, Tom using his closeness to Oyakhilome family staged palace coup.
Tom Aimiekhiena highly odoriferous personal character trait were overlooked by many because he was a close
maternal cousin to Christain Oyakhilome.Though posted to assist the pastor in charge of Benin parish, located
then at YWCA on airport road, he unceremoniously toppled the resident Pastor Osagie Irabor.
The coup, which was orchestrated by the high command of Christ Embassy, irked members of this campus
fellowship, which was actually founded by Pastor Osagie. Initially, the leadership of this campus fellowship
resisted the Cosa Nostra like take over, however, after a short while, nerves were calmed and fences were
mended. Every one accepted the new status quo as a divine directive.

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But for the over ambitious, over-zealous, Tom Amekhiena, it was the genesis of his scheming, after he
consolidated, like the cosa nostra, he punished the Pastor who led the silent resistance against him by ensuring
he was not allowed to hand over the reign of power to a successor of his choosing.
Rather Tom and the Christ Embassy hierarchy systematically installed their own man, who would do their
bidding. He was called as Pastor Wale. No sooner had Pastor Wale arrived, he began to execute script written
for him by his master, but besides that he committed atrocities that have never been heard of in the history of
this pious campus fellowship. He began to help himself with the vulnerable female members of the fellowship;
they became the object of his desire and sex toys. Pastor Wale a sexual deviant was let lose on unsuspecting
innocent girls by Chris Oyakhilome. All night prayer meetings was turned into all night sex orgies, while
counseling sessions became a forum of caressing and fondling with the breast of nave girls.. Pastor Wale
convinced gullible female members most of whom were virgins, that it was o.k. to have sex with their pastor,
telling them that God will specially bless them for this favor done to a man of God. Pastor Wale's sexual
escapades continued until it became an embarrassment for the Christ Embassy Ministry, and he was allegedly
confronted by Christain Oyakhilome.
As measure of damage control, Christain Oyakhilome led CEC, intervened; overnight Pastor Wale was removed
as Pastor of the campus fellowship and was shipped off to Christ Embassy Ibadan, to be rehabilitated by Tuoyo
Edun, who was the head Pastor at Christ Embassy Ibadan. However, his victims, most of whom were adversely
affected by Pastor Wale unconsentual sexual escapade were not provided any form of counseling or succor,
instead they were blamed for seducing a pastor and called instruments of the devil.
A scenario where a Pastor who committed multiple criminals acts of rape on innocent and nave girls received a
pat in the back, while his victims were condemned is really disturbing. Such a double standard call to question
the integrity, of Christain Oyakhilome led Ministry.
Traditionally, Christ embassy is not lenient toward regular church members who commit fornication, as culprit
are called out publicly and meant to sit in the back of the church far from the congregation, and church
members are instructed not to have any communication/contact with them until the pastor deems fit. But when
ranking member of the ministry are involved it treated with hush, hush, and ultimate secrecy, different stroke for
different folks.
Our correspondent recently ran into one of Pastor Wale victims who is now happily married. The words she
uttered about her ordeal were so outrageous that he wanted to run to the street with it, but she requested her
ordeal not be published.
Whereas Chris Oyakhilome contends that the vision of believers Loveworld (a.k.a Christ Embassy) is taking
God's divine presence to the people, and demonstrating the character of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Wale's conduct is a complete deviation and Rev. Tom Amekhiena and all the people who engineered the
imposition of this depraved, sexual deviant known as Pastor Wale who preyed on innocent, nave; unassuming
girls like a ravenous wolf should be brought to justice.
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According to sources close to the ministry Pastor Wale has since been rehabilitated and given a clean bill of
uprightness by the Chris Oyakhilome led Christ embassy. Nevertheless, Pastor Wale did perpetrate a crime,
which he must answer to.
Christ Embassy mission statement reads: We are on a mission to raise generations of men and women who will
come into their inheritance and fulfill God's purpose for their lives. Rev.Tom Amekhiena a graduate of
Ambrose Alli University is a selfish shylock with no people skills. Besides his wife, no other pastor posted to
work with him in Christ Embassy Benin, has successfully done so without tales of woes. Notable among these
apprentice pastors is a young man called Pastor Ike, who was a Pastor of one the numerous believers Loveworld
campus fellowship. When Ike graduated from college, he told his friends and family that he believes God had
called him into full time ministry. However, he recognized that he needed to be properly trained for this work,
so he informed Chris Oyakhilome of his desires and intentions. Ike was subsequently posted to Christ Embassy
Benin City to be tutored by Tom Amekhiena. Instead of nurturing and tutoring the young man who was full of
hopes and aspiration, Pastor Tom subjected this young man who was raised by a single mother ,that toiled day
and night to get him through college, to very inhumane conditions. Sources reveal that for the two years that Ike
worked with Pastor Tom Amekhiena, he was not paid a dime, instead he was told to go live by faith by Rev.
Tom Amekhiena, who regularly received his own monthly remuneration.
Pastor Ike, a bubbly young man known for his GQ dressence, was reduced to drags. It is alleged that before he
left Benin to seek a secular job in Kano, Ike wore laughing shoes and had no good clothes to wear to church, to
sustain him; he resorted to begging for money. While Rev. Tom Amekhiena, his supposed mentor drove around
Benin City in an N5million car. What a way to mentor a fellow human being. If the academy awards had a
category for man inhumanity to man, Rev. Tom Amekhiena will definitely go home with an Oscar.
Tom Amekhiena a close maternal cousin of Chris Oyakhilome, wields a great deal of influence in Christ
embassy and most Christ Embassy pastors thread cautiously around him. But, he is unsuccessful, in the area of
personal relationships/ courtship thanks to his odoriferous personal traits, and his inability to decipher that all
that glitters is not gold. Prior to his marriage in mid to late nineties, he allegedly courted every tall, light skin,
girl that portrayed signs of sophistication, regardless of their spiritual maturity as long as they were in believers
love world Ministry. Our source remembers vividly Tom Amekhiena coming to this prestigious University
located in Ugbowo, Benin city to check out a particular spiritually inconsequential female member of this
campus fellowship in a borrowed jeep. He usually parked this borrowed jeep, which belonged to a Pastor friend
of his, who hails from Liberia in the school library parking lot or in front of the female hostel, depending on his
time of arrival. On one occasion, our source was at the library studying, when suddenly someone tapped his
shoulder gently, he turned around to see who it was that sought his attention, and it was Tom Aimiekhiena. He
actually made me take a forced break from my books to look for this girl, who was not enthusiastic to see him.
However, true to his character he bungled this relationship, like his other past relationships.
Tom Aimiekhiena relationship quagmires had become cause for concern, his cousin and benefactor Chris
oyakhilome soon staged an intervention to save him further embarrassment. Chris Oyakhilome hurriedly
hooked him up with one of his highly trusted, long time female associate Pastors, Joy Ihegie, a graduate of
Auchi Polytechnic, who is alleged to wear the pants in their marriage.

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Marriage in Christ Embassy is closely monitored like in most cults. Church members are mandated to marry
only from within the Christ Embassy Ministry, and such marriages must be approved by the Pastor who preside
over the local parish that the would be couple attends. Members who marry outside Christ embassy are made to
believe they are out of the will of God. Some member of the church who choose to listen to this doctrine of
marriage only within Christ Embassy, have had to wait two to four years to get their pastors approval before
they can get married.
A certain couple name (withheld) irked by the prolonged delay of their marriage by their local Christ Embassy
Pastor, 3 years after their families had given their blessing to the union, left Christ Embassy church and got
married in their parents church.
Another former member of Christ embassy Benin city, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, revealed that
she had approached Rev. Tom Amekhiena about her engagement to a Pastor from another ministry. Rev Tom,
asked her to invite the pastor over, they went through his schedule and a date was fixed. Excited she went home
and informed her parents and fianc, but on the appointed date, she and her fianc arrived as scheduled, waited
for six hours but were not seen. So they rescheduled, but the same treatment was meted out to her and her fianc
repeatedly on six occasions. However, unknown to her, Rev Tom Amekhiena had sent for her immediate
younger brother, who also attended Christ embassy then. According to her, Rev. Tom Amekhiena had told her
brother that her engagement was not of God, and that her brother should do everything within his power to
ensure that her wedding did not take place.

Christ Embassy: Concealed Sex Scandal

Exposed (Part III)
Previous | Next

Chris and Anita Oyakhilome

Continued from: Christ Embassy: Concealed Sex Scandal Exposed (Part II)
Sources close to an Optometrist who currently resides in the United Kingdom reliably informed us that in early
2000, the former high-ranking member of Christ Embassy Lagos, who had mastery of the piano, met and fell in
love with a young lady who was also a member of the church. However when he approached Rev. Chris
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Oyakhilome, he got the shock of his life: he was informed that he could not marry the lady. According to our
source, Chris Oyakhilome did not think it was appropriate for a high-ranking member like him to marry a
relatively new member of the church. The young lady had in-fact been a committed member of Christ Embassy
church for about a year. Irked by this ugly development, she and her fiance left Christ Embassy Lagos and
were married a month later at another church.
Penultimate week in Johannesburg great deal of buzz was generated about Christ Embassy's program (Day of
Bliss). The Internet, airwaves, streets, and local stores were inundated with the Gospel of 'Day of Bliss'. On
every poster or advert is the picture of Chris and Anita Oyakhilome, who are beautifully portrayed as a
committed loving Christian couple sold out to God.
However, this image is all a faade as Chris and Anita's marriage only exists on paper. Their marriage has long
been engulfed in a major brouhaha that would get serious ratings, if it were aired on the Jerry Springer Show.
Sources reveal that Rev. Chris Oyakhilome has been separated from his wife for the past six years. For a man
who leads a ministry that prides itself in controlling its parishioners by mandating them to marry only within the
fold, this is a major dent in his character and Gospel.
Anita became born again at believers Loveworld campus fellowship at Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, while
Chris was the pastor. She has not known any other spiritual tutor or mentor besides him. Chris Oyakhilome's
failed marriage attests to the fact that his doctrine of marriage within Christ Embassy is nothing but a fallacy.
Our investigation reveals that Chris Oyakhilome has a habit of controlling everything around him. His modus
operandi is to have high-ranking/ rich members of the church marry people who are loyal to him. It is alleged
that he is so busy controlling the lives of everyone around him, that he paid little or no attention to the needs in
his own marriage.
Whereas Chris Oyakhilome presently resides in South Africa, his estranged wife Anita resides in London with
their two children.
In Christ Embassy Ministry, Chris Oyakhilome's marital quagmire is a closely guarded secret, members under
the illusion that work of the ministry is the reason why the two live apart. To perpetuate this grand cover up, the
Chris Oyakhilome led ministry conjured the devilish plot of separating pastors and their wives by way of
transfers. To test run this scheme from hell, Chris Oyakhilome conscripted his younger brother Kenneth
Oyakhilome and his close maternal cousin Tom Amekhiena as guinea pigs for the trials.
Rev. Kenneth Oyakhilome was transferred to South Africa for several years, while his wife Ose Oyakhilome
who was Kenneth's associate at Christ Embassy Isolo, was left alone for years in Lagos to raise their children
and the head Church in Isolo, until pressure from within the family forced Chris Oyakhilome to let her join her
husband in South Africa.
Sources reveals that like a nomad, Kenneth Oyakhilome has again been transferred from South Africa to
Houston, Texas, while his wife will remain in South Africa.
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Rev. Tom Amekhiena, Christian Oyakhilome`s enforcer has played a part in this grand cover up as he has been
transferred to Christ Embassy churches in Kano and Lagos, while his wife Joy was also left to raise their
children and run the church in Benin city.
A source close to Rev. Chris Oyakhilome said, the fact is that his marriage has completely fallen apart. We
could not ascertain the reasons for marital failure as at press time, but feelers suggest that as soon as Anita
relocated to London, a female member of Christ embassy (graduate of medicine at Unilag) who served as
Chris's personal assistant took up the role of acting wife and practically moved into his house in Lagos.
A former high-ranking member of Christ Embassy, told our correspondents that he walked into a scenario that
disturbed him for while. According to him, he had gone to Chris Oyakhilome's home one morning and as he
walked into the living room he saw Chris Oyakhilome sitting down on the floor, with his head resting on the lap
of this personal assistant. She wore short pants and a tank top, while she massaged his jerry-curled head
Chris Oyakhilome siblings, worried by the antics and intentions of this young lady who took over his home in
Anita's absence alerted his parents. Elder Oyakhilome, Chris Oyakhilome`s Father intervened and ordered Anita
to return to Lagos with the children. However as soon as Anita returned to their Lagos residence, Chris
Oyakhilome moved his belonging into the church. Members who noticed this anomaly, were told that he needed
to seek the face of God. He reportedly refused to go home until Anita returned to London.
Rev. Anita Oyakhilome serves as the director of international operation of Christ Embassy ministry and it is
alleged that the reason he has held back from getting a divorce is the negative impact it will have on his doctrine
of marriage only within Christ Embassy. In addition, a divorce will cost Chris Oyakhilome a great deal as he
will have to cede half of the ministry to his wife. Our sources reveal that the initial major funds with which
Chris Oyakhilome kicked off his church operations in Ikeja, Lagos came through her late father, who was the
chairman of NDIC under General Sanni Abacha.
Chris Oyakhilome's marital brouhaha has had a rippling effect on the marriages of other high-ranking members
of the ministry. Our findings reveal that Pastor Kristen, the wife of the Pastor of Christ Embassy Togo has
practically abandoned her husband and four children in Togo to cater to the needs of Chris Oyakhilome in South
Africa. It is alleged that her unhappy husband is helpless and careful in airing his grievance in order not to irk
his principal. Our sources reveal that her husband who wants another child, has been deprived of his conjugal
rights by her prolonged absence from their matrimonial home.
More to come............


I approach this subject of discussion with great trepidation but with genuine concern for the
thousands of people, especially young minds, in the Christ Embassy Church. My genuine concern
for these people has overcome my fears and has finally led me to open this thread, which I
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promised to open but had changed my mind on it so often afterwards, until now.
I was hoping I could do a thorough study on the subject, approaching it from the definition of a
cult, supplying information on what cult organizations believe and do, etc. Unfortunately, I
cannot do that due to some constraints and the fact that most people who read these threads do
not have the patience to read long discussions.
So, I will simply state my reasons for concluding that the CEC is a cult organization and I would
be looking forward to responding to those who may want to query this position. The young man,
Gombs, an ardent CEC member, has promised to grace the thread and I hope that our back and
forth discussion on the subject will help shed light on my position.
I again want to emphasize that I do not get any pleasure from criticizing fellow men in whatever
stance they have chosen in life. I am convinced they have perfect liberty to do whatever they
want under the law of our country. When however what they do in Christ's name contravene the
express commands of the God who authored the bible, it is our duty to point these things out. In
doing so, we may be able to dissuade those who might find themselves walking into the cult
organization or help those seeking a path out of it, escape.
These discussions are not meant to be an attack on Chris Oyakhilome or members of his church.
I truly desire they will see it that way. If however they do not, their perception will not stop the
project from continuing.
I will be writing on two themes next:
1. The Cultic Connection in the Word of Faith Movement.
2. Why Christ Embassy is a cult.
The first of the two links provided above is a PDF download link to a book written by Dr Walter
Martins on cult organizations in Christendom. Dr Martin, died 1989, was considered an authority
in cult organizations. Thanks to his research and work, organizations like the Jehovah Witnesses,
Christian Science and Mormons, are now known as cults among church people. The book also
discusses other cult organizations. This edition however composed of some addition to what Dr
Martins had written. It has a section in the Appendix that discusses the Word of Faith movement,
page 479. Everything that was written in that appendix was simply a confirmation of what
trustman, DrummaBoy and BabaGnoni had discussed in a thread on Word of Faith. Find the
thread above. The conclusion was that the Word of Faith had cultic influences, even if it cannot
be called a strict cult. In my submission next, I wish to argue that the Christ Embassy Church,
while teaching WoF, has finally crossed over to being a cult organization and that people need to
beware of this.
I refer my readers to the two documents above for a thorough study into Word of Faith and other
cults. But I will simply just do a summary on the cultic connection in Word of Faith.
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The teachings of Word of Faith can be summarised in the followings, as gleaned from the
Kingdom of Cults, page 479:
1. Faith in faith.
2. Confessing to Possessing.
3. The Sin of Suffering
4. Wealth (The Wheel of Fortune).
5. Health and Healing.
You may refer to the above links for a thorough understanding into these five essential false
doctrines of the WoF. But here I shall conclude on what exactly is the gospel of Jesus Christ and
why the WOF is not Christ gospel.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not health and wealth. Regardless of how the Word Faith enthusiasts
spin scriptures, Jesus did not die so that we all could be healthy and wealthy.
This is why Jesus came to the world and why he died:
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall
save his people from their sins.
Jesus came to die to save men from sin. The message of this season, Easter. Nothing more.
The bad news of humanity is that all men are born sinners. God then set in an initiative to save
men. He came to the world as Christ and died for men's sins. The reason was because God is a
righteous judge and will judge sin. When Christ died, God judged the sin of the world on him. So
that whoever believes in Christ can have his sins judged and taken and away on the cross.
The consequence is two folds: Christians will not suffer God's judgement and Christian possess
power over sin to live holy. Thus, we may not be able to say you are going to heaven but we sure
can see the fruit of your life, holiness, without which no man shall see God.
WoF miss the point of the gospel when they say that in addition to redemption from sin, the cross
has secured health and wealth for Christians. The easiest answer to this position is that in Christ
we see holiness and heavenliness; however Jesus suffered poverty and identified with the sick in
Matthew 25, saying "when I was sick..."; shall we say Jesus was not of God for being poor and
sick? In the long run, WoF ceases to teach holiness and heavenliness. Rather their emphasis are
health, wealth, success, promotion, motivation, etc.
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From my perspective, an organization can be said to be a cult from what it teaches and it's
lifestyle. We have seen that the essential teaching of CEC is WoF. While WoF is clearly false
doctrine, I hesitate to describe all churches teaching Word Faith as cults because they emphasize
certain truths that still keeps them "safe". Example, many of these churches believe in Christ's
deity. They encourage a heart submission to Christ's Lordship and encourage holy living. These
minimums still keeps them from going overboard. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of
Christ Embassy.
The following are a quick shot at why CEC is today a cult.
1. Chris Oyakhilome is their god.
While discussing cult organizations, Walter Martins made it clear that cult organization usually
refer to a man or woman as their sole authority, not the bible. For Jehovah Witnesses it was
Charles Taze Russell . For Christian Science it is Mary Eddy Baker. For Mormons it is Joseph
Smith . And for Christ Embassy, it is Chris Oyakhilome. We only need to see how these other cult
organization equate the literatures of their founders to the bible, and in many cases,
subordinating scriptures to the words of their founders, to agree with me. That's the tragedy of
literatures like Rhapsody of Realities, etc, in the CEC.
Chris Oyakhilome is effectively the prophet and god of the Christ Embassy cult. His members
consider him infallible and the anointed one, their Christ. I am told by an old member of nl that
Joagbaje, a leading CE member on nl, used to refer to Chris Oyakhilome as "Pastor Christ",
instead of Pastor Chris, as he fondly called by his followers. This example, and many others like
it, point to the cultism that CEC church has become.
2. Sin in the Congregation.
A leading Christ Embassy follower on this forum, mbaemeka, once commented that a brother
once left CEC bc he was tired of the immorality going on in their midst. He says that the brother
eventually "fell" into a worse sin where he went to. The point he was trying to make was that sin
is of men's heart and not environment. The point he passed across unknowingly was that sexual
immorality was the order of the day in the cult of Chris Oyakhilome.
There is no greater proof of this than the widely reported divorce case BTW Chris and his wife,
Anita. Anita had stated in her appeal for divorce in a British court that her husband was known to
have "inappropriate relations" with ladies in church. Those in the know refer this to the endless
line of lady pastor that live in the "White House", Oyakhilome residence, in Lagos. Chris has live
apart from his wife since 1999 when she left to start the UK Branch of their church. Pastor Chris
might require us to believe he has been celibate since then.
A study of Walter Martins work on cults reveals that the leader is usually a sex maniac. Who has
unreserved access to ladies in church. They normally have failed marriages.
Sexual immorality is the order of the day among CEC members. They revel in it. My
investigations reveal that married people are even known to date other people's wives and
husbands in church.
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3. Fake Miracles:
Like the Christian Science cult, the CEC is also known for its fake miracles. Thanks to the
painstaking work of our own SirJohn here on nairaland, Chris Oyakhilome is now known as a fake
miracle worker, with his healing school, a place where the sick and the gullible are reaped off of
their resources without getting healed. The story of Kenya28 help seal the fake miracles story of
CEC and the more recently discovered case of a man whom Joagbaje claimed to heal of HIV but
who was never healed.

Other proof of the cultic nature of CEC is their violence and hate. There have been numerous
occasions in which people have tried to investigate the church and have ended being beaten
black and blue. A lady who supplied screen to their recently concluded ministers conference was
beaten because she demanded to be paid for her services.
As for hate, readers can just sit back and see the response of Christ Embassy members to this
thread. How they very easily dodge issues and aim diatribes at the critic's personality or personal
lives. When this is not sufficient, they then begin to rain down curses or resort to cheap spiritual
CEC members all talk like Pastor Chris; they dress like him; they copy his gesticulations and style.
They seek to be like Chris Oyakhilome and not Christ.
I understand that CEC members read mostly Oyakhilome publications. If they would read
anything else, it must be from the error of other Word of Faith preachers.
Members marry only members. There is a perversive demand for money in the church, to the
extent that member "sow" all their possessions and money to church. It is not uncommon to find
members begging people for money to give for offering. Recently, the church began demanding
money for New Year morning services. Stories of people defrauding their companies to give to
church abound in the dailies. The atrocities are endless.
The biggest proof of the cult of CEC is the freedom they deny their members. Members cannot
critique Oyakhilome. If you do, the threat of a curse is issued. There is a bondage to fit the
"successful mold" - the impression that you have made it, so members have no qualms selling all
they have so as to give to the endless demand for "pledges".
It was difficult for me to conclude that CEC is a cult but having read Walter Martins, I couldn't
help but do so. Christ Embassy members claim to win souls for Christ but the truth is that they
are making these people twice the son of hell that they really are. This is a desperate call to our
youths in this church to leave it and find some other bible church to go to.
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I will stop here for now.

Insight - Nigeria's 'megachurches': a hidden pillar of

Africa's top economy
Reuters/October 12, 2014
By Tim Cocks
When a guesthouse belonging to one of Nigeria's leading Christian pastors collapsed last month, killing 115 mostly South
African pilgrims, attention focussed on the multimillion-dollar "megachurches" that form a huge, untaxed sector of Africa's
top economy.
Hundreds of millions of dollars change hands each year in these popular Pentecostal houses of worship, which are
modelled on their counterparts in the United States.
Some of the churches can hold more than 200,000 worshippers and, with their attendant business empires, they
constitute a significant section of the economy, employing tens of thousands of people and raking in tourist dollars, as well
as exporting Christianity globally.
But exactly how much of Nigeria's $510 billion GDP they make up is difficult to assess, since the churches are, like the oil
sector in Africa's top energy producer, largely opaque entities.
"They don't submit accounts to anybody," says Bismarck Rewane, economist and CEO of Lagos consultancy Financial
Derivatives. "At least six church leaders have private jets, so they have money. How much? No one really knows."
When Nigeria recalculated its GDP in March, its economy became Africa's biggest, as previously poorly captured sectors
such as mobile phones, e-commerce and its prolific "Nollywood" entertainment industry were specifically included in
There was no such separate listing for the "megachurches", whose main source of income is "tithe", the 10 percent or so
of their income that followers are asked to contribute.
As the churches have charity status, they have no obligation to open their books, and certainly don't have to fill in tax
returns -- an exemption that is increasingly controversial in Nigeria, where poverty remains pervasive despite the oil riches.
The pastors argue their charity work should exempt them.
"We use the income of the church to build schools, we use the income of the church to serve the needs of the poor," David
Oyedepo, bishop of the popular Winners Chapel, told Reuters in an interview. "These are non-profit organisations."

Pastors on Forbes list

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Nonetheless, the surging popularity of the megachurches among the Christians who make up half of Nigeria's 170 million
population has propelled their preachers into the ranks of the richest people in Africa.
In 2011, Forbes magazine estimated the fortunes of Nigeria's five richest pastors. Oyedepo topped the list, with an
estimated net worth of $150 million.
He was followed by "Pastor Chris" Oyakhilome of Believers' LoveWorld Incorporated, also known as the Christ Embassy
and popular with executives and politicians, on $30 million to $50 million.
TB Joshua, pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, at the centre of the recent diplomatic storm over the deaths in
its guesthouse, was thought to have $10 million to $15 million.
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) declined to comment on how churches fit into their GDP figures, but a source
there said they were included as "non-profit", which falls under "other services" in the latest figures. In 2013, the category
contributed 2.5 percent of GDP, the same as the financial sector.
A former banker at Nigeria's United Bank for Africa, who declined to be named, recalled being approached five years ago
by a church that was bringing in $5 million a week from contributions at home or abroad.
"They wanted to make some pretty big investments: real estate, shares," he said. "They wanted to issue a bond to borrow,
and then use the weekly flows to pay the coupon."
In the end, he said, the bank turned down the proposal on ethical grounds.
Yet Nigerian churches do often invest large amounts of their congregations' money in shares and property, at home and
abroad, he and another banking source said.
One pastor bought 3 billion naira ($18 million) worth of shares in the defunct Finbank, which later merged with FCMB,
after it was rescued in a bail-out in 2009, a fund manager who handled the deal told Reuters. The pastor used a nominee
trust account to keep his name off the books.
In 2011, Oyakhilome was investigated by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and charged with
laundering $35 million of contributions to his church in foreign bank accounts. He denied all wrongdoing and the case was
dismissed for lack of evidence.
Oyakhilome was not available for comment and Joshua's media team declined a request for an interview with him.

Midas touch
Oyedepo's headquarters, "Canaanland", is a 10,500-acre (4250-hectare) campus in Ota, outside the commercial capital
Lagos. It comprises a university, two halls of accommodation, restaurants and a church seating 50,000 people, with a total
overflow capacity of five times that.
"You can see that everything this man touches turns to gold," Nigerian Agriculture Minister Akinwumi Adesina said in a
speech at a reception for Oyedepo's 60th birthday at Canaanland last month.
"May the grace of God abide with you," he added, to a rapturous "Amen!" from the guests in a marquee.

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Other dignitaries present included twice-president Olusegun Obasanjo and former military ruler Yakubu Gowon. A choir
sang gospel songs as the guests cut an elaborate six-tiered cake and popped fizzy grape juice out of champagne bottles
in golden wrapping -- alcohol is banned in Canaanland.
The next day, he delivered four Sunday services in a row to tens of thousands of cheering followers, his white-suited figure
projected onto large flat-screen televisions all around.
"From today, no evil spirit, no demon will survive the Almighty!" he shouted, and the crowd roared "Amen!".
A spokesman said the church has 5,000 branches across Nigeria, and 1,000 more in 63 other countries across five
continents. But Oyedepo's empire also includes two fee-paying universities that he built from scratch, a publishing house
for Christian self-help books, and an elite high school.
Other pastors have similarly diversified ways of getting the Gospel of Christian salvation out.
Oyakhilome owns magazines, newspapers and 24-hour TV station, and Joshua draws miracle-seekers from all over the
world with claims that the holy water he has blessed cures otherwise incurable ailments such as HIV/AIDS.
Before Joshua built his 10,000-seat headquarters at Ikotun-Egbe in outer Lagos, the area was part swamp, part
abandoned industrial estate.
Now, it is a boom town with shops, hotels, eateries and bars catering largely to the travellers who come not only from West
Africa but also from all corners of the globe to hear his sermons. Joshua also runs a TV station.

"Blessed by the Lord"

Guests entering Oyedepo's birthday marquee in Canaanland would have seen a picture of the poor household in
southwest Nigeria where he grew up, testament to a rags-to-riches story that many Nigerians would love to emulate.
Like U.S. televangelists, Winners Chapel preaches the "prosperity gospel" that faith in Jesus Christ lifts people out of
poverty, and that message partly explains the explosion of the Pentecostal movement in sub-Saharan Africa, where
misfortune and poverty are often seen as having supernatural causes.
"We see giving as the only way to be blessed. Blessing other people is a way of keeping the blessings flowing," said
Oyedepo, whose blessings include a Gulfstream V jet and several BMWs.
Giving to support the church and its work is something the faithful are encouraged to do, a Christian tradition that was a
pillar of the Roman Catholic church in medieval Europe, just as it has been a major money-spinner for U.S. televangelists.
Aneke Chika, a business analyst in an oil services company, told Reuters on the steps of Oyedepo's church that she set
aside 20,000 naira of her 200,000 naira ($1,218) salary every month.
Asked about Forbes' estimate of his fortune, Oyedepo told Reuters: "For me, to have fortune means someone who has
what he needs at any point in time. I don't see myself as having $150 million stacked up somewhere. Whatever way they
found their figures, I am only able to say I am blessed by the Lord."
He said he could not estimate the church's total revenues or expenditure on items such as salaries because the various

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departments, including education, were too diverse.

The enterprises on the Canaanland campus, from the shops selling cold sodas and bread, to a woman boiling instant
noodles and eggs for breakfast in a lodge, to pop-up book stalls hawking Oyedepo's prolific literary output, are owned by
the church's estate, which employs their staff on its payroll, workers at all the outlets told Reuters.
Winners Chapel's Corporate Affairs department said the church employed more than 18,000 people in Nigeria alone.
Oyedepo says the wealth the church gathers is invested in expanding it, and that if he did not use a private jet, he would
be unable to oversee its many foreign operations and still return to Ota every week in time for Sunday's worship.
Britain's Charity Commission says it is reviewing potential conflicts of interest in his finances, and last month the Home
Office (interior ministry) barred him from Britain, though it declined to say why.
Oyedepo said he knew nothing of the commission's review, nor had the Home Office explained to him why he was barred.
A national conference to debate Nigeria's constitution this year proposed that the megachurches should be taxed.
But with an election coming up in February, it is debatable whether President Goodluck Jonathan, who is close to several
megapastors, would risk upsetting these influential men and their hefty congregations with a fat tax bill.
"There is no single government input on this premises," Oyedepo told Reuters in the interview. "We supply our water, we
make our roads, then you ... say: 'Let's tax them'. For what?"
(1 US dollar = 164.2 naira)

Satanism scare as Christ Embassy

pastors try to resurrect boy (15)
by Staff Reporter
02 Feb 2013 at 05:01hrs | 9128 Views

MOURNERS at a funeral wake of a 15-year-old-boy in Gweru were left speechless when a team of
pastors stormed the house and started praying over the body in a bid to resurrect him.
The incident occurred in Southview suburb on Monday at the funeral wake of Tatenda Dick, an
Ordinary Level pupil at Chaplin High School, who had died the previous day from a terminal

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Witnesses said Tatenda's body was brought home for the wake before burial the following
They said three pastors from the local Christ Embassy Church came and conducted prayers
meant to bring Tatenda back to life as had happened to the Biblical Lazarus.
A close relative of Tatenda said the three pastors came into the lounge where the coffin was and
started sprinkling water on mourners in the room while speaking in tongues.
"One of the pastors opened the top half of the coffin and placed a cellphone that was playing a
sermon by the church founder, Pastor Chris," said the relative.
The pastors removed the body from the coffin in front of the stunned mourners.
They said the "resurrection" prayers were conducted with the blessings of the boy's mother, a
member of the same church.
The witness said the pastors intensified their prayers, commanding Dick to rise and walk.
After praying for about three hours without any sign that the boy would come back to life, the
witness said, the leader of the team ordered all the mourners, except Christ Embassy members,
out of the room.
Eventually, only the three men were left with the boy's mother and a few close relatives.
The Christ Embassy Church members claimed Dick would resurrect in a couple of hours if they
were left on their own.
"Curious mourners who were failing to come to terms with the goings on, however, refused to
disperse as they wanted to witness every part of the unfolding drama. The 'men of God' went
into 'ecstasy' while one of them held the corpse upright. What surprised the mourners most was
that even the now deceased boy's mother, Ms Germa Machingauta, pleaded with the mourners
to disperse as she also believed that her son would resurrect," said one witness.
Some mourners said they now suspected the whole incident to have been an act of Satanism.
Due to numerous bizarre incidents happening in Zimbabwe, people are quick to link any
inexplicable happening to Satanism or juju (use of magic powers).
The witnesses said as the drama unfolded, some curious mourners peeped through the windows
of the room where the prayers were taking place.
One man who appeared to be the leader of the group is said to have blamed the delay of the
boy's "resurrection" on "demons" which he alleged were possessed by some mourners.
The church crew later ordered the close relatives to also leave the room and leave the mother
behind. "They then closed all the windows and the curtains of the room before they ordered Ms
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Machingauta to touch on the chest of her son's body before they continued to pray on top of
their voices," said the witness.
He said some disgruntled mourners, including the elderly, later dispersed dismissing the prayer
sessions as a farce.
"The church members, including Ms Machingauta, prayed for the resurrection of the boy until
Tuesday morning. By then only a few close relatives were still camped outside the house while
the majority of the mourners who could not understand what was happening left the residence.
"The boy, however, did not resurrect and there were some clashes among the relatives
themselves on Tuesday as they accused Ms Machingauta and her church members of making fun
out of a funeral. The boy was later buried on Tuesday afternoon but by then, there were only few
relatives as the majority of mourners and other distant relatives had left."
Ms Machingauta, a nurse by profession, confirmed the incident when contacted yesterday.
She said she had no problem with her church members' attempts to raise her son from the dead.
"I have no problems with what happened. This is what we believe in our church. Actually, the
Christ Embassy Church members had come on my invitation. I was satisfied with what happened.
The resurrection failed because God had already spoken to my child and decided to take him into
his care," she said.
When she was asked why they decided to conduct the resurrection prayers after the boy's body
had first been taken to the mortuary, Ms Machingauta said: "That doesn't matter. Lazarus was
resurrected when his body was about to rot and this could have happened to my child but God
had spoken to him," she said.

Divorce Scandal: Anita Oyakhilomes

Name Removed From Christ Embassy
Church Website
Many describe the action as the beginning of a process to shut her out of the church, after she accused her
husband of adultery and unreasonable behaviours in a divorce suit filed in London last April but only made
public on Friday.

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Anita OyakhilomeThe divorce mess between Pastors Chris and Anita Oyakhilome
of Christ Embassy Church has worsened, P.M.NEWS can reveal.
On Sunday, two days after it was reported that Anita Oyakhilome had filed for divorce, Christ Embassy deleted
her pictures and personal information from its official website,
Many describe the action as the beginning of a process to shut her out of the church, after she accused her
husband of adultery and unreasonable behaviours in a divorce suit filed in London last April but only made
public on Friday.
Christ Embassys new website now shows only Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, with a broad smile welcoming his
followers to the month of August, and tagging it, Month of Praise.
In the message on the website, Oyakhilome also urges his followers to rejoice for the joy of the Lord is your
Also, on the website of the Rhapsody of Realities, a daily devotional co-authored by the esrtwhile couple,
theres nothing to show that Anita is still recognised as the only visible face on the website among the family
members is that of her husband.
It was too early to know if the September edition of the Rhapsody of Realities still has the photographs of both
the pastor and his wife as it used to be.
In the past, when the going was good, Anita and Chris Oyakhilome held hands on the church website and
smiled broadly. They projected the image of a perfect couple.
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But P.M.NEWS checks at the weekend revealed that there is confusion in the church following the divorce suit
filed by Anita to end her over two decades marriage to the founder of Christ Embassy Church.
In the past, Pastor Chris headed the Nigerian branch of the church, though he travelled to other branches
occasionally, while Anita headed the branch in London and its environs.
Christ Embassy and its founder have been embroiled in a myriad of controversies in the past. In 2010,
Oyakhilome was accused of engineering a money laundering scheme in Nigeria, and questions swirled around
his finances because of his glamorous lifestyle.
Many pastors and theologians also excoriated Oyakhilome for his New Creation doctrinea form of
gnosticism that says after a person becomes a Christian, any sin they commit is only in the body and will not
affect the spirit.
In 2008, Oyakhilomes reputation as a faith healer was tarnished badly in Johannesburg, South Africa, when a
man told a Soweto newspaper that Christ Embassy offered him more than $1,200 to sit in a wheelchair and
pretend to be crippled until Oyakhilome prayed for him.
The man went to the media instead of taking the money, sparking concerns that healings were being faked to
impress growing crowds, said Lee Grady in an article in 2012 published by Charisma Magazine.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has also been a target of criticism by the Treatment Action Campaign for his support
of faith healing to cure HIV.
Allegations that Christ Embassy members are reportedly being forced to give huge sums of money in offerings
with the biggest donors receiving the biggest awards have left many people concerned.
Many Nigerians have also alleged that the church operates like a cult and pressures members to marry only
within Christ Embassy.
Many people also remember the scandal involving Christ Embassy and Sheraton Hotel some years ago when
a member of the church, who worked at the Sheraton Hotel, stole money from his employers and gave it to

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Christ Embassy. But when Sheraton approached the church for reimbursement, the church allegedly claimed
that the money had been given to God and could not be refunded.
Many also excoriated Pastor Chris some years ago when the church began collecting gate fees from members
for their New Year Eves Service.
More recently, Oyakhilome came under attack after he claimed that Christians were free to masturbate
because it was not a sin.
But the latest scandal involving Anita and Chris, who have two daughters, seems to threaten the very existence
of one of the biggest churches in Nigeria.
Christ Embassy runs several arms including the Healing School, Rhapsody of Realities, and an N.G.O called
the Innercity Missions as well as three Christian television channels: LoveWorld TV, LoveWorld SAT and
LoveWorld Plus.
The church is scattered all over the world, including in the United Kingdom, the United States, South America
and the whole of Europe.
Stories about women bringing men of God down are not new. In 1988, Jimmy Swaggart, a famous American
preacher was implicated in a sex scandal involving a prostitute that resulted initially in his suspension, and
ultimately defrocking, by the Assemblies of God.
Three years later, Swaggart was implicated in another scandal involving a prostitute. As a result, Swaggarts
ministry became non-affiliated, non-denominational and significantly smaller than it was before the scandals.

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Oyakhilomes divorce splits Christ Embassy members
Members of the Christ Embassy are divided over a divorce suit filed against the Senior
Pastor of the church, Chris Oyakhilome, by wife, Anita, in a London court.
Oyakhilome is the President of the Believers Love World Incorporated, the registered
name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the Vice President.
Some members of the church on a Facebook page, Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome,
which is believed to have been opened by Anitas fans, expressed differing opinions
on the matter.
On Saturday, one of the church members, Ijeoma Olive Ehirim said, I am a Christ
Embassy member. I hate one thing there: How can a pastor be working together with
a lady hand in hand, attending meetings and lodging in a hotel for days. My girlfriend
travels with our branch pastor annually for PPCF which holds in Lagos. Only God
Sharing a similar view, Samantha Iwowo, described adultery as one of the grounds for
Iwowo said, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome must have been discovered compromising his
marital bed business. It is what it is. God says judgement will start from His house.
Touch not my anointed is Gods instruction regarding all His children, not an
individual nicking, scheming, threatening monies off peoples purses and telling them
that salvation is tied to tithes and that seed sowing is only money donation to the
church/pastors coffers. One down, more to roll. Christ be praised.
In her post, Chinyere Okechukwu-George, claimed to have left the church when she
observed some irregularities.

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I and my family left Christ Embassy for our own good after worshiping there for
three years plus and seeing all the things going on under the disguise of church. And I
can comfortably say that for over a year now, we have had so much peace in our
Christian lives. I dont care how you view my comment but truth must be told.
Joseph Osagiede, however, responded saying the Oyakhilomes were still together.
He said, I have been in Christ Embassy for 12 years. All is totally well with their
marriage. All those wishing them to split and also those going about saying nasty
things about the church, be careful.
Faith Ebunoluwa Adetayo also said, I have been in Christ Embassy since 1990s and I
can authoritatively say some things: I have seen the power of God work,
demonstrated in healings and many other things. I have seen how Pastor Chris is less
concerned about mistakes we make.
He believes that these sins of the flesh will disappear, only if we listen to the word of
God. Rather than condemning us, he speaks words of encouragement. And for your
information, Pastor Anita is still very much in the ministry and shes with her darling
Meanwhile, the Christ Embassy has kept mum on the divorce case.
A woman, who picked SUNDAY PUNCHs call to the Nigerian office of the church on
Saturday, said she had no information to give on the matter.
When asked to confirm if the divorce suit was true or not, she simply said, I have no
information to give on the matter.
When another call was made to the church through another number, the respondent,
who identified herself as Pastor Christabel, said the church had no information about
the case.
No, we have no information on the matter, she said.
An online newspaper, The Cable, had reported on Friday that the divorce case, with
Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at the Divorce Section A, Central
Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, the United Kingdom, on
Anitas behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors.
Anita reportedly filed for dissolution of the marriage between her and her pastor
husband, which produced two teenage daughters Sharon and Charlyn on the
grounds of unreasonable behaviour and adultery.
Copyright PUNCH.

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Confusion over Pastor Oyakhilomes wifes divorce suit
Confusion seems to trail the reported divorce suit of Reverend Mrs. Anita Odegwa
Oyakhilome against her husband, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, founder, Christ Embassy.
While some members of the church told Saturday Independent that the report is false,
others said that it is true but that they are praying and hoping that God will
The plea for the dissolution of the marriage, according to TheCable, an online
publication, has entered its final phase.
The wife is said to be seeking divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour
and adultery among other allegations.
The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was reportedly filed on April 9, 2014 at
Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London,
UK, on Anitas behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors.
Efforts to reconcile the couple, whose church is one of the biggest in Nigeria, have
Only recently, Chris Oyakhilomes neighbour, Pastor Chris Okotie, was also enmeshed
in divorce issues. Like Oyakhilome, Okoties first wife, Tina, incidentally sued for
divorce from her U.S. base.
Anita has followed suit by also suing for divorce from the UK. All these are coming
about 12 years after both pastors were locked in a bitter war over Prophet T.B
Joshuas source of healing power.
The Oyakhilomes have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn.
Pastor Oyakhilome is the president of Believers Love World Inc, the registered name
of the Christian Ministry, while his wife is the vice-president.
The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied the allegations and
believes that his wife is being influenced by bad friends.
While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church,
her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority of her
seniors in the ministry.
Sources said the pastor had been making efforts to avoid divorce in the hope that his
wife would have a change of mind but decree nissi was served on him in his hotel
room during a recent visit to the UK. Decree nissi, in legal terms, is like a yellow card
in a football match, which is a precursor to a red card, in this case, decree absolute, if
no new evidence is provided to stall proceedings. The decree absolute, which will
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effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while the terms of the
divorce will be worked out by lawyers of both parties.
Only recently, Anita wanted to go public with the details of her allegations but
reached an informal agreement to sheathe her sword in the interest of the church.
Oyakhilome is regarded as one of the richest and most influential pastors in Nigeria,
and co-authors the fast-selling Christian daily devotional, Rhapsody of Realities, with
However, following the strain in the marriage, Anita had been complaining to friends
that her husband had stopped the payment of royalties due to her from the proceeds
of the book.
A wealthy Zimbabwean businessman, who is into telecoms, is one of the biggest
financiers of the London branch of the church, which Anita pastors along with other
branches in Europe. When the crisis got to a head, the Zimbabwean was said to have
stopped funding the church.
Matters got to a head on Sunday, July 13, 2014, when some relatives of Anita locked
up the London branch of the church to protest the humiliation being meted out to
their sister who had not overseen services at the branch since November 2013. Some
church members had sometime on May 10, 2014 launched facebook campaign, asking:
Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome? They said Pastor Chris and Rev. Anita must unite
for the sake of the gospel, the church and their two beautiful daughters. They
quoted Malachi 2:16 in the Message: I hate divorce, says the God of Israel. The
facebook page, which has over 3,300 likes, was opened with a stated mission: This
is a Call to Prayer for all believers who understand Gods heart concerning marriage
and a Call to Action by Pst. Chris. #DoWhatYouPreac.
But officials of the church quickly denied any rift between the pastor couple.
One official, Kenneth Achumasara, told the media last June: I can tell you
authoritatively that there is no issue between Pastor Chris and his wife, Anita If you
go to the UK now you will see her along with the kids. She is still with him and there is
no issue between them. I have been with him for 22 years and the Pastor Chris I know
cannot even utter such words as reported. He will never address such a gathering.
She will soon be in Nigeria for a programme and I will definitely invite you to have
access to her.
However, here in Nigeria, a chorister in the church who does not want his name in
print told Saturday Independent that all is not well with the marriage. He said: Yes,
it is true but we are praying for Gods intervention in the matter.

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THE REASON I QUIT RELIGION Part 1 (Why I Left Roman Catholic Church).
April 2, 2014 at 3:03pm

I came into this world in the late 70's, born in the South-eastern region of Nigeria where Roman
Catholicism was, and is still the predominant religion. My parents were among the catholic faithful,
and expectedly, I was baptized a catholic in my infancy. And that marked the genesis of my journey
into the world of religion.
By age 4, I was already inducted into the church's neighborhood congress for youngsters otherwise
known as block Rosary in Catholic parlance. Much like a school in structure, it was an evening
rendezvous for local Catholic kids, a platform to learn the rudiments of the church's doctrines and
moral instructions. But with the benefit of hindsight I found out it was no less than the launching pad
for prepping the suggestible minds of youngsters with the many pseudo paganist and occultic
doctrines of the Roman catholic Church.
Anyways, I was nudged by my well-meaning parents to be punctual to the daily evening meetings of
the group, and I dared not disobey. I recall with dismay how I was knocked down by a hit and run
motorcyclist on my way to one of those meetings one fateful night. And that was how I came about
the huge scar on the upper side of my left eye brow. In fact, I nearly lost my sight in that accident, but
that's by the way.
At the block rosary meetings, the 'Queen of heaven' and 'mother of God' - 'Virgin Mary' was the
centrifugal force of everything. We were daily inundated with her formidable exploits, her divinity and
miracles, and several of her apparitions wherein she bemoaned the sins of the world, and
commanded we constantly plead with her for intercession on our behalf, in order to avert or escape
the ever fury of God. Fear-inspiring it always was. And so, we prayed and fervently besought her
daily, reciting the rosary and some other inane incantations called the litany, and chanting many
choruses in her 'honor' before a special altar made for her.
This altar, it is interesting to note, was more of a miniature shrine, made to look like a Hindu chapel of
some sort. It came complete with a crucifix, and some flowers, a statue of a beautiful lady (thought to
represent 'Virgin Mary'), a crafted or printed image of a handsome man (thought to be Joseph, the
surrogate father of Jesus), and an alluring imagery of a newly born baby depicting the infant Jesus.
Light from candle sticks provided it with illumination and some element of life. And like baby robots,
we were programed to adore, bow, and kneel before it, reciting the Rosary and chanting our litany for
intercession before it. The awesome presence of God, and that of 'his mother' - the 'virgin Mary'
inhabit this altar whenever it is set and lit up, we were subliminally made to believe. And so, we
accorded it the very best of esteem and reverence.
Now, every Sunday morning was the time for some short ritualistic liturgy called Mass. And my
parents ensured we never missed it for any reason. They would give us some stipends to enable us
buy the Bulletin, and also give offerings. A Bulletin (for those who don't know) is some pamphlet that

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contains a selected portion of the Bible, hymns and Psalms, and little announcements, to be used in
the Mass procession. It was sold at the church's premises, and everyone who wished to partake in the
Mass of the day was to procure a copy. In fact, it was more or less the Bible for Catholics, as it was
more useful than the Bible itself in the life of a Catholic. There was just no need for the Bible if one
could get the bulletins every Sunday morning. And so, we never had a single copy of Bible at home,
but would rather buy bulletins for the Mass every other Sunday, take them home afterwards, and
probably use them to wrap Akara the next day.
The Mass service, I can say, was more like the epitome of all vain religious rituals, an archetype of
occultism. Nothing else could be as spiritually loathsome and banal. It would begin with a priest
proceeding into the church from the porch in a colossus image, often clutching or swinging a covered
chalice of a burning incense in the convoy of a handful of assistants referred to as Mass servants.
Mounting the pulpit, he would declare the session open with a sign of inverted cross chanting some
prayers alongside, and pulling the attendants through some rites and ordinances that were all
designed to leave them pensive and externally solemn.
I can say again in retrospect, with my little knowledge of Bible, that Mass embodied every
abominable, not only to the Scriptures, but also to reasoning. And I believe much hasn't changed to
this day. We would bow and genuflect before many graven images and objects strewn across the
church building to depict some heavenly beings, praying to some of them at some moments. We
would make supplication to dead folks (plausibly referred to as 'the saints') to intercede on our behalf,
and solicit heavenly angels to plead for our sins. Much of these petitions we would nonchalantly blab
in latin language, others we would chant in some somber choruses. The climax of it all would be the
adoration and veneration of a huge piece of unleavened bread referred to as the Holy Eucharist. It
inhabits the presence of Christ, we were made to believe. And so we would bow to it, adore and pray
soulfully to it. Those who had recently gone to confess their sins to the priests, now taken to be in the
state of grace, would later have a taste of pieces of the bread by way of communion.
Of course, there must have been a short sermon which might tangentially be rooted out from some
verses of the Scriptures read on each Sunday. The motif of these sermons, percolated to induce fear,
depression and pessimism in the minds of the listeners, centered chiefly on the death of Jesus, piety
of Mary (the mother of Jesus), fury of God, and the sinfulness of mankind. Everything basically tilted
towards the oncoming wrath and damnation that await mankind in the hell fire and purgatory. In fact,
those sermons, I can say, were the major conduit through which the church perpetrated much of its
brain washing. And funny enough, we would be asked to pay for all these disservice to our minds by
way of offerings and donations.
Well, the Mass would end within an hour or two with some benediction from the priest, and we would
have fulfilled the required ordinance for the justification of our souls, purification from our previous
sins, and exemption from the oncoming tribulation. We would hurriedly discard the sanctimonious
mien we had put on, and blissfully hurry back home in our usual self and lifestyle. But a sizeable
portion of the attendants would pensively proceed to either the chapel of the Holy Eucharist, or the
shrine of the 'blessed Mother' for further adoration. This 'shrine of the blessed mother' is the huge
graven statue of a beautiful woman that is mostly decorated, lit up, and strategically placed at the
premises of every Catholic church. Ditto the chapel of the Holy Eucharist.

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To cut the long story short, I'd say I spent my whole childhood and teenage dancing to the mad beats
of Catholicism with all the candor and fervor I could muster. Confirmed by age 14, I was neck deep
indoctrinated into the church that nothing could pierce through the heavily fortified walls of my
persuasion. Catholic church was the only church commissioned by Christ through Peter I was made to
believe. And every other propaganda used in mitigating and white washing the church's many bizarre
practices and beliefs I bought hook, line and sinker. In fact, I fanatically stood up for all of them. For
instance, when confronted by others on our obvious worship of Mary, I'd pull the usual cliche - 'we
don't worship Mary, we only 'honour' her'. There was of course an avalanche of plausible defenses
and prevarication for every of the church's perversion. Much of these were contained in the church's
Question and Answers teachings known as Catechism. And being an excellent student of this
catechism, I was well grounded in the knowledge of the church's underpinnings for its teeming
doctrines. I was staunchly confident, secure and committed to rather live and die a Catholic than port
to any other denomination or religion.
However, in the wees hours of my teenage, I had relocated to Lagos - a more cosmopolitan and
religiously diverse city, to begin my odyssey in the world of business. Being a city tightly under the
siege of an opposing brand of christianity - pentecostalism, my beliefs and bulwark in Catholicism
were sure vulnerable to convulsion. I had started relating and making friends with a spectrum of
people most of whom were pentecostals. And I noticed to my insecurity that these folks were far
grounded in the knowledge of Bible than I was, especially each moment we played the religion card.
By their influence, I began to devour diverse Christian literature to learn more facts about other
Within months, I was growing fond of the many pentecostal evangelical telecasts that dotted the
landscape of most local TV's prime times. Remarkably, a lot of things were said and done in stark
contradiction to the ways I had understood Christianity to be. For the first time, I got to hear sermons
that were motivating and uplifting, and see ways of worship that appealed more to my religious
fantasies. Their simplified ways and approach to Bible injunctions appeared to resonate better with
the Truth. But in spite of it all, the walls of my faith in Catholic wouldn't cave in, as I still prayed my
Rosary, attended Mass, adored the Eucharist and invoked 'the saints' to intercede for me. I never
seriously contemplated taking a walk from Catholic church.
But then again, something fateful happened in 1999, and that dramatically changed the whole
equation. It was an act that was meant to add manure to my faith in Catholicism, but it turned out the
catalyst that shattered the foundations of it. A devout Catholic friend of mine, observing how adrift
my faith was getting, had gone ahead to buy and hand me a copy of the Good News Bible Edition, all
in a bid to bolster my faith. And no sooner had he handed me the book, I began to feast on it with
keen interest and passion, from Genesis down to revelation, page by page. It was like a new found
love. To my utter consternation, every chapter I perused brought a clear indictment to at least one of
the many Roman Catholic's cardinal doctrines. And systematically too, a new vista of different
consciousness about God and Christianity was striking root in me.
I would say I spent about 3 more years to diligently studying the Bible and many other Christian
literature I could lay my hand on, juxtaposing the new insights I got with every fabrics of the doctrines
and philosophies of Roman Catholicism. My sense of truth was beginning to take root, and it would
soon out-grow the bounds of all that was embedded in me by way of indoctrination. And even as I

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remained a nominal Catholic for few months afterwards, I was beginning to grow uncomfortable with
so many things in the church. I began to quietly ruminate, and question the grounds for the
justification of most of the church's grisly dogmas such as bowing down to graven images, praying to
the dead, and adoration of the unleavened bread aka the Holy Eucharist. Why would a dead woman in
the person of Mary be worshiped under the pretext of 'honoring the mother of God'? Why should she
even be given pre-eminence over Jesus on whose message Christianity is pivoted? Why would God be
portrayed always in the light of an imperious, irritable and mean fellow? Why candles and statues in
prayer sessions? And why the constant threats of hell and damnation?
As the consciousness of these grave absurdities widened, with little or no convincing answers and
rationalization, I became the more disaffected and detached from the sentiments that had engulfed
and blindfolded me all along. Worse so, the threats from fellow Catholics that I could incur God's
wrath or curse for daring to probe or doubt those doctrines rather served to magnify my suspicion of
the whole charade and falsehood. I could then see that the validation of every of those doctrines by
many was fundamentally driven by fear of being labeled a heretic, rather than true convictions on the
facts Bible. And as I dug deeper into the history of Roman Catholic church, and how it came about its
doctrines (from Roman traditions), my disenchantment grew rather taller. So grew too my resolve to
exit the church.
And so by the eve of the year 2003, I had had enough. I was somehow able to muster the fortitude to
serve the divorce notice. Unceremoniously, I got disengaged from Roman Catholicism as I ejected her
from my life. And I threw to the garbage my Chaplets and other objects of worship in my possession,
and ceased attending Mass and meetings of the many church fraternities I was affiliated to. I would
soon quit paying homage to the church's clergy and institutions. But it would take about a year more
before I could completely disabuse myself of the last vestige of the church's observances and
I guess all that remains of the whole ugly episode in my life till this day is the baptismal name I got
from the church in my infancy. It has managed to stick like an Hausa Perfume. Perhaps, that will serve
as a reminder to me that I was once a member of the world's biggest occultic movement in the world
- the Roman Catholic church of Mary.

THE REASON I QUIT RELIGION Part 2. (Why I Left Christ Embassy)

April 21, 2014 at 10:56pm

It had been months since I parted ways with the Roman Catholic Church of Mary. And the wounds I
sustained from years of spiritual abuse in that affair had almost healed. There remained no trace of
withdrawal symptoms, but some emotional scars. And I'd say I had regained full control of my psyche
and spirituality.
Moreover, by virtue of my daily devotion to Bible reading and meditation, I had noticed a paradigm
shift in not only my personal affinity with God, but also in my consciousness about life. And it was all

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getting better by each day. Noble virtues such as love, faith, patience, perseverance and humility had
all hatched out in my heart, and were now breeding across every facet of my personality like a cancer
growth. But in spite of it all, I was every now and then haunted by some sense of vacuum and
incompleteness. I felt less a Christian. And I yearned for a platform to help speed up the growth of my
new found spirituality. Only a Bible-based church of Christ would fix all these, I thought. And before
long, I had decided to anchor my soul back to a church.
That was early 2003 - a period when the city of Lagos was at the peak of a siege by different
formations of pentecostal brands. Every major warehouse was now occupied by these prosperitymongers, and every wall fence on major roads bore an array of posters and banners advertising
various forms of crusades and incredible miracles. About a score of them had already invaded the
airwaves, seizing control of prime times of every radio and TV stations. Major stadiums and open
fields had fallen to the superior fire power of their financial war chest. To say the least, only a few
individuals would resist the motivating sermons, signs and wonders, and club-like songs that were in
the menu of their services. And I was soon seduced to climb the bandwagon.

Christ Embassy would be my first port of call, chiefly for its proximity to my base, and the glamour of
their popular telecast 'Atmosphere For Miracle'. Besides, the church appeared the most trendy and
youth-friendly among the whole lot. Its alluring catch phrase - 'giving your life a meaning' emitted a
high wave of curiosity value, and dangled at my gnawing sense of vacuum some antidote of sort. And
their Western-accented senior pastor, Chris Oyakhilome, charmingly gave out an image of a
thoroughbred man of God. But my mind would soon rupture to find out the sham that lay beneath the
whole carefully packaged gimmick.

I would join the church formally around April 2003, and attend services at the church's headquarters
then at the Camp ground (right beside the governor's office Alausa Ikeja Lagos). It was the senior
pastor's major base, and expectedly the nerve center of the church's major operations. I would see
and hear directly from him, and even stalk him afterwards. Somehow too, I was able to within months
chum around some of the church leaders, rubbing elbows with some of the workers and choir
members. All these would help me into the church's real complexion in no time.
It's important to note though that I had sincerely set out to firmly pitch in with the Church on the
conjecture it was a true church of Christ. Even as the church was then neck deep in many a
controversy especially as regards the senior pastor's fraternity with TB Joshua, I had never gone in
with the intention to probe or size it up. But unfortunately, my spiritual compass would keep pointing
me to what the church was, and still is - the Christ embassy church of Chris Oyakhilome and family,
nay a business center.
Anyway, my first day at the church was ironically the precursor to my last. Right at the entrance of
the church building were some large portraits of Chris Oyakhilome, and that of his wife. And on the
gigantic photographs were some inscriptions that would poke at the bluntest of all spiritual
sensibilities - 'Father, we love you!', 'what would we have been without you pastor?'. And if I was to
think such bizarre flaw was only an aberration, I was in for a rude awakening.

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I had barely gone in to take my seat, and to my notice came a creepy culture of indecency and
impunity within the congregation. The ladies, most of whom were young, beautiful and single, had
come adorning apparels so provocative and x-rated that one could easily mistake the service for
some rock concert or an orgy party. In fact, I could literally see nude bodies only scantily covered for
fashion sake. And about half the guys too made the scene in some weird costumes and hairdos only
fit for pop musical videos or clown plays. I would eventually play blind, and soon reconcile with the
new reality, but there were to be more spine-chillers per minute billing.
The service soon began with a prayer session. And to lead the congregation through the prayer points
was a prayer coordinator standing at the pulpit. And we were made to pray so feverishly. Remarkably
however, of about eight prayer points that were raised, 7 of them was all about the senior pastor and
the church. The first was for his safety, and the second was that he got more anointed. The 3rd was
that his ministry would grow in leaps and bounds, and the 4th that more members be added to the
church. We were only allowed few seconds to whisper to God our needs, and end came the prayers.
My eyebrows couldn't help but shrink in discomfort.

Next after prayers was a frenzy session of 'praise and worship', trailed by a soulful rendition of a
melodious tune by the choir. It was, I must admit, as blistering and entertaining as it could get. In
fact, a floodgate of hysteria would prevail and charge the whole ambience as a result. And shortly
afterwards came the Rhapsody of Reality time - a moment when a portion of the senior pastor's daily
devotional was to be read. A sycophant image would read out the sermon of the day from the
pamphlet, and pontificate therefrom, in such a manner that would leave the author (the pastor)
idolized, and the whole congregation stupefied. He openly sang to the skies the praises of the pastor,
and duly admonished us to hearken to him. If I had thought Christ only I should prowl after, now came
a replacement - Chris Oyakhilome PHD.

No sooner, a big pouch meant for offering would find its way to my presence, and I did give as little as
I could muster. And while the pouch hovered around, a little exhortation on the significance of giving
abundantly to God emitted from the loud speakers, alongside some endearing choruses. In matter of
seconds, we would be mesmerized by some spell-binding video clips of the pastor's 'healing miracles'.
We watched in awe as the lame walked, and the dumb spoke. And there were some powerful
testimonies and adulation from a few individuals.

By now, the tempo of the whole delirium was boiling over. And suddenly, a thunderous yell ensued in
crescendo, enveloping the whole atmosphere like a tsunami. It would last for about 3 minutes as
everyone had stood up and played an imperfect Mexican wave. Some cried, yelled and screamed,
and others jumped so convulsively as though they had won a huge lottery. I myself was a bit lost, as I
had thought some popular European football club had just taken the trophy of the champion's league.
But Alas, it was the Czar himself, Chris Oyakhilome that was being ushered in. He had appeared from
behind the stage in an olympian glory adorning an angelic white suite, obviously lapping up the whole
unalloyed hero-worship. In fact, I still doubt if Dictator Jong-un of North Korean could command such a
worship from his enslaved subjects. It was about the purest form of human worship I had ever seen,
the type of veneration only fit for the Immortal. But to my amazement, the 'man of God' grinned and

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soaked it all in while it lasted. For his security were some stern looking men who had already formed a
circumference of guard around him. And we were ordered to be seated by him within minutes.

He would start off on a casual note, and oscillate between the vainglorious and mundane. Although
he appeared to have a way of percolating those yarns in twisted Biblical injunctions. In some ways
too, he sounded a bit plausible. But I would soon figure out he had no definite theme he had intended
to dwell on. To my surprise however, everything that came out of his mouth elicited some screams
and moans from the congregation. He was periodically interjected with choruses such as 'Amen',
'preach on pastor', 'glory', 'awesome'. In fact, the least of all the banal statements he uttered were all
applauded to. And to my horror, some folks would leave their seats to drop at his feet some money
and objects of choice, (an act I had thought before then was only permissible at local Afro juju
Anyway, he would soon wind up his homily with another call for offering. And this time, the whole
congregation would troop out to 'give generously to God'. To aid mass compliance was a cocktail of
local and international electrifying songs played live by the church musicians. And everyone including
the pastor danced to them. It was a prophetic dance I was made to believe. And soon afterwards
came some announcements. The first time attendees were to be welcomed with some soulful song,
and ordered to relocate to a particular section of the auditorium to be received specially. Being a first
timer, I heeded and joined the procession towards the reception arena.

I must admit we were warmly received by a handful of the church assistants. We were then each
given a bag that contained some copies of Rhapsody of reality, and 2 other books written by Chris
Oyakhilome. Briefed a little about the church's wondrous mission, we were told the pastor himself
would like to welcome us specially on the coming Wednesday by 3 pm. And on that note, we were
dismissed. I hurried back home immediately, to reflect on the whole dramatic experience. For some
reasons too, I would love to attend the meeting with the pastor.
On that fateful Wednesday, I was already at the venue by 2 pm, an hour ahead of the scheduled time.
But some two and half hours would pass before I could see about a dozen of fellows converging
towards a section of the venue obviously for the fateful meeting. I would later find out that half of
them were actually church representatives feigning first time attendants. The monkey meeting would
soon begin and end within minutes with no sign of Chris Oyakhilome within the vicinity. Nothing
meaningful we discussed, save for some shallow prayers. And as I sat mulling over the whole drama
in disappointment, the meeting coordinator quickly dove-tailed into sermons about 'giving', and
ordered from us our offering, as in his words, 'no one should appear before the Lord empty-handed'.
That came like an insult to an injury. But it would serve to strike home the true objectives of the
church. I reluctantly handed to them the little I had on me, and left the meeting venue feeling duped,
short-changed and lied to. And that was to spark the flame that consumed my goodwill for the church
ab initio.

Well, I would still keep up with the phony church for another 8 months irrespective of the many red
flags I had seen. Each day would throw up new dramas and new dimensions to the whole absurdities,

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but I somehow resolved to play blind to it all. I would only stay put in the delusion that my spiritual
life would be better for it eventually. But I cringed to discover much later how short-sighted I was to
have ignored those early warning signs, as the very spirituality I had tried to nurture would lose so
much blood, and be hospitalized for my protracted stay in the church.
Now, within months, the major objectives of the church had become clearer to me, just as my sense
of discontent had gelled. I would discern the thrust of the church's doctrines and policies to be money
generation, membership growth, and branch expansions. These I was able to deduce from the
church's disproportionate emphasis on 'giving' & 'seed sowing', 'soul winning', and church
attendance. Of course 'giving' and 'seed sowing' simply denote donating money and other precious
resources to the church. And 'soul winning' meant bringing people to church, or giving out church's
literature to them. No other virtues were half as noble, and the church harped so much on that. Many
a times, in fact, we were literally threatened of dire consequences for not 'giving' generously enough,
and every misfortune we faced was deemed a testament to our disobedience. Money was never
meant to be kept in the bank or invested, but to be brought to the church, Chris Oyakhilome once
enthused. And there were many delusive benefits for the various types of 'partnership' and 'seeds' in
the church. I would later trace to this devious scheme the fact that most of the church members were
forever broke. For it appeared everyone found happiness in trading their money and resources for the
many illusions the church sold. And I was no exception.

But then, nothing tugged my heartstrings more than the discovery of the brazen falsehood, illusions
and deceptions that the church was founded on. I nosed out that the whole of Oyakhilome's miracles
and people's testimonies, though plausible, were mere ostentatious demonstrations, and publicityoriented, rather than being altruistic acts. And I discovered the whole promises of prosperity and
meaningful life to be nothing but a charade, as majority of the members actually led a pitiable
existence beneath the whole facade of glamour. Members were safely locked in some fool's paradise
with various forms of subterfuge. And the church Establishment ensured the world saw little of these
as every material that was put out to the public was thoroughly censored, and doctored to create

Moreover, I flinched to discover the ignoble attributes that belied the pious character named
Oyakhilome. Frankly speaking, no man on earth could be as narcissistic and materialistic, prodigal
and selfish, machiavellian and ruthless as he. As at 2003, he would never ride on the same car
beyond a week. And he appeared to have some morbid weakness for vanity and theatricals. Worse
still, I found everyone of his relatives, from the wife, to siblings, cousins and in-laws, answering to the
name of pastors and deacons, and in charge of the many church branches and business entities he
had founded from the money he amassed from the church. I would marvel to behold the life of
flamboyance they all led amid the squalor that was the lot of most of the members.
Long story short, I'd say right from the day I set my foot into Christ Embassy church, my spirit was
never at home. I had struggled to reconcile to no avail the realistic philosophies I was weaned on,
with the stark illusive and shallow principles of the church. Coming from a background of a sober,
austere and thoughtful approach to life, I was constantly caught up in a conflict between my deep
convictions, and the carefree and flippant outlook of the pastor and the members. And hard as I tried

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to blend into their frivolous sub-culture, I failed and felt like a fish out of water. More so, so many of
the church's policies wouldn't make sense to me, especially the huge billions that were wasted on
needless projects and acquisitions in the face of an appalling indigence of most of the members that
pooled the resources.

By late 2003, I would have taken stock of the journey so far. And to my regrets came the reality that
the few months I had spent in the church had only taken a heavy toll on not only my spirituality, but
also my psyche and finances. I had paid a price too many for staying far too long in a dungeon. And I
even found out to my horror that I had grown desensitized to many of the anomalies I had earlier
frowned at in the church. My spiritual compass I had so ignored to my peril.
And so by December of that year, I would pick what remained of my spirituality and alight from the
sinking boat before the eve of 2004. I took off, and raced like lot's family, never thinking of turning
back. But it would take another 8 years before I could completely purge my heart of the last vestige
of hurts and regrets I took alongside. Perhaps, I was made to pass through it all so I could survive to
warn people about one of the worst fraud syndicates ever in Nigeria - the Christ Embassy Church (of
Chris Oyakhilome and family).

To be continued...
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Kech Simons Lol... it won't be any longer bro... 2 parts away from the concluding part... hoping you will hang on for
April 22, 2014 at 12:14am Like 2

Jude Bare JAH know

April 22, 2014 at 1:45am Edited Like 1

65 | P a g e

Gladys Modupe James Because no law is checkmating their fraudulent activites, the gullible church members; even
the poor, are made to part with their monies, with a promise of prosperities, miracles and a heavenly bliss.
April 22, 2014 at 12:23am Like 4

Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh Very well written. I'm curious why we generalize and say 'religion' when we, often times, are
referring to only one or a couple of these systems. In this case its Christianity you quit not religion in general. Your
reasons are strong, sound and legitimate. But i would think all forms of religion cannot be spoken of as making the
same assumptions or having equal bases.
April 22, 2014 at 12:42am Like 1

Oswald Olatunbosun i never knew you ve passed through that spellbound setting. now that you know the truth
(which has set you free), kindly share in deails if possible one on one with some of the slaves in the religious empire.
Do Not Fear. Jesus will protect you from their enchantments and divinations. keep me posted. we need to pray for
deliverance of tnese slaves.
April 22, 2014 at 1:13am Edited Like 4

Eseigbe John Eromobor even d elect might be deceived.many fail to take note of this warning by will
continue to be a victim of fraud,as long as there is a struggle to overcome,using Religion as bait.
April 22, 2014 at 1:03am Like 2

David Mathias Isikaku Oh!

April 22, 2014 at 1:38am Like

Eze Uzoamaka Jennifer you kindly go back to your starting point (Catholic Church) to discover your full spirituality.
April 22, 2014 at 3:31am Like 1

Cajetan Iwunze Please where is part1? Don't deny me this food because I will fight for it. Ride on! Undisputable
ideas. I'm loving it.
April 22, 2014 at 4:55am Like 1

66 | P a g e

Kech Simons Lol... bro, you can find that on my facebook wall...
April 22, 2014 at 5:02am Like

Hyginus Ekwunife If you are really in search of truth like me, the answers to many confusions of life can be gotten
here :
NOT KIDDING. True christianity is not religion but a personal life transforming relationship with the Father through the
April 22, 2014 at 6:03am Like 2

Dobbie Ereku Its not wise to talk against any man of God and his ministry like dat. All man of God carry an anointing.
Be wise
April 22, 2014 at 5:23pm Like

Eze Uzoamaka Jennifer i have gone back to read your part 1 and it seems that you have penchant to dissatisfaction
of your true self and religions. the way you go, you may end up not believing there is God nay Jesus. You may end up
an atheist.
sit still and discover yourself.
April 22, 2014 at 5:52pm Like 2

Iyke Ukaegbu A very frank recount of events in Christ embassy.....there are 18 partnership
April 22, 2014 at 11:04pm Like 1

Nkem Obijiofor Again, a bitter truth passionately told. I foresee a chorus of condemnation by admirers of Chris
Oyakhilome and members of the Christ Embassy Church. Many, like Dobbie Ereku, will warn of the dangers of "judging"
a "man of God". It is all part of the brain washing of the flock that makes it possible for such monumental fraud to
thrive in the name of religion.
April 23, 2014 at 12:17am Like 4

Vic O Onwuchekwa @iyke hahaha why am I not surprised to see u here!.

April 23, 2014 at 4:15am Like 1

67 | P a g e

Dobbie Ereku Hmm @ Nkem its not brain washing its wisdom. I can't talk against the pope, priest, apostle, prophet or
any man of God. It is never in ur place to judge whether or not a man of God is right or not bcz judging by ur own
standards doesn't mean u are right. Its an advice.
April 23, 2014 at 4:43am Like

Dobbie Ereku Again I say choose to be wise....

April 23, 2014 at 4:44am Like

Eze Uzoamaka Jennifer Dobbie, Pastors, Priests, Pope can be criticized. afterall, they are humans right? they are not
cast on stones.
April 23, 2014 at 4:48am Like 3

Nkem Obijiofor @Dobbie; In other words, by worshiping under a pastor, I am supposed to lose or put aside my sense
of reasoning. I am supposed to follow his teachings sheepishly. I must not "study to show myself approved of the lord".
If I cannot judge whether my past...See More
April 23, 2014 at 5:02am Like

Dobbie Ereku So what good do u personally get when u criticize them?

April 23, 2014 at 5:02am Like

Eze Uzoamaka Jennifer you have right to your sense of reasoning. no human can have that right for you but you!
you chose what to think about and how to think them. you only need help in direction and that's where the pastors,
priests come in. they direct you to the way of God but not to "control" you.
April 23, 2014 at 5:06am Like 1

Nkem Obijiofor If the criticism is positive, as in this case, it is for the edification of the body of Christ. The bible is not
written for pastors alone. It is for all Christians and non Christians. And nobody has a monopoly of its interpretation.
Being humans, the pastors are imperfect and has no exclusive knowledge of the scriptures over and above their flock.
April 23, 2014 at 5:07am Like 5

Dobbie Ereku Not suprised anyway, even Jesus Christ himself was criticised bcz the humans at dat time was
exercising their own sense of judgement

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April 23, 2014 at 5:15am Like

Dobbie Ereku So u are free to say what u want bcz there is no fee/charge for speaking or voicing ur tots....
April 23, 2014 at 5:16am Like

Smart Nzenwa Nothing can be far from the truth.

April 23, 2014 at 6:00am Like 1

Chukwuma Albert Okoro The Bible says looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. And Jesus only!!!!!
Not any man or mortal.
April 23, 2014 at 7:29pm Like 6

Ban Ifj Victor Jr. Kech , pls make sure u tag me with all ur follow up write ups as this ! ... I have never been a member
of this church and will never be even in my faith as a Christian . the immorality and cosmetic dorminance about the
''cult'' ... oops! I meant church . Smells worse than a dead scunk !
April 23, 2014 at 8:22pm Like 3

Oje Giwa-Amu God bless you real good Kech Simons. Wow!!! What an exposition. The shame of the nakedness of
many of these celebrity churches will be exposed more and more in due course. My prayer is that more bold and
honest men would rise up to continue to expose...See More
April 24, 2014 at 8:20am Like 3

Oje Giwa-Amu Dobbie Ereku, you asked: "So what good do u personally get when u criticize them?"
Please first answer this question. What good did Jesus, John the baptist,, the likes of Steven etc get when they
criticized and lambasted the Pharisaical system and the false and hypocritical leaders of their day? When you have
answered this question, then you would have also answered your own question.

April 24, 2014 at 8:24am Like 2

Dobbie Ereku @ Oje Giwa Amu u got d questions twisted d oda way. Read again. Our questions r different.
April 24, 2014 at 10:38am Like

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Akudazie Ndugbu Christ is coming soon to judge every hypocrisy, deception and babylonic empire. His judgement
shall begin in the church. he who has ears let him hear.
April 24, 2014 at 12:23pm Like 3

Praise Uyi ministry is not an industry

April 24, 2014 at 3:54pm Like 2

Tai Yahuceph Akinremi-Simeon The scriptures say, by their fruits you shall know them


April 24, 2014 at 6:05pm Like 2

Ernest Okoduwa Very insightful and thought provoking. God bless you sir.
April 24, 2014 at 7:59pm Like 3

Chioma Gift Louis Only God knows his true followers.

April 24, 2014 at 11:08pm Like 1

Nkiru Nnoli hmm....... its better experienced than told! what do you expect when you left your "mother church"? there
is no perfect church because nothing is perfect in life, even Jesus Christ himself could not make the world perfect! we
all need to believe in ...See More
April 24, 2014 at 11:54pm Like 3

Andrew O Anyanwu 2 Thessalonian 2:1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our
gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by
letter, as if from us, as though the day of C...See More
April 25, 2014 at 12:39am Like 5

Tayo Idowu Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PHD.

April 25, 2014 at 4:26am Like 2

70 | P a g e

Oje Giwa-Amu @ Dobbie Ereku I do not understand what you mean by getting the question twisted the other way. I
followed the trend of your thoughts on this issue and I could very well see where you were going. I believe that your
response is simply an evasive one w...See More
April 25, 2014 at 6:13am Like 1

Dobbie Ereku I don't evade questions. U got my points but I still say u missed d trend of dicussion. What u think is
right by u may be wrong to others and vice versa. Like I earlier said. Every one is free to air their opinions. I not on this
forum to change minds. I just think its not right to judge a Pastor based on ur observation or perception of things.
Judgement day is coming. Let all the judgement be done then.
April 25, 2014 at 5:05pm Edited Like 1

Chase Ufo Osigwe Wow! People talking about judging men of God as if they are Holy Spirit underlines the writers
warning of people being enslaved spiritually by some fake pastors who are nothing but spell binders and vain mongers.
Is it passing judgement for one to stat...See More
April 25, 2014 at 2:55pm Like 6

Eric Osahon An interesting and vehement exposition by Kech Simons. Very few could have been more explicit. He
that hath ears, let him hear. Is it not written that many shall be deceived even to the very elect? Christianity is not
Churchism. Can relate because once...See More
April 25, 2014 at 3:18pm Like 3

Anthony Daniels Hmmmmmm... All to Jesus I surrender.

June 3, 2014 at 6:14pm Like

Owens Ariolu kech u were there as a perfect psychologist who knows everything about sense knowledge & not a
baby christian who wants 2 learn or grow.jesus couldnt perform any miracle in his hometown bcox of unbelieve & low
perception abt life...dat was ur problem k...See More
June 14, 2014 at 12:06am Like

Zadok Oluwadurhotimi Emmanuel ...... i know one of such, who indeed was called to preach but made the call into
an opportunity to create a name for himself. The Lord left him when the allure of of filthy lucre set upon him the cloak
of mammon.
May 15, 2015 at 3:36am Like

71 | P a g e

Ronald Ward Robey Great article! Sad, that the author experienced the deception that is behind many, nay most,
churches today. Even sadder, is the massive amounts of people who fall for these deceptions put forth in the guise of
christian relighion. Christ is real. ...See More
May 15, 2015 at 5:12am Like 3

Peter Ama Ugheoke Zadok.... it's a serious matter. May mercy reach him (them).
May 15, 2015 at 1:39pm Like

Peter Onose This was a long read Kolade which might be of interest, perhaps throw some light on it.
February 21 at 4:14am Like

Samuel Impregnable Chijioke So you are a member of which church now?

July 13 at 4:13pm Like

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