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Dear Mrs. Burggraaf

Writing Assignment
For your very first 9th grade English assignment,
Id like you to write me a letter. Not just any letter, a
letter introducing yourself to me.
Now that your minds are scrambling for ideas and
are full of questions, lets see if I can answer them
BEFORE you raise your hands.
1. Yes, this will be graded.
2. Yes, it is due tomorrow.
3. Yes, this will be my first impression of you, and
possibly more
importantly, your writing.
4. You should include any information you think I
should know
about you. For example, you may want to
share information about your hobbies, your
family, pets, experiences you have had,
and/or your plans for the future.
5. You should feel free to include any questions,
comments or
concerns that you may have about this class
or me. I will be happy to answer these as I
read your letter.
6. Your letter needs to be between 200-500
7. You may type or handwrite your letter.
8. Your letter MUST be double-spaced.
9. Your letter MUST be written in the form of a
personal letter
(see back side).


Dear Mrs. Burggraaff Rubric


Personal Letter format

200-500 word count
Information about you/questions for me
Typed/Hand-Written and double-spaced


Writing a Friendly or Personal

A friendly or personal letter has 5 main parts.

HEADING: Includes the address and the date. In some cases, like this one, it is
OK to just write the date.
GREETING: The greeting usually starts with 'Dear' and is followed the person's
name and then a comma.
BODY: After skipping a line, you begin the body of your letter which is the main
text of your letter. Indent for each new paragraph.

CLOSING: The closing includes a short capitalized expression such as

'Sincerely' or 'Love' and is followed by a comma. Skip a line after the body
before writing your closing.
SIGNATURE: You sign your name beginning directly below the closing.
Sometimes you may add a POSTSCRIPT at the end of your letter. You
write P.S., add a note and then end it with your initials.

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