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service category:ubr w/o pcr
2nd page
connection type:
Tick the box ppp over ethernet
Encapsulation mode" LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING
3rd page
PPP username:04844042785_ker
ppp password:123456
pppoe service name: airtel
auth method: auto
4th page:
enable nat ticked
enable wan service ticked
service name: pppoe_32_1
5th page
Now just reboot

The address that shows up when you reset modem and try to go to some thing
LIC assignment topic:Mk484

Wall of text incoming.

Is knight OP? No. Did pets make him powerful and over used? Yes.
Pets made knight/melees very tanky and practically speaking this effectively inc
reased their dps since they can actively participate in a fight.

But this can be said for the other classes as well just to a lesser degree.
I find it enjoyable to play on Bows/Wizards now that I can actively participate
in fights without wasting time regenerating hp/mp all the while maintaining a sa
fe distance and a full hp bar.
Something most people forget to consider is range. knights have to get up close
and personal to an enemy in order to hit them with a stun while ranged classes c
an just sit back and get soulbound.
For example :Let's see how much effective dps archer/wizard/priest/knight can in
flict on O2 (60 defense, 75k hp)
Archer: 2329 avg dps
wizard: 2128 avg dps + 241 dps from spells (1.2k when you were able to land all
20 shots...good old times)
priest: 901 avg dps (Remember that only ~750 is required for the lowest sb req
uirement on o2)
knight: 1809 avg dps + 143 dps from stun.( Around 1.2k per stun if you risk sta
nding on top of him)
Bonus: warrior: 3170 avg dps + 1342 ability dps.
So yes knights can out damage their ranged companions by a bit (If they risk the
mselves) but is there truly anything wrong with that?. It can be argued that mel
ees constantly face dangerous situations that justify their power. Please Do rem
ember that Archer/Huntress/Wizard deal a considerable amount of damage while mai
ntaining a safe distance..This is applicable to most content except crowded area
So what's the problem really?..Most people associate steamroll with melees but r
eally any group of 5+ maxed characters steamroll events without blinking an eye.
Various solutions have already been posted here and on reddit but I'll get to th
at later.
I do agree that stun is a powerful ability both in it's utility and in it's dama
ge output but I don't feel it really warrants a nerf .Most players might tolerat
e a nerf like the one RMGnoob stated in his post. This might satisfy the players
who say stun makes enemies boring.
Like I said before it's not just melees that are contributing to steamroll but
rather an over population of maxed characters.
I started playing in late 2010 and was personally able to experience how the con
tent was balanced around the small population.
Back in 2010-2011 there were only a few maxed players in realms and the content
was perfectly balanced for the small player base. After the onslaught of Duping
most players leaped ahead in skill level and were steamrolling events in a matte
r of seconds. Pets just made it faster.
Nerfing a class just leaves a bad taste in the mouth of players who love that cl
ass. So is buffing weaker classes the way to go? What about power creep?
As other people have stated power creep is acceptable if it is balanced by harde
r content. But as player population/skill increased the content has not changed.
.It was designed with a small player base in mind and it is direly in need of so
me form of buff whether it be in terms of hp scaling+pet stasis etc
It would not be too game breaking if classes like necro got a small buff.
Another argument made towards nerfing melee is their ability to get guaranteed s
b and possibly denying sb of classes like necro/priest.

Well this would be fixed by the aforementioned hp scaling somewhat as there woul
d be more time to get your damage in. ( SB threshold low enough on most content
that you're assured to get sb if the event stays alive for at least 5-10 secs).
Well that's about it. People will always have differing opinions on a topic so I
just wanted to make my thoughts known. Sorry for the wall of text.
Please forgive me if I made any errors while typing this out. It's 4 am and I wa
nt to play more realm.
Tl:dr :
Instead of nerfing melee/other classes focus on buffing/balancing existing even
ts and other content.
Range is a huge factor. Archer/wizards/huntresses can deal almost comparable amo
unts of damage to O2 from a safe distance compared to a knight who has to get cl
ose and risk a shotgun to the face.
service category:ubr w/o pcr
2nd page
connection type:
Tick the box ppp over ethernet
Encapsulation mode" LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING
3rd page
PPP username:04844042785_ker
ppp password:123456
pppoe service name: airtel
auth method: auto
4th page:
enable nat ticked
enable wan service ticked
service name: pppoe_32_1
5th page
Now just reboot

The address that shows up when you reset modem and try to go to some thing
LIC assignment topic:Mk484

Wall of text incoming.

Is knight OP? No. Did pets make him powerful and over used? Yes.
Pets made knight/melees very tanky and practically speaking this effectively inc
reased their dps since they can actively participate in a fight.
But this can be said for the other classes as well just to a lesser degree.
I find it enjoyable to play on Bows/Wizards now that I can actively participate
in fights without wasting time regenerating hp/mp all the while maintaining a sa
fe distance and a full hp bar.
Something most people forget to consider is range. knights have to get up close
and personal to an enemy in order to hit them with a stun while ranged classes c
an just sit back and get soulbound.
For example :Let's see how much effective dps archer/wizard/priest/knight can in
flict on O2 (60 defense, 75k hp)
Archer: 2329 avg dps
wizard: 2128 avg dps + 241 dps from spells (1.2k when you were able to land all
20 shots...good old times)
priest: 901 avg dps (Remember that only ~750 is required for the lowest sb req
uirement on o2)
knight: 1809 avg dps + 143 dps from stun.( Around 1.2k per stun if you risk sta
nding on top of him)
Bonus: warrior: 3170 avg dps + 1342 ability dps.
So yes knights can out damage their ranged companions by a bit (If they risk the
mselves) but is there truly anything wrong with that?. It can be argued that mel
ees constantly face dangerous situations that justify their power. Please Do rem
ember that Archer/Huntress/Wizard deal a considerable amount of damage while mai
ntaining a safe distance..This is applicable to most content except crowded area
So what's the problem really?..Most people associate steamroll with melees but r
eally any group of 5+ maxed characters steamroll events without blinking an eye.
Various solutions have already been posted here and on reddit but I'll get to th
at later.
I do agree that stun is a powerful ability both in it's utility and in it's dama
ge output but I don't feel it really warrants a nerf .Most players might tolerat
e a nerf like the one RMGnoob stated in his post. This might satisfy the players
who say stun makes enemies boring.
Like I said before it's not just melees that are contributing to steamroll but
rather an over population of maxed characters.
I started playing in late 2010 and was personally able to experience how the con

tent was balanced around the small population.

Back in 2010-2011 there were only a few maxed players in realms and the content
was perfectly balanced for the small player base. After the onslaught of Duping
most players leaped ahead in skill level and were steamrolling events in a matte
r of seconds. Pets just made it faster.
Nerfing a class just leaves a bad taste in the mouth of players who love that cl
ass. So is buffing weaker classes the way to go? What about power creep?
As other people have stated power creep is acceptable if it is balanced by harde
r content. But as player population/skill increased the content has not changed.
.It was designed with a small player base in mind and it is direly in need of so
me form of buff whether it be in terms of hp scaling+pet stasis etc
It would not be too game breaking if classes like necro got a small buff.
Another argument made towards nerfing melee is their ability to get guaranteed s
b and possibly denying sb of classes like necro/priest.
Well this would be fixed by the aforementioned hp scaling somewhat as there woul
d be more time to get your damage in. ( SB threshold low enough on most content
that you're assured to get sb if the event stays alive for at least 5-10 secs).
Well that's about it. People will always have differing opinions on a topic so I
just wanted to make my thoughts known. Sorry for the wall of text.
Please forgive me if I made any errors while typing this out. It's 4 am and I wa
nt to play more realm.
Tl:dr :
Instead of nerfing melee/other classes focus on buffing/balancing existing even
ts and other content.
Range is a huge factor. Archer/wizards/huntresses can deal almost comparable amo
unts of damage to O2 from a safe distance compared to a knight who has to get cl
ose and risk a shotgun to the face.
This is my first upload.ty

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