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Essay about Australia

What does the word Australia mean to you ?

Why is there a kangaroo on the mans passport Mum? Please take me
to Kangaroo Land. Those were the first words I uttered that had any
relation whatsoever with Australia whilst arriving at Heathrow
International Airport at the age of 4.
As most people do, I have perpetually associated Australia with
kangaroos throughout my childhood. Therefore, I firmly believed that
had I had the chance to hop on a plane to the Land Down Under, I
wouldve witnessed thousands of kangaroos meandering on the
streets, leaping here and there, in perfect harmony with the
Moreover, I have often designated Australia as an other dimension of
time. Every 31st of December at around 6:00 PM, as I would prepare
myself for an unforgettable evening, I would turn the TV on and stare
attentively at Sidneys New Years Eve firework, repeating endlessly the
same question Why do they get to celebrate it before us? Thats
unfair. Furthermore, Australia is also the reason why I stopped
believing in Santa as I watched him on TV distributing gifts on the
beach with his supposedly real reindeers. Thus, when I discovered
anagrams, I nicknamed Australia The Satan Land that destroys Santa
Therefore, I havent always had a fraternal relationship with Australia.
Fortunately, this hatred metamorphosed into something else as I grew
Australia has turned into the land of the weird accent. Whenever I
recognize a weird accent in a movie or in a TV Show, I automatically
Furthermore, Australia has become the land of opportunities,
containing a supposedly tremendous number of rich Lebanese
immigrants. Indeed, every single time I hop on a plane to Dubai and
ask my mother Why are all these passengers taking a connecting
flight?, she answers in Arabic You know honey, there are a lot of rich
Lebanese citizens in Australia ! as if she had been told this exact
rumor several times.
Moreover, Australia has become the inevitable way to trick people in
geography. Thus I endlessly asked the same question to every single
person I wanted to impress What is the capital city of Australia ?, and
during my 17 years on Earth had I always heard the same answer
Sidney, why ?.

Australia has become, according to me, the land of surf for its flag was
printed on almost all of my Quicksilver T-Shirts that promoted surfing.
Australia has become the synonym of quietness for it contains
thousands of square kilometers of uninhabited desert, whose warm
colors merge with the turquoise blue of the sky to create a
transcendent yet unique atmosphere.
Australia has become my dream destination, always turned down by
my mother who indefatigably raps out the same excuse But youll die
before you get there !.
Australia is the land of the 12,000 beaches.
Australia is the land where I would lay on the sand for hours, let it take
control of my entire body and disconnect my brain from nowadays
society problems.
The Land of Oz, the land Down Under, continent and country at the
same time, the Land of Kangaroos. Despite those numerous nicknames
sketching an eccentric, extraordinary yet indefinite portrait of this
country, there are so many things I dont know about Australia.
In a nutshell, Australia is inevitably 2,526,786 square kilometers of
utter discovery.

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