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Chapter 15:
4. SUN-MERCURY YOGA: If the Sun and Mercury are in one house, the
native will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have
fame and money, be noble, dear to king and good people and will possess
strength, beauty and learning.
9. MOON-MERCURY YOGA: One who has the Moon Mercury
combination will be expert in poems and fables, be wealthy, amiable to his
wife, beautiful, smiling-faced and will be endowed with distinct virtues.
11. MOON-VENUS YOGA: Should the Moon and Venus be together, the
native will be endowed with flowers, incense and clothes, will know to
perform duties (kriya also means rites), be dear to his race, very lazy and expert
in buying and selling.
16. MARS-SATURN YOGA: If Mars and Saturn be together, one will be a
metallurgist. be expert in jugglery, be deceitful, skillful in thieving, troubled by
weapons and poison and be fond of quarrels.
Chapter 22:
Mars aspecting the Sun in Capricorn or Aquarius denotes that the native will be
troubled by diseases and enemies, will be wounded by weapons on account of
quarreling with others, and be deformed.
Should Jupiter aspect the Sun in Capricorn or Aquarius, one will undertake to
do auspicious deeds, be wise, will patronize all, widely famous, and intelligent.
64-65. SUN IN AQUARIUS: If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer
from heart diseases, will have enormous strength (courage), be very
short-tempered, be fortunate through other housewives, be hated by the
learned, be firm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be
fraudulent, be not firm in friendship, will have dirty body and be a miser.
~1IR12~m 66-67. SUN IN PISCES: If the Sun is in Pisces at birth, one will
be friendly, will have tendency to amass, be fond of women and happy, be
learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich. He will be
endowed with wife, good sons and servants, will have wealth on account of
transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent speaker but a liar, will suffer from
diseases of the private parts and will have many a co-born.
Chapter 23:
65. MOON IN CAPRICORN: If the Moon at birth be in Capricorn, the
native will be a singer, will be averse to cold articles (or season), will have stout
body, will be fond of truth and charity, be distinguished, famous, less irascible,
be libidinous, unkind and shameless; will possess beautiful eyes and emaciated
body, will violate teacher's bed, be a poet, will have round thighs, be not very
enthusiastic, be very miserly and will have long neck and ears.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Capricorn one will be indolent, dirty, be
endowed with money, be troubled by sexual feelings, will join others'
housewives, and be untruthful.
Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to


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Chapter 25:
15-16. MARS IN SCORPIO: If Mars occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will
be attached to trade, will be interested in Vedic knowledge, be leader of
thieves, skillful in his duties, be interested in wars, be highly sinful, will do big
crimes, will be perfidious towards his enemies, will betray, be disposed towards
killing, be unhelpful, be a talebearer, will be endowed with lands, sons and wife
and be troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds.
Chapter 26:
21-22. MERCURY IN AQUARIUS: Should Mercury be in Aquarius at birth,
the subject will be bereft of good disposition and good deeds, be attached to
many religious acts, will give up doing worthy things, be insulted by others, be
impure, be not virtuous, be very wicked, be inimical to wife, be devoid of
carnal pleasures, be very unfortunate, very timid, impotent, dirty and modest.
If Mercury be in a house of Saturn and is aspected by Mars, one will be infirm
in speech, be calm in disposition, bashful and happy.
Chapter 27:
JUPITER IN LEO: Should Jupiter be in Leo at the time of birth , the native
will be lastingly inimical, be strong, courageous, will show abundant friendship,
be learned, rich, will have eminent relatives, be a king, will have heroism akin to
that of a king, will be recognizable in an assembly, will destroy the entire band
of his enemies, will possess a strong physique and will live in hills, fortresses,
forests and temples.
If at birth Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by the Sun, one will be dear to good
men, be famous, be a king, be extremely affluent, and virtuous.
If Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by Mercury, the native will have knowledge
of civil works of building construction, will be endowed with profane
knowledge, be virtuous, be a sweet speaker, be a minister and be highly
If Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be garrulous, be an
eloquent speaker, be devoid of happiness, be sharp and will have mean children
and mean wife.
Chapter 28:
19-20. VENUS IN CAPRICORN: If Venus occupies Capricorn at birth, one
will be miserable due to heavy expenses, will have an emaciated body, will be
fond of aged women, will suffer from heart diseases, be miserly in the matter
of money, be a liar, be skillful in cheating, be a eunuch, be devoid of (good)
acts, interested in others' work, very distressed, be a dunce, and will, however,
endure misery.
If Venus is in Capricorn or Aquarius and is aspected by Saturn, one will be
endowed with servants, conveyances and wealth, be dirty and will possess a
black, beautiful and broad physique.
Chapter 29:
Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to


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15-16. SATURN IN SCORPIO: If Saturn occupies Scorpio at birth, the native

will be hostile, be crooked, affected by poison and weapons, very ill-tempered,
miserly, egoistic, rich, capable of stealing others' money, averse to instruments
played on festive occasions, malicious, very miserable and will face destruction,
misery and diseases.
Chapter 30:
9. SUN IN 8th: If the Sun occupies the 8th Bhava, the native will have
deformed eyes, be devoid of wealth and happiness, be short lived and will
suffer separation from his relatives.
20. MOON IN THE 7th: If the Moon is in the 7th Bhava, the native will be
amiable, happy, will possess a good physique and be sensuously disposed.
30. MARS IN THE 5th: If Mars occupies the 5th Bhava, the native will be
devoid of happiness, wealth and sons, be fickle minded, be a talebearer, will
incur evils, be wicked, distressed and mean.
45. MERCURY IN THE 8th: If Mercury occupies the 8th Bhava, the native
will win famous names (i.e. titles), be strong, long-lived, will support his family
and be equal to a king or will become a justice.
51. JUPITER IN THE 2nd: If Jupiter occupies the 2nd Bhava, the native will
be rich, will enjoy good food, be an eloquent speaker, be fortunate, be
charitable and will have a beautiful body and face.
68. VENUS IN THE 7th: If Venus occupies the 7th Bhava, the native will be
very beautiful, be happy with his wife, will enjoy great riches, be devoid of
quarrels, and be fortunate.
78. SATURN IN THE 5th: Should Saturn occupy the 5th Bhava, the native
will be bereft of happiness, sons, friends, intelligence and kindness, be agitated
and be poor.
Chapter 31:
If the Moon and Venus join in the 7th, one will join many women, will not
have much wealth and not many sons, be an intellectual and will leave a royal
history behind.
If the Moon is conjunct benefics she will always prove beneficial.
Chapter 34:
If the Moon aspects the ascendant, he will be under the control of women,
fortunate, be very courteous, be very wealthy, softly disposed and will gain by
dealing in water-bourne articles.
Venus aspecting the ascendant denotes that he will be addicted to many
prostitutes, be youthful, will have happiness of wealth and pleasure and will be
beautiful in appearance.
Benefics in the 2nd house cause advent of money in many ways.
But if Jupiter posited in the 2nd house remains under Mercury's aspect, or
Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to


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Mercury so posited in the 2nd house in aspect to the Moon, the entire wealth
earned by the native will be deprived.
Chapter 45:
If Mars occupies such a sign, the native will be opulent, impetuous and firm in
The Moon in a friendly sign denotes the native will be happy and very
On will be skillful, jocular and rich, with Mercury in a friendly sign.
If Venus be in a friendly sign the native will be fond of friends, rich and
When Saturn occupies an inimical camp, the native will be dirty and be
distressed due to diseases and the like.
Chapter 48:
Cancer ascendant will be timid, will have many residences, be fickle minded,
learned, intelligent, enduring, troubled by diseases of the anus, will destroy his
enemies, be crooked in disposition, sensuous, will honour Brahmins and
gods, be religious, very phlegmatic, will possess a physique akin to that of a
female, be honoured for his virtues, will be preceded by sisters in birth, be
bereft of relatives, will have a few children, will have a censured family and a vile
wife, will enjoy others' wealth, be firmly obstinate, will live in foreign places,
be valorous in his deeds, be courageous, will earn through water (i. e. products
related to water, sea travel etc.) and be endowed with wife, ornaments, robes
and happiness.
If the ascending sign or the lord of the ascendant is strong, the effects stated
will fully come to pass (in regard to all ascendants).
Chapter 49:
25. The (good effects) due to a Hora will come to pass in full measure if either
the Sun or the Moon is strong in aspect to the ascendant lord or if the
ascendant lord is himself in an angle.
Chapter 51:
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Fourth Navamsha: The native will be black in
complexion, will have pressed eyebrows, be graceful in appearance, will have
charming eyes and nose, be courageous, liberal, will perform acts prescribed for
superior caste-men and be crafty.

Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to

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