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Vocabulary Words List 4

1. Incorrigible: Adjective - Incapable of being corrected or

reformed; difficult to control or manage

2. Frivolous: Adjective - not having any serious purpose or

sense; of little or no importance

3. Intentional: Adjective - done on purpose; deliberate

4. Exalted: Adjective - held in high regard; of a high or powerful


5. Perplex: Verb - to complicate or confuse

a. Perplexed: Adjective - completely baffled

6. Surge: Noun - a sudden increase or a sudden strong rush

7. Stamina: Noun - the energy and strength to keep doing
something for a long time

8. Dissatisfied: Adjective - not satisfied or happy with the way

things are

9. Restriction: Noun - a rule or law that limits what a person

can do or what is allowed to happen

10. Discontinue: Verb - not continue something; or stop doing,

using, or making something

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