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Vocabs for listening practice:

1. Proliferation - Meaning: rapid increase in number or amount. Synonyms:

growth, expansion, escalation.
2. Elusive - Meaning: difficult to find, catch, or achieve. Synonyms: evasive,
slippery, tricky.
3. Ambiguous - Meaning: having more than one possible meaning or
interpretation. Synonyms: unclear, vague, uncertain.
4. Arduous - Meaning: difficult and tiring, requiring great effort. Synonyms:
strenuous, laborious, challenging.
5. Tenacity - Meaning: persistence, determination to continue doing something
despite difficulties. Synonyms: perseverance, resilience, grit.
6. Anticipate - Meaning: to expect or predict something in the future.
Synonyms: expect, foresee, predict.
7. Inevitable - Meaning: certain to happen, unavoidable. Synonyms:
unavoidable, inescapable, certain.
8. Pragmatic - Meaning: practical, concerned with practical matters rather
than theory. Synonyms: practical, realistic, sensible.
9. Mitigate - Meaning: to make less severe or painful, to alleviate. Synonyms:
reduce, lessen, ease

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