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Morphology Test

1. _Write the feminine word corresponding to:_ Bachelor-bachelorette, duke-duchess, dog-bitch,
lion-lioness, monk-monk, stallion-mare.

2. _Write the masculine word corresponding to:_ Duck-Drake, doe-buck, goose-gander,

witch-wizard, spinster-bachelor, ewe-ram.

State whether the verbs in the following sentences are transitive, intransitive or link verbs:
1. She became older.-intransitive
2. The boy is flying the kite.-link verb
3. The birds are flying in the sky.-link verb
4. The dogs ran wild.-link verb
5. The milk has gone sour.-link verb

Explain the use of the progressive in the non-progressive verbs:

I’m seeing a lot of him in these days.-progressive

I’m seeing my doctor this afternoon.-non-progressive

You’re seeing more than is really there.-non progressive

He’s seeing if everything’s all right.-progressive

Oh, it’s a wonderful picture. I hope my daughter’s seeing it too. (Said by a lady watching TV)

“What are you doing here?” – “I’m seeing my friend off. She’s leaving for Paris.”

Identify the Passive voice forms in the following sentences and turn them into Active:
He was always been a good father to his children.

The letters haven’t been typed yet.- Nobody typed the letter yet

The fact was well known.-Everybody know the fact well

The statue will be placed in the square.In the square is being placed the statue
She was operated on two weeks ago.-On two weeks ago she is being operated.

The boy is being examined by the doctor.-The doctor will examine the boy.

Compare the different uses of the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense. (min. 200

Present Simple-The tense is used to refer to events, actions, and conditions that are happening all
the time, or exist now. We use the base form of the verb, and add -s for the third person singular
example:” I live in Madrid” and “I think you re wrong”. It is also used to talk about general facts
that are always true, to talk about regular or habitual events, for giving instructions and
directions, to describe a series of action- one action after another, we see this especially in stories.

Present Continous Tense-The present continous tense is formed with a subject plus the present
participle form of the main verb. The continous tense is used to show that an ongoing action is
happening now, either at the moment of the speech or now in a larger sense. This tense could be
used to show that an action is going to take place. The continous tense with words such as always
or constantly expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens.

Point out five reasons to use Passive instead of Active voice.
1.We can emphasize the action
2.We can define the object of the sentence
3.It is easier to use this voice

Explain the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs. Give examples.
A verb can be described as intransitive or transitive based on wether it requires an object to
express a complete thought or not. A transitive verb is one that only makes sense if it exerts its
action on an object. An intransitive verb will make sense without one

What are the main functions of the Gerund? Give examples. (min. 150 words)

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