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Vocabulary Words List 7

1. Ominous: Adjective - threatening; giving the impression

something bad is going to happen
2. Eligible: Adjective - fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of
choice; qualified
3. Detach: Verb - to unfasten and separate; disengage
4. Gait: Noun - a manner of walking, stepping, or running
5. Garbled: Verb - caused to be unclear or confusing; mixed up
6. Expedition: Noun - a journey or voyage made for a specific
7. Invincible: Adjective - incapable of being conquered or
8. Dispel: Verb - to cause to vanish or make disappear; to drive
9. Vague: Adjective - not clearly stated or known; not clear or
10. Alliance: Noun - (from ally) agreement between two or
more parties (people, countries) to work together or

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