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Dear 5th Grade Parents,

September 2016

For the past 7 years, Hazelwood has offered an after-school beginning band class for interested 5th
graders. Mrs. Dobranski will be continuing this tradition and all 5th graders who would like to learn a
band instrument are encouraged to sign-up for this special program.
Participating in the school band is not only fun, its a great opportunity for students to further develop
their musicianship and share their talents with the school community. Learning a new instrument in a
band setting fosters cooperation, collaboration, and connection between students. Any time we are able to
create music with others, its an awesome experience!
In the past, there was a weekly lesson fee charge for each student to participate in this program, however
we are very fortunate to be able to offer it this year without a weekly lesson fee. Students will be
responsible for providing their own instrument, lesson book, and transportation. We want to ensure every
child has a good quality instrument that will allow them be successful in this new adventure, so please
wait to rent or purchase an instrument until more detailed information is provided. (Which will be as soon
as your child has turned in this form or you have contacted me expressing interest in the program).
Classes will begin the week after 5th grade camp and continue throughout the rest of the school year.
I think its important to note that students are also responsible for practicing regularly at home in between
weekly lessons. (approx. 15 minutes for 5 days a week to start).
From October through February, the class will be split into smaller group sessions:
ALTO SAXOPHONES will meet on Mondays from 3:15-4:10
BRASS instruments will meet on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:10 (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone)
FLUTES and CLARINETS on Thursdays from 3:15-4:10.
PERCUSSION - to be determined, see *Note below.

Beginning in March, ALL 3 groups will meet as one combined band every Thursday after school until
4:10. This will be in place of these smaller group lessons and will continue until the end of the school
year. There will also be several performances scheduled throughout the year to allow band students to
share what they have been learning and to promote school spirit! Stay tuned for more information
regarding performance dates.
*Note: I have decided to include up to 3 percussion positions in the band. Being a percussionist in the 5th
grade band will include learning skills on the snare drum, bell kit, bass drum and various other hand held
percussion instruments (NOT drum set playing). The position has been limited to 3 students to allow for a
balanced sound within the band. Percussion students will be chosen and accepted through an audition
process. Rehearsal days/times will be determined based on the availability of the selected students. If you
are interested in becoming a percussionist in the 5th grade band, you must contact Mrs. Dobranski
no later than Wednesday, September 14th regarding the audition process.

If your child is interested in learning a beginning band instrument this year, please fill out the
attached form and return it to Mrs. Dobranski a.s.a.p.
If your child isnt sure what instrument they would like to play, they will have an opportunity to
work with Mrs. Dobranski in September to help choose an instrument on which they will be
most successful. Please dont hesitate to email her at the address below with any questions.
Mrs. Kerry Dobranski
Hazelwood Elementary Music Website:
Phone: (425) 204-4550

5th Grade Band Interest Form:

Beginning Band lessons will be offered on the following instruments:
Woodwinds: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone
Brass: trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone/euphonium
Percussion: a combination of snare drum and bell kit (limited to 3 students chosen though an audition process)

Please make a note below if you are interested in learning a specific woodwind or brass
instrument that is not listed above. The following youtube video is great for comparing the
different band instruments:

My child __________________________________ is interested in playing in the Hazelwood

after-school band program during the 2016-2017 school year.
He/she is most interested in playing the ______________________________________.
His/her homeroom teacher is: (circle one) Ms. Schroeder

Ms. Ervin

Ms. Hinkson

NOTICE: If you are interested in becoming a percussionist in the 5th grade band, you must contact
Mrs. Dobranski no later than Wednesday, September 14th regarding the audition process. *See
note on the other side of this form.

Again, detailed information about instrument rental companies and what lesson book to purchase
will be sent home once this form is returned and/or you contact Mrs. Dobranski expressing
interest. Lessons will begin the first full week in October.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Parent name(s) printed:__________________________________________________________
Preferred way to receive information: (circle one)


send papers with child


Email address(es): ______________________________________________________________

Anything else you want me to know: (like if you already own an instrument or are trying to
decide between two different ones, etc.)

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