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Semester Project

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Due date: Sunday 22nd May 2016, 23:59
I hope you must have done some significant work on your semester project, document
and share your progress till date. Prepare a five to ten page report that includes,
1. Introduction
Provide some background information on the project, the purpose (why it is
carried out), the scope of the project and the objectives of the project to help to
reader to understand your project better.
Can include the timeline for the completion of the project (your project
2. Contributions
Highlight the work that you have done; the initial algorithm, included
improvements and the final algorithm, its analysis and results; how would your algorithm
respond to special cases.
Note: Any improvements to existing algorithms is not mandatory. It is important that you
understand all the intricate details of your algorithm and this should be visible from your report.
Highlight your achievement and the effort put in.
Can include problems encountered and the things that hampered the progress of
the project.

3. Conclusion
Comment on the result of the project.
Do an honest assessment.
Describe future work that could have been done to improve the project.
Can include changes to the original requirements of the project.
4. References

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