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Officer Team Expectations (Aside from the common ones listed on Canvas)


Lead meetings

Offer advice and assistance to club members

Organize and lead all Committees and the club in general

Enforce rules and deadlines


Assist the President

Offer advice and assistance to club members

Lead the Quality Control Committee

Enforce rules and deadlines


Maintaining Records and administration

Organizing and maintaining communication within club

Lead the Parent Involvement Committee

Enforce rules and deadlines


Assist the Sergeant-at-Arms in organizing chapter meetings

Keep track of funds in the chapter for the club as a whole in addition to the specific events, with
assistance from a representative of the event

Lead the Fundraising Committee

Enforce rules and deadlines


Organize all chapter meetings, including sign-in sheets

Keep law and order within club, stressing behavioral expectations

Lead Service Committee

Enforce rules and deadlines


Take pictures of and check-up on club members during the state and national conferences

Assist other officer members

Assist specifically with the Parent Involvement committee and the Secretarys needs

Enforce rules and deadlines


Enforce rules and deadlines

Assist all other officers

Step in for any officers deemed unfit for work

Study and enforce the parliamentary procedure in all meetings

Should help organize and run committee meetings

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