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XCE: Far Deeper Inside

Please answer these questions honestly. !

1) Which Xavier China Experience have you been to?
A) Guangzhou
B) Yunnan
C) Beijing"
2) From 1-10 (10 being the highest), rate how well you did in your academics during the
past quarter of this year. _________"
3) From 1-10 (10 being the highest), rate how well you did in you academics during and
after your Xavier China Experience. _________"
4) What beneficial traits / values have you gained during your Xavier China Experience?
Cite at least two (2) examples.



5) Do you believe that each student gains more independence as he goes through XCE?
Please cite examples.



6) What were the difficulties you faced during your trip to China? Please give at least two
(2) examples.



7) Do you think life as a student without going through XCE will be more difficult? Explain.



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