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Reflection for E-Learning

This lecture covers many point but there is this point stated in the lecture
that brought me to attention. It was about divergent thinking against the
conventional linear or convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is about
creating many answers, many solutions to one question. This was different
from the linear and convergent thinking where we all do it systematically to
one single answer. What really surprised me was the longitudinal test done
to find out divergent thinking of different age group. Toddler and those in
kindergarten scored the highest who were ranked genius in the divergent
thinking test ranking. However this steadily decreases as our age increases it
is as seemed as we were educated out of our divergent thinking skill.
What our school can do to make us more interested and engaged in learning
is do make learning fun yet beneficial to us. Make learning engaging,
capturing our attention, not forcing students to sit through lessons with many
distracting things all around us yet expected to have the discipline and focus
to pay attention. This can result in being more attentive, internalizing the
information rather than memorizing it.
In our the education, one of the most important thing one can gain is theory
skills and understanding how things work. This is because everything we
learn is based on sitting down in class and memorizing, there is no hands on
and no true understanding on how things work, it is all based on explanation
and memorization.

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