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To measure the English language proficiency of the students; identifying needs, preferences and
habits at the time of using English, both at school and in their daily life and routines. I designed a
questionnaire and an interview; these two instruments will help me identify the students current level
and where they are situated.

The students belong to different grades in high school, and it is unknown their current English
language level; therefore it is necessary to make an assessment to measure the skills and abilities the
students possess nowadays.

Needs analysis
IED Gustavo Morales Morales
Students name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________
Teachers name: ___________________________________________ class time: _________
Circle the letter that best describes your comprehension of English language
1) When the teacher gives me instructions to do something in the class, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
2) When I listen to an instruction from an audio track, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
3) When I read a story, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
4) When I listen to a song, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
5) When I listen and read a text, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
6) When I watch a movie in English, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little
d. Dont understand anything
7) When I watch a movie in English with subtitles in English, I ___
a. Understand very well
b. Understand well
c. Understand a little

d. Dont understand anything

8) When I watch a movie in English with subtitles in Spanish, I ___
a. Listen to the English words
b. Just read the subtitles and forget the words
c. Listen to the words and read the subtitles
d. Make an analysis between words and subtitles to find translation mistakes.
9) When I have to answer a question from a topic recently studied in class, I ___
a. Find the appropriate words and give a coherent answer without any mistakes
b. Find some words and give an answer with a few grammar or pronunciation mistakes
c. Find a couple words but dont know how to organize my ideas to answer
d. Dont find any words and dont know how to express myself to give an answer
10) When I play a game in English, I ___
a. Understand everything that is said in the game
b. Understand the overall idea of what I have to do
c. Have to find a dictionary to understand instructions
d. Give up and configure the game in Spanish if possible, or just play another game in
11) When I go to the cinema, I ___
a. Prefer to watch the movies in English without any subtitles
b. Prefer to watch the movies in English with subtitles in Spanish
c. Prefer to watch the movies in Spanish
12) If my teacher asks me to set up my computer, cellphone, Facebook and email account in
English language, I ___
a. Think thats a good idea that will help me learn English and do it right away.
b. Think thats a good idea but dont do such thing because I prefer to have it in Spanish
c. Think thats a bad idea, because I wont understand anything.
d. Think the teacher is just crazy.
13) What I think of English language is that ___
a. It is the universal language and everyone must learn it to be successful in life
b. It is an important language that gives some opportunities in life
c. It would be nice to speak it but I dont worry about it because I will never travel abroad.
d. It is not important at all.

1. How old are you?
2. Where are you from?
3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

4. If question 3 is affirmative. What is your brothers / sisters name?

5. What are your parents names?
6. What is your fathers / mothers profession or occupation?
7. Who do you live with?
8. Who is your best friend? What do you like doing with him/her
9. What is your favorite school subject?
10. Who is your favorite teacher?
11. What are the activities you enjoy the most at school?
12. In what skill are you good at? Listening, reading, reading or writing?
13. How much do you practice English at home? What activities do you usually do to study?
14. Whats your favorite sport, musical instrument, color, animal, musical style, musical singer or
band, movie, book, etc.
15. Who is the person you admire the most and why?
16. What are the adjectives that best describe you?
17. What do you want to be when you grow up?
18. What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies?
19. If you could change one thing in your personality, what would it be?
20. If you could travel to another country where would you go and why?

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