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Year and Section: Date:

I. Directions: Read the following items carefully and copy the letter of the most appropriate word/ group
of words that complete each numbered item.

Remembering (4 items)

*Note Details
*Distinguish between literal and figurative languages
* Show comparison using simile and metaphor.

1. A representation of a person in a story is a

A. Setting
B. Climax
C. Character
D. Plot

2. This is the opposition or among the characters or forces in a story that shapes or motivitates the action
of the plot.

A. Exposition
B. Conflict
C. Resolution
D. Denouement

3. Literal meaning is defined as

A. Basic meaning
B. Functional Meaning
C. Hidden Meaning
D. Idiomatic Meaning

4. the figure of speech that uses like or as in comparison is called a

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
Remembering (3 items)

Vocabulary and Study Skills

 Rise the card catalog to locate specific sources.

5. The word apprehension means

A. Dread
B. Joy
C. Sadness
d. Anger

6. The place in school that you go to research is the

A. Library
B. Office
C. Canteen
D. Classroom

7. There are three cards that you can find in the library, except for the

A. Author Card
B. Subject Card
C. Identification
D. Title Card

Remembering (3 items)

Writing and Grammar

 Extract information from a text using a summary and para phrase.

 Rise prepositional phrases appropriately and meaningfully.

8. A summary must has a/an

A. Longer version of the original

B. Shorter version of the original
C. Rewritten version of the original
D. Opinionated version of the original

9. It is a group of related words within a sentence and without both subject and verb.

A. Clause
B. Phrase
C. Question
D. Sentence
10. The shortening of a text rising your own words is

A. Paraphrase
B. Pre c is
C. Summary
D. Title

Understanding (9 items)

 Reading and Literature

Writing Grammar

 Show comparison using simile and metaphor

 Use preposition a verb and noun phrases appropriately and meaningfully.
 Extract information from a text using summary and paraphrase
 Note details

11. In this sentence that has a metaphor, the unlike objects which are being compared are

As a teacher entered the room, he metered under his breath, this class is a three ring circus.

A. Room and class

B. Class and Circus
C. Teacher and room
D. Circus and Teacher

12. In this sentence, the italicized words make up a phrase. It is verb phrase, which contains the helping/
auxiliary verb

The student had just cleaned the classroom when the teacher knocked over the flower vase.

A. Had
B. The
C. Just
D. Over

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