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1st. GRADE 2015-2016
NAME: _____________________________________________________GROUP: ____________
LIST NUMBER: ____________SCORE:______________

I.- Read the personality quiz for Alicia and check () her options.

Fiona: Hi, Alicia!

Alicia: Hey, Fiona, come and sit over here. How are you?
Fiona: Really great! I have the new Teen magazine. Theres a cool personality quiz.
Can I ask you some questions?
Alicia: Oh! That sounds like fun.
Fiona: OK ... First of all, what do you like to do in your free time?
Alicia: Hmmm. Well, I do my homework ...
Fiona: Yeah but ... thats not really free time, is it?
Alicia: Thats true. Hmmm, I like to read magazines but I dont have much time. I like to
take the dog for a walk. I also enjoy texting with my friends a lot and hmmm ...
Fiona: Do you like chatting on the Internet?
Alicia: I dont like chatting. I hate spending hours on the computer.
Fiona: Right, and what about sports? You play volleyball, dont you?
Alicia: Yes, I do. I love playing volleyball and of course, I love watching TV.
Fiona: And what TV programs do you like?
Alicia: I like science and nature shows. But I also like music video shows.
Fiona: Hmmm ... let me see. Well, you have some things in different categories. It says
here that on the whole you are a pretty well balanced person. Yeah! That sounds like you.
Alicia: Oh, thats nice. Thanks.

II.-Complete the dialogue with the correct connector: and, but, or, because.
A: Do you like listening to music?
B: Yes, I do, __________ I dont like hip hop.
A: I love to listen to hip hop ________________I like pop too.
B: I enjoy listening to pop _________________its fun. My brother doesnt like it
________________hes old. Hes eighteen.
A: Do you like to watch TV ________videos.
B: I like to watch videos.

III.- Labels the parts of the conversation with the words from the box.
A: Do you mind if I ask you a question?
B: Go ahead.
A: Who is your favorite celebrity?
B: I like Justin Bieber because I like his music.
A: You play the guitar, dont you?
B: Yes, I do. So does Justin. He also plays the drums, the guitar, and the
A: Oh, I didnt know that. Thanks.

IV.- Katty is a girl. Look at the pictures in the box and see what
she likes and she doesnt like then complete the sentences.


She likes cookies

She doesnt like fish.

1.-She ________________ cats.

2.-She _____________________ dogs.

3.-She ________________ clothes.


V.- Now complete the sentences about Charlie. Look at the

pictures in the box and see what he likes and he doesnt like then
complete the sentences.

5.- He ____________ soccer.

6.- He _______________________ basketball.

7.-He _____________ cars

8.-He _______________________ books.

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