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3 Pinch Design Method

Pinch design method is method to design heat exchanger network (HEN) of
stream in our plant. Process pinch temperature have been defined in previous subchapter (Problem Table Algorithm). Temperature difference minimum (T min) in
our plant is 5 oC. Process pinch temperature in hot stream is 110.5 oC and pinch
temperature in cold stream 105.5 oC. In pinch design method, we obtain two area,
area above the pinch and below pinch. In area above pinch (left side of process
pinch temperature line), the process is in heat balance with the minimum hot
utility. Heat is received from hot utility and no heat is rejected. The process acts as
a heat sink. Below the pinch (right side of process pinch temperature line), the
process is in heat balance with the minimum cold utility. No heat is received but
heat is rejected to cold utility, the process acts as a heat source. Hot and cold
stream have been explained in heat exchanger information table and we can draw
the grid diagram for pinch design.
In this method, we will make a grid diagram. Grid diagram shows only
heat transfer operations. Hot streams are at below running left to right. Cold
streams are at the hot running right to left. A heat exchange match is represented
This pinch design method is used for determine the use for hot or cold fluid for
heating or cooling the stream itself. The determination of the heat transfer is
based on the are above and below the pinch and also the loading of its heat
exchanger. A heat exchange match is represented by a vertical line joining two
circles on the two streams being matched. An exchanger using hot utility is
represented by a circle with an H. An exchanger using cold utility is represented
by a circle with a C. The design is shown in the figure 1.x.

Figure 1. x Pinch Design Method

After we have all the exchanger network analysis, we revised the P&ID that
is shown in the figure 1.xy. P&ID after HEN only in P&ID refinery ethanol area
and biogas area. Because there are no hot stream or cold stream in Fermentation

Figure 1. xy. P&ID After HEN Ethanol Refinery Area

Figure 1. xy. P&ID Biogas Area After HEN

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