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Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an

nouncements are intended to show.

For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.
Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul

d leave the EU.

Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand
This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

Theresa May likes to talk about "getting on with it" and that is what today's an
nouncements are intended to show.
For more than three months since the referendum she has said little about how sh
e will deliver the vote of the British people.
That much-repeated phrase "Brexit means Brexit" sounded increasingly meaningless
as the pressure mounted for her to say when, how and on what terms Britain woul
d leave the EU.
Now we have some answers to the first two questions.
Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March next year beginning the formal
negotiations with our EU partners and will have to be completed by the end of Ma
rch 2019, though the departure date could be later than that.
Key demand

This will leave the prime minister with just over a year to explain and sell the
Brexit arrangements to the public before the next election which must be held i
n 2020.

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