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Hey everyone, my name is David Lopes. I am 13 years old born and brought up in India , I was
eleven when I first got introduced to the world of card tricks , hand slips and illusions . but
this summer I got introduced to a new aspect of magic , MISDIRECTION . At first I did not
know what the term misdirection meant but as time passed by I started realizing what
misdirection was about and I have been interested in misdirection ever since . So I decided to
share with you the mysteries and secrets of MISDIRECTION .
The first thing you must learn in order to understand the potential of misdirection is that it
matters not where you look, but only what you see. How many of you knew that? I'm betting
not many can answer this in the affirmative.
Before we go any further, STOP, and look up at the ceiling where you are. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Now how many of you can describe in detail what you saw on the ceiling? To those of you who
can, take another look and see if your memory is correct. For everyone else, forget what you
might have seen. It is totally irrelevant.
What I have just done is show you how easy it is to use misdirection. Yes, I hear you saying
"No, you didn't!". This is where a true understanding of the concept of misdirection is
required. When you looked up at the ceiling, you STOPPED looking at this article. All I have
done is subtly convinced you to look somewhere other than at this page. That, my friends, is

So let me tell you about misdirection briefly and then we can dive deep into them later .
Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one
thing in order to distract its attention from another. The central secret of a
manipulation of interest.
1. Misdirection encourages the audience to look away for a fleeting moment, so that the
sleight or move may be accomplished undetected.
Misdirection throws off your attention, so lets talk about attention ..
Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the
environment while ignoring other things. Attention has also been referred to as the allocation
of processing resources
Attention is crucial to understanding and keeping thoughts organized, but is also a week spot.
A magician or illusionist plays with your attention and steers your perception , removing your
focus on one object and placing it on another

So for example , when a person tells you to look at a card while he is fidgeting with his other
hand is not misdirection ..
So now you know what to do when a magician tells you to look around .
I started learning how to play cards when I was eleven . Since then I have been interested in
Did you know you could only focus on one object at a time ???????????
And did you know that your attention span is only 1/4 of a friction of a second , so that
enables magicians to play with your mind .
Try this trick ,
Down to one trick (requirements ) { a deck of cards }
Have a deck of cards in your hands .
Take out 21 cards and place the rest aside .
Ask the spectator to pick a card and have a look at it .
Tell the spectator to place the card anywhere in the 21 cards .
Have the spectator shuffle the 21 cards thoroughly .
Take the cards .
Start dealing the cards one by one in three rows .
Tell the spectator to pick the row his card is in .
Take a row which was not selected , then place the selected row then the third one .
Repeat this process twice more.
On the last time , the row that he picks , his card will be the fourth one .
This trick takes advantage of your brain , putting it to sleep and making it unable to see the
obvious method to the trick , the process of elimination .
These are ways magicians or illusionists use misdirection .

Four general ways magicians use misdirection:

Physically directing WHERE the audience member is looking
Physically directing WHEN the audience member is looking
Psychologically reducing the audience member's suspicion

Psychologically diverting the audience member's suspicion

An audience's general inquisitiveness into the life of a magician can be used to your
advantage when you are performing. Most people at some time wonder briefly about what
magicians actually do, where they get their knowledge, what sleight of hand looks and feels
like to do.
So if you tell your audience that you are going to teach them a principle of magic, it is my
experience that most people are momentarily interested enough to stop what they are doing
and listen. This trick capitalizes on just that.
You ask has anyone ever wondered how to learn magic? Whatever the response, you tell them
that you have to learn the foundations of magic first, one of those being how to misdirect
people's attention. Generally here someone in the crowd will knowingly say the word
'misdirection'. You now move in a little closer, sort of as though you are telling them a secret,
and say you will teach them how it is done. Normally people will be completely drawn into
your fake talk by now . Here are some things you can say to the crowd if you have to buy
some time .
Misdirection is complex. In its simplest sense it is diverting an audience members attention
away from the secret action. It can get more theoretically complex but here's . you should
be done by that time .
Here is a demonstration ,
A magician walks on stage, introduces himself, informs the audience that everything they see
will be due to his control. The magician then takes a large colorful yellow handkerchief out of
his pocket and starts waving it around, saying nothing. Suddenly, the magician points to the
far side of the stage and says loudly "Look over there", while at the same time openly stuffing
the handkerchief into his/her pocket. People will either look in the direction you have
pointed or laugh at you for attempting such a blatant attempt at misdirection. Either way, it
shows that the magician is in control, since they never know what is going to happen. What
this demonstrates is the use of all of the above principles. It is both psychological and human
nature to look where someone else is looking or pointing. This action also helps with the
skeptics, who will now relax, thinking "ha, they can't fool me" and illustrates the power of
suggestion, as you have subtly suggested to the audience that there is something worth
looking at, where the magician pointed. The use of the color yellow creates a relaxed and
serene emotional feeling for the audience.
Through the use of suggestion, it is possible to create your own opportunities for
misdirection. One of my favorites is to start counting cards one at a time into a volunteers
hand, pushing down every so gently with the first card and gradually increasing the pressure
with each successive card, until I reach the fourth card, when I pause and say "I know the
cards are heavy, but could you please hold your hand a little higher and don't let it drop
anymore". This will not only get a laugh, but creates an opportunity for me to do any secret

moves required with the rest of the deck, as all attention is then focused on the spectator
and their hand.
There are innumerable methods of misdirection and each one has a purpose, so it is the best
interests of the magician to learn as much as possible about this critical aspect of magic.
Please take the time to either read the references list below on this subject, research
misdirection on the internet, or at the very least, study other magicians and try to determine
how they are using misdirection and apply these principles to your own show. You will be a
much better magician because of this.
It has often been said that you cannot misdirect someone who does not wish to be
misdirected. The way around this is when the person does not know they are being deceived.
This may sound absurd, but I am going to illustrate this point with a real life incident
The whole point of this is to show that even if someone claims "you can't fool me", you, as the
magician, can then create an atmosphere where they don't realize they are being deceived.
This is the essence of misdirection.
In closing for this article, remember this misdirection is one of the means of achieving the
suspension of disbelief. Magic must be plausible not impossible. The best magic will be
performed by talented magicians who understand and use almost invisible misdirection. This
is the true test and talent of the magician.
Here is another trick called cops and robbers,
Before performing, you will need to have the bottom of the deck stacked with the order king,
jack, king and the top with 3 jacks and 1 king of any suit. You will also need a story
Method :
1. Place the 3 jacks and king on the top of the deck, as prearranged, onto a table or in the
spectator's hands.
2. Explain that the 3 jacks are robbers, the king a cop, and the deck is a house. Then begin to
tell a story (See presentation picture).
(You can use any story or you can use the one provided BUT do not let the spectators
memorize which suit the jacks are!)
3. You can begin by saying, 'One day three robbers decided to rob a house together. The first
robber went through the front door...' by saying this take any jack and place it on the top of
the deck.
4. Then continue by saying, 'The second went through the back door...' after saying this place
another jack on the bottom of the deck.
(When doing this part, do not show the spectator the bottom of the deck so they don't see the
preset (Preset picture).)

5. After that say, 'And the third robber went through the window.' Take the last jack and
place it in the middle of the deck and square it up. Do not leave a break. This is why you
don't want the spectator to remember the jacks because this card will be lost in the deck and
won't be used again.
6. Finally say, 'The cop sees the robbers enter, and goes through the front door.' Take the
king and place it on the top (The exposed view picture shows how it should look if the deck
was face up. The Jack of clubs in this example will be lost).
7. Next say, 'When the robbers see the cop inside the house, they try to run. The cop chases
them around the house three times....' After saying this, cut the deck in half three times.
Make sure you square up the deck after each cut. You cannot false cut the deck because this
is when the trick works itself.
8. Continue by saying, 'The cop becomes tired and radios for backup. And so...' Begin to fan
out the cards until you see the order from left to right, king jack king jack king jack (Final
While fanning you might see the jack that was lost (the jack that went through the window).
Do not stop at it or say anything because you don't want the spectator to remember and say,
'Wasn't that one of the robbers and why is one of the robbers a different suit?' (See the lost
jack picture)
9. Finally, finish the story and the trick by saying, '...they caught them!'
You can solve the problem with the jack that is lost by using a duplicate. For example, the
jack of hearts will be on the top with the other jacks and the king as well as the double being
on the bottom between the other kings. Unfortunately when fanning you can still see the
double while searching for the order. Somehow you will need to find a time to palm it before
you place it in the middle of the deck.
When cutting the deck, you can find out that the top half that has a jack and king on it will
connect to the bottom half, which will get you the order you want. However, because this is
easy to understand while watching the trick, you will need to cut it two more times. When
you cut for the second time it will tear apart this pattern depending on where the cut is
made. On the third cut, it will be replaced back into the order of king, jack, king, jack, king,
Ironically , reading minds is a part of misdirection , so ,the ability to discern the thoughts of
others without the normal means of communication, especially by means of a preternatural
power .An act or the practice of so discerning the thoughts of another.
Youll know what theyre thinking. Youll know what theyre feeling. And all you need to
develop your mind-reading powers is a little desire and intuition.

If you follow my tips carefully youll be able to read the minds of friends and loved ones in
10 minutes flat. Determining the thoughts and feelings of strangers will take a little practice.
But if youre serious and work at it, youll be reading the minds of every person you meet
within a week at the very most.
Anyone can learn to read minds if they follow the sensational six-point plan that follows:
Clear your mind of all thoughts and worries and open yourself to the people and possibilities
around you. Dont think about anything. Feel everything. Become one with your environment
and the individual whose mind you want to read.
. See what you see then see what you dont see. For example, look at a person closely and
really focus on him. Then look at everything thats NOT that person, including the chair hes
sitting in and the air around him.
This will give you a feel for what the person is and isnt, which is critical if youre going to
read his mind without interference from the forces and energies that flow in and around all of
Look your subject directly in the eyes for 10 to 15 seconds and then quickly turn away.
Visualize his face and eyes in your mind and focus intently on what you feel about him.
At this point you will be tuned in to the persons thoughts. Let them fill your mind.
Strike up a conversation with the person. As you talk your mind will literally be flooded with
his thoughts, feelings, wishes and plans. Trust your instincts and intuitions. Dont deny the
thoughts that are entering your mind. Act on them right away or file them in your memory for
later use. The choice is yours to make.
Here is another trick ,
Pick 6 cards and keep it aside
Take another 5 cards and keep it aside
Tell a spectator to look at the six cards and think of one card
Dont let him see the other five cards
Now keep the six cards aside secretly and take the five cards \
Tell the spectator you are reading his mind
Tell him his card will be gone from the six cards
Show him the five cards
He will be shocked

In reality all the cards he sees finally are all different cards .
Here are a few more tricks ,
Trick spell:
The magician shuffles the deck and takes the top thirteen cards. Holding the cards face
down, he proceeds to spell the first card name, Ace. "A C E," and for each letter, he puts one
card under the packet of thirteen cards. He then flips over the next card (the fourth,) and it
is an Ace.
He repeats this process for each card number, Ace through King. At the end, he has all
thirteen cards face up on the table, in sequential order.
Preparation : First, take out 13 cards from a deck, the cards do not have to be the same suit,
but you need the thirteen cards from Ace to King. After you have them out, place them in this
order, begin by placing the three face-up on the table. On top of that, place the eight. Then,
place the Seven, Ace, Queen, Six, Four, Two, Jack, King, Ten, Nine, and last of all Five. And
then put these on top of the deck face down.
Performance : The trick almost works itself. To start, pretend to shuffle the cards, leaving
the top thirteen untouched. You can do some false shuffles, or you can do real shuffles but
keep the top 13 cards on top.
After you shuffle, you can fan through the deck, and show every card, for the pre-arranged 13
cards don't look like they are arranged at all. Remove the top thirteen cards as a group and
arrange them like a fan, so that your audience can see their faces. Square up the cards, and
hold them face down.
When you spell out each card, do it as follows: let's say you're spelling the word . Spell A,
remove the top card and place it on the bottom. Then spell C, and remove the top card and
place that on the bottom. Next spell E, remove this top card and place it on the bottom. Flip
the new top card and show that it's an Ace, and place it on the table.
Continue in this manner until all the cards are face up on the table. (You spell the cards in
order: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K) Your audience may realize that the cards must
have been set up beforehand, but this only adds to the mystery and you can treat it as a
puzzle for them to try to figure out to add to the mystery, don't use cards all of the same
suit. A mixed group of suits makes it seem less like a "stacked" deck.
Trick simple ones done :
World's Simplest Trick
Don't Be Fooled By This Trick's Simplicity, It Really Works !!!

You take out a deck of cards and ask the spectator to shuffle it thoroughly. You then ask him
to name any two cards (just the name of the card, without the suit). After the spectator
names two cards, you put your hand on the deck of cards, and concentrate hard on it. After a
minute or so, you ask the spectator to turn over the deck of cards and fan through it.
Astonishingly, the cards that he names are right next to each other.
You Need: A deck of cards , other than that
Virtually Nothing! You really don't do anything! If I have to say, the only thing you have to do
for this trick is to act like you are really concentrating very hard on the cards when you put
your hand on them.
That's all! This trick simply works! All by itself !

When the spectator names two cards (remember to tell him not to name the suit), let's say
Ace and Ten, he is really naming four cards of each kind since the suit is not specified.
The theory is that out of those eight cards (Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Ace of
Diamonds, Ten of Spades, Ten of Hearts, Ten of Clubs, Ten of Diamonds), at least one of the
Aces in the deck will be next to one of the Tens.
Don't believe this? Try it out! About 10% of the time, there may be a card between the Ace
and the Ten. If that happens, simply tell the spectator that you are not concentrating hard
enough. When you repeat the trick, it will work. You can never find a trick that's easier than
this one!
Note: This trick can be done to the same spectator a few times, but if you do it too many
times, they will eventually figure it out. So, don't overdo this one!
The ways into a persons mind is really simple , just position yourself in the persons
position .
Each persons interests will be different . You might be interested in magic tricks , if so read
my book called quick cards which will be out by 25/3/2014 , but is expected to have delays
due to the large amount of projects that are scheduled for the day . If you have any
questions or want to learn any new tricks or maybe learn how to hypnotize someone or just
misdirect your spectator , feel free to contact me at my email address that is .
The next aspect of my book is hypnotism ..
Here is the definition of hypnotism

Stay in touch with this book as there will be frequent adding in chapters and the book is
expected to be completed by 25/3/2014
Hypnosis has been defined as "...a special psychological state with certain physiological
attributes, resembling sleep only superficially and marked by a functioning of the individual
at a level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state." This definition captures our
common understanding of hypnosis; however, research has not only revealed that hypnosis is
a much more complicated thing, but it has also given rise to a number of definitions. One
suggestion is that hypnosis is a mental state, while another links it to imaginative roleenactment.
Persons under hypnosis are said to have heightened focus and concentration with the ability
to concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of
distraction. Hypnosis is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction
involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestion . The hypnotic suggestions may be
delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject, or may be self-administered ("selfsuggestion" or "autosuggestion"). The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to
as "hypnotherapy", while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as "stage
There is a belief that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep, but
contemporary research suggests that hypnotic subjects are fully awake and are focusing
attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness. Subjects also show an
increased response to suggestions.
In simple words , it means a hypnotist lets down the guard of people .

David Lopes
Copyright 2014 by David Lopes
Published by Smashwords 2010

Part of davidlopessaberlink2014
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