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/ = shot
| = beat
Train station
Living room/
Burley house
Photo booth

KACIA- Bonds
|||| |||| / (1) |||| |||| / (2) |||| / (3) |||| / (4)
I dont know/(5)
I dont know /(6)where you are or where you go/ (7)
Been a long/(8), long stay
I wanna /(9)see the words/(10) I heard you say./(11)
||||/ (12)
No matter where we been,/(13)
no matter where were heading/(14)
we still remain the same/(15)
And thats all Im/(16) begging, begging for,/(17)
for hours/(18) seem to always reach for more/(19)

Cause even when/(20) Im falling to my knees /(21)
this is the kind of love/(22) I need to keep(23)
this bond is strong/(24) and hard for you take/(25)
The storm can pass/(26) and we remain the same/(27)
Yeah even through the /(28)cold and darkest nights/(29)
your everything I need here by my side/(30)
this bond is strong/(31) is hard for you to take/(32)
the storm can pass/(33) and we remain the same/(34)
remain the same/(35)
|||| / (36) ||||/ (37) ||/ (38) ||/ (39)
Promise this/(40)
We wont forget/(41) about our year full bliss/(42)

we wont let it fade/(43)

our bond is strong/(44) no matter what they say/(45)
||||/ (46)
No matter where we been,/(47)
no matter where were heading/(48)
we still remain the same/(49)
And thats all Im begging/(50), begging for,/(51)
for hours/(52) seem to always reach for more/(53)
||||/ (54)

Cause even when Im falling to my knees/(55)
this is the kind of love/(56) I need to keep/(57)
this bond is strong and hard for you take /(58)
The storm can pass/(59) and we remain the same/(60)
Yeah even through the/(61) cold and darkest nights/(62)
your everything I need here by my side/(63)
this bond is strong/(64) is hard for you to take/(65)
the storm can pass and /(66)we remain the same/(67)
remain the same/(68)
On and on we travel far/(69)
but ow I know /(70)no matter where we go/(71)
I know that we/(72) will still remain/(73)
the same/(74)

Cause even when/(75) Im falling to my knees/(76)
this is the kind/(77) of love I need to keep/(78)
this bond is strong/(79) and hard for you take/(80)
The storm can pass and we remain the same/(81)
Yeah even through the cold/(82) and darkest nights/(83)
your everything/(84) I need here by my side/(85)
this bond/(86) is strong is hard for you to take/(87)
the storm can pass and we remain the same /(88)
remain the same/(89)

|(90)|(91)|(92)|(93) |(94)|(95)|(96)|(97) |(98)|(99)|(100)|(101) ||(102||(103)

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