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Editing the stage in film-making where sound and images are organised into a
Continuity Editing editing which aims to create a sense of reality and time moving
Jump Cut an abrupt transition in the middle of a continuous shot
Credits the information at the beginning and end of a film, giving details of the cast
and crew etc.
Cross Cutting the editing technique of alternating between two scenes to suggest
Parallel action and create tension
Cutaways a brief shot that momentarily interrupts continuous action by inserting
another related action
Freeze Frame the effect of seemingly stopping a film to focus in on one event or
Eye-line Match a type of edit which cuts from a character to a view of what the
character was looking at
Flashback a moment where the audience is shown an event that happened earlier in
the film's narrative
Graphic Match an edit effect in which two different objects of the same shape are
dissolved from one into the other
Juxtaposition the placement of two images on either side of an edit to create an
Linear Narrative storytelling where the events happen chronologically
Montage Editing the juxtaposition of seemingly unconnected images to create
Parallel Editing a type of editing where events in two different locations are cut
together to imply a connection
Visual Effects visual effects are used to alter previously-filmed elements by adding,
removing or enhancing objects in the scene
Match on Action a shot that cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first
shot's action

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