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1. He is due for promotion.

2. The report is due (on) next Monday.
3. Im due (for) 20 days annual leave.
4. After due consideration we have decided to appoint Mr. Davis to the job.

Your request will be dealt with in due course.

With all due respect, the figures simply donot support your on this.
cupboard p
Day 4
We cannot afford to pay high salaries.
We cannot afford the luxury of private schools.
This job afforded me the opportunity to meet many people.
This brick weathers to a warm pinkish-brown color.
The company just managed to weather the recession.
She refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm.
Although James C. Penney, founder of J.C. Penney, thought sales an art, there are many who
feel it is a science that can be taught. There are hundreds of books on how to sell, replete with
techniques and strategies to win an account. If you don't believe it, just run a quick Amazon
search. From my experience, sales executives usually espouse one or two techniques that they
want their sales force to follow. Using a core-sales technique/system gives all within the
company a common vocabulary by which to communicate and to measure sales productivity, a
handy thing to have when you are running a for-profit business.
A small ad agency just outside New York had been bought out by a big firm. Staff had to be cut.
The agency's director found a way to make those wrenching but regrettably necessary
decisions: a contest. He split his creative department into two teams and assigned both of them
the account of a small but thriving company making shampoo and soap from flowers and herbs.
With the right campaign, its products could be a national smash. The team that designed the
best campaign would win the account and keep its jobs. Losers would get pink slips. # In the
beginning the two teams assumed they were working separately and in complete privacy, with
all their notes, artwork and scripts locked safely in computer files behind secret passwords.
What they didn't know was that the director was monitoring their every move.
1.description ()
The book gives a first-hand account of the Russian Revolution. ()
story, report, version a bank
checking account/savings account
3.with a shop/company
Can you charge this to my account?
4. bill
Jane left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.
5. arrangement to sell goods
an arrangement to sell goods and services to another company over a period of time.
Our sales manager has secured several big accounts recently.

account for
Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.
Recent pressure at work many account for his behavior.
1.someone who gets services or advice from a professional person, company, or organization
all the people who regularly use a shop, restaurant etc: The restaurant attracts a young
Day 5
8. prepare (get ready to do something, gear up for, gear up to, set up,)
Shes been working up to telling her boyfriend its over.
9. council councilor
the House of Councilors
defense counsel for a trial
I appreciate your counsel concerning my job search.
The doctor counseled me not to drink too much.
Her job is to counsel teenagers on pregnancy.
lawyer, attorney, solicitor, barrister, adovocate(barrister )
counsel, counselor
All our efforts availed us
He availed himself of every opportunity to study English.
I tried everything possible but to no avail.

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