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Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14

Personal Information (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)

Letters and Numbers (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Colors and Numbers (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Greeting People (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Actions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Famous People and Personal Information (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Alphabet (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Going Shopping (Numbers and Items) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Actions People are Doing (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Animals, Fruits and Vegetables (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Professions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Actions People are Doing in Different Countries, Nationalities (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Uses of TO BE (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)
Describing People, and Actions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)


Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Topic 15
Topic 16
Topic 17
Topic 18
Topic 19
Topic 20
Topic 21
Topic 22
Topic 23
Topic 24
Topic 25
Topic 26
Topic 27
Topic 28

Clarification (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)

What People Are/Are Not Doing (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
The family (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
People in different countries (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Actions in the City (in-on-at) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Locations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Possessives (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Cooking and instructions (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Places in Town (prepositions of location) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Connecting Ideas (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
The human body (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
What we do with our belongings (audio) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
Actions, Prepositions (object pronouns) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Questions, Who you are doing actions with (at-with-to) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Clothes (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)
Frequency adverbs and daily habits (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)
Prepositions of Direction (going into, coming out of) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Describing People and Places (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Likes and dislikes (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Outdoor Recreation (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Questions and Answers (what and where) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Giving directions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Actions people do (compare pres cont with simple present) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
Going to the doctors (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
Are you talking to me? Object Pronouns (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
What people are not doing (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Your things, and things that are theirs (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
What you do first, next, and after that (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)


Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Topic 15
Topic 16
Topic 17
Topic 18
Topic 19
Topic 20
Topic 21
Topic 22
Topic 23
Topic 24
Topic 25
Topic 26
Topic 27
Topic 28

If ... future (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)

What we can/can not do (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
The weather (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Professions and occupations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Actions in the future (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Invitations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Rooms of the house (plus CAN) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Possibilities in the present (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Quantities (present) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Social events (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
The time (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Daily routine (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Abilities in the future (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Much and many (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Invitations (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
What people do every day (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Locations (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Countable and uncountable nouns (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Locations (at-in-on-between-above-below-under-over) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
To be in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Abilities in the present and in the past (and future) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Possibilities in the future (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Abilities (plus was/were) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Where our things are (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
What always happens, and what will happen IF (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Pronunciation of Vowel Pairs I (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
What you are doing now, what you were doing yesterday (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Pronunciation of Vowel Pairs II (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)


Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Topic 15
Topic 16
Topic 17
Topic 18
Topic 19
Topic 20
Topic 21
Topic 22
Topic 23
Topic 24
Topic 25
Topic 26
Topic 27
Topic 28
Topic 29
Topic 30
Topic 31
Topic 32
Topic 33
Topic 34
Topic 35
Topic 36
Topic 37
Topic 38
Topic 39
Topic 40
Topic 41
Topic 42

If ... conditional (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)

About the family (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Frequency of actions (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Comparing what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Actions people have done (REQ LABS 1-11, EVAL 1+2)
Experiences (audio) (REQ LABS 1-11, EVAL 1+2)
Conditional (uses of WOULD) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Possessions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Actions people did (+pronunciation, time expressions) (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)
Frequency of actions in peoples lives (audio) (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)
Actions people have been doing (+for and since) (REQ LABS 1-15, EVAL 1+2+3)
What you do and what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-15, EVAL 1+2+3)
Quantities in the past (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Giving directions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Actions people were doing (when and while) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Activities in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Indefinite pronouns (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)
Abilities in the present and the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)
Directions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Choices with WOULD (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Actions in the past (love-like-hate and feelings) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Feelings in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)
Abilities in the past (+present/future, and reflexives) (REQ LABS 1-14, EVAL 1+2)
Have you ever? (audio) (REQ LABS 1-14, EVAL 1+2)
Dates (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Clothes for different occasions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Comparisons (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
What you were doing and what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)
Food (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Unreal situations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
If...will and If... would (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Holidays, festivities and important dates (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Present, past and future (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Comparing and contrasting people (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)
Present Perfect v/s Simple past tense (REQ LABS 1-13, EVAL 1+2)
Quantities in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-13, EVAL 1+2)
Contrasting Quantities in Past and Present (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
Pronunciation of Consonants - Contrasts (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)
What you do and what you did (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
Talking about your life in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)
Asking questions about the past (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)
Using indefinite pronouns (audio) (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)

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