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When strong need to control, influence, and again power over other characterizes

the lead enterprenuer or the enterprenuerial manager, or when he or she has

instiable appetite for putting an associate down, more often than not the venture
gets into trouble.
In the corporate setting the hero-making ability is identified as an essential
attribute of succesfull entrepreneurial managers.
Characterizes probable cries that growing ventures will face, including erosion of
creativity by founders and team members; confusion or resentment , or both, over
ambiguous role, responsibelities and goal ; failure to clone founders; spcialization
and eroding of collaboration; desire for anatomy and control; need for
operatingnmechanism and controls; and conflict and divorce among founders and
members of the team.

Compounding of Time and Change

In the high growth stage, change, ambiguity, and uncertainty seem to b the only
things that remain constant

Nonlinear and Nonparamatic Events

Entrepreneurial management is characterized by nonlinear and nonparametic
events. Events do not follow straight lines, progress within firms. Rather they occur
in bunches and stepwise leaps.

Relative Inexperience
The explosive birth and growth of these firm are usually uniqe events that cannot be
replicated, and mlst of the pieces in the puzzle-technology, applications, customers,
people, the firm itself-are usually new

Counterintuitive, Unconventional Decision Making

Yet another characteristic of rapidly growing ventures in the entrepreneurial domain
is counterintuitive, unconventional pattern of decision making

Fluid Stucture and Procdure

Most rapid growth venterus also defy conventional organizational pattern and
structure, the informality and fluidity of organization structure and procedure do not
mean casualness or sloppiness when it comes to goal , standar, or clarity of
direction or purpose . rather they translate into responsiveness and readiness to
absorb and assimilated rapid change while maintaining financial and operational

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