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Crystal System: Monoclinic,

Triclinic & Orthorhombic

Klein (22nd ed), pages 187-197

There are six basic modes of rotations in
crystals (1,2,3,4, and 6).
Previously you saw that a combination of
rotations and other symmetry elements are
possible within one crystal (example: 1-4 fold
with 4-2fold axis)
You could also draw a 2D image of the
symmetry elements within one crystal.
and make a notation (Hermann-Mauguin) to
express all the symmetry elements in a crystal.

Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and figures 5.20 and 5.25
shows the 32 possible combinations of
symmetry elements.
You can see that they are arranged in 6 groups.
Each group is classified different from the other
but, each crystal within a certain group has
symmetry characteristics with the others of the
same group.
These groups are called the crystal systems.

What is a crystal system?

Way to classify crystals within a group or system of
crystals that have similar symmetry caracteristic in
common with the other members of the group. The
same group of crystallographic axes are used to
described all crystals that are part of the system.
Each crystal system can have a different relationship
among the crystallographic axes that made up the
symmetry of the crystal.
Crystallographic axes group of 3 or 4 imaginary lines
that are taken parallel to the intersection edges of the
major crystal faces. They are used to measure and
describe the crystal form.

Crystallographic Axes (I)

a, b and c are the three
crystallographic axes

, and are the three

angles between
intersections of the
crystallographic axes:
angle between the b
and c axis
- angle between the a
and c axis
- angle between the a
and b axis

Examples of some crystals according to their crystal system

Crystallographic Axes

What is a Triclinic crystal system?

Has three unequal axes
all intersecting at oblique
angles (they are not at 90
degrees from the other)
The b-axis must be larger
than the a-axis
For a crystal to be triclinic
it must have either: a 1fold axis or a 1-fold axis
in rotoinversion (1 bar)


What is a Monoclinic crystal system?

Has three unequal axes, two of

which are inclined to each
other at an oblique angle and
the third is perpendicular to the
plane of the other two.
All axes measure different from
the other.
For a crystal to be monoclinic it
has to have either:
1-2 fold axis
1 mirror plane or
1-2 fold axis with a mirror
perpendicular to it
>90o == 90o

What is an orthorhombic crystal system?

Has three mutually perpendicular axes all of different
lengths, at 90 degrees each appart from the other.
The orthorhombic axes coincide with the crystallographic
For a crystal to be orthorhombic it has to have either:
3-2 fold axis perpendicular to each other
1-2 fold axis plus two mirror planes
One center of simmetry, 3-2 fold axis and 3 mirror

= = =90o


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