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History 8/27/14

Homors Iliad
Helen of Troy- Wife of Menelaus
Paris- son of Priam of Troy
Poem begins in 10th year of the war with Agamemnon (king of men) and famous warrior Achilles
Gods sent plague on the greeks
When you take someones women you insult them so war
Turning point comes when Achilles closest relationship Patroclus secretly puts on armor of
Achilles to rally the Greeks, he is slain by Hector
Achilles avenges the death by fighting the Trojan prince Hector
What is the relationship btw this poem and the civ that produced it? A myth but its a extreamly
valuble primary source.
Heinrich Schliemann 1890- found out it was a myth, began excavation in Turkey, Hisarlik
Knossos, Mycenae
Deeper the layer the older the relics archeology
Treasure of Priam Caldrons filled with womens jewelry
He then traveled to the site of Mycenae and discovered the mask of Agamenon
Minoens- From Crete, minotar island
Not much evidence of weapon armor combat, lots of luxary items, art, writing. All of this suggest
a civ that made itself great through peace and commerce/trade
Minoans disappeared early 1300s bc?
Mycina- thought to be home of king Aggamenon
Evidence of armor weapons, other militaristic evidence
Illiad was composed around 750bc, several centuries after Troy
Homer was prob not a single person, prob a set of stories passed down
Poem was sung and performed
The values that were important to homer and audience can be distinguished by the tone of the
What does the poem tell you about their values? Concept of Arte. Greek word means something
like Pride/Virtue/being the best usually depicted by combat
Imposing value in poem Hubrus- excessive pride/arrogance
Political power, poem has many petty kings and petty warriors. Ordinary people
To Homer- Ordinary people are like bees, like to meddle in the business of kigs
Agriculture society, valuable relics, clothes symblozied wealth
Women- have no place in the poem, have no voice except as pawns for men. Homer himself
reconized the humanity of women and children at certain points of the poem.
Before Hector fights Achilles he has a conversation with his wife, she is holding son, wife holds
his hand and says valor will bring your distruction, think of your son.
He says he cannot be a coward, only knows to be brave.

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