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discuss how you resolved an issue that arose because of a mistake a team member made.

Cofreoont with them , discuss and comme to mutal understading .

Final year project

AIT group project

What differentiates you from other applicants?

Other than the information on the Ericsson website, what do you know about the

What do you see as the future trends in the telecoms industry?

What do you understand about the role you have applied for?/What do you think
is the biggest challenge you will face if successful?

We in Ericsson like our patents, and submit regular applications, have you any
ideas you would like to work on/see patented?

- Tell me about yourself? This is your opportunity to introduce yourself, history

(educationally / work-experience/ and spare time), character which best
illustrates why you would be suitable for the role.
- What did you do at university? Why did you chose your degree and what you
enjoyed about it - ensuring it is relevant to the role etc.
- Tell me about your job/experience at xxxx? If you worked whilst studying,
charitable, or otherwise, again clearly signposting why that would be useful
within the role for which you are applying.

- How would you feel about working long hours? Demonstrating your work ethic
and commitment to do well in your new career opportunity
- How do you deal with pressure? Give your answer backing it up with a great
example highlighting the time restraints; volume of work; complexity; any
external factors
- Talk about a time when there was no one around to escalate a problem to, how
did you deal with it? Think about the approach you would make logic
process etc.
- What is your proudest moment? This is all about what you consider to be an
achievement and the steps you undertook to get there again, the more factors
you include the better volume, complexity, hard work, long hours, time
restraints, external factors)
- Tell me about a time you worked in a team? Think about the role you played in
the team and how that would be relevant to the role for which you are applying.
-What are you not so proud of? Think of an example which shows you have learnt
from this experience possibly giving an example of how you did it differently the
next time
- Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult decision? Again, about your
approach were you in knowledge of all of the facts (and how you went about
finding all of the information) in order to make a fully informed decision
- What are your best skills/attributes? Why should you get the job
erriccsion? look at the keys skills that they are looking for in the job description
and think of examples that would best demonstrate this?
- Why erriccsion? Think about this what would be different about working for
erricssion I? Think about the kind of people that are attracted to working there,
what they can offer you. Think about the business sector that they fit within
- Why FDM? What do we offer here? Make sure you know where you are at in
terms of your training, the modules yet to be covered how will these modules
help you in the role?
- Why IT? Overall enthusiasm and interest in the IT field please when did your
interest start for example?
- What drew you to Stream of training that you are in?
- What value can you add to the team? Concentrate on your core strengths
please making it relevant to the role/ job description - examples
- Talk me through your CV. Go through your CV/ profile and take time to
consider what you have written keep it structured please again, making it
relevant to what they are looking for
- Where do you see yourself in x years? This should be about your drive to
succeed and your interest in the role at hand
- Do you have any questions? Prepare these separately please so you all have
different questions!

Scenario qns
Your examples to scenario based questions should set up the scenario / situation,
tell the interviewer what actions you took, and then tell them the result there
should be a beginning middle and end tell them the positive what did you get
out of those actions what was the benefit? there is no joke without a punch

Our vision is a Networked Society: one where connectivity brings people together.
With more than 40 percent of the worlds data flowing through networks that we
manage, we have a unique opportunity to lead this transformation.

Our mission
We lead transformation through mobility. The potential of the Networked Society lies
in transformation through mobility. Transformation in the way people organize their
individual lives and carry out vital tasks. Transformation in the way we work, the way
we share information, and the way we do business. Transformation in the way we
consume and the way we create.
Core values

Respect. Professionalism. Perseverance. These are the core values that define
Ericsson culture and guide us in our daily work and in the way we do business. They
guide us in our commitment to our customers a commitment that is bound by trust,
innovation and performance.

Our products and services

Mobile communications and particularly mobile broadband are at the heart of
today's Networked Society. Ericsson is the world's largest supplier of mobile
networks, chosen by around half of the world's operators with commercial mobile
broadband networks.
LTE (Long Term Evolution)
We are the leader in the development and deployment of LTE systems around the
world. Ericsson is also continuing research into innovative solutions for GSM, which
still provides voice and data services for billions of people; WCDMA, which brought
mass mobile broadband to the world; and CDMA, which now provides cost-effective
mobile-data connections.
Operations Support Systems (OSS)
Besides mobile networks, Ericsson is a strong player in core networks, microwave
transport, Internet Protocol (IP) networks and fixed-access solutions for copper and
fiber. In addition, we keep these networks running at optimal efficiency with our
portfolio of operations support systems (OSS).
Networks account for about 55 percent of our net sales.
People are at the heart of our services business: 57,000 professionals in 180
countries, including more than 20,000 employees outsourced to Ericsson in
managed services contracts. Most of our customers are operators, but we also work
with other adjacent industries such as TV and media, public safety and utilities.
Our global expertise
We combine local capabilities with global expertise. That means we base our
competence and delivery resources close to our customers, while our global
processes and tools allow us to move our competences anywhere in the world making the most of global learning and knowledge-sharing.
Our four Global Services Centers in China, India, Mexico and Romania house
Global Network Operation Centers, which manage networks for 900 million
subscribers. The Global Services Centers also develop competence to support our
regional service-delivery organizations in delivering professional services for the ICT
sector in areas such as complex consulting, IT, systems integration, network rollout
and customer support.
Multiple vendor integration
With our people, processes and partnerships, we help customers expand their
businesses and keep pace with the latest industry developments. Operators can
maximize network quality and performance, and focus on their customers, by having

Ericsson integrate equipment from multiple vendors, handle multi-technology change

programs, design and integrate new solutions, and manage their operations.
Our service offerings account for about 40 percent of net sales.
We are also among the world's top 10 IT services providers
( and Ovum's ICT services market-share report).
Support solutions
The rise of mobile data usage to more than 20MB per day per smartphone, an
increasing number of devices, and more complex new services and applicationsare
challenging operator systems. This calls for a rapid transformation of networks,
processes and operations and business support systems (OSS/BSS) to cope with
new services and price plans.
Business Unit Support Solutions develops and delivers software-based solutions for
OSS/BSS, TV and media solutions, as well as solutions and services for the
emerging m-commerce ecosystem.
Key player in OSS/BSS
With the increased need for operators to rapidly respond to changing consumer
demands and the requirement for greater experience and efficiency, OSS/BSS are a
key element of any operator's network and business strategy.
OSS/BSS market with key positions in service fulfillment, assurance, network
optimization, as well as capabilities to support operators end-to-end.
Solutions for TV and media
As devices become increasingly connected, so do the consumers that use them.
This creates tremendous opportunities for the TV and media industry.. In addition,
within five years, 50 percent of the mobile data traffic will be video content.
In TV and media, we are committed to enabling operators and content owners
efficiently deliver and monetize video content through experience-rich multiscreen TV
M-commerce (Mobile commerce)
Our ambition is to accelerate access and interconnection between the m-commerce
ecosystem and the existing financial world. Our evolved m-commerce strategy
focuses on fast-tracking access to the ecosystem, which is the most effective way to
bring our experience as a technology enabler to our partners.

Agile , Scrum
The purpose of this report is to investigate agile methodology, more specifically
the scrum methodology. This report will also investigate the benefits and draw
back and the applications of the scrum approach. Currently, the software
development methodologies have two popular types of methodologies, Waterfall
and Agile. Waterfall is the traditional sequential development (step by step)
whereas agile is the alternative to waterfall and is based on iterative
development (the repetition of processes). Scrum is a way of introducing agility
into an organisation due to its simplicity and flexibility.
Development methodologies
In order to appreciate and get a better picture of an Agile method, it is important
that we look at the traditional Waterfall methodology and why the need for an
alternative method has arisen. As the technology is constantly expanding and
evolving at a rapid pace, it is difficult to know everything, Agile methodology
allows presumption as it assumes that all features can be defined and planned
before starting to work. Waterfall assumes that:

Everyone in the team is well proficient in the technology and has

consistent skill levels
Requirements are stable
There will be no changes, surprises or deviations
Everybody has patience, including Management and Customers
Every one communicates to each other [2]

Due to above reason the need for agile method had risen. It was in 1970 when Dr
Winston Royce criticised the Waterfall method being used in developing large
software. One of Dr Royce main critique was lack of communication between
the specialized groups that complete each phase of work [3].
Agile development traditionally is based on sprints or iterations. To better
understand this method, Figure 1 demonstrates the Agile method. As seen in
Figure 1, there is an incremental process in which there are many iterations
mainly consisting of design, build and test. At the end of each iteration a team
must present a potentially shippable product increment. [2] The different
phases are constantly revisited and re-evaluated. In order to help manage the
Agile method efficiently, a scrum methodology is used.
Scrum mainly consists of three roles, Product Owner, Team, and Scrum Master.
Product owner is the one with authority, continually communicating with the
team and provides the product development road map.
Scrum Master facilities the Product Owner and scrum master by removing any
obstructions and impediments that may come their way of achieving their goals.
Team, the team is a group of developers that aims to complete the task given to
them by the product owner, they are the backbone of the scrum methodology.
They are responsible for designing, building and testing of software. A typical

team consists of 3 to 9 members who include software engineers, architects,

programmers, analysts, QA experts, testers, and UI designers.
Scum has different types of meetings, they are as follows:
1. Backlog Refinement Meeting: This includes Product Backlog items,
acceptance criteria, Scrum product role and much more.
2. Sprint Planning Meeting: 1st official meeting of Scrum cycle. Topics
include, potentially shippable product increment, team volunteerism,
commitment-based planning.
3. Daily Scrum Meeting: Most frequent meetings, on daily basis. Chaired
by the Scrum Master. Topics include effective use of task board, team selforganisation, Discuss Progress an issues and concerns are identified.
4. Sprint Review Meeting: Held after execution of every Sprint, Displays a
live demonstration of working product.
5. Sprint Retrospective Meeting: Evaluation of the spirit to see if there is
room for improvement.


The teams can respond to unpredictability through incremental, iterative

work cadences, known as sprints.
Individual productivity can be measured by the daily meetings, thus an
improvement in all the team members.
Any issues can be presented early in the daily meetings and can be tacked
more swiftly.
Agile Scrum team can work with any technologies or programming
language at the time UML (Unified Modelling Language)
Suitable for companies on tight budget, and results can be seen iteratively.


As Agile Scrum is flexible, it is one of the leading caused to scope creep,

which may delay the product release and increase costs.
Because tasks are not well defined, it will be hard to estimate the cost and
duration of the project.
Will work for experienced team members only, a lot of training may be
Scrum has tight dead line and external contact, if Scrum Master is too
strict this could be frustrating the team and lead to demoralisation and
failure of the project.
On the other hand , if Scrum master in too lenient, the project will be

Application of Scrum
The application of Scrum are numerous and not restricted to IT, it has been used
in Universities, Military and automotive industry for example Military uses scrum
for preparation of ship deployment. An example of the application of Agile scrum
is Wikispeed, an automotive manufacturer which builds fast, affordable, ultraefficient, safe commuter car that sell for less than $20,000 which is about
14200. They have implemented agile software development by using the
principal of reducing cost to make change such as changes in team, materials,

machinery, and even goals. Wikispeed uses scrum by using the principle of
clearly defining team roles and responsibilities, which allows them to spend more
time rapidly developing product with no nonworking (management only) roles
and have only two meetings. [4]
Many new companies aims and attempts to introduce the agile scrum
development methodology, while most company may partly implant agile scrum
methodology due to the benefits such as better individual productivity and faster
response to unpredictability. But many companies still remain waterfall because
of the scoop creep and lack of experienced team. Scrum consists of three roles,
Product Owner, Team, and Scrum Master and five different types of meeting
which allows the methodology are effective at a fast paste environment. Agile
scrum can be used in many area including and not limited to IT, Military and
Automotive industry. Examples include Wikispeed, which implements Scrum
and Agile in their production.

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