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GMO Crops

Golden Rice
Phenotype change: plant's endogenous enzymes process the lycopene to betacarotene in the endosperm, giving the rice the distinctive yellow color
Reason for change: fortified food to be grown and consumed in areas with a
shortage of dietary vitamin A
Genes targeted: addition of three beta-carotene biosynthesis genes

GMO Animals
Phenotype change: can process and digest phosphorus better
Reason for change: unnecessary to feed them with additional phosphorus. Created
for the current issue that normal pig manure contains high levels of phosphorus, so
if it is used as fertilizer, this chemical gets into the water, leading to algae blooms
and oxygen depletion as well as death of marine life.
Genes targeted: it contains DNA from the mouse and E. coli.
Web-spinning Goat
Phenotype change: Milk now contains same protein found in spider webs. The gene
is only expressed during lactation.
Reason for change: Spider silk is valuable as it is a strong and flexible, making it a
good component for the production of many goods such as artificial ligaments.
Genes targeted: Gene that codes for producing the silk in spiders is put into the
DNA of a female goat, when the goat reproduces her offspring will most likely
express the silk producing gene

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