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Nama : Alfian

Nim : 15212010145
Kelas : B2 malam

The Beautiful Game

The beautiful game is what Pele from Brazil who is a famous Brazilian footballer
described what a football or soccer is. From reading this article about how football began and
the history of it, I know more about football. It helped me learn more about football, not
about the game but about the history on how football started and the origin of the idea about
the game. It started as far back as 2500 BC from the Chinese people and originally called tsu
chu. Then it continues to the mid 19 th century by the hands of the English it became the
football or soccer that we know nowadays.
Football or soccer is played all around the world these days. It is the most favorite
sport game to be played by all the people around the world from every age, gender and types
of society. It is so loved by the people and so there is the most grand event for football which
is the World Cup that is held every once in a 4 years. It is global celebrations for all people
around the world.
I played and love football, and I also have my favorite football player which is
Christiano Ronaldo from Portugal. I wish I could play like him and someday I could meet
him and take pictures with him. And also I wish that our country, Indonesian football will
become more known in the world and someday will be the world champion.

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