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Shout it from the benchtops!

Engaging methods for outreach and science communication

Clear science communication is

an essential skill for scientists.
Delivering articulate messages
can open collaborative
networks, build reputations,
and attract professional
This workshop will cover the
essentials of effective science
communication and outreach,
whether your preferred outlet is
written, spoken, online, or
graphical. You will have a chance to
practice distilling your science
down to its essence a must-have
skill for your scientific career. You
will find out about how to get
involved in outreach and science
communication, as well how doing
so makes you a better scientist.
To attend, please RSVP by 7
November to Vera

DAY 1: 10 am 1 pm Mon, 14 Nov

Why reach out
How to get a point across clearly &
What visuals are effective
Craft your own pitch, blurb, byte,
or graphic
DAY 2: 10 am 1 pm Wed, 16 Nov
Feedback on your content
Where do I go to start
communicating my science?
What makes my story attractive to
How can I get the best return from
my efforts?

This workshop will be run by Floret

Meredith and is sponsored by the
E&ERC as part of the Skills Transfer initiative.

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