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Daftar pustaka

Merrills Atlas of radiographic positoning & procedures 12th edition.

Bontrager Keneet, 1997. Textbook of radiographic positioning and related
Anatomi. .
Ballinger, 1995. Merrils Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic
Procedures, volume one, The Mosby Compony Saint Lousi.
Gede Yasmin Asih. Penerbit buku Kedokteran.
Lothar Wicke, 1998. Atlas of Radiologic Anatomy, Sixth Englishedition,
Williams and Wilkins.
Mark R. Brinker, M.D, 2001. Review of Orthopedic Trauma, W.B. Saunders
L.K. Moore, 1998. Anatomy Clinically Oriented, Third Edition, Williams and


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