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ESS IA Proposal Form

Bhairavi Dighe
A. Identifying the Context to help focus your IA
Environmental Issue:
Focused Research Question:
B. Route of Exploring your RQ:




C. Method of collecting data for analysis (Choose one of the following.)

a. Observational Field investigation
b. Controlled Lab investigation
c. Use of a self-designed survey
d. Use of secondary data (gathered via the internet or other source such as
from an NGO or government organization)
e. Other: (Please specify) __________________________________
D. Timeline: When will you gather your data? When do you intend to have your IA
completed (the first and only complete draft that I can give feedback on?)
E. Important Deadlines:
Wednesday, December 14, 2016: First draft due
Monday, February 6, 2017: FINAL Draft due
F. Plan for action responsibilities and timeline to complete
This section is not necessary for initial IA approval. This is a planning template to
help you organize the tasks you need to do to complete your IA.
To make this happen, I will take on these responsibilities:
(You may add more rows as you should have many more tasks than this.)
WHAT will you do? WHAT
needs to be done?

by WHEN?
(Give specific dates)

Resources Needed?

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